;;; .EnTete "Le-Lisp (c) version 15.2" " " "Fichier de test"
;;; .EnPied "testdata.ll" "%" " "
;;; .SuperTitre "Fichier de donne'es des tests testfn et testcp"
;;; .Centre "*****************************************************************"
;;; .Centre " Ce fichier est en lecture seule hors du projet ALE de l'INRIA.  "
;;; .Centre " Il est maintenu par ILOG SA, 2 Avenue Gallie'ni, 94250 Gentilly "
;;; .Centre " (c) Le-Lisp est une marque de'pose'e de l'INRIA                 "
;;; .Centre "*****************************************************************"

; .Centre "$Header: testdata.ll,v 4.15 88/12/19 11:50:16 kuczynsk Exp $"

; Ce fichier permet de tester :
; 1 - le fonctionnement des fonctions standard
; 2 - les messages d'erreurs de ces fonctions
; 3 - la compilation de ces fontions.

; (setq ?speaki t)                      t

(version)                               15.22
(herald)                                ()
(terpri)                                t
(setq #:system:gensym-counter 100)      100
(gensym)                                g101

 ; Pour tester les appels de l'IT GENARITH!

(setq #:sys-package:genarith ())        ()

        (test-serie "[Conversions Majuscules/Minuscules]" ())

(de test-read ()
    (car (catcherror t (read))))        test-read

(setq #:system:read-case-flag ())       ()
(test-read)             |abcdefg|       abcdefg         
(test-read)             |abcdefg|       abcdefg

(setq #:system:read-case-flag t)        t
(test-read)             |abcdefg|       abcdefg         
(test-read)             |ABCDEFG|       ABCDEFG         

(setq #:system:read-case-flag ())       ()

        (test-serie "[Evaluateur EVAL/APPLY/FUNCALL]" ())

()                                      ()
nil                                     ()
t                                       t
abcdefghjklmnopqrst                     (ERRUDV eval abcdefghjklmnopqrst)
(symeval 'abcdefghij)                   (ERRUDV symeval abcdefghij)
(ffffyyyyyyeeeee)                       (ERRUDF eval ffffyyyyyyeeeee)
(apply 'qqqwww ())                      (ERRUDF apply qqqwww)
(apply 3 ())                            (ERRUDF apply 3)
(apply "car" ())                        (ERRUDF apply "car")
(apply '+ 1 . 2)                        (ERRBAL apply 2)
(apply '+ 10)                           (ERRBAL + 10)
(apply '+ 10 20 30)                     (ERRBAL + 30)
(funcall 'qqqwww)                       (ERRUDF funcall qqqwww)
(funcall 3)                             (ERRUDF funcall 3)
(funcall "car")                         (ERRUDF funcall "car")

 ; Appel des SUBR 0/1/2/3/N : EVAL/APPLY/FUNCALL

(version)                               15.22
(version t)                             (ERRWNA version 0)
(version . 1)                           (ERRBAL version 1)
(car)                                   (ERRWNA car 1)
(car '(a))                              a
(car '(a) '(b))                         (ERRWNA car 1)
(car . t)                               (ERRBAL car t)
(car '(a) . t)                          (ERRBAL car t)
(cons)                                  (ERRWNA cons 2)
(cons 'a)                               (ERRWNA cons 2)
(cons 'a 'b)                            (a . b)
(cons 'a 'b 'c)                         (ERRWNA cons 2)
(cons . t)                              (ERRBAL cons t)
(cons 1 . t)                            (ERRBAL cons t)
(cons 1 2 . t)                          (ERRBAL cons t)
(putprop)                               (ERRWNA putprop 3)
(putprop 'a)                            (ERRWNA putprop 3)
(putprop 'a 'b)                         (ERRWNA putprop 3)
(putprop 'a 'b 'c)                      b
(putprop 'a 'b 'c 'd)                   (ERRWNA putprop 3)
(putprop . t)                           (ERRBAL putprop t)
(putprop 'a . t)                        (ERRBAL putprop t)
(putprop 'a 'b . t)                     (ERRBAL putprop t)
(putprop 'a 'b 'c . t)                  (ERRBAL putprop t)
(list 1 2)                              (1 2)
(list . 1)                              (ERRBAL list 1)
(list 1 . 2)                            (ERRBAL list 2)
(list 1 2 . 3)                          (ERRBAL list 3)
(list 1 2 3 . 4)                        (ERRBAL list 4)

(apply 'version ())                     15.22
(apply 'version '(t))                   (ERRWNA version 0)
(apply 'version 1)                      (ERRBAL version 1)
(apply '1+ ())                          (ERRWNA 1+ 1)
(apply 'car '((a)))                     a
(apply 'car '((a) (b)))                 (ERRWNA car 1)
(apply 'car 1)                          (ERRBAL car 1)
(apply 'car '((a) . 2))                 (ERRBAL car 2)
(apply 'cons ())                        (ERRWNA cons 2)
(apply 'cons '(a))                      (ERRWNA cons 2)
(apply 'cons '(a b))                    (a . b)
(apply 'cons 'a '(b))                   (a . b)
(apply 'cons '(a b c))                  (ERRWNA cons 2)
(apply 'cons 'a '(b c))                 (ERRWNA cons 2)
(apply 'cons 1)                         (ERRBAL cons 1)
(apply 'cons '(a . 2))                  (ERRBAL cons 2)
(apply 'cons '(a b . 3))                (ERRBAL cons 3)
(apply 'putprop ())                     (ERRWNA putprop 3)
(apply 'putprop '(a))                   (ERRWNA putprop 3)
(apply 'putprop '(a b))                 (ERRWNA putprop 3)
(apply 'putprop 'a '(b c))              b
(apply 'putprop 'a 'b '(c))             b
(apply 'putprop '(a b c))               b
(apply 'putprop '(a b c d))             (ERRWNA putprop 3)
(apply 'putprop 'a 'b '(c d))           (ERRWNA putprop 3)
(apply 'putprop 1)                      (ERRBAL putprop 1)
(apply 'putprop '(a . 2))               (ERRBAL putprop 2)
(apply 'putprop '(a b . 3))             (ERRBAL putprop 3)
(apply 'putprop '(a b c . 4))           (ERRBAL putprop 4)
(apply 'list 1 2 3 '(4 5))              (1 2 3 4 5)
(apply 'list 1)                         (ERRBAL list 1)
(apply 'list '(1 . 2))                  (ERRBAL list 2)
(apply 'list '(1 2 . 3))                (ERRBAL list 3)
(apply 'list 1 2 3 4)                   (ERRBAL list 4)

(funcall 'version)                      15.22
(funcall 'version t)                    (ERRWNA version 0)
(funcall 'car)                          (ERRWNA car 1)
(funcall 'car '(a))                     a
(funcall 'car '(a) '(b))                (ERRWNA car 1)
(funcall 'cons)                         (ERRWNA cons 2)
(funcall 'cons 'a)                      (ERRWNA cons 2)
(funcall 'cons 'a 'b)                   (a . b)
(funcall 'cons 'a 'b 'c)                (ERRWNA cons 2)
(funcall 'putprop)                      (ERRWNA putprop 3)
(funcall 'putprop 'a)                   (ERRWNA putprop 3)
(funcall 'putprop 'a 'b)                (ERRWNA putprop 3)
(funcall 'putprop 'a 'b 'c)             b
(funcall 'putprop 'a 'b 'c 'd)          (ERRWNA putprop 3)
(funcall 'list 1 2 3 '(4 5))            (1 2 3 (4 5))
(setq v #[1 2 3 4])                     #[1 2 3 4]
(funcall 'vref v 2)                     3
(funcall 'vset v 2 33)                  33
(funcall 'aset v 2 333)                 333


(setq x 1000 y 1001 z 1002)                     1002
((lambda (x y) (list x y)) (1+ 1) (1+ 2))       (2 3)
(list x y z)                                    (1000 1001 1002)
((lambda (x . y) (list x y)) (1+ 1) (1+ 2))     (2 (3))
(list x y z)                                    (1000 1001 1002)
((lambda x x) (1+ 1) 2 3)                       (2 2 3)
(list x y z)                                    (1000 1001 1002)
((lambda ((x)) x) '(1))                         1
(list x y z)                                    (1000 1001 1002)
((lambda (x (y . z)) (list x y z)) (1+ 1) (cons 3 4))   (2 3 4)
(list x y z)                                    (1000 1001 1002)
((lambda ((x . y)) (list x y)) ())              (() ())
(list x y z)                                    (1000 1001 1002)
(setq x 10 y 11 z 12 u 13 v 14 w 15)            15
((lambda ((x . y)) (list x y))))                (ERRWNA lambda ())
((lambda (x y z) ()) 1)                         (ERRWNA lambda ())

((lambda ((x))) 1)                              (ERRILB lambda ((x) 1))
(list x y z u v w)                              (10 11 12 13 14 15)

((lambda (x (y))) 1 2)                          (ERRILB lambda ((y) 2))
(list x y z u v w)                              (10 11 12 13 14 15)
((lambda (x (y) z)) 1 2 3)                      (ERRILB lambda ((y) 2))
(list x y z u v w)                              (10 11 12 13 14 15)
((lambda (x y (z))) 1 2 3)                      (ERRILB lambda ((z) 3))
(list x y z u v w)                              (10 11 12 13 14 15)
((lambda ((x) y (z))) '(1) 2 3)                 (ERRILB lambda ((z) 3))
(list x y z u v w)                              (10 11 12 13 14 15)
((lambda (x y (z) u)) 1 2 3 4)                  (ERRILB lambda ((z) 3))
(list x y z u v w)                              (10 11 12 13 14 15)
((lambda (x y (z) u v)) 1 2 3 4 5)              (ERRILB lambda ((z) 3))
(list x y z u v w)                              (10 11 12 13 14 15)

((lambda (x y ((z)))) 1 2 '(3))                 (ERRILB lambda ((z) 3))
(list x y z u v w)                              (10 11 12 13 14 15)
((lambda ((x) y ((z)))) '(1) 2 '(3))            (ERRILB lambda ((z) 3))
(list x y z u v w)                              (10 11 12 13 14 15)
((lambda (x y ((z)) u)) 1 2 '(3) 4)             (ERRILB lambda ((z) 3))
(list x y z u v w)                              (10 11 12 13 14 15)
((lambda (x y ((z)) u v)) 1 2 '(3) 4 5)         (ERRILB lambda ((z) 3))
(list x y z u v w)                              (10 11 12 13 14 15)
((lambda (x y (z (w)))) 1 2 '(3 4))             (ERRILB lambda ((w) 4))
(list x y z u v w)                              (10 11 12 13 14 15)
((lambda (x y (z (w)) u)) 1 2 '(3 4) 5)         (ERRILB lambda ((w) 4))
(list x y z u v w)                              (10 11 12 13 14 15)
((lambda (x y ((z (w))) u v)) 1 2 '((3 4)) 5 6) (ERRILB lambda ((w) 4))
(list x y z u v w)                              (10 11 12 13 14 15)
((lambda (x y z) ()) 1 2 3 4)                   (ERRWNA lambda (4))
((lambda (t) ()) 1)                             (ERRBPA lambda t)
((lambda (x (y . t)) ()) 1)                     (ERRBPA lambda t)
((lambda (x (() . y)) ()) 1)                    (ERRBPA lambda ())
((lambda (()) ()) 1)                            (ERRBPA lambda ())
((lambda (x) x) 10 . 100)                       (ERRBAL lambda 100)
(list x y z u v w)                              (10 11 12 13 14 15)
((lambda (x (y (z . u) . v) . w) (list x y z u v w))
         1 '(2 (3 . 4) . 5) 6)                  (1 2 3 4 5 (6))
(list x y z u v w)                              (10 11 12 13 14 15)
((lambda ((x) ((y . z) u . v) . w) (list x y z u v w))
        '(1) '((2 . 3) 4 . 5) 6)                (1 2 3 4 5 (6))
(list x y z u v w)                              (10 11 12 13 14 15)
((lambda (((x) . y)) (list x y)) '((1) . 2))    (1 2)
(list x y z u v w)                              (10 11 12 13 14 15)
((lambda (x y) (+ x y)) 1 2 3 4 5)              (ERRWNA lambda (3 4 5))
(list x y z u v w)                              (10 11 12 13 14 15)
((lambda (x y u v) ()) 1)                       (ERRWNA lambda ())
(list x y z u v w)                              (10 11 12 13 14 15)
((lambda (x y u v) ()) 1 2)                     (ERRWNA lambda ())
(list x y z u v w)                              (10 11 12 13 14 15)
((lambda (x y u v) ()) 1 2 3)                   (ERRWNA lambda ())
(list x y z u v w)                              (10 11 12 13 14 15)
((lambda (x y u . v) ()) 1)                     (ERRWNA lambda ())
(list x y z u v w)                              (10 11 12 13 14 15)
((lambda (x y u . v) ()) 1 2)                   (ERRWNA lambda ())
(list x y z u v w)                              (10 11 12 13 14 15)

((lambda (x) (+ x x)) 1 2 3 4 5)                (ERRWNA lambda (2 3 4 5))
(list x y z u v w)                              (10 11 12 13 14 15)
((lambda (x) ()))                               (ERRWNA lambda ())
(list x y z u v w)                              (10 11 12 13 14 15)

(funcall (lambda (x) (+ x x)) 1 2 3 4 5)        (ERRWNA lambda (2 3 4 5))
(apply (lambda (x) (+ x x)) '(1 2 3 4 5))       (ERRWNA lambda (2 3 4 5))
(list x y z u v w)                              (10 11 12 13 14 15)
(funcall (lambda (x) ()))                       (ERRWNA lambda ())
(apply (lambda (x) ()) ())                      (ERRWNA lambda ())
(list x y z u v w)                              (10 11 12 13 14 15)

(let ((x 10)) (let (((y z) '(1 2))) (list y z)))(1 2)
(let ((x 10)) (let (((y z) '(1 2))) x))         10

(dynamic-let () 3)                                                   3
(setq dynx 4)                                                        4
(dynamic-let () dynx)                                                4
(dynamic-let ((dynx 3)) (dynamic dynx))                              3
(dynamic-let ((dynx 'x) (dyny 'y)) (list dynx dyny))                 (x y)
(defun dynfoo () (dynamic dynz))                                     dynfoo 
(dynamic-let ((dynz 'z)) (dynfoo))                                   z
;; this case makes sense, but...
(let ((dynz 3)) (dynamic-let ((dynz 4)) (dynamic dynz)))             4 
;; in 15.22 a dynamic is pervasive!
(let ((dynz 3))  (dynamic-let ((dynz 4)) dynz))                      4 
;; also a bit surprising!
(dynamic-let ((dynz 'dynval)) (let ((dynz 'lexval)) (dynamic dynz))) lexval 
(dynamic-let ((dynz 'dynval)) (let ((dynz 'lexval)) dynz))           lexval 

((flambda (x y) (list x y)) (1+ 1) (1+ 2))      ((1+ 1) (1+ 2))
((flambda (x . y) (list x y)) (1+ 1) (1+ 2))    ((1+ 1) ((1+ 2)))
((flambda x x) (1+ 1) 2 3)                      ((1+ 1) 2 3)
((flambda (x (y . z)) (list x y z)) 1 (2 . 3))  (1 2 3)
((flambda (x (y (z))) (list x y z)) 1 (2 (3)))  (1 2 3)
(list x y z u v w)                              (10 11 12 13 14 15)

((flambda (x (y)) (list x y)) 1 2)              (ERRILB flambda ((y) 2))
(list x y z u v w)                              (10 11 12 13 14 15)
((flambda ((x) (y)) (list x y)) (1) 2)          (ERRILB flambda ((y) 2))
(list x y z u v w)                              (10 11 12 13 14 15)
((flambda (x (y (z))) (list x y)) 1 2)          (ERRILB flambda ((y (z)) 2))
(list x y z u v w)                              (10 11 12 13 14 15)
((flambda (x (y z)) (list x y z)) 1 (2 . 3))    (ERRILB flambda ((z) 3))
(list x y z u v w)                              (10 11 12 13 14 15)
((flambda (x (y (z))) (list x y z)) 1 (2 . 3))  (ERRILB flambda (((z)) 3))
(list x y z u v w)                              (10 11 12 13 14 15)
((flambda ((x) (y z)) (list x y z)) (1)(2 . 3)) (ERRILB flambda ((z) 3))
(list x y z u v w)                              (10 11 12 13 14 15)
((flambda (t) t) 1)                             (ERRBPA flambda t)
((flambda (x y) (list x y)) 1)                  (ERRWNA flambda ())
((flambda (x y) (list x y)) 1 2 3)              (ERRWNA flambda (3))
(apply (flambda (x y) (list x y)) '(1))         (ERRWNA flambda ())
(apply (flambda (x y) (list x y)) '(1 2 3))     (ERRWNA flambda (3))
(funcall (flambda (x y) (list x y)) 1)          (ERRWNA flambda ())
(funcall (flambda (x y) (list x y)) 1 2 3)      (ERRWNA flambda (3))


(setq x 10 y 11 z 12 u 13 v 14 w 15)    15
(de faa () 'ok)                         faa
(faa)                                   ok)
(list x y z u v w)                      (10 11 12 13 14 15)
(faa 1)                                 (ERRWNA faa (1))
(list x y z u v w)                      (10 11 12 13 14 15)
(faa 1 2)                               (ERRWNA faa (1 2))
(list x y z u v w)                      (10 11 12 13 14 15)
(faa 1 2 3)                             (ERRWNA faa (1 2 3))
(list x y z u v w)                      (10 11 12 13 14 15)
(faa . 1)                               (ERRBAL faa 1)
(list x y z u v w)                      (10 11 12 13 14 15)
(faa 1 . 2)                             (ERRBAL faa 2)
(list x y z u v w)                      (10 11 12 13 14 15)
(faa 1 2 . 3)                           (ERRBAL faa 3)
(list x y z u v w)                      (10 11 12 13 14 15)

(setq x 10 y 11 z 12 u 13 v 14 w 15)    15
(de fuu (x) (list x))                   fuu
(fuu)                                   (ERRWNA fuu ())
(list x y z u v w)                      (10 11 12 13 14 15)
(fuu 1)                                 (1)
(list x y z u v w)                      (10 11 12 13 14 15)
(fuu 1 2)                               (ERRWNA fuu (2))
(list x y z u v w)                      (10 11 12 13 14 15)
(fuu 1 2 3)                             (ERRWNA fuu (2 3))
(list x y z u v w)                      (10 11 12 13 14 15)
(fuu . 1)                               (ERRBAL fuu 1)
(list x y z u v w)                      (10 11 12 13 14 15)
(fuu 1 . 2)                             (ERRBAL fuu 2)
(list x y z u v w)                      (10 11 12 13 14 15)
(fuu 1 2 . 3)                           (ERRBAL fuu 3)
(list x y z u v w)                      (10 11 12 13 14 15)

(setq x 10 y 11 z 12 u 13 v 14 w 15)    15
(de gee (x  y) (list x y))              gee
(gee)                                   (ERRWNA gee ())
(list x y z u v w)                      (10 11 12 13 14 15)
(gee 1)                                 (ERRWNA gee ())
(list x y z u v w)                      (10 11 12 13 14 15)
(gee 1 2)                               (1 2)
(list x y z u v w)                      (10 11 12 13 14 15)
(gee 1 2 3)                             (ERRWNA gee (3))
(list x y z u v w)                      (10 11 12 13 14 15)
(gee . 1)                               (ERRBAL gee 1)
(list x y z u v w)                      (10 11 12 13 14 15)
(gee 1 . 2)                             (ERRBAL gee 2)
(list x y z u v w)                      (10 11 12 13 14 15)
(gee 1 2 . 3)                           (ERRBAL gee 3)
(list x y z u v w)                      (10 11 12 13 14 15)

(setq x 10 y 11 z 12 u 13 v 14 w 15)    15
(de gaa (x y z) (list x y z))           gaa
(gaa)                                   (ERRWNA gaa ())
(list x y z u v w)                      (10 11 12 13 14 15)
(gaa 1)                                 (ERRWNA gaa ())
(list x y z u v w)                      (10 11 12 13 14 15)
(gaa 1 2)                               (ERRWNA gaa ())
(list x y z u v w)                      (10 11 12 13 14 15)
(gaa 1 2 3)                             (1 2 3)
(list x y z u v w)                      (10 11 12 13 14 15)
(gaa 1 2 3 4)                           (ERRWNA gaa (4))
(list x y z u v w)                      (10 11 12 13 14 15)
(gaa . 1)                               (ERRBAL gaa 1)
(list x y z u v w)                      (10 11 12 13 14 15)
(gaa 1 . 2)                             (ERRBAL gaa 2)
(list x y z u v w)                      (10 11 12 13 14 15)
(gaa 1 2 . 3)                           (ERRBAL gaa 3)
(list x y z u v w)                      (10 11 12 13 14 15)

(setq x 10 y 11 z 12 u 13 v 14 w 15)    15
(de foo (x . y) (list x y))             foo
(foo ())                                (() ())
(foo)                                   (ERRWNA foo ())
(list x y z u v w)                      (10 11 12 13 14 15)
(foo 1)                                 (1 ())
(foo 1 2)                               (1 (2))
(foo 1 2 3)                             (1 (2 3))
(foo . 1)                               (ERRBAL foo 1)
(list x y z u v w)                      (10 11 12 13 14 15)
(foo 1 . 2)                             (ERRBAL foo 2)
(list x y z u v w)                      (10 11 12 13 14 15)
(foo 1 2 . 3)                           (ERRBAL foo 3)
(list x y z u v w)                      (10 11 12 13 14 15)
(foo 1 2 3 . 4)                         (ERRBAL foo 4)
(list x y z u v w)                      (10 11 12 13 14 15)

(setq x 10 y 11 z 12 u 13 v 14 w 15)    15
(de fee (x y . z) (list x y z))         fee
(fee)                                   (ERRWNA fee ())
(list x y z u v w)                      (10 11 12 13 14 15)
(fee 1)                                 (ERRWNA fee ())
(list x y z u v w)                      (10 11 12 13 14 15)
(fee 1 2)                               (1 2 ())
(fee 1 2 3)                             (1 2 (3))
(fee 1 2 3 4)                           (1 2 (3 4))
(fee . 1)                               (ERRBAL fee 1)
(list x y z u v w)                      (10 11 12 13 14 15)
(fee 1 . 2)                             (ERRBAL fee 2)
(list x y z u v w)                      (10 11 12 13 14 15)
(fee 1 2 . 3)                           (ERRBAL fee 3)
(list x y z u v w)                      (10 11 12 13 14 15)
(fee 1 2 3 . 4)                         (ERRBAL fee 4)
(list x y z u v w)                      (10 11 12 13 14 15)

(setq x 10 y 11 z 12 u 13 v 14 w 15)    15
(de buc ((x y)) (cons x y))             buc
(buc)                                   (ERRWNA buc ())
(list x y z u v w)                      (10 11 12 13 14 15)
(buc 1)                                 (ERRILB buc ((x y) 1))
(list x y z u v w)                      (10 11 12 13 14 15)
(buc 1 2)                               (ERRILB buc ((x y) 1))
(list x y z u v w)                      (10 11 12 13 14 15)
(buc '(1 2))                            (1 . 2)
(buc '(1))                              (1)
(list x y z u v w)                      (10 11 12 13 14 15)
(buc . 1)                               (ERRBAL buc 1)
(list x y z u v w)                      (10 11 12 13 14 15)
(buc 1 . 2)                             (ERRBAL buc 2)
(list x y z u v w)                      (10 11 12 13 14 15)
(buc 1 2 . 3)                           (ERRBAL buc 3)
(list x y z u v w)                      (10 11 12 13 14 15)

(setq x 10 y 11 z 12 u 13 v 14 w 15)    15
(de bic ((x (y)) z) (list x y z))       bic
(bic)                                   (ERRWNA bic ())
(list x y z u v w)                      (10 11 12 13 14 15)
(bic 1)                                 (ERRILB bic ((x (y)) 1))
(list x y z u v w)                      (10 11 12 13 14 15)
(bic 1 2)                               (ERRILB bic ((x (y)) 1))
(list x y z u v w)                      (10 11 12 13 14 15)
(bic '(1 2) 3)                          (ERRILB bic ((y) 2))
(list x y z u v w)                      (10 11 12 13 14 15)
(bic '(1 . 2) 3)                        (ERRILB bic (((y)) 2))
(list x y z u v w)                      (10 11 12 13 14 15)
(bic '(1 (2)) 3)                        (1 2 3)
(list x y z u v w)                      (10 11 12 13 14 15)
(bic . 1)                               (ERRBAL bic 1)
(list x y z u v w)                      (10 11 12 13 14 15)
(bic 1 . 2)                             (ERRBAL bic 2)
(list x y z u v w)                      (10 11 12 13 14 15)
(bic 1 2 . 3)                           (ERRBAL bic 3)
(list x y z u v w)                      (10 11 12 13 14 15)

(setq x 10 y 11 z 12 u 13 v 14 w 15)    15
(de boc ((x y) z) (list x y z))         boc
(boc)                                   (ERRWNA boc ())
(list x y z u v w)                      (10 11 12 13 14 15)
(boc 1)                                 (ERRILB boc ((x y) 1))
(list x y z u v w)                      (10 11 12 13 14 15)
(boc 1 2)                               (ERRILB boc ((x y) 1))
(list x y z u v w)                      (10 11 12 13 14 15)
(boc '(1 2) 3)                          (1 2 3)
(boc '(1) 3)                            (1 () 3)
(list x y z u v w)                      (10 11 12 13 14 15)
(boc . 1)                               (ERRBAL boc 1)
(list x y z u v w)                      (10 11 12 13 14 15)
(boc 1 . 2)                             (ERRBAL boc 2)
(list x y z u v w)                      (10 11 12 13 14 15)
(boc 1 2 . 3)                           (ERRBAL boc 3)
(list x y z u v w)                      (10 11 12 13 14 15)

(setq x 10 y 11 z 12 u 13 v 14 w 15)    15
(de bar ((x . y)) (list x y))           bar
(bar ())                                (() ())
(list x y z u v w)                      (10 11 12 13 14 15)
(bar '(100 101))                        (100 (101))
(list x y z u v w)                      (10 11 12 13 14 15)
(bar 1)                                 (ERRILB bar ((x . y) 1))
(list x y z u v w)                      (10 11 12 13 14 15)
(bar '(1))                              (1 ())
(bar)                                   (ERRWNA bar ())
(list x y z u v w)                      (10 11 12 13 14 15)
(bar '(1 . 2) '(2 . 3))                 (ERRWNA bar ((2 . 3)))
(list x y z u v w)                      (10 11 12 13 14 15)
(bar 1 . 2)                             (ERRBAL bar 2)

(de foo1 &nobind 
    (list (arg) (arg 0) (arg 1)))       foo1

(foo1 1 2)                              (2 1 2)
(foo1 1 2 3 4 5)                        (5 1 2)
(foo1 1)                                (1 1 1)

(de foo2 &nobind
    (if (gt (arg) 2)
        "FOO2 pas en GET/SET"
        (let ((arg1 (if (lt (arg) 1) 'default1 (arg 0)))
              (arg2 (if (lt (arg) 2) 'default2 (arg 1))))
             (list arg1 arg2))))        foo2

(foo2)                                  (default1 default2)
(foo2 1)                                (1 default2)
(foo2 1 2)                              (1 2)
(foo2 1 2 3)                            "FOO2 pas en GET/SET"

(dm macr (call a b c) `(+ ,a ,b ,c))    macr
(macr 1 2 3)                            6
(apply 'macr '(1 2 3))                  6
(funcall 'macr 1 2 3)                   6
(apply 'macr '(1 2))                    (ERRWNA macr ())
(apply 'macr '(1 2 3 4 5))              (ERRWNA macr (4 5))
(funcall 'macr 1 2)                     (ERRWNA macr ())
(funcall 'macr 1 2 3 4 5)               (ERRWNA macr (4 5))

(dmd dmacr (a b c) `(+ ,a ,b ,c))  dmacr
(dmacr 1 2 3)                           6
(apply 'dmacr '(1 2 3))                 6
(funcall 'dmacr 1 2 3)                  6
(apply 'dmacr '(1 2))                   (ERRWNA dmacr ())
(apply 'dmacr '(1 2 3 4 5))             (ERRWNA dmacr (4 5))
(funcall 'dmacr 1 2)                    (ERRWNA dmacr ())
(funcall 'dmacr 1 2 3 4 5)              (ERRWNA dmacr (4 5))

         (test-serie "[Fonctions d'evaluation]" ())
(eval '(1+ 55))                         56
(eval (list '+ 8 '(1+ 3)))              12
(eval (list (car '(cdr)) ''(a b c)))    (b c)
(setq #:system:gensym-counter 100)      100
(eval (gensym))                         (ERRUDV eval g101)
(evlis '((1+ 4)(1+ 5)(1+ 6)))           (5 6 7)
(eprogn '(1 2 3))                       3
(eprogn '(1 2 . 3))                     (ERRBAL eprogn 3)
(eprogn 2)                              (ERRBAL eprogn 2)
(prog1)                                 ()
(prog1 (1- 10))                         9
(prog1 (1+ 1) (1+ 2) (1+ 3))            2
(prog1 . 1)                             (ERRBAL prog1 1)
(prog1 1 . 2)                           (ERRBAL prog1 2)
(prog1 1 2 . 3)                         (ERRBAL prog1 3)
(prog2)                                 ()
(prog2 1)                               ()
(prog2 1 2)                             2
(prog2 1 2 3)                           2
(prog2 1 2 3 4)                         2
(prog2 . 1)                             (ERRBAL prog2 1)
(prog2 1 . 2)                           (ERRBAL prog2 2)
(prog2 1 2 . 3)                         (ERRBAL prog2 3)
(prog2 1 2 3 . 4)                       (ERRBAL prog2 4)

(progn)                                 ()
(progn . a)                             (ERRBAL progn a)
(progn 1 . 2)                           (ERRBAL progn 2)
(progn 1 2 3 . 4)                       (ERRBAL progn 4)
(progn 1)                               1
(progn 1 2 3)                           3
'a                                      a
''a                                     'a
'''a                                    ''a
'(quote a b)                            (quote a b)
'(quote . 2)                            (quote . 2)
(quote a b)                             (ERRWNA quote  1)
(cons 'quote 'a)                        (quote . a)
(identity (1+ 3))                       4

(comment)                               comment
(comment 2)                             comment

(precompile (car '(a)) ((mov 'a a1)) () a1)      a

         (test-serie "[Fonctions d'application]" ())
(lambda (x) x)                          (lambda (x) x)
(flambda (x) x)                         (flambda (x) x)
(mlambda (x) x)                         (mlambda (x) x)

(apply '1+ '(2))                        3
(apply 'cons '(a b))                    (a . b)
(apply 'scale '(1000 1000 1000))        1000
(apply '+ '(2 3 4 5))                   14
(apply '+ '(1 2 3 . 4))                 (ERRBAL + 4)
(apply '+ 1 2 3)                        (ERRBAL + 3)
(setq x 100)                            100
(apply 'incr '(x (1+ 5)))               106
 x                                      106
(apply (lambda (x y) (+ x y)) '(1 2))   3
(apply (flambda (x y) (cons x y)) '((1+ 1) (1- 2)))     ((1+ 1) 1- 2)
(funcall 'version)                      15.22    ;  pour tester une SUBR0
(funcall '1+ 2)                         3
(funcall 'cons 'a 'b)                   (a . b)
(funcall 'scale 1000 1000 1000)         1000
(funcall '+)                            0
(funcall '+ 10)                         10
(funcall '+ 10 20)                      30
(funcall '+ 2 3 4 5)                    14
(setq x 200)                            200
(funcall 'incr 'x '(1+ 5))              206
 x                                      206
(funcall 'if)                           ()
(funcall 'if 1)                         ()
(funcall 'if 1 2)                       2
(dmd foo (x) `(1+ ,x))                  foo
(funcall 'foo 3)                        4
(apply 'foo '(3))                       4
(dm foom (call x) `(1+ ,x))             foom
(funcall 'foom 3)                       4
(apply 'foom '(3))                       4
(funcall (lambda (x y) (cons x y)) 'A 'B)       (a . b)
(funcall (lambda &nobind (arg)) 8 8 8)) 3
(setq kons 'cons)                       cons
(funcall kons (1+ 1) (1+ 2))            (2 . 3)

(call (valfn 'car) '(a) () ())          a
(calln (valfn 'list) '(a b c))          (a b c)
(setq l ())                             ()
(mapl (lambda (x) (newl l x)) '(a (b c) d))              ()
l                                       ((d) ((b c) d) (a (b c) d))
(setq l ())                             ()
(map (lambda (x) (newl l x)) '(a (b c) d))               ()
l                                       ((d) ((b c) d) (a (b c) d))
(setq l ())                             ()
(mapc (lambda (x) (newl l x)) '(a (b c) d))              ()
l                                       (d (b c) a)
(let ( (n 0) )
   (map (lambda (l) (rplacd l (cddr l)) (incr n)) '(0 1 2 3))
    n )                                 4
(maplist 'length '(a b c d))            (4 3 2 1)
(mapcar 'cons '(a b c) '(1 2 3))        ((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3))
(mapcar 'list '(a b c d e f) (cirlist 1 2))
                                        ((a 1)(b 2)(c 1)(d 2)(e 1)(f 2))
(mapcon 'list '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6))        ((1 2 3) (4 5 6) (2 3) (5 6) (3) (6))
(mapcon (lambda (x) (list (car (last x))))
                        '(a b c))                 (c c c)
(mapcan 'list '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6))        (1 4 2 5 3 6)
(mapcan 'list '(a b c d) (cirlist 1 2) '(w x y z) (cirlist 0))
                                        (a 1 w 0 b 2 x 0 c 1 y 0 d 2 z 0)
(mapcan (lambda (x y) (list (1+ x) (1- y)))
           '(1 2 3) '(1 2 3))           (2 0 3 1 4 2) 

(every 'consp '((1) (2) (3)))           (3)
(every 'eq '(1 2 3) '(1 2 3))           t
(every 'eq '(1 2) '(1 2 3))             t
(every 'eq '(1 2) '(1 3))               ()
(every 'consp ())                       t
(setq x 1 y 2 z 3 w 4)                  4
(every (lambda (s v) (set s v))
    '(x y z w) '(10 () 20 30))          ()
x                                       10
y                                       ()
z                                       3
w                                       4
(any 'consp '(1 "ddd" (1) 10))          (1)
(any '= '(1 2 3) '(10 2 3))             2
(any 'eq '(1 2) '(3 4 ()))              ()
(any 'not ())                           ()
(any 'consp '((1 . 2)))                 (1 . 2)
(any (lambda (x  y) y) '(1) '((1 . 2))) (1 . 2)
(setq x 11 y 12 z 13 w 14)              14
(any (lambda (s v) (set s v))
    '(x y z w) '(() () 20 30))          20
x                                       ()
y                                       ()
z                                       20
w                                       14
(setq x ())                             ()
(mapvector (lambda (arg) (newl x arg)) #[a b c d])      ()
x                                       (d c b a)
         (test-serie "[Fonctions qui manipulent l'environnement]" ())
(setq l '(let () 'foo))                         (let () 'foo)
(eval l)                                        foo
 l                                              ((lambda () 'foo))
(setq l '(let ((x 2)(y 3)) (* x y)))            (let ((x 2)(y 3)) (* x y))
(eval l)                                        6
 l                                              ((lambda (x y)(* x y)) 2 3)
(let (i (j 10) k) (list i j k))                 (() 10 ())
(let ((t 10)))                                  (ERRBPA lambda t)
(let (1))                                       (ERRBPA lambda 1)
(let (((a . b) '(1 . 2)) (c 3)) (list a b c))   (1 2 3)
(let ((a 1 2)) a)                               (ERRWNA let (1 2))
(let ((a . 1)) a)                               (ERRWNA let 1)

(letv '(a (b . c) d) '(1 (2 . 3) 4) (list a b c d)) (1 2 3 4)
(letv '(a (b . c) . d) '(1 (2 . 3) . 4) (list a b c d)) (1 2 3 4)
(letv '(a (t . c) d) '(1 (2 . 3) 4) (list a b c d)) (ERRBPA letv t)
(letv '(a (() . c) d) '(1 (2 . 3) 4) (list a b c d)) (ERRBPA letv ())
(letv '(a (b . c) d) '(1 (2 . 3) 4) (list a b c d)) (1 2 3 4)
(letvq (a . b) '(1 2) (list a b))               (1 (2)) 
(let ((i 10)) (lets ((i 20)(j (+ i i))) (list i j)))   (20 40)
        (test-serie "[Macros, FLET, WITH et Fermetures]" ())

(dmd foo (x1 x2) `(mcons ,x1 foo ,x2))          foo
(macroexpand1 '(foo 10 20))                     (mcons 10 foo 20)

(flet ((car (x) (cdr x))) (car '(a b c)))       (b c)
(flet ((car (x) (cdr x))
       (cdr (x) (cddr x))) 
      (cdr (car '(a b c d e))))                 (e)

(de monindic (pl . n)
  (ifn (consp n)
       (getprop pl 'indic)
       (putprop pl (car n) 'indic)
       (car n)))                                monindic
(monindic 'x '(a))                              (a)
(monindic 'x)                                   (a)
(with ((monindic 'x 20)) (monindic 'x))         20
(monindic 'x)                                   (a)
(with ((obase)))                                (ERRSXT with (obase))

(setq x 1)                                      1
;(funcall (closure '(x) '(lambda() (incr x))) )  2
;x                                               1
;(funcall (closure '(x) '(lambda(x) x)) 'toto)   toto

         (test-serie "[Fonctions de definition]" ())

(synonym 'kons 'cons)                           kons
(kons 'a 'b)                                    (a . b)
(synonymq conse cons)                           conse
(conse 'a 'b)                                   (a . b)

(typefn 'car)                                   subr1
(typefn 'if)                                    fsubr
(typefn 'list)                                  nsubr

(de babar (n) (+ n n))                          babar
(funcall 'babar 10)                             20
(typefn 'babar)                                 expr
(valfn 'babar)                                  ((n) (+ n n))
(findfn (valfn 'babar))                         babar
(getdef 'babar)                                 (de babar (n) (+ n n))
(makedef 'babar (typefn 'babar) (valfn 'babar)) (de babar (n) (+ n n))
(setfn 'foo (typefn 'babar) (valfn 'babar))     foo
(typefn 'foo)                                   expr
(valfn 'foo)                                    ((n) (+ n n))
(foo 10)                                        20
(remfn 'foo)                                    foo
(typefn 'foo)                                   ()
(valfn 'foo)                                    0

(de t1 ((a . b) c (d . e) . f) (list a b c d e f))      t1
(de t2 (x) (t1 x x x x x))                              t2
(t2 '(y . x))                           (y x (y . x) y x ((y . x) (y . x)))

 ; Test des de'finitions

(de 4 ())                               (ERRBDF de 4)
(de () ())                              (ERRBDF de ())
(de f (x x))                            (ERRBPA f x)
(de f (x y (x)))                        (ERRBPA f x)
(de f (x y (z . x) u v))                (ERRBPA f x)
(de f (x y ((z . x) w) u v))            (ERRBPA f x)

         (test-serie "[Fonctions de controle]" ())
(if t 1 2 3)                                    1
(if nil 1 2 3)                                  3
(if)                                            ()
(if 1)                                          ()
(if . 1)                                        (ERRBAL if 1)
(if 1 . 2)                                      (ERRBAL if 2)
(if () 2 . 3)                                   (ERRBAL if 3)
(if () 2 3 . 4)                                 (ERRBAL if 4)
(ifn t 1 2 3)                                   3
(ifn nil 1 2 3)                                 1
(ifn)                                           ()
(ifn 1)                                         ()
(ifn ())                                        ()
(ifn . 1)                                       (ERRBAL ifn 1)
(ifn t . 2)                                     (ERRBAL ifn 2)
(ifn t 2 . 3)                                   (ERRBAL ifn 3)
(ifn t 2 3 . 4)                                 (ERRBAL ifn 4)

(when t 1 2 3)                                  3
(when nil 1 2 3)                                ()
(when)                                          ()
(when t)                                        ()
(when . 1)                                      (ERRBAL when 1)
(when 1 . 2)                                    (ERRBAL when 2)
(when 1 2 . 3)                                  (ERRBAL when 3)

(unless t 1 2 3)                                ()
(unless nil 1 2 3)                              3
(unless)                                        ()
(unless t)                                      ()
(unless . 1)                                    (ERRBAL unless 1)
(unless () . 2)                                 (ERRBAL unless 2)
(unless () 2 . 3)                               (ERRBAL unless 3)
(or)                                            ()
(cons (or) (or))                                (() . ())
(or nil)                                        ()
(cons (or nil) (or nil))                        (() . ())
(or 1 2)                                        1
(cons (or 1 2) (or 1 2))                        (1 . 1)
(or nil nil 2 3)                                2
(or . 1)                                        (ERRBAL or 1)
(or nil nil . 2)                                (ERRBAL or 2)
(or nil nil 1 2 . 3)                            1

(and)                                           T
(cons (and) (and))                              (T . T)
(and nil)                                       ()
(cons (and nil) (and nil))                      ((). ())
(and 1)                                         1
(and 1 2 3 4)                                   4
(cons (and 1 2) (and 1 2))                      (2 . 2)
(and 1 2 () 4)                                  ()
(and . 1)                                       (ERRBAL and 1)
(and 1 . 2)                                     (ERRBAL and 2)
(and 1 2 . 3)                                   (ERRBAL and 3)
(and 1 2 () 3 . 4)                              ()
(cond (nil 1 2) (t 3 4 5))                      5
(cond)                                          ()
(cond (() 1) () (t 2))                          2
(cond . 1)                                      (ERRBAL cond 1)
(cond 1 2)                                      (ERRNLA cond 1)
(cond (()) . 2)                                 (ERRBAL cond 2)
(cond (t . 1))                                  (ERRBAL cond 1)
(cond (t 1 . 2))                                (ERRBAL cond 2)

(selectq 'rouge (vert 'espoir) (rouge 'ok)
                (t 'non))                       ok
(selectq 'bleu (vert 'espoir) (rouge 'ok)
                (t 'non))                       non
(selectq 'bleu (vert 'espoir) (rouge 'ok))      ()
(selectq 'bleu ((bleu vert rouge) 'couleur)
                (t 'sais-pas))                  couleur
(selectq 'vert ((bleu vert rouge) 'couleur)
                (t 'sais-pas))                  couleur
(selectq 'rouge ((bleu vert rouge) 'couleur)
                (t 'sais-pas))                  couleur
(selectq 'jaune ((bleu vert rouge) 'couleur)
                (t 'sais-pas))                  sais-pas
(selectq 'rouge (("foo" "bar") 'ok) ((bleu vert rouge) 'couleur)
                (t 'sais-pas))                  couleur
(selectq 10 (10 'dix))                          dix
(selectq 11 (10 'dix))                          ()
(selectq 3.2 (3.2 'ok) (t 'non))                ok
(selectq "abc" ((abc 3.2) 'non) ("abc" 'oui) 
               (t 'hum))                        oui
(let ((a 10) (b "hoe"))
     (selectq b ("hoe" (setq a 12) (list a b)) (t 12)))     (12 "hoe")
(selectq 'foo (t (1+ 2)))                       3
(selectq)                                       ()
(selectq t)                                     ()
(selectq . 1)                                   (ERRBAL selectq 1)
(selectq 1 . 2)                                 (ERRBAL selectq 2)
(selectq 1 ()  . 3)                             (ERRBAL selectq 3)
(selectq 1 (t . 1))                             (ERRBAL selectq 1)
(selectq 1 (t 2 . 3))                           (ERRBAL selectq 3)
(selectq 1 2 3)                                 (ERRNLA selectq 2)
(selectq 1 () (1 2))                            2

(setq s '(a b c d))                             (a b c d)
(setq l ())                                     ()
(while s (newl l (nextl s)))                    ()
l                                               (d c b a)
(setq s '(a b c d))                             (a b c d)
(setq l ())                                     ()
(until (null s) (newl l (nextl s)))             t
l                                               (d c b a)
(setq s '(a b (c d) e))                         (a b (c d) e)
(until (consp (car s)) (nextl s))               (c d)
(while)                                         ()
(while . 1)                                     (ERRBAL while 1)
(while 1 . 2)                                   (ERRBAL while 2)
(while 1 2 . 3)                                 (ERRBAL while 3)
; car ca fait tout boucler .... en compile ...
;(until)                                         ()
(until . 1)                                     (ERRBAL until 1)
(until () . 2)                                  (ERRBAL until 2)
(until () 2 . 3)                                (ERRBAL until 3)

(setq x 0)                                      0
(repeat 10 (incr x))                            t
x                                               10
(repeat 0 (prin '-))                            t
(repeat -1000 (prin '-))                        t
(repeat)                                        t
(repeat 10)                                     t
(repeat . 1)                                    (ERRBAL repeat 1)
(repeat 1 . 2)                                  (ERRBAL repeat 2)
(repeat 1 2 . 3)                                (ERRBAL repeat 3)
         (test-serie "[Fonctions de controle non locales]" ())

(tag foo (exit foo 'ko 'ok))                    ok
(tag foo (exit foo 'ok) (exit foo 'ko))         ok
(tag foo (tag bar 
      (protect (exit bar 'ko) (exit foo 'ok)))) ok
(de present (l e)
   (tag trouve
      (letn auxfn ((l l))
            (cond ((null l) ())
                  ((eq l e) (exit trouve l))
                  ((consp l) (auxfn (car l)) 
                             (auxfn (cdr l)))
                  (t ())))))                    present
(present '(1 (2 . 3) 4) 3)                      3
(present '(1 (2 . 3) 4) 5)                      ()
(evtag 'foo (evexit 'foo 'ko 'ok))              ok
(evtag 'foo (evexit 'foo 'ok) (evexit 'foo 'ko))ok
(tag foo (lock (lambda (tag val)
                 (if tag (evexit tag val) val))
         (exit foo (1+ 3))))                    4
(tag foo (1+ (tag bar (lock (lambda (tag val)
                           (if (eq tag 'foo) (evexit tag val) val))
                        (exit foo (1+ 3))))))   4
(tag foo (1+ (tag bar (lock (lambda (tag val)
                           (if (eq tag 'foo) (evexit tag val) val))
                        (exit bar (1+ 3))))))   5
;(let ((x 10)) (let ((x '(a))) (unwind 1 x)))    10
;(let ((x 10)) (let ((x 11)) (let ((x 12)) (unwind 2 x))))       10
(defvar lll ())                                 lll
(let ((lll 10)) (tag out (let ((lll 20)) (unexit out lll)))) 10
(protect (+ 10 20) (+ 1 2))                     30

        (test-serie "[Fonctions de controle lexicales]" ())

(block foo 1 (return-from foo 2) 3)             2
(block () 1 (block bar 2 (return 3) 4) 5)       3
(block foo (block bar (return-from foo 10) (print "ERREUR")))   10
(block foo (block bar (return-from foo 10)) (print "ERREUR")))  10
(block foo (tag bar (let (x) (flet ((gee ())) (protect
   (lock (lambda (tag val) val) (schedule 'identity
          (tagbody (return-from foo 1)))))))))  1
(block 10)                                      (ERRSYM block 10)
(block b 1 (block bar 2 (return-from b 3) 4) 5) 3
(block foo (eval '(return-from foo 10)))        (ERRNAB return-from foo)
(block foo (eval '(car '(a))) (return-from foo 10))     10
(return-from bar 10)                            (ERRNAB return-from bar)
(let (y) (block foo (setq y (function (lambda () (return-from foo 10)))))
         (funcall y))                           (ERRXIA return-from foo)
(block foo (let ((y (function (lambda () (return-from foo 10)))))
                (funcall y)))                    10

(tagbody (1+ 1) (1+ 2) (1+ 3))                  ()
(let (l) (tagbody (newl l 1) (newl l 2)) l)     (2 1)
(let ((n 5) l) (tagbody tour (if (<= n 0) (GO magne)
  (NEWL l (DECR n)) (GO tour)) magne) l)          (0 1 2 3 4)
   (tag foo
        (mapc #'(lambda (x)
                        (if (numberp x)
                            (go out)))
              '(1 2 t 3))
   out)                                         ()
(let (l (n 4))
     (block foo
            (tagbody re
                     (if (<= n 0) (return-from foo l))
                     (newl l (decr n))
                     (go re))))                 (0 1 2 3)
(tagbody foo (tag bar (let (x) (flet ((gee ())) (protect
   (lock (lambda (tag val) val) (schedule 'identity (block bar 't))))))))
(go loop)                                       (ERRNAB go loop)
(tagbody 1 2 3 (go 10) 4 5)                     (ERRNAB go 10)
(tagbody (tagbody (go 1)) 1)                    ()
(let (y) (tagbody re (setq y (function (lambda () (go re)))))
         (funcall y))                           (ERRNAB go re)

         (test-serie "[Predicats de base]" ())
(false)                                         ()
(false 1 2 3)                                   ()
(true)                                          T
(true 1 2 3)                                    T

(null ())                                       T
(null t)                                        ()
(not '(a))                                      ()

(atom ())                                       T
(atom 'a)                                       T
(atom 42)                                       T
(atom #[1 2])                                   T
(atom "arg")                                    T
(atom '(a b))                                   ()
(atomp ())                                      T
(atomp 'a)                                      T
(atomp 42)                                      T
(atomp #[1 2])                                  T
(atomp "arg")                                   T
(atomp '(a b))                                  ()
(constantp ())                                  T
(constantp nil)                                 T
(constantp 'nil)                                T
(constantp 'a)                                  ()
(constantp 42)                                  T
(constantp 1.14)                                T
(constantp #[1 2])                              T
(constantp "arg")                               T
(constantp '(a b))                              ()

(symbolp ())                                    T
(symbolp 'a)                                    T
(symbolp 42)                                    ()
(symbolp #[1 2])                                ()
(symbolp "arg")                                 ()
(symbolp '(a b))                                ()
(variablep ())                                  ()
(variablep nil)                                 ()
(variablep 'nil)                                ()
(variablep 'a)                                  A
(variablep 42)                                  ()
(variablep "arg")                               ()
(variablep #[1 2])                              ()
(variablep '(a b))                              ()

(numberp ())                                    ()
(numberp 'a)                                    ()
(numberp 42)                                    42
(numberp 20000)                                 20000
(numberp #[1 2])                                ()
(numberp "arg")                                 ()
(numberp '(a b))                                ()
(numberp '#(1.2))                               ()
(numberp '#("a"))                               ()

(stringp ())                                    ()
(stringp 'a)                                    ()
(stringp 42)                                    ()
(stringp #[1 2])                                ()
(stringp "arg")                                 "arg"
(stringp '(a b))                                ()
(consp ())                                      ()
(consp nil)                                     ()
(consp 'nil)                                    ()
(consp 'a)                                      ()
(consp 42)                                      ()
(consp #[1 2])                                  ()
(consp "arg")                                   ()
(consp '(a b))                                  (a b)
(listp ())                                      t
(listp nil)                                     t
(listp 'nil)                                    ()
(listp 'a)                                      ()
(listp 42)                                      ()
(listp #[1 2])                                  ()
(listp "arg")                                   ()
(listp '(a b))                                  t
(nlistp ())                                     ()
(nlistp nil)                                    ()
(nlistp 'nil)                                   nil
(nlistp 'a)                                     a
(nlistp 42)                                     42
(nlistp #[1 2])                                 #[1 2]
(nlistp "arg")                                  "arg"
(nlistp '(a b))                                 ()
(eq () ())                                      t
(eq () nil)                                     t
(eq () 'nil)                                    ()
(eq 'a (car '(a)))                              t
(eq (1+ 119) 120)                               t
(eq (list 'a 'b) (list 'a 'b))                  ()
(eq #[1 2] #[1 2])                              ()
(eq #[] #[])                                    ()
(eq "ARG" 'ARG)                                 ()
(eq "arg" "arg")                                ()
(setq l '(a b c))                               (a b c)
(eq l l)                                        t
(eq "" "")                                      ()
(neq 'a (car '(a)))                             ()
(neq (1+ 119) 120)                              ()
(neq (list 'a 'b) (list 'a 'b))                 t
(neq #[1 2] #[1 2])                             t
(neq "ARG" 'ARG)                                t
(setq l '(a b c))                               (a b c)
(neq l l)                                       ()
;(setq ?speaki t)                               t
(equal () ())                                   t
(equal 'a '|A|)                                 ()
(equal 1214 (1+ 1213))                          t
(equal 20000 20000)                             t
(equal 10 10.)                                  t
(equal #[1 2] #[1 2])                           t
(equal #[1 2 3] #[1 2])                         ()
(equal #[(1 2) (3 4)] #[(1 2) (3 5)])           ()
(equal "Foo bar" "Foo bar")                     t
(equal "" "")                                   t
(equal "a" "A")                                 ()
(equal '(a (b . c) d) '(a (b . c) d))           t
(equal '(a b c d) '(a b c . d))                 ()
(nequal () ())                                  ()
(nequal 1214 (1+ 1213))                         ()
(nequal 1215 1214)                              t
(nequal "Foo bar" "Foo bar")                    ()
(nequal '(a (b . c) d) '(a (b . d) d))          t
(boundp ())                                     t
(boundp t)                                      t
(boundp 'sur-qu-il-existe-pas)                  ()
(boundp '(ca doit pas marcher))                 ()
(if (false) t ())                               ()
(if (true) t ())                                T

(if (null ()) t ())                             T
(if (null t) t ())                              ()
(if (not '(a)) t ())                            ()

(if (atom ()) t ())                             T
(if (atom 'a) t ())                             T
(if (atom 42) t ())                             T
(if (atom #[1 2]) t ())                         T
(if (atom "arg") t ())                          T
(if (atom '(a b)) t ())                         ()
(if (atomp ()) t ())                            T
(if (atomp 'a) t ())                            T
(if (atomp 42) t ())                            T
(if (atomp #[1 2]) t ())                        T
(if (atomp "arg") t ())                         T
(if (atomp '(a b)) t ())                        ()

(if (constantp ()) t ())                        T
(if (constantp 'a) t ())                        ()
(if (constantp 42) t ())                        T
(if (constantp #[1 2]) t ())                    T
(if (constantp "arg") t ())                     T
(if (constantp '(a b)) t ())                    ()

(if (symbolp ()) t ())                          T
(if (symbolp 'a) t ())                          T
(if (symbolp 42) t ())                          ()
(if (symbolp #[1 2]) t ())                      ()
(if (symbolp "arg") t ())                       ()
(if (symbolp '(a b)) t ())                      ()
(if (variablep ()) t ())                        ()
(if (variablep 'a) t ())                        t
(if (variablep 42) t ())                        ()
(if (variablep "arg") t ())                     ()
(if (variablep #[1 2]) t ())                    ()
(if (variablep '(a b)) t ())                    ()

(if (numberp ()) t ())                          ()
(if (numberp 'a) t ())                          ()
(if (numberp 42) t ())                          t
(if (numberp 20000) t ())                       t
(if (numberp #[1 2]) t ())                      ()
(if (numberp "arg") t ())                       ()
(if (numberp '(a b)) t ())                      ()

(if (stringp ()) t ())                          ()
(if (stringp 'a) t ())                          ()
(if (stringp 42) t ())                          ()
(if (stringp #[1 2]) t ())                      ()
(if (stringp "arg") t ())                       T
(if (stringp '(a b)) t ())                      ()
(if (consp ()) t ())                            ()
(if (consp nil) t ())                           ()
(if (consp 'nil) t ())                          ()
(if (consp 'a) t ())                            ()
(if (consp 42) t ())                            ()
(if (consp #[1 2]) t ())                        ()
(if (consp "arg") t ())                         ()
(if (consp '(a b)) t ())                        T
(if (listp ()) t ())                            t
(if (listp nil) t ())                           t
(if (listp 'nil) t ())                          ()
(if (listp 'a) t ())                            ()
(if (listp 42) t ())                            ()
(if (listp #[1 2]) t ())                        ()
(if (listp "arg") t ())                         ()
(if (listp '(a b)) t ())                        t
(if (nlistp ()) t ())                           ()
(if (nlistp nil) t ())                          ()
(if (nlistp 'nil) t ())                         t
(if (nlistp 'a) t ())                           t
(if (nlistp 42) t ())                           t
(if (nlistp #[1 2]) t ())                       t
(if (nlistp "arg") t ())                        t
(if (nlistp '(a b)) t ())                       ()
(if (eq () ()) t ())                            t
(if (eq () nil) t ())                           t
(if (eq () 'nil) t ())                          ()
(if (eq 'a (car '(a))) t ())                    t
(if (eq (1+ 119) 120) t ())                     t
(if (eq '(a b) '(a b)) t ())                    ()
(if (eq #[1 2] #[1 2]) t ())                    ()
(if (eq #[] #[]) () t)                          t
(if (eq "ARG" 'ARG) t ())                       ()
(if (eq "arg" "arg") t ())                      ()
(if (setq l '(a b c)) t ())                     t
(if (eq l l) t ())                              t
(if (eq "" "") t ())                            ()
(if (neq 'a (car '(a))) t ())                   ()
(if (neq (1+ 119) 120) t ())                    ()
(if (neq '(a b) '(a b)) t ())                   t
(if (neq #[1 2] #[1 2]) t ())                   t
(if (neq "ARG" 'ARG) t ())                      t
(if (setq l '(a b c)) t ())                     t
(if (neq l l) t ())                             ()
(if (equal () ()) t ())                         t
(if (equal 'a '|A|) t ())                       ()
(if (equal 1214 (1+ 1213)) t ())                t
(if (equal 20000 20000) t ())                   t
(if (equal 10 10.) t ())                        t
(if (equal #[1 2] #[1 2]) t ())                 t
(if (equal #[1 2 3] #[1 2]) t ())               ()
(if (equal #[(1 2) (3 4)] #[(1 2) (3 5)]) t ()) ()
(if (equal "Foo bar" "Foo bar") t ())           t
(if (equal "" "") t ())                         t
(if (equal "a" "A") t ())                       ()
(if (equal '(a (b . c) d) '(a (b . c) d)) t ()) t
(if (equal '(a b c d) '(a b c . d)) t ())       ()
(if (nequal () ()) t ())                        ()
(if (nequal 1214 (1+ 1213)) t ())               ()
(if (nequal 1215 1214) t ())                    t
(if (nequal "Foo bar" "Foo bar") t ())          ()
(if (nequal '(a (b . c) d) '(a (b . d) d)) t ()) t
(if (boundp ()) t ())                           t
(if (boundp t) t ())                            t
(if (boundp 'sur-qu-il-existe-pas) t ())        ()
(if (boundp '(ca doit pas marcher)) t ())       ()
(ifn (false) () t)                              ()
(ifn (true) () t)                               T

(ifn (null ()) () t)                            T
(ifn (null t) () t)                             ()
(ifn (not '(a)) () t)                           ()

(ifn (atom ()) () t)                            T
(ifn (atom 'a) () t)                            T
(ifn (atom 42) () t)                            T
(ifn (atom #[1 2]) () t)                                T
(ifn (atom "arg") () t)                         T
(ifn (atom '(a b)) () t)                                ()
(ifn (atomp ()) () t)                           T
(ifn (atomp 'a) () t)                           T
(ifn (atomp 42) () t)                           T
(ifn (atomp #[1 2]) () t)                       T
(ifn (atomp "arg") () t)                                T
(ifn (atomp '(a b)) () t)                       ()

(ifn (constantp ()) () t)                       T
(ifn (constantp 'a) () t)                       ()
(ifn (constantp 42) () t)                       T
(ifn (constantp #[1 2]) () t)                   T
(ifn (constantp "arg") () t)                    T
(ifn (constantp '(a b)) () t)                   ()

(ifn (symbolp ()) () t)                         T
(ifn (symbolp 'a) () t)                         T
(ifn (symbolp 42) () t)                         ()
(ifn (symbolp #[1 2]) () t)                     ()
(ifn (symbolp "arg") () t)                      ()
(ifn (symbolp '(a b)) () t)                     ()
(ifn (variablep ()) () t)                       ()
(ifn (variablep 'a) () t)                       t
(ifn (variablep 42) () t)                       ()
(ifn (variablep "arg") () t)                    ()
(ifn (variablep #[1 2]) () t)                   ()
(ifn (variablep '(a b)) () t)                   ()

(ifn (numberp ()) () t)                         ()
(ifn (numberp 'a) () t)                         ()
(ifn (numberp 42) () t)                         t
(ifn (numberp 20000) () t)                      t
(ifn (numberp #[1 2]) () t)                     ()
(ifn (numberp "arg") () t)                      ()
(ifn (numberp '(a b)) () t)                     ()

(if (integerp 2) t ())                          t
(if (integerp -2) t ())                         t
(if (integerp 2.0) t ())                        ()
(if (integerp -2.0) t ())                       ()
(if (integerp 0.) t ())                         ()
(if (integerp 0.0) t ())                        ()
(if (integerp 'foo) t ())                       ()

(if (floatp 2) t ())                          ()
(if (floatp -2) t ())                         ()
(if (floatp 2.0) t ())                        t
(if (floatp -2.0) t ())                       t
(if (floatp 0.) t ())                         t
(if (floatp 0.0) t ())                        t
(if (floatp 'foo) t ())                       ()

(ifn (stringp ()) () t)                         ()
(ifn (stringp 'a) () t)                         ()
(ifn (stringp 42) () t)                         ()
(ifn (stringp #[1 2]) () t)                     ()
(ifn (stringp "arg") () t)                      T
(ifn (stringp '(a b)) () t)                     ()
(ifn (consp ()) () t)                           ()
(ifn (consp nil) () t)                          ()
(ifn (consp 'nil) () t)                         ()
(ifn (consp 'a) () t)                           ()
(ifn (consp 42) () t)                           ()
(ifn (consp #[1 2]) () t)                       ()
(ifn (consp "arg") () t)                                ()
(ifn (consp '(a b)) () t)                       T
(ifn (listp ()) () t)                           t
(ifn (listp nil) () t)                          t
(ifn (listp 'nil) () t)                         ()
(ifn (listp 'a) () t)                           ()
(ifn (listp 42) () t)                           ()
(ifn (listp #[1 2]) () t)                       ()
(ifn (listp "arg") () t)                                ()
(ifn (listp '(a b)) () t)                       t
(ifn (nlistp ()) () t)                          ()
(ifn (nlistp nil) () t)                         ()
(ifn (nlistp 'nil) () t)                                t
(ifn (nlistp 'a) () t)                          t
(ifn (nlistp 42) () t)                          t
(ifn (nlistp #[1 2]) () t)                      t
(ifn (nlistp "arg") () t)                       t
(ifn (nlistp '(a b)) () t)                      ()
(ifn (eq () ()) () t)                           t
(ifn (eq () nil) () t)                          t
(ifn (eq () 'nil) () t)                         ()
(ifn (eq 'a (car '(a))) () t)                   t
(ifn (eq (1+ 119) 120) () t)                    t
(ifn (eq '(a b) '(a b)) () t)                   ()
(ifn (eq #[1 2] #[1 2]) () t)                   ()
(ifn (eq #[] #[]) t ())                         t
(ifn (eq "ARG" 'ARG) () t)                      ()
(ifn (eq "arg" "arg") () t)                     ()
(ifn (setq l '(a b c)) () t)                    t
(ifn (eq l l) () t)                             t
(ifn (eq "" "") () t)                           ()
(ifn (neq 'a (car '(a))) () t)                  ()
(ifn (neq (1+ 119) 120) () t)                   ()
(ifn (neq '(a b) '(a b)) () t)                  t
(ifn (neq #[1 2] #[1 2]) () t)                  t
(ifn (neq "ARG" 'ARG) () t)                     t
(ifn (setq l '(a b c)) () t)                    t
(ifn (neq l l) () t)                            ()
(ifn (equal () ()) () t)                                t
(ifn (equal 'a '|A|) () t)                      ()
(ifn (equal 1214 (1+ 1213)) () t)               t
(ifn (equal 20000 20000) () t)                  t
(ifn (equal 10 10.) () t)                       t
(ifn (equal #[1 2] #[1 2]) () t)                        t
(ifn (equal #[1 2 3] #[1 2]) () t)              ()
(ifn (equal #[(1 2) (3 4)] #[(1 2) (3 5)]) () t)        ()
(ifn (equal "Foo bar" "Foo bar") () t)          t
(ifn (equal "" "") () t)                                t
(ifn (equal "a" "A") () t)                      ()
(ifn (equal '(a (b . c) d) '(a (b . c) d)) () t)        t
(ifn (equal '(a b c d) '(a b c . d)) () t)      ()
(ifn (nequal () ()) () t)                       ()
(ifn (nequal 1214 (1+ 1213)) () t)              ()
(ifn (nequal 1215 1214) () t)                   t
(ifn (nequal "Foo bar" "Foo bar") () t)         ()
(ifn (nequal '(a (b . c) d) '(a (b . d) d)) () t) t
(ifn (boundp ()) () t)                          t
(ifn (boundp t) () t)                           t
(ifn (boundp 'sur-qu-il-existe-pas) () t)       ()
(ifn (boundp '(ca doit pas marcher)) () t)      ()
(type-of ())                            null
(type-of t)                             symbol
(type-of 10)                            fix
(type-of 10.)                           float
(type-of "Foo")                         string
(type-of #[1 2])                        vector
(type-of '(a b))                        cons
(type-of '#(a . b))                     a

(type-of '#(123 123))                   #.#:system:bignum-type
(setq #:system:bignum-type '#:R:Z:N)    #:R:Z:N
(type-of '#(123 123))                   #:R:Z:N
(type-of '#((123 . 123) . 123))         #:R:Z:N
(type-of '#((a b c) ()))                (a b c)

         (test-serie "[Fonctions de recherche dans les listes]" ())
(car '(a . b))                          a
(cdr '(a . b))                          b
(caar '((a . c) b . d))                 a
(cadr '((a . c) b . d))                 b
(cdar '((a . c) b . d))                 c
(cddr '((a . c) b . d))                 d
(setq l '(((a . e) c . g) (b . f) d . h)) (((a . e) c . g) (b . f) d . h)
(caaar l)                               a
(caadr l)                               b
(cadar l)                               c
(caddr l)                               d
(cdaar l)                               e
(cdadr l)                               f
(cddar l)                               g
(cdddr l)                               h
(setq l '((((a . i) e . m) (c . k) g . o) ((b . j) f . n) (d . l) h . p) l1 ()
(caaaar l)                              a
(caaadr l)                              b
(caadar l)                              c
(caaddr l)                              d
(cadaar l)                              e
(cadadr l)                              f
(caddar l)                              g
(cadddr l)                              h
(cdaaar l)                              i
(cdaadr l)                              j
(cdadar l)                              k
(cdaddr l)                              l
(cddaar l)                              m
(cddadr l)                              n
(cdddar l)                              o
(cddddr l)                              p
(car 10)                                (ERRNLA car 10)
(caar '(10))                            (ERRNLA caar (10))
(caaar '((10)))                         (ERRNLA caaar ((10)))
(caaaar '(((10))))                      (ERRNLA caaaar (((10))))
(memq 'c '(a b c d e))                          (c d e)
(memq 'c '(a . c))                              ()
(memq 'z '(a b c d e))                          ()
(member 'c '(a b c d e))                        (c d e)
(member 'z '(a b c d e))                        ()
(member 'f '(a . f))                            ()
(member '(a b) '(a (a b) c))                    ((a b) c)
(setq l '(a b c d) ll (cddr l))                 (c d)
(tailp ll l)                                    (c d)
(tailp '(c d) '(a b c d))                       ()

(nthcdr 3 '(a b c d e f))                        (d e f)
(nthcdr 10 '(a b c d e . f))                     ()
(nthcdr 1 '(a b))                                (b)
(nthcdr 0 '(a b))                                (a b)
(nthcdr -100 '(a b))                             (a b)
(nth 3 '(a b c d e f))                          d
(nth 100  '(a b c))                             ()
(nth 0 '(a b))                                  a
(nth -1 '(a b))                                 a
(nth -10000 '(a b))                             a
(last 120)                                       120
(last '(a b c))                                  (c)
(last '(a b c . d))                              (c . d)
(length ())                                     0
(length 10)                                     0
(length '(1 1 1))                               3
(length '(a b . c))                             2

        (test-serie "[Fonctions sur les TCONS]" ())

(setq x '(a . b))                               (a . b)
(tconsmk x)                                     #(a . b)
x                                               #(a . b)
(setq x (tcons 'a '(b c)))                      #(a b c)
x                                               #(a b c)
(tconscl x)                                     (a b c)
(tconsmk x)                                     #(a b c)
(setq y (tcons 'd (cons 'e x)))                 #(d e . #(a b c))
(consp x)                                       #(a b c)
(tconsp x)                                      #(a b c)
(eq (car x) 'a)                                 t
(tconsp (cdr x))                                ()
(rplaca x 'z)                                   #(z b c)
(tconsp x)                                      #(z b c)
(rplacd x 'a)                                   #(z . a)
(tconsp x)                                      #(z . a)
(setq x (tcons (ncons 'a) '(b c)))              #((a) b c)
(tconsp (car x))                                ()
(tconsp (cons (car x) (cdr x)))	                ()

         (test-serie "[Fonctions de creation de listes]" ())
(cons 'a () )                                    (a)
(cons 'a 'b)                                     (a . b)
(cons 'a '(b c))                                (a b c)
(setq l '(x y z))                               (x y z)
(equal (cons (car l) (cdr l)) l)                t
(xcons 'a () )                                   (() . a)
(xcons 'a 'b)                                    (b . a)
(setq x 10)                                     10
(xcons (incr x) (incr x))                       (12 . 11)
(ncons () )                                      (())
(ncons 'a)                                       (a)
(mcons)                                          ()
(mcons 'a)                                       a
(mcons 'a 'b)                                    (a . b)
(mcons 'a 'b 'c)                                 (a b . c)
(mcons 'a 'b 'c 'd)                              (a b c . d)
(list)                                           ()
(list 'a 'b 'c)                                  (a b c)

(kwote () )                                      (quote ())
(kwote 'a)                                       (quote a)
(kwote (cdr '(a . b)))                          (quote b)
(kwote '(a b c))                                 (quote (a b c))
(makelist 0 ())                                  ()
(makelist 3 ())                                  (() () ())
(makelist -1 ())                                 ()
(makelist 4 'a)                                  (a a a a)
(length (makelist 10000 t))                     10000
(length (makelist 0 t))                         0

(append '(a b c) () )                            (a b c)
(append () '(d e f))                             (d e f)
(append '(a b c) '(d e f) '(g h))                (a b c d e f g h)
(append  () '(a) () '(b) () '(c))               (a b c)
(append '(a) () '(b) () '(c) ())                (a b c)
(setq l '(a b c))                       (a b c)
(append l)                              (a b c)
(eq l (append l))                       t
(eq l (append l ()))                    ()
(append l 'z)                           (a b c . z)

(append1 '(a) 'b)                               (a b)
(append1 () 'b)                                 (b)
(append1 '(a) ())                               (a ())

(reverse 'a)                                     ()
(reverse '(a b c))                               (c b a)
(reverse '(a (b c) d))                          (d (b c) a)
(reverse '(a b c . d))                          (c b a)
(copylist 'a)                           a
(copylist '(a (b (c (d)))))             (a (b (c (d))))
(copylist '#(a b . #(d)))               (a b d)

(setq strg "gdy jest")          "gdy jest"
(eq strg strg)                  t
(eq strg (copy strg))           ()
(equal strg (copy strg))        t
(setq vect #[1 2]))             #[1 2]
(eq vect vect)                  t
(eq vect (copy vect))           ()
(equal vect (copy vect))        t
(copy '#(a b . #(d)))           #(a b . #(d))

(firstn t ())                                   (ERRNIA firstn t)
(firstn 3 'a)                                   a
(firstn 3 '(a b c d e f))                       (a b c)
(firstn 5 '(a b c d))                           (a b c d)
(firstn 5 '(a b c . d))                         (a b c)
(firstn 0 '(a b c))                             ()
(firstn -100 '(a b c))                          ()

(lastn t ())                                    (ERRNIA lastn t)
(lastn 10 'a)                                   a
(lastn 2 '(a b c d e))                          (d e)
(lastn 2 '(a b c d . e))                        (c d)
(lastn 10 '(a b c))                             (a b c)
(lastn -10 '(a b c))                            ()
(lastn 0 '(a))                                  ()
(subst 'z 'a '(a c (d a)))                      (z c (d z))
(subst () () '(a b c))                          (a b c)
(subst 'z '(a) '((a) c (d (a))))                (z c (d z))

(remq 'a '(a b a (c a b) d a s))                (b (c a b) d s)
(remq 'a '(a a))                                ()
(remq 'a '(a . b))                              b
(remq 'a '(a b . a))                            (b . a)
(remq 'a '(a b . c))                            (b . c)

(remove '(a) '(a b (a) (c a b) (a) s))          (a b (c a b) s)
(remove '(a) '((a)(a)(a)))                      ()

(oblist '(a b))                                 (ERRSYM oblist (a b))
(oblist () '(c d))                              (ERRSYM oblist (c d))

(boblist t)                                     (ERRNIA boblist t)
(boblist -1)                                    (ERROOB boblist -1)
(boblist 1000)                                  (ERROOB boblist 1000)

   (progn (freecons (tcons 1 2)) (cons 1 2)))   ()
     (freetree '#(#(1 2) #(1 2))) (cons 1 2)))  ()
(progn (freetree '#(#(1) #(3))) (list 1 2 3))   (1 2 3)
(freecons 'a)                                   (ERRNLA freecons a)

         (test-serie "[Fonctions de modification]" ())
(setq x '(a b))                                 (a b)
(rplaca x '(c))                                 ((c) b)
 x                                              ((c) b)
(setq x '(s t))                                 (s t)
(rplacd x '(u))                                 (s u)
 x                                              (s u)
(setq x '(a b) y '(c d))                        (c d)
(rplaca x (cdr y))                              ((d) b)

(setq l1 '(a b c))                              (a b c)
(setq l2 l1)                                    (a b c)
(rplac l1 'x '(z))                              (x z)
l2                                              (x z)

(setq l1 '(a b c))                              (a b c)
(setq l2 l1)                                    (a b c)
(displace l1 '(x y))                            (x y)
 l2                                             (x y)
(displace l1 'z)                                (progn z)
 l2                                             (progn z)
(displace l1 '#(a . b))                         #(a . b)
 l1                                             #(a . b)
(nconc)                                         ()
(nconc ())                                      ()
(nconc () ())                                   ()
(nconc () () ())                                ()
(nconc () () () '(a b c))                       (a b c)
(nconc '(a b))                                  (a b)
(nconc '(a b) '(c d))                           (a b c d)
(nconc '(a b) '(c d) '(e f))                    (a b c d e f)
(nconc '(a b) () '(c d) () '(e f))              (a b c d e f)
(nconc '(a b) 2 '(c d) 3 'e)                    (a b c d . e)
(nconc '(a b) () '(c d) () '(e f) ())           (a b c d e f)
(nconc (setq value '(value)) '(()))             (value ())
(nconc value '(()))                             (value () ())

(nconc1 '(a b c) 'd)                            (a b c d)

(setq l1 '(a b c d e))                          (a b c d e)
(setq l2 (cdr l1))                              (b c d e)
(setq l3 (last l1))                             (e)
(nreverse l1)                                   (e d c b a)
 l1                                             (a)
 l2                                             (b a)
 l3                                             (e d c b a)

(setq l1 '(a b c d e))                          (a b c d e)
(setq l2 (cdr l1))                              (b c d e)
(setq l3 (last l1))                             (e)
(nreconc l1 '(x y))                             (e d c b a x y)
 l1                                             (a x y)
 l2                                             (b a x y)
 l3                                             (e d c b a x y)

(setq l '(a c a (d a . a)))                     (a c a (d a . a))
(nsubst '(x y) 'a l)                            ((x y) c (x y) (d (x y) x y))
 l                                              ((x y) c (x y) (d (x y) x y))
(nsubst 1 l l)                                  1
(setq l '(a c a (d a . a)))                     (a c a (d a . a))
(nsubst 1 (cdr l) l)                            (a . 1)

(setq l '(a b c b b d))                         (a b c b b d)
(delq 'b l)                                     (a c d)
(setq l '(a b a . c))                           (a b a . c)
(delq 'a l)                                     (b . c)
 l                                              (a b . c)
(setq l '(a b a . a))                           (a b a . a)
(delq 'a l)                                     (b . a)
(setq l '(a a a . a))                           (a a a . a)
(delq 'a l)                                     a
(setq l '(a a a))                               (a a a)
(delq 'a l)                                     ()

(setq l '(a (b) c b (b) d))                     (a (b) c b (b) d)
(delete '(b) l)                                 (a c b d)
(setq l '(a a a . a))                           (a a a . a)
(delete 'a l)                                   a
(setq l '(a a a))                               (a a a)
(delete 'a l)                                   ()

(setq l '(1 2 3))                               (1 2 3)
(newr l 4)                                      (1 2 3 4)
l                                               (1 2 3 4)
(de foo1 () (newr l (foo2)))                    foo1
(de foo2 () (newr l 5) 6)                       foo2
(foo1)                                          (1 2 3 4 5 6)
(setq l ())                                     ()
(foo1)                                          (5 6)

         (test-serie "[Fonctions sur les A-listes]" ())

 (acons 'a '10 '((b . 11) (z . 40)))    ((a . 10)(b . 11)(z . 40))
 (pairlis '(a b) '(1 2) '((c . 3)))     ((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3))
 (pairlis '(x y z) '(a (b)) '((a . x) (b . y)))
                                        ((x . a) (y b) (z) (a . x) (b . y))
 (pairlis '(ya jestem wielky) '(le merle chante) ())
                                ((ya . le) (jestem . merle) (wielky . chante))
 (assq 'b '((a) (b 1) (c d e)))         (b 1)
 (assoc '(b) '((a) ((b) 1) (c d e)))    ((b) 1)
 (cassq 'c '((a) (b 1) (c d e)))        (d e)
 (cassoc '(c) '((a) (b 1) ((c) d e)))   (d e)
 (rassq 1 '((a) (b . 1) (c d e)))       (b . 1)
 (rassoc '(d e) '((a) ((b) 1) (c d e))) (c d e)
 (sublis '((a . z) (b 2 3)) '(a (b a c) d b . b))
                                        (z ((2 3) z c) d (2 3) 2 3)
(setq l '(a b c))                       (a b c)
(eq (sublis '((x 1)) l) l)              t
(eq (cdr (sublis '((a x)) l)) (cdr l))  t

        (test-serie "[Fonctions d'acce`s aux valeurs des symboles]" ())

(setq l1 '(a b c) l2 l1 l3 'foo)                foo
 l3                                             foo
 l2                                             (a b c)
(boundp 'l3)                                    t
(symeval 'l3)                                   foo
(setq #:system:gensym-counter 100)              100
(symeval (gensym))                              (ERRUDV symeval g101)
(makunbound 'l3)                                l3
(boundp 'l3)                                    ()

(set 'l1 '(a b c))                              (a b c)
 l1                                             (a b c)

(setq l1 1 l2 2)                                2
(setq)                                          ()
(setq a)                                        (ERRWNA setq 2)
(setq a 1 b)                                    (ERRWNA setq 2)
(setq t 2)                                      (ERRNVA setq t)
(psetq l1 l2 l2 l1)                             2
 l1                                             2
 l2                                             1
(setqq)                                         ()
(setqq a)                                       (ERRWNA setqq 2)
(setqq t 1)                                     (ERRNVA setqq t)
(setqq a 1 b)                                   (ERRWNA setqq 2)
(setqq l1 2 l2 3)                               3
 l1                                             2
 l2                                             3
(deset '(a (b . c)) '((1 2) (3 4)))             t
 a                                              (1 2)
 b                                              3
 c                                              (4)
(deset '(a t) '(1 2))                           (ERRBPA deset t)
(deset '(a . t) '(1 2))                         (ERRBPA deset t)
(deset '(a (b)) '(1 2))                         (ERRILB deset ((b) 2))

(desetq (a (b . c)) '((1 2) (3 4)))             t
 a                                              (1 2)
 b                                              3
 c                                              (4)
(deset '(a t) '(1 2))                           (ERRBPA deset t)
(deset '(a . t) '(1 2))                         (ERRBPA deset t)
(deset '(a (b)) '(1 2))                         (ERRILB deset ((b) 2))

(setq a '(x y z))                               (x y z)
(nextl a)                                       x
 a                                              (y z)
(setq b ())                                     ()
(nextl a b)                                     y
 a                                              (z)
 b                                              y
(nextl a)                                       z
(nextl a)                                       ()
(nextl a)                                       ()

(setq l '(1 2 3 4 5) x 10 y 11 z 12)            12
(progn (nextl l) (nextl l x) (nextl l z))       3
l                                               (4 5)
x                                               2
z                                               3 

(setq a '(x y z))                               (x y z)
(newl a 'w)                                     (w x y z)
 a                                              (w x y z)

(setq a '(x y z))                               (x y z)
(newr a 'w)                                     (x y z w)
 a                                              (x y z w)
(setq b ())                                     ()
(newr b 'z)                                     (z)
 b                                              (z) 

(incr () 5)                                     (ERRNVA incr ())
(incr t 5)                                      (ERRNVA incr t)
(setq x 5)                                      5
(incr x)                                        6
 x                                              6
(incr x 4)                                      10
(incr x 1.5)                                    11.5
(incr x)                                        12.5
 x                                              12.5
(decr () 5)                                     (ERRNVA decr ())
(decr t 5)                                      (ERRNVA decr t)
(setq x 10)                                     10
(decr x 4)                                      6
(decr x)                                        5
 x                                              5
(decr x 1.5)                                    3.5
 x                                              3.5
(decr x)                                        2.5
 x                                              2.5

         (test-serie "[Fonctions sur les P-listes]" ())

 (plist () t)                           (ERRSYM plist ())
 (plist 'rose '(nom commun genre feminin)) (nom commun genre feminin)
 (plist 'rose)                          (nom commun genre feminin)
 (getprop 'nil 'genre)                  ()
 (getprop 'rose 'genre)                 feminin
 (getprop 'rose 'famille)               ()
 (getl 'rose '(genre nom))              (nom commun genre feminin)
 (getl 'rose '(taille genre))           (genre feminin)
 (getl 'rose '(type taille))            ()
 (addprop 'rose 'fleur 'famille)        fleur
 (plist  'rose)         (famille fleur nom commun genre feminin)
 (putprop 'rose 'jouli 'nom)            jouli
 (plist  'rose)         (famille fleur nom jouli genre feminin)
 (remprop 'rose 'nom)                   (nom jouli genre feminin)
 (remprop 'rose 'foo)                   ()
 (plist 'rose)                          (famille fleur genre feminin)
 (remprop 'rose 'famille)               (famille fleur genre feminin)
 (plist 'rose)                          (genre feminin)
 (defprop rose test defprop)            test
 (plist 'rose)                          (defprop test genre feminin)
 (remprop 'rose 'genre)                 (genre feminin)
 (plist 'rose)                          (defprop test)
 (remprop 'rose 'defprop)               (defprop test)
 (plist 'rose)                          ()
 (putprop () () ())                     (ERRNVA putprop ())
 (addprop () () ())                     (ERRNVA addprop ())
 (plist 'plt '(i1 a i2 b))              (i1 a i2 b)
 (addprop 'plt 'c 'i1)                  c
 (plist 'plt)                           (i1 c i1 a i2 b)
 (plist 'plt '(i1 a i2 b))              (i1 a i2 b)
 (putprop 'plt 'c 'i1)                  c
 (plist 'plt)                           (i1 c i2 b)
 (putprop 'plt 0 'i9)                   0
 (plist 'plt)                           (i9 0 i1 c i2 b)

         (test-serie "[Fonctions sur les champs speciaux]" ())

(objval () t)                           (ERRSYM objval ())
(objval 'gee ())                        ()
(objval 'gee)                           ()
(objval 'gee 'haugh)                    haugh
(objval 'gee)                           haugh

(defvar x '#:sator:arepo:tenet:opera:rotas)     x
(packagecell '#:sator:arepo:tenet:opera:rotas '#:sator:arepo:tenet:opera)
(packagecell x) #:sator:arepo:tenet:opera
(packagecell (packagecell x)) #:sator:arepo:tenet
(packagecell (packagecell (packagecell x))) #:sator:arepo
(packagecell x '#:en:to:pan) #:en:to:pan

(progn '(#:foo:xyzzy xyzzy #:bar:xyzzy) ()) () ; to guarantee a 3d link exists
(3d-root-symbol '#:foo:xyzzy)               xyzzy
(3d-root-symbol '#:bar:xyzzy)               xyzzy
(3d-root-symbol 'xyzzy)                     xyzzy

(getfn1 () 'car)                car
(de #:foo:bar ())               #:foo:bar
(getfn1 'foo 'bar)              #:foo:bar
(getfn1 'gee 'bar)              ()

(progn (de #:(a . c):foo1 () 1)
       (de #:(a . c):foo2 () 1)
       (de #:(a . c):foo3 () 1)
       (de #:(a . c):foo4 () 1)
       (de #:(a . #:c:d):foo2 () 2)
       (de #:(a . #:c:d):foo3 () 2)
       (de #:(a . #:c:d):foo4 () 2)
       (de #:(#:a:b . c):foo3 () 3)
       (de #:(#:a:b . c):foo4 () 3)
       (de #:(#:a:b . #:c:d):foo4 () 4)
       t)                             t

(getfn2 '#:a:b '#:c:d 'foo1)           #:(a . c):foo1
(funcall (getfn2 '#:a:b '#:c:d 'foo1)) 1
(getfn2 '#:a:b '#:c:d 'foo2)           #:(a . #:c:d):foo2
(funcall (getfn2 '#:a:b '#:c:d 'foo2)) 2
(getfn2 '#:a:b '#:c:d 'foo3)           #:(#:a:b . c):foo3
(funcall (getfn2 '#:a:b '#:c:d 'foo3)) 3
(getfn2 '#:a:b '#:c:d 'foo4)           #:(#:a:b . #:c:d):foo4
(funcall (getfn2 '#:a:b '#:c:d 'foo4)) 4
(getfn2 '#:a:b:a '#:c:d:a 'foo1)       #:(a . c):foo1
(getfn2 '#:a:b:a '#:c:d 'foo1)         #:(a . c):foo1

(de foo ())                           foo
(de #:bar:foo ())                     #:bar:foo
(de #:bar:gee:buz:foo ())             #:bar:gee:buz:foo
(getfn '#:bar:gee:buz 'foo)           #:bar:gee:buz:foo
(getfn '#:bar:gee 'foo)               #:bar:foo
(getfn 'bar 'foo)                     #:bar:foo
(getfn () 'foo)                       foo
(getfn '#:potop:teraz 'foo)           foo
(getfn '#:bar:gee 'foo ())            #:bar:foo
(getfn 'bar 'foo ())                  #:bar:foo
(getfn 'gee 'foo ())                  ()
(getfn '#:bar:gee:buz 'foo 'bar)      #:bar:gee:buz:foo
(getfn '#:bar:gee 'foo 'bar)          ()
(de #:bar:fuu ())                       #:bar:fuu
(de #:gee:fuu ())                       #:gee:fuu
(getfn '(bar gee) 'fuu ())              #:bar:fuu
(getfn '(gee bar) 'fuu ())              #:gee:fuu

         (test-serie "[Fonctions sur les caracteres]" ())

(ascii 99)                              c
(1+ (ascii 49))                         2
(cascii 'c)                             99
(cascii 1)                              49
(cascii 2)                              50
(uppercase #/0)                         #/0
(uppercase #/a)                         #/A
(uppercase #/z)                         #/Z
(lowercase #/0)                         #/0
(lowercase #/A)                         #/a
(lowercase #/Z)                         #/z
(lowercase #/j)                         #/j
(asciip 0)                              0
(asciip 127)                            127
(asciip -1)                             ()
(asciip 128)                            128
(asciip 256)                            ()
(digitp #/0)                            #/0
(digitp #/9)                            #/9
(digitp #//)                            ()
(digitp #/:)                            ()
(letterp #/a)                           #/a
(letterp #/z)                           #/z
(letterp #/A)                           #/A
(letterp #/Z)                           #/Z
(letterp #\SP)                          ()
(letterp #/.)                           ()
(letterp #/])                           ()

         (test-serie "[Fonctions sur les chaines]" ())

 (slen "abcdef")                     6
 (slen "")                           0
 (slen 'foo)                         (ERRNSA slen foo)

 (slength "abcdef")                     6
 (slength "")                           0
 (slength 'foo)                         3

 (setq s "abcdef")                      "abcdef"
 (sref s 1)                             #/b
 (sref s 0)                             #/a
 (sref s -1)                            (ERROOB sref -1)
 (sref s 5)                             #/f
 (sref s 6)                             (ERROOB sref 6)
 (sref 'foo 2)                          (ERRNSA sref foo)

 (sset 'bar 2 #/z)                      (ERRNSA sset bar)
 (sset s 1 #/z)                         #/z
 s                                      "azcdef"
 (sset s -1 #/t)                        (ERROOB sset -1)
 (sset s 6 #/t)                         (ERROOB sset 6)
 (sset s 5 #/y)                         #/y
 s                                      "azcdey"

 (setq s "abcde")                       "abcde"
 (type-of s)                             string
 (typestring s)                          string
 (typestring s 'foo-the-bar)             foo-the-bar
 s                                       #:foo-the-bar:"abcde"
 (type-of s)                             foo-the-bar
 (typestring s '(1 2 3))                 (1 2 3)
 s                                       #:(1 2 3):"abcde"
 (type-of s)                             (1 2 3)
 (typestring t)                          (ERRNSA typestring t)
 (typestring s "bar")                    (ERRSYM typestring "bar")
 (typestring s ())                       (ERRSYM typestring ())

 (setq v "abc" w "de")                  "de"
 (typestring v 'foo)                    foo
     v                                  #:foo:"abc"
 (setq y v z w)                         "de"
 (exchstring v w)                       "de"
     v                                  "de"
     w                                  #:foo:"abc"
     y                                  "de"
     z                                  #:foo:"abc"

 (string "abc")                         "abc"
 (string '#"-120")                      "-120"
 (string 'abcd)                         "abcd"
 (string 234)                           "234"
 (string -1)                            "-1"
 (string 0)                             "0"
 (string 1.5)                           "1.5"
 (string ())                            ""
 (string ||)                            ""
 (eq (string "") (string ||))           ()
 (eq (string "") (string ""))           ()
 (eq "" "")                             ()

 (pname ())                             ()
 (pname nil)                            ()
 (pname 'nil)                           (110 105 108)
 (pname 'foobar)                        #"foobar"
 (pname -123)                           #"-123"
 (pname "")                             ()
 (pname "abcdef")                       #"abcdef"
 (pname '#"abcd")                       #"abcd"

 (hash ())                              0
 (hash 'nil)                            250
 (hash 'foobar)                         35
 (hash -123)                            26
 (hash "abcdef")                        178
 (hash '#"abcd")                        238

 (plength ())                           0
 (plength nil)                          0
 (plength 'nil)                         3
 (plength 'foobar)                      6
 (plength -100)                         4
 (plength "")                           0
 (plength "abcdef")                     6
 (plength '#"abcd")                     4

 (eqstring "foo" "bar")                 ()
 (eqstring "foo" "foo")                 "foo"
 (eqstring "" "bar")                    ()
 (eqstring 12 (catenate 1 2))           "12"
 (eqstring '|FooBar| "FooBar")          "FooBar"

 (catenate "foo" "bar" 'toto)           "foobartoto"
 (equal (catenate "" || () nil) "")     t
 (catenate 12 -34 0)                    "12-340"
 (catenate)                             ""
 (setq sss (makestring 10000 #/a) s ()) ()
 (catenate sss sss sss sss sss)         (ERRSTL catenate #$7FFF)
 (setq sss ())                          ()

 (substring-equal 0 "fobar" 0 "afob" 0)       0
 (substring-equal 0 "fobar" 0 "gezu" 0)       0
 (substring-equal 5 "fobar" 0 "fobar" 0)      5
 (substring-equal 5 "fobara" 0 "fobar" 0)     5
 (substring-equal 5 "fobar" 0 "fobara" 0)     5
 (substring-equal 2 "fobar" 0 "afob" 1)       2
 (substring-equal 2 "fobar" 0 "afab" 1)       ()
 (substring-equal 2 "fobar" 3 "afar" 2)       2
 (substring-equal 6 "fobara" 0 "fobar" 0)     (ERROOB substring-equal 6)
 (substring-equal 6 "fobar" 0 "fobara" 0)     (ERROOB substring-equal 6)
 (substring-equal 1 "a" 0 "b")          (ERRWNA substring-equal 5)
 (substring-equal 'a "a" 0 "b" 0)       (ERRNIA substring-equal a)
 (substring-equal 1 "a" 'b "b" 0)       (ERRNIA substring-equal b)
 (substring-equal 1 "a" 0 "b" 'c)       (ERRNIA substring-equal c)
 (substring-equal -1 "a" 0 "b" 0)       (ERROOB substring-equal -1)
 (substring-equal 1 "a" -2 "b" 0)       (ERROOB substring-equal -2)
 (substring-equal 1 "a" 0 "b" -3)       (ERROOB substring-equal -3)

 (substring "abcde" 0 3)                "abc"
 (substring "abcde" 1 2)                "bc"
 (substring "abcde" -1 3)               (ERROOB substring -1)
 (substring "abcde" 9 2)                ""
 (substring "abcde" 0 9)                "abcde"
 (substring "abcde" 1 -1)               ""

 (makestring 0 #/a)                     ""
 (makestring 4 #/a)                     "aaaa"
 (makestring -1 #/a)                    ""
 (makestring 5 ())                      (ERRNIA makestring ())
 (makestring t #/a)                     (ERRNIA makestring t)
 (slength (makestring 10000 #/a))       10000
 (slength (makestring -1 #/a))          0

 (duplstring 3 "ab")                    "ababab"
 (duplstring 3 "")                      ""
 (duplstring 1 "abc")                   "abc"
 (duplstring 0 "abc")                   ""
 (duplstring -1 "ab")                   (ERROOB duplstring -1)
 (duplstring t "ab")                    (ERRNIA duplstring t)
 (duplstring 10000 "abcdefg")           (ERRSTL duplstring 10000)

 (bltstring "foobar" 1 "xyz" 2 1)       "fzobar"
 (bltstring "foobar" 1 "gee" 0)         "fgeear"
 (bltstring "foobar" 1 "toto" 0 6)      "ftotor"
 (bltstring "foobar" -2 "totati" 2 8)   (ERROOB bltstring -2)
 (bltstring "foobar" 3 "totota" 0 8)    "footot"
 (setq strt "abcdefghij")               "abcdefghij"
 (bltstring strt 1 strt 3 4)            "adefgfghij"
 (bltstring strt 6 strt 0 2)            "adefgfadij"
 (bltstring strt 0 strt 4 4)            "gfadgfadij"
 (bltstring strt 0 strt 1)		"fadgfadijj"
 (bltstring strt 1 strt 0)		"ffadgfadij"

 (fillstring "foobar" 1 #/X 2)          "fXXbar"
 (fillstring "foobar" 0 #/Y 3)          "YYYbar"
 (fillstring "foobar" -2 #/Z 5)         (ERROOB fillstring -2)
 (fillstring "foobar" 2 #/X)            "foXXXX"
 (fillstring "foobar" 2 #/X 20)         "foXXXX"

 (scanstring "abc" "sbe")               1
 (scanstring "abcd" "efg")              ()
 (scanstring "abcd" " ,.a" 1)           ()
 (scanstring "abcd" " ,.a" -2)          (ERROOB scanstring -2)
 (scanstring "abc" "defcgh")            2
 (scanstring "" "foo")                  ()
 (scanstring "foo" "")                  ()

 (spanstring "abc" "abe")               2
 (spanstring "abcd" "abccd")            ()
 (spanstring "abcd" "bcd" 1)            ()
 (spanstring "abcd" "bcd" -2)           (ERROOB spanstring -2)
 (spanstring "abc" "abc" 9)             ()
 (spanstring "" "foo")                  ()
 (spanstring "foo" "")                  0

 (chrpos #/a 'abc)                      0
 (chrpos #/b 'aaa)                      ()
 (chrpos #/c 'abc)                      2
 (chrpos #/D '#"0123456789ABCDEF")      13
 (chrpos #/a 'abc 1)                    ()
 (chrpos #/a 'abc -1)                   (ERROOB chrpos -1)
 (chrpos #/a 'abc 5)                    ()
 (chrpos #/D 'abc -3)                   (ERROOB chrpos -3)

 (chrnth 0 'abc)                        #/a
 (chrnth 0 "abc")                       #/a
 (chrnth 2 "abc")                       #/c
 (chrnth 3 "abc")                       ()
 (chrnth -1 "abc")                      ()
 (chrnth 10 "0123456789ABCDEF")         #/A
 (chrnth 10.45 "a")                     (ERRNIA chrnth 10.45)
 (chrnth t "ab")                        (ERRNIA chrnth t)
 (chrnth 5 '(a b c))                    (ERRNSA chrnth (a b c))

 (chrset 0 "abc" #/A)                   #/A
 (progn (setq x "abc") (chrset 0 x #/A) x)        "Abc"
 (progn (setq x "abc") (chrset 2 x #/A) x)        "abA"
 (progn (setq x "abc") (chrset 3 x #/A) x)        (ERROOB chrset 3)
 (progn (setq x "abc") (chrset -1 x #/A) x)       (ERROOB chrset -1)

 (index "foo" "foobar")                 0
 (index "bar" "foobar")                 3
 (index "foo" "xfoobar")                1
 (index "foo" "xfoobar" 2)              ()
 (index "foo" "xfoobar" 1)              1
 (index "foo" "xfoobar" 9)              ()
 (index "foo" "xfoobar" -3)             (ERROOB index -3)
 (index "foo" "" 0)                     ()
 (index "" "foo" 0)                     0

 (alphalessp 'a 'a)                     t
 (alphalessp 'aa 'a)                    ()
 (alphalessp 'a 'aa)                    t
 (alphalessp 'aaa 'aab)                 t
 (alphalessp 'aab 'aaa)                 ()
 (alphalessp 'aab 'aaac)                ()
 (alphalessp 'aba 'aa)                  ()

 (sortl '(dies irae dies illa solvet saeclum in favila))        
                  (dies dies favila illa in irae saeclum solvet)

 (sortl '(requiem aeternam donna eis Domine et lux perpetua luceat eis))
                (aeternam domine donna eis eis et luceat lux perpetua requiem)

 (mapcar 'sortl
             '((requiem aeternam dona eis domine)
               (et lux perpetua luceat eis)
               (in memoria aeterna eris justus)
               (ab auditione mala non timebit)))
        ((aeternam domine dona eis requiem)
         (eis et luceat lux perpetua)
         (aeterna eris in justus memoria)
         (ab auditione mala non timebit))

 (sortl '(a z b s d))                   (a b d s z)
 (sortn '(6 4 8 6 5  8 7))              (4 5 6 6 7 8 8)

 (symbol () ())                         ||
 (symbol () 'foo)                       foo
 (symbol () "foo")                      foo
 (symbol () '#:foo:bar)                 bar
 (symbol 'foo 'bar)                     #:foo:bar
 (symbol 'foo "bar")                    #:foo:bar
 (symbol '#:foo:bar 'bar)               #:foo:bar:bar
 (symbol 'foo '#:foo:bar)               #:foo:bar

 (concat)                               ||
 (concat 'a (1+ 5) () 'b)               a6b
 (concat "Foo" nil '#"Bar" -2)          |FooBar-2|
 (concat "Foo" 'nil '#"Bar" -2)         |FoonilBar-2|

 (concatpkgc () ())                     ||
 (concatpkgc 'foo ())                   foo
 (concatpkgc '#:foo:bar ())             #:foo:bar
 (concatpkgc 'foo 'bar)                 #:foo:bar
 (concatpkgc 'foo '#:bar:gee)           #:foo:bar:gee
 (concatpkgc '#:foo:bar '#:gee:fuu)     #:foo:bar:gee:fuu

 (explode -120)                         (45 49 50 48)
 (explode '(car '(a b)))                (40 99 97 114 32 39 40 97 32 98 41 41)

 (explodech -120)                       (- 1 2 0)
 (explodech '(car '(a b)))      (|(| c a r | | |'| |(| a | | b |)| |)|)

 (implode '(45 50 51 55))               -237
 (implode (explode '(a b)))             (a b)

 (implodech '(- 2 3 7))                 -237
 (implodech (explodech '(a b)))         (a b)

(stratom t "abcdef" ())                 (ERRNIA stratom t)
(stratom 3 t ())           	        (ERRNSA stratom t)
(stratom 3 "abcdef" ())                 abc
(stratom 3 "01234" ())			12
(stratom 3 "01234" t)                   |012|
(stratom 4 " () " ())                   | () |
(stratom 5 "00012.34" ())               12
(stratom 6 "00012.34" ())               12.
(stratom 7 "00012.34" ())               12.3

 (setq #:system:gensym-counter 100)     100
 (gensym)                               g101
 (gensym)                               g102
 (gensym)                               g103

         (test-serie "[Fonctions sur les vecteurs]" ())

#[1 2 3]                                #[1 2 3]
#:foo:#[a b]                            #:foo:#[a b]

(makevector 5 ())                       #[() () () () ()]
(makevector 3 'a)                       #[a a a]
(makevector 0 t)                        #[]
(makevector -1 ())                      (ERROOB makevector -1)
(makevector t ())                       (ERRNIA makevector t)

(vector 0 1 2 3 4)                      #[0 1 2 3 4]
(apply 'vector '(1 #[1 2] "Foo" A (B C)))       #[1 #[1 2] "Foo" A (B C)]
(vector 1 #[1 2] "Foo" 'A '(B C))       #[1 #[1 2] "Foo" A (B C)]
(vector)                                #[]

(vlength (makevector 10000 t))          10000
(setq x #[a b c d e])                   #[a b c d e]
(vlength #[])                           0
(vlength x)                             5

 (setq x #[a b c d e f])                #[a b c d e f]
 (vref x 0)                             a
 (vref x 1)                             b
 (vref x 4)                             e
 (vref 'foo 1)                          (ERRVEC vref foo)
 (vref x -1)                            (ERROOB vref -1)
 (vref x 6)                             (ERROOB vref 6)
 (vset x 0 '(x y))                      (x y)
 (vref x 0)                             (x y)
 (vset x 4 '(t))                        (t)
 (vset x 2 ())                          ()
 x                                      #[(x y) b () d (t) f]
 (vset 'bar 1 0)                        (ERRVEC vset bar)
 (vset x -1 ())                         (ERROOB vset -1)
 (vset x 6 1)                           (ERROOB vset 6)

(setq v #[a b] w #[c d e])              #[c d e]
(type-of v)                             vector
(typevector v)                          vector
(typevector t)                          (ERRVEC typevector t)
(typevector v 'foo-the-bar)             foo-the-bar
v                                       #:foo-the-bar:#[a b]
(type-of v)                             foo-the-bar
(typevector v '(1 2 3))                 (1 2 3)
v                                       #:(1 2 3):#[a b]
(type-of v)                             (1 2 3)
(typevector t)                          (ERRVEC typevector t)
(typevector v "bar")                    (ERRSYM typevector "bar")
(typevector v ())                       (ERRSYM typevector ())

(eqvector #[1 (a b c) d] #[1 (a b c) d])        #[1 (a b c) D]
(eqvector 10 #[1])                      (ERRVEC eqvector 10)
(eqvector #[1] "foo")                   (ERRVEC eqvector "foo")
(eqvector #:foo:#[1 2] #[1 2])          ()
(eqvector #:foo:#[1 2] #:foo:#[1 2])    #:foo:#[1 2]
(eqvector #[] #[])                      #[]
(eq #[] #[])                            ()

(setq v #[a b c] w #[d e])              #[d e]
(typevector v 'foo)                     foo
     v                                  #:foo:#[a b c]
(setq y v z w)                          #[d e]
(exchvector v w)                        #[d e]
     v                                  #[d e]
     w                                  #:foo:#[a b c]
     y                                  #[d e]
     z                                  #:foo:#[a b c]
(exchvector v t)                        (ERRVEC exchvector t)
(exchvector t w)                        (ERRVEC exchvector t)

 (bltvector #[f o o b a r] 1 #[x y z] 2 1)      #[f z o b a r]
 (bltvector #[f o o b a r] 1 #[t o t o] 0 6)    #[f t o t o r]
 (bltvector #[f o o b a r] -2 #[t o t a t i] 2 8)       (ERROOB bltvector -2)
 (bltvector #[f o o b a r] 3 #[t o t o t a] 0 8)        #[f o o t o t]
 (defvar vect #[a b c d e f g h i j])           vect
 (bltvector vect 1 vect 3 4)                    #[a d e f g f g h i j]
 (bltvector vect 6 vect 0 2)                    #[a d e f g f a d i j]
 (bltvector vect 0 vect 4 4)                    #[g f a d g f a d i j]
 (bltvector vect 0 vect 1)                      #[f a d g f a d i j j]

 (setq x #[a b c d e f g])              #[a b c d e f g]
 (fillvector x 1 'z 2)                  #[a z z d e f g]
 (fillvector x 0 'y 3)                  #[y y y d e f g]
 (fillvector x -2 'u 5)                 (ERROOB fillvector -2)
 (fillvector x 2 'u)                    #[y y u u u u u]
 (fillvector x 4 'v 20)                 #[y y u u v v v]

 (setq x (makearray 3 4 0))          #[#[0 0 0 0] #[0 0 0 0] #[0 0 0 0]]
 (aset x 1 2 -1)                     -1
 (aref x 1 2)                        -1
 x                                   #[#[0 0 0 0] #[0 0 -1 0] #[0 0 0 0]]

          (test-serie "[Fonctions sur les Structures]" ())

(defstruct foo a (b 1) c)               foo
(defstruct #:foo:bar d (e foo))         #:foo:bar
 ; partage de champ : erreur ?!?
(defstruct #:foo:gee d e a f)           #:foo:gee
(defstruct #:foo:bar:gee (f 9))         #:foo:bar:gee

(setq a (new 'foo))                     #:foo:#[() 1 ()]
(setq foo 12)                           12
(setq b (#:foo:bar:make))               #:foo:bar:#[() 1 () () 12]
(setq foo 13)                           13
(setq x (#:foo:bar:gee:make))           #:foo:bar:gee:#[() 1 () () 13 9]

(#:foo:b a)                             1
(#:foo:b a 2)                           2
(#:foo:b b)                             1
(#:foo:bar:b b 'b)                      b 
(#:foo:bar:b b)                         b
(#:foo:b b)                             b

(#:foo:b x)                             1
(#:foo:bar:b x)                         1
(#:foo:bar:gee:b x)                     1
(#:foo:bar:e x)                         13
(#:foo:bar:gee:e x)                     13
(#:foo:bar:gee:f x)                     9

(#:foo:b x 0)                           0
(#:foo:bar:e x 14)                      14
(#:foo:bar:gee:f x 10)                  10
x                                       #:foo:bar:gee:#[() 0 () () 14 10]
(#:foo:bar:b x 2)                       2
(#:foo:bar:gee:e x 15)                  15
x                                       #:foo:bar:gee:#[() 2 () () 15 10]
(#:foo:bar:gee:b x 3)                   3
x                                       #:foo:bar:gee:#[() 3 () () 15 10]

(#:foo:b 12)                            (ERRSTC #:foo:b 12)
(#:foo:b #[12])                         (ERRSTC #:foo:b #[12])
(#:foo:b #:gee:#[12])                   (ERRSTC #:foo:b #:gee:#[12])

(#:foo:b 12 1)                          (ERRSTC #:foo:b 12)
(#:foo:b #[12] 1)                       (ERRSTC #:foo:b #[12])
(#:foo:b #:gee:#[12] 1)                 (ERRSTC #:foo:b #:gee:#[12])

(#:foo:a #:foo:#[])                     (ERRSTC #:foo:a #:foo:#[])
(#:foo:b #:foo:#[0])                    (ERRSTC #:foo:b #:foo:#[0])
(#:foo:c #:foo:#[1 2])                  (ERRSTC #:foo:c #:foo:#[1 2])
(#:system:structaccess 'foo -1 
          '#:foo:#[] 0 2)               (ERROOB #:system:structaccess -1)

         (test-serie "[Fonctions numeriques generiques]" ())

(fix 10.4)                              10
(fix 10.5)                              10
(fix 10.6)                              10
(fix 0.4)                               0
(fix 0.5)                               0
(fix 0.6)                               0
(fix -0.4)                              0
(fix -0.5)                              0
(fix -0.6)                              0
(fix -10.4)                             -10
(fix -10.5)                             -10
(fix -10.6)                             -10
(truncate -10.6)                        -10
(fix t)                                 (ERRGEN truncate t)
(truncate 'b)                           (ERRGEN truncate b)
(truncate 32767.)                       32767
(truncate 32766.9)                      32766
(truncate 32768.)                       (ERRGEN truncate 32768.)
(truncate -32767.)                      -32767
(truncate -32766.9)                     -32766
(truncate -32768.)                      (ERRGEN truncate -32768.)
(truncate '#(1.2))                      (ERRGEN truncate #(1.2))

(setq BIG '#(BIG 1 2))                  #(BIG 1 2)
(1+ 6)                                  7
(1+ -3)                                 -2
(1+ 10.)                                11.
(1+ -1)                                 0
(1+ BIG)                                (ERRGEN + (#(BIG 1 2) 1))
(1+ '#(1.2))                            (ERRGEN + (#(1.2) 1))
(1+ #$7FFF)                             (ERRGEN + (#$7FFF 1))
(let ((#:sys-package:genarith 'genarith))
     (1+ #$7FFF))                       32768.
(1- 7)                                  6
(1- -3)                                 -4
(1- 0)                                  -1
(1- 10.)                                9.
(1- -9.)                                -10.
(1- BIG)                                (ERRGEN - (#(BIG 1 2) 1))
(1- '#(1.2))                            (ERRGEN - (#(1.2) 1))
(1- -32767)                             (ERRGEN - (-32767 1))
(1- #$8000)                             (ERRGEN - (#$8000 1))
(let ((#:sys-package:genarith 'genarith))
     (1- #$8000))                       -32769.
(let ((#:sys-package:genarith 'genarith))
     (1- -32767))                       -32768.

(abs 10)                               10
(abs -10)                              10
(abs 10.23)                            10.23
(abs -10.23)                           10.23
(abs BIG)                              (ERRGEN abs #(BIG 1 2))
(abs '#(1.2))                          (ERRGEN abs #(1.2))
(+)                                    0
(+ 8)                                  8
(+ 8.)                                 8.
(+ BIG)                                (ERRGEN + (#(BIG 1 2) 0))
(+ '#(1.2))                            (ERRGEN + (#(1.2) 0))
(+ 5 6)                                11
(+ -5 -6 1)                             -10
(+ 5 6 7)                              18
(+ 5. 6 7)                             18.
(+ 5 6. 7)                             18.
(+ 5 6 7.)                             18.
(+ 32000 32000)                         (ERRGEN + (32000 32000))
(let ((#:sys-package:genarith 'genarith))
     (+ 32000 32000))                   64000.
(+ 32000. 32000. 1)                     64001.
(+ 100. 1000. 10000. 100000.)           111100.
(+ 32000 32000 1)                       (ERRGEN + (32000 32000))
(let ((#:sys-package:genarith 'genarith))
     (+ 32000 32000 1))                 64001.
(+ 32000 1 32000 1)                     (ERRGEN + (32001 32000))
(let ((#:sys-package:genarith 'genarith))
     (+ 32000 1 32000 1))               64002.
(+ 5 BIG 4)                             (ERRGEN + (5 #(BIG 1 2)))
(+ 5. BIG 4.)                           (ERRGEN + (5. #(BIG 1 2)))
(+ 5. '#(1.2) 4.)                       (ERRGEN + (5. #(1.2)))
(+ 1 2 'gronk)                          (ERRGEN + (3 gronk))
(-)                                    0
(- 20)                                 -20
(- 20.)                                -20.
(- BIG)                                (ERRGEN 0- #(BIG 1 2))
(- '#(1.2))                            (ERRGEN 0- #(1.2))
(- 20 5)                               15
(- -20 -10)                            -10
(- 20. 5 2)                            13.
(- 20 5. 2)                            13.
(- 20 5 2.)                            13.
(- #$8000 1 1 1)                       (ERRGEN - (#$8000 3))
(let ((#:sys-package:genarith 'genarith))
     (- #$8000 1 1 1))                 -32771.
(- 1 #$8000 1 1)                       32767
(- 1 1 #$8000 1)                       32767
(- 1 1 1 #$8000)                       32767
(- t 1 1 1)                            (ERRGEN - (t 3))
(- 1 t 1 1)                            (ERRGEN + (t 1))
(- 1 1 t 1)                            (ERRGEN + (1 t))
(- 1 1 1 t)                            (ERRGEN + (2 t))
(- BIG 5 2)                            (ERRGEN - (#(BIG 1 2) 7))
(- 20 BIG 2)                           (ERRGEN + (#(BIG 1 2) 2))
(- 20 5 BIG)                           (ERRGEN + (5 #(BIG 1 2)))
(- BIG -10.2)                          (ERRGEN - (#(BIG 1 2) -10.2))
(- BIG -10.2 -10.2)                    (ERRGEN - (#(BIG 1 2) -20.4))
(- '#(1.2) -10.2 -10.2)                (ERRGEN - (#(1.2) -20.4))
(*)                                     1
(* 5)                                   5
(* 5.)                                  5.
(* BIG)                                 (ERRGEN * (#(BIG 1 2) 1))
(* '#(1.2))                             (ERRGEN * (#(1.2) 1))
(* 10 20)                               200
(* -100 200)                            -20000
(* 2 3 4)                               24
(* 2. 3 4)                              24.
(* 2 3. 4)                              24.
(* 2 3 4.)                              24.
(* 1 10 100 1000)                       (ERRGEN * (1000 1000))
(let ((#:sys-package:genarith 'genarith))
     (* 1 10 100 1000))                 1000000.
(* 1 BIG 10 10)                         (ERRGEN * (1 #(BIG 1 2)))
(* 1. BIG 10. 10)                       (ERRGEN * (1. #(BIG 1 2)))
(* BIG 10 10)                           (ERRGEN * (#(BIG 1 2) 10))
(* BIG 10. 10)                          (ERRGEN * (#(BIG 1 2) 10.))
(* '#(1.2) 10. 10)                      (ERRGEN * (#(1.2) 10.))

(/)                                     1
(/ 1 2 3)                               (ERRGEN / (1 6))
(/ 1)                                   1
(/ 2)                                   (ERRGEN 1/ 2)
(/ BIG)                                 (ERRGEN 1/ #(BIG 1 2))
(/ #$8000 -1)                           (ERRGEN / (#$8000 -1))
(/ 40.)                                 .025
(/ 12 4)                                3
(/ 24 4 2)                              3
(/ 12 5)                                (ERRGEN / (12 5))
(/ 12 5.)                               2.4
(/ 12. 5)                               2.4
(/ 24. 1.2 2)                           10.
(/ 24 1.2 2)                            10.
(/ 24 1.2 2.)                           10.
(/ -8 2)                                -4
(/ 123 0)                               (ERRGEN / (123 0))
(/ 20000 -20000)                        -1
(/ 10 BIG)                              (ERRGEN / (10 #(BIG 1 2)))
(/ BIG 10)                              (ERRGEN / (#(BIG 1 2) 10))
(/ 10. BIG)                             (ERRGEN / (10. #(BIG 1 2)))
(/ BIG 10.)                             (ERRGEN / (#(BIG 1 2) 10.))
(quotient 5 3)                          1
(quotient 5 -3)                         -1
(quotient -5 3)                         -2
(quotient -5 -3)                        2
(quotient 12 4)                         3
(quotient 12 5)                         2
(quotient 12 6)                         2
(quotient 12 5.)                        (ERRGEN quomod (12 5.))
(let ((#:sys-package:genarith 'genarith))
     (quotient 12 5.))                  2
(quotient 12. 5)                        (ERRGEN quomod (12. 5))
(let ((#:sys-package:genarith 'genarith))
     (quotient -12 5.))                 -3
(quotient -12 5.)                       (ERRGEN quomod (-12 5.))
(let ((#:sys-package:genarith 'genarith))
     (quotient -12 5.))                 -3
(quotient -8 2)                         -4
(quotient 123 0)                        (ERRGEN quomod (123 0))
(quotient #$8000 -1)                    (ERRGEN quomod  (#$8000 -1))
(quotient 20000 -20000)                 -1
(quotient BIG 10)                       (ERRGEN quomod (#(BIG 1 2) 10))
(quotient 10 BIG)                       (ERRGEN quomod (10 #(BIG 1 2)))
(quotient BIG 10.)                      (ERRGEN quomod (#(BIG 1 2) 10.))
(quotient 10. BIG)                      (ERRGEN quomod (10. #(BIG 1 2)))
(modulo 5 3)                            2
(modulo 5 -3)                           2
(modulo -5 3)                           1
(modulo -5 -3)                          1
(modulo 14 4)                           2
(modulo -8 2)                           0
(modulo 123 0)                          (ERRGEN quomod (123 0))
(modulo 30001 3)                        1
(let ((#:sys-package:genarith 'genarith))
     (modulo 12.4 2))                   0.4
;(modulo 12.4 2)                         0.4
;(modulo 12 2.)                          0

(equal 10 10.)                          t

(<?> 100 100)                           0
(<?> 100 200)                           -1
(<?> 200 100)                           1

(<?> 100. 100)                           0
(<?> 100. 200)                           -1
(<?> 200. 100)                           1

(<?> 100 100.)                           0
(<?> 100 200.)                           -1
(<?> 200 100.)                           1

(<?> 100. 100.)                           0
(<?> 100. 200.)                           -1
(<?> 200. 100.)                           1

(zerop 1)                               ()
(zerop 0)                               0
(zerop 0.)                              0.
(zerop 20000)                           ()
(zerop -1)                              ()
(zerop t)                               (ERRGEN zerop (t 0))

(plusp 0)                               0
(plusp 0.)                              0.
(plusp 123.3245)                        123.3245
(plusp 20000)                           20000
(plusp 2000.)                           2000.
(plusp -1)                              ()
(plusp -10.23)                          ()
(plusp t)                               (ERRGEN plusp (t 0))

(minusp 1)                              ()
(minusp 0)                              ()
(minusp -1.)                            -1.
(minusp -1)                             -1
(minusp 20000)                          ()
(minusp -123.45)                        -123.45
(minusp t)                              (ERRGEN minusp (t 0))

(= 10. 10)                              10.
(= 10 10.)                              10
(= 10. 10.)                             10.
(= 10 10)                               10
(= 10 10 10)                            10
(= 10. 10 10)                           10.
(= 10 10. 10)                           10
(= 10 10 10.)                           10
(= 20000 20000)                         20000

(/= 10. 10)                             ()
(/= 10 10.)                             ()
(/= 10. 10.)                            ()
(/= 10 10)                              ()
(/= 20000 20000)                        ()
(/= 10 20)                              10
(/= 10. 20)                             10.

(>= 20000 20000)                        20000
(>= 20000 100)                          20000
(>= 9. 10)                      ()
(>= 9. 9)                       9.
(>= 10 9.)                      10
(>= 10 10 11 12)              ()
(>= 10 10 11 10)              ()
(>= 10 10 9 8)                10

(> 9. 10)                       ()
(> 9. 9)                        ()
(> 10 9.)                       10
(> 10 10 11)                  ()
(> 10 11 12)                  ()
(> 10 9 8)                    10

(< 9. 10)                       9.
(< 9. 9)                        ()
(< 10 9.)                       ()
(< 9 10 11)                   9
(< 9 10 10)                   ()

(<= 9. 10)                      9.
(<= 9. 9)                       9.
(<= 10 9.)                      ()
(<= 9 10 11)                   9
(<= 9 10 10)                   9
(<= 9 10 9)                   ()
(<= 9 9 10)                   9

        (test-serie "[Fonctions de l'arithmetique mixte]" ())

(plus)                                         0
(plus 8)                                       8
(plus 8.)                                      8.
(plus BIG)                                      (ERRNNA plus #(BIG 1 2))
(plus 5 6)                                     11
(plus 5 6 7)                           18
(plus 5. 6 7)                          18.
(plus 5 6. 7)                          18.
(plus 5 6 7.)                          18.
(plus 32000 32000 1)                    64001.
(plus 30000 30000)                      60000.
(plus 50000. 10000)                     60000.
(plus 10000 50000.)                     60000.
(plus 5 BIG 4)                          (ERRNNA plus #(BIG 1 2))
(plus 5. BIG 4.)                        (ERRNNA plus #(BIG 1 2))
(differ)                                       0
(differ 20)                                    -20
(differ 20.)                                   -20.
(differ BIG)                                    (ERRNNA differ #(BIG 1 2))
(differ 20 5)                          15
(differ 20 5.)                         15.
(differ 20. 5)                         15.
(differ -20 -10)                               -10
(differ -20. -10)                              -10.
(differ -20 -10.)                              -10.
(differ 20. 5 2)                               13.
(differ 20 5. 2)                               13.
(differ 20 5 2.)                               13.
(differ #$8000 1 1)                            -32770.
(differ BIG 5 2)                               (ERRNNA differ #(BIG 1 2))
(differ 20 BIG 2)                              (ERRNNA differ #(BIG 1 2))
(differ 20 5 BIG)                              (ERRNNA differ #(BIG 1 2))
(times)                                1
(times 5)                               5
(times 5.)                                      5.
(times BIG)                             (ERRNNA times #(BIG 1 2))
(times 10 20)                          200
(times 10. 20)                         200.
(times 10 20.)                         200.
(times 10 BIG)                         (ERRNNA times #(BIG 1 2))
(times BIG 20.)                        (ERRNNA times #(BIG 1 2))
(times -100 200)                        -20000
(times 2 3 4)                           24
(times 2. 3 4)                          24.
(times 2 3. 4)                          24.
(times 2 3 4.)                          24.
(times 1000 1000)                       1.e+6
(times 1000. 1000)                      1.e+6
(times 1000 1000.)                      1.e+6
(times 1 10 100 1000)                   1.e+6

(divide 12 4)                           3
(divide 12 5)                           2.4
(divide 12 5.)                          2.4
(divide 12. 5)                          2.4
(divide -8 2)                           -4
(divide 123 0)                          (ERR0DV divide 0)
(divide 20000 -20000)                   -1
        (test-serie "[Fonctions de l'arithmetique entiere]" ())

(add1 1)                                2
(add1 -1)                               0
(add1 #$7FFF)                           #$8000
(add1 10.)                              (ERRNIA add1 10.)

(sub1 1)                                0
(sub1 -1)                               -2
(sub1 #$8000)                           #$7FFF
(sub1 1.)                               (ERRNIA sub1 1.)

(add 10 20)                             30
(add #$7000 #$7000)                     #$E000
(add 10. 20)                            (ERRNIA add 10.)
(add 10 20.)                            (ERRNIA add 20.)

(sub 20 11)                             9

(mul 10 9)                              90

(div 11 2)                              5
(div 10 2)                              5
(div 10 0)                              (ERR0DV div 0)

(rem 14 4)                              2
(rem -8 2)                              0
(rem 30001 3)                           1
(rem 12.4 2)                            (ERRNIA rem 12.4)
(rem 10 0)                              (ERR0DV rem 0)

(scale 1000 20000 1000)                 20000
(scale -100 2000  -1000)                200
(scale 1000 1000 3000)                  333
(scale 100 100 0)                       (ERR0DV scale 0)

(min)                                   (ERRWNA min 1)
(min 10)                                10
(min 10 20)                             10
(min -10 -20)                           -20
(min 1 3. 2 -7)                         -7
(min -2. 3 0 7)                         -2.

(max)                                   (ERRWNA max 1)
(max 10)                                10
(max 10 20)                             20
(max -10 -20)                           -10
(max 1 3 2 -7)                          3
(max 1 3. 2 -7)                         3.
(max -2 3. 0 7)                         7

(oddp -1)                               -1
(oddp 0)                                ()
(oddp 1)                                1
(oddp 2)                                ()

(evenp -1)                              ()
(evenp 0)                               0
(evenp 1)                               ()
(evenp 2)                               2

(eqn -10 -10)                           -10
(eqn 10 10)                             10
(eqn 10 9)                              ()
(eqn -10 -9)                            ()
(eqn -20000 20000)                      ()

(neqn -10 -10)                          ()
(neqn 10 10)                            ()
(neqn 10 9)                             10
(neqn -10 -9)                           -10
(neqn -20000 20000)                     -20000

(gt 9 10)                               ()
(gt 9 9)                                ()
(gt 10 9)                               10
(gt -9 -10)                             -9
(gt -9 -9)                              ()
(gt -10 -9)                             ()
(gt -20000 20000)                       ()
(gt 20000 -20000)                       20000

(ge 9 10)                               ()
(ge 9 9)                                9
(ge 10 9)                               10
(ge -9 -10)                             -9
(ge -9 -9)                              -9
(ge -10 -9)                             ()
(ge -20000 20000)                       ()
(ge 20000 -20000)                       20000

(lt 9 10)                               9
(lt 9 9)                                ()
(lt 10 9)                               ()
(lt -9 -10)                             ()
(lt -9 -9)                              ()
(lt -10 -9)                             -10
(lt -20000 20000)                       -20000
(lt 20000 -20000)                       ()

(le 9 10)                               9
(le 9 9)                                9
(le 10 9)                               ()
(le -9 -10)                             ()
(le -9 -9)                              -9
(le -10 -9)                             -10
(le -20000 20000)                       -20000
(le 20000 -20000)                       ()

(imin 10 10)                            10
(imin 10 11)                            10
(imin 11 10)                            10
(imin -10 -10)                          -10
(imin -10 -11)                          -11
(imin -11 -10)                          -11
(imin 11 t)                             (ERRNIA imin t)
(imin t 11)                             (ERRNIA imin t)

(imax 10 10)                            10
(imax 10 11)                            11
(imax 11 10)                            11
(imax -10 -10)                          -10
(imax -10 -11)                          -10
(imax -11 -10)                          -10
(imax 11 t)                             (ERRNIA imax t)
(imax t 11)                             (ERRNIA imax t)

(if (eqn -10 -10) t ())                 t
(if (eqn 10 10) t ())                   t
(if (eqn 10 9) t ())                    ()
(if (eqn -10 -9) t ())                  ()
(if (eqn -20000 20000) t ())            ()

(if (neqn -10 -10) t ())                ()
(if (neqn 10 10) t ())                  ()
(if (neqn 10 9) t ())                   t
(if (neqn -10 -9) t ())                 t
(if (neqn -20000 20000) t ())           t

(if (gt 9 10) t ())                     ()
(if (gt 9 9) t ())                      ()
(if (gt 10 9) t ())                     t
(if (gt -9 -10) t ())                   t
(if (gt -9 -9) t ())                    ()
(if (gt -10 -9) t ())                   ()
(if (gt -20000 20000) t ())             ()
(if (gt 20000 -20000) t ())             t

(if (ge 9 10) t ())                     ()
(if (ge 9 9) t ())                      t
(if (ge 10 9) t ())                     t
(if (ge -9 -10) t ())                   t
(if (ge -9 -9) t ())                    t
(if (ge -10 -9) t ())                   ()
(if (ge -20000 20000) t ())             ()
(if (ge 20000 -20000) t ())             t

(if (lt 9 10) t ())                     t
(if (lt 9 9) t ())                      ()
(if (lt 10 9) t ())                     ()
(if (lt -9 -10) t ())                   ()
(if (lt -9 -9) t ())                    ()
(if (lt -10 -9) t ())                   t
(if (lt -20000 20000) t ())             t
(if (lt 20000 -20000) t ())             ()

(ifn (le 9 10) t ())                    ()
(ifn (le 9 9) t ())                     ()
(ifn (le 10 9) t ())                    t
(ifn (le -9 -10) t ())                  t
(ifn (le -9 -9) t ())                   ()
(ifn (le -10 -9) t ())                  ()
(ifn (le -20000 20000) t ())            ()
(ifn (le 20000 -20000) t ())            t

(ifn (eqn -10 -10) t ())                ()
(ifn (eqn 10 10) t ())                  ()
(ifn (eqn 10 9) t ())                   t
(ifn (eqn -10 -9) t ())                 t
(ifn (eqn -20000 20000) t ())           t

(ifn (neqn -10 -10) t ())               t
(ifn (neqn 10 10) t ())                 t
(ifn (neqn 10 9) t ())                  ()
(ifn (neqn -10 -9) t ())                ()
(ifn (neqn -20000 20000) t ())          ()

(ifn (gt 9 10) t ())                    t
(ifn (gt 9 9) t ())                     t
(ifn (gt 10 9) t ())                    ()
(ifn (gt -9 -10) t ())                  ()
(ifn (gt -9 -9) t ())                   t
(ifn (gt -10 -9) t ())                  t
(ifn (gt -20000 20000) t ())            t
(ifn (gt 20000 -20000) t ())            ()

(ifn (ge 9 10) t ())                    t
(ifn (ge 9 9) t ())                     ()
(ifn (ge 10 9) t ())                    ()
(ifn (ge -9 -10) t ())                  ()
(ifn (ge -9 -9) t ())                   ()
(ifn (ge -10 -9) t ())                  t
(ifn (ge -20000 20000) t ())            t
(ifn (ge 20000 -20000) t ())            ()

(ifn (lt 9 10) t ())                    ()
(ifn (lt 9 9) t ())                     t
(ifn (lt 10 9) t ())                    t
(ifn (lt -9 -10) t ())                  t
(ifn (lt -9 -9) t ())                   t
(ifn (lt -10 -9) t ())                  ()
(ifn (lt -20000 20000) t ())            ()
(ifn (lt 20000 -20000) t ())            t

(ifn (le 9 10) t ())                    ()
(ifn (le 9 9) t ())                     ()
(ifn (le 10 9) t ())                    t
(ifn (le -9 -10) t ())                  t
(ifn (le -9 -9) t ())                   ()
(ifn (le -10 -9) t ())                  ()
(ifn (le -20000 20000) t ())            ()
(ifn (le 20000 -20000) t ())            t

          (test-serie "[Fonctions de division]" ())
(setq #:sys-package:genarith 'genarith) genarith

(de testdiv/rem ()
    (for (n -10 1 10)
         (for (d -10 1 10)
              (when (<> d 0)
                    (if (< n 0)
                        (when (> (rem n d) 0)
                              (print "** erreur de REM " (list n d)))
                        (when (< (rem n d) 0)
                              (print "** erreur de REM " (list n d))))
                    (when (<> n (+ (* (div n d) d) (rem n d)))
                          (print "** erreur de DIV " (list n d))))))

(testdiv/rem)                 t

(de testquo/mod1 ()
    (for (n -10 1 10)
         (for (d -10 1 10)
              (when (<> d 0)
                    (when (< (modulo n d) 0)
                          (print "** erreur de MODULO " (list n d)))
                    (when (<> n (+ (* (quotient n d) d) (modulo n d)))
                          (print " ** erreur de QUOTIENT " (list n d))))))

(de testquo/mod2 ()
    (for (n -10. 1. 10.)
         (for (d -10. 1. 10.)
              (when (<> d 0)
                    (when (< (modulo n d) 0)
                          (print "** erreur de MODULO " (list n d)))
                    (when (<> n (+ (* (quotient n d) d) (modulo n d)))
                          (print " ** erreur de QUOTIENT " (list n d))))))
(testquo/mod1)                t
(testquo/mod2)                t

(defvar stringtestres '(
"   -3   -3    1    0       1       0       1      0.000"
"   -3   -2    1   -1       2       1       2      1.000"
"   -3   -1    3    0       3       0       3      0.000"
"   -3    1   -3    0      -3       0      -3      0.000"
"   -3    2   -1   -1      -2       1      -2      1.000"
"   -3    3   -1    0      -1       0      -1      0.000"
"   -2   -3    0   -2       1       1       1      1.000"
"   -2   -2    1    0       1       0       1      0.000"
"   -2   -1    2    0       2       0       2      0.000"
"   -2    1   -2    0      -2       0      -2      0.000"
"   -2    2   -1    0      -1       0      -1      0.000"
"   -2    3    0   -2      -1       1      -1      1.000"
"   -1   -3    0   -1       1       2       1      2.000"
"   -1   -2    0   -1       1       1       1      1.000"
"   -1   -1    1    0       1       0       1      0.000"
"   -1    1   -1    0      -1       0      -1      0.000"
"   -1    2    0   -1      -1       1      -1      1.000"
"   -1    3    0   -1      -1       2      -1      2.000"
"    0   -3    0    0       0       0       0      0.000"
"    0   -2    0    0       0       0       0      0.000"
"    0   -1    0    0       0       0       0      0.000"
"    0    1    0    0       0       0       0      0.000"
"    0    2    0    0       0       0       0      0.000"
"    0    3    0    0       0       0       0      0.000"
"    1   -3    0    1       0       1       0      1.000"
"    1   -2    0    1       0       1       0      1.000"
"    1   -1   -1    0      -1       0      -1      0.000"
"    1    1    1    0       1       0       1      0.000"
"    1    2    0    1       0       1       0      1.000"
"    1    3    0    1       0       1       0      1.000"
"    2   -3    0    2       0       2       0      2.000"
"    2   -2   -1    0      -1       0      -1      0.000"
"    2   -1   -2    0      -2       0      -2      0.000"
"    2    1    2    0       2       0       2      0.000"
"    2    2    1    0       1       0       1      0.000"
"    2    3    0    2       0       2       0      2.000"
"    3   -3   -1    0      -1       0      -1      0.000"
"    3   -2   -1    1      -1       1      -1      1.000"
"    3   -1   -3    0      -3       0      -3      0.000"
"    3    1    3    0       3       0       3      0.000"
"    3    2    1    1       1       1       1      1.000"
"    3    3    1    0       1       0       1      0.000"

(de stringtestdiv ()
    (let ((res))
         (for (n -3 1 3)
              (for (d -3 1 3)
                   (when (<> d 0)
                         (newl res 
                               (format () "~5D~5D~5D~5D~8D~8D~8D      ~5F"
                                       n d (div n d) (rem n d) 
                                       (quotient n d) 
                                       (modulo n d)
                                       (quotient (float n) (float d))
         (setq res (nreverse res))
         (unless (equal res stringtestres)
                 (print "**** Erreur dans le test global")
               "    n    d   DIV  REM  QUOTIENT  MODULO   QUOTIENT  MODULO")
               "                        entier   entier    flott.   flott.")
                 (while (and res stringtestres)
                        (unless (equal (car res) (car stringtestres))
                             (print "on devrait avoir")
                             (print (car stringtestres))
                             (print "on a")
                             (print (car res)))
                        (nextl res) (nextl stringtestres))))

(stringtestdiv)                         t
(setq #:sys-package:genarith ())        ()

        (test-serie "[Fonctions logiques]" ())

(lognot 0)                             -1
(lognot -2)                            1
(lognot #%1010101010101010)            #%0101010101010101

(logand #$36 #$25)                     #$24
(logand #%11110000 #%10101010)         #%10100000

(logor #$15 #$17)                      #$17

(logxor 5 3)                           6

(logshift 1 0)                         1
(logshift -1 0)                         -1
(logshift 1 1)                         2
(logshift 1 3)                         8
(logshift 1 15)                        #$8000
(logshift 8 -3)                        1

        (test-serie "[Fonctions sur champ de bits]" ())

(2** 0)                                1
(2** 4)                                16
(2** 15)                                #$8000
(2** 16)                                0
(2** -1)                                0
(2** t)                                 (ERRNIA 2** t)
(load-byte #$F0 2 4)                    #$C

(mask-field #$F0 2 4)                   #$30

(deposit-byte #$F0 2 4 #$3)             #$CC

(deposit-field #$F0 2 4 #$C)            #$CC

(load-byte-test #$F0 2 2)               ()
(load-byte-test #$F0 2 4)               #$C

        (test-serie "[Fonctions circulaires]" ())

(sin 0)                                 0.
(sin pi/4)                              0.70710678118655
(sin pi/2)                              1.
(asin (sin 1.2))                        1.2

(cos 0)                                 1.
(cos pi/4)                              0.70710678118655
(cos pi/2)                              0
(acos (cos 1.2))                        1.2

(setq x 1.2)                            1.2
(sqrt (+ (power (sin x) 2) (power (cos x) 2)))  1.

(* 4 (atan 1))                          #.pi

(power 10 0)                            1.
(power 10 1)                            10.
(power 10 10)                           1e+10
(power 10 -1)                           0.1
(power 10 -2)                           0.01
(power 2. 0.5)                          1.4142135623730951
; cf LeLionnais p: 79; on ignore si ce nombre est rationnel
; he'las ce nb est faux avec 31 bits ....
;(power pi eNeper)                       22.45915771836104547343

(exp 0)                                 1.
(exp 1)                                 #.eNeper

(log 1)                                 0.
(log #.eNeper)                          1.
(log (exp 1))                           1.

(log10 1)                               0.
(log10 10)                              1.
(log10 20)                              1.3010299956639813
(log10 100)                             2.

(sqrt 100)                              10.
(sqrt 1000000.)                         1000.

        (test-serie "[Fonctions de l'arithmetique flottante]" ())

(fadd 10. 20.)                          30.
(fadd 10. 20)                           (ERRNFA fadd 20)
(fadd 10 20.)                           (ERRNFA fadd 10)

(fsub 20. 11.)                          9.

(fmul 10. 9.)                           90.

(fdiv 11. 2.)                           5.5
(fdiv 10. 2.)                           5.
(fdiv 10. 0.)                           (ERR0DV fdiv 0)

(feqn -10. -10.)                        -10.
(feqn 10. 10.)                          10.
(feqn 10. 9.)                           ()
(feqn -10. -9.)                         ()
(feqn -20000. 20000.)                   ()

(fneqn -10. -10.)                       ()
(fneqn 10. 10.)                         ()
(fneqn 10. 9.)                          10.
(fneqn -10. -9.)                        -10.
(fneqn -20000. 20000.)                  -20000.

(fgt 9. 10.)                            ()
(fgt 9. 9.)                             ()
(fgt 10. 9.)                            10.
(fgt -9. -10.)                          -9.
(fgt -9. -9.)                           ()
(fgt -10. -9.)                          ()
(fgt -20000. 20000.)                    ()
(fgt 20000. -20000.)                    20000.

(fge 9. 10.)                            ()
(fge 9. 9.)                             9.
(fge 10. 9.)                            10.
(fge -9. -10.)                          -9.
(fge -9. -9.)                           -9.
(fge -10. -9.)                          ()
(fge -20000. 20000.)                    ()
(fge 20000. -20000.)                    20000.

(flt 9. 10.)                            9.
(flt 9. 9.)                             ()
(flt 10. 9.)                            ()
(flt -9. -10.)                          ()
(flt -9. -9.)                           ()
(flt -10. -9.)                          -10.
(flt -20000. 20000.)                    -20000.
(flt 20000. -20000.)                    ()

(fle 9. 10.)                            9.
(fle 9. 9.)                             9.
(fle 10. 9.)                            ()
(fle -9. -10.)                          ()
(fle -9. -9.)                           -9.
(fle -10. -9.)                          -10.
(fle -20000. 20000.)                    -20000.
(fle 20000. -20000.)                    ()

(fmin 10. 10.)                          10.
(fmin 10. 11.)                          10.
(fmin 11. 10.)                          10.
(fmin -10. -10.)                        -10.
(fmin -10. -11.)                        -11.
(fmin -11. -10.)                        -11.
(fmin 11. t)                            (ERRNFA fmin t)
(fmin t 11.)                            (ERRNFA fmin t)

(fmax 10. 10.)                          10.
(fmax 10. 11.)                          11.
(fmax 11. 10.)                          11.
(fmax -10. -10.)                        -10.
(fmax -10. -11.)                        -10.
(fmax -11. -10.)                        -10.
(fmax 11. t)                            (ERRNFA fmax t)
(fmax t 11.)                            (ERRNFA fmax t)

(if (feqn -10. -10.) t ())              t
(if (feqn 10. 10.) t ())                t
(if (feqn 10. 9.) t ())                 ()
(if (feqn -10. -9.) t ())               ()
(if (feqn -20000. 20000.) t ())         ()

(if (fneqn -10. -10.) t ())             ()
(if (fneqn 10. 10.) t ())               ()
(if (fneqn 10. 9.) t ())                t
(if (fneqn -10. -9.) t ())              t
(if (fneqn -20000. 20000.) t ())        t

(if (fgt 9. 10.) t ())                  ()
(if (fgt 9. 9.) t ())                   ()
(if (fgt 10. 9.) t ())                  t
(if (fgt -9. -10.) t ())                t
(if (fgt -9. -9.) t ())                 ()
(if (fgt -10. -9.) t ())                ()
(if (fgt -20000. 20000.) t ())          ()
(if (fgt 20000. -20000.) t ())          t

(if (fge 9. 10.) t ())                  ()
(if (fge 9. 9.) t ())                   t
(if (fge 10. 9.) t ())                  t
(if (fge -9. -10.) t ())                t
(if (fge -9. -9.) t ())                 t
(if (fge -10. -9.) t ())                ()
(if (fge -20000. 20000.) t ())          ()
(if (fge 20000. -20000.) t ())          t

(if (flt 9. 10.) t ())                  t
(if (flt 9. 9.) t ())                   ()
(if (flt 10. 9.) t ())                  ()
(if (flt -9. -10.) t ())                ()
(if (flt -9. -9.) t ())                 ()
(if (flt -10. -9.) t ())                t
(if (flt -20000. 20000.) t ())          t
(if (flt 20000. -20000.) t ())          ()

(ifn (fle 9. 10.) t ())                 ()
(ifn (fle 9. 9.) t ())                  ()
(ifn (fle 10. 9.) t ())                 t
(ifn (fle -9. -10.) t ())               t
(ifn (fle -9. -9.) t ())                ()
(ifn (fle -10. -9.) t ())               ()
(ifn (fle -20000. 20000.) t ())         ()
(ifn (fle 20000. -20000.) t ())         t

(ifn (feqn -10. -10.) t ())             ()
(ifn (feqn 10. 10.) t ())               ()
(ifn (feqn 10. 9.) t ())                t
(ifn (feqn -10. -9.) t ())              t
(ifn (feqn -20000. 20000.) t ())        t

(ifn (fneqn -10. -10.) t ())            t
(ifn (fneqn 10. 10.) t ())              t
(ifn (fneqn 10. 9.) t ())               ()
(ifn (fneqn -10. -9.) t ())             ()
(ifn (fneqn -20000. 20000.) t ())       ()

(ifn (fgt 9. 10.) t ())                 t
(ifn (fgt 9. 9.) t ())                  t
(ifn (fgt 10. 9.) t ())                 ()
(ifn (fgt -9. -10.) t ())               ()
(ifn (fgt -9. -9.) t ())                t
(ifn (fgt -10. -9.) t ())               t
(ifn (fgt -20000. 20000.) t ())         t
(ifn (fgt 20000. -20000.) t ())         ()

(ifn (fge 9. 10.) t ())                 t
(ifn (fge 9. 9.) t ())                  ()
(ifn (fge 10. 9.) t ())                 ()
(ifn (fge -9. -10.) t ())               ()
(ifn (fge -9. -9.) t ())                ()
(ifn (fge -10. -9.) t ())               t
(ifn (fge -20000. 20000.) t ())         t
(ifn (fge 20000. -20000.) t ())         ()

(ifn (flt 9. 10.) t ())                 ()
(ifn (flt 9. 9.) t ())                  t
(ifn (flt 10. 9.) t ())                 t
(ifn (flt -9. -10.) t ())               t
(ifn (flt -9. -9.) t ())                t
(ifn (flt -10. -9.) t ())               ()
(ifn (flt -20000. 20000.) t ())         ()
(ifn (flt 20000. -20000.) t ())         t

(ifn (fle 9. 10.) t ())                 ()
(ifn (fle 9. 9.) t ())                  ()
(ifn (fle 10. 9.) t ())                 t
(ifn (fle -9. -10.) t ())               t
(ifn (fle -9. -9.) t ())                ()
(ifn (fle -10. -9.) t ())               ()
(ifn (fle -20000. 20000.) t ())         ()
(ifn (fle 20000. -20000.) t ())         t

        (test-serie "[Fonctions de l'arithmetique etendue]" ())

(setq #:ex:regret 0)                    0
(ex1+ 10)                               11
#:ex:regret                             0
(ex1+ #$ffff)                           0
#:ex:regret                             1

(setq #:ex:regret 0)                            0
(ex+ 100 200)                                   300
#:ex:regret                                     0

(setq #:ex:regret 1)                            1
(ex+ 100 200)                                   301
#:ex:regret                                     0

(setq #:ex:regret 0)                            0
(ex+ #$ffff #$ffff)                             -2
#:ex:regret                                     1

(setq #:ex:regret 1)                            1
(ex+ #$ffff #$ffff)                             -1
#:ex:regret                                     1

(ex- -2)                                1
(ex- -1)                                0
(ex- 0)                                 -1
(ex- 1)                                 -2
(ex- 2)                                 -3

(setq #:ex:regret 0)                            0
(ex* 100 100 0)                                 10000
#:ex:regret                                     0

(setq #:ex:regret 0)                            0
(ex* 100 100 10)                                10010
#:ex:regret                                     0

(setq #:ex:regret 0)                            0
(ex* -1 -1 0)                                   1
#:ex:regret                                     -2

(setq #:ex:regret -1)                           -1
(ex* -1 -1 0)                                   0
#:ex:regret                                     -1

(setq #:ex:regret 0)                            0
(ex/ 100 5)                                     20
#:ex:regret                                     0

(setq #:ex:regret 1)                            1
(ex/ 100 5)                                     13127
#:ex:regret                                     1

(setq #:ex:regret -2)                           -2
(ex/ 0 -1)                                      -2
#:ex:regret                                     -2

(setq #:ex:regret -3)                           -3
(ex/ 3 -1)                                      -2
#:ex:regret                                     1

(ex? 0 0)                       0
(ex? 2 3)                       -1
(ex? 3 2)                       1
(ex? -1 -2)                     1
(ex? -1 1)                      1
(ex? -1 -1)                     0
(ex? -2 -1)                     -1

        (test-serie "[Fonctions des Entre'es/Sorties binaires]" ())

(de charsout (maxchar times)
    (with ((outchan (openob "/tmp/bintest")))
	  (repeat times
		  (for (i 0 1 maxchar) (princn i)))
	  (close (outchan)))

(de charsin (maxchar times)
    (let ((ok t)(file "/tmp/bintest"))
      (with ((inchan (openib file)))
	    (repeat times
		    (for (i 0 1 maxchar)
			 (if (neq (readcn) i) (setq ok nil))))
	    (close (inchan)))
      (deletefile file)

(charsout 255 1)                           t
(charsin 255 1)                            t
(charsout 255 2)                           t
(charsin 255 2)                            t
(charsout 193 3)                           t
(charsin 193 3)                            t

          (test-serie "[Les iterateurs DO/DO*]")

(defun ll (l)
       (do ((x l (cdr x))
            (j 0 (1+ j)))
           ((atom x) j))))              ll

(ll '(a b c d e f))                     6

(defun lr (l)
       (do ((x l (cdr x))
            (y () (cons (car x) y)))
       ((atom x) y)))                   lr

(lr '(a b c d e f))                     (f e d c b a)

(defun expt1 (m n)
  (do ((result 1)
       (exponent n))
      ((zerop exponent) result)
      (setq result (* m result))
      (setq exponent (- exponent 1))))            expt1

(expt1 2 3)                                       8

(de expt2 (m n)
    (do ((result 1)
         (exponent n))
        (cond ((zerop exponent)
               (return result)))
        (setq result (* m result))
        (setq exponent (- exponent 1))))          expt2

(expt2 2 3)                                       8

(de expt3 (m n)
    (do ((result 1 (* m result))
         (exponent n (- exponent 1)))
        ((zerop exponent) result)))               expt3

(expt3 2 3)                                       8

(de expt4 (m n)
    (do ((result m (* m result))
        (exponent n (- exponent 1))
        (counter (- n 1) (- counter 1)))
       ((zerop counter) result)))                 expt4

(expt4 2 3)                                       8

(de expt5 (m n)
    (do ((result 1)
         (exponent n))
        ((prog1 (zerop exponent)
                (setq exponent (- exponent 1)))
        (setq result (* m result))))              expt5

(expt5 2 3)                                       8

(de expt6 (m n)
    (do* ((result m (* m result))
          (exponent n (- exponent 1))
          (counter (- exponent 1)  (- exponent 1)))
         ((zerop counter) result)))               expt6

(expt6 2 3)                                       8

(de expt7 (m n)
    (prog (result exponent)
       (setq result 1)
       (setq exponent n)
       (cond ((zerop exponent) (return result)))
             (setq result (* m result))
             (setq exponent (- exponent 1))
             (go loop)))                          expt7

(expt7 2 3)                                       8

        (test-serie "[Fonctions sur les types etendus]" ())

(de #:foo:bar (x) 3)                    #:foo:bar
(setq x (tcons '#:foo:zip 2))           #(#:foo:zip . 2)
(send 'bar x)                           3

(de #:(a . a):foo (o1 o2)
    'aa)                                #:(a . a):foo

(de #:(a . #:a:b):foo (o1 o2)
    'ab)                                #:(a . #:a:b):foo

(de #:(#:a:b . a):foo (o1 o2)
    'ba)                                #:(#:a:b . a):foo

(de #:(a . #:a:c):foo (o1 o2)
    'ac)                                #:(a . #:a:c):foo

(send2 'foo '#(a) '#(a))                        aa
(send2 'foo '#(a) '#(#:a:b))                    ab
(send2 'foo '#(#:a:b) '#(a))                    ba
(send2 'foo '#(#:a:b) '#(#:a:b))                ba
(send2 'foo '#(#:a:c) '#(#:a:b))                ab
(send2 'foo '#(#:a:b) '#(#:a:c))                ba
(send2 'foo '#(#:a:c) '#(#:a:c))                ac

          (test-serie "[Calcul d'adresses]" ())
;;; avec un -1 en position de car => on force tous les bits a 1
;;; avec un 0 en position de car => on force tous les bits a 0
;;; si on ne le met pas sous forme de cons, il y a extension du bit de signe
(subadr '(-1 . #$8005) #$8005)          0 ;extention su bit de signe [1]
(subadr '(0 . #$7FFF) #$7FFF)           0 ;extention su bit de signe [0]
(subadr '(0 . #$8005) '(0 . #$7FFF))    6
(subadr #$8005 #$7FFF)                  (-1 . 6)
(subadr '(-1 . #$8005)'(-1 . #$7FFF))   6
(addadr '(3 . 657) '(4 . 4567))         (7 . 5224)
(addadr '(1 . #$8000) '(1 . #$8000))    (3 . 0) 
;;; FIX | FIX  
(addadr -1 -1)                          -2
(addadr -1 1)                           0
(addadr 0 -1)                           -1
(addadr -2 2)                           0
(addadr 2 -2)                           0
(addadr -1000 0)                        -1000
(addadr 1 2)                            3
(addadr #$7FFF 1)                       (0 . #$8000)
(addadr #$7FFE 1)                       #$7FFF
;;; FIX | CONS
(addadr 0 '(3 . 657))                   (3 . 657)
(addadr 1 '(1 . 234))                   (1 . 235)
(addadr 1 '(1 . #$FFFF))                (2 . 0)
;;; CONS | FIX
(addadr '(3 . 657) 0)                   (3 . 657)
(addadr '(1 . 234) 1)                   (1 . 235)
(addadr '(1 . #$FFFF) 1)                (2 . 0)
(addadr '(#$FFFF . 1) 1)                (#$FFFF . 2)
(addadr '(#$FFFF . #$8001) 1)           #$8002
(addadr '(0 . #$8001) 1)                (0 . #$8002)
(addadr '(0 . #$8000) 1)                (0 . #$8001)

(subadr '(56 . 7899) '(45 . 3333))      (11 . 4566)
(subadr '(1 . #$8000) '(1 . #$8000))    0
(subadr '(1 . #$8010) '(1 . #$8000))    #$10
(subadr '(1 . #$8000) '(1 . #$8001))    -1
;;; FIX | FIX  
(subadr -1 -1)                          0
(subadr -1 1)                           -2
(subadr 0 -1)                           1
(subadr 1 2)                            -1
(subadr 2 2)                            0
(subadr -2 -2)                          0
(subadr -1000 0)                        -1000
(subadr 0 -1000)                        1000
;;; FIX | CONS
(subadr 0 '(3 . 3))                     (#$FFFC . #$FFFD)
(subadr 1 '(1 . 0))                     (-1 . 1)
(subadr 1 '(1 . #$FFFF))                (-2 . 2)
;;; CONS | FIX
(subadr '(3 . 657) 0)                   (3 . 657)
(subadr '(1 . 234) 1)                   (1 . 233)
(subadr '(1 . #$FFFF) 1)                (1 . #$FFFE)

(setq adr '(3 . #$fffe))                (3 . -2)
(incradr adr 1)                         (3 . -1)
(incradr adr 1)                         (4 . 0)
(incradr adr 1)                         (4 . 1)
(incradr adr 100)                       (4 . 101)
adr                                     (4 . 101)
(incradr adr '(#$ffff . -102))          (3 . -1)
adr                                     (3 . -1)
(incradr 0 adr)                         (3 . -1)
(incradr 1 adr)                         (4 . 0)
adr                                     (3 . -1)

(incradr -1 -1)                         -2

(setq adr '(4 . 101))                   (4 . 101)
(gtadr adr '(4 . -10))                  ()
(gtadr adr '(4 . 100))                  t
(gtadr adr '(4 . 101))                  ()

(addadr 100 t)                          (ERRNDA addadr t)
(subadr t 100)                          (ERRNDA subadr t)
(addadr 100 '(1))                       (ERRNDA addadr (1))
(subadr 100 '(t . 1))                   (ERRNDA subadr (t . 1))
(incradr '(t . 0) 0)                    (ERRNDA incradr (t . 0))
(incradr '(0 . t) 0)                    (ERRNDA incradr (0 . t))

(vag (loc 's))                          s

        (test-serie "[Fonctions d'Ecriture]" ())

(setq #:system:print-package-flag 0)    0
(setq #:sys-package:colon 'foo)         foo
(explode '#(() foo))                    #"#(() foo)"
(explode '#((()) foo))                  #"#((()) foo)"
(setq foo '#:a:b:c
      bar ':a:b:c)                      :a:b:c
(explode foo)                           #"#:a:b:c"
(explode bar)                           #":a:b:c"
(packagecell bar (cons foo foo))        (#:a:b:c . #:a:b:c)
(explode bar)                           #"#:(#:a:b:c . #:a:b:c):c"
(setq #:sys-package:colon '#:a:b)       #:a:b
(explode bar)                           #"#:(:c . :c):c"
(setq #:system:print-package-flag t)    t
(explode bar)                           #"#:(#:a:b:c . #:a:b:c):c"
(setq #:system:print-for-read ())       ()
(setq #:system:print-package-flag t)    t

          (test-serie "[Test des erreurs speciales]" ())

(gc t t)                                (ERRWNA gc 1)
(gc t t t)                              (ERRWNA gc 1)
(send)                                  (ERRWNA send 2)
(send t)                                (ERRWNA send 2)
(csend)                                 (ERRWNA csend 3)
(csend t)                               (ERRWNA csend 3)
(csend t t)                             (ERRWNA csend 3)
(send2)                                 (ERRWNA send2 3)
(send2 t)                               (ERRWNA send2 3)
(send2 t t)                             (ERRWNA send2 3)

        (test-serie "[La Frise]" ())

(de fnt (x y)
    (fmul nf (fadd (cos (fdiv x nd)) (fadd (cos (fdiv y nd)) 2.)))))

(de frise (nl nf nd)
    (let ((x) (y 30.))
         (repeat nl
                 (setq x -30. y (fsub y 1.))
                 (repeat 59
                         (princn (chrnth (fix (fnt (incr x) y)) 

(frise 25 3.5 5.5)                      t

          (test-serie "[Fin du test]" ())

()                                      ()