Routines for monitoring Alpine.
Copyright © 1984 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Carl Hauser, November 20, 1985 11:52:47 am PST
Last Edited by: Kupfer, August 6, 1984 1:18:37 pm PDT
BasicTime USING [Now],
Commander USING [CommandProc, Register],
CommandTool USING [ParseToList],
Convert USING [RopeFromBool, RopeFromTime],
Coordinator USING [Outcome, State],
CoordinatorMap USING [Handle, LockedEnumerate],
FS USING [ExpandName],
IO USING [rope, Put, STREAM, time],
List USING [Assoc],
Menus USING [AppendMenuEntry, CreateEntry, Menu, MenuProc],
ProcessProps USING [GetPropList],
Rope USING [Cat, Equal, Index, ROPE, Substr],
RopeList USING [CompareProc, IgnoreCase, Sort],
SkiPatrolHooks USING [InactiveWorker, TestForAbort, TransIDToRope],
SkiPatrolViewers USING [AddProps, AddSaveAndStore],
TransactionMap USING [Handle, LockedEnumerate],
ViewerClasses USING [Viewer],
ViewerIO USING [CreateViewerStreams],
ViewerOps USING [CreateViewer, SetMenu, SetNewVersion],
Worker USING [Handle, State];
IMPORTS BasicTime, Commander, CommandTool, Convert, CoordinatorMap, FS, IO, List, Menus, ProcessProps, Rope, RopeList, SkiPatrolHooks, SkiPatrolViewers, TransactionMap, ViewerIO, ViewerOps =
These streams are kept around so that we don't create new streams every time "showworkers", et. al. are invoked.
workerStream: IO.STREAM;
coordinatorStream: IO.STREAM;
coordinatorStateToRope: ARRAY Coordinator.State OF ROPE = [
"active ",
"collecting ",
"completing ",
"complete "];
workerStateToRope: ARRAY Worker.State OF ROPE = [
"unknown ",
"active ",
"preparing ",
"ready ",
"completing ",
"fpmComplete ",
"fpmCompleteBeingForcedOut ",
"complete "];
outcomeToRope: ARRAY Coordinator.Outcome OF ROPE = ["abort", "commit", "unknown"];
The following viewers are kept around as global data so that we can turn on the "edited" flag in the caption when more information is added to the viewer. They are also checked for destruction when we want to write something.
coordinatorViewer: ViewerClasses.Viewer ← NIL;
workerViewer: ViewerClasses.Viewer ← NIL;
Routines used to display coordinators & workers.
ShowCoordinators: Commander.CommandProc ~ {
List the currently existing transaction coordinators. Try to use a previously existing viewer unless "-n" is specified.
parmsList: LIST OF ROPE ← CommandTool.ParseToList[cmd].list;
useOldViewer: BOOLEAN ← YES;
aMenu: Menus.Menu; -- used to set the menu for the viewer.
IF parmsList # NIL AND Rope.Equal[parmsList.first, "-n"] THEN useOldViewer ← NO;
IF coordinatorViewer = NIL OR coordinatorViewer.destroyed THEN useOldViewer ← NO;
IF NOT useOldViewer THEN {
Create a new Coordinator viewer and add a menu entry so that we can just click to look at the table again. Then add Save and Store buttons. The property list items are used by the Save and Store procs.
coordinatorViewer ← ViewerOps.CreateViewer[flavor: $Typescript, info: [iconic: NO, name: "Alpine Coordinators"]];
coordinatorViewer.file ← FS.ExpandName[name: "CoordinatorList", wDir: MyWDir[] ].fullFName;
aMenu ←;
menu: aMenu,
entry: Menus.CreateEntry[
name: "Again",
proc: ShowCoordinatorsAgain
ViewerOps.SetMenu[viewer: coordinatorViewer, menu: aMenu];
SkiPatrolViewers.AddProps[viewer: coordinatorViewer, baseTitle:, WDir: MyWDir[]];
coordinatorStream ← ViewerIO.CreateViewerStreams[name: "", viewer: coordinatorViewer].out;
PROC [] ~ {
Set up the display. Then go through the table of handles and make a rope for each entry. Sort the resulting LIST of ropes, print them, and finish up the display.
resultList: LIST OF ROPE ← NIL; -- one rope per coordinator; put in a list to be sorted
PROC [h:CoordinatorMap.Handle]
RETURNS [stop:
This guy gets called for each coordinator handle that was found. Create a rope containing all the interesting fields (or at least all of the interesting, easy-to-print fields) and append it to resultList. Note that each rope comes with its own ending newline.
Notice that if we told SkiPatrolHooks.TransIDToRope to told to find us the RName, we'd hang ourselves trying to get the monitor lock for the coordinator object.
oneLine: ROPE;
oneLine ← SkiPatrolHooks.TransIDToRope[transID: h.transID, includeRName: NO];
oneLine ← oneLine.Cat[" (", h.userRName, ")"];
oneLine ← oneLine.Cat["\t", coordinatorStateToRope[h.state]];
oneLine ← oneLine.Cat["\t", outcomeToRope[h.outcome]];
oneLine ← oneLine.Cat["\t", Convert.RopeFromBool[h.finishInProgress], "\n"];
resultList ← CONS[oneLine, resultList];
RETURN [stop: NO]
coordinatorStream.Put[IO.rope["\n\n----- "], IO.time[], IO.rope[" ------\n"]];
TRUSTED {CoordinatorMap.LockedEnumerate[proc: ShowCoordinator]};
resultList ← RopeList.Sort[list: resultList, compareProc: RNameCompare];
FOR resultList ← resultList,
WHILE resultList #
ShowCoordinatorsAgain: Menus.MenuProc ~ {
This guy is called if the "Again" button is clicked inside the "Alpine Coordinators" typescript.
ShowWorkers: Commander.CommandProc = {
Lists the currently existing transaction workers. Try to use a previously existing viewer unless "-n" is specified.
parmsList: LIST OF ROPE ← CommandTool.ParseToList[cmd].list;
useOldViewer: BOOLEAN ← YES;
aMenu: Menus.Menu; -- used to set the menu for the viewer.
IF parmsList # NIL AND Rope.Equal[parmsList.first, "-n"] THEN useOldViewer ← NO;
IF workerViewer = NIL OR workerViewer.destroyed THEN useOldViewer ← NO;
IF NOT useOldViewer THEN {
Create a new viewer and add a menu entry so that we can just click to look at the table. Then add the Save and Store buttons. The property list items are used by the Save and Store procs.
workerViewer ← ViewerOps.CreateViewer[flavor: $Typescript, info: [iconic: NO, name: "Alpine Workers"]];
workerViewer.file ← FS.ExpandName[name: "WorkerList", wDir: MyWDir[] ].fullFName;
aMenu ←;
menu: aMenu,
entry: Menus.CreateEntry[
name: "Again",
proc: ShowWorkersAgain
ViewerOps.SetMenu[viewer: workerViewer, menu: aMenu];
SkiPatrolViewers.AddProps[viewer: workerViewer, baseTitle:, WDir: MyWDir[]];
workerStream ← ViewerIO.CreateViewerStreams[name: "", viewer: workerViewer].out;
PROC [] ~ {
Set up the display. Then go through the table of handles and make a rope for each entry. Sort the resulting LIST of ropes, print them, and finish up the display.
resultList: LIST OF ROPE ← NIL; -- one rope per worker; put in a list to be sorted
PROC [h:TransactionMap.Handle]
RETURNS [stop:
This guy gets called for each worker handle that was found. Create a rope containing all the interesting fields (or at least all of the interesting, easy-to-print fields) and append it to resultList. If the worker is inactive or could be aborted, insert a warning at the end of the line. Note that each rope comes with its own ending newline.
trueHandle: Worker.Handle;
oneLine: ROPE;
TRUSTED {trueHandle ← LOOPHOLE[h]};
oneLine ← SkiPatrolHooks.TransIDToRope[transID: trueHandle.transID, includeRName: YES];
oneLine ← oneLine.Cat["\t", workerStateToRope[trueHandle.state]];
oneLine ← oneLine.Cat["\t", outcomeToRope[trueHandle.outcome]];
oneLine ← oneLine.Cat["\t", Convert.RopeFromTime[from: trueHandle.timeOfLastStartWork, end: $seconds, useAMPM: NO, includeZone: NO]];
IF SkiPatrolHooks.InactiveWorker[trueHandle]
oneLine ← oneLine.Cat[" (Inactive)"];
IF SkiPatrolHooks.TestForAbort[trueHandle] = abort
oneLine ← oneLine.Cat[" (Abortable)"];
oneLine ← oneLine.Cat["\n"];
resultList ← CONS[oneLine, resultList];
RETURN [stop: NO]
workerStream.Put[IO.rope["\n\n----- "], IO.time[], IO.rope[" ------\n"]];
workerStream.Put[IO.rope["TransID\t\t\t\t\t\tState\t\t\t\tOutcome\tLast Work\n"]];
TRUSTED {TransactionMap.LockedEnumerate[proc: ShowWorker]};
resultList ← RopeList.Sort[list: resultList, compareProc: RNameCompare];
FOR resultList ← resultList,
WHILE resultList #
ShowWorkersAgain: Menus.MenuProc ~ {
This guy is called if the "Again" button is clicked inside the "Alpine Workers" typescript.
Useful hacks.
ROPE] ~ {
Returns the current process' working directory (could be NIL, meaning that we don't know).
RETURN [NARROW [ List.Assoc[key: $WorkingDirectory, aList: ProcessProps.GetPropList[]]]]
RNameCompare: RopeList.CompareProc ~ {
Compares two ropes based on the imbedded RName (assuming a format of "transactionID (RName) ...".)
r1Start: INT ← r1.Index[s2: "("] + 1;
r1End: INT ← r1.Index[s2: ")"];
r2Start: INT ← r2.Index[s2: "("] + 1;
r2End: INT ← r2.Index[s2: ")"];
RETURN [RopeList.IgnoreCase[
r1.Substr[start: r1Start, len: r1End-r1Start],
r2.Substr[start: r2Start, len: r2End-r2Start]
Register CommandProc(s) with the Commander.
Commander.Register[key: "ShowCoordinators", proc: ShowCoordinators, doc: "Display the current Alpine transaction coordinators"];
Commander.Register[key: "ShowWorkers", proc: ShowWorkers, doc: "Display the current local Alpine transaction workers"];
Edited on June 29, 1984 4:38:38 pm PDT, by Kupfer
Fix up the code for displaying user RNames. The old code would always print the RName of the Alpine server.
Edited on July 9, 1984 4:52:36 pm PDT, by Kupfer
Add code to support Tioga-like "Save" and "Store" buttons. Also, fix StartLog so that it doesn't gag when given no arguments.
Edited on July 10, 1984 4:37:13 pm PDT, by Kupfer
Use the "destroyed" bit to help determine if a new viewer must be created (the old way was a pretty crude hack).
Edited on July 11, 1984 11:50:53 am PDT, by Kupfer
Reflect the change to SkiPatrolLog to use viewers instead of streams. Also use the new SkiPatrolLogViewers interface instead of having a private copy of its subroutines.
Edited on July 23, 1984 2:57:50 pm PDT, by Kupfer
Get rid of the logging-related routines; they all live in various logging implementation modules now.
changes to:DIRECTORY, SkiPatrol
Edited on August 6, 1984 11:57:38 am PDT, by Kupfer
Get rid of a couple of LOOPHOLEs by using SkiPatrolHooks.TransIDToRope. Also, sort the output from showworkers and showcoordinators by user RName.
changes to: DIRECTORY, ShowCoordinator, ShowCoordinatorsCore, ShowWorker, ShowWorkersCore, ShowCoordinators, RNameCompare, SkiPatrol