; .EnTete "Le-Lisp (c) version 15.2" " " "Gestion du bitmap virtuel" ; .EnPied " " "%" " " ; .Chapitre 8 "Gestion du Bitmap" ; ; .Centre "*****************************************************************" ; .Centre " Ce fichier est en lecture seule hors du projet ALE de l'INRIA. " ; .Centre " Il est maintenu par ILOG SA, 2 Avenue Gallie'ni, 94250 Gentilly " ; .Centre " (c) Le-Lisp est une marque de'pose'e de l'INRIA " ; .Centre "*****************************************************************" ; .Centre "$Header: virbitmap.ll,v 4.10 89/01/11 17:54:11 nuyens Exp $" (unless (>= (version) 15.2) (error 'load 'erricf 'virbitmap)) (add-feature 'virbitmap) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; GLOBALES ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (unless (boundp 'errnotadisplay) (defvar errnotadisplay #- #:system:foreign-language "n'est pas un dispositif d'affichage" #+ #:system:foreign-language "not a display")) (unless (boundp 'errnotawindow) (defvar errnotawindow #- #:system:foreign-language "l'argument n'est pas une fene↑tre" #+ #:system:foreign-language "not a window")) (unless (boundp 'errnotawindowtype) (defvar errnotawindowtype #- #:system:foreign-language "l'argument n'est pas un type de fene↑tre" #+ #:system:foreign-language "not a window type")) (unless (boundp 'errnotabitmap) (defvar errnotabitmap #- #:system:foreign-language "l'argument n'est pas une ico↑ne" #+ #:system:foreign-language "not a bitmap")) (unless (boundp 'errnotamenu) (defvar errnotamenu #- #:system:foreign-language "l'argument n'est pas un menu" #+ #:system:foreign-language "not a menu")) (unless (boundp 'errnotacolor) (defvar errnotacolor #- #:system:foreign-language "l'argument n'est pas une couleur" #+ #:system:foreign-language "not a color")) (unless (boundp 'errnotamutable) (defvar errnotamutable #- #:system:foreign-language "l'argument n'est pas une couleur modifiable" #+ #:system:foreign-language "not a mutable color")) (unless (boundp 'errbitmapinuse) (defvar errbitmapinuse #- #:system:foreign-language "pattern utilise' commme motif ou curseur" #+ #:system:foreign-language "bitmap used as a pattern or a cursor")) (unless (boundp 'errnotasaveddisplay) (defvar errnotasaveddisplay #- #:system:foreign-language "pas un display sauve par bitsave" #+ #:system:foreign-language "not a bitsaved display")) (unless (boundp '#:sys-package:bitmap) (defvar #:sys-package:bitmap)) (unless (boundp '#:bitmap:name) (defvar #:bitmap:name)) (unless (boundp '#:display:default-bitmap) (defvar #:display:default-bitmap 'bvtty)) (unless (boundp '#:display:all-bitmaps) (defvar #:display:all-bitmaps)) (unless (boundp '#:display:all-displays) (defvar #:display:all-displays)) (unless (boundp '#:display:current-display) (defvar #:display:current-display)) (unless (boundp '#:window:prologuep) (defvar #:window:prologuep)) (unless (boundp '#:window:all-windows) (defvar #:window:all-windows)) (unless (boundp '#:window:current-window) (defvar #:window:current-window)) (unless (boundp '#:window:current-keyboard-focus-window) (defvar #:window:current-keyboard-focus-window)) (unless (boundp '#:graph-env:current-graph-env) (defvar #:graph-env:current-graph-env)) (unless (boundp '#:graph-env:main-graph-env) (defvar #:graph-env:main-graph-env)) (unless (boundp '#:mode:set) (defvar #:mode:set 3)) (unless (boundp '#:mode:or) (defvar #:mode:or 7)) (unless (boundp '#:mode:xor) (defvar #:mode:xor 6)) (unless (boundp '#:mode:not) (defvar #:mode:not 12)) (unless (boundp '#:clip:x) (defvar #:clip:x 0)) (unless (boundp '#:clip:y) (defvar #:clip:y 0)) (unless (boundp '#:clip:w) (defvar #:clip:w 0)) (unless (boundp '#:clip:h) (defvar #:clip:h 0)) (unless (boundp '#:graph-env:vx) (defvar #:graph-env:vx #[0 0 0 0 0])) (unless (boundp '#:graph-env:vy) (defvar #:graph-env:vy #[0 0 0 0 0])) (unless (boundp '#:event:x) (defvar #:event:x)) (unless (boundp '#:event:y) (defvar #:event:y)) (unless (boundp '#:event:code) (defvar #:event:code)) (unless (boundp '#:event:move-event) (defvar #:event:move-event 256)) (unless (boundp '#:event:click-event)(defvar #:event:click-event 257)) (unless (boundp '#:mouse:event-mode) (defvar #:mouse:event-mode 0)) (unless (boundp '#:mouse:x) (defvar #:mouse:x)) (unless (boundp '#:mouse:y) (defvar #:mouse:y)) (unless (boundp '#:mouse:state) (defvar #:mouse:state)) (unless (boundp '#:check-window:x) (defvar #:check-window:x)) (unless (boundp '#:check-window:y) (defvar #:check-window:y)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Les fonctions de verification ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de #:display:check-display (fct display) (ifn (memq display #:display:all-displays) (error fct errnotadisplay display) t)) (de #:window:check-window (fct display window) (ifn display (error fct errnotadisplay display) (ifn (memq window (#:display:windows display)) (error fct errnotawindow window) t))) (de #:window:check-windows (fct win1 win2) (ifn (eq (#:window:display win1) (#:window:display win2)) (error fct errnotadisplay (#:window:display win1)) t)) (de #:bitmap:check-bitmap (fct display bitmap) (ifn display (error fct errnotadisplay display) t)) (de #:bitmap:check-bitmaps (fct b1 b2) (ifn (eq (#:bitmap:display b1) (#:bitmap:display b2)) (error fct errnotadisplay (#:bitmap:display b1)) t)) (de #:menu:check-menu (fct display menu) (ifn display (error fct errnotadisplay display) (ifn (memq menu (#:display:menus display)) (error fct errnotamenu menu) t))) (de #:color:check-color (fct display color) (ifn display (error fct errnotadisplay display) (ifn (memq color (#:display:colors display)) (error fct errnotacolor color) t))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; CHARGEMENT ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de inibitmap bitmap (let ((name (symbol () (cond ((consp bitmap) (car bitmap)) ((getenv "BITMAP")) (t #:display:default-bitmap))))) (setq #:bitmap:name name) (unless (cassq name #:display:all-bitmaps) (let ((file (catenate #:system:virbitmap-directory name #:system:lelisp-extension))) (if (probefile file) (loadfile file t) (error 'inibitmap errfile file))) (setq #:display:all-bitmaps (acons name #:sys-package:bitmap #:display:all-bitmaps))) name)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; DISPLAY ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (defstruct display name package device xmax ymax eventmode prologuep keyboard-focus-window window graph-env root-window main-graph-env background foreground windows bitmaps menus colors ; liste des objets couleurs valides font-names ; Alist (string . fix) donnant le nom des polices pattern-bitmaps ; liste des bitmaps associe's aux motifs cursor-bitmaps ; liste de (bitmap mask hotx hoty) associe's aux curseurs extend) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de bitprologue args (let ((name (when args (nextl args))) (device (when args (nextl args)))) (when #:display:all-bitmaps (unless name (setq name (caar #:display:all-bitmaps))) (let* ((package (cassq name #:display:all-bitmaps)) (display (if (and package (getfn1 package 'make) (subtypep package 'display)) (new package) (new 'display)))) (#:display:name display name) (#:display:package display package) (#:display:device display device) (send 'bitprologue display) (newl #:display:all-displays display) (#:display:prologuep display t) (unless (current-display) (current-display display)) display)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; (bitmap-save) (bitmap-save <displays>) (bitmap-save t) ; sauvegarde les fenetres, menus, icones, polices, motifs, couleurs et ; curseurs du display courant (sans argument), de tous les displays ouverts ; (si l'arg vaut T) de la liste de displays argument sinon) ; retourne en valeur la liste des displays sauves ; dans un etat tel que l'on peut la passer ; a la fonction bitrestore qui restore l'e'tat sauve. ; Utilise' typiquement aux alentour d'un save-core... ; Le display courant est retourne dans le car de la liste ; ce qui le rerendra courant au restore (sauf si un autre display ; non sauve est devenu courant pendant ce temps) (de bitmap-save &nobind (let ((displays (cond ((eq (arg) 0) (list (current-display))) ((eq (arg 0) t) (ifn (current-display) #:display:all-displays (cons (current-display) (delq (current-display) #:display:all-displays)))) (t (arg 0))))) (mapc ':save-a-display displays) displays)) (de :save-a-display (display) (let ((saved-windows (append (#:display:windows display) ())) (saved-bitmaps (mapcar (lambda (i) (list i (#:bitmap:w i) (#:bitmap:h i) (#:bitmap:bits i))) (#:display:bitmaps display))) (saved-menus (append (#:display:menus display) ())) (saved-colors (append (#:display:colors display) ())) (saved-fonts (mapcar 'car (#:display:font-names display))) (saved-patterns (append (#:display:pattern-bitmaps display) ())) (saved-cursors (append (#:display:cursor-bitmaps display) ())) (saved-current-window (#:display:window display)) (saved-focus-window (#:display:keyboard-focus-window display)) (saved-event-mode (#:display:eventmode display)) (saved-predefined (list 'saved-display (#:display:root-window display) (#:display:foreground display) (#:display:background display)))) (setq saved-windows (delq (#:display:root-window display) saved-windows)) (mapc (lambda (window) (unless (#:window:father window) (check-window-position window))) saved-windows) (setq saved-colors (delq (#:display:foreground display) saved-colors)) (setq saved-colors (delq (#:display:background display) saved-colors)) (setq saved-fonts (delq (font-name (standard-roman-font display)) saved-fonts)) (setq saved-fonts (delq (font-name (standard-bold-font display)) saved-fonts)) (setq saved-fonts (delq (font-name (large-roman-font display)) saved-fonts)) (setq saved-fonts (delq (font-name (small-roman-font display)) saved-fonts)) (with ((current-display display)) (flush-event)) ; on envoie le message bitsave (when (and (#:display:check-display 'bitsave display) (#:display:prologuep display)) (send 'bitmap-save display) (:do-close display)) (#:display:eventmode display saved-event-mode) (#:display:window display saved-current-window) (#:display:keyboard-focus-window display saved-focus-window) (#:display:windows display saved-windows) (#:display:menus display saved-menus) (#:display:bitmaps display saved-bitmaps) (#:display:menus display saved-menus) (#:display:colors display saved-colors) (#:display:font-names display saved-fonts) (#:display:pattern-bitmaps display saved-patterns) (#:display:cursor-bitmaps display saved-cursors) (#:display:extend display saved-predefined) display)) ; bitmap-restore rouvre une liste de display sauvegardes par la precedente (de bitmap-restore (displays) (mapc ':restore-a-display displays) displays) (de :restore-a-display (display) (unless (and (consp (#:display:extend display)) (eq 'saved-display (car (#:display:extend display)))) (error 'bitrestore errnotasaveddisplay display)) (let ((saved-windows (#:display:windows display)) (saved-bitmaps (#:display:bitmaps display)) (saved-menus (#:display:menus display)) (saved-colors (#:display:colors display)) (saved-fonts (#:display:font-names display)) (saved-patterns (#:display:pattern-bitmaps display)) (saved-cursors (#:display:cursor-bitmaps display)) (saved-root-window (#:display:root-window display)) (saved-current-window (#:display:window display)) (saved-focus-window (#:display:keyboard-focus-window display)) (saved-event-mode (#:display:eventmode display display)) (saved-predefined (#:display:extend display))) (#:display:windows display ()) (#:display:bitmaps display ()) (#:display:menus display ()) (#:display:colors display ()) (#:display:font-names display ()) (#:display:pattern-bitmaps display ()) (#:display:cursor-bitmaps display ()) (#:display:extend display ()) ; on simule un (bitprologue), sur un display deja alloue (send 'bitmap-restore display) (newl #:display:all-displays display) (#:display:prologuep display t) (unless (current-display) (current-display display)) ; on reconstruit tous les objets (with ((current-display display)) (nextl saved-predefined) ; saved-display (let ((newroot (root-window)) (oldroot (nextl saved-predefined))) (:exchange-and-subst newroot oldroot (#:display:windows display)) (#:display:root-window display oldroot)) (let ((newfore (standard-foreground)) (oldfore (nextl saved-predefined))) (:exchange-and-subst newfore oldfore (#:display:colors display)) (#:display:foreground display oldfore) (#:graph-env:foreground (#:display:main-graph-env display) oldfore)) (let ((newback (standard-background)) (oldback (nextl saved-predefined))) (:exchange-and-subst newback oldback (#:display:colors display)) (#:display:background display oldback) (#:graph-env:background (#:display:main-graph-env display) oldback))) (mapc (lambda ((i w h bits)) (:exchange-and-subst (create-bitmap w h bits) i (#:display:bitmaps display))) saved-bitmaps) (mapc (lambda (c) (:exchange-and-subst (if (#:color:name c) (make-named-color (#:color:name c)) (if (#:color:mutable c) (make-mutable-color (#:color:red c) (#:color:green c) (#:color:blue c)) (make-color (#:color:red c) (#:color:green c) (#:color:blue c)))) c (#:display:colors display))) saved-colors) (mapc 'load-font saved-fonts) (mapc 'make-pattern saved-patterns) (mapc (lambda ((b1 b2 x y)) (make-cursor b1 b2 x y)) saved-cursors) (:recreate-windows display saved-windows) (:recreate-menus display saved-menus) (current-window saved-current-window) (current-keyboard-focus-window saved-focus-window) (event-mode saved-event-mode) display ))) (de :recreate-windows (display windows) ; reconstruit les sous-fenetres de la liste windows ; si une fenetre a une pere qui n'a pas encore ete reconstruit ; on la colle en attente au bout de la liste ; ceci permet d'assurer que l'on reconstruit les peres avant les fils (when windows (if (and (#:window:father (car windows)) (not (windowp (#:window:father (car windows))))) (:recreate-windows display (append1 (cdr windows) (car windows))) (let* ((ge (#:window:graph-env (car windows))) (bm (#:graph-env:bitmap ge)) (font (#:graph-env:font ge)) (line-style (#:graph-env:line-style ge)) (pattern (#:graph-env:pattern ge)) (mode (#:graph-env:mode ge)) (foreground (#:graph-env:foreground ge)) (background (#:graph-env:background ge)) (clip-x (#:graph-env:clip-x ge)) (clip-y (#:graph-env:clip-y ge)) (clip-w (#:graph-env:clip-w ge)) (clip-h (#:graph-env:clip-h ge)) (cursor (#:window:cursor (car windows)))) (make-window (car windows)) (with ((current-window (car windows))) (current-font font) (current-line-style line-style) (current-pattern pattern) (current-mode mode) (current-foreground foreground) (current-background background) (current-clip clip-x clip-y clip-w clip-h) (current-cursor cursor)) (when bm (let ((newbm (window-bitmap (car windows)))) (exchvector newbm bm) (#:graph-env:bitmap (#:window:graph-env (car windows)) bm)))) (:recreate-windows display (cdr windows))))) (de :recreate-menus (display menus) ; reconstruit les menus de la liste menus ; on insere les itemlists et les items a l'envers ; ce qui permet de toujours utiliser la position 0 (mapc (lambda (menu) (let ((new-menu (create-menu (#:menu:name menu)))) (mapc (lambda (il) (menu-insert-item-list new-menu 0 (#:menu:itemlist:name il) (#:menu:itemlist:active il)) (mapc (lambda (i) (menu-insert-item new-menu 0 0 (#:menu:item:name i) (#:menu:item:active i) (#:menu:item:value i))) (reverse (#:menu:itemlist:items il)))) (reverse (#:menu:itemlists menu))) (:exchange-and-subst new-menu menu (#:display:menus display)))) menus)) (de :exchange-and-subst (new old newlist) (exchvector new old) (rplaca (memq new newlist) old)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de bitepilogue displays (cond ((eq displays ()) (setq displays (list (current-display)))) ((eq (car displays) t) (setq displays #:display:all-displays))) (mapc (lambda (d) (when (and (#:display:check-display 'bitepilogue d) (#:display:prologuep d)) (send 'bitepilogue d) (:do-close d))) displays)) (de :do-close (d) (#:display:device d ()) (#:display:prologuep d ()) (#:display:eventmode d ()) (#:display:xmax d ()) (#:display:ymax d ()) (#:display:keyboard-focus-window d ()) (#:display:window d ()) (#:display:graph-env d ()) (#:display:root-window d ()) (#:display:main-graph-env d ()) (#:display:windows d ()) (#:display:bitmaps d ()) (#:display:menus d ()) (#:display:colors d ()) (#:display:font-names d ()) (#:display:pattern-bitmaps d ()) (#:display:cursor-bitmaps d ()) (#:display:extend d ()) (setq #:display:all-displays (delq d #:display:all-displays)) (when (eq d (current-display)) (if #:display:all-displays (current-display (car #:display:all-displays)) (setq #:display:current-display ())))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de current-display &nobind (if (or (eq 0 (arg)) (eq #:display:current-display (arg 0))) #:display:current-display (when (#:display:check-display 'current-display (arg 0)) (setq #:display:current-display (arg 0)) (send 'current-display #:display:current-display) #:display:current-display))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de bitxmax &nobind (unless (current-display) (bitprologue)) (let ((display (if (eq (arg) 0) (current-display) (arg 0)))) (when (#:display:check-display 'bitxmax display) (#:display:xmax display)))) (de bitymax &nobind (unless (current-display) (bitprologue)) (let ((display (if (eq (arg) 0) (current-display) (arg 0)))) (when (#:display:check-display 'bitymax display) (#:display:ymax display)))) (de root-window &nobind (unless (current-display) (bitprologue)) (let ((display (if (eq (arg) 0) (current-display) (arg 0)))) (when (#:display:check-display 'root-window display) (#:display:root-window display)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de bitmap-refresh &nobind (unless (current-display) (bitprologue)) (let ((display (if (eq (arg) 0) (current-display) (arg 0)))) (when (#:display:check-display 'bitmap-refresh display) (send 'bitmap-refresh display)))) (de bitmap-flush &nobind (unless (current-display) (bitprologue)) (let ((display (if (eq (arg) 0) (current-display) (arg 0)))) (when (#:display:check-display 'bitmap-flush display) (send 'bitmap-flush display)))) (de bitmap-sync &nobind (unless (current-display) (bitprologue)) (let ((display (if (eq (arg) 0) (current-display) (arg 0)))) (when (#:display:check-display 'bitmap-sync display) (send 'bitmap-sync display)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de standard-roman-font &nobind (unless (current-display) (bitprologue)) (let ((display (if (eq (arg) 0) (current-display) (arg 0)))) (when (#:display:check-display 'standard-roman-font display) (send 'standard-roman-font display)))) (de standard-bold-font &nobind (unless (current-display) (bitprologue)) (let ((display (if (eq (arg) 0) (current-display) (arg 0)))) (when (#:display:check-display 'standard-bold-font display) (send 'standard-bold-font display)))) (de large-roman-font &nobind (unless (current-display) (bitprologue)) (let ((display (if (eq (arg) 0) (current-display) (arg 0)))) (when (#:display:check-display 'large-roman-font display) (send 'large-roman-font display)))) (de small-roman-font &nobind (unless (current-display) (bitprologue)) (let ((display (if (eq (arg) 0) (current-display) (arg 0)))) (when (#:display:check-display 'small-roman-font display) (send 'small-roman-font display)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de standard-foreground-pattern &nobind (unless (current-display) (bitprologue)) (let ((display (if (eq (arg) 0) (current-display) (arg 0)))) (when (#:display:check-display 'standard-foreground-pattern display) (send 'standard-foreground-pattern display)))) (de standard-background-pattern &nobind (unless (current-display) (bitprologue)) (let ((display (if (eq (arg) 0) (current-display) (arg 0)))) (when (#:display:check-display 'standard-background-pattern display) (send 'standard-background-pattern display)))) (de standard-medium-gray-pattern &nobind (unless (current-display) (bitprologue)) (let ((display (if (eq (arg) 0) (current-display) (arg 0)))) (when (#:display:check-display 'standard-medium-pattern display) (send 'standard-medium-gray-pattern display)))) (de standard-light-gray-pattern &nobind (unless (current-display) (bitprologue)) (let ((display (if (eq (arg) 0) (current-display) (arg 0)))) (when (#:display:check-display 'standard-light-gray-pattern display) (send 'standard-light-gray-pattern display)))) (de standard-dark-gray-pattern &nobind (unless (current-display) (bitprologue)) (let ((display (if (eq (arg) 0) (current-display) (arg 0)))) (when (#:display:check-display 'standard-dark-gray-pattern display) (send 'standard-dark-gray-pattern display)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de standard-lelisp-cursor &nobind (unless (current-display) (bitprologue)) (let ((display (if (eq (arg) 0) (current-display) (arg 0)))) (when (#:display:check-display 'standard-lelisp-cursor display) (send 'standard-lelisp-cursor display)))) (de standard-gc-cursor &nobind (unless (current-display) (bitprologue)) (let ((display (if (eq (arg) 0) (current-display) (arg 0)))) (when (#:display:check-display 'standard-gc-cursor display) (send 'standard-gc-cursor display)))) (de standard-busy-cursor &nobind (unless (current-display) (bitprologue)) (let ((display (if (eq (arg) 0) (current-display) (arg 0)))) (when (#:display:check-display 'standard-busy-cursor display) (send 'standard-busy-cursor display)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; WINDOW ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (defstruct #:image:rectangle x y w h) (defstruct #:image:rectangle:window title hilited visible graph-env extend father properties (cursor 0) display subwindows) (setq #:sys-package:colon 'window) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de create-window (type le to wi he ti hi vi) (setq type (compat-type type)) (let ((create (getfn1 type 'create))) (unless create (error 'create-window errnotawindowtype type)) (funcall create le to wi he ti hi vi))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de create-subwindow (type le to wi he ti hi vi fa) (when (or (null fa) (#:window:check-window 'create-subwindow (if fa (#:window:display fa) (current-display)) fa)) (setq type (compat-type type)) (let ((create (getfn1 type 'create))) (unless create (error 'create-window errnotawindowtype type)) (funcall create le to wi he ti hi vi fa)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de make-window (window) (unless (current-display) (bitprologue)) (let ((father (#:window:father window))) (when father (#:window:cursor window (#:window:cursor father)) (#:window:display window (#:window:display father)) (#:window:subwindows father (cons window (#:window:subwindows father))))) (unless (#:window:display window) (#:window:display window (current-display))) (unless (#:window:cursor window) (#:window:cursor window 0)) (#:window:subwindows window ()) (with ((current-display (#:window:display window))) (setq #:window:all-windows (#:display:windows (#:window:display window) (nconc1 (#:display:windows (#:window:display window)) window))) (send 'make-window window) (when (#:window:graph-env window) (unless (#:graph-env:display (#:window:graph-env window)) (#:graph-env:display (#:window:graph-env window) (#:window:display window)))) window)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de current-window &nobind (if (eq 0 (arg)) (#:display:window (current-display)) (let* ((window (arg 0)) (display (if window (#:window:display window) (current-display)))) (when (and display (or (null window) (#:window:check-window 'current-window display window))) (with ((current-display display)) (when (#:display:window display) (send 'uncurrent-window (#:display:window display))) (setq #:window:current-window (#:display:window display window)) (setq #:graph-env:current-graph-env (#:display:graph-env display (if window (#:window:graph-env window) (#:display:main-graph-env display)))) (when (#:display:window display) (send 'current-window (#:display:window display))) window))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de modify-window (window le to wi he ti hi vi) (when (and (#:window:check-window 'modify-window (#:window:display window) window) (neq (root-window) window) (or le to wi he ti hi vi)) (when (or wi he) (let* ((ge (#:window:graph-env window)) (b (#:graph-env:bitmap ge))) (#:graph-env:clip-x ge 0) (#:graph-env:clip-y ge 0) (#:graph-env:clip-w ge (or wi (#:window:width window))) (#:graph-env:clip-h ge (or he (#:window:height window))) (when b (#:bitmap:w b (#:graph-env:clip-w ge)) (#:bitmap:h b (#:graph-env:clip-h ge))))) (with ((current-display (#:window:display window))) (send 'modify-window window le to wi he ti hi vi)) window)) (de update-window (window le to wi he) (when (and (#:window:check-window 'update-window (#:window:display window) window) (neq (root-window) window) (or le to wi he)) (when (or wi he) (let* ((ge (#:window:graph-env window)) (b (#:graph-env:bitmap ge))) (#:graph-env:clip-x ge 0) (#:graph-env:clip-y ge 0) (#:graph-env:clip-w ge (or wi (#:window:width window))) (#:graph-env:clip-h ge (or he (#:window:height window))) (when b (#:bitmap:w b (#:graph-env:clip-w ge)) (#:bitmap:h b (#:graph-env:clip-h ge))))) (with ((current-display (#:window:display window))) (send 'update-window window le to wi he)) window)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de kill-window (window) (when (and (#:window:check-window 'kill-window (#:window:display window) window) (neq (root-window) window)) (mapc 'kill-window (#:window:subwindows window)) (when (#:window:father window) (#:window:subwindows (#:window:father window) (delq window (#:window:subwindows (#:window:father window))))) (with ((current-display (#:window:display window))) (when (eq window (#:display:window (#:window:display window))) (current-window ())) (when (eq window (#:display:keyboard-focus-window (#:window:display window))) (current-keyboard-focus-window ())) (setq #:window:all-windows (#:display:windows (#:window:display window) (delq window (#:display:windows (#:window:display window))))) (send 'kill-window window) (#:window:display window ()) (#:window:extend window ()) (when (#:window:graph-env window) (#:graph-env:display (#:window:graph-env window) ()) (#:graph-env:extend (#:window:graph-env window) ()) (#:graph-env:bitmap (#:window:graph-env window) ()))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de pop-window (window) (when (and (#:window:check-window 'pop-window (#:window:display window) window) (neq (root-window) window)) (with ((current-display (#:window:display window))) (setq #:window:all-windows (#:display:windows (#:window:display window) (nconc1 (delq window (#:display:windows (#:window:display window))) window))) (send 'pop-window window)))) (de move-behind-window (window1 window2) (when (and (neq window1 window2) (#:window:check-windows 'move-behind-window window1 window2) (#:window:check-window 'move-behind-window (#:window:display window1) window1) (#:window:check-window 'move-behind-window (#:window:display window2) window2) (neq window1 (root-window)) (neq window2 (root-window))) (with ((current-display (#:window:display window1))) (#:display:windows (#:window:display window1) (delq window1 (nreverse (#:display:windows (#:window:display window1))))) (let ((all2 (memq window2 (#:display:windows (#:window:display window2))))) (rplacd all2 (cons window1 (cdr all2)))) (setq #:window:all-windows (#:display:windows (#:window:display window2) (nreverse (#:display:windows (#:window:display window2))))) (send 'move-behind-window window1 window2)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de current-keyboard-focus-window &nobind (if (eq 0 (arg)) (#:display:keyboard-focus-window (current-display)) (let* ((window (arg 0)) (display (if window (#:window:display window) (current-display)))) (when (and display (or (null window) (#:window:check-window 'current-keyboard-focus-window display window))) (with ((current-display display)) (when (#:display:keyboard-focus-window display) (send 'uncurrent-keyboard-focus-window (#:display:keyboard-focus-window display))) (setq #:window:current-keyboard-focus-window (#:display:keyboard-focus-window display window)) (when window (send 'current-keyboard-focus-window window)) window))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de find-window (x y) (unless (current-display) (bitprologue)) (when (current-display) (send 'find-window (current-display) x y))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de map-window (window :x :y :lx :ly) (when (and (#:window:check-window 'map-window (#:window:display window) window) (neq (root-window) window)) (send 'map-window window :x :y :lx :ly)) ()) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; UTILITAIRES ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de windowp (window) (and (typep window '#:image:rectangle:window) (#:window:extend window) (#:window:display window) window)) (de subwindowp (window1 window2) (and (windowp window1) (windowp window2) (#:window:check-windows 'subwindowp window1 window2) (subwindowp1 window1 window2))) (de subwindowp1 (window1 window2) (ifn window1 () (if (eq window1 window2) window1 (subwindowp1 (#:window:father window1) window2)))) (de which-window () (unless (current-display) (bitprologue)) (read-mouse) (find-window #:mouse:x #:mouse:y)) (de check-window-position (window) (map-window window 0 0 '#:check-window:x '#:check-window:y) (setq #:check-window:x (sub 0 #:check-window:x)) (setq #:check-window:y (sub 0 #:check-window:y)) (unless (and (eq (#:window:left window) #:check-window:x) (eq (#:window:top window) #:check-window:y)) (update-window window #:check-window:x #:check-window:y () ()))) (dmd define-window-property-accessor (propertyname) `(de ,(symbol '#:image:rectangle:window propertyname) &nobind (if (eq (arg) 1) (cassq ',propertyname (#:image:rectangle:window:properties (arg 0))) (#:image:rectangle:window:set-property (arg 0) ',propertyname (arg 1))))) (de #:image:rectangle:window:set-property (window name val) (let ((pair (assq name (#:image:rectangle:window:properties window)))) (if pair (rplacd pair val) (#:image:rectangle:window:properties window (acons name val (#:image:rectangle:window:properties window)))))) (de compat-type (type) (selectq type (window '#:image:rectangle:window) (#:window:tty '#:image:rectangle:window:tty) (t type))) (de #:image:rectangle:window:create (le to wi he ti hi vi . fa) (let ((window (#:window:make))) (#:window:left window le) (#:window:top window to) (#:window:width window wi) (#:window:height window he) (#:window:title window ti) (#:window:hilited window hi) (#:window:visible window vi) (#:window:father window (when fa (car fa))) (make-window window))) (de #:image:rectangle:window:prin (window) (princn #/#) (princn #/<) (prin (type-of window)) (princn #\sp) (prin (#:window:title window)) (princn #/>)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; COMPATIBILITE ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (dmd #:window:make () '(#:image:rectangle:window:make)) (dmd #:window:left (w . r) (if r `(vset ,w 0 ,(car r)) `(vref ,w 0))) (dmd #:window:top (w . r) (if r `(vset ,w 1 ,(car r)) `(vref ,w 1))) (dmd #:window:width (w . r) (if r `(vset ,w 2 ,(car r)) `(vref ,w 2))) (dmd #:window:height (w . r) (if r `(vset ,w 3 ,(car r)) `(vref ,w 3))) (dmd #:window:title (w . r) (if r `(vset ,w 4 ,(car r)) `(vref ,w 4))) (dmd #:window:hilited (w . r) (if r `(vset ,w 5 ,(car r)) `(vref ,w 5))) (dmd #:window:visible (w . r) (if r `(vset ,w 6 ,(car r)) `(vref ,w 6))) (dmd #:window:graph-env (w . r) (if r `(vset ,w 7 ,(car r)) `(vref ,w 7))) (dmd #:window:extend (w . r) (if r `(vset ,w 8 ,(car r)) `(vref ,w 8))) (dmd #:window:father (w . r) (if r `(vset ,w 9 ,(car r)) `(vref ,w 9))) (dmd #:window:properties (w . r) (if r `(vset ,w 10 ,(car r)) `(vref ,w 10))) (dmd #:window:cursor (w . r) (if r `(vset ,w 11 ,(car r)) `(vref ,w 11))) (dmd #:window:display (w . r) (if r `(vset ,w 12 ,(car r)) `(vref ,w 12))) (dmd #:window:subwindows (w . r) (if r `(vset ,w 13 ,(car r)) `(vref ,w 13))) (de #:window:create l (apply '#:image:rectangle:window:create l)) (de #:window:prin (window) (#:image:rectangle:window:prin window)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; INDIRECTIONS ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de #:image:rectangle:window:make-window (window) (if (#:window:father window) (send 'create-subwindow (#:window:display window) window) (send 'create-window (#:window:display window) window)) window) (de #:image:rectangle:window:current-window (window) (send 'current-window (#:window:display window) window)) (de #:image:rectangle:window:uncurrent-window (window) (send 'uncurrent-window (#:window:display window) window)) (de #:image:rectangle:window:modify-window (window le to wi he ti hi vi) (send 'modify-window (#:window:display window) window le to wi he ti hi vi)) (de #:image:rectangle:window:update-window (window le to wi he) (send 'update-window (#:window:display window) window le to wi he)) (de #:image:rectangle:window:kill-window (window) (send 'kill-window (#:window:display window) window)) (de #:image:rectangle:window:pop-window (window) (send 'pop-window (#:window:display window) window)) (de #:image:rectangle:window:move-behind-window (window1 window2) (send 'move-behind-window (#:window:display window1) window1 window2)) (de #:image:rectangle:window:current-keyboard-focus-window (window) (send 'current-keyboard-focus-window (#:window:display window) window)) (de #:image:rectangle:window:uncurrent-keyboard-focus-window (window) (send 'uncurrent-keyboard-focus-window (#:window:display window) window)) (de #:image:rectangle:window:map-window (window :x :y :lx :ly) (send 'map-window (#:window:display window) window :x :y :lx :ly)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; COLOR ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (setq #:sys-package:colon 'color) (defstruct color name red green blue mutable display extend) (de #:color:prin (c) (princn #/#) (princn #/<) (prin (type-of c)) (princn #\sp) (prin (#:color:name c)) (princn #\sp) (prin (#:color:red c)) (princn #\sp) (prin (#:color:green c)) (princn #\sp) (prin (#:color:blue c)) (princn #\sp) (prin (#:color:extend c)) (princn #/>)) (de standard-foreground () (unless (current-display) (bitprologue)) (#:display:foreground (current-display))) (de standard-background () (unless (current-display) (bitprologue)) (#:display:background (current-display))) (de make-color (red green blue) (unless (current-display) (bitprologue)) (let ((color (#:color:make))) (#:color:display color (current-display)) (#:color:red color red) (#:color:green color green) (#:color:blue color blue) (setq color (send 'make-color (current-display) color red green blue)) (unless (memq color (#:display:colors (current-display))) (#:display:colors (current-display) (nconc1 (#:display:colors (current-display)) color))) color)) (de make-mutable-color (red green blue) (unless (current-display) (bitprologue)) (let ((color (#:color:make))) (#:color:display color (current-display)) (#:color:red color red) (#:color:green color green) (#:color:blue color blue) (#:color:mutable color t) (setq color (send 'make-mutable-color (current-display) color red green blue)) (unless (memq color (#:display:colors (current-display))) (#:display:colors (current-display) (nconc1 (#:display:colors (current-display)) color))) color)) (de make-named-color (name) (unless (current-display) (bitprologue)) (let ((color (#:color:make))) (#:color:display color (current-display)) (#:color:name color name) (setq color (send 'make-named-color (current-display) color name)) (unless (memq color (#:display:colors (current-display))) (#:display:colors (current-display) (nconc1 (#:display:colors (current-display)) color))) color)) (de kill-color (color) (when (#:color:check-color 'kill-color (#:color:display color) color) (send 'kill-color (#:color:display color) color) (#:display:colors (#:color:display color) (delq color (#:display:colors (#:color:display color)))) (#:color:extend color ()) (#:color:display color ()))) (de red-component &nobind (let ((arg (arg)) (color (arg 0)) (red (arg 1))) (when (#:color:check-color 'red-component (#:color:display color) color) (if (eq 1 arg) (#:color:red color) (unless (#:color:mutable color) (error 'red-component errnotamutable color)) (send 'red-component (#:color:display color) color red) (#:color:red color red))))) (de blue-component &nobind (let ((arg (arg)) (color (arg 0)) (blue (arg 1))) (when (#:color:check-color 'blue-component (#:color:display color) color) (if (eq 1 arg) (#:color:blue color) (unless (#:color:mutable color) (error 'blue-component errnotamutable color)) (send 'blue-component (#:color:display color) color blue) (#:color:blue color blue))))) (de green-component &nobind (let ((arg (arg)) (color (arg 0)) (green (arg 1))) (when (#:color:check-color 'green-component (#:color:display color) color) (if (eq 1 arg) (#:color:green color) (unless (#:color:mutable color) (error 'green-component errnotamutable color)) (send 'green-component (#:color:display color) color green) (#:color:green color green))))) (de all-colors &nobind (unless (current-display) (bitprologue)) (let ((display (if (eq (arg) 0) (current-display) (arg 0)))) (when (#:display:check-display 'all-colors display) (#:display:colors display)))) (de current-foreground &nobind (let ((arg (arg)) (color (arg 0))) (if (eq 0 arg) (#:graph-env:foreground (#:display:graph-env (current-display))) (when (#:color:check-color 'current-foreground (#:color:display color) color) (send 'current-foreground (#:display:graph-env (#:color:display color)) color) (#:graph-env:foreground (#:display:graph-env (#:color:display color)) color))))) (de current-background &nobind (let ((arg (arg)) (color (arg 0))) (if (eq 0 arg) (#:graph-env:background (#:display:graph-env (current-display))) (when (#:color:check-color 'current-background (#:color:display color) color) (send 'current-background (#:display:graph-env (#:color:display color)) color) (#:graph-env:background (#:display:graph-env (#:color:display color)) color))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de #:graph-env:current-foreground (ge fore) (send 'current-foreground (#:graph-env:display ge) ge fore)) (de #:graph-env:current-background (ge back) (send 'current-background (#:graph-env:display ge) ge back)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; GRAPH-ENV ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (defstruct graph-env (font 0) (line-style 0) (pattern 1) (mode 3) foreground background (clip-x 0) (clip-y 0) (clip-w 0) (clip-h 0) bitmap display extend) (setq #:sys-package:colon 'graph-env) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de clear-graph-env () (when (current-display) (send 'clear-graph-env (#:display:graph-env (current-display))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de current-clip &nobind (when (current-display) (let ((ge (#:display:graph-env (current-display))) (arg (arg)) (x (arg 0)) (y (arg 1)) (w (arg 2)) (h (arg 3))) (if (eq arg 0) (progn (setq #:clip:x (#:graph-env:clip-x ge)) (setq #:clip:y (#:graph-env:clip-y ge)) (setq #:clip:w (#:graph-env:clip-w ge)) (setq #:clip:h (#:graph-env:clip-h ge))) (#:graph-env:clip-x ge x) (#:graph-env:clip-y ge y) (#:graph-env:clip-w ge w) (#:graph-env:clip-h ge h) (send 'current-clip ge x y w h))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de draw-cursor (x y state) (when (current-display) (send 'draw-cursor (#:display:graph-env (current-display)) x y state))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de current-font &nobind (when (current-display) (let ((ge (#:display:graph-env (current-display))) (arg (arg)) (font (arg 0))) (if (eq arg 0) (#:graph-env:font ge) (ifn (and (fixp font) (ge font 0) (le font (font-max))) (error 'current-font 'erroob font) (send 'current-font ge font) (#:graph-env:font ge font)))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de font-max () (unless (current-display) (bitprologue)) (when (current-display) (send 'font-max (#:display:graph-env (current-display))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de load-font (font) (unless (current-display) (bitprologue)) (or (cassoc font (#:display:font-names (current-display))) (let ((f (send 'load-font (#:display:graph-env (current-display)) font))) (#:display:font-names (current-display) (nconc1 (#:display:font-names (current-display)) (cons font f))) f))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de font-name (font) (unless (current-display) (bitprologue)) (let ((pair (rassoc font (#:display:font-names (current-display))))) (ifn pair (error 'font-name 'erroob font) (car pair)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de draw-substring (x y s start length) (when (current-display) (send 'draw-substring (#:display:graph-env (current-display)) x y s start length))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de draw-cn (x y cn) (when (current-display) (send 'draw-cn (#:display:graph-env (current-display)) x y cn))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de width-substring (s start length) (unless (current-display) (bitprologue)) (when (current-display) (send 'width-substring (#:display:graph-env (current-display)) s start length))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de height-substring (s start length) (unless (current-display) (bitprologue)) (when (current-display) (send 'height-substring (#:display:graph-env (current-display)) s start length))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de x-base-substring (s start length) (unless (current-display) (bitprologue)) (when (current-display) (send 'x-base-substring (#:display:graph-env (current-display)) s start length))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de y-base-substring (s start length) (unless (current-display) (bitprologue)) (when (current-display) (send 'y-base-substring (#:display:graph-env (current-display)) s start length))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de x-inc-substring (s start length) (unless (current-display) (bitprologue)) (when (current-display) (send 'x-inc-substring (#:display:graph-env (current-display)) s start length))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de y-inc-substring (s start length) (unless (current-display) (bitprologue)) (when (current-display) (send 'y-inc-substring (#:display:graph-env (current-display)) s start length))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de current-line-style &nobind (when (current-display) (let ((ge (#:display:graph-env (current-display))) (arg (arg)) (line-style (arg 0))) (if (eq 0 arg) (#:graph-env:line-style ge) (ifn (and (fixp line-style) (ge line-style 0) (le line-style (line-style-max))) (error 'current-line-style 'erroob line-style) (send 'current-line-style ge line-style) (#:graph-env:line-style ge line-style)))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de line-style-max () (unless (current-display) (bitprologue)) (when (current-display) (send 'line-style-max (#:display:graph-env (current-display))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de current-pattern &nobind (when (current-display) (let ((ge (#:display:graph-env (current-display))) (arg (arg)) (pattern (arg 0))) (if (eq 0 arg) (#:graph-env:pattern ge) (ifn (and (fixp pattern) (ge pattern 0) (le pattern (pattern-max))) (error 'current-pattern 'erroob pattern) (send 'current-pattern ge pattern) (#:graph-env:pattern ge pattern)))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de pattern-max () (unless (current-display) (bitprologue)) (when (current-display) (send 'pattern-max (#:display:graph-env (current-display))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de make-pattern (bitmap) (when (#:bitmap:check-bitmap 'make-pattern (#:bitmap:display bitmap) bitmap) (let ((display (#:bitmap:display bitmap))) (with ((current-display display)) (let ((b (send 'make-pattern (#:display:graph-env display) bitmap))) (#:display:pattern-bitmaps display (nconc1 (#:display:pattern-bitmaps display) bitmap)) b))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de current-mode &nobind (when (current-display) (let ((ge (#:display:graph-env (current-display))) (arg (arg)) (mode (arg 0))) (if (eq 0 arg) (#:graph-env:mode ge) (ifn (and (fixp mode) (ge mode 0) (le mode 16)) (error 'current-mode 'erroob mode) (send 'current-mode ge mode) (#:graph-env:mode ge mode)))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de draw-point (x y) (when (current-display) (send 'draw-point (#:display:graph-env (current-display)) x y))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de draw-polymarker (n vx vy) (when (current-display) (send 'draw-polymarker (#:display:graph-env (current-display)) n vx vy))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de draw-line (x0 y0 x1 y1) (when (current-display) (send 'draw-line (#:display:graph-env (current-display)) x0 y0 x1 y1))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de draw-polyline (n vx vy) (when (current-display) (send 'draw-polyline (#:display:graph-env (current-display)) n vx vy))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de draw-rectangle (x y w h) (when (current-display) (send 'draw-rectangle (#:display:graph-env (current-display)) x y w h))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de fill-rectangle (x y w h) (when (current-display) (send 'fill-rectangle (#:display:graph-env (current-display)) x y w h))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de fill-area (n vx vy) (when (current-display) (send 'fill-area (#:display:graph-env (current-display)) n vx vy))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de draw-ellipse (x y rx ry) (when (current-display) (send 'draw-ellipse (#:display:graph-env (current-display)) x y rx ry))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de fill-ellipse (x y rx ry) (when (current-display) (send 'fill-ellipse (#:display:graph-env (current-display)) x y rx ry))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de draw-circle (x y r) (when (current-display) (send 'draw-circle (#:display:graph-env (current-display)) x y r))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de fill-circle (x y r) (when (current-display) (send 'fill-circle (#:display:graph-env (current-display)) x y r))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; INDIRECTIONS ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de #:graph-env:clear-graph-env (ge) (send 'clear-graph-env (#:graph-env:display ge) ge)) (de #:graph-env:current-clip (ge x y w h) (send 'current-clip (#:graph-env:display ge) ge x y w h)) (de #:graph-env:draw-cursor (ge x y st) (send 'draw-cursor (#:graph-env:display ge) ge x y st)) (de #:graph-env:current-font (ge font) (send 'current-font (#:graph-env:display ge) ge font)) (de #:graph-env:font-max (ge) (send 'font-max (#:graph-env:display ge) ge)) (de #:graph-env:load-font (ge font) (send 'load-font (#:graph-env:display ge) ge font)) (de #:graph-env:font-name (ge font) (send 'font-name (#:graph-env:display ge) ge font)) (de #:graph-env:draw-cn (ge x y cn) (send 'draw-cn (#:graph-env:display ge) ge x y cn)) (de #:graph-env:draw-substring (ge x y s st le) (send 'draw-substring (#:graph-env:display ge) ge x y s st le)) (de #:graph-env:width-substring (ge s st le) (send 'width-substring (#:graph-env:display ge) ge s st le)) (de #:graph-env:height-substring (ge s st le) (send 'height-substring (#:graph-env:display ge) ge s st le)) (de #:graph-env:x-base-substring (ge s st le) (send 'x-base-substring (#:graph-env:display ge) ge s st le)) (de #:graph-env:y-base-substring (ge s st le) (send 'y-base-substring (#:graph-env:display ge) ge s st le)) (de #:graph-env:x-inc-substring (ge s st le) (send 'x-inc-substring (#:graph-env:display ge) ge s st le)) (de #:graph-env:y-inc-substring (ge s st le) (send 'y-inc-substring (#:graph-env:display ge) ge s st le)) (de #:graph-env:line-style-max (ge) (send 'line-style-max (#:graph-env:display ge) ge)) (de #:graph-env:current-line-style (ge line-style) (send 'current-line-style (#:graph-env:display ge) ge line-style)) (de #:graph-env:pattern-max (ge) (send 'pattern-max (#:graph-env:display ge) ge)) (de #:graph-env:current-pattern (ge pattern) (send 'current-pattern (#:graph-env:display ge) ge pattern)) (de #:graph-env:make-pattern (ge bitmap) (send 'make-pattern (#:graph-env:display ge) ge bitmap)) (de #:graph-env:current-mode (ge mode) (send 'current-mode (#:graph-env:display ge) ge mode)) (de #:graph-env:draw-point (ge x0 y0) (send 'draw-point (#:graph-env:display ge) ge x0 y0)) (de #:graph-env:draw-polymarker (ge n vx vy) (send 'draw-polymarker (#:graph-env:display ge) ge n vx vy)) (de #:graph-env:draw-line (ge x0 y0 x1 y1) (send 'draw-line (#:graph-env:display ge) ge x0 y0 x1 y1)) (de #:graph-env:draw-polyline (ge n vx vy) (send 'draw-polyline (#:graph-env:display ge) ge n vx vy)) (de #:graph-env:draw-rectangle (ge x y w h) (send 'draw-rectangle (#:graph-env:display ge) ge x y w h)) (de #:graph-env:fill-area (ge n vx vy) (send 'fill-area (#:graph-env:display ge) ge n vx vy)) (de #:graph-env:fill-rectangle (ge x y w h) (send 'fill-rectangle (#:graph-env:display ge) ge x y w h)) (de #:graph-env:draw-ellipse (ge x y rx ry) (send 'draw-ellipse (#:graph-env:display ge) ge x y rx ry)) (de #:graph-env:fill-ellipse (ge x y rx ry) (send 'fill-ellipse (#:graph-env:display ge) ge x y rx ry)) (de #:graph-env:fill-circle (ge x y r) (send 'fill-circle (#:graph-env:display ge) ge x y r)) (de #:graph-env:draw-circle (ge x y r) (send 'draw-circle (#:graph-env:display ge) ge x y r)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; UTILITAIRES ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (dmd draw-string (x y s) `(let ((#:graph-env:arg0 ,s)) (draw-substring ,x ,y #:graph-env:arg0 0 (slen #:graph-env:arg0)))) (de width-space () (width-substring " " 0 1)) (de height-space () (height-substring " " 0 1)) (de x-base-space () (x-base-substring " " 0 1)) (de y-base-space () (y-base-substring " " 0 1)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; CURSOR ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de cursor-max () (unless (current-display) (bitprologue)) (when (current-display) (send 'cursor-max (current-display)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de make-cursor (b1 b2 x y) (when (and (#:bitmap:check-bitmaps 'make-cursor b1 b2) (#:bitmap:check-bitmap 'make-cursor (#:bitmap:display b1) b1) (#:bitmap:check-bitmap 'make-cursor (#:bitmap:display b2) b2)) (with ((current-display (#:bitmap:display b1))) (let ((c (send 'make-cursor (#:bitmap:display b1) b1 b2 x y))) (#:display:cursor-bitmaps (current-display) (nconc1 (#:display:cursor-bitmaps (current-display)) (list b1 b2 x y))) c)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de current-cursor &nobind (when (current-display) (let ((window (#:display:window (current-display))) (arg (arg)) (cursor (arg 0))) (if (eq 0 arg) (#:window:cursor window) (ifn (and (fixp cursor) (ge cursor 0) (le cursor (cursor-max))) (error 'current-cursor 'erroob cursor) (send 'current-cursor (current-display) cursor) (#:window:cursor window cursor)))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de move-cursor (x y) (unless (current-display) (bitprologue)) (when (current-display) (send 'move-cursor (current-display) x y))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; EVENT ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (setq #:sys-package:colon 'mouse) (defstruct event code window detail gx gy x y w h) (unless (boundp '#:mouse:event) (defvar #:mouse:event (#:event:make))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de event-mode &nobind (when (current-display) (if (eq (arg) 0) (#:display:eventmode (current-display)) (send 'event-mode (current-display) (arg 0)) (setq #:mouse:event-mode (#:display:eventmode (current-display) (arg 0)))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de eventp () (when (current-display) (send 'eventp (current-display)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de read-event &nobind (when (current-display) (let ((event (if (eq (arg) 1) (arg 0) #:mouse:event))) (send 'read-event (current-display) event) (parse-event event) event))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de peek-event &nobind (when (current-display) (let ((event (if (eq (arg) 1) (arg 0) #:mouse:event))) (send 'peek-event (current-display) event) (parse-event event) event))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de local-read-event () (when (current-display) (read-event #:mouse:event) (map-window (current-window) #:event:x #:event:y '#:event:x '#:event:y))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de flush-event () (when (current-display) (send 'flush-event (current-display)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de add-event &nobind (when (current-display) (cond ((eq (arg) 1) (let ((event (arg 0))) (send 'add-event (current-display) event))) ((eq (arg) 3) (#:event:gx #:mouse:event (arg 0)) (#:event:gy #:mouse:event (arg 1)) (#:event:code #:mouse:event (arg 2)) (send 'add-event (current-display) #:mouse:event))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de grab-event (window) (if window (when (#:window:check-window 'grab-event (#:window:display window) window) (send 'grab-event (#:window:display window) window) window) (when (current-display) (send 'ungrab-event (current-display)) ()))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de ungrab-event () (when (current-display) (send 'ungrab-event (current-display)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de itsoft-event () (when (current-display) (send 'itsoft-event (current-display)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de read-mouse &nobind (when (current-display) (let ((event (if (eq (arg) 1) (arg 0) #:mouse:event))) (send 'read-mouse (current-display) event) (parse-mouse event) event))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; UTILITAIRES ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de parse-event (event) (setq #:event:x (#:event:gx event)) (setq #:event:y (#:event:gy event)) (setq #:event:code (selectq (#:event:code event) (ascii-event (#:event:detail event)) ((move-event up-event) 257) ((down-event drag-event) 258) (t 256)))) (de parse-mouse (event) (setq #:mouse:x (#:event:gx event)) (setq #:mouse:y (#:event:gy event)) (setq #:mouse:state (#:event:detail event))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; MENU ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (defstruct menu name itemlists display extend) (setq #:sys-package:colon 'menu) (defstruct :itemlist name active items) (de :itemlist (name active items) (let ((res (:itemlist:make))) (:itemlist:name res name) (:itemlist:active res active) (:itemlist:items res items) res)) (defstruct :item name active value) (de :item (name active value) (let ((res (:item:make))) (:item:name res name) (:item:active res active) (:item:value res value) res)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de create-menu (title . values) (unless (current-display) (bitprologue)) (let ((menu (#:menu:make)) (i -1)) (#:menu:display menu (current-display)) (#:menu:name menu title) (setq menu (send 'create-menu (#:menu:display menu) menu)) (#:menu:display menu (current-display)) (#:menu:name menu title) (#:display:menus (current-display) (nconc1 (#:display:menus (current-display)) menu)) (menu-insert-item-list menu 0 title 1) (while values (menu-insert-item menu 0 (incr i) (nextl values) 1 (nextl values))) menu)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de kill-menu (menu) (when (#:menu:check-menu 'kill-menu (#:menu:display menu) menu) (send 'kill-menu (#:menu:display menu) menu) (#:display:menus (#:menu:display menu) (delq menu (#:display:menus (#:menu:display menu)))) (#:menu:extend menu ()) (#:menu:display menu ()))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de activate-menu (menu x y) (when (#:menu:check-menu 'activate-menu (#:menu:display menu) menu) (with ((current-display (#:menu:display menu))) (send 'activate-menu (#:menu:display menu) menu x y)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de menu-insert-item-list (menu choix name active) (when (#:menu:check-menu 'menu-insert-item-list (#:menu:display menu) menu) (:itemlists menu (insertnth choix (:itemlists menu) (:itemlist name active ()))) (send 'menu-insert-item-list (#:menu:display menu) menu choix name active))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de menu-insert-item (menu choix index name active value) (when (#:menu:check-menu 'menu-insert-item (#:menu:display menu) menu) (let ((il (nth choix (:itemlists menu)))) (when il (:itemlist:items il (insertnth index (:itemlist:items il) (:item name active value))))) (send 'menu-insert-item (#:menu:display menu) menu choix index name active value))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de menu-delete-item-list (menu choix) (when (#:menu:check-menu 'menu-delete-item-list (#:menu:display menu) menu) (:itemlists menu (deletenth choix (:itemlists menu)))) (send 'menu-delete-item-list (#:menu:display menu) menu choix))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de menu-delete-item (menu choix index) (when (#:menu:check-menu 'menu-delete-item (#:menu:display menu) menu) (let ((il (nth choix (:itemlists menu)))) (when il (:itemlist:items il (deletenth index (:itemlist:items il))))) (send 'menu-delete-item (#:menu:display menu) menu choix index))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de menu-modify-item-list (menu choix name active) (when (#:menu:check-menu 'menu-modify-item-list (#:menu:display menu) menu) (let ((il (nth choix (:itemlists menu)))) (when il (when name (:itemlist:name il (string name))) (when active (:itemlist:name il active)))) (send 'menu-modify-item-list (#:menu:display menu) menu choix name active))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de menu-modify-item (menu choix index name active value) (when (#:menu:check-menu 'menu-modify-item (#:menu:display menu) menu) (let ((il (nth choix (:itemlists menu)))) (when il (let ((item (nth index il))) (when name (:item:name item (string name))) (when active (:item:name item active)) (when value (:item:name item value))))) (send 'menu-modify-item (#:menu:display menu) menu choix index name active value))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de deletenth (n l) (cond ((atom l) l) ((eq n 0) (cdr l)) (t (rplacd l (deletenth (sub1 n) (cdr l)))))) (de insertnth (n l i) (cond ((atom l) (cons i l)) ((eq n 0) (cons i l)) (t (rplacd l (insertnth (sub1 n) (cdr l) i))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; BITMAP ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (defstruct bitmap w h extend display) (setq #:sys-package:colon 'bitmap) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; CREATE-BITMAP ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de create-bitmap (w h . bits) (unless (current-display) (bitprologue)) (let ((bitmap (#:bitmap:make))) (:w bitmap w) (:h bitmap h) (:display bitmap (current-display)) (setq bitmap (send 'create-bitmap (:display bitmap) bitmap)) (:w bitmap w) (:h bitmap h) (:display bitmap (current-display)) (#:display:bitmaps (current-display) (nconc1 (#:display:bitmaps (current-display)) bitmap)) (:bits bitmap (if bits (car bits) (makevector h (makestring (:round-to-byte w) 0)))) bitmap)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; WINDOW-BITMAP ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de window-bitmap (window) (when (#:window:check-window 'window-bitmap (#:window:display window) window) (or (#:graph-env:bitmap (#:window:graph-env window)) (let ((bitmap (#:bitmap:make))) (:display bitmap (#:window:display window)) (:w bitmap (#:window:width window)) (:h bitmap (#:window:height window)) (setq bitmap (send 'create-window-bitmap (#:window:display window) window bitmap)) (:display bitmap (#:window:display window)) (:w bitmap (#:window:width window)) (:h bitmap (#:window:height window)) (#:graph-env:bitmap (#:window:graph-env window) bitmap) bitmap)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; KILL-BITMAP ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de kill-bitmap (bitmap) (when (#:bitmap:check-bitmap 'kill-bitmap (#:bitmap:display bitmap) bitmap) (send 'kill-bitmap (:display bitmap) bitmap) (#:display:bitmaps (#:bitmap:display bitmap) (delq bitmap (#:display:bitmaps (#:bitmap:display bitmap)))) (#:bitmap:extend bitmap ()) (#:bitmap:display bitmap ()))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; BMREF et BMSET ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de bmref (bitmap x y) (when (#:bitmap:check-bitmap 'bmref (#:bitmap:display bitmap) bitmap) (send 'bmref (:display bitmap) bitmap x y))) (de bmset (bitmap x y bit) (when (#:bitmap:check-bitmap 'bmset (#:bitmap:display bitmap) bitmap) (send 'bmset (:display bitmap) bitmap x y bit))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; BITBLIT ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de bitblit (b1 b2 x1 y1 x2 y2 w h) (when (and (#:bitmap:check-bitmaps 'bitblit b1 b2) (#:bitmap:check-bitmap 'bitblit (#:bitmap:display b1) b1) (#:bitmap:check-bitmap 'bitblit (#:bitmap:display b2) b2)) (send 'bitblit (:display b1) b1 b2 x1 y1 x2 y2 w h))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; UTILITAIRES ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (de #:sharp:* arg (ncons (#:bitvector:read (car arg) ()))) (de #:sharp:|B| () (ncons (apply 'create-bitmap (read)))) (de #:bitmap:bits (bitmap . bits) (if (null bits) (let* ((hbitmap (#:bitmap:h bitmap)) (wbitmap (#:bitmap:w bitmap)) (strg-size (:round-to-byte wbitmap)) (strg-indmax (sub1 strg-size)) (last-bits (logand wbitmap 7)) (vect (makevector hbitmap ())) (bitvector ()) (i 0)) (repeat hbitmap (setq bitvector (makestring strg-size 0)) (vset vect i bitvector) (typestring bitvector 'bitvector) (send 'get-bit-line (:display bitmap) bitmap i bitvector) (when (neq last-bits 0) (sset bitvector strg-indmax (mask-field (sref bitvector strg-indmax) (sub 8 last-bits) 8))) (setq i (add1 i))) vect) (let ((vect (car bits)) (bitline) (olbitline) (n 0) (i 0)) (repeat (vlength vect) (setq bitline (vref vect n)) (setq n (add1 n)) (if (fixp bitline) (repeat bitline (send 'set-bit-line (:display bitmap) bitmap i olbitline) (setq i (add1 i))) (send 'set-bit-line (:display bitmap) bitmap i bitline) (setq i (add1 i)) (setq olbitline bitline)))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; La variable #:SYSTEM:COMPRESSED-ICON permet d'imprimer les bitmaps et les ; bitvector sous forme compresse'e (en repe'rant les re'pe'titions de ; caracte`res et de lignes. ; et de lignes). ; ; Exemple: ; ; #B(40 4 #[#*0000000000 ; #*0000000000 ; #*0000000000 ; #*a5a5a5f3f3]) ; ; s'affichera en mode compresse' : ; ; #B(40 4 #[#5*00*4 ; 2 ; #5*a5*3f3f3]) ; ; ; La #-macro *, permet de lire le mode normal ou le mode compresse'. ; Si l'argument nume'rique est fourni, il s'agit du mode compresse', ; s'il ne l'est pas c'est le mode in-extenso. ; ; De me↑me #:BITMAP:BITS de'code le mode compresse', on pourra donc ; e'crire, par exemple: ; ; #B(1000 1000 #[*#aa*fd 999]) ; ; ou bien : ; ; #B(1000 1000 #[*125#aa*fd 999]) ; ; ; ; Le format compresse' des BITVECTORs : ; ; Internal External ; ; Nible 0000 xxxx 0000 yyyy 0-9 A-F ; Predefined Byte 0001 xxxx G-V ; Small rep-factor 0010 xxxx a-p ; Large rep-factor 0011 0xxx 00yy yyyy q-x ; ; Terminal 0s 0011 1110 + ; User rep-factor 0011 1111 0000 xxxx 0000 yyyy * <h> <h> ; ExtraCode (not used) 0011 1xxx yzWXYZ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (defvar :int->ext-encode-string "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzWXYZ+*") (defvar :ext->int-encode-string (let ((strg-buffer (makestring 128 #$FF))) (for (strg-index 0 1 (1- (slength :int->ext-encode-string))) (sset strg-buffer (sref :int->ext-encode-string strg-index) strg-index)) strg-buffer)) (defvar :predefined-bytes (let ((strg-buffer (makestring 16 0))) (sset strg-buffer 00 #$00) (sset strg-buffer 01 #$FF) (sset strg-buffer 02 #$01) (sset strg-buffer 03 #$02) (sset strg-buffer 04 #$04) (sset strg-buffer 05 #$08) (sset strg-buffer 06 #$10) (sset strg-buffer 07 #$20) (sset strg-buffer 08 #$40) (sset strg-buffer 09 #$80) (sset strg-buffer 10 #$44) (sset strg-buffer 11 #$55) (sset strg-buffer 12 #$AA) (sset strg-buffer 13 #$11) (sset strg-buffer 14 #$C0) (sset strg-buffer 15 #$03) strg-buffer)) (unless (boundp '#:system:compressed-icon) (defvar #:system:compressed-icon)) (defmacro :round-to-byte (n) `(logshift (add ,n 7) -3)) (defmacro :int->ext-encode (current-byte) `(sref :int->ext-encode-string ,current-byte)) (de :ext->int-encode (current-byte) (let ((code (sref :ext->int-encode-string (logand current-byte #$7F)))) (if (neq code #$FF) code (error '|#*| 'errsxt (list current-byte))))) (de #:bitvector:read (strg-size strg-buffer) (if (fixp strg-size) (let ((previous-byte 0) (current-byte) (strg-index 0)) (setq strg-buffer (makestring strg-size 0)) (while (lt strg-index strg-size) (setq current-byte (:ext->int-encode (readcn))) (cond ((le current-byte #$F) ; le format "double nibble" complet. (setq previous-byte (logor (logshift current-byte 4) (:ext->int-encode (readcn)))) (sset strg-buffer strg-index previous-byte) (setq strg-index (add1 strg-index))) ((le current-byte #$1F) ; le format des caracte`res pre'de'finis (setq previous-byte (sref :predefined-bytes (logand current-byte #$F))) (sset strg-buffer strg-index previous-byte) (setq strg-index (add1 strg-index))) ((le current-byte #$3F) ; les re'pe'titeurs en tous genres. (repeat (add1 (cond ((le current-byte #$2F) ; petits re'pe'titeurs (logand current-byte #$F)) ((lt current-byte #$3E) ; grands re'pe'titeurs (logor (logshift (logand current-byte #$F) 6) (:ext->int-encode (readcn)))) ((eq current-byte #$3E) ; re'pe'titeur terminal de 0 : "+" (setq strg-index strg-size) -1) ((eq current-byte #$3F) ; re'pe'titeur utilisateur : "*" (logor (logshift (:ext->int-encode (readcn)) 4) (:ext->int-encode (readcn)))))) (sset strg-buffer strg-index previous-byte) (setq strg-index (add1 strg-index)))) (t (error "#*" 'errsxt current-byte))))) (let ((current-list ())) (untilexit complete (newl current-list (logor (logshift (:conv-to-hex (peekcn)) 4) (progn (readcn) (:conv-to-hex (readcn)))))) (setq strg-buffer (string (nreverse current-list))))) (typestring strg-buffer 'bitvector) strg-buffer) (de :conv-to-hex (char) (cond ((and (ge char #/0) (le char #/9)) (sub char #/0)) ((and (ge char #/A) (le char #/F)) (sub char #.(- #/A 10))) ((and (ge char #/a) (le char #/f)) ; a` cause que parfois .... (sub char #.(- #/a 10))) (t (exit complete)))) (de #:bitvector:prin (bitvector) ;; impression d'un vecteur de bits (let ((strg-size (slen bitvector)) (strg-index 0) (current-byte)) (let ((#:system:print-for-read ())) (if #:system:compressed-icon ; ce code est faux en cas de coupure de ligne. ; mais en mode print-for-read+compressed-icon ; un terpri est re'alise' entre chaque ligne. (prin "#" strg-size "*") (prin "#*"))) (if #:system:compressed-icon (let ((previous-byte -1) (rep-factor 0)) (while (neq strg-index strg-size) (setq current-byte (sref bitvector strg-index)) (if (eq current-byte previous-byte) (setq rep-factor (add1 rep-factor)) (progn (:prin-aux previous-byte rep-factor) (setq rep-factor 0) (setq previous-byte current-byte))) (setq strg-index (add1 strg-index))) (if (and (eq previous-byte 0) (neq rep-factor 0)) (princn (:int->ext-encode 62)) (:prin-aux previous-byte rep-factor))) (repeat strg-size (setq current-byte (sref bitvector strg-index)) (princn (:int->ext-encode (logshift current-byte -4))) (princn (:int->ext-encode (logand current-byte #$F))) (setq strg-index (add1 strg-index)))))) (de :prin-aux (byte rep-factor) ;; imprime l'octet <byte> avec un facteur de re'pe'tition <rep-factor> (when (neq byte -1) ; pour faciliter le de'marrage de la boucle (let ((index-byte (chrpos byte :predefined-bytes))) (if index-byte ; c'est un octet pre'de'fini (princn (:int->ext-encode (add #$10 index-byte))) (progn ; c'est un octet a` 2 nibles (princn (:int->ext-encode (logshift byte -4))) (princn (:int->ext-encode (logand byte #$F))))))) (when (neq rep-factor 0) ; les facteurs de re'pe'titions partent a` 0 (setq rep-factor (sub1 rep-factor)) (if (lt rep-factor 16) ; facteur de re'pe'tition sur 1 octet (princn (:int->ext-encode (add rep-factor #$20))) (progn ; facteur de re'pe'tition sur 2 octets. (princn (:int->ext-encode (add (logshift rep-factor -6) #$30))) (princn (:int->ext-encode (logand rep-factor #$3F))))))) (de #:bitmap:prin (bitmap) (let ((hbitmap (:h bitmap)) (wbitmap (:w bitmap))) (let ((#:system:print-for-read ())) (prin "#B(" wbitmap " " hbitmap " #[")) (when #:system:print-for-read (with ((rmargin (add1 (slen (outbuf))))) (terpri) (let* ((bbitmap (:round-to-byte wbitmap)) (bitvect1 (makestring bbitmap 0)) (bitvect2 (makestring bbitmap -1)) (indmax (sub1 bbitmap)) (last-bits (logand wbitmap 7)) (mask (logshift #$FF (sub 8 last-bits))) (line-index 0) (rep-factor 0)) (typestring bitvect1 'bitvector) (typestring bitvect2 'bitvector) (repeat hbitmap (send 'get-bit-line (:display bitmap) bitmap line-index bitvect1) (setq line-index (add1 line-index)) (when (neq last-bits 0) (sset bitvect1 indmax (logand (sref bitvect1 indmax) mask))) (if (and #:system:compressed-icon (equal bitvect1 bitvect2) (neq line-index 0)) (setq rep-factor (add1 rep-factor)) (progn (when (neq rep-factor 0) (print rep-factor)) (print bitvect1) ; l'e'change de HackMem (setq bitvect2 (prog1 bitvect1 (setq bitvect1 bitvect2))) (setq rep-factor 0)))) (when (neq rep-factor 0) (print rep-factor))))) (princn #/]) (princn #/) )))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;