DIRECTORY AlpineEnvironment, AlpineEnvironmentP2201V1; AEToCrAE: CEDAR DEFINITIONS ~ BEGIN OPEN AE: AlpineEnvironment, CrAE: AlpineEnvironmentP2201V1; Principal: PROC [in: AE.Principal] RETURNS [out: CrAE.Principal] ~ INLINE { RETURN[in] }; FileStore: PROC [in: AE.FileStore] RETURNS [out: CrAE.FileStore] ~ INLINE { RETURN[in] }; RName: PROC [in: AE.RName] RETURNS [out: CrAE.RName] ~ INLINE { RETURN[in] }; OwnerName: PROC [in: AE.OwnerName] RETURNS [out: CrAE.OwnerName] ~ INLINE { RETURN[in] }; AccessList: PROC [in: AE.AccessList] RETURNS [out: CrAE.AccessList] ~ INLINE { count: INT _ 0; FOR temp: AE.AccessList _ in, UNTIL temp = NIL DO count _ count.SUCC; ENDLOOP; out _ NEW[CrAE.AccessListObject[count]]; count _ 0; FOR temp: AE.AccessList _ in, UNTIL temp = NIL DO out[count] _ RName[temp.first]; count _ count.SUCC; ENDLOOP; }; VolOrVolGroupID: PROC [in: AE.VolOrVolGroupID] RETURNS [out: CrAE.VolOrVolGroupID] ~ INLINE { RETURN[LOOPHOLE[in]]; }; VolumeID: PROC [in: AE.VolumeID] RETURNS [out: CrAE.VolumeID] ~ INLINE { RETURN[LOOPHOLE[in]]; }; VolumeIDs: PROC [in: LIST OF AE.VolumeID] RETURNS [out: CrAE.VolumeIDs] ~ INLINE { count: INT _ 0; FOR temp: LIST OF AE.VolumeID _ in, UNTIL temp = NIL DO count _ count.SUCC; ENDLOOP; out _ NEW[CrAE.VolumeIDsObject[count]]; count _ 0; FOR temp: LIST OF AE.VolumeID _ in, UNTIL temp = NIL DO out[count] _ VolumeID[temp.first]; count _ count.SUCC; ENDLOOP; }; VolumeGroupID: PROC [in: AE.VolumeGroupID] RETURNS [out: CrAE.VolumeGroupID] ~ INLINE { RETURN[LOOPHOLE[in]]; }; FileID: PROC [in: AE.FileID] RETURNS [out: CrAE.FileID] ~ INLINE { RETURN[LOOPHOLE[in]]; }; UniversalFile: PROC [in: AE.UniversalFile] RETURNS [out: CrAE.UniversalFile] ~ INLINE { RETURN[LOOPHOLE[in]]; }; PageNumber: PROC [in: AE.PageNumber] RETURNS [out: CrAE.PageNumber] ~ INLINE { RETURN[LOOPHOLE[in]]; }; PageCount: PROC [in: AE.PageCount] RETURNS [out: CrAE.PageCount] ~ INLINE { RETURN[LOOPHOLE[in]]; }; PageRun: PROC [in: AE.PageRun] RETURNS [out: CrAE.PageRun] ~ INLINE { RETURN[LOOPHOLE[in]]; }; Property: PROC [in: AE.Property] RETURNS [out: CrAE.Property] ~ INLINE { out _ SELECT in FROM byteLength => byteLength, createTime => createTime, highWaterMark => highWaterMark, modifyAccess => modifyAccess, owner => owner, readAccess => readAccess, stringName => stringName, version => version, ENDCASE => ERROR; }; PropertySet: PROC [in: PACKED ARRAY AE.Property OF BOOLEAN] RETURNS [out: CrAE.PropertySet] ~ INLINE { FOR prop: AE.Property IN AE.Property DO out[LOOPHOLE[Property[prop]]] _ in[prop]; ENDLOOP; }; PropertyValuePair: PROC [in: AE.PropertyValuePair] RETURNS [out: CrAE.PropertyValuePair] ~ TRUSTED INLINE { WITH pvp: in SELECT FROM byteLength => out _ NEW[CrAE.PropertyValuePairObject[byteLength] _ [byteLength[byteLength ~ ByteCount[pvp.byteLength]]]]; createTime => out _ NEW[CrAE.PropertyValuePairObject[createTime] _ [createTime[createTime ~ LOOPHOLE[pvp.createTime]]]]; highWaterMark => out _ NEW[CrAE.PropertyValuePairObject[highWaterMark] _ [highWaterMark[highWaterMark ~ PageCount[pvp.highWaterMark]]]]; modifyAccess => out _ NEW[CrAE.PropertyValuePairObject[modifyAccess] _ [modifyAccess[modifyAccess ~ AccessList[pvp.modifyAccess]]]]; owner => out _ NEW[CrAE.PropertyValuePairObject[owner] _ [owner[owner ~ OwnerName[pvp.owner]]]]; readAccess => out _ NEW[CrAE.PropertyValuePairObject[readAccess] _ [readAccess[readAccess ~ AccessList[pvp.readAccess]]]]; stringName => out _ NEW[CrAE.PropertyValuePairObject[stringName] _ [stringName[stringName ~ pvp.stringName]]]; version => out _ NEW[CrAE.PropertyValuePairObject[version] _ [version[version ~ FileVersion [pvp.version]]]]; ENDCASE => ERROR; }; Properties: PROC [in: LIST OF AE.PropertyValuePair] RETURNS [out: CrAE.Properties] ~ INLINE { count: INT _ 0; FOR temp: LIST OF AE.PropertyValuePair _ in, UNTIL temp = NIL DO count _ count.SUCC; ENDLOOP; out _ NEW[CrAE.PropertiesObject[count]]; count _ 0; FOR temp: LIST OF AE.PropertyValuePair _ in, UNTIL temp = NIL DO out[count] _ PropertyValuePair[temp.first]; count _ count.SUCC; ENDLOOP; }; ByteCount: PROC [in: AE.ByteCount] RETURNS [out: CrAE.ByteCount] ~ INLINE { RETURN[in]; }; FileVersion: PROC [in: AE.FileVersion] RETURNS [out: CrAE.FileVersion] ~ INLINE { RETURN[in]; }; OpenFileID: PROC [in: AE.OpenFileID] RETURNS [out: CrAE.OpenFileID] ~ INLINE { RETURN[LOOPHOLE[in]]; }; AccessRights: PROC [in: AE.AccessRights] RETURNS [out: CrAE.AccessRights] ~ INLINE { out _ SELECT in FROM readOnly => readOnly, readWrite => readWrite, ENDCASE => ERROR; }; LockMode: PROC [in: AE.LockMode] RETURNS [out: CrAE.LockMode] ~ INLINE { out _ SELECT in FROM none => none, read => read, update => update, write => write, readIntendUpdate => readIntendUpdate, readIntendWrite => readIntendWrite, intendRead => intendRead, intendUpdate => intendUpdate, intendWrite => intendWrite, ENDCASE => ERROR; }; LockOption: PROC [in: AE.LockOption] RETURNS [out: CrAE.LockOption] ~ INLINE { out _ [mode ~ LockMode[in.mode], ifConflict ~ SELECT in.ifConflict FROM wait => wait, fail => fail, ENDCASE => ERROR]; }; RecoveryOption: PROC [in: AE.RecoveryOption] RETURNS [out: CrAE.RecoveryOption] ~ INLINE { out _ SELECT in FROM log => log, noLog => noLog, ENDCASE => ERROR; }; ReferencePattern: PROC [in: AE.ReferencePattern] RETURNS [out: CrAE.ReferencePattern] ~ INLINE { out _ SELECT in FROM random => random, sequential => sequential, ENDCASE => ERROR; }; OwnerProperty: PROC [in: AE.OwnerProperty] RETURNS [out: CrAE.OwnerProperty] ~ INLINE { out _ SELECT in FROM createAccessList => createAccessList, modifyAccessList => modifyAccessList, quota => quota, spaceInUse => spaceInUse, rootFile => rootFile, ENDCASE => ERROR; }; OwnerPropertyValuePair: PROC [in: AE.OwnerPropertyValuePair] RETURNS [out: CrAE.OwnerPropertyValuePair] ~ TRUSTED INLINE { WITH opvp: in SELECT FROM createAccessList => out _ NEW[CrAE.OwnerPropertyValuePairObject[createAccessList] _ [createAccessList[AccessList[opvp.createAccessList]]]]; modifyAccessList => out _ NEW[CrAE.OwnerPropertyValuePairObject[modifyAccessList] _ [modifyAccessList[AccessList[opvp.modifyAccessList]]]]; quota => out _ NEW[CrAE.OwnerPropertyValuePairObject[quota] _ [quota[PageCount[opvp.quota]]]]; spaceInUse => out _ NEW[CrAE.OwnerPropertyValuePairObject[spaceInUse] _ [spaceInUse[PageCount[opvp.spaceInUse]]]]; rootFile => out _ NEW[CrAE.OwnerPropertyValuePairObject[rootFile] _ [rootFile[UniversalFile[opvp.rootFile]]]]; ENDCASE => ERROR; }; OwnerPropertySet: PROC [in: AE.OwnerPropertySet] RETURNS [out: CrAE.OwnerPropertySet] ~ INLINE { FOR prop: AE.OwnerProperty IN AE.OwnerProperty DO out[LOOPHOLE[OwnerProperty[prop]]] _ in[prop]; ENDLOOP; }; OwnerProperties: PROC [in: LIST OF AE.OwnerPropertyValuePair] RETURNS [out: CrAE.OwnerProperties] ~ INLINE { count: INT _ 0; FOR temp: LIST OF AE.OwnerPropertyValuePair _ in, UNTIL temp = NIL DO count _ count.SUCC; ENDLOOP; out _ NEW[CrAE.OwnerPropertiesObject[count]]; count _ 0; FOR temp: LIST OF AE.OwnerPropertyValuePair _ in, UNTIL temp = NIL DO out[count] _ OwnerPropertyValuePair[temp.first]; count _ count.SUCC; ENDLOOP; }; TransID: PROC [in: AE.TransID] RETURNS [out: CrAE.TransID] ~ INLINE { RETURN[LOOPHOLE[in]]; }; Outcome: PROC [in: AE.Outcome] RETURNS [out: CrAE.Outcome] ~ INLINE { out _ SELECT in FROM abort => abort, commit => commit, unknown => unknown, ENDCASE => ERROR }; CommitOrAbort: PROC [in: AE.CommitOrAbort] RETURNS [out: CrAE.CommitOrAbort] ~ INLINE { out _ SELECT in FROM abort => abort, commit => commit, ENDCASE => ERROR }; WorkerState: PROC [in: AE.WorkerState] RETURNS [out: CrAE.WorkerState] ~ INLINE { out _ SELECT in FROM notReady => notReady, readOnlyReady => readOnlyReady, ready => ready, ENDCASE => ERROR }; NeededAccess: PROC [in: AE.NeededAccess] RETURNS [out: CrAE.NeededAccess] ~ INLINE { out _ SELECT in FROM alpineWheel => alpineWheel, fileModify => fileModify, fileRead => fileRead, handleReadWrite => handleReadWrite, ownerCreate => ownerCreate, ownerEntry => ownerEntry, spaceQuota => spaceQuota, ENDCASE => ERROR }; OperationFailure: PROC [in: AE.OperationFailure] RETURNS [out: CrAE.OperationFailure] ~ INLINE { out _ SELECT in FROM busy => busy, damagedLeaderPage => damagedLeaderPage, duplicateOwner => duplicateOwner, duplicateVolumeGroup => duplicateVolumeGroup, duplicateVolume => duplicateVolume, inconsistentDescriptor => inconsistentDescriptor, volumeFragmented => volumeFragmented, insufficientSpace => insufficientSpace, nonexistentFilePage => nonexistentFilePage, notAlpineWheel => notAlpineWheel, ownerDatabaseFull => ownerDatabaseFull, ownerFileFormatOrVolGroupMismatch => ownerFileFormatOrVolGroupMismatch, ownerRecordFull => ownerRecordFull, ownerRecordInUse => ownerRecordInUse, quotaExceeded => quotaExceeded, regServersUnavailable => regServersUnavailable, spaceInUseByThisOwner => spaceInUseByThisOwner, tooManyRNames => tooManyRNames, totalQuotaExceeded => totalQuotaExceeded, unwritableProperty => unwritableProperty, ENDCASE => ERROR }; LockFailure: PROC [in: AE.LockFailure] RETURNS [out: CrAE.LockFailure] ~ INLINE { out _ SELECT in FROM conflict => conflict, timeout => timeout, ENDCASE => ERROR }; UnknownType: PROC [in: AE.UnknownType] RETURNS [out: CrAE.UnknownType] ~ INLINE { out _ SELECT in FROM coordinator => coordinator, fileID => fileID, openFileID => openFileID, owner => owner, transID => transID, volumeID => volumeID, volumeGroupID => volumeGroupID, ENDCASE => ERROR }; END. BAEToCrAE.mesa Carl Hauser, November 9, 1987 4:59:29 pm PST Κ ±˜šœ ™ Icode™,—šΟk ˜ Kšœ˜Kšœ˜—K™KšΟnœœ ˜šœ˜Kšœœžœ˜;K˜š ž œœœ œœ˜KKšœ˜ K˜K˜—š ž œœœ œœ˜KKšœ˜ K˜K˜—š žœœœœœ˜?Kšœ˜ K˜K˜—š ž œœœ œœ˜KKšœ˜ K˜K˜—š ž œœœ œœ˜NKšœœ˜š œœœœ˜