DIRECTORY AlpineEnvironment USING[FileID, PageCount, PageNumber, PageRun, VolumeID, VolOrVolGroupID], AlpineInternal USING[FileHandle], AlpineZones USING[static], Basics USING[CompareInt, LongDivMod], CountedVM USING[Allocate, Handle], DebuggerSwap USING[WorryCallDebugger], File USING[Create, Delete, Error, FindVolumeFromID, OldFP, GetProperties, Handle, Info, LabeledOpen, PageCount, PropertyStorage, RC, SetPropertiesSize, SetSize, Volume, VolumeID, WriteProperties], FileMap USING[GetNext, GetVolumeIDAndFileID, Handle, VerifyFilePageMgrHandle], FilePageMgr USING[DirtyNoWaitReleaseState, DirtyWaitReleaseState, ReleaseState, VMPageSet], FilePageMgrIO USING[DoIO, GetNext, IORequest, IOType, LogError, RegisterRequest], FilePageMgrLru USING[CheckCacheInCleanState, GetOtherChunkFromLruList, GetOurChunkFromLruList, InitializeLruLists, LruListPlace, PutMappedChunkOnLruList, PutUnmappedChunkOnLruList, RelinkChunkAsLruOnLruList, SweepItem, UsingTooMuchOfCache, WaitToSweep], FilePageMgrPrivateChunk USING[Chunk, ChunkFilePageCount, ChunkVMPageCount, ChunkType, ClientChunkType, RefChunk], FilePageMgrPrivateFile USING[FPMFileObject, LeaderFilePageNumber, VolumeState], FilePageMgrRedBlackTree USING[ Delete, Insert, LookupProc, Lookup, LookupLargest, LookupNextLarger, LookupNextSmaller, LookupSmallest ], FileTableImpl USING[ ConfusedHash ], PrincOps USING[wordsPerPage], PrincOpsUtils USING[LongCopy], Process USING[Detach, GetCurrent], RedBlackTree USING[ Compare, Create, GetKey, Table ], VM USING[AddressForPageNumber, Allocate, Interval, MakeUnchanged, PageCount, PageNumber, PageNumberForAddress, Pin, State]; FilePageMgrMainImpl: CEDAR MONITOR LOCKS fpmFileHandle USING fpmFileHandle: FPMFileHandle IMPORTS AZ: AlpineZones, Basics, CountedVM, DebuggerSwap, File, FileMap, FileTableImpl, FpmIO: FilePageMgrIO, FpmL: FilePageMgrLru, FpmRBT: FilePageMgrRedBlackTree, RedBlackTree, PrincOpsUtils, Process, VM EXPORTS AlpineInternal, FilePageMgr, FilePageMgrPrivateChunk SHARES FilePageMgr, FileTableImpl = BEGIN OPEN AI: AlpineInternal, AE: AlpineEnvironment, Fpm: FilePageMgr, FpmPC: FilePageMgrPrivateChunk, FpmPF: FilePageMgrPrivateFile; VolOrVolGroupID: TYPE = AE.VolOrVolGroupID; FileID: TYPE = AE.FileID; FPMFileHandle: TYPE = REF FPMFileObject; FPMFileObject: PUBLIC TYPE = FpmPF.FPMFileObject; RefChunk: TYPE = REF Chunk; Chunk: PUBLIC TYPE = FpmPC.Chunk; PageKey: TYPE = REF AlpineEnvironment.PageNumber; InsufficientSpaceOnVolume: PUBLIC -- ABSTRACTION -- ERROR = CODE; NoSuchFile: PUBLIC -- CALLING -- ERROR = CODE; NoSuchVolume: PUBLIC -- CALLING -- ERROR = CODE; PageRunArgIllegal: PUBLIC -- CALLING -- ERROR = CODE; PageRunExtendsPastEof: PUBLIC -- CALLING -- ERROR = CODE; SizeArgIllegal: PUBLIC -- CALLING -- ERROR = CODE; VolumeTooFragmented: PUBLIC -- ABSTRACTION -- ERROR = CODE; VolumeWentOffline: PUBLIC -- ABSTRACTION -- ERROR = CODE; VolumeError: ARRAY FpmPF.VolumeState OF ERROR _ [online: InternalFilePageMgrLogicError, wentOffline: VolumeWentOffline, nonExist: NoSuchVolume]; InternalFilePageMgrLogicError: PUBLIC -- PROGRAMMING -- ERROR = CODE; Okay: ERROR = CODE; -- for our own use. ReadDone: CONDITION; WriteDone: CONDITION; ReadPages: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[fileHandle: AI.FileHandle, pageRun: AE.PageRun] RETURNS [vMPageSet: Fpm.VMPageSet] = BEGIN -- non system fatal errors: NoSuchFile, NoSuchVolume, PageRunArgIllegal, PageRunExtendsPastEof, VolumeWentOffline. vMPageSet _ BasicGetPages[fileHandle, pageRun, read, normal].vMPageSet; END; ReadLogPages: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[fileHandle: AI.FileHandle, pageRun: AE.PageRun] RETURNS [vMPageSet: Fpm.VMPageSet] = BEGIN -- non system fatal errors: NoSuchFile, NoSuchVolume, PageRunArgIllegal, PageRunExtendsPastEof, VolumeWentOffline. vMPageSet _ BasicGetPages[fileHandle, pageRun, read, log].vMPageSet; END; ReadLeaderPages: PUBLIC SAFE PROCEDURE[fileHandle: AI.FileHandle] RETURNS [vMPageSet: Fpm.VMPageSet, handle: CountedVM.Handle] = BEGIN -- non system fatal errors: NoSuchFile, NoSuchVolume, VolumeWentOffline. tempvMPageSet: Fpm.VMPageSet _ BasicGetPages[fileHandle, [0, 0], read, leader].vMPageSet; refChunk: RefChunk _ tempvMPageSet.refChunk; handle _ refChunk.leaderVMHandle; TRUSTED {vMPageSet _ [pages: handle.pointer, pageRun: tempvMPageSet.pageRun, refChunk: refChunk]} END; UsePages: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[fileHandle: AI.FileHandle, pageRun: AE.PageRun] RETURNS [vMPageSet: Fpm.VMPageSet] = BEGIN -- non system fatal errors: NoSuchFile, NoSuchVolume, PageRunArgIllegal, PageRunExtendsPastEof, VolumeWentOffline. vMPageSet _ BasicGetPages[fileHandle, pageRun, use, normal].vMPageSet; END; UseLogPages: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[fileHandle: AI.FileHandle, pageRun: AE.PageRun] RETURNS [vMPageSet: Fpm.VMPageSet] = BEGIN -- non system fatal errors: NoSuchFile, NoSuchVolume, PageRunArgIllegal, PageRunExtendsPastEof, VolumeWentOffline. vMPageSet _ BasicGetPages[fileHandle, pageRun, use, log].vMPageSet; END; UseLeaderPages: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[fileHandle: AI.FileHandle] RETURNS [vMPageSet: Fpm.VMPageSet, handle: CountedVM.Handle] = BEGIN -- non system fatal errors: NoSuchFile, NoSuchVolume, VolumeWentOffline. tempvMPageSet: Fpm.VMPageSet _ BasicGetPages[fileHandle, [0, 0], use, leader].vMPageSet; refChunk: RefChunk _ tempvMPageSet.refChunk; handle _ refChunk.leaderVMHandle; TRUSTED {vMPageSet _ [pages: handle.pointer, pageRun: tempvMPageSet.pageRun, refChunk: refChunk]} END; ReadAheadPages: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[fileHandle: AI.FileHandle, pageRun: AE.PageRun] = BEGIN -- non system fatal errors: NoSuchFile, NoSuchVolume, PageRunArgIllegal, VolumeWentOffline. BasicReadAhead[fileHandle, pageRun, normal]; END; ReadAheadLogPages: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[fileHandle: AI.FileHandle, pageRun: AE.PageRun] = BEGIN -- non system fatal errors: NoSuchFile, NoSuchVolume, PageRunArgIllegal, VolumeWentOffline. BasicReadAhead[fileHandle, pageRun, log]; END; ShareVMPageSet: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[vMPageSet: Fpm.VMPageSet] = BEGIN -- non system fatal errors: none. refChunk: RefChunk _ vMPageSet.refChunk; -- keep the compiler happy. MonitoredShareVMPageSet[GetFilePageMgrHandle[refChunk.fileHandle, TRUE], refChunk]; END; ReleaseVMPageSet: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[vMPageSet: Fpm.VMPageSet, releaseState: Fpm.ReleaseState, keep: BOOLEAN] = BEGIN -- non system fatal errors: none. refChunk: RefChunk _ vMPageSet.refChunk; fpmFileHandle: FPMFileHandle _ GetFilePageMgrHandle[refChunk.fileHandle, TRUE]; writeNeeded: BOOLEAN _ FALSE; IF releaseState IN Fpm.DirtyWaitReleaseState THEN BEGIN IF (writeNeeded _ MonitoredWaitForWriteToCompleteThenMaybeSetWIP[ fpmFileHandle, refChunk]) THEN CleanAndWriteChunk[fpmFileHandle, refChunk]; END; MonitoredMainReleaseVMPageSet[fpmFileHandle, refChunk, releaseState, keep, writeNeeded]; END; ForceOutVMPageSet: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[vMPageSet: Fpm.VMPageSet] = BEGIN -- non system fatal errors: none. refChunk: RefChunk _ vMPageSet.refChunk; -- keep compiler happy. fpmFileHandle: FPMFileHandle _ GetFilePageMgrHandle[refChunk.fileHandle, TRUE]; IF MonitoredWaitForWriteToCompleteThenMaybeSetWIP[fpmFileHandle, refChunk] THEN BEGIN CleanAndWriteChunk[fpmFileHandle, refChunk]; MonitoredSetChunkValidAfterIO[fpmFileHandle, refChunk, writeCompleted]; END; END; ForceOutFile: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[fileHandle: AI.FileHandle] = BEGIN -- non system fatal errors: NoSuchFile, NoSuchVolume, VolumeWentOffline. fpmFileHandle: FPMFileHandle _ GetFilePageMgrHandle[fileHandle, FALSE]; errors: ERROR _ Okay; listOfValidAndDirty: LIST OF RefChunk; listOfWIPAndClean: LIST OF ChunkAndPage; [errors, listOfValidAndDirty, listOfWIPAndClean] _ MonitoredForceOutFileSortChunks[fpmFileHandle]; IF errors # Okay THEN ERROR errors; DoSequentialIO[fpmFileHandle, write, listOfValidAndDirty, 0]; MonitoredForceOutFileSetValidAndWait[fpmFileHandle, listOfValidAndDirty, listOfWIPAndClean]; END; Sweeper: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[chunkType: FpmPC.ChunkType] = BEGIN -- non system fatal errors: none. needToHurry: BOOLEAN _ FALSE; sweepList: LIST OF FpmL.SweepItem; DO [needToHurry, sweepList] _ FpmL.WaitToSweep[needToHurry, chunkType]; UNTIL sweepList = NIL DO fpmFileHandle: FPMFileHandle _ GetFilePageMgrHandle[sweepList.first.fileHandle, FALSE]; listOfValidAndDirty: LIST OF RefChunk; [listOfValidAndDirty, sweepList] _ MonitoredSweeperSortChunks[fpmFileHandle, sweepList.first.fileHandle, sweepList]; DoSequentialIO[fpmFileHandle, write, listOfValidAndDirty, 0]; MonitoredSetListOfChunksValidAfterIO[fpmFileHandle, listOfValidAndDirty, writeCompleted]; ENDLOOP; ENDLOOP; END; ForceOutEverything: PUBLIC PROCEDURE = BEGIN -- non system fatal errors: NoSuchVolume, VolumeWentOffline. NilProc: PROCEDURE RETURNS[FPMFileHandle] ~ { RETURN[NIL] }; FOR fileHandle: AI.FileHandle _ FileMap.GetNext[NIL], FileMap.GetNext[fileHandle] UNTIL fileHandle = NIL DO IF FileMap.VerifyFilePageMgrHandle[fileHandle, NilProc] # NIL THEN ForceOutFile[fileHandle ! NoSuchFile => CONTINUE]; ENDLOOP; END; RestoreCacheToCleanState: PUBLIC PROCEDURE = BEGIN -- non system fatal errors: none. FOR fileHandle: AI.FileHandle _ FileMap.GetNext[NIL], FileMap.GetNext[fileHandle] UNTIL fileHandle = NIL DO errors: ERROR _ MonitoredUnmapFile[GetFilePageMgrHandle[fileHandle, FALSE]]; IF ((errors # Okay) AND (errors # NoSuchFile)) THEN ERROR errors; ENDLOOP; IF (NOT FpmL.CheckCacheInCleanState[]) THEN ERROR InternalFilePageMgrLogicError; -- maybe not, maybe the client did a number on us. END; MyPageRun: TYPE = RECORD[firstPage: AE.PageNumber, count: NAT, chunkStartFilePage: AE.PageNumber]; ReadReadAheadOrUse: TYPE = {read, readAhead, use}; BasicGetPages: PROCEDURE[fileHandle: AI.FileHandle, pageRun: AE.PageRun, readReadAheadOrUse: ReadReadAheadOrUse, chunkType: FpmPC.ClientChunkType] RETURNS [vMPageSet: Fpm.VMPageSet, nFilePagesToRead: AE.PageCount] = -- the peculiar structure is to avoid monitor conflicts: see discussion below in the DO loop. BEGIN -- non system fatal errors: NoSuchFile, NoSuchVolume, PageRunArgIllegal, PageRunExtendsPastEof, VolumeWentOffline. fpmFileHandle: FPMFileHandle _ GetFilePageMgrHandle[fileHandle, FALSE]; myPageRun: MyPageRun; otherRefChunk: RefChunk _ NIL; errors: ERROR; done: BOOLEAN; IF ((chunkType # leader) AND ((pageRun.firstPage < 0) OR (pageRun.count = 0))) THEN ERROR PageRunArgIllegal; myPageRun _ [firstPage: pageRun.firstPage, count: pageRun.count, chunkStartFilePage: ChunkStartFilePage[pageRun.firstPage, chunkType]]; DO [errors, done, nFilePagesToRead, vMPageSet] _ MonitoredFindOldOrGiveNewChunk[fpmFileHandle, fileHandle, otherRefChunk, myPageRun, readReadAheadOrUse, chunkType]; IF errors # Okay THEN ERROR errors; IF done THEN BEGIN IF ((nFilePagesToRead # 0) AND (readReadAheadOrUse # readAhead)) THEN BEGIN refChunk: RefChunk _ vMPageSet.refChunk; FpmIO.DoIO[read, fpmFileHandle.lowerHandle, [[refChunk.startFilePageNumber], nFilePagesToRead, VMAddressForPageNumber[refChunk.startVMPageNumber]]]; MakeAllPagesInChunkClean[refChunk]; MonitoredSetChunkValidAfterIO[fpmFileHandle, vMPageSet.refChunk, readCompleted]; END; RETURN; END; IF otherRefChunk = NIL THEN otherRefChunk _ MonitoredOtherGetNewChunk[chunkType] ELSE ERROR InternalFilePageMgrLogicError; ENDLOOP; END; MonitoredFindOldOrGiveNewChunk: ENTRY PROCEDURE[fpmFileHandle: FPMFileHandle, fileHandle: AI.FileHandle, otherRefChunk: RefChunk, myPageRun: MyPageRun, readReadAheadOrUse: ReadReadAheadOrUse, chunkType: FpmPC.ClientChunkType] RETURNS [errors: ERROR, done: BOOLEAN, nFilePagesToRead: AE.PageCount, vMPageSet: Fpm.VMPageSet] = -- values of errors are {NoSuchFile, NoSuchVolume, PageRunExtendsPastEof, VolumeWentOffline} BEGIN -- non system fatal errors: none. refChunk: RefChunk; new, wholeChunk: BOOLEAN; chunkTrueSize: AE.PageCount; [errors, refChunk] _ GetMappedChunk[fpmFileHandle, myPageRun, readReadAheadOrUse]; IF errors # Okay THEN BEGIN IF otherRefChunk # NIL THEN FpmL.PutUnmappedChunkOnLruList[otherRefChunk]; RETURN; END; new _ (refChunk = NIL); SELECT TRUE FROM new => IF otherRefChunk = NIL THEN RETURN[Okay, FALSE, 0, [NIL, [0, 0], NIL]] ELSE BEGIN refChunk _ otherRefChunk; MapChunk[fpmFileHandle, fileHandle, myPageRun.chunkStartFilePage, refChunk]; IF refChunk.chunkType = leader THEN BEGIN propStorage: File.PropertyStorage; nPages: File.PageCount; [propStorage, nPages] _ File.GetProperties[ fpmFileHandle.lowerHandle]; refChunk.leaderVMHandle _ CountedVM.Allocate[words: nPages*PrincOps.wordsPerPage]; TRUSTED { refChunk.startVMPageNumber _ VM.PageNumberForAddress[ refChunk.leaderVMHandle.pointer]; PrincOpsUtils.LongCopy[ from: LOOPHOLE[propStorage, LONG POINTER], nwords: nPages*PrincOps.wordsPerPage, to: VMAddressForPageNumber[refChunk.startVMPageNumber] ] }; refChunk.nVMPages _ nPages; END; END; NOT new => IF otherRefChunk # NIL THEN FpmL.PutUnmappedChunkOnLruList[otherRefChunk]; ENDCASE; done _ TRUE; refChunk.useCount _ refChunk.useCount + 1; nFilePagesToRead _ 0; [vMPageSet, wholeChunk, chunkTrueSize] _ SetUpVmPageSet[refChunk, myPageRun.firstPage, myPageRun.count, fpmFileHandle.fileDataSize]; SELECT TRUE FROM new => IF (refChunk.chunkType = leader) OR ((readReadAheadOrUse = use) AND (wholeChunk)) THEN BEGIN MakeAllPagesInChunkClean[refChunk]; refChunk.state _ valid; END ELSE BEGIN refChunk.state _ readInProgress; nFilePagesToRead _ chunkTrueSize; END; NOT new => SELECT readReadAheadOrUse FROM read, use => DO IF refChunk.state = readInProgress THEN WAIT ReadDone ELSE EXIT; ENDLOOP; ENDCASE; ENDCASE; END; GetMappedChunk: INTERNAL PROCEDURE[fpmFileHandle: FPMFileHandle, myPageRun: MyPageRun, readReadAheadOrUse: ReadReadAheadOrUse] RETURNS [errors: ERROR, refChunk: RefChunk] = -- values of errors are {NoSuchFile, NoSuchVolume, PageRunExtendsPastEof, VolumeWentOffline}. BEGIN -- non system fatal errors: none. IF fpmFileHandle.volumeState # online THEN RETURN[VolumeError[fpmFileHandle.volumeState], NIL]; IF (NOT fpmFileHandle.exists) THEN RETURN[NoSuchFile, NIL]; IF myPageRun.firstPage + myPageRun.count > fpmFileHandle.fileDataSize THEN RETURN[PageRunExtendsPastEof, NIL]; IF ((refChunk _ FpmRBT.Lookup[fpmFileHandle, myPageRun.chunkStartFilePage]) # NIL) AND (refChunk.useCount = 0) THEN FpmL.GetOurChunkFromLruList[refChunk, FALSE]; errors _ Okay; END; MapChunk: INTERNAL PROCEDURE[fpmFileHandle: FPMFileHandle, fileHandle: AI.FileHandle, startChunkFilePage: AE.PageNumber, refChunk: RefChunk] = BEGIN -- non system fatal errors: none. FpmRBT.Insert[fpmFileHandle, refChunk, startChunkFilePage]; refChunk.fileHandle _ fileHandle; refChunk.startFilePageNumber _ startChunkFilePage; fpmFileHandle.nMappedChunks _ fpmFileHandle.nMappedChunks + 1; END; UnmapChunk: INTERNAL PROCEDURE[fpmFileHandle: FPMFileHandle, refChunk: RefChunk] = BEGIN -- non system fatal errors: none. IF FpmRBT.Delete[fpmFileHandle, refChunk.startFilePageNumber] = NIL THEN ERROR InternalFilePageMgrLogicError; IF refChunk.defWritePending THEN BEGIN refChunk.defWritePending _ FALSE; fpmFileHandle.nDefWriteChunks _ fpmFileHandle.nDefWriteChunks - 1; END; refChunk.fileHandle _ NIL; fpmFileHandle.nMappedChunks _ fpmFileHandle.nMappedChunks - 1; refChunk.state _ undefined; END; SetUpVmPageSet: INTERNAL PROCEDURE[refChunk: RefChunk, clientStartFilePage: AE.PageNumber, clientFilePageCount: NAT, fileDataSize: AE.PageCount] RETURNS [vMPageSet: Fpm.VMPageSet, wholeChunk: BOOLEAN, chunkTrueSize: AE.PageCount] = BEGIN -- non system fatal errors: none. chunkEndFilePagePlus1: AE.PageNumber; clientEndFilePagePlus1: AE.PageNumber; IF refChunk.chunkType = leader THEN RETURN[ vMPageSet: [pages: VMAddressForPageNumber[refChunk.startVMPageNumber], pageRun: [0, refChunk.nVMPages], refChunk: refChunk], wholeChunk: TRUE, chunkTrueSize: refChunk.nVMPages ]; chunkEndFilePagePlus1 _ MIN[refChunk.startFilePageNumber + FpmPC.ChunkFilePageCount[refChunk.chunkType], fileDataSize]; clientEndFilePagePlus1 _ MIN[clientStartFilePage + clientFilePageCount, chunkEndFilePagePlus1]; vMPageSet.pages _ VMAddressForPageNumber[GetVMIntervalFromFileInterval[refChunk.startFilePageNumber, clientStartFilePage, 0, refChunk.startVMPageNumber].vmPageNumber]; vMPageSet.pageRun.firstPage _ clientStartFilePage; vMPageSet.pageRun.count _ clientEndFilePagePlus1 - clientStartFilePage; vMPageSet.refChunk _ refChunk; chunkTrueSize _ chunkEndFilePagePlus1 - refChunk.startFilePageNumber; wholeChunk _ ((clientStartFilePage = refChunk.startFilePageNumber) AND (vMPageSet.pageRun.count = chunkTrueSize)); END; MonitoredOtherGetNewChunk: PROCEDURE[chunkType: FpmPC.ClientChunkType] RETURNS [otherRefChunk: RefChunk] = BEGIN -- non system fatal errors: none. DO otherFileHandle: FileMap.Handle; otherStartFilePageNumber: AE.PageNumber; mapped: BOOLEAN; [mapped, otherRefChunk, otherFileHandle, otherStartFilePageNumber] _ FpmL.GetOtherChunkFromLruList[chunkType]; IF mapped -- we didn't get it yet, try to free it. THEN BEGIN ErrorProc: PROCEDURE RETURNS[fpmFileHandle: FPMFileHandle] = BEGIN ERROR ConsistencyError; END; -- non system fatal errors: none. IF (NOT MonitoredOtherFreeChunkFromFile[FileMap.VerifyFilePageMgrHandle[otherFileHandle, ErrorProc], otherFileHandle, otherRefChunk, otherStartFilePageNumber]) THEN LOOP; END; EXIT; ENDLOOP; END; MonitoredOtherFreeChunkFromFile: ENTRY PROCEDURE[fpmFileHandle: FPMFileHandle, fileHandle: AI.FileHandle, refChunk: RefChunk, startFilePageNumber: AE.PageNumber] RETURNS [okay: BOOLEAN] = BEGIN -- non system fatal errors: none. hurryUp: BOOLEAN _ FALSE; dirty: BOOLEAN _ FALSE; DO okay _ ((FpmRBT.Lookup[fpmFileHandle, startFilePageNumber] = refChunk) AND (refChunk.useCount = 0)); IF NOT okay THEN RETURN; IF refChunk.state = readInProgress THEN BEGIN WAIT ReadDone; LOOP; END; IF refChunk.state = writeInProgress THEN BEGIN hurryUp _ TRUE; WAIT WriteDone; LOOP; END; EXIT; ENDLOOP; dirty _ ChunkIsDirty[refChunk]; FpmL.GetOurChunkFromLruList[refChunk, (hurryUp OR dirty)]; IF dirty THEN BEGIN refChunk.state _ writeInProgress; CleanAndWriteChunk[fpmFileHandle: fpmFileHandle, refChunk: refChunk, lockHeld: TRUE]; END; UnmapChunk[fpmFileHandle, refChunk]; END; BasicReadAhead: PROCEDURE[fileHandle: AI.FileHandle, pageRun: AE.PageRun, chunkType: FpmPC.ClientChunkType[normal..log]] = BEGIN -- non system fatal errors: NoSuchFile, NoSuchVolume, PageRunArgIllegal, VolumeWentOffline. vMPageSet: Fpm.VMPageSet; lastValidNFilePagesToRead: AE.PageCount _ 0; lastIndex: NAT _ 0; listOfRefChunk: LIST OF RefChunk _ NIL; listOfVMPageSet: LIST OF Fpm.VMPageSet _ NIL; DO nFilePagesToRead: AE.PageCount; [vMPageSet, nFilePagesToRead] _ BasicGetPages[fileHandle, pageRun, readAhead, chunkType ! PageRunExtendsPastEof => GOTO done]; IF pageRun.count < vMPageSet.pageRun.count THEN ERROR InternalFilePageMgrLogicError; pageRun.firstPage _ pageRun.firstPage + vMPageSet.pageRun.count; pageRun.count _ pageRun.count - vMPageSet.pageRun.count; IF nFilePagesToRead # 0 THEN BEGIN lastIndex _ lastIndex + 1; lastValidNFilePagesToRead _ nFilePagesToRead; listOfRefChunk _ CONS[vMPageSet.refChunk, listOfRefChunk]; listOfVMPageSet _ CONS[vMPageSet, listOfVMPageSet]; END ELSE ReleaseVMPageSet[vMPageSet, clean, TRUE]; IF ((pageRun.count = 0) OR (lastIndex = MaxReadAheadSets)) THEN EXIT; REPEAT done => NULL; ENDLOOP; IF listOfRefChunk # NIL THEN TRUSTED BEGIN Process.Detach[FORK ForkedBasicReader[fileHandle, listOfRefChunk, listOfVMPageSet, lastValidNFilePagesToRead]]; END; END; ForkedBasicReader: PROCEDURE[fileHandle: AI.FileHandle, listOfRefChunk: LIST OF RefChunk, listOfVMPageSet: LIST OF Fpm.VMPageSet, nFilePagesToRead: AE.PageCount] = BEGIN -- non system fatal errors: none. fpmFileHandle: FPMFileHandle _ GetFilePageMgrHandle[fileHandle, TRUE]; DoSequentialIO[fpmFileHandle, read, listOfRefChunk, nFilePagesToRead]; FOR listOfVMPageSet _ listOfVMPageSet, UNTIL listOfVMPageSet = NIL DO ReleaseVMPageSet[listOfVMPageSet.first, clean, TRUE]; ENDLOOP; MonitoredSetListOfChunksValidAfterIO[fpmFileHandle, listOfRefChunk, readCompleted]; END; MonitoredShareVMPageSet: ENTRY PROCEDURE[fpmFileHandle: FPMFileHandle, refChunk: RefChunk] = BEGIN -- non system fatal errors: none. IF (refChunk.useCount _ refChunk.useCount + 1) = 1 THEN ERROR ConsistencyError; END; MonitoredMainReleaseVMPageSet: ENTRY PROCEDURE[fpmFileHandle: FPMFileHandle, refChunk: RefChunk, releaseState: Fpm.ReleaseState, keep: BOOLEAN, setValid: BOOLEAN] = BEGIN -- non system fatal errors: none. IF setValid THEN BEGIN refChunk.state _ valid; BROADCAST WriteDone; END; IF refChunk.chunkType = normal AND FpmL.UsingTooMuchOfCache[fpmFileHandle] AND refChunk.state # readInProgress THEN BEGIN -- we catch after the fact. keep _ FALSE; IF releaseState = writeIndividualNoWait THEN releaseState _ writeBatchedNoWait; END; IF (refChunk.useCount _ refChunk.useCount - 1) = 0 THEN { FpmL.PutMappedChunkOnLruList[refChunk, IF ((releaseState IN Fpm.DirtyNoWaitReleaseState) OR (keep)) THEN mru ELSE lru]; IF ((releaseState = writeBatchedNoWait) AND (NOT refChunk.defWritePending)) THEN { refChunk.defWritePending _ TRUE; IF (fpmFileHandle.nDefWriteChunks _ fpmFileHandle.nDefWriteChunks + 1) >= LimitDefWriteChunks THEN StartSomeDeferredWrites[fpmFileHandle, refChunk, keep]; }; }; END; ChunkAndPage: TYPE = RECORD[refChunk: RefChunk, startFilePageNumber: AE.PageNumber]; StartSomeDeferredWrites: INTERNAL PROCEDURE[fpmFileHandle: FPMFileHandle, startChunk: RefChunk, keep: BOOLEAN] = BEGIN -- non system fatal errors: none. nextChunk: RefChunk _ startChunk; searchProc: FpmRBT.LookupProc _ FpmRBT.LookupNextSmaller; listOfChunksAndPages: LIST OF ChunkAndPage _ NIL; AddChunk: PROCEDURE = BEGIN -- non system fatal errors: none. listOfChunksAndPages _ CONS[[nextChunk, nextChunk.startFilePageNumber], listOfChunksAndPages]; END; ForkDemon: PROCEDURE = BEGIN -- non system fatal errors: none. TRUSTED BEGIN Process.Detach[FORK DeferredWriteDemon[fpmFileHandle, listOfChunksAndPages, keep]]; END; listOfChunksAndPages _ NIL; END; DO IF nextChunk.defWritePending THEN BEGIN nextChunk.defWritePending _ FALSE; fpmFileHandle.nDefWriteChunks _ fpmFileHandle.nDefWriteChunks - 1; AddChunk[]; IF fpmFileHandle.nDefWriteChunks = 0 THEN EXIT; END; IF (nextChunk _ searchProc[fpmFileHandle, nextChunk.startFilePageNumber]) = NIL THEN BEGIN IF searchProc = FpmRBT.LookupNextLarger THEN ERROR InternalFilePageMgrLogicError; ForkDemon[]; -- keep all the chunks going one way, for performance. searchProc _ FpmRBT.LookupNextLarger; IF (nextChunk _ searchProc[fpmFileHandle, startChunk.startFilePageNumber]) = NIL THEN ERROR InternalFilePageMgrLogicError; END; ENDLOOP; ForkDemon[]; END; DeferredWriteDemon: PROCEDURE[fpmFileHandle: FPMFileHandle, listOfChunksAndPages: LIST OF ChunkAndPage, keep: BOOLEAN] = BEGIN -- non system fatal errors: none. listOfValidAndDirty: LIST OF RefChunk; listOfWIPAndClean: LIST OF ChunkAndPage; [listOfValidAndDirty, listOfWIPAndClean] _ MonitoredDefWriteSortChunks[fpmFileHandle, listOfChunksAndPages, keep]; DoSequentialIO[fpmFileHandle, write, listOfValidAndDirty, 0]; MonitoredDefWriteSetValidAndWait[fpmFileHandle, listOfValidAndDirty, listOfWIPAndClean]; END; MonitoredDefWriteSortChunks: ENTRY PROCEDURE[fpmFileHandle: FPMFileHandle, listOfChunksAndPages: LIST OF ChunkAndPage, keep: BOOLEAN] RETURNS[listOfValidAndDirty: LIST OF RefChunk, listOfWIPAndClean: LIST OF ChunkAndPage] = BEGIN -- non system fatal errors: none. refChunk: RefChunk; listOfValidAndDirty _ NIL; listOfWIPAndClean _ NIL; FOR listOfChunksAndPages _ listOfChunksAndPages, UNTIL listOfChunksAndPages = NIL DO dirty: BOOLEAN; refChunk _ FpmRBT.Lookup[fpmFileHandle, listOfChunksAndPages.first.startFilePageNumber]; IF ((refChunk # listOfChunksAndPages.first.refChunk) OR (refChunk.defWritePending)) THEN LOOP; dirty _ ChunkIsDirty[refChunk]; SELECT TRUE FROM ((refChunk.state = valid) AND (dirty)) => BEGIN listOfValidAndDirty _ CONS[listOfChunksAndPages.first.refChunk, listOfValidAndDirty]; refChunk.state _ writeInProgress; END; (keep) => SELECT TRUE FROM ((refChunk.state = valid) AND (refChunk.useCount = 0)) => FpmL.RelinkChunkAsLruOnLruList[refChunk]; ((refChunk.state = writeInProgress) AND (NOT dirty)) => listOfWIPAndClean _ CONS[listOfChunksAndPages.first, listOfWIPAndClean]; ENDCASE; ENDCASE => NULL; ENDLOOP; END; MonitoredDefWriteSetValidAndWait: ENTRY PROCEDURE[fpmFileHandle: FPMFileHandle, listOfValidAndDirty: LIST OF RefChunk, listOfWIPAndClean: LIST OF ChunkAndPage] = BEGIN -- non system fatal errors: none. refChunk: RefChunk; InternalSetListOfChunksValidAfterIOThenMaybeReorder[fpmFileHandle, listOfValidAndDirty, writeCompleted, TRUE]; DO IF listOfWIPAndClean = NIL THEN RETURN; refChunk _ FpmRBT.Lookup[fpmFileHandle, listOfWIPAndClean.first.startFilePageNumber]; IF ((refChunk = listOfWIPAndClean.first.refChunk) AND (NOT refChunk.defWritePending) AND (NOT ChunkIsDirty[refChunk])) THEN SELECT TRUE FROM (refChunk.state = valid) => IF refChunk.useCount = 0 THEN FpmL.RelinkChunkAsLruOnLruList[refChunk]; (refChunk.state = writeInProgress) => BEGIN WAIT WriteDone; LOOP; END; ENDCASE => NULL; listOfWIPAndClean _; ENDLOOP; END; MonitoredForceOutFileSortChunks: ENTRY PROCEDURE[fpmFileHandle: FPMFileHandle] RETURNS [errors: ERROR, listOfValidAndDirty: LIST OF RefChunk, listOfWIPAndClean: LIST OF ChunkAndPage] = -- values of errors are {NoSuchFile, NoSuchVolume, VolumeWentOffline}. BEGIN -- non system fatal errors: none. refChunk: RefChunk; dirty: BOOLEAN; currentFilePageNumber: AE.PageNumber; listOfValidAndDirty _ NIL; listOfWIPAndClean _ NIL; IF fpmFileHandle.volumeState # online THEN BEGIN errors _ VolumeError[fpmFileHandle.volumeState]; RETURN; END; IF (NOT fpmFileHandle.exists) THEN BEGIN errors _ NoSuchFile; RETURN; END; errors _ Okay; refChunk _ FpmRBT.LookupSmallest[fpmFileHandle]; DO IF refChunk = NIL THEN RETURN; currentFilePageNumber _ refChunk.startFilePageNumber; BEGIN DO dirty _ ChunkIsDirty[refChunk]; IF ((refChunk.state # writeInProgress) OR (NOT dirty)) THEN EXIT; WAIT WriteDone; IF (FpmRBT.Lookup[fpmFileHandle, currentFilePageNumber] # refChunk) THEN GOTO doneWithThisChunk; ENDLOOP; SELECT TRUE FROM ((refChunk.state = valid) AND (dirty)) => BEGIN listOfValidAndDirty _ CONS[refChunk, listOfValidAndDirty]; refChunk.state _ writeInProgress; END; (refChunk.state = writeInProgress) => listOfWIPAndClean _ CONS[[refChunk, refChunk.startFilePageNumber], listOfWIPAndClean]; ENDCASE; EXITS doneWithThisChunk => NULL; END; refChunk _ FpmRBT.LookupNextLarger[fpmFileHandle, currentFilePageNumber]; ENDLOOP; END; MonitoredForceOutFileSetValidAndWait: ENTRY PROCEDURE[fpmFileHandle: FPMFileHandle, listOfValidAndDirty: LIST OF RefChunk, listOfWIPAndClean: LIST OF ChunkAndPage] = BEGIN -- non system fatal errors: none. refChunk: RefChunk; InternalSetListOfChunksValidAfterIOThenMaybeReorder[fpmFileHandle, listOfValidAndDirty, writeCompleted, FALSE]; DO IF listOfWIPAndClean = NIL THEN RETURN; refChunk _ FpmRBT.Lookup[fpmFileHandle, listOfWIPAndClean.first.startFilePageNumber]; IF ((refChunk = listOfWIPAndClean.first.refChunk) AND (listOfWIPAndClean.first.refChunk.state = writeInProgress)) THEN WAIT WriteDone ELSE listOfWIPAndClean _; ENDLOOP; END; MonitoredSweeperSortChunks: ENTRY PROCEDURE[fpmFileHandle: FPMFileHandle, fileHandle: FileMap.Handle, sweepList: LIST OF FpmL.SweepItem] RETURNS[listOfValidAndDirty: LIST OF RefChunk, newSweepList: LIST OF FpmL.SweepItem] = BEGIN -- non system fatal errors: none. refChunk: RefChunk; listOfValidAndDirty _ NIL; DO refChunk _ FpmRBT.Lookup[fpmFileHandle, sweepList.first.startFilePageNumber]; IF ((refChunk # NIL) AND (refChunk.useCount = 0) AND (refChunk.state = valid) AND (ChunkIsDirty[refChunk])) THEN BEGIN listOfValidAndDirty _ CONS[refChunk, listOfValidAndDirty]; refChunk.state _ writeInProgress; END; sweepList _; IF ((sweepList = NIL) OR (sweepList.first.fileHandle # fileHandle)) THEN EXIT; ENDLOOP; newSweepList _ sweepList; END; MonitoredUnmapFile: ENTRY PROCEDURE[fpmFileHandle: FPMFileHandle] RETURNS[errors: ERROR] = -- values of errors are {NoSuchFile, NoSuchVolume, VolumeWentOffline}. BEGIN -- non system fatal errors: none. IF fpmFileHandle.volumeState # online THEN RETURN[VolumeError[fpmFileHandle.volumeState]]; IF (NOT fpmFileHandle.exists) THEN RETURN[NoSuchFile]; DumpInconvenientlyMappedChunks[fpmFileHandle, TRUE, 0]; RETURN[Okay]; END; Create: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[volumeID: AE.VolumeID, initialSize: AE.PageCount, proc: PROCEDURE[AE.FileID]] = BEGIN -- non system fatal errors: InsufficientSpaceOnVolume, NoSuchVolume, SizeArgIllegal, VolumeTooFragmented, VolumeWentOffline plus any raised by proc. LocalProc: PROCEDURE[fp: File.OldFP, propertyStorage: File.PropertyStorage, pageCount: File.PageCount] = BEGIN proc[fp]; END;-- non system fatal errors: any raised by proc. volume: File.Volume; volOrVolGroupID: VolOrVolGroupID _ volumeID; IF initialSize < 0 THEN ERROR SizeArgIllegal; IF (volume _ File.FindVolumeFromID[volOrVolGroupID]) = NIL THEN ERROR NoSuchVolume; [] _ File.Create[volume: volume, size: initialSize, report: LocalProc ! File.Error => SELECT why FROM wentOffline => GOTO wentOffline; volumeFull => GOTO volumeFull; fragmented => GOTO fragmented; ENDCASE; FileTableImpl.ConfusedHash => DebuggerSwap.WorryCallDebugger["FileTableImpl.Error"] ]; EXITS fragmented => ERROR VolumeTooFragmented; volumeFull => ERROR InsufficientSpaceOnVolume; wentOffline => ERROR VolumeWentOffline; END; Delete: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[fileHandle: AI.FileHandle] = BEGIN -- non system fatal errors: NoSuchFile, NoSuchVolume, VolumeWentOffline. errors: ERROR; IF (errors _ MonitoredDelete[GetFilePageMgrHandle[fileHandle, FALSE]]) # Okay THEN ERROR errors; END; MonitoredDelete: ENTRY PROCEDURE[fpmFileHandle: FPMFileHandle] RETURNS[errors: ERROR] = -- values of errors are {NoSuchFile, NoSuchVolume, VolumeWentOffline}. BEGIN -- non system fatal errors: none. IF fpmFileHandle.volumeState # online THEN RETURN[VolumeError[fpmFileHandle.volumeState]]; IF (NOT fpmFileHandle.exists) THEN RETURN[NoSuchFile]; DumpInconvenientlyMappedChunks[fpmFileHandle, TRUE, 0]; File.Delete[fpmFileHandle.lowerHandle ! File.Error => SELECT why FROM wentOffline => GOTO wentOffline; unknownFile => GOTO horrible; ENDCASE;]; fpmFileHandle.fileDataSize _ 0; fpmFileHandle.exists _ FALSE; RETURN[Okay]; EXITS horrible => ERROR InternalFilePageMgrLogicError; wentOffline => RETURN[VolumeWentOffline]; END; SetSize: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[fileHandle: AI.FileHandle, size: AE.PageCount] = BEGIN -- non system fatal errors: InsufficientSpaceOnVolume, NoSuchFile, NoSuchVolume, SizeArgIllegal, VolumeTooFragmented, VolumeWentOffline. errors: ERROR; IF size < 0 THEN ERROR SizeArgIllegal; IF (errors _ MonitoredSetSize[GetFilePageMgrHandle[fileHandle, FALSE], size]) # Okay THEN ERROR errors; END; MonitoredSetSize: ENTRY PROCEDURE[fpmFileHandle: FPMFileHandle, newSize: AE.PageCount] RETURNS[errors: ERROR] = -- values of errors are {InsufficientSpaceOnVolume, NoSuchFile, NoSuchVolume, VolumeTooFragmented, VolumeWentOffline}. BEGIN -- non system fatal errors: none. IF fpmFileHandle.volumeState # online THEN BEGIN errors _ VolumeError[fpmFileHandle.volumeState]; RETURN; END; IF (NOT fpmFileHandle.exists) THEN RETURN[NoSuchFile]; IF fpmFileHandle.fileDataSize = newSize THEN RETURN[Okay]; IF newSize < fpmFileHandle.fileDataSize THEN -- truncating. DumpInconvenientlyMappedChunks[fpmFileHandle, FALSE, newSize]; File.SetSize[fpmFileHandle.lowerHandle, newSize ! File.Error => SELECT why FROM fragmented => GOTO fragmented; unknownFile => GOTO horrible; volumeFull => GOTO volumeFull; wentOffline => GOTO wentOffline; ENDCASE;]; fpmFileHandle.fileDataSize _ newSize; RETURN[Okay]; EXITS fragmented => RETURN[VolumeTooFragmented]; horrible => ERROR InternalFilePageMgrLogicError; volumeFull => RETURN[InsufficientSpaceOnVolume]; wentOffline => RETURN[VolumeWentOffline]; END; SetLeaderSize: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[fileHandle: AI.FileHandle, size: AE.PageCount] = BEGIN -- non system fatal errors: InsufficientSpaceOnVolume, NoSuchFile, NoSuchVolume, SizeArgIllegal, VolumeTooFragmented, VolumeWentOffline. errors: ERROR; IF size < 0 THEN ERROR SizeArgIllegal; IF (errors _ MonitoredSetLeaderSize[GetFilePageMgrHandle[fileHandle, FALSE], size]) # Okay THEN ERROR errors; END; MonitoredSetLeaderSize: ENTRY PROCEDURE[fpmFileHandle: FPMFileHandle, newSize: AE.PageCount] RETURNS[errors: ERROR] = -- values of errors are {InsufficientSpaceOnVolume, NoSuchFile, NoSuchVolume, VolumeTooFragmented, VolumeWentOffline}. BEGIN -- non system fatal errors: none. refChunk: RefChunk; IF File.GetProperties[fpmFileHandle.lowerHandle].nPages >= newSize THEN RETURN[Okay]; File.SetPropertiesSize[fpmFileHandle.lowerHandle, newSize]; [errors, refChunk] _ GetMappedChunk[fpmFileHandle, [0,0,-1], use]; IF errors # Okay THEN RETURN; IF refChunk # NIL AND newSize > refChunk.nVMPages THEN BEGIN propVMPageNumber: VM.PageNumber _ refChunk.startVMPageNumber; refChunk.leaderVMHandle _ CountedVM.Allocate[words: newSize*PrincOps.wordsPerPage]; TRUSTED { refChunk.startVMPageNumber _ VM.PageNumberForAddress[ refChunk.leaderVMHandle.pointer]; PrincOpsUtils.LongCopy[ from: VMAddressForPageNumber[propVMPageNumber], nwords: refChunk.nVMPages*PrincOps.wordsPerPage, to: VMAddressForPageNumber[refChunk.startVMPageNumber] ]; }; refChunk.nVMPages _ newSize; FpmL.PutMappedChunkOnLruList[refChunk, mru]; END; END; DumpInconvenientlyMappedChunks: INTERNAL PROCEDURE[fpmFileHandle: FPMFileHandle, dumpingWholeFile: BOOLEAN, size: AE.PageCount] = BEGIN -- non system fatal errors: none. IF fpmFileHandle.nMappedChunks # 0 THEN BEGIN refChunk: RefChunk; firstChunkIsPartial: BOOLEAN; [refChunk, firstChunkIsPartial] _ FirstChunkToCheck[fpmFileHandle, dumpingWholeFile, size]; IF refChunk # NIL THEN CheckTheChunks[fpmFileHandle, refChunk, firstChunkIsPartial]; [refChunk, firstChunkIsPartial] _ FirstChunkToCheck[fpmFileHandle, dumpingWholeFile, size]; IF refChunk # NIL THEN BEGIN IF ((dumpingWholeFile) OR (NOT firstChunkIsPartial) OR (FpmRBT.LookupNextLarger[fpmFileHandle, refChunk.startFilePageNumber] # NIL)) THEN ERROR; END; END; END; FirstChunkToCheck: INTERNAL SAFE PROCEDURE[fpmFileHandle: FPMFileHandle, dumpingWholeFile: BOOLEAN, newSize: AE.PageCount] RETURNS [refChunk: RefChunk, firstChunkIsPartial: BOOLEAN] = CHECKED BEGIN -- non system fatal errors: none. firstPageToClip: AE.PageNumber; fileChunkType: FpmPC.ClientChunkType; IF dumpingWholeFile THEN RETURN [FpmRBT.LookupSmallest[fpmFileHandle], FALSE]; IF FpmRBT.LookupLargest[fpmFileHandle] = NIL THEN RETURN[NIL, FALSE]; IF (fileChunkType _ FpmRBT.LookupLargest[fpmFileHandle].chunkType) = leader THEN RETURN[NIL, FALSE]; --setlen can't ask to trunc leader. firstPageToClip _ ChunkStartFilePage[newSize, fileChunkType]; IF (refChunk _ FpmRBT.Lookup[fpmFileHandle, firstPageToClip]) = NIL THEN refChunk _ FpmRBT.LookupNextLarger[fpmFileHandle, firstPageToClip]; firstChunkIsPartial _ ((refChunk # NIL) AND (refChunk.startFilePageNumber # newSize)); END; CheckTheChunks: INTERNAL SAFE PROCEDURE[fpmFileHandle: FPMFileHandle, refChunk: RefChunk, firstChunkIsPartial: BOOLEAN] = CHECKED BEGIN -- non system fatal errors: none. startPageOfChunk: AE.PageNumber; DO startPageOfChunk _ refChunk.startFilePageNumber; BEGIN DO IF (refChunk _ FpmRBT.Lookup[fpmFileHandle, startPageOfChunk]) = NIL THEN GOTO doneWithThisChunk; IF refChunk.state = readInProgress THEN BEGIN WAIT ReadDone; LOOP; END; IF refChunk.useCount # 0 THEN ERROR; IF refChunk.state = writeInProgress THEN BEGIN WAIT WriteDone; LOOP; END; EXIT; ENDLOOP; IF ((refChunk.state = valid) AND (ChunkIsDirty[refChunk])) THEN BEGIN refChunk.state _ writeInProgress; CleanAndWriteChunk[fpmFileHandle: fpmFileHandle, refChunk: refChunk, lockHeld: TRUE]; END; IF NOT firstChunkIsPartial THEN BEGIN FpmL.GetOurChunkFromLruList[refChunk, FALSE]; UnmapChunk[fpmFileHandle, refChunk]; FpmL.PutUnmappedChunkOnLruList[refChunk]; END ELSE refChunk.state _ valid; EXITS doneWithThisChunk => NULL; END; firstChunkIsPartial _ FALSE; IF (refChunk _ FpmRBT.LookupNextLarger[fpmFileHandle, startPageOfChunk]) = NIL THEN EXIT; ENDLOOP; END; FileExists: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[fileHandle: AI.FileHandle] RETURNS [fileExists: BOOLEAN] = BEGIN -- non system fatal errors: NoSuchVolume, VolumeWentOffline. errors: ERROR; [errors, fileExists] _ MonitoredFileExists[GetFilePageMgrHandle[fileHandle, FALSE]]; IF errors # Okay THEN ERROR errors; END; MonitoredFileExists: ENTRY PROCEDURE[fpmFileHandle: FPMFileHandle] RETURNS [errors: ERROR, fileExists: BOOLEAN] = -- values of errors are {NoSuchVolume, VolumeWentOffline}. BEGIN -- non system fatal errors: none. IF fpmFileHandle.volumeState # online THEN BEGIN errors _ VolumeError[fpmFileHandle.volumeState]; RETURN; END; RETURN[Okay, fpmFileHandle.exists]; END; GetSize: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[fileHandle: AI.FileHandle] RETURNS [size: AE.PageCount] = BEGIN -- non system fatal errors: NoSuchFile, NoSuchVolume, VolumeWentOffline. errors: ERROR; [errors, size] _ MonitoredGetDataSize[GetFilePageMgrHandle[fileHandle, FALSE]]; IF errors # Okay THEN ERROR errors; END; MonitoredGetDataSize: ENTRY PROCEDURE[fpmFileHandle: FPMFileHandle] RETURNS [errors: ERROR, size: AE.PageCount] = -- values of errors are {NoSuchFile, NoSuchVolume, VolumeWentOffline}. BEGIN -- non system fatal errors: none. IF fpmFileHandle.volumeState # online THEN BEGIN errors _ VolumeError[fpmFileHandle.volumeState]; RETURN; END; IF (NOT fpmFileHandle.exists) THEN RETURN[NoSuchFile, 0]; RETURN[Okay, fpmFileHandle.fileDataSize]; END; GetKeyProc: RedBlackTree.GetKey -- PROC [data: UserData] RETURNS [Key] = { RETURN[ data ]; }; CompareProc: RedBlackTree.Compare -- PROC [k: Key, data: UserData] RETURNS [Basics.Comparison] = { dataRefChunk: RefChunk = NARROW[ data ]; WITH k SELECT FROM pnRef: REF AlpineEnvironment.PageNumber => RETURN[Basics.CompareInt[pnRef^, dataRefChunk.startFilePageNumber]]; keyRefChunk: RefChunk => RETURN[Basics.CompareInt[keyRefChunk.startFilePageNumber, dataRefChunk.startFilePageNumber]]; ENDCASE => ERROR; }; GetFilePageMgrHandle: PROCEDURE[fileHandle: FileMap.Handle, handleMustExist: BOOLEAN] RETURNS [fpmFileHandle: FPMFileHandle] = BEGIN -- non system fatal errors: none. InitFPMFileHandle: PROCEDURE RETURNS[fpmFileHandle: FPMFileHandle] = BEGIN -- non system fatal errors: none. volumeID: AE.VolumeID; volOrVolGroupID: VolOrVolGroupID; fileID: AE.FileID; volume: File.Volume; volumeState: FpmPF.VolumeState _ online; fileExists: BOOLEAN _ TRUE; lowerHandle: File.Handle _ NIL; fileDataSize: AE.PageCount; IF handleMustExist THEN ERROR ConsistencyError; [volumeID, fileID] _ FileMap.GetVolumeIDAndFileID[fileHandle]; volOrVolGroupID _ volumeID; IF (volume _ File.FindVolumeFromID[volOrVolGroupID]) = NIL THEN BEGIN volumeState _ nonExist; fileExists _ FALSE; END ELSE BEGIN ENABLE File.Error => SELECT why FROM unknownFile, wentOffline => BEGIN fileExists _ FALSE; IF why = wentOffline THEN volumeState _ wentOffline; CONTINUE; END; ENDCASE; lowerHandle _ File.LabeledOpen[volume: volume, fp: fileID]; fileDataSize _ File.Info[lowerHandle].size; END; fpmFileHandle _ NEW[FPMFileObject _ [ chunkTable: RedBlackTree.Create[getKey: GetKeyProc, compare: CompareProc], nMappedChunks: 0, fileDataSize: fileDataSize, exists: fileExists, volumeState: volumeState, nDefWriteChunks: 0, nLruListChunks: 0, lowerHandle: lowerHandle, rbKeyRef: NEW[AlpineEnvironment.PageNumber _ 0]]]; END; fpmFileHandle _ FileMap.VerifyFilePageMgrHandle[fileHandle, InitFPMFileHandle]; END; ChunkAllocator: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[chunkType: FpmPC.ChunkType, permanent: BOOLEAN] RETURNS [refChunk: RefChunk] = BEGIN -- non system fatal errors: running out of vm is system fatal. refChunk _ IF permanent THEN AZ.static.NEW[Chunk] ELSE NEW[Chunk]; refChunk^ _ [chunkType: chunkType, defWritePending: FALSE, state: undefined, useCount: 0, fileHandle: NIL, startFilePageNumber: 0, startVMPageNumber: 0, nVMPages: 0, prev: NIL, next: NIL -- , rbColor: , rbLLink: NIL, rbRLink: NIL -- ]; IF ((chunkType IN FpmPC.ClientChunkType) AND (chunkType # leader)) THEN BEGIN refChunk.nVMPages _ FpmPC.ChunkVMPageCount[chunkType]; refChunk.startVMPageNumber _ VM.Allocate[count: refChunk.nVMPages, partition: normalVM, subRange: [0, 0],start: 0, alignment: 0, in64K: FALSE].page; refChunk.nVMPages _ FpmPC.ChunkVMPageCount[chunkType]; VM.Pin[[refChunk.startVMPageNumber, FpmPC.ChunkVMPageCount[chunkType]]]; END; END; GetVMIntervalFromFileInterval: PROCEDURE[startFilePageNumber, filePageNumber: AE.PageNumber, filePageCount: AE.PageCount, startVMPageNumber: VM.PageNumber] RETURNS[vmPageNumber: VM.PageNumber, vmPageCount: VM.PageCount] = BEGIN -- non system fatal errors: none. vmPageNumber _ startVMPageNumber + (filePageNumber - startFilePageNumber); vmPageCount _ filePageCount; END; GetFileIntervalFromVMInterval: PROCEDURE[startVMPageNumber, vmPageNumber: VM.PageNumber, vmPageCount: VM.PageCount, startFilePageNumber: AE.PageNumber] RETURNS[filePageNumber: AE.PageNumber, filePageCount: AE.PageCount] = BEGIN -- non system fatal errors: none. filePageNumber _ startFilePageNumber + (vmPageNumber - startVMPageNumber); filePageCount _ vmPageCount; END; ChunkStartFilePage: PROCEDURE[clientFilePage: AE.PageNumber, chunkType: FpmPC.ClientChunkType] RETURNS[chunkStartFilePage: AE.PageNumber] = BEGIN -- non system fatal errors: none. RETURN[IF chunkType = leader THEN FpmPF.LeaderFilePageNumber ELSE (clientFilePage - Basics.LongDivMod[clientFilePage, FpmPC.ChunkFilePageCount[chunkType]].remainder)]; END; VMAddressForPageNumber: PROCEDURE[page: VM.PageNumber] RETURNS [address: LONG POINTER] = -- non system fatal errors: none. TRUSTED BEGIN RETURN[VM.AddressForPageNumber[page]]; END; MakePagesClean: PROCEDURE[interval: VM.Interval] = BEGIN -- non system fatal errors: none. VM.MakeUnchanged[interval]; END; MakeAllPagesInChunkClean: PROCEDURE[refChunk: RefChunk] = BEGIN -- non system fatal errors: none. VM.MakeUnchanged[[page: refChunk.startVMPageNumber, count: refChunk.nVMPages]]; END; ChunkIsDirty: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[refChunk: RefChunk] RETURNS [dirty: BOOLEAN] = BEGIN -- non system fatal errors: none. FOR vMPage: VM.PageNumber IN [refChunk.startVMPageNumber..refChunk.startVMPageNumber + refChunk.nVMPages) DO IF VM.State[vMPage].dataState = changed THEN RETURN[TRUE]; ENDLOOP; RETURN[FALSE]; END; DoSequentialIO: PROCEDURE[fpmFileHandle: FPMFileHandle, io: FpmIO.IOType, listOfRefChunk: LIST OF RefChunk, nFilePagesHighestChunkForRead: AE.PageCount] = BEGIN -- non system fatal errors: none. controllingProcess: PROCESS _ LOOPHOLE[Process.GetCurrent[]]; iORequest: FpmIO.IORequest; workToDo: BOOLEAN; listOfIOReq: LIST OF FpmIO.IORequest _ NIL; error: File.RC; errorDiskPage: INT; errorIORequest: FpmIO.IORequest; first: BOOLEAN _ TRUE; IF listOfRefChunk = NIL THEN RETURN; IF (( # NIL) AND (listOfRefChunk.first.startFilePageNumber < THEN BEGIN tempList: LIST OF RefChunk _ NIL; FOR listOfRefChunk _ listOfRefChunk, UNTIL listOfRefChunk = NIL DO tempList _ CONS[listOfRefChunk.first, tempList]; ENDLOOP; listOfRefChunk _ tempList; END; FOR tempList: LIST OF RefChunk _ listOfRefChunk, UNTIL tempList = NIL DO SELECT io FROM read => BEGIN listOfIOReq _ CONS[[filePageNumber: [tempList.first.startFilePageNumber], nPages: (IF first THEN nFilePagesHighestChunkForRead ELSE FpmPC.ChunkFilePageCount[tempList.first.chunkType]), vM: VMAddressForPageNumber[tempList.first.startVMPageNumber]], listOfIOReq]; first _ FALSE; END; write => BEGIN AddToCmdList: PROCEDURE[filePageNumber: AE.PageNumber, filePageCount: AE.PageCount, vmPageNumber: VM.PageNumber] RETURNS[stop: BOOLEAN] = BEGIN-- non system fatal errors: none. listOfIOReq _ CONS[[filePageNumber: [filePageNumber], nPages: filePageCount, vM: VMAddressForPageNumber[vmPageNumber]], listOfIOReq]; stop _ FALSE; END; GetAndCleanNextSeqForWrite[tempList.first, descending, AddToCmdList]; END; ENDCASE; ENDLOOP; IF listOfIOReq = NIL THEN RETURN; iORequest _ FpmIO.RegisterRequest[controllingProcess: controllingProcess, io: io, file: fpmFileHandle.lowerHandle, list: listOfIOReq]; DO FpmIO.DoIO[io, fpmFileHandle.lowerHandle, iORequest ! File.Error => BEGIN error _ why; errorDiskPage _ diskPage; errorIORequest _ iORequest; FpmIO.LogError[controllingProcess, controller, why, iORequest]; GOTO errorSeen; END]; [error, errorIORequest, workToDo, iORequest] _ FpmIO.GetNext[controllingProcess: controllingProcess, who: controller]; IF error # ok THEN GOTO errorSeen; IF workToDo = FALSE THEN EXIT; REPEAT errorSeen => ERROR; -- someday we'll do the right thing. ENDLOOP; IF io = read THEN FOR tempList: LIST OF RefChunk _ listOfRefChunk, UNTIL tempList = NIL DO MakeAllPagesInChunkClean[tempList.first]; ENDLOOP; END; CleanAndWriteChunk: PROCEDURE[fpmFileHandle: FPMFileHandle, refChunk: RefChunk, lockHeld: BOOLEAN _ FALSE] = BEGIN -- non system fatal errors: none. WriterProc: PROCEDURE[filePageNumber: AE.PageNumber, filePageCount: AE.PageCount, vmPageNumber: VM.PageNumber] RETURNS[stop: BOOLEAN] = BEGIN -- non system fatal errors: none. FpmIO.DoIO[write, fpmFileHandle.lowerHandle, [[filePageNumber], filePageCount, VMAddressForPageNumber[vmPageNumber]]]; stop _ FALSE; END; GetAndCleanNextSeqForWrite[refChunk, ascending, WriterProc, lockHeld]; END; WriteProperties: PROC [fpmFileHandle: FPMFileHandle, refChunk: RefChunk] = BEGIN propStorage: File.PropertyStorage; nPages: File.PageCount; propVMPageNumber: VM.PageNumber; [propStorage, nPages] _ File.GetProperties[fpmFileHandle.lowerHandle]; propVMPageNumber _ VM.PageNumberForAddress[LOOPHOLE[propStorage, LONG POINTER]]; IF nPages # refChunk.nVMPages THEN ERROR; TRUSTED {PrincOpsUtils.LongCopy[ from: VMAddressForPageNumber[refChunk.startVMPageNumber], nwords: nPages*PrincOps.wordsPerPage, to: VMAddressForPageNumber[propVMPageNumber] ]}; File.WriteProperties[fpmFileHandle.lowerHandle]; END; MonitoredWriteProperties: ENTRY PROC [fpmFileHandle: FPMFileHandle, refChunk: RefChunk] = BEGIN WriteProperties[ fpmFileHandle, refChunk ]; END; GetAndCleanNextSeqForWrite: PROCEDURE[refChunk: RefChunk, whichWay: {ascending, descending}, proc: PROCEDURE[filePageNumber: AE.PageNumber, filePageCount: AE.PageCount, vmPageNumber: VM.PageNumber] RETURNS[stop: BOOLEAN], lockHeld: BOOLEAN _ FALSE] = BEGIN -- non system fatal errors: any non system fatal errors returned by "proc". filePageNumber: AE.PageNumber; filePageCount: AE.PageCount; vmPageNumber: VM.PageNumber; vmPageCount: VM.PageCount; startVMPage: VM.PageNumber _ refChunk.startVMPageNumber; endVMPage: VM.PageNumber _ refChunk.startVMPageNumber + refChunk.nVMPages - 1; IF refChunk.chunkType = leader THEN BEGIN MakeAllPagesInChunkClean[refChunk]; IF lockHeld THEN WriteProperties[ GetFilePageMgrHandle[refChunk.fileHandle, FALSE], refChunk ] ELSE MonitoredWriteProperties[ GetFilePageMgrHandle[refChunk.fileHandle, FALSE], refChunk ]; RETURN; END; DO BEGIN IF whichWay = ascending THEN BEGIN IF VM.State[startVMPage].dataState = changed THEN BEGIN vmPageNumber _ startVMPage; DO startVMPage _ startVMPage + 1; IF ((startVMPage > endVMPage) OR (VM.State[startVMPage].dataState # changed)) THEN EXIT; ENDLOOP; vmPageCount _ startVMPage - vmPageNumber; GOTO doInterval; END; END ELSE BEGIN IF VM.State[endVMPage].dataState = changed THEN BEGIN saveEndVMPage: VM.PageNumber _ endVMPage; DO endVMPage _ endVMPage - 1; IF ((startVMPage > endVMPage) OR (VM.State[endVMPage].dataState # changed)) THEN EXIT; ENDLOOP; vmPageNumber _ endVMPage + 1; vmPageCount _ saveEndVMPage - endVMPage; GOTO doInterval; END; END; EXITS doInterval => BEGIN [filePageNumber, filePageCount] _ GetFileIntervalFromVMInterval[refChunk.startVMPageNumber, vmPageNumber, vmPageCount, refChunk.startFilePageNumber]; MakePagesClean[[vmPageNumber, vmPageCount]]; IF proc[filePageNumber, filePageCount, vmPageNumber] THEN RETURN; END; END; IF whichWay = ascending THEN startVMPage _ startVMPage + 1 ELSE endVMPage _ endVMPage - 1; IF startVMPage > endVMPage THEN EXIT; ENDLOOP; END; MonitoredWaitForWriteToCompleteThenMaybeSetWIP: ENTRY PROCEDURE[fpmFileHandle: FPMFileHandle, refChunk: RefChunk] RETURNS[writeNeeded: BOOLEAN]= BEGIN -- non system fatal errors: none. DO IF refChunk.state # writeInProgress THEN EXIT; WAIT WriteDone; ENDLOOP; IF (writeNeeded _ ChunkIsDirty[refChunk]) THEN refChunk.state _ writeInProgress; END; MonitoredSetChunkValidAfterIO: ENTRY PROCEDURE[fpmFileHandle: FPMFileHandle, refChunk: RefChunk, what: {readCompleted, writeCompleted}] = BEGIN -- non system fatal errors: none. refChunk.state _ valid; IF what = readCompleted -- weird form to keep compiler happy. THEN BROADCAST ReadDone ELSE BROADCAST WriteDone; END; MonitoredSetListOfChunksValidAfterIO: ENTRY PROCEDURE[fpmFileHandle: FPMFileHandle, listOfRefChunk: LIST OF RefChunk, what: {readCompleted, writeCompleted}] = BEGIN -- non system fatal errors: none. FOR list: LIST OF RefChunk _ listOfRefChunk, UNTIL list = NIL DO list.first.state _ valid; ENDLOOP; IF what = readCompleted -- weird form to keep compiler happy. THEN BROADCAST ReadDone ELSE BROADCAST WriteDone; END; InternalSetListOfChunksValidAfterIOThenMaybeReorder: INTERNAL PROCEDURE[fpmFileHandle: FPMFileHandle, listOfRefChunk: LIST OF RefChunk, what: {readCompleted, writeCompleted}, reorder: BOOLEAN] = BEGIN -- non system fatal errors: none. FOR list: LIST OF RefChunk _ listOfRefChunk, UNTIL list = NIL DO list.first.state _ valid; IF ((reorder) AND (NOT ChunkIsDirty[list.first]) AND (list.first.useCount = 0)) THEN FpmL.RelinkChunkAsLruOnLruList[list.first]; ENDLOOP; IF what = readCompleted -- weird form to keep compiler happy. THEN BROADCAST ReadDone ELSE BROADCAST WriteDone; END; InitializeFilePageMgr: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[nNormalChunksInCache: NAT, nLogChunksInCache: NAT, nLeaderChunksInCache: NAT] = BEGIN -- non system fatal errors: none. IF moduleInitialized THEN ERROR; FpmL.InitializeLruLists[[normal: nNormalChunksInCache, leader: nLeaderChunksInCache, log: nLogChunksInCache]]; -- operates inside the lru list monitor. moduleInitialized _ TRUE; END; ConsistencyError: -- CALLING or FPM -- ERROR = CODE; -- caller has asserted that a FPMFileHandle exists or a vmpageset has its usecount positive, but it doesn't. MaxReadAheadSets: NAT = 10; -- to avoid swamping the cache, we won't read ahead more LimitDefWriteChunks: NAT = 10; -- once this many chunks from a given file are moduleInitialized: BOOLEAN _ FALSE; END. Edit Log Initial: Kolling: 23-Feb-82 14:49:56: main impl module for FilePageManager. Nodified: Hauser: February 19, 1985 3:15:32 pm PST FilePageMgrMainImpl.mesa Copyright c 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Last edited by Kolling on February 16, 1984 12:02:55 pm PST MBrown on January 31, 1984 9:01:07 pm PST Hauser on March 27, 1985 12:06:18 pm PST Carl Hauser, January 5, 1987 1:52:40 pm PST Monitors can only be nested in this order: FPMFileObject monitor RedBlackTreeImpl FilePageMgrLruImpl FileMap's FileObject monitor No process ever holds more than one FPMFileObject monitor. Until this procedure copies the leaderVMHandle from the refChunk the VM behind tempvMPageSet could disappear. Hence, the following reconstruction of vMPageSet which assures that ReadLeaderPages' caller gets VM which exists. See comments above in ReadLeaderPages. Notifies the file page manager that the indicated pages are likely to be read soon. Bumps the share count of the Chunk in the VMPageSet. chunk can't change mapping since useCount >= 1. this is a routine used for debugging. On its return, it only guarantees that the cache was clean at some point in its processing. The caller must not be doing things like concurrent maps, etc. Call ForceOutEverything first so no chunks have writeinProgress up. the parameters ReadReadAheadOrUse and ChunkType are used by BasicGetPages as follows: ChunkType: (a) each chunk type may have a different size, which affects the conversion of the client's page number, etc. to the chunk page number, etc. (b) tells which lru list to go to to get a new chunk. (c) special handling for leader (due to its being handled differently by File). ReadReadAheadOrUse (except leader): (a) read may do a read, use doesn't have to read unless partial chunk, readAhead's caller will do the reads in a bunch. This is the "peculiar structure" referred to above. This loop is executed at most twice. It might be better expressed with the structure: [...] _ MonitoredFindOldOrGiveNewChunk[...]; -- see if its already mapped IF ~done THEN { -- if not successful -- get a new chunk otherRefChunk _ MonitoredOtherGetNewChunk[...]; IF otherRefChunk=NIL THEN ERROR InternalFilePageMgrLogicError; -- see if its already mapped; if not use the otherRefChunk [...] _ MonitoredFindOldOrGiveNewChunk[...otherRefChunk...]; }; -- code from the IF done below The idea is to avoid the call to MonitoredOtherGetNewChunk when the desired chunk is already mapped. This is important since MonitoredOtherGetNewChunk may have to do IO to acquire an empty Chunk. Why, you may ask, does not MonitoredFindOldOrGiveNewChunk acquire a chunk itself when the desired chunk is not already mapped? Ah, Monitor Locks. MonitoredFindOldOrGiveNewChunk locks the object monitor for its first argument. MonitoredOtherGetNewChunk must lock the object monitor for the file currently containing the Chunk it returns. We must therefore not call MonitoredOtherGetNewChunk from MonitoredFindOldOrGiveNewChunk. The vm under the chunk needs to be filled. Turn off modified bits so we can tell later whether the data in the vm has changed. Change chunk state so other client processes can see that it is valid. try to find a Chunk belonging to fpmFileHandle and covering the requested myPageRun. If one is found then it is unique; return information about it. Otherwise, if otherRefChunk is non-NIL set it up to cover the requested myPageRun. Otherwise return with done=FALSE. Increments the useCount of the appropriate Chunk before returning. Make otherRefChunk available for somebody else This is what happens when the desired chunk was not found the first time through and then was found the second time. Give back the acquired Chunk. Finds the Chunk covering myPageRun, if it exists. If it exists and is on an lru list it is taken off the list. returns NIL if the requested chunk doesn't exist. on entry state and pages are already set to undefined; inserts into chunkTable, sets fileHandle and startFilePageNumber. io is not in progress on entry; removes from chunkTable, clears fileHandle, handles defWritePending and nDefWriteChunks. this procedure isn't monitored, but it calls one that is. gets a chunk from the lru list. "Other" because it gets the monitor lock for a different file than the one we are working on -- namely the file that currently contains the Chunk we want to map into this file. Spins off lists of chunks, in ascending or descending order. forces the chunks out and then, if requested, moves them to the lru end of the lru list. This routine ignores chunks in the listOfChunksAndPages that have undergone various state transitions such as being remapped. Essentially, it has three functions: It returns a list of the valid and dirty chunks so that the caller can write them out outside of the monitor and then possibly reorder them. If keep is TRUE: it returns a list of the writeInProgress and clean chunks so that the caller can possibly reorder them after it's waited for them to complete their writes. it reorders any valid and clean chunks that are still on the lru list. This ignores chunks that have undergone various state transitions such as being remapped. Essentially, it has two functions: It has a list of chunks that were written to be set to valid and possibly reordered. It has a list of chunks that were wIP and clean. It wants to wait for them to become valid and clean, at which point it will possibly reorder them. Updates File property storage to contain at least newSize pages. If there already was a chunk for the leader, it is updated to point to enough VM for the new size of the leader and the property pages for the file are copied into that VM. Called from unmap file, delete file, and setsize truncate. Wants to unmap chunks mapped to areas of the file that will no longer exist. None of those chunks should have useCounts > 0 except ones left around in ReadAhead, which we wait for. Some consistency checking is done. bug catchers: If unmap file or delete file, start at lowest chunk in file, including leader. If setsize truncate, start at chunk containing new eof. utility routines: xx needs work when sizes differ. xx needs work when sizes differ. chunks are presented in ascending or descending order. Sets pages clean before the writes and after the reads. sets the dirty pages to clean and does the write. The following must be done with the FilePageMgr lock for the file, since outside the monitor the pages returned by File.GetProperties may disappear. Have the rules been followed? copy the contents of the VM under the Chunk into the VM that File knows about fatal errors: main line code: sets than these on one request. The remainder of the request is ignored. waiting for a demon, we incarnate one or more. Hauser, March 8, 1985 10:24:52 am PST Added copyright Carl Hauser, July 12, 1985 10:05:47 am PDT changes to: FilePageMgrMainImpl add imports of FileTableImpl, Create catch errors from FileTableImpl and call debugger -- stop the system before further damage is done. Κ6ώ˜šœ™Icodešœ Οmœ1™<—šœ™Jšœ,™,Jšœ)™)J™(K™+—J˜JšΟk ˜ ˜˜JšžœD˜I—˜Jšžœ ˜—˜ Jšžœ ˜—˜Jšžœ˜—˜ Jšžœ˜—˜ Jšžœ˜—˜JšžœxžœC˜Β—˜JšžœA˜F—˜ šžœ>˜CJ˜ ——˜ Jšžœ>˜C—˜šžœ2˜7J˜+J˜AJ˜H——˜šžœ8˜=J˜——˜Jšžœ3˜8—šœ˜šžœ4˜9J˜6——˜ Jšžœ˜—˜Jšžœ˜Jšœžœ ˜—˜Jšžœ˜—˜ Jšžœ#˜(—šž˜šžœD˜IJ˜.J˜J˜———šΟnœžœž˜"Jšžœžœ˜6šžœžœi˜sJšœWž˜Y—Jšžœ6˜=Jšžœ˜#J˜J˜—šžœžœžœžœ-˜NJ˜7J˜—Jšœžœžœ˜+Jšœžœžœ˜J˜J˜Jšœžœžœ˜(Jšœžœžœ˜1J˜Jšœ žœžœ˜Jšœžœžœ˜!J˜Jšœ žœžœ˜1J˜J˜Jšœ*™*˜Jšœ™Jšœ™Jšœ™Jšœ™—J˜Jšœ:™:J˜J˜Jš œžœΟcœžœžœ˜CJš œ žœ œžœžœ˜0Jš œžœ œžœžœ˜2Jš œžœ œžœžœ˜7Jš œžœ œžœžœ˜;Jš œžœ œžœžœ˜4Jš œžœ œžœžœ˜=Jš œžœ œžœžœ˜;J˜J˜šœ žœžœžœ*˜WJ˜8—Jš œžœ œžœžœ˜GJ˜J˜Jšœžœžœ ˜'J˜Jšœ ž œ˜Jšœ ž œ˜J˜J˜š Ÿ œžœž œ žœžœ ˜KJšžœ˜$šžœ r˜xJ˜G—šžœ˜J˜——š Ÿ œžœž œ žœžœ ˜NJšžœ˜$šžœ r˜xJ˜DJ˜—šžœ˜J˜——š Ÿœžœžœž œ žœ žœ ˜UJ˜*šžœ H˜NJšœ³Ÿœ™ΰJšœY˜YJšœ,˜,Jšœ!˜!JšžœZ˜a—šžœ˜J˜——š Ÿœžœž œ žœžœ ˜JJšžœ˜$šžœ r˜xJ˜F—šžœ˜J˜J˜——š Ÿ œžœž œ žœžœ ˜MJšžœ˜$šžœ r˜xJ˜C—šžœ˜J˜J˜——š Ÿœžœž œ žœ žœ ˜OJ˜*šžœ H˜NJšœŸœ™&JšœX˜XJšœ,˜,Jšœ!˜!JšžœZ˜a—šžœ˜J˜J˜——JšœS™SJ˜š Ÿœžœž œ žœžœ ˜Ršžœ [˜aJ˜,—Jšžœ˜J˜J˜—šŸœžœž œ žœ˜GJšžœ ˜ šžœ [˜aJ˜)—šžœ˜J˜J˜——Jšœ4™4J˜šŸœžœž œ˜<šžœ !˜'Jšœ) ˜DJšœ/™/JšœBžœ ˜S—Jšžœ˜J˜J˜—šŸœžœž œ(˜JJšœžœ˜"šžœ !˜'J˜(JšœIžœ˜OJšœ žœžœ˜šžœžœ˜,šžœž˜ Jšžœ?˜AJšœžœ"˜@J˜ Jšžœ˜——J˜X—šžœ˜J˜J˜——šŸœžœž œ˜?šžœ !˜'Jšœ) ˜@šœIžœ˜OšžœH˜Jšžœž˜ J˜,J˜GJšžœ˜————Jšžœ˜J˜J˜—šŸ œžœž œ žœ˜;šžœ H˜NJšœ@žœ˜GJšœžœ˜Jšœžœžœ ˜&Jšœžœžœ˜(˜2J˜/—Jšžœžœžœ˜#J˜=˜HJ˜——Jšžœ˜—J˜šŸœžœž œ˜7šžœ !˜'Jšœ žœžœ˜Jšœ žœžœ˜"šž˜J˜Dšžœ ž˜šžœP˜RJšžœ˜—Jšœžœžœ ˜&˜LJ˜'—J˜=˜HJ˜——Jšžœ˜—Jšžœ˜—Jšžœ˜J˜J˜—šŸœžœž œ˜&šžœ <˜BJš Ÿœž œžœžœžœ˜—šžœ˜J˜J˜——Jšœy™yJ˜šŸ œžœž œ(˜FJ˜ šžœ !˜'šžœ>ž˜CJšžœžœ˜)—šžœžœžœ˜'Jšœžœ˜!J˜BJšžœ˜—Jšœžœ˜J˜>J˜—šžœ˜J˜J˜——šŸœžœž œ)˜KJšžœ"žœžœ žœ ˜XJšœžœžœ ˜Bšžœ !˜'Jšœžœ ˜%Jšœžœ ˜&šžœ˜šžœžœ˜ ˜FJ˜ J˜—Jšœ žœ˜J˜ J˜——Jšœžœ\˜wšœžœ+˜GJ˜—J˜§J˜2J˜GJ˜J˜EJšœCžœ,˜r—šžœ˜J˜J˜J˜——Jšœ9™9Jšœ™J˜šŸœž œ"˜FJšžœ˜#šžœ !˜'šž˜J˜ Jšœžœ ˜(Jšœžœ˜˜DJ˜)—šžœ (˜2šžœžœ˜ J˜šŸ œž œžœ ˜—˜=šœžœž˜Jšœžœ ˜Jšœžœ ˜Jšœžœ ˜Jšœžœ ˜ Jšžœ˜ ——J˜%Jšžœ˜ šž˜šœžœ˜*Jšœ žœ˜0—šœžœ˜0Jšœžœ˜)———šžœ˜J˜J˜——š Ÿ œžœž œ žœžœ ˜Pšžœ ˆ˜ŽJšœžœ˜Jšžœ žœžœ˜&šžœCžœ˜ZJšžœžœ˜——Jšžœ˜J˜—J™ρšŸœžœž œ'˜NJšžœ žœ žœ w˜Ÿšžœ !˜'J˜JšžœAžœžœ˜UJšœ;˜;J˜BJšžœžœžœ˜š žœ žœžœžœž˜˜B—Jšœ ™ ˜BJ˜—šžœ ž˜šžœž˜ šžœž˜Jšœžœž˜JšœHžœžœžœ˜Y—Jšžœ˜——Jšžœ˜——šžœ˜J˜J˜——Jšœ‡™‡J˜šŸœžœžœž œ˜HJšœžœ žœ žœ˜NJšœžœž˜'šžœ !˜'Jšœžœ ˜J˜%šžœžœžœ'˜FJšžœ˜—Jš žœ'žœžœžœžœžœ˜Ešžœ@˜BJš œ žœžœžœžœ #˜E—J˜=šžœ>ž˜CJšžœD˜H—Jšœ#žœžœ+˜V—šžœ˜J˜J˜——šŸœžœžœž œ(˜OJšœžœž˜1šžœ !˜'Jšœžœ ˜ šž˜J˜0šž˜šž˜šžœ?ž˜DJšžœžœ˜—š žœ!žœžœžœ žœžœ˜GJšžœžœžœ˜$—Jš žœ"žœžœžœ žœžœ˜IJšžœ˜—Jšžœ˜šžœžœžœž˜EJ˜!JšœOžœ˜UJšžœ˜—šžœžœžœžœ˜&Jšœ&žœ˜-J˜$J˜)Jšž˜—Jšžœ˜Jšžœžœ˜ Jšžœ˜—Jšœžœ˜JšžœIžœžœ˜Y—Jšžœ˜—šžœ˜J˜J˜——š Ÿ œžœž œ žœ žœžœ˜Wšžœ <˜BJšœžœ˜JšœLžœ˜TJšžœžœžœ˜#—Jšžœ˜J˜J˜—šŸœžœž œž˜JJšœ žœžœ :˜ašžœ !˜'šžœ#˜%Jšžœžœ2žœžœ˜H—Jšžœ˜#—šžœ˜J˜J˜——š Ÿœžœž œ žœ žœ˜CJšžœ ˜šžœ H˜NJšœžœ˜JšœGžœ˜OJšžœžœžœ˜#—šžœ˜J˜J˜——šŸœžœž œž˜KJšœ žœžœ F˜lšžœ !˜'šžœ#˜%Jšžœžœ2žœžœ˜H—Jšžœžœžœžœ˜9Jšžœ#˜)—šžœ˜J˜J˜——Jšœ™Jšœ  &˜Fšœ˜Jšœ˜J˜J˜—J•StartOfExpansion[]šœ" <˜^šœ˜J˜(˜Jšœžœ!žœ>˜oJšœžœW˜vJ˜—J˜—J˜šŸœž œ-˜LJšžœžœ"˜2šžœ !˜'šŸœž œžœ ˜Dšžœ !˜'Jšœ žœ ˜J˜!Jšœžœ˜J˜J˜(Jšœ žœžœ˜Jšœžœ˜Jšœžœ ˜Jšžœžœžœ˜/J˜>J˜šžœ5žœž˜EJ˜Jšœ žœ˜Jšž˜—šžœž˜ šžœžœž˜$šœžœ˜"Jšœ žœ˜Jšžœžœ˜4Jšžœ˜ Jšžœ˜—Jšžœ˜—Jšœ;˜;J˜+Jšžœ˜—šœžœ˜%JšœJ˜JJ˜J˜J˜J˜J˜J˜J˜Jšœ žœ%˜2—Jšžœ˜——J˜O—šžœ˜J˜J˜J˜——šŸœžœž œ(žœ˜PJšžœ˜šžœ >˜DJš œ žœ žœžœžœžœžœ˜Bšœ4žœ˜LJšœžœ/˜KJšœ ˜ Jš œžœžœžœ žœ˜E—š žœ žœžœžœž˜MJšœ6˜6Jšœžœ˜/Jšœ'˜'Jšœ0žœ˜Jšžœž œ ˜Jšžœž œ ˜——šžœ˜J˜J˜——šŸ$œžœž œ˜DJšœžœžœ3˜Yšžœ !˜'š žœžœžœ%žœžœ˜KJšœ˜—Jšžœ˜šžœ %˜>Jšžœž œ ˜Jšžœž œ ˜——šžœ˜J˜J˜——šŸ3œž˜=Jšž œ/žœžœ˜OJšœ*žœ˜4šžœ !˜'š žœžœžœ%žœžœ˜KJšœ˜šžœ žœžœžœ˜OJšžœ,˜0——Jšžœ˜šžœ %˜>Jšžœž œ ˜Jšžœž œ ˜——šžœ˜J˜J˜——šŸœžœž œžœ˜BJšœžœžœ˜4šžœ !˜'Jšžœžœžœ˜ ˜TJšœ (˜B—Jšœžœ˜—Jšžœ˜J˜—˜J˜—Jšœ ™ J˜Jšœ œžœžœ l˜’J˜J˜J˜Jšœ™J˜J˜J˜šœžœ 8˜TJšœ™Jšœ(™(—šœžœ .˜MJšœ.™.J˜J˜—Jšœžœžœ˜#J˜J˜J˜Jšžœ˜˜J˜J˜—J˜KJ˜2J˜™%K™—™*Kšœ Οrœ‘œ‘ œD™¨—K™—…—Ε¦΄