Interdoc Agenda 24 September 1981
Page Numbers: Yes X: 527 Y: 10.5"
ToParticipantsDate24 September 1981
FromJim Mitchell, Jim HorningLocationPalo Alto
SubjectErrata in "Towards an Interchange ..."OrganizationCSL
P. 1, l. -3: "all conforming." −> "all conforming editors."
P. 3, Sec. 1.2.6: Replace first sentence with "It must be possible to convert any document from any editor’s internal representation to an interchange script and back to the editor’s representation without loss of structure, form, or content."
P. 4, Sec. 1.3.1: Replace first sentence with "The interchange encoding of an Interdoc script is a sequence of ASCII/ISO 646 characters."
P. 8: Add Universal Names to the list of expression values.
P. 15: Substitute "para" for "Paragraph" throughout example.
P. 16: Insert "para" definition after line 4.
P. 21, l. -12: "label class" −> "link class"
P. 31: Add to the definition of the normalization function: "All syntactic sugars are removed: ’name mode op term’ is rewritten as ’name mode name op term’."
P. 35: Add an acknowledgements section crediting, among others, the entire Interpress project, Butler Lampson, Brian Reid, John Warnock, Bill Paxton, Scott McGregor, Bob Ayers, John Guttag, Jim Donahue, ...