DIRECTORY RoseTypes, IFUData2LS, RoseCreate, Dragon, DragOpsCross, BitOps, SwitchTypes, IFUPLAInstrDecode; IFUData2LSImpl: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS RoseCreate, BitOps EXPORTS IFUData2LS = BEGIN OPEN RoseTypes, IFUData2LS; LSourceLt: TYPE = IFUPLAInstrDecode.LSourceLt; LSourceRt: TYPE = IFUPLAInstrDecode.LSourceRt; SSourceLt: TYPE = IFUPLAInstrDecode.SSourceLt; SSourceRt: TYPE = IFUPLAInstrDecode.SSourceRt; RegisterCells: PROC = BEGIN LFormation _ RoseCreate.RegisterCellType[name: "LFormation", expandProc: NIL, ioCreator: CreateLFormationIO, driveCreator: CreateLFormationDrive, initializer: InitializeLFormation, evals: [EvalSimple: LFormationEvalSimple], tests: LIST[], ports: CreateLFormationPorts[] ]; SDelta _ RoseCreate.RegisterCellType[name: "SDelta", expandProc: NIL, ioCreator: CreateSDeltaIO, driveCreator: CreateSDeltaDrive, evals: [EvalSimple: SDeltaEvalSimple], tests: LIST[], ports: CreateSDeltaPorts[] ]; SFormation _ RoseCreate.RegisterCellType[name: "SFormation", expandProc: NIL, ioCreator: CreateSFormationIO, driveCreator: CreateSFormationDrive, initializer: InitializeSFormation, evals: [EvalSimple: SFormationEvalSimple], tests: LIST[], ports: CreateSFormationPorts[] ]; SLimitTest _ RoseCreate.RegisterCellType[name: "SLimitTest", expandProc: NIL, ioCreator: CreateSLimitTestIO, driveCreator: CreateSLimitTestDrive, initializer: InitializeSLimitTest, evals: [EvalSimple: SLimitTestEvalSimple], tests: LIST[], ports: CreateSLimitTestPorts[] ]; END; otherss: SymbolTable _ RoseCreate.GetOtherss["IFUData2LS.partsAssertions"]; LFormation: PUBLIC CellType; CreateLFormationPorts: PROC RETURNS [ports: Ports] = {ports _ RoseCreate.PortsFromFile["IFUData2LS.LFormation.rosePorts"]}; LFormationSwitchIORef: TYPE = REF LFormationSwitchIORec; LFormationSwitchIORec: TYPE = RECORD [ AlphaBA: PACKED ARRAY [0 .. 8) OF SwitchTypes.SwitchVal ,SAB: PACKED ARRAY [0 .. 8) OF SwitchTypes.SwitchVal ,LStkTopAB: PACKED ARRAY [0 .. 8) OF SwitchTypes.SwitchVal ,LAB: PACKED ARRAY [0 .. 8) OF SwitchTypes.SwitchVal ,LPipe3BA: PACKED ARRAY [0 .. 8) OF SwitchTypes.SwitchVal ,LSourceLtBA: PACKED ARRAY [0 .. 4) OF SwitchTypes.SwitchVal ,LSourceRtBA: PACKED ARRAY [0 .. 4) OF SwitchTypes.SwitchVal ,LoadStage1Ac: SwitchTypes.SwitchVal ,LoadStage1Bc: SwitchTypes.SwitchVal ,LoadStage2Ac: SwitchTypes.SwitchVal ,LoadStage3Ac: SwitchTypes.SwitchVal ,PhA: SwitchTypes.SwitchVal ,PhB: SwitchTypes.SwitchVal ]; LFormationSimpleIORef: TYPE = REF LFormationSimpleIORec; LFormationSimpleIORec: TYPE = RECORD [ fill0: [0 .. 255], AlphaBA: [0..255] ,fill1: [0 .. 255], SAB: [0..255] ,fill2: [0 .. 255], LStkTopAB: [0..255] ,fill3: [0 .. 255], LAB: [0..255] ,fill4: [0 .. 255], LPipe3BA: [0..255] ,fill5: [0 .. 4095], LSourceLtBA: LSourceLt ,fill6: [0 .. 4095], LSourceRtBA: LSourceRt ,fill7: [0 .. 32767], LoadStage1Ac: BOOLEAN ,fill8: [0 .. 32767], LoadStage1Bc: BOOLEAN ,fill9: [0 .. 32767], LoadStage2Ac: BOOLEAN ,fill10: [0 .. 32767], LoadStage3Ac: BOOLEAN ,fill11: [0 .. 32767], PhA: BOOLEAN ,fill12: [0 .. 32767], PhB: BOOLEAN ]; LFormationDriveRef: TYPE = REF LFormationDriveRec; LFormationDriveRec: TYPE = RECORD [driveRecordInitialPadding: DriveTagType, drive: PACKED ARRAY LFormationPort OF DriveLevel]; LFormationPort: TYPE = { AlphaBA, SAB, LStkTopAB, LAB, LPipe3BA, LSourceLtBA, LSourceRtBA, LoadStage1Ac, LoadStage1Bc, LoadStage2Ac, LoadStage3Ac, PhA, PhB, LFormationPortTypePad13, LFormationPortTypePad14, LFormationPortTypePad15}; CreateLFormationIO: PROC [ct: CellType, switch: BOOL] RETURNS [ioAsAny: REF ANY] --IOCreator-- = { ioAsAny _ IF switch THEN NEW[LFormationSwitchIORec] ELSE NEW[LFormationSimpleIORec]; }; CreateLFormationDrive: PROC [ct: CellType] RETURNS [driveAsAny: REF ANY] --DriveCreator-- = { driveAsAny _ NEW[LFormationDriveRec]; }; LFormationStateRef: TYPE = REF LFormationStateRec; LFormationStateRec: TYPE = RECORD [ lBA, lAB: Dragon.HexByte, lPipe: ARRAY [0..3] OF ARRAY Dragon.Phase OF Dragon.HexByte ]; InitializeLFormation: Initializer = { state: LFormationStateRef _ NEW[LFormationStateRec]; cell.realCellStuff.state _ state; }; LFormationEvalSimple: SimpleEval = BEGIN drive: LFormationDriveRef _ NARROW[cell.realCellStuff.newDriveAsAny]; sw: LFormationSwitchIORef _ NARROW[cell.realCellStuff.switchIO]; newIO: LFormationSimpleIORef _ NARROW[cell.realCellStuff.newIO]; state: LFormationStateRef _ NARROW[cell.realCellStuff.state]; BEGIN OPEN drive, newIO, state; lBusLtB, lBusRtB: [0..256); IF PhA THEN LAB _ lAB _ lBA; IF PhB THEN { lPipe[0][b] _ lAB; lBusLtB _ SELECT LSourceLtBA FROM l => LAB, s => SAB, zero => 0, l3 => lPipe[3][a], ENDCASE => ERROR; lBusRtB _ SELECT LSourceRtBA FROM zero => 0, alpha => AlphaBA, stack => LStkTopAB, one => 1, ENDCASE => ERROR; lBA _ (lBusLtB + lBusRtB) MOD 128; }; IF LoadStage1Ac THEN lPipe[1][a] _ lPipe[0][b]; IF LoadStage1Bc THEN lPipe[1][b] _ lPipe[1][a]; IF LoadStage2Ac THEN lPipe[2][a] _ lPipe[1][b]; IF PhB THEN lPipe[2][b] _ lPipe[2][a]; IF LoadStage3Ac THEN lPipe[3][a] _ lPipe[2][b]; IF PhB THEN lPipe[3][b] _ lPipe[3][a]; LPipe3BA _ lPipe[3][b]; END; END; SDelta: PUBLIC CellType; CreateSDeltaPorts: PROC RETURNS [ports: Ports] = {ports _ RoseCreate.PortsFromFile["IFUData2LS.SDelta.rosePorts"]}; SDeltaSwitchIORef: TYPE = REF SDeltaSwitchIORec; SDeltaSwitchIORec: TYPE = RECORD [ PopSa0BA: SwitchTypes.SwitchVal ,PopSb0BA: SwitchTypes.SwitchVal ,PushSc0BA: SwitchTypes.SwitchVal ,DeltaSBA: PACKED ARRAY [0 .. 8) OF SwitchTypes.SwitchVal ]; SDeltaSimpleIORef: TYPE = REF SDeltaSimpleIORec; SDeltaSimpleIORec: TYPE = RECORD [ fill0: [0 .. 32767], PopSa0BA: BOOLEAN ,fill1: [0 .. 32767], PopSb0BA: BOOLEAN ,fill2: [0 .. 32767], PushSc0BA: BOOLEAN ,fill3: [0 .. 255], DeltaSBA: [0..255] ]; SDeltaDriveRef: TYPE = REF SDeltaDriveRec; SDeltaDriveRec: TYPE = RECORD [driveRecordInitialPadding: DriveTagType, drive: PACKED ARRAY SDeltaPort OF DriveLevel]; SDeltaPort: TYPE = { PopSa0BA, PopSb0BA, PushSc0BA, DeltaSBA}; CreateSDeltaIO: PROC [ct: CellType, switch: BOOL] RETURNS [ioAsAny: REF ANY] --IOCreator-- = { ioAsAny _ IF switch THEN NEW[SDeltaSwitchIORec] ELSE NEW[SDeltaSimpleIORec]; }; CreateSDeltaDrive: PROC [ct: CellType] RETURNS [driveAsAny: REF ANY] --DriveCreator-- = { driveAsAny _ NEW[SDeltaDriveRec]; }; SDeltaEvalSimple: SimpleEval = BEGIN drive: SDeltaDriveRef _ NARROW[cell.realCellStuff.newDriveAsAny]; sw: SDeltaSwitchIORef _ NARROW[cell.realCellStuff.switchIO]; newIO: SDeltaSimpleIORef _ NARROW[cell.realCellStuff.newIO]; BEGIN OPEN drive, newIO; sum: INT; sum _ 0 + (IF PushSc0BA THEN 1 ELSE 0); sum _ sum - (IF PopSa0BA THEN 1 ELSE 0); sum _ sum - (IF PopSb0BA THEN 1 ELSE 0); DeltaSBA _ (sum + 256) MOD 256; END; END; SFormation: PUBLIC CellType; CreateSFormationPorts: PROC RETURNS [ports: Ports] = {ports _ RoseCreate.PortsFromFile["IFUData2LS.SFormation.rosePorts"]}; SFormationSwitchIORef: TYPE = REF SFormationSwitchIORec; SFormationSwitchIORec: TYPE = RECORD [ AlphaBA: PACKED ARRAY [0 .. 8) OF SwitchTypes.SwitchVal ,LAB: PACKED ARRAY [0 .. 8) OF SwitchTypes.SwitchVal ,SAB: PACKED ARRAY [0 .. 8) OF SwitchTypes.SwitchVal ,DeltaSBA: PACKED ARRAY [0 .. 8) OF SwitchTypes.SwitchVal ,SSourceLtBA: PACKED ARRAY [0 .. 4) OF SwitchTypes.SwitchVal ,SSourceRtBA: PACKED ARRAY [0 .. 4) OF SwitchTypes.SwitchVal ,LoadStage1Ac: SwitchTypes.SwitchVal ,LoadStage1Bc: SwitchTypes.SwitchVal ,LoadStage2Ac: SwitchTypes.SwitchVal ,LoadStage3Ac: SwitchTypes.SwitchVal ,PhA: SwitchTypes.SwitchVal ,PhB: SwitchTypes.SwitchVal ]; SFormationSimpleIORef: TYPE = REF SFormationSimpleIORec; SFormationSimpleIORec: TYPE = RECORD [ fill0: [0 .. 255], AlphaBA: [0..255] ,fill1: [0 .. 255], LAB: [0..255] ,fill2: [0 .. 255], SAB: [0..255] ,fill3: [0 .. 255], DeltaSBA: [0..255] ,fill4: [0 .. 4095], SSourceLtBA: SSourceLt ,fill5: [0 .. 4095], SSourceRtBA: SSourceRt ,fill6: [0 .. 32767], LoadStage1Ac: BOOLEAN ,fill7: [0 .. 32767], LoadStage1Bc: BOOLEAN ,fill8: [0 .. 32767], LoadStage2Ac: BOOLEAN ,fill9: [0 .. 32767], LoadStage3Ac: BOOLEAN ,fill10: [0 .. 32767], PhA: BOOLEAN ,fill11: [0 .. 32767], PhB: BOOLEAN ]; SFormationDriveRef: TYPE = REF SFormationDriveRec; SFormationDriveRec: TYPE = RECORD [driveRecordInitialPadding: DriveTagType, drive: PACKED ARRAY SFormationPort OF DriveLevel]; SFormationPort: TYPE = { AlphaBA, LAB, SAB, DeltaSBA, SSourceLtBA, SSourceRtBA, LoadStage1Ac, LoadStage1Bc, LoadStage2Ac, LoadStage3Ac, PhA, PhB}; CreateSFormationIO: PROC [ct: CellType, switch: BOOL] RETURNS [ioAsAny: REF ANY] --IOCreator-- = { ioAsAny _ IF switch THEN NEW[SFormationSwitchIORec] ELSE NEW[SFormationSimpleIORec]; }; CreateSFormationDrive: PROC [ct: CellType] RETURNS [driveAsAny: REF ANY] --DriveCreator-- = { driveAsAny _ NEW[SFormationDriveRec]; }; SFormationStateRef: TYPE = REF SFormationStateRec; SFormationStateRec: TYPE = RECORD [ sBA, sAB: Dragon.HexByte, sPipe: ARRAY [0..3] OF ARRAY Dragon.Phase OF Dragon.HexByte ]; InitializeSFormation: Initializer = { state: SFormationStateRef _ NEW[SFormationStateRec]; cell.realCellStuff.state _ state; }; SFormationEvalSimple: SimpleEval = BEGIN drive: SFormationDriveRef _ NARROW[cell.realCellStuff.newDriveAsAny]; sw: SFormationSwitchIORef _ NARROW[cell.realCellStuff.switchIO]; newIO: SFormationSimpleIORef _ NARROW[cell.realCellStuff.newIO]; state: SFormationStateRef _ NARROW[cell.realCellStuff.state]; BEGIN OPEN drive, newIO, state; sBusLt, sBusRt: Dragon.HexByte; IF PhA THEN SAB _ sAB _ sBA; IF PhB THEN { sPipe[0][b] _ sAB; sBusLt _ SELECT SSourceLtBA FROM s => SAB, l => LAB, s2 => sPipe[2][a], s3 => sPipe[3][a], ENDCASE => ERROR; sBusRt _ SELECT SSourceRtBA FROM deltaS => DeltaSBA, alpha => AlphaBA, zero => 0, one => 1, ENDCASE => ERROR; sBA _ (sBusLt+sBusRt+256) MOD 128; }; IF LoadStage1Ac THEN sPipe[1][a] _ sPipe[0][b]; IF LoadStage1Bc THEN sPipe[1][b] _ sPipe[1][a]; IF LoadStage2Ac THEN sPipe[2][a] _ sPipe[1][b]; IF PhB THEN sPipe[2][b] _ sPipe[2][a]; IF LoadStage3Ac THEN sPipe[3][a] _ sPipe[2][b]; END; END; SLimitTest: PUBLIC CellType; CreateSLimitTestPorts: PROC RETURNS [ports: Ports] = {ports _ RoseCreate.PortsFromFile["IFUData2LS.SLimitTest.rosePorts"]}; SLimitTestSwitchIORef: TYPE = REF SLimitTestSwitchIORec; SLimitTestSwitchIORec: TYPE = RECORD [ XBus: PACKED ARRAY [0 .. 32) OF SwitchTypes.SwitchVal ,SAB: PACKED ARRAY [0 .. 8) OF SwitchTypes.SwitchVal ,EStkOverflow1BA: SwitchTypes.SwitchVal ,X1ASrcSLimitAc: SwitchTypes.SwitchVal ,X1ADstSLimitAc: SwitchTypes.SwitchVal ,PhA: SwitchTypes.SwitchVal ,PhB: SwitchTypes.SwitchVal ]; SLimitTestSimpleIORef: TYPE = REF SLimitTestSimpleIORec; SLimitTestSimpleIORec: TYPE = RECORD [ XBus: ARRAY [0..2) OF CARDINAL ,fill1: [0 .. 255], SAB: [0..255] ,fill2: [0 .. 32767], EStkOverflow1BA: BOOLEAN ,fill3: [0 .. 32767], X1ASrcSLimitAc: BOOLEAN ,fill4: [0 .. 32767], X1ADstSLimitAc: BOOLEAN ,fill5: [0 .. 32767], PhA: BOOLEAN ,fill6: [0 .. 32767], PhB: BOOLEAN ]; SLimitTestDriveRef: TYPE = REF SLimitTestDriveRec; SLimitTestDriveRec: TYPE = RECORD [driveRecordInitialPadding: DriveTagType, drive: PACKED ARRAY SLimitTestPort OF DriveLevel]; SLimitTestPort: TYPE = { XBus, SAB, EStkOverflow1BA, X1ASrcSLimitAc, X1ADstSLimitAc, PhA, PhB, SLimitTestPortTypePad7}; CreateSLimitTestIO: PROC [ct: CellType, switch: BOOL] RETURNS [ioAsAny: REF ANY] --IOCreator-- = { ioAsAny _ IF switch THEN NEW[SLimitTestSwitchIORec] ELSE NEW[SLimitTestSimpleIORec]; }; CreateSLimitTestDrive: PROC [ct: CellType] RETURNS [driveAsAny: REF ANY] --DriveCreator-- = { driveAsAny _ NEW[SLimitTestDriveRec]; }; SLimitTestStateRef: TYPE = REF SLimitTestStateRec; SLimitTestStateRec: TYPE = RECORD [ sLimitAB: Dragon.HexByte, sLimitFromXBusBA: BOOL, sLimitToXBusBA: BOOL, eStkOverflow1BA: BOOL ]; InitializeSLimitTest: Initializer = { state: SLimitTestStateRef _ NEW[SLimitTestStateRec]; cell.realCellStuff.state _ state; }; SLimitTestEvalSimple: SimpleEval = BEGIN drive: SLimitTestDriveRef _ NARROW[cell.realCellStuff.newDriveAsAny]; sw: SLimitTestSwitchIORef _ NARROW[cell.realCellStuff.switchIO]; newIO: SLimitTestSimpleIORef _ NARROW[cell.realCellStuff.newIO]; state: SLimitTestStateRef _ NARROW[cell.realCellStuff.state]; BEGIN OPEN drive, newIO, state; IF X1ASrcSLimitAc THEN {drive[XBus] _ drive; XBus _ BitOps.ICID[sLimitAB, [0,0], 32, 24, 8]} ELSE drive[XBus] _ ignore; IF X1ADstSLimitAc THEN sLimitAB _ BitOps.ECFD[XBus, 32, 24, 8]; IF PhB THEN { eStkOverflow1BA _ ((SAB+(255-sLimitAB --NOT sLimitAB-- )+1) MOD 128) IN [0..16); }; EStkOverflow1BA _ eStkOverflow1BA; END; END; RegisterCells[]; END. ςIFUData2LSImpl.Mesa created by RoseTranslate 3.1.3 of September 5, 1985 12:14:34 pm PDT created from IFUData2LS.Rose of December 31, 1985 1:54:06 pm PST created for created at March 10, 1986 7:03:19 pm PST Signal Type decls lPipe[i] is the value of the L register to be recovered if the microinstruction at pipeline level i "fails". This assumes that each microinstruction can "fail" in only one way, and that that way is known as the microinstruction enters the pipeline. Pipe sPipe[i] is the value of the S register to be recovered if the microinstruction at pipeline level i "fails". This assumes that each microinstruction can "fail" in only one way, and that that way is known as the microinstruction enters the pipeline. Pipe Κ˜Icodešœ™KšœC™CKšœ@™@Kšœ™Kšœ(™(K˜K˜šΟk ˜ K˜`—K˜šΠblœœ˜Kšœ˜Kšœ ˜—K˜šœœ˜ K˜—K˜šœ™Kšœ œ˜.Kšœ œ˜.Kšœ œ˜.Kšœ œ˜.K˜—K˜šΟn œœ˜Kš˜˜