DIRECTORY AlpDirectory, AlpFile, AlpineDirectory, AlpineEnvironment, AlpineFS, AlpineFTP, AlpInstance, AlpTransaction, BasicTime, Convert, FS, FTP, IO, PrincOpsUtils USING [ByteBlt], Process, Pup USING [Address, Socket, nullSocket], PupWKS USING [ftp], RefText USING [ObtainScratch, ReleaseScratch], RPC USING [CallFailed, MakeKey], Rope USING [Cat, Concat, Fetch, Find, InlineFetch, InlineLength, Size, Substr], RuntimeError, VM; AlpineFTPImpl: CEDAR MONITOR -- the monitor's only purposes are to serialize StreamBuffer allocation, and the creation and destruction of listeners IMPORTS AlpDirectory, AlpineFS, AlpInstance, AlpFile, AlpTransaction, BasicTime, Convert, FS, FTP, IO, PrincOpsUtils, Process, RefText, Rope, RPC, RuntimeError, VM EXPORTS AlpineFTP = BEGIN OPEN AlpineFTP; maxConnections: CARDINAL _ 50; -- limit on number of simultaneous connections maxTimePerTransaction: INT _ 20; -- (seconds) limit on duration of transactions used for directory enumeration maxOperationsPerTransaction: INT _ 100; -- limit on number of files enumerated per transaction defaultFileSize: AlpFile.PageCount _ 25; -- initial size for CreateFile when the file's size is not specified by the client streamBufferSize: AlpFile.PageCount _ 10; -- (pages) quantum of data transfer VersionRope: ROPE _ "Version 1.0 - April 24, 1985"; listener: FTP.Listener _ NIL; serverProcs: FTP.ServerProcs _ NIL; volumeGroup, versionHerald: ROPE; streamBufferList: StreamBuffer _ NIL; CreateListener: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC [volumeGroupName: ROPE, socket: Pup.Socket _ Pup.nullSocket] = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; IF listener # NIL THEN RETURN; IF socket = Pup.nullSocket THEN socket _ PupWKS.ftp; volumeGroup _ volumeGroupName; versionHerald _ IO.PutFR["%g Alpine FTP Server %g", [rope[volumeGroupName]], [rope[VersionRope]]]; listener _ FTP.CreateListener[socket: socket, procs: serverProcs, accept: AcceptConnection, timeoutSeconds: 127, fileInfo: AlpineFileInfo, fileInfoProcesses: 4]; }; DestroyListener: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC= { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; IF listener # NIL THEN { listener.DestroyListener[]; listener _ NIL; }; }; Delete: FTP.ServerDeleteProc --[h: Handle, confirm: ConfirmProc, complete: ServerCompleteProc]-- = { code: FTP.FailureCode _ unspecified; text: ROPE; PerFile: PROC [instance: Instance] = { IF confirm[h] THEN { name: ROPE ; name _ NormalizeFileName[h, local]; [] _ AlpDirectory.DeleteFile[name: name, transHandle: instance.alpTrans ! AlpDirectory.Error => {[code, text] _ TranslateDirectoryError[type]; GOTO deleteFailed}]; IF ~FinishTransaction[h] THEN SIGNAL h.Failed[transientError, "Alpine transaction aborted"]; EXITS deleteFailed => { [] _ FinishTransaction[h, FALSE]; SIGNAL h.Failed[code, text, TRUE]; }; -- this will be resumed }; [] _ complete[h]; }; -- PerFile DoFiles[h, PerFile, AlpineDirectory.lowest]; }; Enumerate: FTP.ServerEnumerateProc --[h: Handle, noteFile: PROC [h: Handle]]-- = BEGIN PerFile: PROC [instance: Instance] = { noteFile[h]; }; DoFiles[h, PerFile, AlpineDirectory.all]; END; Rename: FTP.ServerRenameProc --[h: Handle]-- = { instance: Instance = GetInstance[h]; oldName: ROPE _ NormalizeFileName[h, remote]; newName: ROPE _ NormalizeFileName[h, local]; trans: AlpTransaction.Handle _ GetTransaction[h]; code: FTP.FailureCode _ unspecified; text: ROPE; { [] _ AlpDirectory.Rename[old: oldName, new: newName, transHandle: trans ! AlpDirectory.Error => {[code, text] _ TranslateDirectoryError[type]; GOTO failed}]; IF ~FinishTransaction[h] THEN ERROR h.Failed[transientError, "Alpine transaction aborted"]; EXITS failed => {[] _ FinishTransaction[h, FALSE]; ERROR h.Failed[code, text]}; }; }; Retrieve: FTP.ServerRetrieveProc --[h: Handle, confirm: ConfirmTransferProc, complete: ServerCompleteProc]-- = { code: FTP.FailureCode _ unspecified; text: ROPE; PerFile: PROC [instance: Instance] = { buffer: REF TEXT _ NIL; bufferSize: INT; stream: IO.STREAM _ confirm[h]; IF stream # NIL THEN { { PutToPupStream: ReadFileProc --[block: IO.UnsafeBlock] RETURNS [continue: BOOLEAN _ TRUE]-- = { IF buffer = NIL THEN { buffer _ RefText.ObtainScratch[block.count]; bufferSize _ block.count; }; IF bufferSize < block.count THEN { RefText.ReleaseScratch[buffer]; buffer _ RefText.ObtainScratch[block.count]; bufferSize _ block.count; }; TRUSTED { [] _ PrincOpsUtils.ByteBlt[ to: [blockPointer: LOOPHOLE[buffer, LONG POINTER]+TEXT[0].SIZE, startIndex: 0, stopIndexPlusOne: block.count], from: [blockPointer: block.base, startIndex: block.startIndex, stopIndexPlusOne: block.startIndex + block.count]]; }; buffer.length _ block.count; stream.PutBlock[buffer, 0 , block.count ]; }; IF instance.alpFile = NIL THEN { name: ROPE; name _ NormalizeFileName[h, local]; instance.openFile _ AlpineFS.Open[name: name, lock: [read, fail], options: [updateCreateTime: FALSE, referencePattern: sequential, recoveryOption: log, finishTransOnClose: FALSE], transHandle: instance.alpTrans ! AlpDirectory.Error => {[code, text] _ TranslateDirectoryError[type]; GOTO transferFailed}; ]; instance.alpFile _ AlpineFS.GetAlpFileHandle[instance.openFile]; }; ReadFile[instance, PutToPupStream ! AlpFile.LockFailed => {[code, text] _ TranslateLockFailure[why]; GOTO transferFailed}; AlpFile.OperationFailed => {[code, text] _ TranslateOperationFailure[why]; GOTO transferFailed}; AlpFile.Unknown => {[code, text] _ TranslateUnknownError[what]; GOTO transferFailed}; AlpFile.AccessFailed => {[code, text] _ TranslateAccessFailed[missingAccess]; GOTO transferFailed}; FS.Error => {[code, text] _ TranslateFSError[error]; GOTO transferFailed}; ]; IF buffer # NIL THEN RefText.ReleaseScratch[buffer]; EXITS transferFailed => SIGNAL h.Failed[code, text, TRUE]; -- this will be resumed }; [] _ complete[h]; }; }; -- PerFile DoFiles[h, PerFile, AlpineDirectory.highest]; }; Store: FTP.ServerStoreProc --[h: Handle, confirm: ConfirmTransferProc, complete: ServerCompleteProc]-- = BEGIN instance: Instance = GetInstance[h]; name: ROPE _ NormalizeFileName[h]; trans: AlpTransaction.Handle _ GetTransaction[h]; code: FTP.FailureCode _ unspecified; text: ROPE; stream: IO.STREAM; createTime: BasicTime.GMT; initialSize: AlpFile.PageCount; BEGIN ENABLE { UNWIND => [] _ FinishTransaction[h, FALSE]; AlpDirectory.Error => {[code, text] _ TranslateDirectoryError[type]; GOTO commandFailed}; AlpFile.LockFailed => {[code, text] _ TranslateLockFailure[why]; GOTO commandFailed}; AlpFile.Unknown => {[code, text] _ TranslateUnknownError[what]; GOTO commandFailed}; AlpFile.AccessFailed => {[code, text] _ TranslateAccessFailed[missingAccess]; GOTO commandFailed}; }; IF h.GetEnumeratedProperty[type].type = unknown THEN ERROR h.Failed[inconsistent, "Type property required and not present"]; instance.alpFile _ NIL; -- should be NIL already instance.openFile _ FS.nullOpenFile; initialSize _ PagesForBytes[h.GetNumberProperty[size]]; IF initialSize=0 THEN initialSize _ defaultFileSize; [openFileID: instance.alpFile, fullPathName: name] _ AlpDirectory.CreateFile[name: name, initialSize: initialSize, transHandle: trans ! AlpDirectory.Error => IF type = fileAlreadyExists THEN CONTINUE]; IF instance.alpFile=NIL THEN -- file already exists, prepare to overwrite [openFileID: instance.alpFile, fullPathName: name] _ AlpDirectory.OpenFile[name: name, access: readWrite, lock: [write, fail], transHandle: trans]; IF (createTime _ h.GetDateProperty[createDate]) # BasicTime.nullGMT THEN instance.alpFile.WriteProperties[LIST[[createTime[createTime]]]]; h.SetEnumeratedProperty[type, [type[h.GetEnumeratedProperty[type].type]]]; FillPropertyList[h, name]; stream _ confirm[h]; IF stream#NIL THEN BEGIN GetFromPupStream: WriteFileProc --[block: IO.UnsafeBlock] RETURNS [bytes: AlpFile.ByteCount]-- = TRUSTED {RETURN[stream.UnsafeGetBlock[block]]}; WriteFile[instance.alpFile, GetFromPupStream ! AlpFile.OperationFailed => {[code, text] _ TranslateOperationFailure[why]; GOTO transferFailed}; AlpFile.LockFailed => {[code, text] _ TranslateLockFailure[why]; GOTO transferFailed}; AlpFile.Unknown => {[code, text] _ TranslateUnknownError[what]; GOTO transferFailed}; AlpFile.AccessFailed => {[code, text] _ TranslateAccessFailed[missingAccess]; GOTO transferFailed}; ]; IF complete[h] AND ~FinishTransaction[h] THEN SIGNAL h.Failed[transientError, "Alpine transaction aborted"]; EXITS transferFailed => { [] _ FinishTransaction[h, FALSE]; SIGNAL h.Failed[code, text, TRUE]; -- this will be resumed [] _ complete[h]}; END; [] _ FinishTransaction[h, FALSE]; -- abort the transaction if not finished by now EXITS commandFailed => -- note that this is not in the scope of the UNWIND {[] _ FinishTransaction[h, FALSE]; ERROR h.Failed[code, text]}; END; END; Version: FTP.ServerVersionProc--[h: FTP.Handle, remoteHerald: ROPE] RETURNS [localHerald: ROPE]-- = BEGIN RETURN [versionHerald]; END; CheckCredentials: FTP.CheckCredentialsProc --[h: FTP.Handle]-- = { name: ROPE = h.GetTextProperty[userName]; password: ROPE = h.GetTextProperty[userPassword]; code: FTP.FailureCode _ unspecified; text: ROPE; { alpInstance: AlpInstance.Handle = AlpInstance.Create[fileStore: volumeGroup, caller: name, key: RPC.MakeKey[password] ! AlpInstance.Failed => {[code, text] _ TranslateAlpInstanceFailure[why]; GOTO failed}]; instance: Instance = NEW [InstanceRecord _ [alpInstance: alpInstance]]; h.SetClientData[instance]; EXITS failed => ERROR h.Failed[code, text]; }; }; AcceptConnection: FTP.AcceptProc --[requestor: PupStream.PupAddress, connections: CARDINAL] RETURNS [accept: BOOLEAN, reason: ROPE _ NIL]-- = BEGIN RETURN [accept: connections [] _ FinishTransaction[h, FALSE]; trans: AlpTransaction.Handle _ GetTransaction[h]; [fullPathName: name, file: universalFile] _ AlpDirectory.Enumerate[pattern: pattern, previousFile: name, defaultVersion: defaultVersion, transHandle: trans ! AlpDirectory.Error => { SELECT type FROM transAborted => { retriesLeft _ retriesLeft - 1; [] _ FinishTransaction[h]; IF retriesLeft >= 0 THEN LOOP; -- start a new transaction and try again }; fileNotFound => IF ~firstTime THEN EXIT; -- end of enumeration ENDCASE; [code, text] _ TranslateDirectoryError[type]; GOTO commandFailed}]; IF universalFile = AlpineEnvironment.nullUniversalFile THEN EXIT; IF Rope.Find[name, "$$$.btree"] < 0 THEN { FillPropertyList[h, name ! FTP.Failed => IF ~firstTime THEN CONTINUE]; firstTime _ FALSE; proc[instance]; }; IF instance.alpFile#NIL THEN { instance.alpFile.Close[ ! AlpFile.Unknown => CONTINUE ]; instance.alpFile _ NIL; instance.openFile _ FS.nullOpenFile; }; REPEAT commandFailed => { [] _ FinishTransaction[h, FALSE]; ERROR h.Failed[code, text]; } ENDLOOP; [] _ FinishTransaction[h]; END; NormalizeFileName: PROC [h: FTP.Handle, list: FTP.LocalOrRemote _ remote] RETURNS [name: ROPE] = BEGIN version: ROPE; name _ h.GetTextProperty[serverFileName, list]; IF name=NIL THEN name _ h.GetTextProperty[nameBody, list]; IF name.Size[]=0 OR name.Fetch[0]#'< THEN BEGIN directory: ROPE _ h.GetTextProperty[directory, list]; size: INT; IF directory=NIL THEN BEGIN directory _ h.GetTextProperty[connectName, remote]; IF directory=NIL THEN directory _ h.GetTextProperty[userName, remote]; END; size _ directory.Size[]; name _ (IF size#0 AND directory.Fetch[0]='< AND directory.Fetch[size-1]='> THEN Rope.Concat[directory, name] ELSE Rope.Cat["<", directory, ">", name]); END; IF (version _ h.GetTextProperty[version, list])#NIL THEN FOR i: INT DECREASING IN [[]) DO SELECT name.Fetch[i] FROM '! => EXIT; '> => GOTO applyVersion; NOT IN ['0..'9] => IF i < name.Size[]-1 THEN GOTO applyVersion; ENDCASE; REPEAT applyVersion => name _ Rope.Cat[name, "!", version]; FINISHED => name _ Rope.Cat[name, "!", version]; ENDLOOP; name _ Rope.Cat["[", volumeGroup, "]", name]; END; FillPropertyList: PROC [h: FTP.Handle, name: ROPE] = BEGIN instance: Instance = GetInstance[h]; code: FTP.FailureCode _ unspecified; text: ROPE; desiredProperties: FTP.PropertySet _ h.GetDesiredProperties[].props; IF desiredProperties=ALL[FALSE] THEN desiredProperties _ ALL[TRUE]; IF h.GetEnumeratedProperty[type].type # unknown THEN desiredProperties[type] _ FALSE; IF desiredProperties[directory] OR desiredProperties[nameBody] OR desiredProperties[serverFileName] OR desiredProperties[version] THEN BEGIN posDir, posBody, posVer: INT _ 0; sizeName: INT _ name.Size[]; FOR i: INT IN [0..sizeName) DO SELECT name.Fetch[i] FROM '< => IF posDir=0 THEN posDir _ i; '> => posBody _ i; '! => posVer _ i; ENDCASE; ENDLOOP; IF desiredProperties[directory] THEN h.SetTextProperty[directory, name.Substr[start: posDir+1, len: posBody-posDir-1]]; IF desiredProperties[nameBody] THEN h.SetTextProperty[nameBody, name.Substr[start: posBody+1, len: posVer-posBody-1]]; IF desiredProperties[serverFileName] THEN h.SetTextProperty[serverFileName, name.Substr[start: posDir, len: sizeName-posDir]]; IF desiredProperties[version] THEN h.SetTextProperty[version, name.Substr[start: posVer+1, len: sizeName-posVer-1]]; END; IF desiredProperties[createDate] OR desiredProperties[size] OR desiredProperties[type] THEN BEGIN ENABLE { AlpDirectory.Error => {[code, text] _ TranslateDirectoryError[type]; GOTO failed}; AlpFile.LockFailed => {[code, text] _ TranslateLockFailure[why]; GOTO failed}; AlpFile.Unknown => {[code, text] _ TranslateUnknownError[what]; GOTO failed}; AlpFile.AccessFailed => {[code, text] _ TranslateAccessFailed[missingAccess]; GOTO failed}; FS.Error => {[code, text] _ TranslateFSError[error]; GOTO failed}; }; IF instance.alpFile=NIL THEN { instance.openFile _ AlpineFS.Open[name: name, lock: [read, fail], options: [updateCreateTime: FALSE, referencePattern: sequential, recoveryOption: log, finishTransOnClose: FALSE], transHandle: instance.alpTrans ]; instance.alpFile _ AlpineFS.GetAlpFileHandle[instance.openFile]; }; IF desiredProperties[createDate] THEN { h.SetDateProperty[createDate, NARROW[instance.alpFile.ReadProperties[[createTime: TRUE]].first, AlpFile.PropertyValuePair.createTime].createTime]; }; IF desiredProperties[size] THEN h.SetNumberProperty[size, NARROW[instance.alpFile.ReadProperties[[byteLength: TRUE]].first, AlpFile.PropertyValuePair.byteLength].byteLength]; IF desiredProperties[type] THEN h.SetEnumeratedProperty[type, [type[DetermineFileType[instance]]]]; EXITS failed => ERROR h.Failed[code, text]; END; END; DetermineFileType: PROC [instance: Instance] RETURNS [type: FTP.Type] = BEGIN FileTypeProc: ReadFileProc --[block: IO.UnsafeBlock] RETURNS [continue: BOOLEAN _ TRUE]-- = {RETURN [(type _ FTP.DataType[block]) = text]}; type _ text; ReadFile[instance, FileTypeProc]; END; ReadFileProc: TYPE = PROC [block: IO.UnsafeBlock] RETURNS [continue: BOOLEAN _ TRUE]; ReadFile: PROC [instance: Instance, proc: ReadFileProc] = BEGIN file: AlpFile.Handle = instance.alpFile; openFile: FS.OpenFile = instance.openFile; stream: IO.STREAM; bytesRemaining: AlpineEnvironment.ByteCount _ NARROW[file.ReadProperties[[byteLength: TRUE]].first, AlpFile.PropertyValuePair.byteLength].byteLength; buffer: StreamBuffer = AllocateStreamBuffer[]; stream _ AlpineFS.StreamFromOpenFile[openFile: openFile, initialPosition: start, streamOptions: [tiogaRead: FALSE, closeFSOpenFileOnClose: FALSE, finishTransOnClose: FALSE], streamBufferParms: [4, 2] ]; WHILE bytesRemaining>0 DO ENABLE UNWIND => ReleaseStreamBuffer[buffer]; nbytesRead: INT; bytes: AlpineEnvironment.ByteCount _ MIN[bytesRemaining, buffer.pages*AlpineEnvironment.bytesPerPage]; TRUSTED {nbytesRead _ stream.UnsafeGetBlock[[base: buffer.buffer, startIndex: 0, count: bytes]]; }; IF ~proc[[base: LOOPHOLE[buffer.buffer], startIndex: 0, count: bytes]] THEN EXIT; bytesRemaining _ bytesRemaining-bytes; ENDLOOP; ReleaseStreamBuffer[buffer]; END; WriteFileProc: TYPE = PROC [block: IO.UnsafeBlock] RETURNS [bytes: AlpineEnvironment.ByteCount]; WriteFile: PROC [file: AlpFile.Handle, proc: WriteFileProc] = BEGIN bytesWritten: AlpineEnvironment.ByteCount _ 0; currentPage: AlpineEnvironment.PageNumber _ 0; eofPage: AlpFile.PageCount _ file.GetSize[]; pageAdjustQuantum: AlpFile.PageCount = MAX[10, MIN[100, eofPage/4]]; -- extend file in units of 25% of its original size, bounded by [10..100] pages buffer: StreamBuffer = AllocateStreamBuffer[]; DO ENABLE UNWIND => ReleaseStreamBuffer[buffer]; bytes: AlpineEnvironment.ByteCount _ proc[[base: LOOPHOLE[buffer.buffer], startIndex: 0, count: buffer.pages*AlpineEnvironment.bytesPerPage]]; pages: AlpFile.PageCount; IF bytes=0 THEN EXIT; pages _ PagesForBytes[bytes]; IF currentPage+pages > eofPage THEN file.SetSize[(eofPage _ currentPage+MAX[pages, pageAdjustQuantum])]; TRUSTED {file.WritePages[pageRun: [firstPage: currentPage, count: pages], pageBuffer: DESCRIPTOR[buffer.buffer, pages*AlpineEnvironment.wordsPerPage]]; }; bytesWritten _ bytesWritten+bytes; currentPage _ currentPage+pages; IF bytes < buffer.pages*AlpineEnvironment.bytesPerPage THEN EXIT; ENDLOOP; ReleaseStreamBuffer[buffer]; IF currentPage+pageAdjustQuantum < eofPage THEN file.SetSize[currentPage]; file.WriteProperties[LIST[[byteLength[bytesWritten]]]]; END; GetTransaction: PROC [h: FTP.Handle] RETURNS [trans: AlpTransaction.Handle] = BEGIN instance: Instance = GetInstance[h]; IF instance.alpTrans#NIL THEN { IF (BasicTime.Period[from: instance.transStarted, to: BasicTime.Now[]] > maxTimePerTransaction OR instance.operationCount > maxOperationsPerTransaction) THEN [] _ FinishTransaction[h] ELSE RETURN[instance.alpTrans]; }; trans _ instance.alpTrans _ AlpTransaction.Create[instance.alpInstance ! AlpTransaction.OperationFailed => GOTO failed]; instance.transStarted _ BasicTime.Now[]; instance.operationCount _ 0; EXITS failed => ERROR h.Failed[transientError, "Alpine server is too busy to start another transaction"]; END; FinishTransaction: PROC [h: FTP.Handle, commit: BOOLEAN _ TRUE] RETURNS [committed: BOOLEAN _ FALSE] = BEGIN instance: Instance = GetInstance[h]; IF instance.alpTrans#NIL THEN committed _ instance.alpTrans.Finish[IF commit THEN commit ELSE abort ! RPC.CallFailed => CONTINUE].outcome = commit; instance.alpTrans _ NIL; instance.alpFile _ NIL; instance.openFile _ FS.nullOpenFile; END; PagesForBytes: PROC [bytes: AlpineEnvironment.ByteCount] RETURNS [pages: AlpineEnvironment.PageCount] = INLINE {RETURN [(bytes+AlpineEnvironment.bytesPerPage-1)/AlpineEnvironment.bytesPerPage]}; TranslateAlpInstanceFailure: PROC [why: AlpInstance.Failure] RETURNS [code: FTP.FailureCode _ unspecified, text: ROPE] = BEGIN c: CARDINAL = LOOPHOLE[why]; RETURN (SELECT why FROM authenticateFailed => [illegalUserName, "User-name or password incorrect"], alpineDownOrCommunications, alpineDown, grapevineDownOrCommunications => [transientError, "Cannot access Alpine server"], ENDCASE => [unspecified, IO.PutFR["Unexplained AlpInstance.Failed[%g]", [cardinal[c]]]]); END; TranslateDirectoryError: PROC [why: AlpineDirectory.ErrorType] RETURNS [code: FTP.FailureCode _ unspecified, text: ROPE] = { c: CARDINAL = LOOPHOLE[why]; RETURN (SELECT why FROM damaged => [fileDataError, "Can't open: file leader page damaged"], fileAlreadyExists => [renameDestinationExists, "Destination file already exists"], fileNotFound => [fileNotFound, "No such file exists"], illegalFileName => [illegalServerFileName, "Illegal file name"], insufficientPermission => [accessDenied, "File is protected; access denied"], lockFailed => [fileBusy, "File is busy: already open in conflicting way by some other client"], ownerNotFound => [fileNotFound, "No such file exists"], quota => [tooLong, "Page allocation exceeded (or disk full)"], regServersUnavailable => [accessDenied, "Access check failed due to Grapevine unavailability"], remoteCallFailed => [transientError, "Communication breakdown with Alpine server"], transAborted => [transientError, "Alpine transaction aborted unexpectedly"], ENDCASE => [unspecified, IO.PutFR["Unexplained AlpDirectory.Error[%g]", [cardinal[c]]]]); }; TranslateLockFailure: PROC [why: AlpineEnvironment.LockFailure] RETURNS [code: FTP.FailureCode _ unspecified, text: ROPE] = BEGIN RETURN [fileBusy, "File is busy: already open in conflicting way by some other client"]; END; TranslateAccessFailed: PROC [missingAccess: AlpineEnvironment.NeededAccess] RETURNS [code: FTP.FailureCode _ unspecified, text: ROPE] = BEGIN code _ accessDenied; text _ SELECT missingAccess FROM alpineWheel => "alpineWheel access needed", fileModify => "file modify access needed", fileRead => "file read access needed", handleReadWrite => "handleReadWrite access needed", ownerCreate => "owner create access needed", ownerEntry => "ownerEntry access needed", spaceQuota => "spaceQuota access needed (exceeded quota)", ENDCASE => "Unexplained AlpFile.AccessFailed Error"; END; TranslateOperationFailure: PROC [why: AlpineEnvironment.OperationFailure] RETURNS [code: FTP.FailureCode _ unspecified, text: ROPE] = { c: CARDINAL = LOOPHOLE[why]; RETURN ( SELECT why FROM busy => [transientError, "Alpine server is too busy to start another transaction"], damagedLeaderPage => [fileDataError, "Can't open: file leader page damaged"], insufficientSpace => [tooLong, "File system is full"], quotaExceeded => [tooLong, "Page allocation exceeded"], regServersUnavailable => [accessDenied, "Access check failed due to Grapevine unavailability"], ENDCASE => [unspecified, IO.PutFR["Unexplained OperationFailed[%g]", [cardinal[c]]]]); }; TranslateUnknownError: PROC [what: AlpineEnvironment.UnknownType] RETURNS [code: FTP.FailureCode _ unspecified, text: ROPE] = BEGIN c: CARDINAL = LOOPHOLE[what]; RETURN (SELECT what FROM openFileID, transID => [transientError, "Alpine transaction aborted unexpectedly"], ENDCASE => [unspecified, IO.PutFR["Unexplained AlpFile.Unknown[%g]", [cardinal[c]]]]); END; TranslateFSError: PROC [error: FS.ErrorDesc] RETURNS [code: FTP.FailureCode _ unspecified, text: ROPE] = { RETURN ( SELECT error.code FROM $lockConflict, $timeout => [fileBusy, "File is busy: already open in conflicting way by some other client"], $transAborted => [transientError, "Alpine transaction aborted unexpectedly"], $serverInaccessible => [unspecified, "Server cannot communicate with transaction coordinator"], $ownerNotFound => [unspecified, "No such owner exists on the server"], $inexplicableError => [unspecified, "Inexplicable error on the server"], $wrongLock => [accessDenied, "handleReadWrite access needed"], $quotaExceeded => [accessDenied, "spaceQuota access needed (exceeded quota)"], $accessDenied => [accessDenied, "Insufficient permission to perform requested operation"], ENDCASE => [unspecified, IO.PutFR["Unexplained OperationFailed"]]); }; StreamBuffer: TYPE = REF StreamBufferObject; StreamBufferObject: TYPE = RECORD [ pages: AlpFile.PageCount, buffer: LONG POINTER, next: StreamBuffer _ NIL]; AllocateStreamBuffer: ENTRY PROC RETURNS [buffer: StreamBuffer] = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; IF (buffer _ streamBufferList)#NIL THEN streamBufferList _ ELSE buffer _ NEW [StreamBufferObject _ [pages: streamBufferSize, buffer: VM.AddressForPageNumber[VM.Allocate[streamBufferSize].page]]]; }; ReleaseStreamBuffer: ENTRY PROC [buffer: StreamBuffer] = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; _ streamBufferList; streamBufferList _ buffer; }; AlpineFileInfoInstance: AlpInstance.Handle _ NIL; transCacheRec: TYPE = RECORD [ trans: AlpTransaction.Handle _ NIL, ops: INT _ 0, lastUse: BasicTime.GMT, pupAddress: Pup.Address ]; SavedTrans: LIST OF transCacheRec _ NIL; BasicTimeNow: BasicTime.GMT; AlpineFileInfo: FTP.FileInfoProc = { instance: AlpInstance.Handle; trans: AlpTransaction.Handle; transRec: transCacheRec; firstTime: BOOL _ TRUE; IF (instance _ AlpineFileInfoInstance) = NIL THEN { BindInstance[]; IF (instance _ AlpineFileInfoInstance) = NIL THEN RETURN [FALSE, FALSE, 0, BasicTime.nullGMT, 0]}; { FOR tries: INT IN [1..5] DO ENABLE UNWIND => IF trans # NIL THEN [] _ trans.Finish[abort ! RPC.CallFailed => CONTINUE]; longFileName: ROPE; canonicalFileName: ROPE; file: AlpFile.Handle; fileID: AlpFile.FileID; posVer: INT _ 0; sizeName: INT; universalFile: AlpineEnvironment.UniversalFile; properties: LIST OF AlpineEnvironment.PropertyValuePair ; transRec _ getTrans[instance, pupAddress, firstTime ! AlpTransaction.OperationFailed => GOTO commandFailed]; trans _ transRec.trans; firstTime _ FALSE; longFileName _ Rope.Cat["[", volumeGroup, "]", fileName]; [fullPathName: canonicalFileName, file: universalFile] _ AlpDirectory.Lookup[fileName: longFileName, transHandle: trans ! AlpInstance.Unknown => LOOP; -- start a new transaction and try again RPC.CallFailed => GOTO commandFailed; AlpDirectory.Error => { SELECT type FROM transAborted => { IF trans # NIL THEN [] _ trans.Finish[abort ! RPC.CallFailed => CONTINUE]; LOOP; -- start a new transaction and try again }; illegalFileName, illegalPattern, entryNotFound, serverNotFound, ownerNotFound, fileNotFound, insufficientPermission => GOTO fileNotFound; ENDCASE; GOTO commandFailed; }; ]; sizeName _ canonicalFileName.InlineLength[]; FOR i: INT IN [0..sizeName) DO IF canonicalFileName.InlineFetch[i] = '! THEN {posVer _ i; EXIT}; ENDLOOP; IF posVer > 0 THEN { version _ Convert.CardFromRope[r: canonicalFileName.Substr[start: posVer+1, len: sizeName-posVer-1 ! RuntimeError.BoundsFault => CONTINUE] ! Convert.Error => CONTINUE]; }; IF universalFile = AlpineEnvironment.nullUniversalFile THEN { [] _ trans.Finish[abort ! RPC.CallFailed => CONTINUE]; RETURN [FALSE, TRUE, 0, BasicTime.nullGMT, 0]; -- file not found }; [file, fileID] _ AlpFile.Open[transHandle: trans, universalFile: universalFile, lock: [intendRead, fail] ! AlpInstance.Unknown => LOOP; -- start a new transaction and try again RPC.CallFailed, AlpInstance.LockFailed => GOTO commandFailed; AlpInstance.AccessFailed => GOTO fileNotFound; ]; properties _ AlpFile.ReadProperties[handle: file, desiredProperties: AlpFile.allProperties, lock: [read, fail] ! AlpInstance.Unknown => LOOP; -- start a new transaction and try again RPC.CallFailed, AlpInstance.LockFailed => GOTO commandFailed; AlpInstance.AccessFailed => GOTO fileNotFound; ]; UNTIL properties = NIL DO property: AlpineEnvironment.PropertyValuePair _ properties.first ; properties _; SELECT FROM byteLength => { byteLength: INT _ NARROW[property, AlpineEnvironment.PropertyValuePair.byteLength].byteLength; bytes _ byteLength; }; createTime => { createTime: BasicTime.GMT _ NARROW[property, AlpineEnvironment.PropertyValuePair.createTime].createTime; create _ createTime; }; ENDCASE; ENDLOOP; putTrans[transRec, pupAddress]; RETURN [TRUE, TRUE, version, create, bytes]; ENDLOOP; [] _ trans.Finish[abort ! RPC.CallFailed => CONTINUE]; RETURN [FALSE, FALSE, 0, BasicTime.nullGMT, 0]; -- fail if can't do it in 5 tries EXITS commandFailed => { IF trans # NIL THEN [] _ trans.Finish[abort ! RPC.CallFailed => CONTINUE]; RETURN [FALSE, FALSE, 0, BasicTime.nullGMT, 0]; }; fileNotFound => { IF trans # NIL THEN [] _ trans.Finish[abort ! RPC.CallFailed => CONTINUE]; RETURN [FALSE, TRUE, 0, BasicTime.nullGMT, 0]; }; }; }; getTrans: ENTRY PROC [instance: AlpInstance.Handle, pupAddress: Pup.Address, firstTime: BOOL] RETURNS [transRec: transCacheRec] = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; IF SavedTrans = NIL OR ~firstTime THEN RETURN[[AlpTransaction.Create[instance], 0, BasicTimeNow, pupAddress]] ELSE { prev: LIST OF transCacheRec _ NIL; FOR transList: LIST OF transCacheRec _ SavedTrans, UNTIL transList = NIL DO saved: transCacheRec _ transList.first; IF = AND = THEN { IF prev = NIL THEN SavedTrans _ ELSE _; saved.lastUse _ BasicTimeNow; RETURN[ saved]; }; prev _ transList; ENDLOOP; RETURN[[AlpTransaction.Create[instance], 0, BasicTimeNow, pupAddress]]; }; }; putTrans: ENTRY PROC [transRec: transCacheRec, pupAddress: Pup.Address] = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; transRec.lastUse _ BasicTimeNow; IF (transRec.ops _ transRec.ops + 1) > maxOperationsPerTransaction THEN { [] _ transRec.trans.Finish[abort ! RPC.CallFailed => CONTINUE]; } ELSE SavedTrans _ CONS[transRec, SavedTrans]; }; BindInstance: ENTRY PROC = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; IF AlpineFileInfoInstance = NIL THEN { AlpineFileInfoInstance _ AlpInstance.Create[fileStore: volumeGroup ! AlpInstance.Failed => GOTO failed; ]; }; EXITS failed => {}; }; CloseOldTransactions: ENTRY PROC = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; newSavedTrans: LIST OF transCacheRec _ NIL; BasicTimeNow _ BasicTime.Now[]; FOR transList: LIST OF transCacheRec _ SavedTrans, UNTIL transList = NIL DO IF BasicTime.Period[from: transList.first.lastUse, to: BasicTimeNow] >= maxTimePerTransaction THEN { [] _ transList.first.trans.Finish[abort ! RPC.CallFailed => CONTINUE]; } ELSE { newSavedTrans _ CONS[transList.first, newSavedTrans]; }; ENDLOOP; SavedTrans _ newSavedTrans; }; CloseOldAlpineFileInfoTransactions: PROC = { waitTime: Process.Ticks _ Process.SecondsToTicks[1]; DO CloseOldTransactions[]; Process.Pause[waitTime]; ENDLOOP; }; serverProcs _ NEW [FTP.ServerProcsRecord _ [delete: Delete, enumerate: Enumerate, rename: Rename, retrieve: Retrieve, store: Store, version: Version, checkCredentials: CheckCredentials]]; TRUSTED {Process.Detach[FORK CloseOldAlpineFileInfoTransactions];}; END. „AlpineFTPImpl.mesa FTP Server for Alpine Last Edited by: Carl Hauser, September 17, 1986 11:59:04 am PDT Bob Hagmann October 16, 1986 11:39:40 am PDT Taft, July 18, 1983 5:13 pm Loose ends: 1. CheckCredentials is not right yet, because AlpInstance.Create does not do any authentication if the volumeGroup is local, as it ordinarily will be in the final server. 2. RPC.CallFailed needs to be caught. Various policy controls Module Data AlpineFTP. Command procedures stream.UnsafePutBlock[block]; -- use this when PupStreamImpl implements UnsafePutBlock [openFileID: instance.alpFile] _ AlpDirectory.OpenFile[name: name, lock: [read, fail], transHandle: instance.alpTrans ! AlpDirectory.Error => {[code, text] _ TranslateDirectoryError[type]; GOTO transferFailed}]; [] _ FinishTransaction[h]; -- don't care what the outcome was, since we did only reads Other procedures passed to the FTP package Private This procedure implements the outer-level control for Delete, Enumerate, and Retrieve. It enumerates the files, fills the local property list for each one, and calls proc[instance]. It handles all errors arising from the operations it does, but proc is responsible for its own errors. If this is the first file enumerated then allow the signal to propagate, thereby rejecting the entire command; otherwise continue with this file but pass just the name properties and not the file properties. This is not really correct, but is the best we can do given the FTP protocol as it stands. The transaction may abort after all the work is donejust ignore it. Digests the file name properties (directory, nameBody, serverFileName, and version) from the specified list and returns a file name in canonical form ready to be passed to AlpineDirectory. (Note: list=local is used only for obtaining the new file name for Rename.) Exceptions: none. If one or more of the arguments is malformed, the returned name will be malformed as well, but will be rejected by AlpineDirectory. User and connect names always come from the remote property list, since for Rename these properties must be in the first (remote) list and need not be in the second. Note that the Alpine FTP server does not implement the full semantics of the "connect" operation, but rather just uses the connect name (if present) as a default directory. Fills the local property list with all (requested) properties. File name properties are obtained by decomposing the supplied name, which should be in AlpineDirectory canonical form including version. File properties are obtained, if necessary, by opening the file with readOnly access (if not already open). Note: if the type property has already been set in the local property list, it is not recomputed. Exceptions: raises ERROR FTP.Failed if something goes wrong while obtaining file properties. File properties are not accessed until after the name properties have been filled in. [openFileID: instance.alpFile] _ AlpDirectory.OpenFile[name: name, lock: [read, fail], transHandle: instance.alpTrans]; Reads successive intervals of pages from the file into the stream buffer and calls proc for each one. This terminates when proc returns FALSE or the end of the file is reached. The total number of bytes passed to all the calls to proc is the minimum of the file's byteLength property and the actual size of the file in bytes. Exceptions: any of the errors raised by AlpFile.ReadPages or ReadProperties, except that OperationFailed[nonexistentFilePage] is caught and handled internally. currentPage: AlpineEnvironment.PageNumber _ 0; pages: AlpFile.PageCount _ PagesForBytes[bytes]; TRUSTED {file.ReadPages[pageRun: [firstPage: currentPage, count: pages], pageBuffer: DESCRIPTOR[buffer.buffer, pages*AlpineEnvironment.wordsPerPage] ! AlpFile.OperationFailed => IF why=nonexistentFilePage THEN { Transfer remainder of file one page at a time until it is exhausted. IF pages>1 THEN {pages _ 1; bytes _ AlpineEnvironment.bytesPerPage; RETRY} ELSE EXIT}]}; currentPage _ currentPage+pages; Repeatedly calls proc to produce sequences of bytes in the storage described by block, and writes the resulting data into the file. This terminates when proc returns less than a full block. Adjusts the file's size if necessary, and sets the byteLength property to the total number of bytes returned by all the calls to proc. Exceptions: any of the errors raised by AlpFile.WritePages, ReadProperties, WriteProperties, or SetSize. Obtains and returns the transaction associated with this instance, creating a new one if necessary. This procedure may finish an existing transaction and start a new one if it has been in progress for a long time; so it should be called only in situations where no uncommitted updates are pending and no file is open. Raises FTP.Failed[transientError] if a new transaction can't be started. Finishes the transaction, committing it if commit=TRUE and aborting it otherwise. Returns the actual outcome. Also notes that the open file (if any) has been closed. It is not harmful to call this when there is no transaction in progress, but of course one cannot expect to influence the outcome of the transaction in that case! This translates only those errors that may reasonably be expected to occur in the Alpine FTP server. Other errors are most likely due to bugs in the server. ownerNotFound => [illegalDirectory, "No such directory (owner)"], -- this line is correct according to the protocol, but this is not the way the IFSs work Other errors: authenticateFailed can't happen because we authenticate explicitly before trying to do anything else. ownerRecordFull can't happen because we never try to change the owner record. serverBusy and serverNotFound can't happen because they arise only from attempting to create a new transaction, which we do explicitly rather than asking AlpineDirectory to do it. This translates only those errors that may reasonably be expected to occur in the Alpine FTP server. Other errors are most likely due to bugs in the server. Other errors: duplicateOwner, duplicateVolume, duplicateVolumeGroup, notAlpineWheel, ownerDatabaseFull, ownerFileFormatOrVolGroupMismatch, ownerRecordFull, ownerRecordInUse, spaceInUseByThisOwner, and totalQuotaExceeded arise only from operations we never invoke. nonexistentFilePage is always caught in any context in which it can occur and never gives rise to an FTP.Error. inconsistentDescriptor, reservedType, and unwritableProperty are programming errors. This translates only those errors that may reasonably be expected to occur in the Alpine FTP server. Other errors are most likely due to bugs in the server. This translates those errors that have been translated to FS.Errors. Perhaps we should establish finalization on StreamBufferObjects so that if somebody loses one the VM will be reclaimed. However, StreamBufferObjects are used only inside this module, and the code as written is careful not to lose them. Single Packet Protocol for File Info PROC [fileName: ROPE, pupAddress: PupStream.PupAddress] RETURNS [found: BOOL, return: BOOL, version: CARDINAL, create: BasicTime.GMT, bytes: LONG CARDINAL]; [] _ trans.Finish[commit ! RPC.CallFailed => CONTINUE]; The command should be retried by the FTP client so the FTP implementation should not send an answer packet. The file truly does not exist (or cannot be seen by this client due to access control restrictions). Initialization Bob Hagmann March 29, 1985 5:21:44 pm PST changes to: Store, FillPropertyList, DetermineFileType, WriteFile, ReleaseStreamBuffer Bob Hagmann June 3, 1985 3:43:20 pm PDT make sure transactions all get 'Finish' - ed Carl Hauser, August 12, 1985 2:04:45 pm PDT make sure transactions all get 'Finish' - ed when errors occur. Don't try to Finish a NIL transaction. Bob Hagmann November 5, 1985 10:05:03 am PST catch AlpineFile.Unknown in AlpineFileInfo, and do a retry Bob Hagmann April 8, 1986 2:56:45 pm PST kick timeout on connections to 127 seconds changes to: CreateListener Bob Hagmann October 16, 1986 11:39:25 am PDT add use of AlpineFS สธ– "Cedar" style˜J™-™Icode™/K™,J™—J™™ J™ชJ™%—unitšฯk ˜ K˜ K˜K˜K˜K˜ K˜ K˜ K˜Kšœ ˜ K˜K˜Kšœ˜Kšœ˜Kšœœ ˜K˜Kšœœ˜(Kšœœ˜Kšœœ!˜.Kšœœ˜ KšœœE˜OKšœ ˜ Kšœ˜—šœœœฯcv˜“Kš œRœœ)œ˜ฃKšœ ˜Kšœœ ˜—J™™Lšœœž.˜MLšœœžM˜nLšœœž6˜^Lšœ)žR˜{Lšœ*ž#˜M—J™™ Lšœ œ"˜3Lšœ œ œ˜Lšœ œœ˜#Lšœœ˜!Lšœ!œ˜%L˜—™ š ฯnœœœœœ*˜bKšœœœ˜Kšœ œœœ˜Kšœœ˜4Kšœ˜KšœœP˜bKšœ œ”˜ขKšœ˜—šŸœœœœ˜%Kšœœœ˜šœ œœ˜Kšœ˜Kšœ œ˜K˜—Kšœ˜——J™J™™šฯbœœžCœ˜dKšœœ˜$Kšœœ˜ šŸœœ˜&šœ œ˜Kšœœ˜ Kšœ#˜#˜Išœ˜Kšœ/œ˜C——šœ˜Kšœ8˜>—š˜šœ˜Kšœœ˜!Kšœœ˜"Kšœž˜——Kšœ˜—K˜Kšœž ˜ —Kšœ,˜,Kšœ˜—š  œœžะckžœ˜PKš˜šŸœœ˜&Kšœ ˜ Kšœ˜—Kšœ)˜)Kšœ˜—š œœžœ˜0K˜$Kšœ œ ˜-Kšœ œ˜,Kšœ1˜1Kšœœ˜$Kšœœ˜ ˜˜I˜Kšœ/œ ˜=——šœ˜Kšœ8˜=—š˜šœ ˜ Kšœœœ˜?——K˜—Kšœ˜—š œœžKœ˜pKšœœ˜$Kšœœ˜ šŸœœ˜&Kšœœ œ˜K˜Kšœœœ˜šœ œœ˜˜šŸœž>œ˜_KšœW™Wcode2šœ œœ˜Mšœ,˜,Mšœ˜M˜—šœœ˜"Mšœ˜Mšœ,˜,Mšœ˜M˜—Mš œ2œ œœœœฆ˜ŠMšœ˜Mšœ*˜*Kšœ˜—šœœœ˜ Kšœœ˜ Kšœ#˜#šœ^œIœ#˜ิšœ˜Kšœ/œ˜D——K˜Kšœ@˜@šœw™wšœ™Kšœ/œ™E——K˜—šœ#˜#šœ˜Kšœ+œ˜@—šœ˜Kšœ0œ˜E—šœ˜Kšœ-œ˜B—šœ˜Kšœ6œ˜K—Kšœ5œ˜J—Kšœ˜Kšœ œœ ˜4š˜Kšœœœž˜L—K˜—K˜Kšœž;™VKšœ˜—Kšœž ˜ —Kšœ-˜-Kšœ˜—š œœžKœ˜hKš˜K˜$Kšœœ˜"Kšœ1˜1Kšœœ˜$Kšœœ˜ Kšœœœ˜Kšœœ˜šœ˜šœœ˜Kšœœ˜+šœ˜Kšœ/œ˜C—šœ˜Kšœ+œ˜?—šœ˜Kšœ-œ˜A—šœ˜Kšœ6œ˜J—Kšœ˜—šœ.˜4KšœB˜G—Kšœœž กž˜0Kšœœ˜%Kšœ7˜7Kšœœ˜4šœ‡˜‡Kšœœœœ˜A—šœœœž,˜IKšœ“˜“—šœB˜HKšœ!œ˜A—KšœJ˜JKšœ˜K˜šœœ˜Kš˜šŸœžกžœ˜hKšœœ ˜'—šœ.˜.šœ˜Kšœ0œ˜E—šœ˜Kšœ+œ˜@—šœ˜Kšœ-œ˜B—šœ˜Kšœ6œ˜K——Kšœ˜šœ œ˜-Kšœ8˜>—š˜šœ˜Kšœœ˜!Kšœœž˜:K˜——Kšœ˜—Kšœœž/˜Qš˜šœž-ก˜DKšœœœ˜?——Kšœ˜—Kšœ˜—š  œœž กžกžกžœ˜cKš˜Kšœ˜Kšœ˜—š œœžœ˜BKšœœ˜)Kšœ œ#˜1Kšœœ˜$Kšœœ˜ ˜Kšœ`œ˜wKšœHœ ˜VKšœœ/˜GK˜š˜Kšœ œ˜%—K˜—Kšœ˜——J™J™™*š œœ ž1กžกž กž กžกžœ˜Kš˜KšœU˜[Kšœ˜——J™J™™Lšœ œœ˜$šœœœ˜K˜ Kšœ"œ˜&Kšœ œ œ ˜(Kšœœ˜Kšœœ˜0Kšœœ˜—š Ÿ œœœ œ˜GKšœœœ˜%—šŸœœœœ>˜fJ™œKš˜K˜$K˜Kšœ œ˜%Kšœœœ˜Kšœ/˜/Kšœ œœ˜Kšœœ˜$Kšœœ˜ š˜Kšœœœ˜2Kšœ1˜1šœ˜šœ˜šœ˜šœ˜K˜Kšœ˜Kšœœœž(˜GKšœ˜—Kšœœ œœž˜>Kšœ˜—Kšœ-˜-Kšœ˜——Kšœ5œœ˜Ašœ"œ˜*˜J™ชKšœ œ œœ˜+—Kšœ œ˜K˜K˜—šœœœ˜šœ˜K™DKšœœ˜—Kšœœ˜Kšœ$˜$Kšœ˜—š˜šœ˜K˜!Kšœ˜K˜——Kšœ˜—Kšœ˜Kšœ˜—š Ÿœœœœœœ˜`J™ˆJ™•Kš˜Kšœ œ˜K˜/Kšœœœ*˜:šœœ˜)Kš˜Kšœ œ&˜5Kšœœ˜ šœ œ˜Kš˜J™าK˜3Kšœ œœ1˜FKšœ˜—Kšœ˜Kš œœœœœœ&˜—Kšœ˜—šœ.œ˜8š œœ œœ˜,šœ˜Kšœœ˜ Kšœœ˜Kš œœ œœœ˜?Kšœ˜—š˜šœ˜Kšœ$˜$—šœ˜ Kšœ$˜$——Kšœ˜——K˜-Kšœ˜—šŸœœœœ˜4J™ณJ™aJšœœš™ฒKš˜K˜$Kšœœ˜$Kšœœ˜ Kšœœ.˜DKš œœœœœœ˜CKšœ.œœ˜Uš œœœ#œ˜†Kš˜Kšœœ˜!Kšœ œ˜šœœœ˜šœ˜Kšœœ œ ˜"K˜K˜Kšœ˜—Kšœ˜—KšœœS˜wKšœœS˜vKšœ#œU˜~KšœœR˜tKšœ˜—šœœœ˜[šœœ˜KšœEœ ˜RKšœAœ ˜NKšœ@œ ˜MKšœNœ ˜[Kšœ5œ ˜BKšœ˜—šœœ˜Kšœ^œIœ%˜ึKšœ@˜@Kšœw™wK˜—šœœ˜'Kšœœ.œ<˜’K˜—šœ˜Kšœœ.œ<˜Ž—šœ˜K˜C—š˜Kšœ œ˜%—Kšœ˜—Kšœ˜—šŸœœœœ˜GKš˜š Ÿ œžกž กžกžœ˜[Kšœœ œ˜/—K˜ Kšœ!˜!Kšœ˜—LšŸ œœœ œœ œœ˜UšŸœœ+˜9Jšœˆœน™ฦJšœŸ™ŸKš˜Kšœ(˜(Kšœ œ˜*Kšœœœ˜Kšœ.œ"œ;˜•Kšœ.™.Kšœ.˜.Kšœlœœœ˜สšœ˜Kšœœ ˜-Kšœ˜Kšœ%œ>˜fKšœ0™0Kšœ2œ)˜cšœN œ7™–šœœœ™˜Y—Kšœ˜—š Ÿœœ"œœ"œ˜|J™œKšœœœ˜šœœ˜KšœC˜CKšœR˜RKšœ6˜6Kšœ@˜@KšœM˜MKšœ_˜_Kšœ7˜7Kšœ›™›Kšœ>˜>K˜_KšœS˜SKšœL˜LKšœœ>˜YJšœ๕™๕—Kšœ˜—š Ÿœœ&œœ"œ˜{Kš˜KšœR˜XKšœ˜—š Ÿœœ1œœ"œ˜‡Kš˜Kšœ˜šœ œ˜ Kšœ+˜+Kšœ*˜*Kšœ&˜&Kšœ3˜3Kšœ,˜,Kšœ)˜)Kšœ:˜:Kšœ-˜4—Kšœ˜—š Ÿœœ+œœ"œ˜‡J™œKšœœœ˜šœœ˜KšœS˜SKšœM˜MKšœ6˜6Kšœ7˜7K˜_Kšœœ;˜VJšœฬ™ฬ—Kšœ˜—š Ÿœœ'œœ"œ˜}J™œKš˜Kšœœœ˜šœœ˜KšœS˜SKšœœ;˜V—Kšœ˜—š Ÿœœœœ"œ˜jJ™Dšœœ ˜Kšœl˜lKšœM˜MKšœ_˜_KšœF˜FKšœH˜HKšœ>˜>KšœN˜NKšœZ˜ZKšœœ(˜C—J˜—K˜Lšœœœ˜,šœœœ˜#K˜Kšœœœ˜Kšœœ˜—šŸœœœœ˜CKšœœœ˜Kšœœœ˜FKšœ œ9œœ%˜‰Kšœ˜—šŸœœœ˜;Kšœœœ˜Kšœ˜Kšœ˜Kšœ˜—J™J™์—J™™$Lšœ-œ˜1šœœœ˜Kšœœ˜#Kšœœ˜ Kšœœ˜Kšœ˜K˜—Lšœ œœœ˜(Lšœœ˜š œœ˜$Kšœ œœ œ œ œ  œœœ™œKšœ˜Kšœ˜Kšœ˜Kšœ œœ˜šœ'œœ˜3Kšœ˜Kš œ'œœœœœ˜b—˜šœœœ˜Kšœœœ œœœœ˜[Kšœœ˜Kšœœ˜Kšœ˜Jšœ˜Jšœœ˜Jšœ œ˜Jšœ/˜/Jšœ œœ&˜9šœ5˜5Kšœ"œ˜6—Kšœ˜Kšœ œ˜Kšœ9˜9šœy˜yKšœœž(˜EKšœœ˜%šœ˜šœ˜šœ˜Kš œ œœœœ˜JKšž*˜/Kšœ˜—šœw˜wKšœ˜—Kšœ˜—Kšœ˜Kšœ˜——Kšœ˜Kšœ,˜,šœœœ˜Kšœ'œœ˜AKšœ˜—šœ œ˜Kšœœœ˜จK˜—šœ5œ˜=Kšœœœ˜6Kšœœœž˜AK˜—šœj˜jKšœœž)˜EKšœ'œ˜=Kšœœ˜.—K˜šœp˜pKšœœž(˜EKšœ'œ˜=Kšœœ˜.—K˜šœœ˜KšœB˜BKšœ˜šœ˜šœ˜Kšœ œœX˜pKšœ˜K˜—šœ˜KšœœœF˜hKšœ˜K˜—Kšœ˜—Kšœ˜—Kšœœœ™7Kšœ˜Kšœœœ˜,Kšœ˜—Kšœœœ˜6Kšœœœž!˜Qš˜šœ˜K™kKš œ œœœœ˜JKšœœœ˜/K˜—˜K™dKš œ œœœœ˜JKšœœœ˜.K˜——K˜—K˜—š   œœœDœœ˜ƒKšœœœ˜Kš œœœ œœ@˜mšœœ˜Kšœœœœ˜"š œ œœ,œ œ˜ZKšœ'˜'šœ'œ)œ˜[Kšœœœœ˜OKšœ˜Kšœ ˜K˜—Kšœ˜Kšœ˜—KšœA˜GKšœ˜—K˜—š  œœœ7˜KKšœœœ˜Kšœ ˜ šœAœ˜IKšœ#œœ˜?K˜—Kšœœ˜-K˜—šŸ œœœ˜Kšœœœ˜šœœœ˜&šœD˜DKšœœ˜"—Kšœ˜K˜—š˜Kšœ ˜ —K˜—šŸœœœ˜$Kšœœœ˜Kšœœœœ˜+Kšœ˜š œ œœ,œ œ˜Zšœ\œ˜dKšœ*œœ˜FK˜—šœœ˜Kšœœ!˜5K˜—Kšœ˜—Kšœ˜K˜—šŸ"œœ˜,Kšœ4˜4š˜Kšœ˜Kšœ˜Kšœ˜—K˜——J™™Lšœœœฅ˜ปLšœœ'˜CLšœ˜—K™™)Kšœ ฯrJ™V—K™™'K™,K™—™+K™?K™&—K™™,Kšœ;™;—K™™(K™*Kšœ ข™K™—™,Kšข™—K™—…—t๚ด6