00554 00024 USt
Date:  1-Feb-82 14:35:52 PST (Monday)
From: Ayers.PA
Subject: Codification of InterDoc "level zero" and "level one"
To: Mitchell, Horning
Reply-To: Ayers
cc: Ayers

How do you feel about the state of the basic InterDoc syntax?

My current feeling is that if I just let things happen, the TWG will get a refined document from you that is more-or-less suitable to be copied into a chapter of a full InterDoc proposal.

Is this so?  Or would you-all appreciate goodly amounts of feedback, discussion, and documentation support?

00661 00024 USt
Date: 2 Feb. 1982 10:23 am PST (Tuesday)
From: Horning.pa
Subject: Re: Codification of InterDoc "level zero" and "level one"
In-reply-to: Your message of 1-Feb-82 14:35:52 PST (Monday)
To: Ayers
cc: Horning, Mitchell


I think that there are several rough edges in the syntax, that we deliberately
didn't put much time into polishing, on the grounds that they could be polished
indefinitely. I expect that the attempt to produce a more effective exposition of
the semantics will lead to a certain amount of conceptual clarification.

I.e., it's not too late for feedback, but if none comes, the process will still proceed.

Jim H.

02210 00024 USt
Date: 8 Feb. 1982 9:11 am PST (Monday)
From: Mitchell.PA
Subject: Re: Paragraph Properties Discussion
In-reply-to: Ayers' message of 28-Jan-82 11:19:15 PST (Thursday)
To: Ayers
cc: InterDoc

I have been ignoring this discussion for the past week because of other
responsibilities, but now I can jump back in.

This message comes in two parts.  The first comments on your two proposals, and
the second tries to answer the question you raised.

A.  Your proposals are

1.  The property can be a value directly associated with the para$ node e.g.
{para$ ... hangingIndent←6 ...}, or

2.  The property can be represented as an imbedded node e.g. {para$ ... {indents$
hanging←6} ...} or even {para$ ... {hangingIndent$ 6} ...}

I don't think (2) is a reasonable script because it attempts to associate an attribute
with a node above it in the abstract tree (even if you did it this way, "hanging"
would have to be declared at the para$ level as, e.g., hanging:0 and then be
modified in the indents$ subnode as hanging:=6).  I believe that (1) is the
method of choice.

B.  How to avoid having a simple editor having to understand indentation before
being allowed to alter the text of the paragraph.

First, I agree with Jim H. that the current safety rules specify only that an editor
must understand all the marks on a node to be able to edit it safely, not that it
has to deal with all the relevant attributes in the best possible way in order to do

Secondly,  it seems to me that a paragraph's relevant attributes ought to specify
only those things that have to do with the paragraph as a container (e.g.,
margins, leading, keeps, etc.) or with node-wide properties of the contents (e.g.,
default character attributes or tab settings).  Then altering the textual contents is
independent of understanding, i.e., implementing, these attributes in all their

This sort of separation between form and content is important.  It has been my
unstated goal to put information about form in attributes and about content in
content (I hope that last phrase is not without content).  The glue that holds
form and content together is the mark(s) on a node.

Comments appreciated.

Jim M.
00484 00024 USt
Date: 8 Feb. 1982 9:21 am PST (Monday)
From: Mitchell.PA
Subject: Re: InterDoc script vs Printing directions
In-reply-to: Ayers' message of 25-Jan-82 15:06:17 PST (Monday)
To: Ayers
cc: InterDoc

At first blush I don't see why all your suggestions of rendering information
should not be specifiable in an Interdoc script.  Whether or not we want to bind
such things as 'printedby' name that early is a separate question (but I hope the
answer is no).

Jim M.

00966 00024 USt
Date:  8-Feb-82 15:43:32 PST (Monday)
From: Ayers.PA
Subject: Re: Paragraph Properties Discussion
In-reply-to: Mitchell's message of 8 Feb. 1982 9:11 am PST (Monday)
To: Mitchell
cc: InterDoc

You say that "it seems to me that a paragraph's relevant attributes ought to specify only those things that have to do with the paragraph as a container (e.g., margins, leading, keeps, etc.) or with node-wide properties of the contents (e.g., default character attributes or tab settings).  Then altering the textual contents is independent of understanding, i.e., implementing, these attributes in all their glory."

And I totally agree with your statement.  But (.. there's always a 'but')  

Phrases like "things that have to do with the paragraph as a container" are all perfectly reasonable, but they certainly are not precise in any computer-science sense.  Can I get Mitchell/Horning to say what an attribute is in computer-science-ese?

00993 00024 USt
Date: 15-Feb-82 18:54:04 PST (Monday)
From: Ayers.PA
Subject: Re: First cut at defining some marks and attributes
In-reply-to: Mitchell's message of 15 Feb. 1982 6:04 pm PST (Monday)
To: Mitchell
cc: Interdoc

I appreciate your jumping in with a first cut.  Let's all keep the ball rolling.

Two immediate-feedback comments:

1.  I do not undestand the need for "relative" margins.  I thought that we could say "margin.left ← margin.left + 10" and that this facility in the language was precisely suited for things like indents.

2.  I don't follow the tab design.  It is unclear to me what the 'records' are.  The simple view would be that there is a sequence of tab-records within the paragraph [that is attributes bound at this time] and that the presence of an ASCII "9" imbedded in text [e.g. 97 98 9 99 100] triggers the tabbing action.  Is this what you intend?  (I have been wondering whether the model of the ASCII "9" within the text is appropriate or not.) 
03100 00024 USt
Date: 16 Feb. 1982 10:42 am PST (Tuesday)
From: Mitchell.PA
Subject: Re: First cut at defining some marks and attributes
In-reply-to: Ayers' message of 15-Feb-82 18:54:04 PST (Monday)
To: Ayers
cc: Mitchell, Interdoc

1.  I do not undestand the need for "relative" margins.  I thought that we could
say "margin.left ← margin.left + 10" and that this facility in the language was
precisely suited for things like indents.

Ans: You are right that we can say something like margins.left←+10, which
would increment it by 10 units.  The reason for making "relative" (oh for a font
or two more in Laurel!) a part of margins is to allow an editor such as Star,
which does present them to users as relative, to make it explicit that they be kept
that way.  We could specify margins.relative as being False if it is not even a
component of the margins value, thus making the absolute case somewhat
simpler, but I expect that every conforming editor would still need to take care of
the case when it is defined, so nothing would be gained.

2.  I don't follow the tab design.  It is unclear to me what the 'records' are.  The
simple view would be that there is a sequence of tab-records within the
paragraph [that is attributes bound at this time] and that the presence of an
ASCII "9" imbedded in text [e.g. 97 98 9 99 100] triggers the tabbing action.  Is
this what you intend?  (I have been wondering whether the model of the ASCII
"9" within the text is appropriate or not.)

Ans:  A record is a value which is a self-contained environment.  By
"self-contained" I mean that its Outer component has the value NIL, unlike the
environments associated with nodes in the dominant hierarchy where Outer is
(semantically at least) a copy of the environment of a node's parent.  It is Outer
that provides the means whereby an identifier that has no binding in the
environment of a given node, N, is looked up successively in the environments
attached to the nodes on the path to the root of the tree from N. 

Interdoc uses environment values as Mesa does records.  You can think of a
definition such as 
tab = [ |
   alignment←FlushLeft    -- IN (FlushLeft Centered FlushRight Decimal) 

as the definition of a prototype, which can be used in binding other values as a
starting point; e.g., tab1 ← [tab| position←10] binds an environment value to tab1;
that value has two components, "position" with value 10 and "alignment" with
value FlushLeft.  Thus, one could bind to a component, ParaTabs, a sequence of
such values, e.g., ParaTabs←([tab|position←10] [tab|position←20] [tab|position←30]).

I don't have an opinion as to how one should indicate where tabs go in some
text.  Your convention seems fine to me and consistent with how lower-capability
editors most probably view them.   We should probably make this specific by
discussing it somewhere in association with TEXT.  By the way, my strawman
design doesn't provide for the kind of tabs that are just spaced at equal intervals,
nor for the kind that behave as if they were just multiple spaces.

Jim M. 

01568 00024 USt
Date: 16 Feb. 1982 4:42 pm PST (Tuesday)
From: Horning.pa
Subject: Re: First cut at defining some marks and attributes
In-reply-to: Mitchell's message of 16 Feb. 1982 10:42 am PST (Tuesday)
To: Mitchell
cc: Interdoc


Most of your suggestions looked pretty reasonable to me.

I may be even more confused than Bob about "relative." I had much the same
reaction he did, and your clarification didn't help.

Maybe the following is a part of the trouble. I have been assuming that margin
values were "attributes," to be bound in environments, not values to be included
in contents. If that is the case, I don't know what you mean by The reason for
making "relative" a part of margins is to allow an editor such as Star, which does
present them to users as relative, to make it explicit that they be kept that way.

I also have some trouble knowing how tabs should REALLY be represented.
There seem to be too many interesting and useful cases. Of course, every editor
has already made some decision, but what is Star to make of tabs in an 860
document, and conversely?

Some tabs, it seems clear, should be treated as characters in the text (move to the
next tab stop that follows the position of the preceding character) and others
should be treated as containing the position (put the next character in column 5).
These are really very different concepts, now that I come to think of it. Maybe
we have let the use of a single input key for both concepts mislead us. Suppose
the standard defined both and gave them different names?

Jim H.

10664 00024 USt
Date: 17 Feb. 1982 11:52 am EST (Wednesday)
From: Zack.wbst
Subject: Font Standards Discussion
To: PrintStds↑.es, ComStandards↑.wbst, NetStandards↑.wbst, DocStandards↑.pa,
 IPdesign↑.pa, TelepressDesign↑.es, InterDoc.pa, Reilly.es, Ellis.pa, MMartin.es,
 Hamerly.wbst, Leibowitz.wbst, Wayman.wbst, Marshall.wbst, Damouth.wbst,
 Baroody.wbst, Harrington.wbst, (Mike Townsend A2-26)ESMail.es,
Reply-To: Zack

A new distribution list named FontStandards↑.wbst has been created for handling
discussion of font name, metric and format standards.  If you care to participate,
add yourself using Maintain.

If you are not interested in font standards, read no further.  This is a long

The remainder of this message is to solicit comments on some font naming issues
relevent to a proposal I am preparing for the Print Standards Subcommittee.  The
proposal deals with font name and metric attributes, and is an extended version
of an earlier proposal which dealt with metrics only.  That proposal, dated
January 19, 1982, was named Font and Character Metrics and is stored on

A font name is, by definition, a unique identifier for a font, but the kind of
information contained in a name depends on its usage.  The name must contain
enough information to distinguish a font from all others in the same
environment, but does not necessarily carry information describing the font or
how to use it.  Such information resides in font metrics.  Both the name and the
metrics are attributes of a font.

There seem to be six distinct (?) places in which font names are important.  They

1.  for type design and classical typography.  A name like "Bodoni Book Bold
Condensed Outline" uniquely specifies a typeface, and, along with point size,
uniquely specifies the font.  Note that "Bold" and "Condensed" are simply part of
the typeface designation, and convey only qualitative information about weight
and setwidth.  For example, Bodoni Light may be "heavier" than Bodoni Book

2.  for digital font library maintenance.  Information such as rotation, target
printer name or resolution, revision level or date, character set and customer
name must be provided as well as typeface and size.

3.  for document creator use.  Typeface, orientation (rotation) and size are

4.  for inclusion in an Interpress master.  Only the typeface is needed (size and
rotation is set by the current transformation).  Different typefaces may be
required depending on the angular subtense or viewing size (e.g. title vs body
vs footnote), however. 

5.  for use within an Interpress printer, particularly for font substitution.  An
Interpress master asks for a font by typeface, with size and rotation specifed by
the current transformation.  From this the Interpress interpreter must select an
appropriate font.  There may be one font available for each point size and
rotation, or one font may be scalable to serve for several sizes and rotations.  The
identification of the proper font must involve accessing the easyTransformation
vector of the fontMetrics vector for each candidate font.  This is a case in which
the user supplies insufficient information to find the right font on the basis of
name alone.  A reasonable way to handle this is to build a lookup table into the
printing software mapping an Interpress-style font name plus a transformation
specification into a specific predetermined internal font name.  The internal
name need not include anything but a pointer to a file.

6.  for access via Clearinghouse.  If a printer needs to look to the net for a font it
needs but does not have on hand, it must specify typeface, size, orientation and
the model printer or at least its resolution, and perhaps character set.  A serious
problem is that at least the typeface, size and orientation must all be encoded in
40 characters.  Clearly typograhic names such as in (1) above are not suitable. 
Moreover, the size specification may have to be a range of sizes.  There are
several possible solutions, however:

	A.  The typeface name could be broken up in a predetermined way as in
current 5700 and Alto-world software (Family name plus MRR = medium roman
regular, BIC = bold italic condensed, etc.).  This throws away some flexibility,
requiring that Oracle Bold Italic be identical to Oracle Italic Bold, for example.  It
also makes handling special descriptors like "Extrabold, "Outline" and "Shadow"
difficult, and may require abbreviation of long names.

	B.  The forty characters could be treated as a 320-bit number and a
unique number could be assigned to every font as it is created.  This may not be
as silly as it sounds.  Font comparison and substitution would be impractical, but
for simple lookup this scheme offers plenty of unique identifiers.

	C.  The first 35 characters or so could be used to specify the principal
(family) name of the typeface, such as Helvetica.  The 40 bits of the remaining
five characters could be used to specify common secondary words such as Bold,
Outline, Demi-bold, Display, etc.  These terms would have to be independent
(although not all combinations would make sense), so only 40 could be
accomodated in this way.  Any others would have to be included in the
35-character principal name.  Of course, if 48 common terms were identified,
then 6 characters could be reserved for this use.  As in (A), the order of terms is

	D.  Numbers could be assigned to style, weight, slant and setwidth
parameters and encoded somehow in the name.  This has been proposed to
facilitate font substitution.  My opinion is that assigning these numbers would
be too arbitrary and ambiguous to be useful.  Font substitution is discussed in
more detail below.  

	E.,  F.  --  Other alternatives? Votes?

Now, for a standard it would be nice if there were a single uniform name that
we could apply to all transactions involving a font, but seems difficult in view
of the differences among 1 (Typography), 2 (Library), 4 (Interpress) and 6
(Clearinghouse).  Probably 3 and 4 can be considered equivalent.  Likewise for 5
and 6, especially if the printer model name is encoded in a different part of the
Clearinghouse name.  It is probable that at Xerox we won't need to handle
type-1-named fonts electronically (as soon as a font is digitized, it is given a
type-2 name).  Thus we are left with three distinct types of names:  Library (2),
Interpress (4) and Clearinghouse (6).

These three types of names differ mainly in the amount of auxilliary information
they contain in addition to the Typeface identifier (Library names contain all
sorts of things, Clearinghouse names contain size, rotation and printer name, and
Interpress names contain nothing extra).

Now -- for a working proposal, suppose we move all this auxialliary name
information into the fontMetrics vector and rename it fontAttributes. 
Specifically, the new entries in fontAttributes would be:

	a.  Typographical name -- the full name as in (1) above.

	b.  Orientation(s) (rotation)

	c.  Viewing size(s) -- equivalent point size at 40 cm viewing distance

	d.  Revision level, date, history, etc.

	e.  Customer name (if applicable)

	f.  Character set name (if applicable) -- redundant with codesNS (see
Metrics proposal)

	g.  Security key(s) (if applicable)

	h.  Target printer model or models

	i.  Resolution in X direction (perhaps in lieu of printer identification)

	j.  Resolution in Y direction

The information in b, c, i, and j is partly redundant with easyTransformations,
and may not need to be listed here separately.

The font name (hereafter referred to as Network name) could then be reduced for
Library, Interpress and Clearinghouse use to something like 6 - A, B, C, or D
above.  Note that the Interpress name would then be only a string instead of a
heirarchical name vector as presented in Interpress 82.

Now, FONT SUBSTITUTION.  With such information moved out of the fontName
and into fontAttributes, a font substitution algorithm must be allowed to access
fontAttributes.  The important attributes are:

	i)  Network name, particularly if key words like Bold and Italic are
separately coded as in 6 - A or C above  

	ii)  Typographical name

	iii)  Orientation

	iv)  Size

	v)  Character set

	vi)  DIN style classification -- This is discussed in Font and Character
Metrics.  My opinion is that it is much more robust than simple classifiers of
ornateness or emphasis or serif-ness.  More important, it was established by and
is accepted by the real typographers and type designers of the world.

A simple substitution algorithm based on these parameters ought to be provided
at most printers.  The 5700 algorithm based on rotation, size, posture, weight,
setwidth and family name may be a reasonable starting point.  We need to add a
check on whether the desired character(s) are present, a search for similar styles
based on the DIN classification and a check for special name parts like Antique
and Shadow.

I think we should also allow the Interpress master to supply its own substitution
algorithm.  This means the master must have access to the list of available fonts,
both local and via Clearinghouse.  It would also be nice to allow the master to
contain fonts.

Last topic -- FONT SECURITY.  There are at least two types of security
problems.  The first is copying of our fonts.  The simplest way I have heard
about to prevent this is to include in each font file the network name or address
of the printers(s) allowed to use the font and then check this in the print
software.  Of course this is only a little protection, but it makes the effort
required to steal a font significantly greater than it is now.

The second type of font security we should think about is use of particular
fonts, such as signatures, by unathorized users.  My opinion is that this is best
handled by print software.

This is the end of my comments.  What is missing?  What won't work?  What is
OK?  How well does the 5700 font substitution algorithm work?  Is it feasible to
supply fonts from Clearinghouse and/or from Interpress masters?  What is the
right way to handle size and orientation information, especially in view of the
Interpress easyTransformations?  How should viewingSize be encoded?  Can we
really name all character sets?  Is codesNS reasonable?  Does fontAttributes
contain enough information for library control?  Do we need to erase some of the
fontAttributes in the fonts we send to customers?  How about font security?

For those of you who have read this far, don't forget about FontStandards↑.wbst.

				-- Greg 

00380 00024 USt
Date: 17-Feb-82 15:20:32 PST (Wednesday)
From: Ayers.PA
Subject: On Environments and Records and ...
To: InterDoc
Reply-To: Ayers

After the recent conversation between Mitchell/Ayers/Horning, I feel that we could use a little chalk-talk from Jim Mitchell on how he views environments, attributes and the like.

Anyone agree?  Jim, are you available?

00475 00024 US 
Date: 17 Feb. 1982 4:34 pm PST (Wednesday)
From: Mitchell.PA
Subject: Re: On Environments and Records and ...
In-reply-to: Your message of 17-Feb-82 15:20:32 PST (Wednesday)
To: Ayers
cc: Mitchell, Karlton, Horning

I am available.  Some of the current confusion may well be overcome by the
palatable semantics stuff I am working on (and which Phil asked about).  In any
case, if you would like some chalk-talk about this stuff, name a time.

Jim M.

07660 00024 USt
Date: 15 Feb. 1982 6:04 pm PST (Monday)
From: Mitchell.PA
Subject: First cut at defining some marks and attributes
To: Interdoc.PA

The following is my first try at an answer to that age-old question, "What is a
paragraph?"  It is only half, not fully baked, but it might be a reasonable place
to begin.  Your comments and questions are earnestly solicited.

Jim M.


Conventions used:

material in  brackets are comments or questions.

the term record is used to describe a value which is an environment with


Primitive nodes:

A string value <sequence of characters> is syntactic sugar for a node of the form

	{CHAR$ c0 c1 ... cN}  

where the ith character (i in [0..N]) of the original string constant has been
mapped into a number, ci.

Examples: <abcdefg> is the same as {CHAR$  97 98 99 100 101 102 103}


Text nodes:

Mark: TEXT

Contents:  the evaluated contents of a TEXT node can only be a sequence of
strings of text (or, equivalently, a sequence of CHAR nodes).  It cannot contain
any other kind of nested subnodes.  

Examples:	{TEXT$ <Now is the time for ... party!>}
		{TEXT$ <Now ><is ><the ><time ><for ><... ><party><!>}



Margins are represented by values all with the following common structure:

margins = [ | left←0.0 right←0.0 relative←F]

If relative=T, this means the margins are to be interpreted relative to margins at
outer levels.  Non-negative values indicate offsets to the right, and negative
values indicate offsets to the left. this bothers me in that it seems that it
introduces a level of semantics that every implementation must support, but
which is above the base language. if relative is not present in a margins
record (environment), its value is the atom "relative", which should be treated as
F This is used in the following definition for a paragraph.



Contents:  The contents of a PARAGRAPH node can be a mixed sequence of text
strings and arbitrary subnodes.  If a PARAGRAPH node is also marked as TEXT,
then its evaluated contents must comprise a sequence of strings of text.
Relevant Attributes and Constraints:

   margins = [ | left←0.0 right←0.0 relative←T first←0.0]            -- distance 

Margins for a paragraph are relative to the margins current in the environment
of a node with the mark PARAGRAPH$.  "Left" specifies how much the left
margin of the paragraph is offset relative to the current left margin; "right"
specifies how much the right margin is offset relative to the current right
margin; and "first" specifies how much the first line of a paragraph is offset
relative to the current left margin.   

The values are all distances in the standard Interdoc units. 

Note: left, right, and first are independent of each other.

   align = [ | horizontal←FlushLeft         -- IN (FlushLeft Centered FlushRight)
               justified←F                     -- Boolean
	       vertical←FlushTop]            -- IN (FlushBottom Centered FlushTop)

"Align" specifies how a paragraph is aligned in some frame and has three
components, "horizontal", "justified", and "vertical".

The horizontal component specifies whether the paragraph is FlushLeft: the text
of the paragraph is to be displayed aligned against the left or first margin, as
appropriate; FlushRight: the text of the paragraph is to be displayed aligned
against the indented right margin; or Centered: each line of text should be
centered between the paragraph's left and right indented margins.  

The "justified" component acts as a modifier for the horizontal component.  A
paragraph for which align.justified=T specifies that its text is to be displayed
aligned against its left or first and right margins.  If align.justified=F, then the
right (left) edge of a FlushLeft (FlushRight) paragraph will be displayed

The vertical component specifies whether the paragraph is FlushTop: the text of
the paragraph is to be displayed aligned against the top margin of its enclosing
frame (if any); FlushBottom: the text of the paragraph is to be displayed aligned
against the bottom of its enclosing frame; or Centered: the body of the paragraph
should be centered between its enclosing frame's top and bottom margins.

might use something like (-1, 0, 1) in place of (FlushLeft Centered FlushRight)
and (FlushBottom Centered FlushTop)


   spacing = [ | top←12*pt

"Spacing" specifies how much white space is to be used when displaying a

Spacing.top is the amount of space that is to appear before the first line of text of
the paragraph.

Spacing.between is the number of spaces between lines of the paragraph.  It is
applicable to internal spaces only (i.e., it is not added to spacing.top to determine
the total top space before the paragraph, nor to spacing.bottom to give the total
space following the last line of the paragraph).  It is independent of the size(s)
of font(s) used for text in the paragraph.

Spacing.bottom is the amount of space that is to appear below the last displayed
line of text of the paragraph.



This attribute specifies whether and how? words in the text of the paragraph
are to be hyphenated.  Notice that this is properly an attribute of the paragraph
and not of the text in it.


tab = [ |
   alignment←FlushLeft            -- IN (FlushLeft Centered FlushRight

A tab is a record containing a position for the tab and a tab alignment.  The
position is a distance relative to the paragraph's left margin.  The alignment
specifies how the tabbed text, i.e., the text affected by the tab, is to be placed. 
The tabbed text consists of the paragraph contents up to but not including the
end of the paragraph, another tab character, or a newline character, whichever
occurs first.

The definitions of the alignment values are

   FlushLeft: the tabbed text will be left justified at the tab's position;

   Centered: the tabbed text will be centered about the tab's position;

   FlushRight: the  tabbed text will have the right edge of its rightmost character
      at the tab's position; or

   Decimal: the tabbed text, which may contain zero or more decimal points, is
      placed so that the left edge of the leftmost decimal point following a
      numeric character in the tabbed text is at the tab's position.  If there is no
      such decimal point in the tabbed text, the text is positioned as if a decimal
      point followed its last numeric character.  If there are no numeric characters
      in it, the tabbed text is positioned as if Centered had been specified. 

A paragraph has a "tabs" attribute to describe the tab values associated with it. 
This value is a sequence of tab records. 


	{PARAGRAPH$ TEXT$ align ← [| horizontal←FlushLeft] 
		margins ← [| left←inch right←inch]
	<Now ><is ><the ><time ><for ><... ><party><!>

06124 00024 USt
Date: 18 Feb. 1982 4:19 pm PST (Thursday)
From: Mitchell.PA
Subject: Re: Font Standards Discussion
In-reply-to: Zack.wbst's message of 17 Feb. 1982 11:52 am EST (Wednesday)
To: Zack.wbst
cc: Mitchell, Irby, Ayers, Horning

I am involved in the SISB-chartered project to develop a standard for the
interchange of editable documents (with the current name of Interdoc). 
Naturally, concerns for naming of fonts has come up in this endeavor, so I
welcome the opportunity to comment on your message.  

Interdoc is a language for representing editable documents.  It also has a way of
representing "definitions" for various purposes, e.g., for defining the properties of
a paragraph or a font.  Rather than give you the definition of a font expressed
in Interdoc, I have translated my working version to a Mesa-like syntax in the
hope that it is more readable.  It has a remarkably close fit to your description. 
Following the definition is a proposed solution to the naming problem, especially
the one discussed in your point 6.

font: TYPE = RECORD[ 
   family: STRING[20] ← "Times"                     -- a font name 
   face: RECORD[ 
              ← NORMAL    -- default is NORMAL 
              ← SOLID        -- default is SOLID 
                         BROAD, ELONGATED}
              ← NORMAL     -- default is NORMAL 
              ← ROMAN       -- default is ROMAN 
      slant: IN {NONE ITALIC OBLIQUE} ← NONE      -- default is NONE 
      swash: BOOLEAN ← F      -- T => font has swash capitals 
      ] -- end of face definition
   pointSize: IN [1..120] ← 10             -- size in points 
   rotation: Angle ← 0.0                     -- rotation in degrees
   ]  -- end of font definition

The main point of this definition is that it claims to place mutually exclusive
options in common sets (e.g., you will never find a font that has both the words
"LIGHT" and "LIGHT" in its name since they both are descriptions of the weight
of a typeface.  In Mesa terms, a font description for "Century Schoolbook Light
Italic 10 pt" might then look like

font[family: "CenturySchoolbook", face[weight: LIGHT, lineType: SOLID,
proportions: NORMAL, style: ROMAN, slant: ITALIC, swash: F], pointSize: 10,
rotation: 0.0] 

This is pretty verbose for naming purposes, but it could be made shorter by
using positional rather than keyword notation:

["CenturySchoolbook",[LIGHT,SOLID,NORMAL,ROMAN,ITALIC,F],10,0.0]  -- 64

We could make it shorter still by using just one-character identifiers instead of
"NORMAL", "ITALIC", etc., which might look like this:

["CenturySchoolbook",[N,S,N,R,I,F],10,0.0]  -- 42 characters

Now let's change to a more Interpress-like naming syntax, e.g.,

	CenturySchoolbook/N/S/N/R/I/F/10/0.0  -- 36 characters

Well, this is more like it.  (Note that we could even handle defaults by omitting
a part of the name but putting in all the "/"s and then having programs insert
default values to make a fully qualified name). Since this is a positional notation
anyway, let's get rid of the unnecessary intervening "/"s to get something like

	CenturySchoolbook/NSNRIF/10/0.0  -- 31 characters

This is not so nicely humanly readable, but it is easily parsed by software (if we
would still like defaults, use some standard character, e.g., "0" to indicate a
defaulted attribute).  A worst case analysis of this scheme looks reasonable and
fits in the ClearingHouse 40-character limit easily:

Field name	# of characters (including trailing slash, if any)
family		20		19 characters and /
weight		 1		 1 character
lineType		 1		 1 character
proportions		 1		 1 character
style			 1		 1 character
slant			 1		 1 character
swash			 2		 1 character and /
pointSize		 4		 number in range [1..999] and /
rotation		 6		 worst case of something like 359.99
Total			35

This scheme even leaves some room for enhancement. 

Such a structured naming scheme could handle your requirements 2, 4, and 6
because it is easy to extract appropriate attributes from the name.  


On FONT SUBSTITUTION:  Where can I find a description of the DIN
classification?  Perhaps it would be feasible to use their algorithm for font


I don't understand how your proposal of including "in each font file the network
name or address of the printer(s) allowed to use the font" prevents someone from
copying one of our fonts and using it on their print software (which has no
reason to obey this information).  I think there is a simpler solution.

Just encrypt the font file using a software version of the NBS Data Encryption
Standard (using a key supplied on an installation-by-installation basis, or even
on a server-by-server basis).  Then only servers possessing that key can make
use of the font file.  Decrypting a font file in software is not blindingly fast, but
I don't think it will need to be done very often since most servers will hang onto
the most recently used fonts.

For signatures you can also use encryption.  However, this is a subtle problem,
and it is easy to generate incorrect solutions for it.  Fortunately, there are some
solutions in the literature.  In particular, I refer you to the paper "Using
Encryption for Authentication in Large Networks of Computers" by R.M.
Needham and M.D. Schroeder, Communications of the ACM, 21(12), Dec. 1978,
pp. 993-999.  It describes a couple of ways of using encryption to handle
signatures, and I think you would find it useful.  


Questions and comments earnestly solicited.

Jim Mitchell