DIRECTORY TLCacheModels, Rope; TLCacheModelsImpl: CEDAR PROGRAM EXPORTS TLCacheModels = BEGIN PhACycle: PUBLIC TLCacheModels.CacheCycleProc -- [cache: TLCacheModels.Cache, addr: DragOpsCross.Word, fromJump: BOOL _ FALSE] -- = { cache.fetch[cache, addr, fromJump]; }; Store: PUBLIC TLCacheModels.CacheStoreProc -- [cache: TLCacheModels.Cache, addr: DragOpsCross.Word] -- = {[cache, addr]; }; Reset: PUBLIC TLCacheModels.CacheResetProc -- [cache: TLCacheModels.Cache] -- = { cache.reset[cache]; }; Flush: PUBLIC TLCacheModels.CacheFlushProc -- [cache: TLCacheModels.Cache] -- = { cache.flush[cache]; }; Print: PUBLIC TLCacheModels.CachePrintProc -- [cache: TLCacheModels.Cache, stream: STREAM, name: ROPE, resetStatistics: BOOL _ TRUE] -- = { cache.print[cache, stream, name, resetStatistics]; }; END. TLCacheModelsImpl.mesa Copyright c 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Last Edited by: Sindhu, April 19, 1985 11:19:35 pm PST Resets the given cache to its initial state (all empty). Resets the given cache to its initial state (all empty). ΚŽ˜šœ™Icodešœ Οmœ1™