Filed as [Indigo]Slides>forum-2dec82.tioga, .press Last edited By Mitchell on November 29, 1982 7:07 pm InterScript What is it? Why is it being done? Who is involved? How would I know one if I saw it? What are the interesting (hard) problems? What will become of it? Interscript Forum, 2.12.82 What is it? A standard, static digital representation for interchanging documents among editing systems Interscript Forum, 2.12.82 Why is it being done? Customers need to be able to interchange documents Xerox needs it for its N document editing products Possible solutions 1. Develop N(N-1) direct conversion routines 2a. Develop 2(N-1) "indirect" conversion routines 2b. Develop 2(N-1) editor-independent, indirect conversion routines Interscript Forum, 2.12.82 Who is involved? Interscript Forum, 2.12.82 How would I know one if I saw it? Interscript Forum, 2.12.82 What are the interesting (hard) problems? Interscript Forum, 2.12.82 What will become of it? Interscript Forum, 2.12.82 The interchange format as a language Transcription and rendition Layers of the standard Content, form, value, and structure Jim Horning: Features of the base language Jim Mitchell: Transcription and rendition fidelity The interchange format as a language An Interdoc script is a program in the Interdoc language Transcription: editor representation > interchange (document > script) Every script is transcribed before being editable Rendition: interchange > editor representation (script > document) Layers of the standard Layer 0: The syntax of scripts Layer 1: The semantics of the base language Layer 2: The semantics of generally shared properties and attributes Layer 3: The semantics of properties and attributes to be shared by groups of communicating editors Content, form, value, and structure Content: "What" is in the document Form: "How" it is to be viewed Structure: Intended relations among values Issues in Transcription Fidelity: R(T(document)) = document Process in left-to-right, depth-first orderto transmit without first storing Standard external environment: units, definitions, abbreviations, . . . T(R(T(document))) need not necessarily be the same as T(document)  extra hints are okay Standard versus editor-specific transcription Issues in Regeneration S1 _ T1( D1) D2 _ R2(S1) S2 _ T2(D2) S1 = S2? D1 = R1(S2)? S1 _ T1( D1) D'2 _ Edit(R2(S1)) S'2 _ T2(D'2) What relation is there between S1 and S'2? Determining which nodes have been altered directly or indirectly Regenerating structure when relevant parts of the environment and contents have not changed since rendering Can it be done as simply as normal transcription? Requirements and Exclusions An interchange standard must: Use a universal character set (graphic subset of ISO 646/ASCII) Provide an acceptably efficient encoding Be open-ended Preserve document structure Preserve document form Provide faithful transcriptions Simplify limited-fidelity rendition Enable regeneration of scripts after editing with unaffected portions faithfully transcribed Interdoc is not: A file format A standard for editing A mechanism for combining documents A substitute for other corporate standards STANDARD DISCLAIMERS 1. WE ARE DESIGNING A STANDARD FOR INTERCHANGE, NOT EDITING. 2. EVERY SCRIPT IS RENDERED (parsed) BEFORE BEING EDITABLE. 3. STANDARDIZE CONCEPTS, NOT NAMES 4. COMBINING DOCUMENTS IS AN EDITOR, NOT AN INTERCHANGE TASK (corollary of 1). 5. GENSYM IS AN EDITOR FUNCTION (corollary of 1). 6. CHARACTER-SET AND LEXICAL ISSUES CAN BE RESOLVED AT THE END. 7. GET THE TECHNICAL BASIS RIGHT BEFORE WORRYING ABOUT THE POLITICAL ISSUES.