Copyright © 1984 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Last edited by TWilliams, August 27, 1984 4:58:00 pm PDT
Last edited by Curry, November 24, 1984 2:02:39 pm PST
instr: PO.BoolExpr;
GenInstrDecodePLA2: PUBLIC PROC = {
Set[s:current, m:[op: instrIsSig], d:[op: dIN], out:[
aReg: abStackTop,
xASource: alpha,
cReg: cStackTop,
aluOp: VAdd,
euPBusCmd: IOFetch ]];
Set[s:current, m:[op: instrIsSig], d:[op: dRB], out:[
aReg: abStackTop,
xASource: alpha,
cReg: cStackTop,
aluOp: VAdd,
euPBusCmd: Fetch ]];
Set[s:current, m:[op: instrIsSig], d:[op: dRSB], out:[
aReg: abStackTop,
xASource: alpha,
cReg: [ s, one ],
deltaSc: push,
aluOp: VAdd,
euPBusCmd: Fetch ]];
Set[s:current, m:[op: instrBot4NotSig], d:[op: dLRI0], out:[
aReg: [ l, op47 ],
xASource: alpha,
cReg: [ s, one ],
deltaSc: push,
aluOp: VAdd,
euPBusCmd: Fetch ]];
Set[s:current, m:[op: instrIsSig], d:[op: dLGF], out:[ -- Save me for lisp
aReg: euGF,
xASource: betaAlpha,
cReg: [ s, one ],
deltaSc: push,
aluOp: VAdd,
euPBusCmd: Fetch ]];
Set[s:current, m:[op: instrIsSig], d:[op: dRRI], out:[
aReg: [ l, beta47],
xASource: alpha,
cReg: [ l, beta03 ],
aluOp: VAdd,
euPBusCmd: Fetch ]];
Set[s:current, m:[op: instrIsSig], d:[op: dRAI], out:[
aReg: [ aBase, beta47],
xASource: alpha,
cReg: [ l, beta03 ],
aluOp: VAdd,
euPBusCmd: Fetch ]];
dRRX is with the RR instructions
instrPO.And[current, BE[m:[op: instrIsSig], d:[op: dCST]]];
Set[s:instr, m:[state: byteIsSig], d:[state: 0], out:[
dontGetNextMacro: TRUE,
pcNext: pcBus,
aReg: [ s, minus2 ],
xASource: alpha,
cReg: [ s, one ],
aluOp: VAdd,
euPBusCmd: FetchHold ]];
This cycle will invariably be Delayed (automatically) by the pipe since cycle 0 was a fetch into S+1
Set[s:instr, m:[state: byteIsSig], d:[state: 1], out:[
dontGetNextMacro: TRUE,
pcNext: pcBus,
aReg: [ s, one ],
bReg: abStackTop,
aluOp: VSub,
condSel: EZ,
condEffect: microJump ]]; -- IF [S+1] = [S] THEN microJump
Set[s:instr, m:[state: byteIsSig], d:[state: 2], out:NoOpMicro]; -- Allow ALU result to get back
Set[s:instr, m:[state: byteIsSig], d:[state: 3], out:NoOpMicro]; -- Allow ALU result to get back
Set[s:instr, m:[state: byteIsSig], d:[state: 4], out:[ -- [] ← ([S-2]+alpha)^, release hold, S ← S+1
aReg: [ s, minus2 ],
xASource: alpha,
deltaSc: push,
aluOp: VAdd,
euPBusCmd: Fetch ]];
Remember that when doing microjumps, you can't get next macro until the condition has been tested since the opcode must be the same (cycles 2 and 3 above are necessary).
([S-2]+alpha)^ ← [S-1], release hold, S ← S+1
Set[s:instr, m:[state: byteIsSig], d:[state: microBranch], out:[
aReg: [ s, minus2 ],
bReg: [ s, minus1 ],
xASource: alpha,
deltaSc: push,
aluOp: VAdd,
euPBusCmd: Store ]];
Set[s:current, m:[op: instrIsSig], d:[op: dOUT], out:[
aReg: abStackTop,
bReg: [ s, minus1 ],
xASource: alpha,
deltaSa: pop,
deltaSb: pop,
aluOp: VAdd,
euPBusCmd: IOStore ]];
Set[s:current, m:[op: instrIsSig], d:[op: dWB], out:[
aReg: abStackTop,
bReg: [ s, minus1 ],
xASource: alpha,
deltaSa: pop,
deltaSb: pop,
aluOp: VAdd,
euPBusCmd: Store ]];
Set[s:current, m:[op: instrIsSig], d:[op: dWSB], out:[
aReg: [ s, minus1 ],
bReg: abStackTop,
xASource: alpha,
deltaSa: pop,
deltaSb: pop,
aluOp: VAdd,
euPBusCmd: Store ]];
Set[s:current, m:[op: instrIsSig], d:[op: dPSB], out:[
aReg: [ s, minus1 ],
bReg: abStackTop,
xASource: alpha,
deltaSa: pop,
aluOp: VAdd,
euPBusCmd: Store ]];
Set[s:current, m:[op: instrBot4NotSig], d:[op: dSRI0], out:[
aReg: [ l, op47 ],
bReg: abStackTop,
xASource: alpha,
deltaSb: pop,
aluOp: VAdd,
euPBusCmd: Store ]];
Set[s:current, m:[op: instrIsSig], d:[op: dWRI], out:[
aReg: [ l, beta47],
bReg: [ l, beta03 ],
xASource: alpha,
aluOp: VAdd,
euPBusCmd: Store ]];
Set[s:current, m:[op: instrIsSig], d:[op: dWAI], out:[
aReg: [ aBase, beta47],
bReg: [ l, beta03 ],
xASource: alpha,
aluOp: VAdd,
euPBusCmd: Store ]];
Set[s:current, m:[op: instrIsSig], d:[op: dFSDB], out:[
xASource: betaAlpha,
cReg: euField ]];
Set[s:current, m:[op: instrIsSig], d:[op: dLIB], out:[
xASource: alpha,
cReg: [ s, one ],
deltaSc: push ]];
Set[s:current, m:[op: instrIsSig], d:[op: dLIDB], out:[
xASource: betaAlpha,
cReg: [ s, one ],
deltaSc: push ]];
Set[s:current, m:[op: instrIsSig], d:[op: dLIQB], out:[
xASource: delGamBetAlp,
cReg: [ s, one ],
deltaSc: push ]];
Set[s:current, m:[op: instrBot3NotSig], d:[op: dLC0], out:[
bReg: [ cBase, op47 ],
cReg: [ s, one ],
deltaSc: push ]];
Set[s:current, m:[op: instrBot4NotSig], d:[op: dLR0], out:[
bReg: [ l, op47 ],
cReg: [ s, one ],
deltaSc: push ]];
Set[s:current, m:[op: instrBot4NotSig], d:[op: dSR0], out:[
bReg: [ s, zero ],
cReg: [ l, op47 ],
deltaSb: pop ]];
Set[s:current, m:[op: instrIsSig], d:[op: dDUP], out:[
bReg: abStackTop,
cReg: [ s, one ],
deltaSc: push ]];
Set[s:current, m:[op: instrIsSig], d:[op: dEXDIS], out:[
bReg: abStackTop,
cReg: [ s, minus1 ],
deltaSa: pop ]];
instrPO.And[current, BE[m:[op: instrIsSig], d:[op: dEXCH]]];
Set[s:instr, m:[state: byteIsSig], d:[state: 0], out:[
dontGetNextMacro: TRUE,
pcNext: pcBus,
bReg: abStackTop,
cReg: [ s, minus1 ] ] ];
Set[s:instr, m:[state: byteIsSig], d:[state: 1], out:[
dontBypass: TRUE,
bReg: [ s, minus1 ],
cReg: cStackTop ]];
Set[s:current, m:[op: instrIsSig], d:[op: dSEUR], out:[
bReg: abStackTop,
cReg: [ zero, alpha ],
deltaSb: pop ] ];
instrPO.And[current, BE[m:[op: instrIsSig], d:[op: dSIFUR]]];
Set[s:instr, m:[state: byteIsSig], d:[state: 0], out:[
dontGetNextMacro: TRUE,
pcNext: pcBus,
bReg: abStackTop,
cReg: [ zero, alpha ] ] ];
Set[s:instr, m:[state: byteIsSig], d:[state: 1], out:NoOpMicro]; -- allow ALU result to Result3
Set[s:instr, m:[state: byteIsSig], d:[state: 2], out:NoOpMicro]; -- allow ALU result to Result3
EU driving ifu XBus during A with IFU internal dest specified by level 3 cAddr
Set[s:instr, m:[state: byteIsSig], d:[state: 3], out:[
dontGetNextMacro: FALSE,
deltaSa: pop ]]; -- allow ALU result to Result3
Set[s:current, m:[op: instrIsSig], d:[op: dLEUR], out:[
bReg: [ zero, alpha ],
cReg: [ s, one ],
deltaSc: push ] ];
Set[s:current, m:[op: instrIsSig], d:[op: dADDB], out:[
aReg: abStackTop,
xASource: alpha,
cReg: cStackTop,
aluOp: SAdd,
condSel: OvFl ]];
Set[s:current, m:[op: instrIsSig], d:[op: dADDDB], out:[
aReg: abStackTop,
xASource: betaAlpha,
cReg: cStackTop,
aluOp: SAdd,
condSel: OvFl ]];
Set[s:current, m:[op: instrIsSig], d:[op: dSUBB], out:[
aReg: abStackTop,
xASource: alpha,
cReg: cStackTop,
aluOp: SSub,
condSel: OvFl ]];
Set[s:current, m:[op: instrIsSig], d:[op: dSHL], out:[
aReg: abStackTop,
bReg: [ cBase, zero ],
xASource: betaAlpha,
cReg: cStackTop,
aluOp: FOPK ]];
Set[s:current, m:[op: instrIsSig], d:[op: dSHR], out:[
aReg: abStackTop,
bReg: [ s, zero ],
xASource: betaAlpha,
cReg: cStackTop,
aluOp: FOPK ]];
Set[s:current, m:[op: instrIsSig], d:[op: dADD], out:[
aReg: [ s, minus1 ],
bReg: abStackTop,
cReg: [ s, minus1 ],
deltaSa: pop,
aluOp: SAdd,
condSel: OvFl,
condEffect: macroTrap ]];
Set[s:current, m:[op: instrIsSig], d:[op: dSUB], out:[
aReg: [ s, minus1 ],
bReg: [ s, zero ],
cReg: [ s, minus1 ],
deltaSa: pop,
aluOp: SSub,
condSel: OvFl,
condEffect: macroTrap ]];
Set[s:current, m:[op: instrIsSig], d:[op: dBNDCK], out:[
aReg: [ s, minus1 ],
bReg: [ s, zero ],
deltaSa: pop,
aluOp: VSub, -- This does not need to be BndChk since cReg is not used
condSel: BC,
condEffect: macroTrap ]];
instrPO.And[current, BE[m:[op: instrIsSig], d:[op: dUMUL]]];
Set[s: instr, m:[state: byteIsSig], d:[state: 0], out:[
dontGetNextMacro: TRUE,
pcNext: pcBus,
aReg: [ s, zero ],  -- Lt ← S=Multiplicand
bReg: [ s, minus1 ], -- MQ ← Rt ← Multiplier
cReg: [ s, minus1 ], -- Product.msw
aluOp: MulLdU,
condSel: EZ,    -- IF aluout=Lt=Multiplicand is zero then quit
condEffect: microJump]]; -- cycle ← 32 if zero
FOR cycle: INT IN [1..17] DO
Set[s: instr, m:[state: byteIsSig], d:[state: cycle], out: [
dontGetNextMacro: TRUE,
pcNext: pcBus,
aReg: [ s, minus1 ], -- Product.msw
bReg: [ s, zero ],  -- Multiplicand
cReg: [ s, minus1 ], -- Product.msw
aluOp: MulStep ]] ENDLOOP;
Set[s: instr, m:[state: byteIsSig], d:[state: 17], out:[
dontGetNextMacro: TRUE,
pcNext: pcBus,
aReg: [ s, minus1 ], -- Product.msw
bReg: [ s, zero ],  -- Multiplicand
cReg: [ s, minus1 ], -- Product.msw
aluOp: MulAdj ]];
Set[s: instr, m:[state: byteIsSig], d:[state: 18], out:[
dontGetNextMacro: FALSE,
cReg: [ s, zero ],  -- Product.lsw ← MQ
aluOp: RdMQ ]];
Set[s: instr, m:[state: byteIsSig], d:[state: microBranch], out:[
aReg: constantZero,  -- Product.msw
bReg: constantZero,  -- Multiplicand
cReg: [ s, minus1 ], -- Product.msw ← 0
aluOp: Or ]];
instrPO.And[current, BE[m:[op: instrIsSig], d:[op: dUDIV]]];
Set[s: instr, m:[state: byteIsSig], d:[state: 0], out:[
dontGetNextMacro: TRUE,
pcNext: pcBus,
aReg: [ s, minus2 ], -- Dividend MSW
bReg: [ s, minus1 ], -- Dividend LSW
cReg: [ s, one ],
aluOp: DivLdDbl]];
Set[s: instr, m:[state: byteIsSig], d:[state: 1], out:[
dontGetNextMacro: TRUE,
pcNext: pcBus,
aReg:  [ s, one ],  -- Dividend.msw (temp location)
bReg:  [ s, zero ],  -- Divisor
cReg:  [ s, one ],
aluOp: DivLdU ]];  -- Dividend.msw (temp location)
Set[s: instr, m:[state: byteIsSig], d:[state: 2], out:[
dontGetNextMacro: TRUE,
pcNext: pcBus,
aReg:  [ s, one ],  -- Dividend.msw (temp location)
bReg:  [ s, zero ],  -- Divisor
cReg:  [ s, minus1 ], -- Remainder destination
aluOp:  DivCkU,
condSel:  DivOvFl,
condEffect: macroTrap ]];
FOR cycle: INT IN [3..33] DO
Set[s: instr, m:[state: byteIsSig], d:[state: cycle], out:[
dontGetNextMacro: TRUE,
pcNext: pcBus,
aReg:  [ s, minus1 ], -- Remainder source
bReg:  [ s, zero ],  -- Divisor
cReg:  [ s, minus1 ], -- Remainder destination
aluOp: DivStep ]];
Set[s: instr, m:[state: byteIsSig], d:[state: 34], out:[
dontGetNextMacro: TRUE,
pcNext: pcBus,
aReg:  [ s, minus1 ], -- Remainder source
bReg:  [ s, zero ],  -- Divisor
cReg:  [ s, minus1 ], -- Remainder destination
aluOp: DivAdjM ]];
Set[s: instr, m:[state: byteIsSig], d:[state: 35], out:[
dontGetNextMacro: TRUE,
pcNext: pcBus,
aReg:  [ s, minus1 ], -- Remainder source
bReg:  [ s, zero ],  -- Divisor
cReg:  [ s, minus1 ], -- Remainder destination
aluOp: DivAdj ]];
Set[s: instr, m:[state: byteIsSig], d:[state: 36], out:[
dontGetNextMacro: TRUE,
pcNext: pcBus,
cReg:  [ s, minus2 ], -- Quotient destination
aluOp: RdMQ ]];
Set[s: instr, m:[state: byteIsSig], d:[state: 37], out:[
dontGetNextMacro: FALSE,
aReg:  [ s, minus2 ], -- Quotient source
bReg:  constantZero,  -- Zero
cReg:  [ s, minus2 ], -- Quotient destination
deltaSa: pop,
aluOp: SAdd ]];
GenInstrDecodePLA3[]; -- Arbitrary break
}; -- of GenInstrDecodePLA2