Copyright © 1984 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Last Edited by: Barth, February 8, 1984 10:51 am
Last Edited by: Twilliams, August 28, 1984 9:15:49 am PDT
Last edited by: Herrmann, September 12, 1985 6:23:08 pm PDT
Last edited by: McCreight, March 18, 1986 3:23:57 pm PST
Last edited by: Curry, September 24, 1985 7:59:28 pm PDT
Signal names obey the following conventions: If a signal x is computed during PhA and remains valid throughout the following PhB, it is denoted as xAB and is said to be stable. If x is computed (combinatorialy) during PhA and can have unrestrained changes during PhB and the first part of phase A, it is denoted as xA and is said to be floppy. In this latter case, a client wanting to use x during PhB must receive it in his own latch open during PhA. xBA and xB are defined symmetrically. A signal which is low while A is low and can have at most one transition while A is high is denoted as xAc and is said to a control clock. A signal which is high while A is low and can have at most one transition during A is denoted as NxAc. Although precharged signals have the single transistion property they must be gated with the appropiate clock in order to achive the status of being a control clock.
Floppy signals may not be used as inputs to precharged PLA's.
xA  floppy
xAB  stable
xAc  BA or precharged low signal gated with phase A.
Positive logic is assumed (asserted = TRUE = 1 = more positive logic voltage); negative-logic signals have an extra "N" at or very near the beginning of the signal name (e.g., PNPError for PBus Negative-TRUE Parity Error).ALSE
Directory DragOpsCross, IFUPLAMainControl, IFUPLAInstrDecode, LizardRosemary;
TranslationNeeds Dragon, IFUPLAMainControl, IFUPLAInstrDecode, IFUPLAFetchPreDecode;
Library IFUData1, IFUData2LS, IFUData2ABC, IFUData3, IFUFetch, IFUStack, IFUMainControl, IFUInterlock, IFUInstrDecode;
IFU: LAMBDA [logRef: |REF IO.STREAM|, lizardSimRef: |REF LizardRosemary.Simulation| ] RETURN CELLTYPE AutoName
KBus      = INT[32],
PhA IFU <-> EU
PhB , PhB A,B,C,EUAluLeftSrc1B,EUAluRightSrc1B,EUStore2ASrc1B to EU
EUAluOp2AB   > EnumType["Dragon.ALUOps"],
EUCondSel2AB   > EnumType["Dragon.CondSelects"],
EUSt3AisCBus2BA  > BOOL,
EUCondition2B  < BOOL,
EURes3BisPBus3AB  > BOOL,
EUWriteToPBus3AB  > BOOL,
P Interfaces for EU cache
DPCmnd3A    > EnumType["Dragon.PBusCommands"],
DPData     < INT[32], -- for logging only
DPRejectB    < BOOL,
DPFaultB     < EnumType["Dragon.PBusFaults"],
P Interfaces for IFU cache
IPCmnd3A    > EnumType["Dragon.PBusCommands"],
IPRejectB    < BOOL,
IPFaultB    < EnumType["Dragon.PBusFaults"],
IPData     = INT[32],
Serial debugging interface
ResetAB    < BOOL,
DHoldAB    < BOOL,
DShiftAB    < BOOL,
DExecuteAB   < BOOL,
DNSelectAB   < BOOL,
DDataInAB   < BOOL,
DDataOutAB   = BOOL,
Timing and housekeeping interface
RescheduleAB  < BOOL,
PhA     < BOOL,
PhB     < BOOL
XBus:     INT[32];
X2ASrcLit0BA:  BOOL;  -- InstrDecode to ControlPipe
X2ASrcLit1BA:  BOOL;  -- ControlPipe to X2ALitGen
Stage1BHoldBA:  BOOL; -- Interlock to MainControl
Stage1BHoldIfRejectBA: BOOL; -- Interlock to MainControl
LoadStage1Ac:   BOOL;  -- Pipe Controls
LoadStage1Bc:   BOOL;
LoadStage2Ac:   BOOL;
BubbleStage2A1BA:  BOOL;
NormalStage2A1BA:  BOOL;
AbortStage2B2AB:  BOOL;
NormalStage2B2AB:  BOOL;
LoadStage3Ac:   BOOL;
AbortStage3A2BA:  BOOL;
NormalStage3A2BA:  BOOL;
MicroExcptJmpAB: EnumType["IFUPLAMainControl.MicroExcptJmp"]; -- MainControl to MicroCycle
ExceptionCodeAB: EnumType["IFUPLAMainControl.ExceptionCode"]; -- MainControl to MicroCycle, PCTrapGen, CFormation
MicroCycleAB:  INT[8];
GetNextInstBA:  BOOL;
MacroJumpBA:  BOOL;
MicroCycleNextBA: EnumType["IFUPLAInstrDecode.MicroCycleNext"];
InstReadyAB:  BOOL;
OpAB:    INT[8];
AlphaAB:   INT[8];
BetaAB:    INT[8];
GammaAB:   INT[8];
DeltaAB:    INT[8];
OpBA:    INT[8];
AlphaBA:   INT[8];
BetaBA:    INT[8];
OpLengthBA:  INT[3]; -- ← "1" used to prevent BoundsFault at startup
JumpOffsetSelAB:  EnumType["IFUPLAFetchPreDecode.JumpOffsetSel"];
RschWaiting2BA:  BOOL;
UserMode0AB:   BOOL;
TrapsEnbled2BA:  BOOL;
ClearTrapsEnbledBA: BOOL;
ClearUserModeBA:  BOOL;
KPadsIn0BA:    BOOL; -- C address in the IFU
KPadsIn3BA:    BOOL;
X2ALitSourceBA:  EnumType["IFUPLAInstrDecode.X2ALitSource"];
PCBusB:    INT[32];
PCStkTopAB:   INT[32];
PCForLogAB:  INT[32];
PCPipe3BA:   INT[32];
PCNextBA:    EnumType["IFUPLAInstrDecode.PCNext"];
PCBusSrcB:   EnumType["IFUPLAInstrDecode.PCBusSrc"];
PCPipeSrcBA:  EnumType["IFUPLAInstrDecode.PCPipeSrc"];
Push0BA:    BOOL;  -- InstrDecode to ControlPipe
Pop0BA:    BOOL;  -- InstrDecode to ControlPipe
Push2BA:    BOOL;  -- ControlPipe to MainControl
Push3BA:    BOOL;  -- ControlPipe to stack
Pop3BA:    BOOL;  -- ControlPipe to stack
PushPendingAB: BOOL;  -- ControlPipe to InstrDecode
PopPendingAB:  BOOL;  -- ControlPipe to InstrDecode
PushPendingBA: BOOL;  -- ControlPipe to MainControl
PopPendingBA:  BOOL;  -- ControlPipe to MainControl
IStkNearlyFullBA: BOOL;  -- stack to MainControl
LBusB:    INT[8];
LStkTopAB:   INT[8];
LPipe3BA:   INT[8];
LAB:     INT[8];
SAB:     INT[8];
DeltaSBA:   INT[8];
PopSa0BA:   BOOL;
PopSb0BA:   BOOL;
PushSc0BA:   BOOL;
LSourceLtBA:  EnumType["IFUPLAInstrDecode.LSourceLt"];
LSourceRtBA:  EnumType["IFUPLAInstrDecode.LSourceRt"];
SSourceLtBA:  EnumType["IFUPLAInstrDecode.SSourceLt"];
SSourceRtBA:  EnumType["IFUPLAInstrDecode.SSourceRt"];
ASourceLtBA:  EnumType["IFUPLAInstrDecode.ABCSourceLt"];
ASourceRtBA:  EnumType["IFUPLAInstrDecode.ABCSourceRt"];
ASourceOffBA:  EnumType["IFUPLAInstrDecode.PlusOffset"];
BSourceLtBA:  EnumType["IFUPLAInstrDecode.ABCSourceLt"];
BSourceRtBA:  EnumType["IFUPLAInstrDecode.ABCSourceRt"];
BSourceOffBA:  EnumType["IFUPLAInstrDecode.PlusOffset"];
CSourceLtBA:  EnumType["IFUPLAInstrDecode.ABCSourceLt"];
CSourceRtBA:  EnumType["IFUPLAInstrDecode.ABCSourceRt"];
CSourceOffBA:  EnumType["IFUPLAInstrDecode.MinusOffset"];
X1ASrcStackBA: BOOL; -- various registers in the IFU
X1ADstStackBA: BOOL;
XBusStackEldestBA: BOOL;
XBusStackLBA:  BOOL;
X1ASrcSLimitAc: BOOL;
X1ADstSLimitAc: BOOL;
X2ASrcStatusBA:  BOOL;
X1ADstStatusBA: BOOL;
AReg0BA:   INT[8]; -- passed up to this level just for the logger
BReg0BA:   INT[8]; -- passed up to this level just for the logger
CReg0BA:   INT[8]; -- passed up to this level just for the logger
ALUOpNeedsField0BA: BOOL; -- from InstrDecode to ControlPipe
ALUOpNeedsField1BA: BOOL; -- from ControlPipe to Interlock
C0IsFieldCtlBA:  BOOL; -- from InstrDecode to ControlPipe
C2IsFieldCtlAB:  BOOL; -- from ControlPipe to Interlock
C3IsFieldCtlAB:  BOOL; -- from ControlPipe to Interlock
CRegIsField3B:  BOOL; -- from ControlPipe to ABCFormation, piece of KBus
EUAluLeftSrc1B: EnumType["Dragon.ALULeftSources"],
IFUInterlock to ABCFormation, piece of KBus
EUAluRightSrc1B: EnumType["Dragon.ALURightSources"],
EUStore2ASrc1B:  EnumType["Dragon.Store2ASources"],
EStkOverflow1BA: BOOL; -- SLimit to Control pipe
EStkOverflow2BA: BOOL; -- Control pipe to MainControl PLA
DPCmnd0BA:   EnumType["Dragon.PBusCommands"];
DPCmndRd0BA:   BOOL;
DPCmndRd2BA:   BOOL;
DPCmndRd3BA:   BOOL;
KIsRtOp0BA:    BOOL;
KIsRtOp1BA:    BOOL;
FCtlIsRtOp0BA:   BOOL;
FCtlIsRtOp1BA:   BOOL;
EUAluOp0BA:   EnumType["Dragon.ALUOps"];
EUCondSel0BA:   EnumType["Dragon.CondSelects"];
EUCondSel3AB:   EnumType["Dragon.CondSelects"];
EUCondEffect0BA:  EnumType["IFUPLAMainControl.CondEffect"];
EUCondEffect1BA:  EnumType["IFUPLAMainControl.CondEffect"];
EUCondEffect2AB:  EnumType["IFUPLAMainControl.CondEffect"];
EUCondEffect2BA:  EnumType["IFUPLAMainControl.CondEffect"];
EUAluLeftSrc1AB:  EnumType["Dragon.ALULeftSources"];
EUAluRightSrc1AB:  EnumType["Dragon.ALURightSources"];
EUStore2ASrc1AB:  EnumType["Dragon.Store2ASources"];
DPRejectedBA:  BOOL;
IPFaulted0BA:  BOOL;
IPFaulted2BA:  BOOL;
InstStarting0BA:  BOOL;
InstStarting2BA:  BOOL;
RescheduleBA:  BOOL;
ResetBA:    BOOL;
DHold0BA:   BOOL;
DHold1AB:   BOOL;
logger:    IFULogger[logRef: logRef, lizardSimRef: lizardSimRef][];
fetch:     Fetch[];    -- IFUFetch
x2ALitGen:   X2ALitGen[];  -- IFUData1
pcForm:    PCForm[];  -- IFUData1
stack:     Stack[];    -- IFUStack
lFormation:   LFormation[];  -- IFUData2
sFormation:   SFormation[];  -- IFUData2
sLimitTest:   SLimitTest[];   -- IFUData2
sDelta:    SDelta[];    -- IFUData2  (static control)
aBCFormation:  ABCFormation[]; -- IFUData2
ifuStatus:    IFUStatus[];   -- IFUData3
kBusPads:   KBusPads[];   -- IFUData3
mainControl:   MainControl[];  -- MainControl
microCycle:   MicroCycle[];  -- MainControl
instrDecode:   InstrDecode[];  -- InstrDecode
interlock:    Interlock[];   -- Interlock
controlPipe:   ControlPipe[];  -- Interlock
misc:     Misc[]    -- IFUData3