This is the low level interface for clients who really need to deal with conversations and transactions. Most clients will want to use the AlpDirectory interface, which is a thin veneer over this one. The truth about how things work resides here.
Last edited by: Maxwell on: November 23, 1983 8:39 am
Last Edited by: Hauser, January 9, 1985 11:05:00 am PST
Carl Hauser, May 19, 1986 11:41:11 am PDT
AlpFile USING [Handle],
AlpTransaction USING [Handle],
A directory maintains a mapping between string names and AlpineFile.UniversalFile's. All names are of the form [volGroupName]<DirectoryName>subDirectories>filename!version. (slashes are also acceptable.) The volGroupName is the name of the volume group. If the volume group doesn't exist on the server that this interface is bound to, an error is generated. There is one top level directory per Owner, the name of the directory is the same as the name of the owner. Subdirectories are just part of the string name and are not enforced by the directory package. When passing a name as a parameter, the client can use !H or !h to indicate the highest numbered version and !L or !l to indicate the lowest version. Unless otherwise specified, missing version numbers will default to !H. The maximum length for a name is 120 characters excuding the version number, 126 characters including it (same as FS). Names with * in them will generate an error. The file names returned are the canonical full path names as they are stored in the directory.
The first entry in a directory is the entry for the directory root file itself. The file name is always $$$.btree!1. Attempts to modify or delete this entry are treated as NOOPs.
(All directory references are made under the transaction using individual page locks and file intention locks on the owner's directory file according to normal Alpine conventions.)
('subDirectories>filename' is also stored in the stringName property of the file. With this property and the Owner property, the scavenger will be able to reconstruct the directory. It is possible for clients to manually change the stringName of the file, but the file will still be added to the correct top-level directory, although the sub-directory information may be lost. Avoid this feature.)
OPEN AE: AlpineEnvironment;
CreateOptions: TYPE = {none, newOnly, oldOnly};
Procedures that manipulate files.
CreateFile: PROC
[trans: AlpTransaction.Handle, name: Rope.ROPE, initialSize: AE.PageCount, recoveryOption: AE.RecoveryOption ← log, referencePattern: AE.ReferencePattern ← sequential ]
RETURNS [openFileID: AlpFile.Handle, fullPathName: Rope.ROPE];
! Error {illegalFileName} plus errors in AlpineFile.Create.
Creates and opens a new file under trans. Inserts the new file under 'name' in the directory. Missing version numbers default to !H+1. If this is a new version of an old file, then the directory will set the get the keep from the old file and put it in the new file. It will then delete old versions of the file as necessary. If this is a brand new file then the keep will come from the default in the owner data base. The create date of the new file will automatically be set to now.
See AlpineFile.Create for more documentation.
DeleteFile: PROC
[trans: AlpTransaction.Handle, name: Rope.ROPE]
RETURNS[fullPathName: Rope.ROPE];
! Error {illegalFileName, entryNotFound} plus errors in AlpineFile.Delete.
Removes the directory entry for the file. As a side effect the file is deleted from the file system unless the directory entry is a link. Missing version numbers default to !L.
Attempts to delete the directory btree file are treated as a NOOP.
See AlpineFile.Delete for more documentation.
OpenFile: PROC
[trans: AlpTransaction.Handle, name: Rope.ROPE, updateCreateTime: BOOLTRUE, access: AE.AccessRights ← readOnly, lock: AE.LockOption ← [intendRead, wait], recoveryOption: AE.RecoveryOption ← log, referencePattern: AE.ReferencePattern ← sequential, createOptions: CreateOptions ← none]
RETURNS [openFileID: AlpFile.Handle, createdFile: BOOL, fullPathName: Rope.ROPE];
! Error {illegalFileName, entryNotFound} plus errors in AlpineFile.Open.
Looks up 'name' in the directory and opens the corresponding file. Sets the create date to now if access is readWrite and updateCreateTime is TRUE.
See AlpineFile.Open for more documentation.
Copy: PROC
[trans: AlpTransaction.Handle, from, to: Rope.ROPE]
RETURNS[fromName, toName: Rope.ROPE];
! errors in AlpineFile.Open and CreateFile.
Makes a copy of the contents of 'from' into 'to'. Will also copy the createTime and the byteLength <Anything else?>. If 'to' already exists, then it will be overwritten. The directories for `from' and `to' must be on the same server, although they need not be in the same volume group. The client must have the correct create and delete permissions for the directory(s). 'fromName' and 'toName' are the canonical full path names as stored in the directory.
Rename: PROC
[trans: AlpTransaction.Handle, old, new: Rope.ROPE]
RETURNS[oldName, newName: Rope.ROPE];
! Error {illegalFileName, entryNotFound} plus errors in AlpineFile.Open, AlpineFile.WriteProperties or CreateLink.
Removes the file found under 'old' and inserts it under 'new'. If 'new' already exists, then it will be overwritten. If 'old' contains a link to another file, then CreateLink[old, new] will be called instead. The directories for 'new' and 'old' must be on the same server, although they need not be in the same volume group. The client must have the correct read and create permissions for the directory(s). 'oldName' and 'newName' are the canonical full path names as stored in the directory.
SetKeep: PROC
[trans: AlpTransaction.Handle, fileName: Rope.ROPE, keep: CARDINAL]
RETURNS[fullPathName: Rope.ROPE];
! Error {illegalFileName, entryNotFound}, plus errors in AlpineFile.Open, and AlpineFile.WriteProperties.
Looks up fileName in the directory and sets a keep on the file. As a side effect it will delete any files that become obsolete as a result of the new keep. A keep of 0 means keep everything. Version numbers are ignored; the keep is set on the highest version of the file.
GetKeep: PROC
[trans: AlpTransaction.Handle, fileName: Rope.ROPE]
RETURNS[fullPathName: Rope.ROPE, keep: CARDINAL];
! Error {illegalFileName, entryNotFound}, plus errors in AlpineFile.Open, and AlpineFile.WriteProperties.
Looks up fileName in the directory and gets the keep on the file. A keep of 0 means keep everything. Version numbers are ignored; the keep is obtained from the highest version of the file.
DisableKeep: PROC
[trans: AlpTransaction.Handle, fileName: Rope.ROPE]
RETURNS[fullPathName: Rope.ROPE];
! Error {illegalFileName, entryNotFound}, plus errors in AlpineFile.Open, and AlpineFile.WriteProperties.
Prevent this version of the file from being deleted automatically because of the keep feature.
SetDefaultKeep: PROC
[trans: AlpTransaction.Handle, volume: Rope.ROPE, owner: AE.OwnerName, defaultKeep: CARDINAL];
! Errors in AlpineOwner.WriteProperties.
Set the default keep for the entire directory.
GetDefaultKeep: PROC
[trans: AlpTransaction.Handle, volume: Rope.ROPE, owner: AE.OwnerName] RETURNS [defaultKeep: CARDINAL];
! Errors in AlpineOwner.WriteProperties.
Get the default keep for the entire directory.
Procedures that manipulate directories only.
Insert: PROC
[trans: AlpTransaction.Handle, name: Rope.ROPE, file: AE.UniversalFile, keep: CARDINAL ← 0]
RETURNS[oldFile: AE.UniversalFile, fullPathName: Rope.ROPE];
! Error {illegalFileName}.
Inserts the file in the directory determined by the owner portion of the name. Returns the file that was formerly in the directory.
The client must have asserted AlpineWheel to use this procedure. This procedure is intented for the scavenger.
Remove: PROC
[trans: AlpTransaction.Handle, fileName: Rope.ROPE]
RETURNS[file: AE.UniversalFile, fullPathName: Rope.ROPE];
! Error {illegalFileName, entryNotFound}.
Removes the entry under 'name' from the directory. Does not delete the file. The client must have asserted AlpineWheel to use this procedure.
Lookup: PROC
[trans: AlpTransaction.Handle, fileName: Rope.ROPE]
RETURNS[file: AE.UniversalFile, fullPathName, link: Rope.ROPE];
! Error {illegalFileName}.
'file' is the id for the file that would result from using OpenFile, independent of the number of links followed to get to it. 'name' is the actual name stored in the directory (may include an explicit version number). 'link' is the name of the first link towards the file, if there is one. If there is a link but the file has been deleted, then `file' will be null.
Enumerate: PROC
[trans: AlpTransaction.Handle, pattern, previousFile: Rope.ROPE, defaultVersion: Version ← all]
RETURNS[file: AE.UniversalFile, fullPathName, link: Rope.ROPE];
! Error {illegalFileName, illegalPattern}.
Stateless enumerator of the server directories. 'previousFile' is the last file retrieved in this enumeration. previousFile = NIL starts the enumeration. 'pattern' determines which files will be enumerated. It may include wildcards in any part but the volGroupName. Thus [volGroupName]*.press is acceptable, but [*]<Laurel> is not. The default version used is given as a parameter because clients who enumerate in order to delete files use a different default than clients who enumerate to read or set properties.
If the pattern terminates with '>, then only the names of the sub-directories will be returned. (Thus [volume]<directory>sub>*> will list all of the sub-directories of <directory>sub>, and [volume]<directory>*> will list all of the sub-directories on <directory>, including sub-directories of <directory>sub>).
See Lookup for the explanation of the return parameters.
lowest: Version = 0;
highest: Version = LAST[CARDINAL];
all: Version = LAST[CARDINAL]-1;
CreateLink: PROC
[trans: AlpTransaction.Handle, name, referent: Rope.ROPE]
RETURNS[fullPathName, referentName: Rope.ROPE];
! Error {illegalFileName, circularLink}.
Stores the name 'referent' in the directory under 'name'. This is treated as a link from one directory to another. (The two directories must be in the same volume group.) Whenever 'name' is looked up in the directory, the file under 'referent' will be returned. This may iterate through several links before a file is finally reached. If `referent' does not have a version number, then the version to be used will be redetermined each time the file is accessed. (The highest version is used). 'fullPathName' is the canonical full path name as stored in the directory. 'referentName' is the canonical path name, but it might not be the full path name since it doesn't have to have a version number.
Calling DeleteFile on a link will only delete the link; the file is untouched. An error is generated if the new link would create a circularity. Links are not backed up in any way. If the directory has to be scavenged, all of the links will be lost.
CreateDirectory: PROC
[trans: AlpTransaction.Handle, volume: Rope.ROPE, owner: AE.OwnerName];
Creates the file that will be used as the root file in the owner data base. If one already exists, it is re-initialized. The client must have asserted AlpineWheel to use this procedure.
Exceptions that can be raised by the the procedures above.
All signals that can be raised must be exported to this interface before they can be propagated across an RPC call.
Every procedure that accesses a directory may raise Error[damagedDirectory] plus signals from calls to AlpineOwner.ReadProperties, AlpineFile.Open, AlpineFile.Create, AlpineFile.WriteProperties, and AlpineOwner.WriteProperties in addition to the ones listed above.
AccessFailed: ERROR[missingAccess: AlpineEnvironment.NeededAccess];
LockFailed: ERROR[why: AlpineEnvironment.LockFailure];
OperationFailed: ERROR[why: AlpineEnvironment.OperationFailure];
StaticallyInvalid: ERROR;
Unknown: ERROR[what: AlpineEnvironment.UnknownType];
PossiblyDamaged: SIGNAL;
Error: ERROR[type: DirectoryErrors];
DirectoryErrors: TYPE = ErrorType[illegalFileName..circularLink];
ErrorType: TYPE = {
illegalFileName, -- syntax error in file name.
illegalPattern, -- syntax error in pattern name.
entryNotFound, -- no fileID in directory or missing link entry.
circularLink, -- creating this link would complete a circularity.
-- values not in DirectoryErrors are used by AlpDirectory.
authenticateFailed, -- caller not logged in properly.
regServersUnavailable, -- (need Grapevine to authenticate)
ownerNotFound, -- owner not registered on the Alpine server.
fileNotFound, -- directory returned a fileID for a non-existant file.
damaged, -- requested file.
lockFailed, -- zapped by lock watchdog because of deadlock, etc.
transAborted -- transaction created by this call went away