Copyright © 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Last edited by
Kolling on May 27, 1983 4:10 pm
USING[AccessList, AccessRights, CommitOrAbort, Conversation, FileID,
LockFailure, LockOption, NeededAccess, OpenFileID, OperationFailure, OwnerName, OwnerProperty,
OwnerPropertySet, OwnerPropertyValuePair, PageCount, UniversalFile, UnknownType,
VolumeGroupID, VolumeID],
System and volume group initialization, registration, etc.:
InitVolatileData: PROCEDURE [nAccessCacheEntries: NAT ← DefaultAccessCacheEntries,
alpineWheels: AlpineEnvironment.OwnerName];
non system-fatal errors: none.
Must be called (once only) at system initialization, before any other procedure is called.
DefaultAccessCacheEntries: NAT = 100;
MaxAccessCacheEntries: NAT = 500;
CreateAndInitializeOwnerFile: PROCEDURE [conversation: AlpineEnvironment.Conversation,
transHandle: AlpineInternal.TransHandle, volGroupID: AlpineEnvironment.VolumeGroupID,
ownerFileVolID: AlpineEnvironment.VolumeID, totalQuota, volumeGroupSize:
AlpineEnvironment.PageCount, overCommitQuotaDuringInitializeIfNeeded: BOOLEAN,
maxNumberOfOwnersAllowed: NAT, nOwnerCacheEntries: NAT] RETURNS[ownerFileID:
non system-fatal errors:
OperationFailed[insufficientSpace, duplicateVolumeGroup]
StaticallyInvalid (maxOwnerEntriesTooSmall, ownerCacheEntriesOutOfRange, volGroupQuotaLTSpaceForOwnerFile)
Unknown[fileID, transID, volumeID].
Formats the supplied empty owner database file for this volume group.
totalSpaceForQuotasOnVolGroup should be total space minus pilot overhead, sort of.
RegisterVolumeGroup: PROCEDURE [conversation: AlpineEnvironment.Conversation,
transHandle: AlpineInternal.TransHandle, volGroupID: AlpineEnvironment.VolumeGroupID,
ownerFileUniversalFile: AlpineEnvironment.UniversalFile, nOwnerCacheEntries: NAT]
RETURNS[newOwnerFileID: AlpineEnvironment.FileID];
non system-fatal errors:
StaticallyInvalid (ownerCacheEntriesOutOfRange)
OperationFailed[duplicateVolumeGroup, ownerFileFormatOrVolGroupMismatch]
Unknown[fileID, transID, volumeID].
Registers a volume group which already has a valid owner database file.
UnRegisterVolumeGroup: PROCEDURE [conversation: AlpineEnvironment.Conversation,
transHandle: AlpineInternal.TransHandle, volGroupID: AlpineEnvironment.VolumeGroupID];
non system-fatal errors:
Unknown[transID, volumeGroupID].
UnRegisters a volume group.
ReorganizeOwnerFile: PROCEDURE [conversation: AlpineEnvironment.Conversation,
transHandle: AlpineInternal.TransHandle, volGroupID: AlpineEnvironment.VolumeGroupID,
maxNumberOfOwnersAllowed: NAT];
non system-fatal errors:
OperationFailed[insufficientSpace, ownerDatabaseFull]
Unknown[transID, volumeGroupID].
Called when need to make room for more owner entries, clean up owner database, etc. Reorganizes the owner database. Will change the size of the file based on maxEntries. This procedure can error back once it has started modifying the owner file, but I believe that all those cases reflect the disappearance of the transaction or a fatal system error.
Manipulating the owner data structure:
Owner properties:
defined in AlpineEnvironment:
OwnerProperty: TYPE = {createAccessList, modifyAccessList, quota, spaceInUse, rootFile};
OwnerPropertyValuePair: TYPE = RECORD [
SELECT property: OwnerProperty FROM
createAccessList => [createAccessList: AlpineEnvironment.AccessList],
modifyAccessList => [modifyAccessList: AlpineEnvironment.AccessList],
quota => [quota: AlpineEnvironment.PageCount],
readOnly-- --spaceInUse => [spaceInUse: AlpineEnvironment.PageCount],
rootFile => [rootFile: UniversalFile]
nullRootFile: UniversalFile = [nullVolumeID, nullFileID];
OwnerPropertySet: TYPE = ARRAY OwnerProperty OF BOOLEAN;
allOwnerProperties: AlpineEnvironment.OwnerPropertySet = ALL [TRUE];
Only an "asserted" (see below) AlpineWheel can execute AddOwner, RemoveOwner, EnumerateAllOwners, EnumerateAllDataEntriesInOwnerFile, and ReadOwnerFileHeader.
Any client can ReadOwnerProperties.
An asserted AlpineWheel can execute WriteOwnerProperties for all properties except spaceInUse; in addition, the owner and clients in the modify access list can do WriteOwnerProperties for the create access list and the owner and clients in the create access list can do WriteOwnerProperties for the rootFile.
Note that owner access lists always have world = FALSE and owner = TRUE; we ignore attempts to set them otherwise. We supply defaults on AddOwner. We "or" in minimums for any access lists specified on AddOwner and WriteOwnerProperties. AddOwner and WriteOwnerProperties worry about the total quota space on the volume group, if requested and if the quota property is being set. The spaceInUse property is readOnly.
AddOwner: PROCEDURE [conversation: AlpineEnvironment.Conversation, transHandle:
AlpineInternal.TransHandle, volGroupID: AlpineEnvironment.VolumeGroupID,
ownerName: AlpineEnvironment.OwnerName, overCommitQuotaIfNeeded: BOOLEAN,
ownerProperties: LIST OF AlpineEnvironment.OwnerPropertyValuePair] RETURNS
[spaceLeftOnVolumeGroup: AlpineEnvironment.PageCount];
non system-fatal errors:
OperationFailed[duplicateOwner, ownerDatabaseFull, ownerRecordFull, totalQuotaExceeded]
StaticallyInvalid (badLengthName, badOwnerPropList, reservedOwnerName)
Unknown[transID, volumeGroupID].
RemoveOwner: PROCEDURE [conversation: AlpineEnvironment.Conversation, transHandle:
AlpineInternal.TransHandle, volGroupID: AlpineEnvironment.VolumeGroupID,
ownerName: AlpineEnvironment.OwnerName];
non system-fatal errors:
OperationFailed[ownerRecordInUse, spaceInUseByThisOwner]
StaticallyInvalid (badLengthName, reservedOwnerName)
Unknown[owner, transID, volumeGroupID].
ReadOwnerProperties: PROCEDURE [conversation: AlpineEnvironment.Conversation,
transHandle: AlpineInternal.TransHandle, volGroupID: AlpineEnvironment.VolumeGroupID,
ownerName: AlpineEnvironment.OwnerName, desiredOwnerProperties:
AlpineEnvironment.OwnerPropertySet] RETURNS [ownerProperties: LIST OF
non system-fatal errors:
StaticallyInvalid (badLengthName)
Unknown[owner, transID, volumeGroupID].
WriteOwnerProperties: PROCEDURE [conversation: AlpineEnvironment.Conversation,
transHandle: AlpineInternal.TransHandle, volGroupID: AlpineEnvironment.VolumeGroupID,
ownerName: AlpineEnvironment.OwnerName, overCommitQuotaIfNeeded: BOOLEAN,
ownerProperties: LIST OF AlpineEnvironment.OwnerPropertyValuePair];
non system-fatal errors:
AccessFailed[alpineWheel, ownerEntry]
OperationFailed[ownerRecordFull, ownerRecordInUse, regServersUnavailable, totalQuotaExceeded]
StaticallyInvalid (badLengthName, badOwnerPropList, reservedOwnerName)
Unknown[owner, transID, volumeGroupID].
EnumerateAllOwners: PROCEDURE [conversation: AlpineEnvironment.Conversation,
transHandle: AlpineInternal.TransHandle, volGroupID: AlpineEnvironment.VolumeGroupID,
prevOwnerName: AlpineEnvironment.OwnerName, desiredOwnerProperties:
AlpineEnvironment.OwnerPropertySet] RETURNS [ownerName: AlpineEnvironment.OwnerName,
ownerProperties: LIST OF AlpineEnvironment.OwnerPropertyValuePair];
non system-fatal errors:
StaticallyInvalid (badLengthName)
Unknown[owner, transID, volumeGroupID].
User supplied prevOwner = NIL means beginning of file. Returned ownerName = NIL means no more owners.
EnumerateAllDataEntriesInOwnerFile: PROCEDURE [conversation:
AlpineEnvironment.Conversation, transHandle: AlpineInternal.TransHandle,
volGroupID: AlpineEnvironment.VolumeGroupID, contRecNum: INT, desiredOwnerProperties:
AlpineEnvironment.OwnerPropertySet] RETURNS [entryEmpty, entryValid: BOOLEAN,
ownerName: AlpineEnvironment.OwnerName, ownerProperties: LIST OF
AlpineEnvironment.OwnerPropertyValuePair, nextContRecNum: INT];
non system-fatal errors:
StaticallyInvalid (badRecordNumber)
Unknown[transID, volumeGroupID].
For debugging. Very similar to EnumerateAllOwners, but tells about the empty and deleted records as well. User supplied contRecNum = 0 means beginning of file. Returned nextContRecNum = 0 means no more data entries. We use the pair entryEmpty, entryValid instead of an enumerated type to avoid putting a definition in AlpineEnvironment. (entryEmpty, entryValid) = (TRUE, undef) means the record has never been written into. (entryEmpty, entryValid) = (FALSE, TRUE) means that the entry is currently valid. (entryEmpty, entryValid) = (FALSE, FALSE) means that the entry has been deleted. Iff entryEmpty = FALSE, then the return values owner and properties are valid.
ReadOwnerFileProperties: PROCEDURE [conversation: AlpineEnvironment.Conversation,
transHandle: AlpineInternal.TransHandle, volGroupID: AlpineEnvironment.VolumeGroupID]
RETURNS [totalQuota, quotaLeft, volumeGroupSize: AlpineEnvironment.PageCount,
numberOfOwners, numberOfOwnerSlotsInUse, maxNumberOfOwnersAllowed: NAT];
non system-fatal errors:
Unknown[transID, volumeGroupID].
Intended for administrative operations; does not lock up the entire file like ReadOwnerFileHeader. numberOfOwners is the actual current number of owners that are valid; numberOfOwnerSlotsInUse is numberOfOwners plus any slots that are deleted.
ReadOwnerFileHeader: PROCEDURE [conversation: AlpineEnvironment.Conversation,
transHandle: AlpineInternal.TransHandle, volGroupID:
AlpineEnvironment.VolumeGroupID] RETURNS [version: NAT, recordedVolGroupID:
AlpineEnvironment.VolumeGroupID, totalQuota, quotaLeft, volumeGroupSize:
AlpineEnvironment.PageCount, numberOfOwners, numberOfOwnerSlotsInUse,
maxNumberOfOwnersAllowed: NAT];
non system-fatal errors:
Unknown[transID, volumeGroupID].
For debugging. Note that ReadOwnerFileHeader and EnumerateAllDataEntriesInOwnerFile called in the same transaction will be consistent provided the transaction doesn't alter the owner database file itself.
ReadOwnerUniversalFile: PROCEDURE [volumeGroupID: AlpineEnvironment.VolumeGroupID]
RETURNS[dBID: AlpineEnvironment.UniversalFile];
non system-fatal errors:
UnlockOwnerDB: PROCEDURE [conversation: AlpineEnvironment.Conversation,
transHandle: AlpineInternal.TransHandle, volGroupID:
non system-fatal errors:
Unknown[transID, volumeGroupID]
Checking permissions:
PermissionToCreateFilesForThisOwner: PROCEDURE [conversation:
AlpineEnvironment.Conversation, transHandle: AlpineInternal.TransHandle,
volGroupID: AlpineEnvironment.VolumeGroupID, ownerName: AlpineEnvironment.OwnerName]
non system-fatal errors:
StaticallyInvalid (badLengthName, reservedOwnerName)
Unknown[owner, transID, volumeGroupID].
Can this client create files for this owner on this volume group (is the client either the owner or in the owner create list)? We expect FileStore to call this before allowing a client to create a file. (A client doesn't need create permission to deallocate space, write permission for the file is sufficient.)
PermissionToModifyFileAccessList: PROCEDURE [conversation:
AlpineEnvironment.Conversation, transHandle: AlpineInternal.TransHandle, openFileID:
AlpineEnvironment.OpenFileID] RETURNS [okay: BOOLEAN];
non system-fatal errors:
StaticallyInvalid (badLengthName, reservedOwnerName)
Unknown[openFileID, transID, volumeID, volumeGroupID].
Can this client modify this file's access lists (is the client either the owner or in the owner create list)?
PermissionToAccessFile: PROCEDURE [conversation: AlpineEnvironment.Conversation,
transHandle: AlpineInternal.TransHandle, openFileID: AlpineEnvironment.OpenFileID,
requestedAccess: AlpineEnvironment.AccessRights, lockOption: AlpineEnvironment.LockOption ← [read,wait]] RETURNS [okay: BOOLEAN];
non system-fatal errors:
StaticallyInvalid (reservedOwnerName)
Unknown[openFileID, transID].
Can this client access this file in the mode it requests? Called by OpenFile. FileStore has fudged an OpenFileID with enough access temporarily granted to prevent recursion.
Disk space allocation and deallocation:
called at the time the client requests the allocation (nPages > 0) and deallocation (nPages < 0). (AC treats nPages = 0 as a noop). All disk space in an owner's files, including leader pages, etc., counts as part of the owner's quota. People who know the owner call ChangeSpaceViaOwner (CreateFile, CreateFileWithID), else they call ChangeSpaceViaOpenFileID (SetSize, DeleteFile), which has to work harder. AccessControl defers deallocations until PhaseOne.
ChangeSpaceViaOwner: PROCEDURE [transHandle: AlpineInternal.TransHandle,
volGroupID: AlpineEnvironment.VolumeGroupID, ownerName: AlpineEnvironment.OwnerName,
nPages: AlpineEnvironment.PageCount] RETURNS [okay: BOOLEAN];
non system-fatal errors:
StaticallyInvalid (badLengthName)
Unknown[owner, transID, volumeGroupID].
ChangeSpaceViaOpenFileID: PROCEDURE [conversation: AlpineEnvironment.Conversation,
transHandle: AlpineInternal.TransHandle, openFileID: AlpineEnvironment.OpenFileID, nPages:
AlpineEnvironment.PageCount] RETURNS [okay: BOOLEAN];
non system-fatal errors:
Unknown[openFileID, transID, volumeGroupID].
ChangeSpaceForOwner: PROCEDURE [conversation: AlpineEnvironment.Conversation,
transHandle: AlpineInternal.TransHandle, volGroupID: AlpineEnvironment.VolumeGroupID,
ownerName: AlpineEnvironment.OwnerName, nPages: AlpineEnvironment.PageCount];
non system-fatal errors:
StaticallyInvalid (badLengthName)
Unknown[owner, transID, volumeGroupID].
Like ChangeSpaceViaOwner, but does an Alpine Wheels check. For debugging.
Manipulating file access lists:
GetDefaultForFileAccessList: PROCEDURE [transHandle: AlpineInternal.TransHandle,
volGroupID: AlpineEnvironment.VolumeGroupID, ownerName:
AlpineEnvironment.OwnerName, accessListType: AlpineEnvironment.AccessRights]
RETURNS [accessList: AlpineEnvironment.AccessList];
non system-fatal errors:
StaticallyInvalid (badLengthName)
Unknown[owner, transID, volumeGroupID].
Supplies default for the file access list. Expected to be called from CreateFile. Default for readOnly is world, default for readWrite is owner + owner create list.
End of transaction:
PhaseOneSpaceAndOwnerChanges: PROCEDURE [transHandle: AlpineInternal.TransHandle];
non system-fatal errors:
Caller MUST abort the transaction if any of these errors are seen, otherwise the owner files may be trashed.
PhaseTwoOrAbortSpaceAndOwnerChanges: PROCEDURE [transHandle:
AlpineInternal.TransHandle, outcome: AlpineEnvironment.CommitOrAbort, continueTrans: AlpineInternal.TransHandle ← NIL];
non system-fatal errors: none.
AssertAlpineWheel: PROCEDURE [conversation: AlpineEnvironment.Conversation,
transHandle: AlpineInternal.TransHandle, assert: BOOLEAN] RETURNS [okay: BOOLEAN];
non system-fatal errors:
Must be called with assert = TRUE to give the client "Alpine wheel" privileges. Otherwise he or she is just an ordinary client, even if in the server's AlpineWheels list.
total calls to verify = statsCacheHit + statsRegServersDown + statsGrapevineAuthorized + statsGrapevineNotAuthorized. statsIndivGrapeNotAuthorized is the number of times grapevine was called and said not valid (not the same as statsGrapevineNotAuthorized since the latter is incremented at most once per call to verify).
ReportCacheStats: PROCEDURE RETURNS [nCacheEntries: NAT, statsCacheHit,
statsGrapevineAuthorized, statsGrapevineNotAuthorized, statsRegServersDown,
statsIndivGrapeNotAuthorized: INT];
non system fatal errors: none.
ReportVolatileStats: PROCEDURE RETURNS [nRegs, nInits, nUnRegs, nReorganizes,
nEnumAlls, nAllocReqsWin, nAllocReqsLose, nDeallocReqs, nRemoveOwner, nEnumFindWin,
nEnumFindLose, nSetEnums, nActions, nPhaseOnes, nPhaseTwos, nAborts: INT];
non system-fatal errors: none.
ReportOwnerCacheStats: PROCEDURE RETURNS [ownerCacheStats: LIST OF OwnerCacheStats];
non system-fatal errors: none.
OwnerCacheStats: TYPE = RECORD [volGroupID: AlpineEnvironment.VolumeGroupID,
nOwnerCacheEntries: NAT, nHits, nMisses: INT];
AccessFailed: ERROR [why: AlpineEnvironment.NeededAccess];
LockFailed: ERROR[why: AlpineEnvironment.LockFailure];
OperationFailed: ERROR [why: AlpineEnvironment.OperationFailure];
StaticallyInvalid: ERROR;
Unknown: ERROR [why: AlpineEnvironment.UnknownType];
Edit Log
Initial: Kolling: September 14, 1981 4:40 PM: defs file for disk space control and access control to files for Alpine.
Hauser: March 7, 1985: Nodified, added copyright.