DIRECTORY AlpineEmergency, AlpineEnvironment USING[Conversation, FileStore, LockFailure, NeededAccess, OperationFailure, Principal, UnknownType], AlpineFile USING[AccessFailed, LockFailed, OperationFailed, PossiblyDamaged, StaticallyInvalid, Unknown], AlpineFileRpcControl USING[ImportNewInterface], AlpineImportLocal USING[ImportIfLocal], AlpineOwnerRpcControl USING[ImportNewInterface], AlpineTransactionRpcControl USING[ImportNewInterface], AlpineVolumeRpcControl USING[ImportNewInterface], AlpInstance USING[Failure, Handle, Object], AlpPrivate USING[InterfaceCreatorProc], Booting USING[RegisterProcs, RollbackProc], ClientMap USING[GetName, Register], GVNames USING[AuthenticateKey], Rope USING[Cat, Equal, ROPE], RPC USING[AuthenticateFailed, EncryptionKey, GenerateConversation, GetCaller, ImportFailed, MakeKey, StartConversation, VersionRange], RuntimeError USING[UNCAUGHT], UserCredentials USING[Get]; AlpInstanceImpl: CEDAR MONITOR IMPORTS AlpineEmergency, AF: AlpineFile, AlpineFileRpcControl, AlpineImportLocal, AlpineOwnerRpcControl, AlpineTransactionRpcControl, AlpineVolumeRpcControl, Booting, ClientMap, GVNames, Rope, RPC, RuntimeError, UserCredentials EXPORTS AlpInstance, AlpPrivate SHARES AlpineFileRpcControl, AlpineOwnerRpcControl, AlpineTransactionRpcControl, AlpineVolumeRpcControl = BEGIN OPEN AE: AlpineEnvironment, AlpI: AlpInstance, RuntimeError; cacheRec: TYPE = RECORD [ object: AlpI.Handle _ NIL, local: BOOL _ FALSE ]; objectCache: LIST OF cacheRec _ NIL; localFileStore: AE.FileStore _ "Local.alpine"; LocalAuthenticateFailed: ERROR = CODE; FindObjectInCache: INTERNAL PROCEDURE[fileStore: AE.FileStore, caller: AE.Principal, key: RPC.EncryptionKey] RETURNS[handle: AlpI.Handle _ NIL] = BEGIN conversation: AE.Conversation _ NIL; local: BOOL _ FALSE; FOR list: LIST OF cacheRec _ objectCache, UNTIL list = NIL DO IF Rope.Equal[list.first.object.fileStore, fileStore, FALSE] THEN BEGIN TRUSTED BEGIN IF list.first.local THEN { local _ TRUE; IF (Rope.Equal[ClientMap.GetName[list.first.object.conversation], caller, FALSE]) AND (key = list.first.object.key) THEN conversation _ list.first.object.conversation } ELSE IF Rope.Equal[RPC.GetCaller[list.first.object.conversation], caller, FALSE] AND (key = list.first.object.key) THEN conversation _ list.first.object.conversation END; IF handle = NIL THEN handle _ NEW[AlpI.Object _ [ trans: list.first.object.trans, file: list.first.object.file, owner: list.first.object.owner, volume: list.first.object.volume, otherInterfaces: list.first.object.otherInterfaces, conversation: conversation, key: key, fileStore: fileStore]]; IF conversation # NIL THEN { handle.conversation _ conversation; RETURN; }; END; ENDLOOP; IF handle # NIL THEN { IF local THEN { IF GVNames.AuthenticateKey[caller, key] # individual THEN ERROR LocalAuthenticateFailed; handle.conversation _ RPC.GenerateConversation[]; TRUSTED { ClientMap.Register[handle.conversation, caller] }; } ELSE handle.conversation _ RPC.StartConversation[caller, key, fileStore, authOnly]; } ELSE { handle _ NEW[AlpI.Object _ [ trans: NIL, file: NIL, owner: NIL, volume: NIL, otherInterfaces: NIL, conversation: NIL, key: key, fileStore: fileStore]]; IF AlpineImportLocal.ImportIfLocal[handle, fileStore] THEN TRUSTED { IF GVNames.AuthenticateKey[caller, key] # individual THEN ERROR LocalAuthenticateFailed; handle.conversation _ RPC.GenerateConversation[]; ClientMap.Register[handle.conversation, caller]; local _ TRUE; } ELSE { suffix: Rope.ROPE _ "alpine"; tryAgain: BOOL _ FALSE; TRUSTED BEGIN handle.conversation _ RPC.StartConversation[caller, key, fileStore, authOnly]; END; handle.trans _ AlpineTransactionRpcControl.ImportNewInterface[ [type: Rope.Cat["AlpineTransaction.", suffix], instance: fileStore, version: version], [NIL, NIL, NIL] ! RPC.ImportFailed => IF why=wrongVersion THEN {tryAgain _ TRUE; CONTINUE} ELSE REJECT ]; IF tryAgain THEN { suffix _ "newAlpine"; handle.trans _ AlpineTransactionRpcControl.ImportNewInterface[ [type: Rope.Cat["AlpineTransaction.", suffix], instance: fileStore, version: version], [NIL, NIL, NIL] ]; }; handle.file _ AlpineFileRpcControl.ImportNewInterface[ [type: Rope.Cat["AlpineFile.", suffix], instance: fileStore, version: version], [NIL, NIL, NIL] ]; handle.owner _ AlpineOwnerRpcControl.ImportNewInterface[ [type: Rope.Cat["AlpineOwner.", suffix], instance: fileStore, version: version], [NIL, NIL, NIL] ]; handle.volume _ AlpineVolumeRpcControl.ImportNewInterface[[type: Rope.Cat["AlpineVolume.", suffix], instance: fileStore, version: version], [NIL, NIL, NIL] ]; }; FOR list: LIST OF AlpPrivate.InterfaceCreatorProc _ interfaceCreators, UNTIL list = NIL DO handle.otherInterfaces _ CONS[list.first[fileStore, version], handle.otherInterfaces]; ENDLOOP; }; objectCache _ CONS[ [handle, local], objectCache]; END; Create: PUBLIC ENTRY PROCEDURE[fileStore: AE.FileStore, caller: AE.Principal, key: RPC.EncryptionKey] RETURNS [handle: AlpI.Handle] = BEGIN ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; BEGIN ENABLE BEGIN RPC.AuthenticateFailed => SELECT why FROM badCaller, badKey => GOTO authenticateFailed; badCallee => GOTO badCallee; communications => GOTO grapevineDownOrCommunications; ENDCASE => NULL; LocalAuthenticateFailed => GOTO authenticateFailed; RPC.ImportFailed => SELECT why FROM communications => GOTO alpineDownOrCommunications; -- almost certainly alpine and not grapevine, since authenticate got through. wrongVersion, stubProtocol => GOTO mismatch; unbound => GOTO alpineDown; ENDCASE => NULL; END; startedAlready _ TRUE; IF caller = NIL THEN BEGIN psw: Rope.ROPE; [caller, psw] _ UserCredentials.Get[]; TRUSTED BEGIN key _ RPC.MakeKey[psw]; END; END; handle _ FindObjectInCache[fileStore, caller, key]; EXITS alpineDownOrCommunications => RETURN WITH ERROR Failed[alpineDownOrCommunications]; alpineDown => RETURN WITH ERROR Failed[alpineDown]; authenticateFailed => RETURN WITH ERROR Failed[authenticateFailed]; badCallee => RETURN WITH ERROR Failed[badCallee]; grapevineDownOrCommunications => RETURN WITH ERROR Failed[grapevineDownOrCommunications]; mismatch => RETURN WITH ERROR Failed[mismatch]; END; END; NoticeUnboundInstance: PUBLIC ENTRY PROCEDURE[handle: AlpI.Handle] = BEGIN ENABLE { UNWIND => AlpineEmergency.UnwindingMonitor[]; UNCAUGHT => {AlpineEmergency.UncaughtThruMonitor[]; REJECT}; }; prevEntry: LIST OF cacheRec _ NIL; list: LIST OF cacheRec _ objectCache; DO IF list = NIL THEN EXIT; IF list.first.object.trans = handle.trans THEN BEGIN IF prevEntry = NIL THEN objectCache _ ELSE _; END ELSE prevEntry _ list; list _; ENDLOOP; END; RegisterInterfaceCreator: PUBLIC ENTRY PROCEDURE[proc: AlpPrivate.InterfaceCreatorProc] = BEGIN ENABLE { UNWIND => AlpineEmergency.UnwindingMonitor[]; UNCAUGHT => {AlpineEmergency.UncaughtThruMonitor[]; REJECT}; }; IF startedAlready THEN ERROR; interfaceCreators _ CONS[proc, interfaceCreators]; END; interfaceCreators: LIST OF AlpPrivate.InterfaceCreatorProc _ NIL; startedAlready: BOOLEAN _ FALSE; AlpRollbackProcedure: ENTRY Booting.RollbackProc = -- TYPE = PROC[clientData: REF ANY]; BEGIN ENABLE { UNWIND => AlpineEmergency.UnwindingMonitor[]; UNCAUGHT => {AlpineEmergency.UncaughtThruMonitor[]; REJECT}; }; objectCache _ NIL; END; Failed: PUBLIC ERROR [why: AlpInstance.Failure] = CODE; AccessFailed: PUBLIC ERROR [missingAccess: AE.NeededAccess] _ AF.AccessFailed; LockFailed: PUBLIC ERROR [why: AE.LockFailure] _ AF.LockFailed; OperationFailed: PUBLIC ERROR [why: AE.OperationFailure] _ AF.OperationFailed; StaticallyInvalid: PUBLIC ERROR _ AF.StaticallyInvalid; Unknown: PUBLIC ERROR [what: AE.UnknownType] _ AF.Unknown; PossiblyDamaged: PUBLIC SIGNAL _ LOOPHOLE[AF.PossiblyDamaged]; version: RPC.VersionRange = [6, 6]; TRUSTED { Booting.RegisterProcs[c: , r: AlpRollbackProcedure]; }; END. Edit Log Initial: Kolling: February 15, 1983 2:58 pm. Changed: MBrown: February 1, 1984 8:27:49 pm PST. Rolled version stamp. FAlpInstanceImpl.mesa Copyright c 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Last edited by Kolling on October 18, 1983 3:51 pm MBrown on February 2, 1984 10:55:52 am PST Hauser, March 15, 1985 1:57:19 pm PST Bob Hagmann June 3, 1985 12:53:06 pm PDT Carl Hauser, March 27, 1987 1:34:31 pm PST fileStore found in cache but no match on caller and key Nothing found in cache. Check to see if server enabled locally and is the one we want. non system-fatal errors: Failed[alpineDownOrCommunications, alpineDown, authenticateFailed, badCallee, grapevineDownOrCommunications, mismatch]. caller = NIL means the logged-in user. IF Rope.Equal[fileStore, localFileStore, FALSE] THEN BEGIN -- The following requires attention to get local.alpine working. Specifically, the interface records require procedures having an additional first parameter which is not in e.g. AT.Create. GOTO badCallee; conversation: AE.Conversation; IF NOT PrincOpsUtils.IsBound[LOOPHOLE[AT.Create]] THEN GOTO alpineDownOrCommunications; TRUSTED BEGIN conversation _ RPC.GenerateConversation[]; ClientMap.Register[conversation, caller]; END; handle _ NEW[AlpI.Object _ [ trans: AlpineTransactionRpcControl.NewInterfaceRecord[], file: AlpineFileRpcControl.NewInterfaceRecord[], owner: AlpineOwnerRpcControl.NewInterfaceRecord[], volume: AlpineVolumeRpcControl.NewInterfaceRecord[], otherInterfaces: NIL, conversation: conversation, key: key, fileStore: fileStore]]; handle.trans^ _ [clientStubCreate: AT.Create, clientStubCreateWorker: AT.CreateWorker, clientStubAssertAlpineWheel: AT.AssertAlpineWheel, clientStubFinish: AT.Finish, Unknown: AT.Unknown, OperationFailed: AT.OperationFailed]; handle.file^ _ [clientStubOpen: AF.Open, clientStubCreate: AF.Create, clientStubClose: AF.Close, clientStubDelete: AF.Delete, clientStubGetUniversalFile: AF.GetUniversalFile, clientStubGetTransID: AF.GetTransID, clientStubGetAccessRights: AF.GetAccessRights, clientStubGetLockOption: AF.GetLockOption, clientStubSetLockOption: AF.SetLockOption, clientStubGetRecoveryOption: AF.GetRecoveryOption, clientStubGetReferencePattern: AF.GetReferencePattern, clientStubSetReferencePattern: AF.SetReferencePattern, clientStubReadPages: AF.ReadPages, clientStubWritePages: AF.WritePages, clientStubLockPages: AF.LockPages, clientStubUnlockPages: AF.UnlockPages, clientStubReadProperties: AF.ReadProperties, clientStubWriteProperties: AF.WriteProperties, clientStubUnlockVersion: AF.UnlockVersion, clientStubIncrementVersion: AF.IncrementVersion, clientStubGetSize: AF.GetSize, clientStubSetSize: AF.SetSize, AccessFailed: AF.AccessFailed, LockFailed: AF.LockFailed, OperationFailed: AF.OperationFailed, StaticallyInvalid: AF.StaticallyInvalid, Unknown: AF.Unknown, PossiblyDamaged: AF.PossiblyDamaged]; handle.owner^ _ [clientStubReadProperties: AO.ReadProperties, clientStubWriteProperties: AO.WriteProperties, clientStubCreate: AO.Create, clientStubDestroy: AO.Destroy, clientStubReadNext: AO.ReadNext, clientStubReadDBProperties: AO.ReadDBProperties, clientStubReorganizeDB: AO.ReorganizeDB, AccessFailed: AO.AccessFailed, LockFailed: AO.LockFailed, OperationFailed: AO.OperationFailed, StaticallyInvalid: AO.StaticallyInvalid, Unknown: AO.Unknown]; handle.volume^ _ [clientStubGetNextGroup: AV.GetNextGroup, clientStubGetGroup: AV.GetGroup, clientStubGetEnclosingGroup: AV.GetEnclosingGroup, AccessFailed: AV.AccessFailed, Unknown: AV.Unknown, StaticallyInvalid: AV.StaticallyInvalid]; FOR list: LIST OF AlpPrivate.InterfaceCreatorProc _ interfaceCreators, UNTIL list = NIL DO handle.otherInterfaces _ CONS[list.first[fileStore, version], handle.otherInterfaces]; ENDLOOP; END ELSE handle _ FindObjectInCache[fileStore, caller, key]; If a object in our cache has an InterfaceRecord matching an InterfaceRecord in this handle, throw out the object. I think one interface matching means all match..... non system-fatal errors: none. non system-fatal errors: none. non system-fatal errors: none. start up code. Hauser, March 15, 1985 11:58:11 am PST Added copyright; changes for Cedar6.0 Lupine. Create for local.alpine requires further attention before it can work. changes to: FindObjectInCache, Create Bob Hagmann June 3, 1985 12:53:20 pm PDT added code to handle local imports Carl Hauser, August 11, 1985 1:00:42 pm PDT changes to: FindObjectInCache: changed so that for any [fileStore, caller, key] triple there is at most one conversation. Κ ˜codešœ™Kšœ Οmœ1™<—Kšœ™Kšœ#™#Kšœ*™*šœ%™%K™(K™*—K˜KšΟk ˜ ˜Kšœ˜šœ˜šžœQ˜VK˜ ——˜ KšžœY˜^—˜Kšžœ˜—˜Kšžœ˜—˜Kšžœ˜—˜Kšžœ˜—˜Kšžœ˜—˜ Kšžœ˜—˜ Kšžœ˜—˜Kšžœ˜#—˜ Kšžœ˜—˜Kšžœ˜—˜Kšžœ žœ˜—šž˜šžœ9˜>K˜C——˜ Kšžœžœ˜—˜Kšžœ˜ K˜K˜——šœžœž˜šžœžœ7˜RKšœn˜nKšžœ˜"—Kšžœ˜šžœJ˜PK˜K˜——Kšžœžœžœ5˜BK˜šœ žœžœ˜Kšœžœ˜Kšœžœž˜K˜K˜—Kšœ žœžœ žœ˜$Kšœžœ˜.K˜Kšœžœžœ˜&K˜š Οnœžœž œ žœžœ˜YKšžœžœžœ˜7šž˜Kšœžœžœ˜$Kšœžœžœ˜š žœžœžœ"žœž˜Gšžœ4žœ˜<šžœž˜ šžœžœ˜šžœžœ˜Kšœž˜ KšžœHžœžœ˜tKšžœ.˜2K˜—šœžœ˜Kšžœ žœ4žœžœ˜mKšžœ.˜2—Kšžœ˜—šžœ žœžœ žœ˜1Kšœ˜Kšœ˜Kšœ˜Kšœ!˜!Kšœ3˜3K˜K˜ K˜—šžœžœžœ˜Kšœžœ ž˜#Kšžœ˜K˜—Kšžœ˜———Kšžœ˜K˜šžœ žœžœ˜K™7šžœžœ˜Kšžœ3žœžœ˜XKšœžœ˜1Kšžœ5˜˜>KšœV˜Všœžœžœžœ˜šžœ˜Kš žœžœ žœžœžœž˜@——Kšœ˜—šžœ žœ˜Kšœ˜šœ>˜>KšœV˜VKšœžœžœžœ˜Kšœ˜—K˜—šœ6˜6KšœP˜PKšœžœžœžœ˜Kšœ˜—šœ8˜8KšœQ˜QKšœžœžœžœ˜Kšœ˜—šœ@˜@KšœK˜KKšœžœžœžœ˜Kšœ˜—K˜—Kšžœžœžœ?˜Pšžœž˜Kšž˜Kšœžœ9˜VKšžœ˜—K˜—Kšœžœ ˜2—šžœ˜K˜K˜——š Ÿœžœžœž œ žœžœ˜Ršžœžœ˜2Kšœ™Kšœw™wKšœ&™&—Kšž˜šžœžœžœ˜Kšž˜šžœž˜ šžœžœž˜)Kšœžœ˜-Kšœ žœ ˜Kšœžœ˜5Kšžœžœ˜—Kšœžœ˜3šžœžœž˜#KšœžœΟcM˜Kšœžœ ˜,Kšœ žœ ˜Kšžœžœ˜—Kšžœ˜—Kšœžœ˜šžœ ž˜šžœžœ žœ˜K˜&Kšžœžœžœžœ˜*Kšžœ˜——Kšœ3˜3šžœ'žœ™/šžœž™ Kšœ³žœ™½Kšžœ ™Kšœžœ™Kš žœžœžœžœ žœžœ™Wšžœž™ Kšœžœ™*K™)Kšžœ™—šœ žœ™K™8K™0K™2K™4Kšœžœ™K™K™ K™—Kš œ#žœ!žœ,žœ&žœžœžœ™αKš9œ žœžœžœžœ%žœ(žœ(žœ*žœ)žœ,žœ3žœ5žœ+žœ"žœ"žœ"žœ(žœ+žœ+žœ+žœ&žœžœžœžœžœ%žœžœžœ™ΔKšœ+žœ+žœ$žœžœžœ'žœ*žœžœžœžœ%žœžœ ™ΑKš œ*žœ#žœ(žœ"žœžœžœ™μš žœžœžœ?žœž™dKšœžœ9™V—Kšžœ™Kšž™—Kšžœ4™8—šž˜Kšœžœžœžœ$˜SKšœžœžœžœ˜3Kšœžœžœžœ˜CKšœ žœžœžœ˜1Kšœ!žœžœžœ'˜YKšœ žœžœžœ˜/—Kšžœ˜—šžœ˜˜K˜———Kšœ¦™¦šŸœžœžœž œ˜DKšœ™Kšœ™šž˜šžœ˜Jšžœ'˜-Jšžœ,žœ˜K˜K˜K˜Kšœ žœ˜#K˜K˜Kšœ™K˜Kšžœžœ8˜AK˜K˜K˜Kšžœ˜K˜˜K˜K˜—K˜-K˜Kšœ.žœ˜I™&K™vKšœ Οr™%—K™™(K™"—™+Kšœ ‘œ\™y—K™—…—4=