-- File: ScriptShowImpl.mesa - last edit by -- Karlton: 2-Sep-82 14:21:31 DIRECTORY Ascii USING [CR, NUL, SP], Environment USING [Byte], Real USING [AppendReal], ScriptHash USING [AppendId, Handle, Hash], ScriptNode USING [Operator, QualifiedID, String], ScriptParse USING [Error], ScriptTree USING [Handle, RootNode, TreeHandle, Walk], Stream USING [Handle, PutBlock, PutChar], String USING [AppendLongDecimal]; ScriptShowImpl: PROGRAM IMPORTS Real, ScriptHash, ScriptParse, ScriptTree, Stream, String EXPORTS ScriptParse = { indentPerDepth: CARDINAL = 4; Nibble: TYPE = [0..15]; HexChar: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD [ pad(0:0..7): Environment.Byte, left(0:8..11): Nibble, right(0:12..15): Nibble]; Handle: TYPE = ScriptTree.Handle; Format: TYPE = {tree, script}; Frame: TYPE = POINTER TO FrameObject; FrameObject: TYPE = RECORD [ out: Stream.Handle, univ, id: ScriptHash.Handle, lastChar: CHARACTER, format: Format ← tree]; ShowTree: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [ out: Stream.Handle, univ, id: ScriptHash.Handle, tree: ScriptTree.TreeHandle] = { f: FrameObject ← [out, univ, id, Ascii.NUL, tree]; ShowNode[@f, ScriptTree.RootNode[tree], 0]}; Externalize: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [ out: Stream.Handle, univ, id: ScriptHash.Handle, tree: ScriptTree.TreeHandle] = { f: FrameObject ← [out, univ, id, Ascii.NUL, script]; ShowString[@f, "Interscript/Reference/83 "L]; ShowChar[@f, Ascii.CR]; ShowNode[@f, ScriptTree.RootNode[tree], 0]; ShowString[@f, "ENDSCRIPT"L]; ShowChar[@f, Ascii.CR]}; ShowSons: PROCEDURE [f: Frame, r: Handle, d: CARDINAL] = { son: Handle; son ← ScriptTree.Walk[r, down]; WHILE son # NIL DO ShowNode[f, son, d + 1]; son ← ScriptTree.Walk[son, right] ENDLOOP}; NoSons: PROCEDURE [f: Frame, r: Handle] = { IF ScriptTree.Walk[r, down] # NIL THEN ERROR ScriptParse.Error[invalidTree, 0]; ShowBreak[f]}; GetSons: PROCEDURE [n: Handle, min, max: [0..3]] RETURNS [Handle, Handle, Handle] = { sons: ARRAY [0..4) OF Handle ← ALL[NIL]; sons[0] ← ScriptTree.Walk[n, down]; FOR i: CARDINAL IN [1..4) DO IF sons[i-1] = NIL THEN EXIT; sons[i] ← ScriptTree.Walk[sons[i-1], right]; ENDLOOP; IF sons[max] # NIL THEN ERROR ScriptParse.Error[invalidTree, 0]; IF sons[min - 1] = NIL THEN ERROR ScriptParse.Error[invalidTree, 0]; RETURN[sons[0], sons[1], sons[2]]}; ShowNode: PROCEDURE [f: Frame, n: Handle, d: CARDINAL] = { IF f.format = tree THEN THROUGH [0..d*indentPerDepth) DO ShowChar[f, Ascii.SP] ENDLOOP; ShowNodeContent[f, n, d]}; ShowNodeContent: PROCEDURE [f: Frame, n: Handle, d: CARDINAL] = { first, second, third: Handle; WITH node: n.node SELECT FROM atom => {ShowId[f, node.atom, f.univ]; NoSons[f, n]}; application => { ShowIds[f, node.ids, f.id]; SELECT f.format FROM script => { ShowChar[f, '[]; ShowSons[f, n, d]; ShowChar[f, ']]; ShowBreak[f]}; tree => {ShowString[f, "[]"]; ShowBreak[f]; ShowSons[f, n, d]}; ENDCASE}; boolean => {ShowBoolean[f, node.boolean]; NoSons[f, n]}; choice => { [first, second, third] ← GetSons[n, 3, 3]; SELECT f.format FROM script => { ShowChar[f, '(]; ShowNode[f, first, d + 1]; ShowChar[f, '|]; ShowNode[f, second, d + 1]; ShowChar[f, '|]; ShowNode[f, third, d + 1]; ShowChar[f, ')]; ShowBreak[f]}; tree => { ShowString[f, "Selection"L]; ShowBreak[f]; ShowNode[f, first, d + 1]; ShowBreak[f]; ShowNode[f, second, d + 1]; ShowBreak[f]; ShowNode[f, third, d + 1]; ShowBreak[f]}; ENDCASE}; dollar => {ShowIdLabel[f, node.label, f.univ, "$"L]; NoSons[f, n]}; environment => { [first, second, ] ← GetSons[n, 2, 2]; SELECT f.format FROM script => { ShowChar[f, '[]; ShowNode[f, first, d]; ShowChar[f, '|]; ShowNode[f, second, d]; ShowChar[f, ']]; ShowBreak[f]}; tree => { ShowString[f, "Environment"L]; ShowBreak[f]; ShowNode[f, first, d]; ShowBreak[f]; ShowNode[f, second, d]; ShowBreak[f]}; ENDCASE}; expression => { [first, second, ] ← GetSons[n, 1, 2]; SELECT f.format FROM script => { IF second # NIL THEN ShowNode[f, first, d + 1]; ShowOperator[f, node.expression]; ShowNode[f, IF second = NIL THEN first ELSE second, d + 1]; ShowBreak[f]}; tree => { ShowOperator[f, node.expression]; ShowBreak[f]; ShowNode[f, first, d + 1]; ShowBreak[f]; IF second # NIL THEN {ShowNode[f, second, d + 1]; ShowBreak[f]}}; ENDCASE}; globalBind => { [first, , ] ← GetSons[n, 1, 1]; ShowIds[f, node.lhs, IF node.univ THEN f.univ ELSE f.id]; ShowString[f, " := "L]; ShowNodeContent[f, first, d]}; integer => {ShowInteger[f, node.integer]; NoSons[f, n]}; links => { ShowString[f, "LINKS "L]; ShowId[f, node.label, f.id]; NoSons[f, n]}; localBind => { [first, , ] ← GetSons[n, 1, 1]; ShowIds[f, node.lhs, f.id]; ShowString[f, " ← "L]; ShowNodeContent[f, first, d]}; node => { SELECT f.format FROM script => { ShowChar[f, '{]; ShowSons[f, n, d]; ShowChar[f, '}]; ShowChar[f, Ascii.CR]}; tree => {ShowString[f, "Node"L]; ShowBreak[f]; ShowSons[f, n, d]}; ENDCASE}; percent => {ShowIdsLabel[f, node.ids, f.id, "%"L]; NoSons[f, n]}; placeHolder => { IF f.format = tree THEN {ShowString[f, "Place Holder"L]; ShowBreak[f]}; ShowSons[f, n, d]}; qualifiedID => {ShowIds[f, node.ids, f.id]; NoSons[f, n]}; quotedExpression => { SELECT f.format FROM script => { ShowChar[f, '']; ShowSons[f, n, d]; ShowChar[f, '']; ShowChar[f, Ascii.CR]}; tree => { ShowString[f, "Quoted Expression"L]; ShowBreak[f]; ShowSons[f, n, d]}; ENDCASE}; real => {ShowReal[f, node.real]; NoSons[f, n]}; source => { ShowIds[f, node.ids, f.id]; ShowChar[f, '↑]; ShowBreak[f]; NoSons[f, n]}; string => {ShowText[f, node.string]; NoSons[f, n]}; target => { ShowIds[f, node.ids, f.id]; ShowChar[f, ':]; ShowBreak[f]; NoSons[f, n]}; univApplication => { ShowId[f, node.atom, f.univ]; SELECT f.format FROM script => { ShowChar[f, '[]; ShowSons[f, n, d]; ShowChar[f, ']]; ShowBreak[f]}; tree => {ShowString[f, "[]"]; ShowBreak[f]; ShowSons[f, n, d]}; ENDCASE}; vector => { SELECT f.format FROM script => { ShowChar[f, '(]; ShowSons[f, n, d]; ShowChar[f, ')]; ShowBreak[f]}; tree => {ShowString[f, "Vector"L]; ShowBreak[f]; ShowSons[f, n, d]}; ENDCASE}; ENDCASE => ERROR}; ShowString: PROC [f: Frame, v: LONG STRING] = { f.out.PutBlock[[LOOPHOLE[@v.text], 0, v.length]]; f.lastChar ← Ascii.NUL}; ShowChar: PROC [f: Frame, v: CHARACTER] = INLINE { f.out.PutChar[v]; f.lastChar ← v}; ShowBreak: PROC [f: Frame] = { char: CHARACTER = IF f.format = tree THEN Ascii.CR ELSE Ascii.SP; IF f.lastChar # char THEN ShowChar[f, char]}; ShowHex: PROC [f: Frame, v: HexChar] = INLINE { ShowChar[f, 'A + v.left]; ShowChar[f, 'A + v.right]}; ShowText: PROC [f: Frame, string: ScriptNode.String] = { ShowChar[f, '<]; SELECT f.format FROM script => { IF string.allSimple THEN ShowString[f, string.string] ELSE { OpenEscape: PROC = INLINE { IF ~inEscape THEN {ShowChar[f, '=]; inEscape ← TRUE}}; CloseEscape: PROC = INLINE { IF inEscape THEN {ShowChar[f, '=]; inEscape ← FALSE}}; set: CHARACTER ← 0C; char: CHARACTER; pos: CARDINAL; inEscape: BOOLEAN ← FALSE; WHILE pos < string.string.length DO SELECT (char ← string.string[pos]) FROM 377C => {pos ← pos + 1; set ← string.string[pos]}; ENDCASE => { IF set # 0C THEN { OpenEscape[]; ShowInteger[f, (set - 0C)*256 + (char - 0C)]; ShowChar[f, Ascii.SP]} ELSE SELECT char FROM '=, '> => {OpenEscape[]; ShowHex[f, LOOPHOLE[char]]}; IN [40C..176C] => {CloseEscape[]; ShowChar[f, char]}; ENDCASE => {OpenEscape[]; ShowHex[f, LOOPHOLE[char]]}}; pos ← pos + 1; ENDLOOP; CloseEscape[]}}; tree => { IF string.allSet0 THEN ShowString[f, string.string] ELSE { set: CHARACTER ← 0C; c: CHARACTER; pos: CARDINAL ← 0; WHILE pos < string.string.length DO SELECT (c ← string.string[pos]) FROM 377C => {pos ← pos + 1; set ← string.string[pos]}; ENDCASE => ShowChar[f, IF set = 0C THEN c ELSE 377C]; pos ← pos + 1; ENDLOOP}}; ENDCASE; ShowChar[f, '>]}; ShowOperator: PROC [f: Frame, v: ScriptNode.Operator] = { ShowString[f, SELECT v FROM plus => "+ "L, minus => "- "L, divide => "/ "L, multiply => "* "L, ENDCASE => ERROR ScriptParse.Error[invalidTree, 0]]}; ShowBoolean: PROC [f: Frame, v: BOOLEAN] = { SELECT v FROM TRUE => ShowString[f, IF f.format = script THEN "T"L ELSE "TRUE"L]; FALSE => ShowString[f, IF f.format = script THEN "F"L ELSE "FALSE"L]; ENDCASE}; ShowInteger: PROC [f: Frame, v: LONG INTEGER] = { string: STRING = [20]; String.AppendLongDecimal[string, v]; ShowString[f, string]}; ShowReal: PROC [f: Frame, v: REAL] = { string: STRING = [20]; Real.AppendReal[s: string, r: v, forceE: TRUE]; ShowString[f, string]}; ShowId: PROC [f: Frame, hash: ScriptHash.Hash, table: ScriptHash.Handle] = { val: LONG STRING = [40]; ScriptHash.AppendId[table, val, hash]; ShowString[f, val]}; ShowIdLabel: PROC [ f: Frame, hash: ScriptHash.Hash, table: ScriptHash.Handle, label: STRING] = { IF f.format = tree THEN {ShowString[f, label]; ShowChar[f, Ascii.SP]}; ShowId[f, hash, table]; IF f.format = script THEN ShowString[f, label]}; ShowIds: PROC [ f: Frame, ids: ScriptNode.QualifiedID, table: ScriptHash.Handle] = { FOR i: CARDINAL IN [0..ids.length) DO IF i > 0 THEN ShowChar[f, '.]; ShowId[f, ids[i], table] ENDLOOP}; ShowIdsLabel: PROC [ f: Frame, ids: ScriptNode.QualifiedID, table: ScriptHash.Handle, label: STRING] = { IF f.format = tree THEN {ShowString[f, label]; ShowChar[f, Ascii.SP]}; ShowIds[f, ids, table]; IF f.format = script THEN ShowString[f, label]}; }. -- of ScriptShowImpl