Copyright © 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Last edited by:
Taft on April 9, 1983 2:32 pm
Kolling on February 22, 1983 1:47 pm
Hauser, March 8, 1985 11:12:33 am PST
VolumeGroup: DEFINITIONS =
LockOption: TYPE = AlpineEnvironment.LockOption;
nullVolumeGroupID: VolumeGroupID = AlpineEnvironment.nullVolumeGroupID;
nullVolumeID: VolumeID = AlpineEnvironment.nullVolumeID;
PageCount: TYPE = AlpineEnvironment.PageCount;
VolOrVolGroupID: TYPE = AlpineEnvironment.VolOrVolGroupID;
VolumeGroupID: TYPE = AlpineEnvironment.VolumeGroupID;
VolumeID: TYPE = AlpineEnvironment.VolumeID;
Open: PROCEDURE [volumeGroupID: VolumeGroupID, volumes: LIST OF VolumeID, trans: TransactionMap.Handle];
! Failed {duplicate, empty}, Lock.Failed, Lock.TransAborting;
Makes a new VolumeGroup known to the system, consisting of the specified volumes. Locks the VolumeGroup in write mode.
Close: PROCEDURE [volumeGroupID: VolumeGroupID, trans: TransactionMap.Handle];
! Failed {unknownVolumeGroupID}, Lock.Failed, Lock.TransAborting;
Forgets the specified VolumeGroup, along with its associated volumes. Locks the VolumeGroup in write mode before doing so.
Identify: PROCEDURE [volID: VolOrVolGroupID, trans: TransactionMap.Handle ← TransactionMap.nullHandle, lock: LockOption ← [none, wait]] RETURNS [volumeID: VolumeID, volumeGroupID: VolumeGroupID];
! Failed {unknownVolOrVolGroupID}, Lock.Failed, Lock.TransAborting;
If volID is a VolumeID, returns volume=volID and volGroup=the volume group it belongs to. If volID is a VolumeGroupID, returns volume=nullVolumeID and volGroup=volID. If lock.mode#none, locks the volume group in the specified mode (in which case trans must not be nullTransHandle).
GetVolumes: PROCEDURE [volumeGroupID: VolumeGroupID, trans: TransactionMap.Handle ← TransactionMap.nullHandle, lock: LockOption ← [none, wait]] RETURNS [volumes: LIST OF VolumeID];
! Failed {unknownVolumeGroupID}, Lock.Failed, Lock.TransAborting;
Returns the volumes belonging to volumeGroupID. If lock.mode#none, locks the volume group in the specified mode (in which case trans must not be nullTransHandle).
GetNext: PROCEDURE [volumeGroupID: VolumeGroupID, trans: TransactionMap.Handle ← TransactionMap.nullHandle, lock: LockOption ← [none, wait]] RETURNS [nextVolumeGroup: VolumeGroupID];
! Failed {unknownVolumeGroupID}, Lock.Failed, Lock.TransAborting;
Enumerates the on-line volume groups. volumeGroupID=nullVolumeGroupID starts a new enumeration, and nextVolumeGroup=nullVolumeGroupID is returned when the enumeration is exhausted. If lock.mode#none, locks nextVolumeGroup in the specified mode (in which case trans must not be nullTransHandle).
SelectVolumeForCreate: PROCEDURE [volumeGroupID: VolumeGroupID, count: PageCount] RETURNS [volumeID: VolumeID];
! Failed {insufficientSpace, unknownVolumeGroupID};
Selects and returns a volume in volGroup for creating a file whose initial size is count. Note: the space is not reserved, so there is no guarantee that the Create will succeed.
Lock: PROCEDURE [volumeGroupID: VolumeGroupID, trans: TransactionMap.Handle, lock: LockOption ← [read, wait]];
! Error {unknownVolumeGroupID}, Lock.Failed, Lock.TransAborting;
Locks volGroup for transaction trans as specified by lock. By convention, a read lock is set to ensure that a volume group will persist for the remainder of the transaction; a write lock is set to gain exclusive access to the volume group, for purposes such as taking the volume group offline. Update locks are not used.
Failed: ERROR [why: Failure];
Failure: TYPE = {duplicateVol, duplicateVolGroup, empty, insufficientSpace, nullVolGroupID, unknownVolOrVolGroupID, unknownVolumeGroupID};
Hauser, March 8, 1985 11:12:33 am PST
Added copyright., DIRECTORY