Pin Name I/O Pin Description
HeaderCycleIn I This bit indicates that the data currently on the Dynabus contains header information.
HeaderCycleOut O Asserted by the Memory Controller to indicate that it is currently driving header information onto the Dynabus.
OwnerIn I If OwnerIn is asserted by a Cache during a ReadBlock operation the Memory Controller will not reply to the operation. Instead, the Cache provides the reply.
OwnerOut O Unused by the Memory Controller.
SharedIn I SharedIn is reflected in the Shared bit of reply packets for ReadBlock, WriteSingle and ConditionalWriteSingle.
SharedOut O Unused by the Memory Controller.
SStopIn I Unused by the Memory Controller.
SStopOut O Asserted by the Memory Controller whenever a fatal error occurs. This could be caused by a double-bit error when correction is enabled, a buffer sync error, or a fifo overflow error. See 5.1.2.
Grant I Asserted by the Arbiter to indicate that the Memory Controller should transmit data in the following cycle.
HiPGrant I Unused by the Memory Controller.
LongGrant I Unused by the Memory Controller.
RequestOut[0..1] O These signals are used to signal the Arbiter for service.
00 => Idle, Release Hold
01 => Bus Hold
10 => Two cycle request
11 => Five cycle request
Hold causes the Arbiter to stop grant request packets. This is asserted when the Memory Controller input fifo nears full. Reply packets are still granted, allowing the output buffers to be emptied. Returning to Idle allows the bus to return to normal operation.
DShiftCK I DShiftCK is the Shift clock for the currently selected scan path. Data is transferred on the positive edge of this signal. If the DAddress line is active, the DShiftCK is used to transfer component address bits instead of data bits.
DAddress I DAddress indicates that the next DShiftCK cycle is transferring address bits.
DExecute I DExecute asks the Memory Controller to perform an execute cycle instead of a a data/address transfer on the next positive edge of DShiftCK.
DFreeze I Unused by the Memory Controller.
DReset I DReset resets all internal state of the Memory Controller. It is internally synchronized to the Memory Controller clock.
DSerialIn I The Memory Controller's internal registers receive input from the DBus via the DSerialIn pin.
DSerialOut O When DSelect is asserted, DSerialOut sends information from a specified register in the Memory Controller to the DBus. (This is a Tri-state wire.)
DSelect I Enables the Memory Controller to respond to DBus serial in, serial out, and execute commands. Addressing operations are independent of DSelect.
Clock I Dynabus clock.
CkOut O This is the Dynabus clock after it has been internally buffered. It is transmitted off-chip so that its phase can be compared to a reference and the result used to adjust the phase of the input clock.
RamCheck[0..7] I/O These eight lines are used to transfer the check bits for error correction to and from ram storage.
RamAddress[0..13] O Specifies the word in the rams to be accessed. These bits are multiplexed reflecting the architecture of most DRAMs. Selection of the row and column address words is done with SelColumnAdd below.
nRamWrite O When asserted, indicates that the external timing generator should perform a ram write operation.
WordAddress[0..1] I For nibble-mode writes, selects which of the four words should be driven on the RamData lines. For nibble-mode reads, selects which of the four internal buffers the value on the RamData lines should be written into.
RamBufWrite I When asserted enables latching of the selected internal data buffer
StartA O Indicates that the external timing generator should initiate a DRAM timing cycle.
Refresh O Indicates that the external timing generator should perform a refresh operation.
RamReset O Resets the ram timing generator.
RamClock O Provides a synchronized clock for the timing generator.
SelColumnAdd I Selects whether the row or column address is driven on the RamAddress lines.
SpareOut[0..1] O Unused by the Memory Controller (Gnd).
SpareIn[0..1] I Unused by the Memory Controller.
DynabusIn[0..63] I These are the 64 Dynabus data lines into the chip.
DynabusOut[0..63] O These are the 64 Dynabus data lines out of the chip.
TestIn I This signal is used to reduce the number of pins that need to be contacted for testing purposes. It relates only to the operation of the Dynabus Data lines. When de-asserted the DynabusIn and DynabusOut pins are uni-directional. When asserted, the DynabusIn pins become active outputs and drive the level currently on the DynabusOut pins.
RamData[0..63] I/O These are the 64 bi-directional ram data lines.
ParityIn I Unused by the Memory Controller.
ParityOut O Unused by the Memory Controller (Gnd).