By: Carl Black
Subject: Notes from Dragon Packaging Meetings
File: /Ivy/Black/General/PackageNotes.Tioga
Last Updated: February 26, 1985 4:45:36 pm PST
The packaging issues that need to be addressed are:
I) Chip Packaging:
A) What is the PGA socket size (LIF Vs ZIF)? Will a LIF cause a routing problem?
B) Can we use PGAs with > 144 pins?
II) Mechanical Package:
A) How many M-bus & VME-bus card slots?
1) Standard Dragon
2) Extended Dragon
B) How are M & VME buses connected?
1) Standard Dragon
2) Extended Dragon
C) What is the board spacing? (1"?)
D) What are the overall dimensions?
1) Standard Dragon
2) Extended Dragon
III) Prototype :
A) Stitch-weld Vs Wire-wrap
B) Will the prototype be a Extended system exactly?
IV) Electrical:
A) Where are voltages other than 5 V required and how are they generated?
V) Partitioning:
Where does the Arbiter go?
VI) Power consumption
A) How much power can an office handle? (Black to ask Lee Anderson)
1) Electrical power
2) Cooling
B) How noisy will a Standard Dragon be? Build a mock up? (Overton)
VII) Misc:
A) Slot independence and slot IDs
B) Number of I/O Bus pins.
Conclusions of the 18-Feb-85 Dragon Meeting:
1) We will build one set of boards that can plug into either of two packages:
a) Standard system package
b) Extended (maximally configurable) system package (2x the width of the Standard package.)
2) So that it may be put into an office, the Standard system will be designed such that it will consume at most 600 watts of line (AC) power. Moreover, it's mechanical design will made as quiet as possible.
3) Due to its excessive power consumption and noise, the Extended system must be installed in a machine room. The Standard system may be installed in either an office or a machine room. Remote installation makes necessary the design for remote video transmission.
4) The Extended system package will be twice the width of the Standard package.
5) The Extended system package will also be used for prototype debug because it is electrically more difficult.
6) The Standard and the Extended system packages will each require their own unique set of power supplier and fans, but will use the same types of connectors.
Conclusions of the 20-Feb-85 Dragon Packaging Meeting:
1) We will use ED's board size (10.9" x 16"), format, and connector.
2) The processor board will be designed to hold 20 PGAs, D-bus logic, & perhaps clock distribution drivers.
4 Cache/Proc.
1 IFU/Proc.
1 EU/Proc.
2 Fl Pt/Proc.
8 Chips/Proc * 2 Proc. + 4 spare for extra cache chips = 20
3) The Memory board will be designed assuming 1 Mbit RAMs, upgradable to 4 Mbit RAMs.
a) Because of the greater density, the Dragon system need not be designed for more than 2 memory boards.
b) The memory board will have either 144 RAM DIPs or 288 RAM SIPs, to be decided by the memory board designer.
c) Capacity of each board would be:
1. 16 MBytes with 1-Mbit DIPs,
2. 32 MBytes with 1-Mbit SIPs,
3. 64 MBytes with 4-Mbit DIPs, or
4. 128 MBytes with 4-Mbit SIPs.
4) The System Controller board plugs into an M-bus slot and holds:
a) Map Processor,
b) M-VME Bus Coupler, &
c) System clock generation and distribution.
Conclusions of the 29-Jan-85 & 6-Feb-85 Dragon Packaging Meetings:
We considered the cost of two configuration bounds: A minimally configured system and a maximally configured system. The following table summarizes the power and cost for each configuration.
Minimally Config Sys Maximally Config Sys
Item ! Definition !Power! Cost ! Definition! Power! Cost
! ! ! ! ! !
Memory ! 1 4MB Brd ! 20W!$1100 ! 8 4MB Brds! 90W !$8800
Board ! ! ! ! ! !
! ! ! ! ! !
Proc Brd! 1, 2-Proc. ! 30 ! 1500 ! 5, 2-Proc.! 150 ! 7500
! Brd ! ! ! Brds ! !
! ! ! ! ! !
Display ! 1 Board ! 80 ! 2300 ! 4 Boards ! 320 ! 9200
Proc. ! ! ! ! ! !
! ! ! ! ! !
System ! 1 Board ! 50 ! 500 ! Same ! 50 ! 500
Cntlr ! ! ! ! ! !
Board ! ! ! ! ! !
! ! ! ! ! !
VME ! 5 Boards ! 100 !15000 ! 9 Boards ! 170 !20000
Subsys ! ! ! ! ! !
! ! ! ! ! !
VDT ! 1 B&W High ! 150 ! 1000 ! Same+24b ! 345 ! 4000
! Resolution! ! ! Color ! !
! ! ! ! ! !
! ! ! ! ! !
Disk ! 1, 5-1/4" ! 25 ! 600 ! 2, 5-1/4" ! 50 ! 1200
! Winchester! ! ! Winchstr ! !
! ! ! ! ! !
Fans, ! 20 MBus & ! 5 ! 2000 ! Same ! 5 ! 2000
Pkg, ! 9 VMEBus ! ! ! ! !
BkPlns ! slots ! ! ! ! !
! ! ! ! ! !
Power ! 900W !{75%}! 1000 ! Same ! {75%}! 1000
Supply ! Delivered ! ! ! ! !
Dragon ! Min Config ! 600 !25000 ! Max Config! 1560 !54200
System ! System ! ! ! System ! !
Considering the above data, the attendees at the 29-Jan-85 packaging meeting came to the following conclusions:
1) Since we are only willing to design one package, the package will be designed for a maximally configured system.
2) The package will support 20 M-Bus boards, 9 VME-Bus boards, and 2 5-1/4" Winchester disk drives.
3) The package will be built around a 19" rack.
4) Due to the size, noise, and power consumption of a maximally configured system, it will have to be designed for a remote machine room. (A minimally configured system in the office, however, might still be viable. Also, Deutsch suggested that multiple minimally configured systems might be put in one Dragon package.)
5) Due to the cost of vendor VME cards, Gasbarro suggested that we build our own.
6) There is an interest in building a smaller Dragon (call it Dragon-II). Dragon-II would have less expansibility and computational power than Dragon-I. It would use most of the same chips as Dragon-I, but have new board and package designs. A desk-top version was suggested by Barth and a Dove-like (wireless) package was suggested by Overton.
Supporting Calculations:
Note: All cost calculations assume custom CMOS ICs from ICL are free.
Memory Board:
Active Board Power Inactive Board Power
4W = 2 Cntl Chips * 2W 4W = 2 Cntl Chips * 2W
12.6 = 36 ActiveChps * 0.35W 0 = 0 ActiveChps * 0.35W
3.8 = 108 InactChps * 0.035W 5 = 144 InactChps * .035W
---- ---
20.4W 9W
Cost Per Board
$300 Board
720 RAM chips
20 Misc
60 2, PGA sockets & chip carriers
Processor Board (2 Processors):
Processor Board Power
6W = 2 Floating Point chip sets * 3W each
16 = 8 Cache chips * 2W
4 = 2 IFU chips * 2W
4 = 2 EU chips * 2W
Cost Per Board
$300 Board
700 Floating Point chips
480 16, PGA sockets & chip carriers
20 Misc
Display Processor Board:
Board Power
10W = 5 CMOS Chips * 2W
32.0 = 64 ActiveChps * 0.5W
3.2 = 64 InactChps * 0.05W
10 = Color maps
10 = Video shift Regs.
Cost Per Board
$300 Board
1700 RAM chips
100 Color map, DAC
150 5, PGA sockets & chip carriers
50 Misc
System Controller Board:
Board Power
4W = 2 Map Chips * 2W
12 = Clock generation and distribution
2 = Cache for M-Bus/VME-Bus interface
20 = Vendor chips for M-Bus/VME-Bus interface
10 = Diagnostic Bus
2 = Arbiter
Cost Per Board
$300 Board
150 5, PGA sockets & chip carriers
50 Misc
VME Subsystem:
Subsystem Power
15W = 68020 Board
15 = Winchester disk controller board
30 = Ethernet controller board
10 = 1MByte memory board
20 = Keyboard & mouse interface board
90W = Total for minimally configured system
80 = 4 Misc. boards (eg, audio, speech, tape)
170W Total for maximally configured system
Cost Per Subsystem (assuming vendor boards)
$15000 Total for minimally configured system
20000 Total for maximally configured system
VDT Power
150W = High Res. black & white
250W = High Res. 24-bit color
Cost Per VDT
$1000 High Res. black & white
$3000 High Res. 24-bit color
Disk Drives:
Drive Power
25W = 1, 5-1/4" Winchester drive >100 MByte
Cost Per Drive
Mechanical Package & Fans:
Fans Power
5W =
Cost Per Package
Power Supply:
Power Efficiency
Power Supply Cost
$1000 900 W delivered