<> <> <> <> <> <<>> DIRECTORY AlpsBool, CD, CDBasics, CDCells, CDDirectory, CDOrient, CDPinObjects, CDProperties, CMos, MC, MCCtl, MCMInterface, MCPadFrame, Onion, PW, PWPins, Rope; MCGen: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS CD, CDBasics, CDCells, CDDirectory, CDOrient, CDPinObjects, CDProperties, CMos, MC, MCCtl, MCMInterface, MCPadFrame, Onion, PW, PWPins, Rope= BEGIN OPEN PW; ROPE: TYPE = Rope.ROPE; <<-- Descriptors for the pad frame>> MapCacheArray: PROC [design: CD.Design, nLines, nCamColumns, nRamColumns: INT] RETURNS [ObPtr] = { pbusix: INT; RepeatingCell: PROC [cell: ObPtr] RETURNS [ObPtr] = INLINE { RETURN[AbutY[design, FlipY[design, cell], cell]]; }; PBusName: PWPins.RenameProc = { SELECT TRUE FROM Rope.Equal[oldRope, "bus"] => newRope _ MC.IndexedName["PBus", pbusix]; Rope.Equal[oldRope, "adrsInLineMSB"] => newRope _ "PBus[20]"; Rope.Equal[oldRope, "adrsInLineLSB"] => newRope _ "PBus[21]"; ENDCASE => newRope _ oldRope; }; Ram: PROC[nColumns, nLines: INT] RETURNS [ObPtr] = { ramCell: ObPtr _ Get[design, "SRamTwoBits"]; ramTop: ObPtr _ Get[design, "RamTop"]; ramColumn: ObPtr _ ArrayY[design, ramCell, nLines]; ramDualColumn: ObPtr _ AbutY[design, AbutX[design, ramColumn, ramColumn], ramTop]; renamedDualColumn, result: ObPtr; pbusix _ 0; result _ PWPins.RenamePins[design, ramDualColumn, PBusName]; pbusix _ pbusix+1; THROUGH [2..nColumns/2] DO renamedDualColumn _ PWPins.RenamePins[design, ramDualColumn, PBusName]; result _ AbutX[design, result, renamedDualColumn]; pbusix _ pbusix+1; ENDLOOP; RETURN[result]; }; PowerStrap: PROC[nLines: INT] RETURNS[ObPtr] = { powerStrapCell: ObPtr _ Get[design, "PowerStrap"]; repeatingCell: ObPtr _ AbutY[design, FlipY[design, powerStrapCell], powerStrapCell]; powerStrapTop: ObPtr _ Get[design, "PowerStrapTop"]; RETURN[AbutY[design, ArrayY[design, repeatingCell, nLines/2], powerStrapTop]]; }; RamAccess: PROC[nLines: INT] RETURNS [ObPtr] = { ramAccessCell: ObPtr _ Get[design, "RamAccessCore"]; repeatingCell: ObPtr _ AbutY[design, FlipY[design, ramAccessCell], ramAccessCell]; ramAccessCtlTop: ObPtr _ Get[design, "RamAccessCtlTop"]; ramAccessCtlTop _ PWPins.RenamePins[design, ramAccessCtlTop, PBusName]; RETURN[AbutY[design, ArrayY[design, repeatingCell, nLines/2], ramAccessCtlTop]]; }; Cam: PROC[nColumns, nLines: INT] RETURNS [ObPtr] = { groupSize: INT = 10; -- number of cells between straps to metal2 nGroups: INT = nColumns/groupSize; nRemainingColumns: INT = nColumns MOD groupSize; column, strapColumn, renamedColumn: ObPtr; camBitCell: ObPtr _ Get[design, "SCamBit"]; camBitTop: ObPtr _ Get[design, "CamTop"]; camStrapCell: ObPtr _ Get[design, "SCamStrap"]; camStrapTop: ObPtr _ Get[design, "SCamStrapTop"]; result: ObPtr; column _ AbutY[design, ArrayY[design, RepeatingCell[camBitCell], nLines/2], camBitTop]; strapColumn _ AbutY[design, ArrayY[design, RepeatingCell[camStrapCell], nLines/2], camStrapTop] ; <> pbusix _ 0; result _ strapColumn; THROUGH [1..groupSize] DO renamedColumn _ PWPins.RenamePins[design, column, PBusName]; result _ AbutX[design, result, renamedColumn]; pbusix _ pbusix+1; ENDLOOP; THROUGH [2..nGroups] DO result _ AbutX[design, result, strapColumn]; THROUGH [1..groupSize] DO renamedColumn _ PWPins.RenamePins[design, column, PBusName]; result _ AbutX[design, result, renamedColumn]; pbusix _ pbusix+1; ENDLOOP; ENDLOOP; THROUGH [1..nRemainingColumns] DO renamedColumn _ PWPins.RenamePins[design, column, PBusName]; result _ AbutX[design, result, renamedColumn]; pbusix _ pbusix+1; ENDLOOP; result _ AbutX[design, result, strapColumn]; RETURN[result]; <<>> }; VPValid: PROC [nLines: INT] RETURNS [ObPtr] = { vpValidCoreCell: ObPtr _ Get[design, "VPValidCore"]; vpValidTop: ObPtr _ Get[design, "VPValidTop"]; RETURN[AbutY[design, ArrayY[design, RepeatingCell[vpValidCoreCell], nLines/2], vpValidTop]]; }; CamAccess: PROC [nLines: INT] RETURNS [ObPtr] = { camAccessCell: ObPtr _ Get[design, "CAMAccessCore"]; camAccessTop: ObPtr _ Get[design, "CamAccessTop"]; RETURN[AbutY[design, ArrayY[design, RepeatingCell[camAccessCell], nLines/2], camAccessTop]]; }; RPValid: PROC [nLines: INT] RETURNS [ObPtr] = { rpValidCoreLeftCell: ObPtr _ Get[design, "RPValidCoreLeft"]; rpValidTopLeft: ObPtr _ Get[design, "RPValidTopLeft"]; rpValidCoreBitCell: ObPtr _ Get[design, "RPValidCoreBit"]; rpValidTop: ObPtr _ Get[design, "RPValidTop"]; rpValidCoreCell: ObPtr; rpValidTop _ PWPins.RenamePins[design, rpValidTop, PBusName]; rpValidCoreCell _ rpValidCoreLeftCell; THROUGH [1..MC.nEntriesPerLine] DO rpValidCoreCell _ AbutX[design, rpValidCoreCell, rpValidCoreBitCell]; ENDLOOP; RETURN[AbutY[design, ArrayY[design, RepeatingCell[rpValidCoreCell], nLines/2], AbutX[design, rpValidTopLeft, rpValidTop]]]; }; Ref: PROC [nLines: INT] RETURNS [ObPtr] = { refCoreCell: ObPtr _ Get[design, "RefCore"]; refTop: ObPtr _ Get[design, "RefTop"]; RETURN[AbutY[design, ArrayY[design, RepeatingCell[refCoreCell], nLines/2], refTop] ]; }; Adrs: PROC [nLines: INT] RETURNS [ObPtr] = { DecoderFunction: XYFunction = { op: ObPtr; IF XthBitOfN[nCols-1-x, y] THEN op _ adrsDecoderOneCell ELSE op _ adrsDecoderZeroCell; IF XthBitOfN[0, y] THEN RETURN[op] ELSE RETURN[FlipY[design, op]]; }; adrsGndLeftCell: ObPtr _ Get[design, "AdrsGndLeft"]; adrsGndLeftTop: ObPtr _ Get[design, "AdrsGndLeftTop"]; adrsDecoderZeroCell: ObPtr _ Get[design, "AdrsDecoderZero"]; adrsDecoderOneCell: ObPtr _ Get[design, "AdrsDecoderOne"]; adrsDecoderBitTop: ObPtr _ Get[design, "AdrsDecoderBitTop"]; adrsGndRightCell: ObPtr _ Get[design, "AdrsGndRight"]; adrsGndRightTop: ObPtr _ Get[design, "AdrsGndRightTop"]; adrsDriverCell: ObPtr _ Get[design, "AdrsDriver"]; adrsDriverTop: ObPtr _ Get[design, "AdrsDriverTop"]; gndLeftColumn, gndRightColumn, driverColumn, top: ObPtr; col, nCols: INT; NewName: PWPins.RenameProc = { SELECT TRUE FROM Rope.Equal[oldRope, "adrs"] => newRope _ MC.IndexedName["ArrayAdrsxAB", col]; ENDCASE => newRope _ oldRope; }; nCols _ IF nLines=TwoToTheLog2[nLines] THEN Log2[nLines] ELSE Log2[nLines]+1; gndLeftColumn _ ArrayY[design, RepeatingCell[adrsGndLeftCell], nLines/2]; gndRightColumn _ ArrayY[design, RepeatingCell[adrsGndRightCell], nLines/2]; driverColumn _ ArrayY[design, RepeatingCell[adrsDriverCell], nLines/2]; top _ adrsGndLeftTop; col _ 0; THROUGH [1..nCols] DO renamed: ObPtr _ PWPins.RenamePins[design, adrsDecoderBitTop, NewName]; top _ AbutX[design, top, renamed]; col _ col+1; ENDLOOP; top _ AbutX[design, top, adrsGndRightTop, adrsDriverTop]; RETURN[AbutY[design, AbutX[design, gndLeftColumn, MapFunction[design, DecoderFunction, 0, nCols, 0, nLines], gndRightColumn, driverColumn], top]]; }; <<>> RETURN[AbutListX[design, LIST[Adrs[nLines], Ref[nLines], RPValid[nLines], CamAccess[nLines], VPValid[nLines], Cam[nCamColumns, nLines], RamAccess[nLines], PowerStrap[nLines], Ram[nRamColumns, nLines]]]]; }; inputs: LIST OF ROPE _ LIST[ <> "Incr", "ArrayAdrsxBA[4]", "ArrayAdrsxBA[3]", "ArrayAdrsxBA[2]", "ArrayAdrsxBA[1]", "ArrayAdrsxBA[0]", <<>> <> "nMAdCyclexBA", "MCmdxBA[0]", "MCmdxBA[1]", "MCmdxBA[2]", "MCmdxBA[3]", "MCSelectedxBA", "MDataxBA[2]", "MDataxBA[3]", "MDataxBA[4]", "MDataxBA[5]", "CyclexBA[0]", "CyclexBA[1]", "CyclexAB[0]", "CyclexAB[1]", "arrayMatchxAB", "wtProtectFlag", "ResetxBA", "ResetxAB"]; MapCacheControl: PROC [design: CD.Design] RETURNS [result: ObPtr] = { alpsResult, alpsResultLatchandDrive, feedBack, feedBackLatchandDrive: CD.ObPtr; fedBackSignals: LIST OF ROPE _ LIST ["CyclexAB[0]", "CyclexAB[1]", "CyclexBA[0]", "CyclexBA[1]", "ArrayAdrsxAB[0]", "ArrayAdrsxAB[1]", "ArrayAdrsxAB[2]", "ArrayAdrsxAB[3]", "ArrayAdrsxAB[4]", "ResetxBA"]; arrayDrivenSignals: LIST OF ROPE _ LIST ["Incr", "arrayMatchxBA", "wtProtectFlag"]; table: AlpsBool.TableOfVariables _ MCCtl.CreateTable[inputs]; <<>> <> MCCtl.Microcode[table]; MCCtl.Counter[table]; <> MCCtl.StateMachine[table]; <> table _ MCCtl.Permute[table, permuteFast]; <> <<>> alpsResult _ Rot270[design, MCCtl.GenerateLayout[design, table]]; alpsResultLatchandDrive _ MCCtl.MakeAlpsLatchandDrive[design, alpsResult]; feedBackLatchandDrive _ MCCtl.MakeFeedBackLatchandDrive[design, MCCtl.ListCat[fedBackSignals, arrayDrivenSignals]]; feedBack _ MCCtl.MakeFeedBack[design, alpsResult, feedBackLatchandDrive]; result _ AbutX[design, AbutY[design, feedBackLatchandDrive, feedBack], AbutY[design, alpsResultLatchandDrive, alpsResult]]; result _ PWPins.RenamePins[design, result]; <> MCCtl.InitCtlOutNames[]; MCCtl.AddTableToCtlOutNames[table]; MCCtl.AddListToCtlOutNames[arrayDrivenSignals]; }; <<>> busNames: LIST OF ROPE _ NIL; MapCacheBuses: PROC [design: CD.Design, len: INT] RETURNS [result: ObPtr] = { layer: CD.Layer _ CMos.met2; wireLength: INT _ len; wireThickness: INT _ 4*2; wireSeparation: INT _ 5*2; <<>> <> busNames _ MCCtl.ctlOutNames; <<>> <> busNames _ MCCtl.ListCat[LIST["phA", "nphA", "phB", "nphB", "Vnbias", "Vpbias", "NotDebug"], busNames]; <> <> <> <> <<>> <> FOR i: INT DECREASING IN [0..24] DO busNames _ CONS[MC.IndexedName["PBus", i], busNames] ENDLOOP; <> busNames _ MCCtl.ListCat[LIST["VBus.VPV", "VBus.RPV"], busNames]; result _ MC.MakeBusX[design, layer, busNames, wireLength, wireThickness, wireSeparation]; <> result _ PWPins.RenamePins[design, result]; }; RingWidth: Onion.RingWidthProc -- [netName: ROPE] RETURNS [ringWidth: D2Basic.Number] -- = { ringWidth _ IF Rope.Equal[netName, "Vdd"] THEN MC.VddRingWidth ELSE IF Rope.Equal[netName, "Gnd"] THEN MC.GndRingWidth ELSE 8; }; SelectInnerPins: PWPins.RenameProc -- [oldRope: ROPE] RETURNS [newRope: ROPE] -- = { IF Rope.Equal[oldRope, "Vdd"] OR Rope.Equal[oldRope, "Gnd"] OR Rope.Equal[oldRope, "drMBusxBA"] THEN RETURN[oldRope]; SELECT TRUE FROM Rope.Equal["vdd", oldRope] => RETURN["Vdd"]; Rope.Equal["gnd", oldRope] => RETURN["Gnd"]; Rope.Match["MExt[*].dataIn", oldRope] => RETURN[oldRope]; Rope.Match["MExt[*].dataOut", oldRope] => RETURN[oldRope]; Rope.Match["MCmd[*].dataIn", oldRope] => RETURN[oldRope]; Rope.Match["MCmd[*].dataOut", oldRope] => RETURN[oldRope]; Rope.Match["MData[*].dataIn", oldRope] => RETURN[oldRope]; Rope.Match["MData[*].dataOut", oldRope] => RETURN[oldRope]; Rope.Equal["MCSelected.dataIn", oldRope] => RETURN["MCSelected"]; Rope.Equal["Reset.dataIn", oldRope] => RETURN["Reset"]; Rope.Equal["Reset.dataOut", oldRope] => RETURN["Reset"]; Rope.Equal["nMAdCycle.dataIn", oldRope] => RETURN["nMAdCycle"]; Rope.Equal["nMAdCycle.dataOut", oldRope] => RETURN["nMAdCycle"]; Rope.Match["CycleABZeroxAB", oldRope] => RETURN[NIL]; ENDCASE => {}; FOR names: LIST OF ROPE _ MCPadFrame.padNames, names.rest WHILE names#NIL DO IF Rope.Equal[names.first, oldRope] THEN RETURN[oldRope]; ENDLOOP; FOR names: LIST OF ROPE _ busNames, names.rest WHILE names#NIL DO IF Rope.Equal[names.first, oldRope] THEN RETURN[oldRope]; ENDLOOP; FOR names: LIST OF ROPE _ inputs, names.rest WHILE names#NIL DO IF Rope.Equal[names.first, oldRope] OR Rope.Equal[Rope.Cat["Not", names.first], oldRope] THEN RETURN[NIL]; ENDLOOP; newRope _ NIL; MC.TTYOut[" killed ", oldRope, " "]; }; Channel: PUBLIC PROC [design: CD.Design, bottomOb, topOb: CD.ObPtr, size: INT, params: Onion.LayersParameters _ Onion.channelDefaultParameters] RETURNS [cell: CD.ObPtr] = { bottomObRect: CD.Rect _ CD.InterestRect[bottomOb]; topObRect: CD.Rect _ CD.InterestRect[topOb]; inner: CD.ObPtr _ CDCells.CreateEmptyCell[]; outer: CD.ObPtr _ CDCells.CreateEmptyCell[]; KeepInner: PWPins.AppEnumerator -- [app: CD.ApplicationPtr] RETURNS [quit: BOOL _ FALSE] -- = { name: ROPE _ CDPinObjects.GetName[app]; realSize: CD.Position _ CDOrient.OrientedSize[app.ob.size, app.orientation]; location: CD.Position _ CDBasics.SubPoints[app.location, CDBasics.BaseOfRect[bottomObRect]]; IF PWPins.GetSide[bottomOb, app].side#PWPins.top THEN RETURN; IF CDPinObjects.GetLayer[app]#params.radialLayer THEN { Output["*** Top Pin ", name, " on BottomOb discarded: not of radialLayer material.\n"]; RETURN; }; [] _ Onion.IncludePin[inner, name, CDPinObjects.GetLayer[app], realSize, location]; }; KeepOuter: PWPins.AppEnumerator -- [app: CD.ApplicationPtr] RETURNS [quit: BOOL _ FALSE] -- = { name: ROPE _ CDPinObjects.GetName[app]; realSize: CD.Position _ CDOrient.OrientedSize[app.ob.size, app.orientation]; location: CD.Position _ CDBasics.SubPoints[app.location, CDBasics.BaseOfRect[topObRect]]; IF PWPins.GetSide[topOb, app].side#PWPins.bottom THEN RETURN; IF CDPinObjects.GetLayer[app]#params.radialLayer THEN { Output["*** Bottom Pin ", name, " on TopOb discarded: not of radialLayer material.\n"]; RETURN; }; [] _ Onion.IncludePin[outer, name, CDPinObjects.GetLayer[app], realSize, location]; }; [] _ PWPins.EnumerateEdgePins[bottomOb, KeepInner]; [] _ Onion.IncludeOb[inner, bottomOb, [0, 0]]; [] _ CDCells.RepositionCell[inner, NIL]; [] _ CDDirectory.Include[design, inner, "BottomInner"]; [] _ PWPins.EnumerateEdgePins[topOb, KeepOuter]; [] _ Onion.IncludeOb[outer, topOb, [0, 0]]; CDCells.SetInterestRect[outer, [0, -(bottomObRect.y2-bottomObRect.y1+size), MAX[bottomObRect.x2-bottomObRect.x1, topObRect.x2-topObRect.x1], 0]]; [] _ CDCells.RepositionCell[outer, NIL]; [] _ CDDirectory.Include[design, outer, "TopOuter"]; cell _ Onion.LRSRoute[design, inner, outer, [0, 0], params].cell; CDCells.SetInterestRect[cell, [0, 0, PW.Size[cell].x, PW.Size[cell].y+topObRect.y2-topObRect.y1]]; }; KeepPinsOnRight: PUBLIC PROC [design: CD.Design, ob: CD.ObPtr] RETURNS [cell: CD.ObPtr] = BEGIN cellPtr: CD.CellPtr; KeepPinOnEdge: PWPins.AppEnumerator -- [app: CD.ApplicationPtr] RETURNS [quit: BOOL _ FALSE] -- = { newApp: CD.ApplicationPtr; name: ROPE _ CDPinObjects.GetName[app]; IF PWPins.GetSide[ob, app].side#PWPins.right THEN RETURN; newApp _ NEW[CD.Application _ [ ob: CDPinObjects.CreatePinOb[app.ob.size], location: app.location, orientation: app.orientation, properties: CDProperties.CopyProps[app.properties]]]; CDPinObjects.SetName[newApp, name]; cellPtr.contents _ CONS[newApp, cellPtr.contents]; }; app: CD.ApplicationPtr _ NEW[CD.Application _ [ob: ob]]; CDProperties.PutPropOnApplication[app, $StopEnumerateDeepPins, $StopEnumerateDeepPins]; cell _ CDCells.CreateEmptyCell[]; cellPtr _ NARROW[cell.specificRef]; [] _ PWPins.EnumerateEdgePins[ob, KeepPinOnEdge]; cellPtr.contents _ CONS[app, cellPtr.contents]; CDCells.SetInterestRect[cell, CD.InterestRect[ob]]; [] _ CDCells.RepositionCell[cell, NIL]; [] _ CDDirectory.Include[design, cell, "KeepPinsOnRight"]; END; MakeMapCache: UserProc = { mc, mcCtl, topToBus, mcArray, arrayToBus, mcBus, mcTop, mcMInterface, mcCtlToInterfaceGlue, frame, copyrightSign, myName: PW.ObPtr; mcSize: CD.Position; params: Onion.LayersParameters _ NEW[Onion.LayersParametersRec _ Onion.defaultLayersParameters^]; params.ringWidth _ RingWidth; params.wireExtendProc _ Onion.WireExtendMetToMet; SetDefaultSource[design, OpenDesign["///MapCacheCellLibrary.dale"]]; mcArray _ MapCacheArray[design, MC.nLines, MC.nCamColumns, MC.nRamColumns]; mcCtl _ MapCacheControl[design]; mcMInterface _ MCMInterface.MBusInterface[design, PW.Size[mcCtl].y]; mcCtlToInterfaceGlue _ MCMInterface.AlpsToMBusInterfaceGlue[design, mcCtl]; mcTop _ AbutX[design, mcCtl, mcCtlToInterfaceGlue, mcMInterface]; mcSize.x _ MAX[PW.Size[mcArray].x, PW.Size[mcTop].x]+16; mcTop _ AbutX[design, mcTop, MC.RightFillerCell[design, mcTop, mcSize.x-PW.Size[mcTop].x]]; mcArray _ AbutX[design, mcArray, MC.RightFillerCell[design, mcArray, mcSize.x-PW.Size[mcArray].x]]; mcBus _ MapCacheBuses[design, mcSize.x]; arrayToBus _ MC.ConnectTopToBus[design, mcArray, mcBus]; topToBus _ MC.ConnectBotToBus[design, mcTop, mcBus]; mcBus _ KeepPinsOnRight[design, mcBus]; <<>> mc _ PW.CreateEmptyCell[]; mcSize.y _ PW.Size[mcArray].y+2*PW.Size[mcBus].y+PW.Size[mcTop].y; PW.IncludeInCell[design, mc, mcArray, [0, 0]]; PW.IncludeInCell[design, mc, arrayToBus, [0, PW.Size[mcArray].y]]; PW.IncludeInCell[design, mc, mcBus, [0, PW.Size[mcArray].y]]; PW.IncludeInCell[design, mc, mcBus, [0, PW.Size[mcArray].y+PW.Size[mcBus].y]]; PW.IncludeInCell[design, mc, topToBus, [0, PW.Size[mcArray].y+PW.Size[mcBus].y]]; PW.IncludeInCell[design, mc, mcTop, [0, PW.Size[mcArray].y+2*PW.Size[mcBus].y]]; CDCells.SetInterestRect[mc, [0, 0, mcSize.x, mcSize.y]]; PW.IncludeInDirectory[design, mc, "mc"]; <<>> mc _ PWPins.RenamePins[design, mc, SelectInnerPins]; mc _ Onion.MakeInner[design, mc]; mc _ MCPadFrame.Shell[design, mc]; mc _ Onion.MakeInner[design, mc]; <<>> MC.TTYOut["\nMap Cache Generation Done.\n"]; frame _ MCPadFrame.PadFrame[design]; mc _ Onion.LRSRoute[design, mc, frame, Onion.Center[mc, frame], params].cell; <<-- include the logo>> SetDefaultSource[design, OpenDesign["///MCLogo.dale"]]; copyrightSign _ PW.Get[design, "copyrightSign"]; myName _ PW.Get[design, "myName"]; PW.IncludeInCell[design, mc, copyrightSign, [-500* PW.IncludeInCell[design, mc, myName, [PW.Size[mc].x+300* RETURN[mc]; }; MakeMapCacheArray: UserProc = { SetDefaultSource[design, OpenDesign["///MapCacheCellLibrary.dale"]]; RETURN[MapCacheArray[design, 4, 4, 4]]; }; MakeMapCacheControl: UserProc = { SetDefaultSource[design, OpenDesign["///MapCacheCellLibrary.dale"]]; RETURN[MapCacheControl[design ]]; }; MakePadFrame: UserProc = { SetDefaultSource[design, OpenDesign["///MapCacheCellLibrary.dale"]]; RETURN[MCPadFrame.PadFrame[design]]; }; SimpleTest: UserProc = { SetDefaultSource[design, OpenDesign["///MapCacheCellLibrary.dale"]]; RETURN[MCMInterface.AlpsToMBusInterfaceGlue[design, MapCacheControl[design]]]; }; Register[MakePadFrame, "MakePadFrame"]; Register[MakeMapCacheArray, "MakeMapCacheArray"]; Register[MakeMapCacheControl, "MakeMapCacheControl"]; Register[MakeMapCache, "MakeMapCache"]; Register[SimpleTest, "SimpleTest"]; END.