Draft 2.0
September 1983
Current Status
Overview of the standard's technical content
What needs to be done
Current Status
Draft Standard "Version 2.0/September 1983" published
There has been almost no experimental implementation
There are still technical details to be worked out
Other documents are needed
Contents of the Draft Standard
1. Introduction
2. The Language Basis: Syntax and Semantics
3. Tag Declaration, Node Invariants, and Safety Rules for Editors
4. Standard Document Constructs
5. Layout
6. Other Constructs
7. Encoding
Appendix A: Glossary
Appendix B: Example of Script Evaluation
Appendix P: Paragraph% ReducesTo
Appendix Q: Line% ReducesTo
Current Status
Rating: 1nonexistent
. . .
5first draft
. . .
10well polished
7 1. Introduction
8 2. The Language Basis: Syntax and Semantics
6 3. Tag Declaration, Node Invariants, and Safety Rules for Editors
6 4. Standard Document Constructs
5 5. Layout
6 6. Other Constructs
7 7. Encoding
6 Appendix A: Glossary
8 Appendix B: Example of Script Evaluation
6 Appendix P: Paragraph% ReducesTo
6 Appendix Q: Line% ReducesTo
1 Index
Layer 0: Syntax (Publication Encoding)
script ::= header node trailer
trailer ::= "ENDSCRIPT"
item ::= tag | indirection | binding | sBinding | term |
openedNode | scope
items ::= empty | items item
tag ::= primary "$"
openedNode ::= (term | name "%") "|"
scope ::= "[" items "]"
binding ::= name "←" term
sBinding ::= name "%←" ( term | indirection | "'" term "'" )
term ::= primary | term op primary
op ::= "+" | "—" | "*" | "/" | "!" | "LT" | "EQ"
primary ::= literal | invocation | node | "(" term ")"
literal ::= name | number | string
name ::= id | name "." id
invocation ::= primary "^"
indirection ::= name "%"
node ::= "{" items "}"
Examples of Syntax
{ -- body of the script -- }
{Text$ "Now is the ... party." "A second string"
font←{Font$ name←Helvetica}}
{Paragraph$ lineJustification𡤁 leftMargin𡤁.0*inch
{Text$ "Now is the ... party." "A second string"
font←{Font$ name←Helvetica}}
xEdge←{edge | range←{1970 1980} delta𡤁 lbl←"Year"}}
yEdge←{edge | range←{0 11.5} delta𡤀.5
{1970 7.7} {1980 11.2} {1973 7.8}
Layer 1: Semantics
value space: atoms, numbers, strings, nodes, quoted expressions
bindings and content
structure: bindings, evaluation
scope for names
external environment
The Interscript semantic function maps a script into a tree
two scripts are equivalent if their semantic representations are equal
Formal Semantics
Lefthand Side Alternative S[e, Alternative]
script ::= node S[X, node]
items ::= empty empty
| items item {t: VS=S[e, items]; RETURN[
ConcatVs[t, S[ConcatVs[e, Bindings[t]], item]}
tag ::= primary MkTag[e, S[e, primary]]
scope ::= items MkScope[S[e, items]]
openedNode ::= term Items[S[e, term]]
| name MkV[m: onodeStruc,
cVs: Items[evalName[e, S[NIL, name]]], name]
binding ::= name term MkBinding[e, S[e, term], S[NIL, name], bind]
sBinding ::= name sRhs MkBinding[e, S[e, sRhs], S[NIL, name], bindStruc]
quoted ::= term MkV[m: quotedTerm, cTerm: term]
term ::= term op primary apply[op, S[e, term], S[e, primary]]
literal ::= name MkV[m: atom, xName: S[NIL, name]]
| number MkV[m: num, cNum: number]
| string MkV[m: string, cStr: string]
name ::= id MkAtom[id]
| name id CONS[MkAtom[id], S[NIL, name]]
invocation ::= primary evalName[e, S[e, primary].xName]
indirection ::= name MkV[m: evalStruc, cV: evalName[e, S[NIL,
name]], xName: S[NIL, name]]
node ::= items {t: Vs=S[e, items]; RETURN[
MkNode[ConcatVs[e, bindings[t]], t]
Safe Editing
A tag on a node is like a type in Mesa
A tag definition specifies
relevant attributes
other required tags
allowed parent tags
type of the contents
a node invariant
what more basic tag it can be reduced to (if any)
Tag definitions enable an editor to edit safely nodes with tags that it doesn't directly implement
Next Steps
Feedback on the draft standard
Trial implementations
Final version of the standard
Implementor's guide