<> <> DIRECTORY AlpineEnvironment USING [UniversalFile], AlpineLog USING [RecordID], AlpTransaction USING [Handle], BackupLog USING [nullRecordID, RecordID], BasicTime USING [GMT], BTree USING [Relation], Rope USING [ROPE]; BackupBTree: CEDAR DEFINITIONS ~ BEGIN Reason: TYPE = {transactionFailure, lockFailure, damagedBTree}; < client should re-open the BackupBTree and start processing from the positions returned by GetPositionInfo>> < client programming error: no other transactions should be manipulating the file containing the BackupBTree.>> < BTree package detected an error in the state of the btree. If you're lucky, aborting the transaction will fix it. If not, well ...>> <<>> Error: ERROR[why: Reason]; OpenForNormalOperation: PROC [trans: AlpTransaction.Handle, btreeFile: AlpineEnvironment.UniversalFile, initialize: BOOL _ FALSE]; <> <<>> Commit: PROC []; <> <<>> OpenForRecovery: PROC []; <> <<>> SetFileInfo: PROC [universalFile: AlpineEnvironment.UniversalFile, baseRecord, lastIncrementRecord: BackupLog.RecordID _ BackupLog.nullRecordID, name: Rope.ROPE]; <> <