;;; .EnTete "Le-Lisp (c) version 15.2" " " "The Le-Lisp Benchmarks (14-15)"
;;; .EnPied "div.ll" "%" " "
;;; .SuperTitre "The Le-Lisp Benchmarks (14-15)"
;;; .Centre "*****************************************************************"
;;; .Centre " Ce fichier est en lecture seule hors du projet ALE de l'INRIA.  "
;;; .Centre " Il est maintenu par ILOG SA, 2 Avenue Gallie'ni, 94250 Gentilly "
;;; .Centre " (c) Le-Lisp est une marque de'pose'e de l'INRIA                 "
;;; .Centre "*****************************************************************"
;;; .Centre "$Header: div.ll,v 1.1 88/11/17 09:51:56 chaillou Exp $"
; File:         div.cl
; Description:  DIV benchmarks
; Author:       Richard Gabriel
; Created:      8-Apr-85
; Modified:     19-Jul-85 18:28:01 (Bob Shaw); 28-August-88 (P.Kuczynski)
; Language:     Le-Lisp
; Package:      User
; Status:       Ilog

;;; (14-15) DIV2 -- Benchmark which divides by 2 using lists of n ()'s.
;;; This file contains a recursive as well as an iterative test.

(defun check-div2iter ()
   (check-value '(test-div2iter 1) t))

(defun meter-div2iter ()
   (perform-meter '(test-1 *ll*) 'div2iter))

(defun test-div2iter (n)
   (if (eq n 1)
       (test-1 *ll*)
       (repeat n (test-1 *ll*))))

(defun check-div2rec ()
   (check-value '(test-div2rec 1) t))

(defun meter-div2rec ()
   (perform-meter '(test-2 *ll*) 'div2rec))

(defun test-div2rec (n)
   (if (eq n 1)
       (test-2 *ll*)
       (repeat n (test-2 *ll*))))


(defun create-n (n)
   (let ((a ()))
        (repeat n (setq a (cons () a)))

(defvar *ll* (create-n 200))

(defun iterative-div2 (l)
   (iterative-div2-aux l () ))

(defun iterative-div2-aux (l a)
   (if (null l)
       (iterative-div2-aux  (cddr l) (cons (car l) a) )))

(defun recursive-div2 (l)
   (cond ((null l) ())
	 (t (cons (car l) (recursive-div2 (cddr l))))))

(defun test-1 (l)
   (repeat 1200
	   (iterative-div2 l)))

(defun test-2 (l)
   (repeat 1200
	   (recursive-div2 l)))

;;; for the iterative test call: (test-1 *ll*)
;;; for the recursive test call: (test-2 *ll*)

;(run-benchmark "Div-iter" '(test-1 *ll*))
;(run-benchmark "Div-rec" '(test-2 *ll*))