 *	Tests des primitives de KerN
#include "BigNum.h"
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0

 *	Fonctions ge'ne'rales.
struct testenv {
	char	*name;		/* Le nom de la fonction teste'e.	 */
	int	flag;		/* Pour savoir si l'on continue le Test. */
	char	hist[2048];	/* L'expression qui provoque l'erreur.   */
	char	*depend;	/* De quoi depend le Test.		 */

/* Les nombres pre'de'finies. */
BigNum NumbVect[5][2];
BigNum NumbProto, Ntmp2, NtmpBig;

#define RN(n) NumbVect[n][0]
#define SN(n) NumbVect[n][1]

/* Taille des nombres utilise's. */
#define TESTLENGTH 16      /* de la forme 4(n + 1) */

/* Nombre de test. */
int TestCount;

ResetTest(n) int n; {
	/* Remet le nieme nombre a` la valeur prototype. */
	BnAssign(RN(n), 0, NumbProto, 0, TESTLENGTH);
	BnAssign(SN(n), 0, NumbProto, 0, TESTLENGTH);

Check(n) int n; {
	int i;
	/* Verifie que les n nombres calcules correspondent aux simule's. */
	for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
		if(CheckSubRange(i, 0, TESTLENGTH)) return(1);

CheckSubRange(x, nd, nl) int x, nd, nl; {
	/* Verifie l'e'galite' des sous-nombres
           (RN(x), nd, nl) et (SN(x), nd, nl) */
	while(nl) {
		if(BnCompareDigits(RN(x), nd, SN(x), nd)) return(nd + 1);

ShowDiff0(e, r1, r2) struct testenv *e; int r1,r2; {
	if(r1 != r2)
		printf("---- Result is %d and must be %d----\n", r1, r2);

ShowDiff1(e, r1, r2, n, nd, nl)
		struct testenv *e; char *n; int r1, r2, nd, nl; {
	if(r1 != r2)
		printf("---- Result is %d and must be %d----\n", r1, r2);
	ShowOutRange(0, n, nd, nl);
	ShowSubNumber(0, n, nd, nl);

ShowDiff2(e, r1, r2, n, nd, nl, m, md, ml)
		struct testenv *e; char *n, *m; int r1, r2, nd, nl, md, ml; {
	if(r1 != r2)
		printf("---- Result is %d and must be %d----\n", r1, r2);
	ShowOutRange(0, n, nd, nl);
	ShowOutRange(1, m, md, ml);
	ShowSubNumber(0, n, nd, nl);
	ShowSubNumber(1, m, md, ml);

ShowDiff3(e, r1, r2, n, nd, nl, m, md, ml, o, od, ol)
		struct testenv *e; char *n, *m, *o;
		int r1, r2, nd, nl, md, ml, od, ol; {
	if(r1 != r2)
		printf("---- Result is %d and must be %d----\n", r1, r2);
	ShowOutRange(0, n, nd, nl);
	ShowOutRange(1, m, md, ml);
	ShowOutRange(2, o, od, ol);
	ShowSubNumber(0, n, nd, nl);
	ShowSubNumber(1, m, md, ml);
	ShowSubNumber(2, o, od, ol);

ShowDiff4(e, r1, r2, n, nd, nl, m, md, ml, o, od, ol, p, pd, pl)
		struct testenv *e; char *n, *m, *o, *p;
		int r1, r2, nd, nl, md, ml, od, ol, pd, pl; {
	if(r1 != r2)
		printf("---- Result is %d and must be %d----\n", r1, r2);
	ShowOutRange(0, n, nd, nl);
	ShowOutRange(1, m, md, ml);
	ShowOutRange(2, o, od, ol);
	ShowOutRange(3, p, pd, pl);
	ShowSubNumber(0, n, nd, nl);
	ShowSubNumber(1, m, md, ml);
	ShowSubNumber(2, o, od, ol);
	ShowSubNumber(3, p, pd, pl);

ShowSubNumber(x, n, nd, nl) char *n; int x, nd, nl; {
	printf("[%s, %d, %d] =	", n, nd, nl);
	RangeNumberPrint("", RN(x), nd, nl);
	if(CheckSubRange(x, nd, nl)) {
		RangeNumberPrint(" Before:	", NumbProto, nd, nl);
		RangeNumberPrint(" Simulated:	", SN(x), nd, nl);
}	}

RangeNumberPrint(s, n, nd, nl) char *s; BigNum n; int nd, nl; {
	int first = 1;

	/* Ne marche que si BnGetDigit est garanti!!! */
	printf("%s {", s);
	while(nl) {
		if(!first) printf(", "); else first = 0;
		if(BN←DIGIT←SIZE <= 16)
			printf("%.4X", BnGetDigit(n, nd + nl));
		else	printf("%.8X", BnGetDigit(n, nd + nl));

char *msg = "---- Modification Out of Range of number ";
ShowOutRange(x, n, nd, nl) char *n; int x, nd, nl; {
	int i = 0, bol = 0;

	while(i = CheckSubRange(x, i, TESTLENGTH - i)) {
		if((i <= nd) || (i > nd + nl)) {
			if(!bol) {
				bol = 1;
				printf("%s %s at index: (%d", msg, n, i - 1);
			} else {
				printf(" %d", i - 1);
	}	}	}
	if(bol) printf(").\n");

ErrorPrint(e) struct testenv *e; {
	printf("*** Error in compute : %s\n", e->hist);
	printf("  Depend on %s\n", e->depend);

 *	Tests des fonctions non redefinisables
int genlengthvec[] = {9, 8, 1, 0, 2000, 32000,};
BigNumType gentypevec[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,};
Generique(e) struct testenv *e; {
	int i;
	int length, length2;
	BigNumType type, type2;
	int fix;
	BigNum n;

   for(i=0; i < 6; i++) {
	type = gentypevec[i];
	length = genlengthvec[i];
	n = BnCreate(type, length);
	if((type2 = BnGetType(n)) != type) {
		sprintf(e->hist,"BnGetType(BnCreate(%d, %d));", type, length);
		if(ShowDiff0(e, type, type2)) return(TRUE);
	if((length2 = BnGetSize(n)) != length) {
		sprintf(e->hist,"BnGetSize(BnCreate(%d, %d));", type, length);
		if(ShowDiff0(e, length, length2)) return(TRUE);
	if(BnFree(n) == 0) {
		sprintf(e->hist, "BnFree(BnCreate(%d, %d));", type, length);
		if(ShowDiff0(e, 1, 0)) return(TRUE);
	BnSetType((n = BnAlloc(length)), type);
	if((type2 = BnGetType(n)) != type) {
		sprintf(e->hist,"BnGetType(BnAlloc(%d, %d));", type, length);
		if(ShowDiff0(e, type, type2)) return(TRUE);
	if((length2 = BnGetSize(n)) != length) {
		sprintf(e->hist,"BnGetSize(BnAlloc(%d, %d));", type, length);
		if(ShowDiff0(e, length, length2)) return(TRUE);
	if(BnFree(n) == 0) {
		sprintf(e->hist, "BnFree(BnAlloc(%d, %d));", type, length);
		if(ShowDiff0(e, 1, 0)) return(TRUE);

 *	BnSetToZero
←←←BnSetToZero←←←(n, nd, nl) register BigNum n; register int nd, nl; {
	register int i;
	for(i=0; i<nl; i++)
		BnSetDigit(n, nd + i, 0);

TestBnSetToZero(e) struct testenv *e; {
	int nd, nl;

	e->depend = "()";
	for(nd = 0; nd <= TESTLENGTH; nd++)
	   for(nl = 0; nl <= TESTLENGTH - nd; nl++) {
		   BnSetToZero   (RN(0), nd, nl);
		←←←BnSetToZero←←←(SN(0), nd, nl);
		if(Check(1)) {
			sprintf(e->hist, "%s(n, %d, %d)", e->name, nd, nl);
			if(ShowDiff1(e, 0, 0, "n", nd, nl)) return(1);
	}	}

 *	BnAssign
←←←BnAssign←←←(m, md, n, nd, nl) BigNum m, n; int md, nd, nl; {
	BnSetToZero(NtmpBig, 0, nl);
	BnAdd(NtmpBig, 0, nl, n, nd, nl, 0);
	BnSetToZero(m, md, nl);
	BnAdd(m, md, nl, NtmpBig, 0, nl, 0);

TestBnAssign(e) struct testenv *e; {
	int md, nd, nl;

	e->depend = "(BnSetToZero, BnAdd)";
	for(md = 0; md <= TESTLENGTH; md++)
	  for(nd = 0; nd <= TESTLENGTH; nd++)
	    for(nl=0; ((nl<=TESTLENGTH-nd) && (nl<=TESTLENGTH-md)); nl++) {
		   BnAssign   (RN(0), md, RN(0), nd, nl);
		←←←BnAssign←←←(SN(0), md, SN(0), nd, nl);
		if(Check(1)) {
			sprintf(e->hist, "%s(n, %d, n, %d, %d)", e->name,
						md, nd, nl);
			if(ShowDiff1(e, 0, 0, "n", md, nl)) return(1);
	}	}

 *	BnNumDigits
←←←BnNumDigits←←←(n, nd, nl) register BigNum n; register int nd, nl; {

	while(nl != 0) {
		if(!BnIsDigitZero(n, nd + nl)) break;
	return(nl + 1);

TestBnNumDigits(e) struct testenv *e; {
	int nd0, nl0, nd, nl, l1, l2;

	e->depend = "(BnIsDigitZero)";
	for(nd0 = 0; nd0 <= TESTLENGTH; nd0++)
	  for(nl0 = 0; nl0 <= TESTLENGTH - nd0; nl0++)
	    for(nd = 0; nd <= TESTLENGTH; nd++)
	      for(nl = 0; nl <= TESTLENGTH - nd; nl++) {
		BnSetToZero(RN(0), nd0, nl0);
		BnSetToZero(SN(0), nd0, nl0);
		l1 =    BnNumDigits   (RN(0), nd, nl);
		l2 = ←←←BnNumDigits←←←(SN(0), nd, nl);
		if(Check(1) || l1 != l2) {
			sprintf(e->hist, "%s(n, %d, %d)", e->name, nd, nl);
			if(ShowDiff1(e, l1, l2, "n", nd, nl)) return(1);
	}	}

 *	BnNumLeadingZeroBitsInDigit
←←←BnNumLeadingZeroBitsInDigit←←←(n, nd) BigNum n; int nd; {
	int p = 0;

	if(BnIsDigitZero(n, nd)) return(BN←DIGIT←SIZE);
	BnAssign(Ntmp2, 0, n, nd, 1);
	BnShiftLeft(Ntmp2, 0, 1, Ntmp2, 1, 1);
	while(BnIsDigitZero(Ntmp2, 1)) {
		BnShiftLeft(Ntmp2, 0, 1, Ntmp2, 1, 1);

TestBnNumLeadingZeroBitsInDigit(e) struct testenv *e; {
	int nd; int l1, l2;

	e->depend = "(BnShiftLeft, BnIsDigitZero)";
	for(nd = 0; nd < TESTLENGTH; nd++) {
		l1 =    BnNumLeadingZeroBitsInDigit   (RN(0), nd);
		l2 = ←←←BnNumLeadingZeroBitsInDigit←←←(SN(0), nd);
		if(Check(1) || l1 != l2) {
			sprintf(e->hist, "%s(n, %d)", e->name, nd);
			if(ShowDiff1(e, l1, l2, "n", nd, 1)) return(1);
	}	}

 *	BnIsDigitZero
←←←BnIsDigitZero←←←(n, nd) BigNum n; int nd; {
	if(BnGetDigit(n, nd) == 0) return(1);

TestBnIsDigitZero(e) struct testenv *e; {
	int nd; int l1, l2;

	e->depend = "()";
	for(nd = 0; nd < TESTLENGTH; nd++) {
		l1 =    BnIsDigitZero   (RN(0), nd);
		l2 = ←←←BnIsDigitZero←←←(SN(0), nd);
		if(Check(1) || ((l1 == 0) && (l2 != 0)) ||
			       ((l1 != 0) && (l2 == 0))) {
			sprintf(e->hist, "%s(n, %d)", e->name, nd);
			if(ShowDiff1(e, l1, l2, "n", nd, 1)) return(1);
	}	}

 *	BnIsDigitNormalized
←←←BnIsDigitNormalized←←←(n, nd) BigNum n; int nd; {
	BnAssign(Ntmp2, 0, n, nd, 1);
	BnShiftLeft(Ntmp2, 0, 1, Ntmp2, 1, 1);
	if(BnIsDigitZero(Ntmp2, 1)) return(0);

TestBnIsDigitNormalized(e) struct testenv *e; {
	int nd; int l1, l2;

	e->depend = "(BnShiftLeft, BnIsDigitZero)";
	for(nd = 0; nd < TESTLENGTH; nd++) {
		l1 =    BnIsDigitNormalized   (RN(0), nd);
		l2 = ←←←BnIsDigitNormalized←←←(SN(0), nd);
		if(Check(1) || ((l1 == 0) && (l2 != 0)) ||
			       ((l1 != 0) && (l2 == 0))) {
			sprintf(e->hist, "%s(n, %d)", e->name, nd);
			if(ShowDiff1(e, l1, l2, "n", nd, 1)) return(1);
	}	}

 *	BnIsDigitOdd
←←←BnIsDigitOdd←←←(n, nd) BigNum n; int nd; {
	BnAssign(Ntmp2, 0, n, nd, 1);
	BnShiftRight(Ntmp2, 0, 1, Ntmp2, 1, 1);
	if(BnIsDigitZero(Ntmp2, 1)) return(0);

TestBnIsDigitOdd(e) struct testenv *e; {
	int nd; int l1, l2;

	e->depend = "(BnShiftRight, BnIsDigitZero)";
	for(nd = 0; nd < TESTLENGTH; nd++) {
		l1 =    BnIsDigitOdd   (RN(0), nd);
		l2 = ←←←BnIsDigitOdd←←←(SN(0), nd);
		if(Check(1) || ((l1 == 0) && (l2 != 0)) ||
			       ((l1 != 0) && (l2 == 0))) {
			sprintf(e->hist, "%s(n, %d)", e->name, nd);
			if(ShowDiff1(e, l1, l2, "n", nd, 1)) return(1);
	}	}

 *	BnCompareDigits
←←←BnCompareDigits←←←(n, nd, m, md) BigNum n, m; int nd, md; {
	BnAssign(Ntmp2, 0, n, nd, 1);
	BnComplement(Ntmp2, 0, 1);
	if(BnAdd(Ntmp2, 0, 1, m, md, 1, 0)) return(-1);
	BnComplement(Ntmp2, 0, 1);
	if(BnIsDigitZero(Ntmp2, 0)) return(0);

TestBnCompareDigits(e) struct testenv *e; {
	int nd, md; int l1, l2;

	e->depend = "(BnComplement, BnAdd, BnIsDigitZero)";
	for(nd = 0; nd < TESTLENGTH; nd++)
	   for(md = 0; md < TESTLENGTH; md++) {
		l1 =    BnCompareDigits   (RN(0), nd, RN(1), md);
		l2 = ←←←BnCompareDigits←←←(SN(0), nd, SN(1), md);
		if(Check(2) || l1 != l2) {
			sprintf(e->hist, "%s(n, %d, m, %d)", e->name, nd, md);
			if(ShowDiff2(e, l1, l2, "n", nd, 1, "m", md, 1))
	}	}

 *	BnComplement
←←←BnComplement←←←(n, nd, nl) BigNum n; int nd, nl; {
	int i;

	BnSetDigit(Ntmp2, 0, 0);
	BnSubtractBorrow(Ntmp2, 0, 1, 0);
	for(i = 0; i < nl; i++)
		BnXorDigits(n, nd + i, Ntmp2, 0);

TestBnComplement(e) struct testenv *e; {
	int nd, nl;

	e->depend = "(BnSubtractBorrow, BnXorDigits)";
	for(nd = 0; nd <= TESTLENGTH; nd++)
	   for(nl = 0; nl <= TESTLENGTH - nd; nl++) {
		   BnComplement   (RN(0), nd, nl);
		←←←BnComplement←←←(SN(0), nd, nl);
		if(Check(1)) {
			sprintf(e->hist, "%s(n, %d, %d)", e->name, nd, nl);
			if(ShowDiff1(e, 0, 0, "n", nd, nl)) return(1);
	}	}

 *	BnAndDigits
←←←BnAndDigits←←←(n, nd, m, md) BigNum n, m; int nd, md; {
	BnAssign(Ntmp2, 0, n, nd, 1);
	BnOrDigits(Ntmp2, 0, m, md);
	BnXorDigits(Ntmp2, 0, m, md);
	BnXorDigits(n, nd, Ntmp2, 0);

TestBnAndDigits(e) struct testenv *e; {
	int nd, md;

	e->depend = "(BnOrDigits, BnXorDigits)";
	for(nd = 0; nd < TESTLENGTH; nd++)
	   for(md = 0; md < TESTLENGTH; md++) {
		   BnAndDigits   (RN(0), nd, RN(1), md);
		←←←BnAndDigits←←←(SN(0), nd, SN(1), md);
		if(Check(2)) {
			sprintf(e->hist, "%s(n, %d, m, %d)", e->name, nd, md);
			if(ShowDiff2(e, 0, 0, "n", nd, 1, "m", md, 1))
	}	}

 *	BnOrDigits
←←←BnOrDigits←←←(n, nd, m, md) BigNum n, m; int nd, md; {
	BnAssign(Ntmp2, 0, n, nd, 1);
	BnAndDigits(Ntmp2, 0, m, md);
	BnXorDigits(Ntmp2, 0, m, md);
	BnXorDigits(n, nd, Ntmp2, 0);

TestBnOrDigits(e) struct testenv *e; {
	int nd, md;

	e->depend = "(BnAndDigits, BnXorDigits)";
	for(nd = 0; nd < TESTLENGTH; nd++)
	   for(md = 0; md < TESTLENGTH; md++) {
		   BnOrDigits   (RN(0), nd, RN(1), md);
		←←←BnOrDigits←←←(SN(0), nd, SN(1), md);
		if(Check(2)) {
			sprintf(e->hist, "%s(n, %d, m, %d)", e->name, nd, md);
			if(ShowDiff2(e, 0, 0, "n", nd, 1, "m", md, 1))
	}	}

 *	BnXorDigits
←←←BnXorDigits←←←(n, nd, m, md) BigNum n, m; int nd, md; {
	BnAssign(Ntmp2, 0, n, nd, 1);
	BnAndDigits(Ntmp2, 0, m, md);
	BnComplement(Ntmp2, 0, 1);
	BnOrDigits(n, nd, m, md);
	BnAndDigits(n, nd, Ntmp2, 0);

TestBnXorDigits(e) struct testenv *e; {
	int nd, md;

	e->depend = "(BnAndDigits, BnComplement, BnOrDigits)";
	for(nd = 0; nd < TESTLENGTH; nd++)
	   for(md = 0; md < TESTLENGTH; md++) {
		   BnXorDigits   (RN(0), nd, RN(1), md);
		←←←BnXorDigits←←←(SN(0), nd, SN(1), md);
		if(Check(2)) {
			sprintf(e->hist, "%s(n, %d, m, %d)", e->name, nd, md);
			if(ShowDiff2(e, 0, 0, "n", nd, 1, "m", md, 1))
	}	}

 *	BnShiftLeft
←←←BnShiftLeft←←←(n, nd, nl, m, md, s) BigNum n, m; int nd, nl, md; int s; {
	BnSetDigit(m, md, 2);
	BnSetDigit(Ntmp2, 0, 1);
	while(s--) {
		BnSetToZero(NtmpBig, 0, 2);
		BnMultiplyDigit(NtmpBig, 0, 2, Ntmp2, 0, 1, m, md);
		BnAssign(Ntmp2, 0, NtmpBig, 0, 1);
	BnSetToZero(NtmpBig, 0, nl + 1);
	BnMultiplyDigit(NtmpBig, 0, nl + 1, n, nd, nl, Ntmp2, 0);
	BnAssign(n, nd, NtmpBig, 0, nl);
	BnAssign(m, md, NtmpBig, nl, 1);

TestBnShiftLeft(e) struct testenv *e; {
	int nd, nl, md; int s;

	e->depend = "(BnSetToZero, BnMultiplyDigit)";
	for(nd = 0; nd <= TESTLENGTH; nd++)
	  for(nl = 0; nl <= TESTLENGTH - nd; nl++)
	    for(md = 0; md < 2; md++)
	      for(s = 0; s < BN←DIGIT←SIZE; s++) {
		   BnShiftLeft   (RN(0), nd, nl, RN(1), md, s);
		←←←BnShiftLeft←←←(SN(0), nd, nl, SN(1), md, s);
		if(Check(2)) {
			sprintf(e->hist, "%s(n, %d, %d, m, %d, %d)",
					e->name, nd, nl, md, s);
			if(ShowDiff2(e, 0, 0, "n", nd, nl, "m", md, 1))
	}	}

 *	BnShiftRight
←←←BnShiftRight←←←(n, nd, nl, m, md, s) BigNum n, m; int nd, nl, md; int s; {
	if((nl == 0) || (s == 0)) {
		BnSetDigit(m, md, 0);
	BnAssign(NtmpBig, 0, n, nd, nl);
	BnShiftLeft(NtmpBig, 0, nl, NtmpBig, nl, BN←DIGIT←SIZE - s);
	BnAssign(n, nd, NtmpBig, 1, nl);
	BnAssign(m, md, NtmpBig, 0, 1);

TestBnShiftRight(e) struct testenv *e; {
	int nd, nl, md; int s;

	e->depend = "(BnShiftLeft)";
	for(nd = 0; nd <= TESTLENGTH; nd++)
	  for(nl = 0; nl <= TESTLENGTH - nd; nl++)
	    for(md = 0; md < 2; md++)
	      for(s = 0; s < BN←DIGIT←SIZE; s++) {
		   BnShiftRight   (RN(0), nd, nl, RN(1), md, s);
		←←←BnShiftRight←←←(SN(0), nd, nl, SN(1), md, s);
		if(Check(2)) {
			sprintf(e->hist, "%s(n, %d, %d, m, %d, %d)",
					e->name, nd, nl, md, s);
			if(ShowDiff2(e, 0, 0, "n", nd, nl, "m", md, 1))
	}	}

 *	BnAddCarry
←←←BnAddCarry←←←(n, nd, nl, r) BigNum n; int nd, nl; int r;{
	if(r == 0) return(0);
	BnComplement(n, nd, nl);
	r = BnSubtractBorrow(n, nd, nl, 0);
	BnComplement(n, nd, nl);
	if(r == 0) return(1);

TestBnAddCarry(e) struct testenv *e; {
	int nd, nl; int r, l1, l2;

	e->depend = "(BnComplement, BnSubtractBorrow)";
	for(nd = 0; nd <= TESTLENGTH; nd++)
	  for(nl = 0; nl <= TESTLENGTH - nd; nl++)
	    for(r = 0; r < 2; r++) {
		l1 =    BnAddCarry   (RN(0), nd, nl, r);
		l2 = ←←←BnAddCarry←←←(SN(0), nd, nl, r);
		if(Check(1) || l1 != l2) {
			sprintf(e->hist, "%s(n, %d, %d, %d)",
					e->name, nd, nl, r);
			if(ShowDiff1(e, l1, l2, "n", nd, nl)) return(1);
	}	}

 *	BnAdd
←←←BnAdd←←←(n, nd, nl, m, md, ml, r) BigNum n, m; int nd, nl, md, ml; int r;{
	BnComplement(m, md, ml);
	r = BnSubtract(n, nd, ml, m, md, ml, r);
	BnComplement(m, md, ml);
	return(BnAddCarry(n, nd + ml, nl - ml, r));

TestBnAdd(e) struct testenv *e; {
	int nd, nl, md, ml; int r, l1, l2;

	e->depend = "(BnComplement, BnSubtract, BnAddCarry)";
	for(nd = 0; nd <= TESTLENGTH; nd++)
	 for(nl = 0; nl <= TESTLENGTH - nd; nl++)
	  for(md = 0; md <= TESTLENGTH - nl; md++)
	   for(ml = 0; ml <= nl ; ml++)
	    for(r = 0; r < 2; r++) {
		l1 =    BnAdd   (RN(0), nd, nl, RN(1), md, ml, r);
		l2 = ←←←BnAdd←←←(SN(0), nd, nl, SN(1), md, ml, r);
		if(Check(2) || l1 != l2) {
			sprintf(e->hist, "%s(n, %d, %d, m, %d, %d, %d)",
					e->name, nd, nl, md, ml, r);
			if(ShowDiff2(e, l1, l2, "n", nd, nl, "m", md, ml))
	}	}

 *	BnSubtractBorrow
←←←BnSubtractBorrow←←←(n, nd, nl, r) BigNum n; int nd, nl; int r;{
	if(r == 1) return(1);
	BnComplement(n, nd, nl);
	r = BnAddCarry(n, nd, nl, 1);
	BnComplement(n, nd, nl);
	if(r == 0) return(1);

TestBnSubtractBorrow(e) struct testenv *e; {
	int nd, nl; int r, l1, l2;

	e->depend = "(BnComplement, BnAddCarry)";
	for(nd = 0; nd <= TESTLENGTH; nd++)
	  for(nl = 0; nl <= TESTLENGTH - nd; nl++)
	    for(r = 0; r < 2; r++) {
		l1 =    BnSubtractBorrow   (RN(0), nd, nl, r);
		l2 = ←←←BnSubtractBorrow←←←(SN(0), nd, nl, r);
		if(Check(1) || l1 != l2) {
			sprintf(e->hist, "%s(n, %d, %d, %d)",
					e->name, nd, nl, r);
			if(ShowDiff1(e, l1, l2, "n", nd, nl)) return(1);
	}	}

 *	BnSubtract
←←←BnSubtract←←←(n, nd, nl, m, md, ml, r) BigNum n, m; int nd, nl, md, ml; int r;{
	BnComplement(m, md, ml);
	r = BnAdd(n, nd, ml, m, md, ml, r);
	BnComplement(m, md, ml);
	return(BnSubtractBorrow(n, nd + ml, nl - ml, r));

TestBnSubtract(e) struct testenv *e; {
	int nd, nl, md, ml; int r, l1, l2;

	e->depend = "(BnComplement, BnAdd, BnSubtractBorrow)";
	for(nd = 0; nd <= TESTLENGTH; nd++)
	 for(nl = 0; nl <= TESTLENGTH - nd; nl++)
	  for(md = 0; md <= TESTLENGTH - nl; md++)
	   for(ml = 0; ml <= nl ; ml++)
	    for(r = 0; r < 2; r++) {	
		l1 =    BnSubtract   (RN(0), nd, nl, RN(1), md, ml, r);
		l2 = ←←←BnSubtract←←←(SN(0), nd, nl, SN(1), md, ml, r);
		if(Check(2) || l1 != l2) {
			sprintf(e->hist, "%s(n, %d, %d, m, %d, %d, %d)",
					e->name, nd, nl, md, ml, r);
			if(ShowDiff2(e, l1, l2, "n", nd, nl, "m", md, ml))
	}	}

 *	BnMultiplyDigit
←←←BnMultiplyDigit←←←(p, pd, pl, n, nd, nl, m, md)BigNum p, n, m; int pd, pl, nd, nl, md; {
	int r = 0, ret = 0;

	BnAssign(Ntmp2, 0, m, md, 1);
	BnAssign(NtmpBig, 0, n, nd, nl);
	BnSetToZero(NtmpBig, nl, 1);
	while(!BnIsDigitZero(Ntmp2, 0)) {
		if(BnIsDigitOdd(Ntmp2, 0)) {
			r = BnAdd(p, pd, pl, NtmpBig, 0, nl + 1, 0);
			if ((ret == 0) && (r == 1)) ret = 1;
			else if((ret == 1) && (r == 1))	ret = 2;
		BnShiftRight(Ntmp2, 0, 1, Ntmp2, 1, 1);
		BnShiftLeft(NtmpBig, 0, nl + 1, Ntmp2, 1, 1);
		if (!BnIsDigitZero(Ntmp2, 1)) ret = 3;

TestBnMultiplyDigit(e) struct testenv *e; {
	int pd, pl, nd, nl, md; int l1, l2;

	e->depend = "(BnSetToZero, BnIsDigitZero, BnIsDigitOdd, BnAdd, BnShiftRight, BnShiftLeft)";
	for(pd = 0; pd <= TESTLENGTH; pd++)
	 for(pl = 0; pl <= TESTLENGTH - pd; pl++)
	  for(nd = 0; nd <= TESTLENGTH - pl; nd++)
	   for(nl = 0; nl < pl ; nl++)
	    for(md = 0; md < TESTLENGTH; md++) {
		l1 =    BnMultiplyDigit   (RN(0),pd,pl,RN(1),nd,nl,RN(2),md);
		l2 = ←←←BnMultiplyDigit←←←(SN(0),pd,pl,SN(1),nd,nl,SN(2),md);
		if(Check(3) || l1 != l2) {
			   "BnMultiplyDigit(p, %d, %d, n, %d, %d, m, %d)",
						pd, pl, nd, nl, md);
	}	}

 *	BnDivideDigit
TestBnDivideDigit(e) struct testenv *e; {
	int nd, nl, md, qd, rd, l2;

	e->depend = "(BnSetToZero, BnMultiplyDigit)";
	for(nd = 0; nd <= TESTLENGTH - 2; nd++)
	 for(nl = 2; nl <= TESTLENGTH - nd; nl++)
	  for(md = 0; md < TESTLENGTH; md++)
	   for(qd = 0; qd < TESTLENGTH - nl + 1 ; qd++)
	    for(rd = 0; rd < 2; rd++)
	     if((!BnIsDigitZero(RN(3), md)) &&
			(BnCompareDigits(RN(2), nd+nl-1, RN(3), md) == -1)) {
		BnDivideDigit(RN(0), qd, RN(1), rd, RN(2), nd, nl, RN(3), md);
		BnAssign(SN(0), qd, RN(0), qd, nl - 1);
		BnAssign(SN(1), rd, RN(1), rd, 1);
		BnSetToZero(SN(2), nd, nl);
		BnAssign(SN(2), nd, SN(1), rd, 1);
		l2 = BnMultiplyDigit(SN(2),nd,nl, SN(0),qd,nl - 1, SN(3), md);
		if(Check(4) || l2 != 0) {
			   "BnDivideDigit(q, %d, r, %d, n, %d, %d, m, %d)",
						qd, rd, nd, nl, md);
			if(ShowDiff4(e, 0, l2, "q", qd, nl - 1, "r", rd, 1,
					"n", nd, nl, "m", md, 1))
	}	}

 *	Main
typedef struct {
	int	(*TestFnt)();
	char	*NameFnt;
TESTONE AllTest[] = {
	Generique,				"fonctions generiques",
	TestBnSetToZero,			"BnSetToZero",
	TestBnAssign,				"BnAssign",
	TestBnNumDigits,			"BnNumDigits",
	TestBnNumLeadingZeroBitsInDigit,	"BnNumLeadingZeroBitsInDigit",
	TestBnIsDigitZero,			"BnIsDigitZero",
	TestBnIsDigitNormalized,		"BnIsDigitNormalized",
	TestBnIsDigitOdd,			"BnIsDigitOdd",
	TestBnCompareDigits,			"BnCompareDigits",
	TestBnComplement,			"BnComplement",
	TestBnAndDigits,			"BnAndDigits",
	TestBnOrDigits,				"BnOrDigits",
	TestBnXorDigits,			"BnXorDigits",
	TestBnShiftLeft,			"BnShiftLeft",
	TestBnShiftRight,			"BnShiftRight",
	TestBnAddCarry,				"BnAddCarry",
	TestBnAdd,				"BnAdd",
	TestBnSubtractBorrow,			"BnSubtractBorrow",
	TestBnSubtract,				"BnSubtract",
	TestBnMultiplyDigit,			"BnMultiplyDigit",
	TestBnDivideDigit,			"BnDivideDigit",

main(n, s) int n; char **s; {
	struct testenv realenv, *e = &realenv;
	int i, j, nbtest, SizeAllTest;

	/* Initialisations de l'environnement de test. */
	e->flag = 1;
	e->depend = "()";
	/* Allocation des 2 nombres globaux. */
	Ntmp2 = BnAlloc(2);
	NtmpBig = BnAlloc(2 * TESTLENGTH);
	NumbProto = BnAlloc(TESTLENGTH);
	/* Creation du nombre prototype. */
	BnSetDigit(NumbProto, 0, 0);		/* Les 2 premiers a` ze'ro. */
	BnSetDigit(NumbProto, 1, 0);
	for(i=0; i < TESTLENGTH/4 - 1; i++)	/* Le premier quart est la */
		BnSetDigit(NumbProto, i + 2, i + 1);	/* suite 1, 2, 3, ...      */
	/* Le 2nd quart est le 1er shifte de BN←DIGIT←SIZE - 2. 0x4000 0x8000 ...*/
	BnAssign(NumbProto, QTL + 1, NumbProto, 2, QTL - 1);
	BnShiftLeft(NumbProto, QTL + 1, QTL - 1, NumbProto, 0, BN←DIGIT←SIZE - 2);
	/* La 2nd moitie est l'inverse logique de la 1ere */
	BnAssign(NumbProto, DTL, NumbProto, 0, DTL);
	BnComplement(NumbProto, DTL, DTL);
	/* Allocation des nombres utilise's */
	for(i=0; i < 5; i++) {
		RN(i) = BnAlloc(TESTLENGTH);
		SN(i) = BnAlloc(TESTLENGTH);
	if(n == 1) {
		printf("%s [v] [a] [NOTEST]\n", s[0]);
	/* On y va */
	SizeAllTest = (sizeof(AllTest)/sizeof(AllTest[0]));
	for(i = 1; i < n; i++) {
		if(s[i][0] == 'm') {
			/* 0 = No skip; 1 = skip to next; else STOP */
			e->flag = atoi(&s[i][1]);
		} else if (s[i][0] == 'a') {
			for(i = 0; i < SizeAllTest; i++)
				dotest(e, i);
		} else if (s[i][0] == 'v') {
			for(j = 0; j < SizeAllTest; j++)
		} else {
			nbtest = atoi(s[i]);
			if((nbtest < 0) || (nbtest >= SizeAllTest))
				printf("test no %d is invalide\n", nbtest);
			else	dotest(e, nbtest);
}	}	}

dotest(e, n) struct testenv *e; int n; {
	TestCount = 0;
	e->name = AllTest[n].NameFnt;
	if(((AllTest[n].TestFnt) (e)) && e->flag > 1) exit(0);
	printf("%d tests were performed\n", TestCount);

seetest(n) int n; {
	printf("%d.	Test de %s\n", n, AllTest[n].NameFnt);