;;; The defintion of the module HASH defmodule hash files (hash) import (setf) export (hash-table-p make-hash-table make-hash-table-eq make-hash-table-equal sxhash gethash puthash inchash dechash remhash maphash clrhash hash-table-count hash-table-values #:hash-table:prin #:hash-table:eval ; setfv15 #:gethash:setf #:hash-table:print-stat) ;;; Added automatically, don't type beyond this line. cpexport ((hash-table-p subr1 ()) (make-hash-table nsubr ()) (make-hash-table-eq nsubr ()) (make-hash-table-equal nsubr ()) (sxhash subr1 ()) (gethash nsubr ()) ( puthash subr3 ()) (#:hash-table:print-stat subr2 ()) (maphash subr2 ()) ( inchash nsubr ()) (dechash nsubr ()) (remhash subr2 ()) (clrhash subr1 ()) ( hash-table-count subr1 ()) (hash-table-values subr1 ()) (#:hash-table:prin subr1 ()) (#:hash-table:eval subr1 ())) cpfunctions ((#:hash-table:create-internal subr2) (#:hash-table:make subr0) (#:hash-table: default-size subr2) (#:hash-table:compute-good-size subr1) (#:hash-table: error-bht subr2) (#:hash-table:sxhash subr1) (#:hash-table:hash-sequence subr1 ) (#:hash-table:hash-sequence-list subr1) (#:hash-table:hash-sequence-vector subr1) (#:hash-table:hash-symbol subr1) (#:hash-table:hash-string subr1) (#: hash-table:get-slot subr3) (#:hash-table:get-slot-index subr3) (#:hash-table: error-nht subr2) (#:hash-table:set-new-slot nsubr) (#:hash-table: growing-rehash subr1) (#:hash-table:internal-rehash subr2 (new-hash-table) ( subr2) (())) (#:hash-table:rem-slot subr3) (#:hash-table:shrinking-rehash subr1)) cpimport ()