BeginTop TRUE BeginCTG 95 --Number of channels 34 61 --Horzontal & Vertical channel name counters h1 hor 0 5 h2 hor 1222 5 h3 hor 1128 5 h4 hor 376 5 h5 hor 188 5 h6 hor 94 5 h7 hor 752 5 h8 hor 94 5 h9 hor 188 5 h10 hor 470 5 h11 hor 752 5 h12 hor 1034 5 h13 hor 564 5 h14 hor 846 5 h15 hor 564 5 h16 hor 752 5 h17 hor 470 5 h18 hor 376 5 h19 hor 470 5 h20 hor 282 5 h21 hor 564 5 h22 hor 658 5 h23 hor 282 5 h24 hor 376 5 h25 hor 470 5 h26 hor 282 5 h27 hor 470 5 h28 hor 846 5 h29 hor 940 5 h30 hor 282 5 h31 hor 564 5 h32 hor 658 5 h33 hor 658 5 h34 hor 658 5 v1 ver 0 5 v2 ver 4190 5 v3 ver 52 5 v4 ver 280 5 v5 ver 4086 5 v6 ver 104 5 v7 ver 464 5 v8 ver 404 5 v9 ver 4138 5 v10 ver 156 5 v11 ver 554 5 v12 ver 2334 5 v13 ver 614 5 v14 ver 1348 5 v15 ver 4034 5 v16 ver 666 5 v17 ver 1432 5 v18 ver 1390 5 v19 ver 2194 5 v20 ver 742 5 v21 ver 1556 5 v22 ver 1914 5 v23 ver 794 5 v24 ver 1224 5 v25 ver 1598 5 v26 ver 2054 5 v27 ver 854 5 v28 ver 896 5 v29 ver 1722 5 v30 ver 938 5 v31 ver 1182 5 v32 ver 1862 5 v33 ver 1140 5 v34 ver 980 5 v35 ver 1080 5 v36 ver 2392 5 v37 ver 2516 5 v38 ver 2392 5 v39 ver 3852 5 v40 ver 3992 5 v41 ver 2450 5 v42 ver 2574 5 v43 ver 2574 5 v44 ver 2698 5 v45 ver 2740 5 v46 ver 3068 5 v47 ver 2864 5 v48 ver 2822 5 v49 ver 2946 5 v50 ver 2906 5 v51 ver 2948 5 v52 ver 3732 5 v53 ver 3072 5 v54 ver 3476 5 v55 ver 3192 5 v56 ver 3596 5 v57 ver 3690 5 v58 ver 3648 5 v59 ver 3248 5 v60 ver 3352 5 v61 ver 3300 5 h1 v1 1 v2 1 () ( v3 1 v6 1 v10 1 v4 1 v8 1 v7 1 v11 1 v13 1 v16 1 v20 1 v23 1 v27 1 v28 1 v30 1 v34 1 v35 1 v33 1 v31 1 v24 1 v14 1 v18 1 v17 1 v21 1 v25 1 v29 1 v32 1 v22 1 v26 1 v19 1 v12 1 v43 1 v44 1 v39 1 v40 1 v15 1 v5 1 v9 1) h2 v1 -1 v2 -1 () () h3 v1 0 v2 0 ( v3 -1 v6 -1 v10 -1 v4 -1 v8 -1 v7 -1 v11 -1 v13 -1 v16 -1 v20 -1 v23 -1 v27 -1 v28 -1 v30 -1 v34 -1 v35 -1 v33 -1 v31 -1 v24 -1 v14 -1 v18 -1 v17 -1 v21 -1 v25 -1 v29 -1 v32 -1 v22 -1 v26 -1 v19 -1 v12 -1 v36 -1 v37 -1 v15 -1 v5 -1 v9 -1) () h4 v12 0 v41 0 ( v38 -1) ( v36 1) h5 v12 0 v43 0 () ( v38 1 v41 1) h6 v44 0 v39 0 () () h7 v42 0 v45 0 ( v44 -1) () h8 v12 0 v43 0 () () h9 v44 0 v39 0 () ( v48 1 v49 1 v46 1) h10 v47 0 v46 0 () ( v50 1 v51 1) h11 v36 0 v42 0 ( v41 -1) ( v37 1) h12 v37 0 v15 0 ( v42 -1 v45 -1 v47 -1 v50 -1 v51 -1 v52 -1 v39 -1 v40 -1) () h13 v45 0 v47 0 () () h14 v42 0 v45 0 () () h15 v51 0 v39 0 ( v46 -1) ( v53 1 v55 1 v59 1 v54 1 v56 1 v58 1 v57 1 v52 1) h16 v51 0 v52 0 ( v53 -1 v55 -1 v59 -1 v61 -1 v60 -1 v54 -1 v56 -1 v58 -1 v57 -1) () h17 v41 0 v44 0 ( v43 -1) ( v42 1) h18 v48 0 v46 0 ( v49 -1) ( v47 1) h19 v44 0 v47 0 ( v48 -1) ( v45 1) h20 v41 0 v43 0 () () h21 v42 0 v44 0 () () h22 v42 0 v44 0 () () h23 v12 0 v38 0 () () h24 v41 0 v43 0 () () h25 v12 0 v36 0 () () h26 v44 0 v48 0 () () h27 v36 0 v41 0 () () h28 v37 0 v42 0 () () h29 v37 0 v42 0 () () h30 v48 0 v49 0 () () h31 v36 0 v41 0 () () h32 v36 0 v41 0 () () h33 v59 0 v54 0 () ( v61 1 v60 1) h34 v55 0 v59 0 () () v1 h1 1 h2 1 () ( h3 1) v2 h1 -1 h2 -1 ( h3 -1) () v3 h1 0 h3 0 () () v4 h1 0 h3 0 () () v5 h1 0 h3 0 () () v6 h1 0 h3 0 () () v7 h1 0 h3 0 () () v8 h1 0 h3 0 () () v9 h1 0 h3 0 () () v10 h1 0 h3 0 () () v11 h1 0 h3 0 () () v12 h1 0 h3 0 () ( h8 1 h5 1 h23 1 h4 1 h25 1) v13 h1 0 h3 0 () () v14 h1 0 h3 0 () () v15 h1 0 h3 0 ( h12 -1) () v16 h1 0 h3 0 () () v17 h1 0 h3 0 () () v18 h1 0 h3 0 () () v19 h1 0 h3 0 () () v20 h1 0 h3 0 () () v21 h1 0 h3 0 () () v22 h1 0 h3 0 () () v23 h1 0 h3 0 () () v24 h1 0 h3 0 () () v25 h1 0 h3 0 () () v26 h1 0 h3 0 () () v27 h1 0 h3 0 () () v28 h1 0 h3 0 () () v29 h1 0 h3 0 () () v30 h1 0 h3 0 () () v31 h1 0 h3 0 () () v32 h1 0 h3 0 () () v33 h1 0 h3 0 () () v34 h1 0 h3 0 () () v35 h1 0 h3 0 () () v36 h4 0 h3 0 ( h25 -1) ( h27 1 h31 1 h32 1 h11 1) v37 h11 0 h3 0 () ( h28 1 h29 1 h12 1) v38 h5 0 h4 0 ( h23 -1) () v39 h1 0 h12 0 ( h6 -1 h9 -1 h15 -1) () v40 h1 0 h12 0 () () v41 h5 0 h11 0 ( h4 -1 h27 -1 h31 -1 h32 -1) ( h20 1 h24 1 h17 1) v42 h17 0 h12 0 ( h11 -1 h28 -1 h29 -1) ( h21 1 h22 1 h7 1 h14 1) v43 h1 0 h17 0 ( h8 -1 h5 -1 h20 -1 h24 -1) () v44 h1 0 h7 0 ( h17 -1 h21 -1 h22 -1) ( h6 1 h9 1 h26 1 h19 1) v45 h19 0 h12 0 ( h7 -1 h14 -1) ( h13 1) v46 h9 0 h15 0 ( h18 -1 h10 -1) () v47 h18 0 h12 0 ( h19 -1 h13 -1) ( h10 1) v48 h9 0 h19 0 ( h26 -1) ( h30 1 h18 1) v49 h9 0 h18 0 ( h30 -1) () v50 h10 0 h12 0 () () v51 h10 0 h12 0 () ( h15 1 h16 1) v52 h15 0 h12 0 ( h16 -1) () v53 h15 0 h16 0 () () v54 h15 0 h16 0 ( h33 -1) () v55 h15 0 h16 0 () ( h34 1) v56 h15 0 h16 0 () () v57 h15 0 h16 0 () () v58 h15 0 h16 0 () () v59 h15 0 h16 0 ( h34 -1) ( h33 1) v60 h33 0 h16 0 () () v61 h33 0 h16 0 () () 0 --Number of external constraints EndCTG BeginNetTab 112 --Number of Nets tt3: {} nlRq7: {} nRequest3: {} nPreGrant2: {} mcmdt7: {} lRequest5: {} Vdd: {} Shift1: {} S2Out1: {} RqOut2: {} PreGrant1: {} BiasPlus: {} tt4: {} nRequest4: {} nPreGrant3: {} lRequest6: {} dodrt0: {} Shift2: {} S2Out2: {} RqOut3: {} PreGrant2: {} BiasMinus: {} tt5: {} nRequest5: {} nPreGrant4: {} mcmdt9: {} lRequest7: {} dodrt1: {} Shift3: {} S2Out3: {} RqOut4: {} PreGrant3: {} Keep: {} Gnd: {} DoShift: {} DoGrant: {} tt6: {} nRequest6: {} nPreGrant5: {} Shift4: {} S2Out4: {} RqOut5: {} PreGrant4: {} MCmdall: {} tt7: {} nRequest7: {} nPreGrant6: {} dodrt3: {} Shift5: {} S2Out5: {} RqOut6: {} PreGrant5: {} Grant0: {} nPreGrant7: {} dodrt4: {} Shift6: {} S2Out6: {} RqOut7: {} PreGrant6: {} Grant1: {} dodrt5: {} Shift7: {} S2Out7: {} PreGrant7: {} Grant2: {} nPhA: {} dodrt6: {} Grant3: {} nPhB: {} dodrt7: {} PhA: {} Grant4: {} PhB: {} Grant5: {} nlRq0: {} mcmdt0: {} Grant6: {} nlRq1: {} nReset: {} mcmdt1: {} Grant7: {} nlRq2: {} mcmdt2: {} lRequest0: {} NoGrant: {} nlRq3: {} mcmdt3: {} lRequest1: {} tt0: {} nlRq4: {} nRequest0: {} lRequest2: {} Reset: {} NoRequest: {} tt1: {} nlRq5: {} nRequest1: {} nPreGrant0: {} mcmdt5: {} lRequest3: {} RqOut0: {} NewRequest: {} tt2: {} nlRq6: {} nRequest2: {} nPreGrant1: {} mcmdt6: {} lRequest4: {} Shift0: {} S2Out0: {} RqOut1: {} PreGrant0: {} EndNetTab BeginTypeTab 13 --Number of CoTypes TSPGDNmos: { shapeInfo: {shape: {(48 90) } shapeFn: {} restriction: {} } pins: { Gnd: {physicalPins: { (2 2) south FALSE (46 2) south FALSE} auxInfo: {} } Vdd: {physicalPins: { (2 88) north FALSE (46 88) east FALSE} auxInfo: {} } t2: {physicalPins: { (40 2) south FALSE (40 88) north FALSE} auxInfo: {} } t1: {physicalPins: { (28 88) north FALSE (28 2) south FALSE} auxInfo: {} } t3: {physicalPins: { (16 88) north FALSE (16 2) south FALSE} auxInfo: {} } } } InvertingLatch: { shapeInfo: {shape: {(96 90) } shapeFn: {} restriction: {} } pins: { Gnd: {physicalPins: { (2 2) south FALSE (94 2) south FALSE} auxInfo: {} } Vdd: {physicalPins: { (2 88) north FALSE (94 88) east FALSE} auxInfo: {} } Clock: {physicalPins: { (20 2) south FALSE (20 88) north FALSE} auxInfo: {} } D: {physicalPins: { (8 2) south FALSE (8 88) north FALSE} auxInfo: {} } BiasMinus: {physicalPins: { (90 88) north FALSE (80 2) south FALSE} auxInfo: {} } nQ: {physicalPins: { (68 88) north FALSE (68 2) south FALSE} auxInfo: {} } } } InvertingLatchWithClear: { shapeInfo: {shape: {(110 90) } shapeFn: {} restriction: {} } pins: { Gnd: {physicalPins: { (2 2) south FALSE (108 2) south FALSE} auxInfo: {} } Vdd: {physicalPins: { (2 88) north FALSE (108 88) east FALSE} auxInfo: {} } Clock: {physicalPins: { (20 2) south FALSE (20 88) north FALSE} auxInfo: {} } Clear: {physicalPins: { (32 2) south FALSE (36 88) north FALSE} auxInfo: {} } nQ: {physicalPins: { (82 2) south FALSE (84 88) north FALSE} auxInfo: {} } BiasMinus: {physicalPins: { (94 2) south FALSE (102 88) north FALSE} auxInfo: {} } D: {physicalPins: { (8 2) south FALSE (8 88) north FALSE} auxInfo: {} } } } Inverter: { shapeInfo: {shape: {(38 90) } shapeFn: {} restriction: {} } pins: { Vdd: {physicalPins: { (2 88) north FALSE (36 88) east FALSE} auxInfo: {} } Gnd: {physicalPins: { (2 2) south FALSE (36 2) south FALSE} auxInfo: {} } in: {physicalPins: { (18 2) south FALSE (18 88) north FALSE} auxInfo: {} } out: {physicalPins: { (32 88) north FALSE (32 2) south FALSE} auxInfo: {} } } } NOR: { shapeInfo: {shape: {(54 90) } shapeFn: {} restriction: {} } pins: { Gnd: {physicalPins: { (2 2) south FALSE (52 2) south FALSE (52 2) south FALSE} auxInfo: {} } Vdd: {physicalPins: { (2 88) north FALSE (52 88) east FALSE} auxInfo: {} } in2: {physicalPins: { (20 2) south FALSE (20 88) north FALSE} auxInfo: {} } in1: {physicalPins: { (36 88) north FALSE (36 2) south FALSE} auxInfo: {} } out: {physicalPins: { (8 88) north FALSE (8 2) south FALSE} auxInfo: {} } } } TSKNSPassgates: { shapeInfo: {shape: {(136 90) } shapeFn: {} restriction: {} } pins: { PhB: {physicalPins: { (32 88) north FALSE (52 2) south FALSE} auxInfo: {} } lRequest: {physicalPins: { (52 88) north FALSE (110 2) south FALSE} auxInfo: {} } RqOut: {physicalPins: { (118 88) north FALSE (122 2) south FALSE} auxInfo: {} } NoRequest: {physicalPins: { (128 88) north FALSE (98 2) south FALSE} auxInfo: {} } Gnd: {physicalPins: { (2 2) south FALSE (134 2) south FALSE} auxInfo: {} } Vdd: {physicalPins: { (134 88) east FALSE (2 88) north FALSE} auxInfo: {} } Grant: {physicalPins: { (6 2) south FALSE (6 88) north FALSE} auxInfo: {} } Keep: {physicalPins: { (18 88) north FALSE (18 2) south FALSE} auxInfo: {} } nPhA: {physicalPins: { (74 2) south FALSE} auxInfo: {} } } } InvertingLatchWithPreset: { shapeInfo: {shape: {(116 90) } shapeFn: {} restriction: {} } pins: { Gnd: {physicalPins: { (2 2) south FALSE (114 2) south FALSE} auxInfo: {} } Vdd: {physicalPins: { (2 88) north FALSE (114 88) east FALSE} auxInfo: {} } BiasMinus: {physicalPins: { (104 88) north FALSE (100 2) south FALSE} auxInfo: {} } nPreset: {physicalPins: { (38 88) north FALSE (38 2) south FALSE} auxInfo: {} } Clock: {physicalPins: { (22 88) north FALSE (22 2) south FALSE} auxInfo: {} } D: {physicalPins: { (6 88) north FALSE (6 2) south FALSE} auxInfo: {} } nQ: {physicalPins: { (88 2) south FALSE (88 88) north FALSE} auxInfo: {} } } } NAND: { shapeInfo: {shape: {(56 90) } shapeFn: {} restriction: {} } pins: { Gnd: {physicalPins: { (2 2) south FALSE (54 2) south FALSE} auxInfo: {} } Vdd: {physicalPins: { (2 88) north FALSE (54 88) east FALSE} auxInfo: {} } in1: {physicalPins: { (18 88) north FALSE (18 2) south FALSE} auxInfo: {} } in2: {physicalPins: { (34 88) north FALSE (34 2) south FALSE} auxInfo: {} } out: {physicalPins: { (50 88) north FALSE (50 2) south FALSE} auxInfo: {} } } } StaticPrecharge: { shapeInfo: {shape: {(52 90) } shapeFn: {} restriction: {} } pins: { Gnd: {physicalPins: { (2 2) south FALSE (50 2) south FALSE (50 2) south FALSE} auxInfo: {} } Vdd: {physicalPins: { (50 88) east FALSE (2 88) north FALSE} auxInfo: {} } out: {physicalPins: { (44 2) south FALSE (46 88) north FALSE} auxInfo: {} } Clock: {physicalPins: { (32 2) south FALSE (32 88) north FALSE} auxInfo: {} } BiasPlus: {physicalPins: { (6 2) south FALSE (6 88) north FALSE} auxInfo: {} } } } NonInvertingLatch: { shapeInfo: {shape: {(120 90) } shapeFn: {} restriction: {} } pins: { Gnd: {physicalPins: { (2 2) south FALSE (118 2) south FALSE (118 2) south FALSE (118 2) south FALSE} auxInfo: {} } Vdd: {physicalPins: { (118 88) east FALSE (2 88) north FALSE} auxInfo: {} } Q: {physicalPins: { (8 2) south FALSE (8 88) north FALSE} auxInfo: {} } D: {physicalPins: { (36 88) north FALSE (36 2) south FALSE} auxInfo: {} } Clock: {physicalPins: { (48 2) south FALSE (48 88) north FALSE} auxInfo: {} } BiasMinus: {physicalPins: { (104 2) south FALSE (110 88) north FALSE} auxInfo: {} } } } DualRailLatch: { shapeInfo: {shape: {(120 90) } shapeFn: {} restriction: {} } pins: { Gnd: {physicalPins: { (2 2) south FALSE (118 2) south FALSE} auxInfo: {} } Vdd: {physicalPins: { (2 88) north FALSE (118 88) east FALSE} auxInfo: {} } Clock: {physicalPins: { (48 2) south FALSE (48 88) north FALSE} auxInfo: {} } nQ: {physicalPins: { (92 2) south FALSE (92 88) north FALSE} auxInfo: {} } Q: {physicalPins: { (8 2) south FALSE (8 88) north FALSE} auxInfo: {} } D: {physicalPins: { (36 2) south FALSE (36 88) north FALSE} auxInfo: {} } BiasMinus: {physicalPins: { (104 2) south FALSE (110 88) north FALSE} auxInfo: {} } } } TSBiasGen: { shapeInfo: {shape: {(86 90) } shapeFn: {} restriction: {} } pins: { Gnd: {physicalPins: { (2 2) south FALSE (84 2) south FALSE} auxInfo: {} } Vdd: {physicalPins: { (2 88) north FALSE (84 88) east FALSE} auxInfo: {} } BiasPlus: {physicalPins: { (14 88) north FALSE (8 2) south FALSE} auxInfo: {} } BiasMinus: {physicalPins: { (78 88) north FALSE (66 2) south FALSE} auxInfo: {} } } } OAI: { shapeInfo: {shape: {(72 90) } shapeFn: {} restriction: {} } pins: { ino1: {physicalPins: { (56 2) south FALSE (56 88) north FALSE} auxInfo: {} } ino2: {physicalPins: { (40 2) south FALSE (40 88) north FALSE} auxInfo: {} } ina1: {physicalPins: { (24 2) south FALSE (24 88) north FALSE} auxInfo: {} } out: {physicalPins: { (6 88) north FALSE (6 2) south FALSE} auxInfo: {} } } } EndTypeTab BeginPortTab 52 --Number of Ports nRequest3: NIL "nRequest3" () Shift1: NIL "Shift1" () RqOut2: NIL "RqOut2" () S2Out1: NIL "S2Out1" () Vdd: NIL "Vdd" () BiasPlus: NIL "BiasPlus" () nRequest4: NIL "nRequest4" () Shift2: NIL "Shift2" () RqOut3: NIL "RqOut3" () S2Out2: NIL "S2Out2" () BiasMinus: NIL "BiasMinus" () nRequest5: NIL "nRequest5" () Shift3: NIL "Shift3" () RqOut4: NIL "RqOut4" () S2Out3: NIL "S2Out3" () Gnd: NIL "Gnd" () nRequest6: NIL "nRequest6" () Shift4: NIL "Shift4" () RqOut5: NIL "RqOut5" () S2Out4: NIL "S2Out4" () MCmdall: NIL "MCmdall" () nRequest7: NIL "nRequest7" () Grant0: NIL "Grant0" () Shift5: NIL "Shift5" () RqOut6: NIL "RqOut6" () S2Out5: NIL "S2Out5" () Grant1: NIL "Grant1" () Shift6: NIL "Shift6" () RqOut7: NIL "RqOut7" () S2Out6: NIL "S2Out6" () Grant2: NIL "Grant2" () Shift7: NIL "Shift7" () S2Out7: NIL "S2Out7" () Grant3: NIL "Grant3" () nPhA: NIL "nPhA" () Grant4: NIL "Grant4" () PhA: NIL "PhA" () nPhB: NIL "nPhB" () Grant5: NIL "Grant5" () PhB: NIL "PhB" () Grant6: NIL "Grant6" () Grant7: NIL "Grant7" () nReset: NIL "nReset" () nRequest0: NIL "nRequest0" () Reset: NIL "Reset" () nRequest1: NIL "nRequest1" () RqOut0: NIL "RqOut0" () NewRequest: NIL "NewRequest" () nRequest2: NIL "nRequest2" () Shift0: NIL "Shift0" () RqOut1: NIL "RqOut1" () S2Out0: NIL "S2Out0" () EndPortTab BeginCoTab 92 --Number of components PGDB5: (3250 660) TRUE TSPGDNmos 0 { t1: "PhA" { (28 2) south TRUE (28 88) north FALSE} t3: "PreGrant5" { (16 2) south TRUE (16 88) north FALSE} t2: "NoGrant" { (40 88) north FALSE (40 2) south TRUE}}; h33 v61 h16 v59 () () () () PGDA5: (3302 660) TRUE TSPGDNmos 0 { t1: "nlRq5" { (28 2) south TRUE (28 88) north FALSE} t3: "PhB" { (16 2) south TRUE (16 88) north FALSE} t2: "S2Out5" { (40 88) north FALSE (40 2) south TRUE}}; h33 v60 h16 v61 () () () () DDs1: (3194 660) TRUE StaticPrecharge 0 { Clock: "nPhA" { (32 88) north FALSE (32 2) south TRUE} out: "Keep" { (46 88) north FALSE (44 2) south TRUE} Vdd: "Vdd" { (2 88) north TRUE (50 88) east FALSE} Gnd: "Gnd" { (50 2) south FALSE (50 2) south FALSE (2 2) south TRUE} BiasPlus: "BiasPlus" { (6 88) north TRUE (6 2) south FALSE}}; h34 v59 h16 v55 () () () () DDl1: (3354 660) TRUE NonInvertingLatch 0 { Clock: "PhB" { (48 88) north FALSE (48 2) south TRUE} D: "dodrt3" { (36 2) south FALSE (36 88) north TRUE} Q: "dodrt6" { (8 88) north FALSE (8 2) south TRUE}}; h33 v54 h16 v60 () () () () DDg1: (2394 566) TRUE NOR 0 { in1: "Keep" { (36 2) south TRUE (36 88) north FALSE} in2: "NewRequest" { (20 88) north TRUE (20 2) south FALSE} out: "dodrt3" { (8 2) south FALSE (8 88) north TRUE}}; h31 v41 h32 v36 () () () () PGDB6: (3196 566) TRUE TSPGDNmos 0 { t1: "PhA" { (28 2) south TRUE (28 88) north FALSE} t3: "PreGrant6" { (16 2) south TRUE (16 88) north FALSE} t2: "NoGrant" { (40 88) north FALSE (40 2) south TRUE}}; h15 v59 h34 v55 () () () () PGDA6: (3598 613) TRUE TSPGDNmos 0 { t1: "nlRq6" { (28 2) south TRUE (28 88) north FALSE} t3: "PhB" { (16 2) south TRUE (16 88) north FALSE} t2: "S2Out6" { (40 88) north FALSE (40 2) south TRUE}}; h15 v58 h16 v56 () () () () DDs2: (2395 472) TRUE StaticPrecharge 0 { Clock: "nPhA" { (32 88) north FALSE (32 2) south TRUE} out: "NoRequest" { (46 88) north TRUE (44 2) south FALSE} Vdd: "Vdd" { (2 88) north TRUE (50 88) east FALSE} Gnd: "Gnd" { (50 2) south FALSE (50 2) south FALSE (2 2) south TRUE} BiasPlus: "BiasPlus" { (6 88) north TRUE (6 2) south FALSE}}; h27 v41 h31 v36 () () () () DDl2: (2824 284) TRUE NonInvertingLatch 0 { Clock: "PhB" { (48 88) north FALSE (48 2) south TRUE} D: "dodrt5" { (36 2) south TRUE (36 88) north FALSE} Q: "dodrt7" { (8 88) north FALSE (8 2) south TRUE}}; h30 v49 h18 v48 () () () () DDi2: (3650 613) TRUE Inverter 0 { in: "dodrt1" { (18 88) north FALSE (18 2) south FALSE} out: "NewRequest" { (32 2) south FALSE (32 88) north FALSE}}; h15 v57 h16 v58 () () () () DDg2: (2518 848) TRUE NOR 0 { in1: "NoRequest" { (36 2) south TRUE (36 88) north FALSE} in2: "dodrt3" { (20 88) north FALSE (20 2) south FALSE} out: "dodrt4" { (8 2) south TRUE (8 88) north FALSE}}; h28 v42 h29 v37 () () () () PGDB7: (2521 942) TRUE TSPGDNmos 0 { t1: "PhA" { (28 2) south FALSE (28 88) north TRUE} t3: "PreGrant7" { (16 2) south FALSE (16 88) north TRUE} t2: "NoGrant" { (40 88) north TRUE (40 2) south FALSE}}; h29 v42 h12 v37 () () () () PGDA7: (2397 660) TRUE TSPGDNmos 0 { t1: "nlRq7" { (28 2) south FALSE (28 88) north TRUE} t3: "PhB" { (16 2) south TRUE (16 88) north FALSE} t2: "S2Out7" { (40 88) north TRUE (40 2) south FALSE}}; h32 v41 h11 v36 () () () () DualRL0: (2700 331) TRUE DualRailLatch 0 { Clock: "PhB" { (48 88) north TRUE (48 2) south FALSE} D: "tt0" { (36 88) north TRUE (36 2) south FALSE} Q: "nPreGrant0" { (8 88) north TRUE (8 2) south FALSE} nQ: "PreGrant0" { (92 88) north TRUE (92 2) south FALSE}}; h26 v48 h19 v44 () () () () DDi3: (3692 613) TRUE Inverter 0 { in: "dodrt4" { (18 88) north FALSE (18 2) south FALSE} out: "dodrt5" { (32 2) south FALSE (32 88) north FALSE}}; h15 v52 h16 v57 () () () () DDg3: (2336 378) TRUE NOR 0 { in1: "dodrt6" { (36 2) south FALSE (36 88) north FALSE} in2: "nPhA" { (20 88) north TRUE (20 2) south FALSE} out: "DoGrant" { (8 2) south TRUE (8 88) north FALSE}}; h4 v36 h25 v12 () () () () DualRL1: (2452 284) TRUE DualRailLatch 0 { Clock: "PhB" { (48 88) north TRUE (48 2) south FALSE} D: "tt1" { (36 88) north TRUE (36 2) south FALSE} Q: "nPreGrant1" { (8 88) north TRUE (8 2) south FALSE} nQ: "PreGrant1" { (92 88) north TRUE (92 2) south FALSE}}; h20 v43 h24 v41 () () () () DDg4: (2336 190) TRUE NOR 0 { in1: "dodrt7" { (36 2) south FALSE (36 88) north FALSE} in2: "nPhA" { (20 88) north TRUE (20 2) south FALSE} out: "DoShift" { (8 2) south TRUE (8 88) north FALSE}}; h5 v38 h23 v12 () () () () VLPreB1: (3074 613) TRUE InvertingLatchWithPreset 0 { Clock: "DoShift" { (22 2) south TRUE (22 88) north FALSE} nPreset: "nReset" { (38 2) south TRUE (38 88) north FALSE} D: "nPreGrant1" { (6 2) south TRUE (6 88) north FALSE} nQ: "Shift2" { (88 88) north FALSE (88 2) south FALSE}}; h15 v55 h16 v53 () () () () VLPreA1: (3304 566) TRUE InvertingLatchWithPreset 0 { Clock: "DoGrant" { (22 2) south TRUE (22 88) north FALSE} nPreset: "nReset" { (38 2) south TRUE (38 88) north FALSE} D: "nPreGrant1" { (6 2) south TRUE (6 88) north FALSE} nQ: "Grant1" { (88 88) north FALSE (88 2) south TRUE}}; h15 v54 h33 v59 () () () () GDTl1: (3478 613) TRUE InvertingLatchWithPreset 0 { Clock: "DoGrant" { (22 2) south TRUE (22 88) north FALSE} nPreset: "nReset" { (38 2) south TRUE (38 88) north FALSE} D: "nPreGrant0" { (6 2) south TRUE (6 88) north FALSE} nQ: "Grant0" { (88 88) north TRUE (88 2) south FALSE}}; h15 v56 h16 v54 () () () () DualRL2: (2576 566) TRUE DualRailLatch 0 { Clock: "PhB" { (48 88) north TRUE (48 2) south FALSE} D: "tt2" { (36 88) north TRUE (36 2) south FALSE} Q: "nPreGrant2" { (8 88) north TRUE (8 2) south FALSE} nQ: "PreGrant2" { (92 88) north TRUE (92 2) south FALSE}}; h21 v44 h22 v42 () () () () VLPreB2: (2578 472) TRUE InvertingLatchWithPreset 0 { Clock: "DoShift" { (22 2) south TRUE (22 88) north FALSE} nPreset: "nReset" { (38 2) south TRUE (38 88) north FALSE} D: "nPreGrant2" { (6 2) south TRUE (6 88) north FALSE} nQ: "Shift3" { (88 88) north FALSE (88 2) south FALSE}}; h17 v44 h21 v42 () () () () VLPreA2: (2454 190) TRUE InvertingLatchWithPreset 0 { Clock: "DoGrant" { (22 2) south TRUE (22 88) north FALSE} nPreset: "nReset" { (38 2) south TRUE (38 88) north FALSE} D: "nPreGrant2" { (6 2) south FALSE (6 88) north FALSE} nQ: "Grant2" { (88 88) north FALSE (88 2) south TRUE}}; h5 v43 h20 v41 () () () () INVB0: (2700 566) TRUE Inverter 0 { in: "S2Out0" { (18 88) north FALSE (18 2) south TRUE} out: "tt0" { (32 2) south FALSE (32 88) north FALSE}}; h19 v45 h7 v44 () () () () INVA0: (2824 378) TRUE Inverter 0 { in: "nlRq0" { (18 88) north FALSE (18 2) south TRUE} out: "lRequest0" { (32 2) south FALSE (32 88) north TRUE}}; h18 v47 h19 v48 () () () () GDTl2: (2457 378) TRUE InvertingLatchWithClear 0 { Clock: "DoShift" { (20 88) north FALSE (20 2) south TRUE} Clear: "Reset" { (36 88) north FALSE (32 2) south FALSE} D: "nPreGrant0" { (8 88) north FALSE (8 2) south FALSE} nQ: "Shift1" { (84 88) north FALSE (82 2) south FALSE}}; h24 v43 h17 v41 () () () () DualRL3: (2950 613) TRUE DualRailLatch 0 { Clock: "PhB" { (48 88) north FALSE (48 2) south TRUE} D: "tt3" { (36 88) north FALSE (36 2) south TRUE} Q: "nPreGrant3" { (8 88) north TRUE (8 2) south FALSE} nQ: "PreGrant3" { (92 88) north FALSE (92 2) south TRUE}}; h15 v53 h16 v51 () () () () VLPreB3: (2950 472) TRUE InvertingLatchWithPreset 0 { Clock: "DoShift" { (22 2) south TRUE (22 88) north FALSE} nPreset: "nReset" { (38 2) south TRUE (38 88) north FALSE} D: "nPreGrant3" { (6 2) south FALSE (6 88) north TRUE} nQ: "Shift4" { (88 88) north FALSE (88 2) south FALSE}}; h10 v46 h15 v51 () () () () VLPreA3: (3282 848) TRUE InvertingLatchWithPreset 0 { Clock: "DoGrant" { (22 2) south FALSE (22 88) north TRUE} nPreset: "nReset" { (38 2) south TRUE (38 88) north FALSE} D: "nPreGrant3" { (6 2) south FALSE (6 88) north FALSE} nQ: "Grant3" { (88 88) north TRUE (88 2) south FALSE}}; h16 v52 h12 v51 () () () () KNS0: (2589 754) TRUE TSKNSPassgates 0 { nPhA: "nPhA" { (74 2) south TRUE} PhB: "PhB" { (52 2) south TRUE (32 88) north FALSE} lRequest: "lRequest0" { (110 2) south FALSE (52 88) north FALSE} Grant: "Grant0" { (6 88) north FALSE (6 2) south FALSE} Keep: "Keep" { (18 2) south TRUE (18 88) north FALSE} NoRequest: "NoRequest" { (98 2) south TRUE (128 88) north FALSE} RqOut: "RqOut0" { (122 2) south FALSE (118 88) north FALSE}}; h7 v45 h14 v42 () () () () INVB1: (2908 707) TRUE Inverter 0 { in: "S2Out1" { (18 88) north FALSE (18 2) south TRUE} out: "tt1" { (32 2) south FALSE (32 88) north FALSE}}; h10 v51 h12 v50 () () () () INVA1: (2866 707) TRUE Inverter 0 { in: "nlRq1" { (18 88) north TRUE (18 2) south FALSE} out: "lRequest1" { (32 2) south FALSE (32 88) north TRUE}}; h10 v50 h12 v47 () () () () DualRL4: (2742 754) TRUE DualRailLatch 0 { Clock: "PhB" { (48 88) north TRUE (48 2) south FALSE} D: "tt4" { (36 88) north TRUE (36 2) south FALSE} Q: "nPreGrant4" { (8 88) north TRUE (8 2) south FALSE} nQ: "PreGrant4" { (92 88) north TRUE (92 2) south FALSE}}; h13 v47 h12 v45 () () () () VLPreB4: (2826 190) TRUE InvertingLatchWithPreset 0 { Clock: "DoShift" { (22 2) south TRUE (22 88) north FALSE} nPreset: "nReset" { (38 2) south FALSE (38 88) north TRUE} D: "nPreGrant4" { (6 2) south TRUE (6 88) north FALSE} nQ: "Shift5" { (88 88) north FALSE (88 2) south FALSE}}; h9 v49 h30 v48 () () () () VLPreA4: (2949 237) TRUE InvertingLatchWithPreset 0 { Clock: "DoGrant" { (22 2) south FALSE (22 88) north TRUE} nPreset: "nReset" { (38 2) south TRUE (38 88) north FALSE} D: "nPreGrant4" { (6 2) south FALSE (6 88) north FALSE} nQ: "Grant4" { (88 88) north TRUE (88 2) south FALSE}}; h9 v46 h18 v49 () () () () KNS1: (2898 378) TRUE TSKNSPassgates 0 { nPhA: "nPhA" { (74 2) south TRUE} PhB: "PhB" { (52 2) south FALSE (32 88) north TRUE} lRequest: "lRequest1" { (110 2) south FALSE (52 88) north FALSE} Grant: "Grant1" { (6 88) north FALSE (6 2) south FALSE} Keep: "Keep" { (18 2) south FALSE (18 88) north TRUE} NoRequest: "NoRequest" { (98 2) south TRUE (128 88) north FALSE} RqOut: "RqOut1" { (122 2) south FALSE (118 88) north FALSE}}; h18 v46 h10 v47 () () () () INVB2: (2526 754) TRUE Inverter 0 { in: "S2Out2" { (18 88) north FALSE (18 2) south TRUE} out: "tt2" { (32 2) south FALSE (32 88) north FALSE}}; h11 v42 h28 v37 () () () () INVA2: (2402 378) TRUE Inverter 0 { in: "nlRq2" { (18 88) north FALSE (18 2) south TRUE} out: "lRequest2" { (32 2) south TRUE (32 88) north FALSE}}; h4 v41 h27 v36 () () () () DualRL5: (3400 331) TRUE DualRailLatch 0 { Clock: "PhB" { (48 88) north TRUE (48 2) south FALSE} D: "tt5" { (36 88) north FALSE (36 2) south TRUE} Q: "nPreGrant5" { (8 88) north TRUE (8 2) south FALSE} nQ: "PreGrant5" { (92 88) north FALSE (92 2) south FALSE}}; h9 v39 h15 v46 () () () () VLPreB5: (2702 190) TRUE InvertingLatchWithPreset 0 { Clock: "DoShift" { (22 2) south TRUE (22 88) north FALSE} nPreset: "nReset" { (38 2) south TRUE (38 88) north FALSE} D: "nPreGrant5" { (6 2) south FALSE (6 88) north TRUE} nQ: "Shift6" { (88 88) north FALSE (88 2) south FALSE}}; h9 v48 h26 v44 () () () () VLPreA5: (2744 472) TRUE InvertingLatchWithPreset 0 { Clock: "DoGrant" { (22 2) south FALSE (22 88) north TRUE} nPreset: "nReset" { (38 2) south TRUE (38 88) north FALSE} D: "nPreGrant5" { (6 2) south FALSE (6 88) north FALSE} nQ: "Grant5" { (88 88) north TRUE (88 2) south FALSE}}; h19 v47 h13 v45 () () () () KNS2: (2386 96) TRUE TSKNSPassgates 0 { nPhA: "nPhA" { (74 2) south TRUE} PhB: "PhB" { (52 2) south FALSE (32 88) north TRUE} lRequest: "lRequest2" { (110 2) south FALSE (52 88) north FALSE} Grant: "Grant2" { (6 88) north FALSE (6 2) south FALSE} Keep: "Keep" { (18 2) south FALSE (18 88) north TRUE} NoRequest: "NoRequest" { (98 2) south FALSE (128 88) north TRUE} RqOut: "RqOut2" { (122 2) south FALSE (118 88) north FALSE}}; h8 v43 h5 v12 () () () () INVB3: (2617 660) TRUE Inverter 0 { in: "S2Out3" { (18 88) north TRUE (18 2) south FALSE} out: "tt3" { (32 2) south FALSE (32 88) north FALSE}}; h22 v44 h7 v42 () () () () INVA3: (2638 895) TRUE Inverter 0 { in: "nlRq3" { (18 88) north TRUE (18 2) south FALSE} out: "lRequest3" { (32 2) south FALSE (32 88) north TRUE}}; h14 v45 h12 v42 () () () () DualRL6: (3215 96) TRUE DualRailLatch 0 { Clock: "PhB" { (48 88) north TRUE (48 2) south FALSE} D: "tt6" { (36 88) north TRUE (36 2) south FALSE} Q: "nPreGrant6" { (8 88) north FALSE (8 2) south TRUE} nQ: "PreGrant6" { (92 88) north FALSE (92 2) south FALSE}}; h6 v39 h9 v44 () () () () VLPreB6: (2578 190) TRUE InvertingLatchWithPreset 0 { Clock: "DoShift" { (22 2) south FALSE (22 88) north TRUE} nPreset: "nReset" { (38 2) south FALSE (38 88) north TRUE} D: "nPreGrant6" { (6 2) south FALSE (6 88) north TRUE} nQ: "Shift7" { (88 88) north FALSE (88 2) south FALSE}}; h1 v44 h17 v43 () () () () VLPreB15: (3217 2) TRUE InvertingLatchWithPreset 0 { Clock: "DoShift" { (22 2) south FALSE (22 88) north FALSE} nPreset: "nReset" { (38 2) south TRUE (38 88) north FALSE} D: "nPreGrant7" { (6 2) south FALSE (6 88) north TRUE} nQ: "Shift0" { (88 88) north FALSE (88 2) south FALSE}}; h1 v39 h6 v44 () () () () VLPreA6: (2454 566) TRUE InvertingLatchWithPreset 0 { Clock: "DoGrant" { (22 2) south TRUE (22 88) north FALSE} nPreset: "nReset" { (38 2) south TRUE (38 88) north FALSE} D: "nPreGrant6" { (6 2) south FALSE (6 88) north FALSE} nQ: "Grant6" { (88 88) north TRUE (88 2) south FALSE}}; h17 v42 h11 v41 () () () () VLPreA15: (3734 754) TRUE InvertingLatchWithPreset 0 { Clock: "DoGrant" { (22 2) south TRUE (22 88) north FALSE} nPreset: "nReset" { (38 2) south TRUE (38 88) north FALSE} D: "nPreGrant7" { (6 2) south FALSE (6 88) north TRUE} nQ: "Grant7" { (88 88) north TRUE (88 2) south FALSE}}; h15 v39 h12 v52 () () () () NVL0: (2394 2) TRUE NonInvertingLatch 0 { Clock: "PhA" { (48 88) north TRUE (48 2) south FALSE} D: "nRequest0" { (36 2) south FALSE (36 88) north FALSE} Q: "nlRq0" { (8 88) north TRUE (8 2) south FALSE}}; h1 v43 h8 v12 () () () () KNS3: (3854 472) TRUE TSKNSPassgates 0 { nPhA: "nPhA" { (74 2) south TRUE} PhB: "PhB" { (52 2) south FALSE (32 88) north TRUE} lRequest: "lRequest3" { (110 2) south FALSE (52 88) north FALSE} Grant: "Grant3" { (6 88) north FALSE (6 2) south FALSE} Keep: "Keep" { (18 2) south FALSE (18 88) north TRUE} NoRequest: "NoRequest" { (98 2) south TRUE (128 88) north FALSE} RqOut: "RqOut3" { (122 2) south FALSE (118 88) north FALSE}}; h1 v40 h12 v39 () () () () INVB4: (2402 237) TRUE Inverter 0 { in: "S2Out4" { (18 88) north TRUE (18 2) south FALSE} out: "tt4" { (32 2) south FALSE (32 88) north FALSE}}; h5 v41 h4 v38 () () () () INVA4: (3994 472) TRUE Inverter 0 { in: "nlRq4" { (18 88) north FALSE (18 2) south TRUE} out: "lRequest4" { (32 2) south TRUE (32 88) north FALSE}}; h1 v15 h12 v40 () () () () DualRL7: (3215 1036) TRUE DualRailLatch 0 { Clock: "PhB" { (48 88) north FALSE (48 2) south TRUE} D: "tt7" { (36 88) north FALSE (36 2) south TRUE} Q: "nPreGrant7" { (8 88) north FALSE (8 2) south FALSE} nQ: "PreGrant7" { (92 88) north FALSE (92 2) south FALSE}}; h12 v15 h3 v37 () () () () NVL1: (2394 895) TRUE NonInvertingLatch 0 { Clock: "PhA" { (48 88) north FALSE (48 2) south TRUE} D: "nRequest1" { (36 2) south FALSE (36 88) north FALSE} Q: "nlRq1" { (8 88) north FALSE (8 2) south TRUE}}; h11 v37 h3 v36 () () () () MCDs1: (2337 754) TRUE StaticPrecharge 0 { Clock: "nPhB" { (32 88) north FALSE (32 2) south FALSE} out: "NoGrant" { (46 88) north FALSE (44 2) south TRUE} Vdd: "Vdd" { (2 88) north TRUE (50 88) east FALSE} Gnd: "Gnd" { (50 2) south FALSE (50 2) south FALSE (2 2) south TRUE} BiasPlus: "BiasPlus" { (6 88) north FALSE (6 2) south TRUE}}; h25 v36 h3 v12 () () () () MCDl1: (982 519) TRUE InvertingLatch 0 { Clock: "PhA" { (20 88) north TRUE (20 2) south FALSE} D: "mcmdt9" { (8 88) north TRUE (8 2) south FALSE} nQ: "mcmdt1" { (68 2) south TRUE (68 88) north FALSE}}; h1 v35 h3 v34 () () () () MCDi1: (940 519) TRUE Inverter 0 { in: "NoGrant" { (18 88) north TRUE (18 2) south FALSE} out: "mcmdt9" { (32 2) south FALSE (32 88) north TRUE}}; h1 v34 h3 v30 () () () () MCDg1: (1082 519) TRUE NAND 0 { in1: "mcmdt1" { (18 2) south TRUE (18 88) north FALSE} in2: "PhB" { (34 2) south TRUE (34 88) north FALSE} out: "mcmdt2" { (50 2) south TRUE (50 88) north FALSE}}; h1 v33 h3 v35 () () () () KNS4: (1724 519) TRUE TSKNSPassgates 0 { nPhA: "nPhA" { (74 2) south TRUE} PhB: "PhB" { (52 2) south TRUE (32 88) north FALSE} lRequest: "lRequest4" { (110 2) south FALSE (52 88) north FALSE} Grant: "Grant4" { (6 88) north FALSE (6 2) south FALSE} Keep: "Keep" { (18 2) south TRUE (18 88) north FALSE} NoRequest: "NoRequest" { (98 2) south FALSE (128 88) north TRUE} RqOut: "RqOut4" { (122 2) south FALSE (118 88) north FALSE}}; h1 v32 h3 v29 () () () () INVB5: (1142 519) TRUE Inverter 0 { in: "S2Out5" { (18 88) north FALSE (18 2) south FALSE} out: "tt5" { (32 2) south FALSE (32 88) north FALSE}}; h1 v31 h3 v33 () () () () INVA5: (898 519) TRUE Inverter 0 { in: "nlRq5" { (18 88) north TRUE (18 2) south FALSE} out: "lRequest5" { (32 2) south FALSE (32 88) north TRUE}}; h1 v30 h3 v28 () () () () NVL2: (1600 519) TRUE NonInvertingLatch 0 { Clock: "PhA" { (48 88) north TRUE (48 2) south FALSE} D: "nRequest2" { (36 2) south FALSE (36 88) north FALSE} Q: "nlRq2" { (8 88) north TRUE (8 2) south FALSE}}; h1 v29 h3 v25 () () () () MCDi2: (856 519) TRUE Inverter 0 { in: "PhA" { (18 88) north TRUE (18 2) south FALSE} out: "mcmdt7" { (32 2) south TRUE (32 88) north FALSE}}; h1 v28 h3 v27 () () () () MCDg2: (796 519) TRUE NAND 0 { in1: "mcmdt2" { (18 2) south TRUE (18 88) north FALSE} in2: "mcmdt3" { (34 2) south TRUE (34 88) north FALSE} out: "MCmdall" { (50 2) south TRUE (50 88) north FALSE}}; h1 v27 h3 v23 () () () () KNS5: (1916 519) TRUE TSKNSPassgates 0 { nPhA: "nPhA" { (74 2) south TRUE} PhB: "PhB" { (52 2) south TRUE (32 88) north FALSE} lRequest: "lRequest5" { (110 2) south FALSE (52 88) north TRUE} Grant: "Grant5" { (6 88) north FALSE (6 2) south FALSE} Keep: "Keep" { (18 2) south TRUE (18 88) north FALSE} NoRequest: "NoRequest" { (98 2) south FALSE (128 88) north TRUE} RqOut: "RqOut5" { (122 2) south FALSE (118 88) north FALSE}}; h1 v26 h3 v22 () () () () INVB6: (1558 519) TRUE Inverter 0 { in: "S2Out6" { (18 88) north FALSE (18 2) south FALSE} out: "tt6" { (32 2) south FALSE (32 88) north FALSE}}; h1 v25 h3 v21 () () () () INVA6: (1184 519) TRUE Inverter 0 { in: "nlRq6" { (18 88) north TRUE (18 2) south FALSE} out: "lRequest6" { (32 2) south FALSE (32 88) north TRUE}}; h1 v24 h3 v31 () () () () PGDB0: (744 519) TRUE TSPGDNmos 0 { t1: "PhA" { (28 2) south FALSE (28 88) north TRUE} t3: "PreGrant0" { (16 2) south FALSE (16 88) north FALSE} t2: "NoGrant" { (40 88) north TRUE (40 2) south FALSE}}; h1 v23 h3 v20 () () () () PGDA0: (1864 519) TRUE TSPGDNmos 0 { t1: "nlRq0" { (28 2) south FALSE (28 88) north FALSE} t3: "PhB" { (16 2) south TRUE (16 88) north FALSE} t2: "S2Out0" { (40 88) north FALSE (40 2) south FALSE}}; h1 v22 h3 v32 () () () () NVL3: (1434 519) TRUE NonInvertingLatch 0 { Clock: "PhA" { (48 88) north TRUE (48 2) south FALSE} D: "nRequest3" { (36 2) south FALSE (36 88) north FALSE} Q: "nlRq3" { (8 88) north TRUE (8 2) south FALSE}}; h1 v21 h3 v17 () () () () MCDg3: (668 519) TRUE OAI 0 { ino1: "PhA" { (56 88) north TRUE (56 2) south FALSE} ino2: "mcmdt5" { (40 88) north FALSE (40 2) south TRUE} ina1: "MCmdall" { (24 88) north FALSE (24 2) south TRUE} out: "mcmdt3" { (6 2) south TRUE (6 88) north FALSE}}; h1 v20 h3 v16 () () () () KNS6: (2056 519) TRUE TSKNSPassgates 0 { nPhA: "nPhA" { (74 2) south TRUE} PhB: "PhB" { (52 2) south TRUE (32 88) north FALSE} lRequest: "lRequest6" { (110 2) south FALSE (52 88) north TRUE} Grant: "Grant6" { (6 88) north FALSE (6 2) south FALSE} Keep: "Keep" { (18 2) south TRUE (18 88) north FALSE} NoRequest: "NoRequest" { (98 2) south FALSE (128 88) north TRUE} RqOut: "RqOut6" { (122 2) south FALSE (118 88) north FALSE}}; h1 v19 h3 v26 () () () () INVB7: (1350 519) TRUE Inverter 0 { in: "S2Out7" { (18 88) north FALSE (18 2) south FALSE} out: "tt7" { (32 2) south FALSE (32 88) north FALSE}}; h1 v18 h3 v14 () () () () INVA7: (1392 519) TRUE Inverter 0 { in: "nlRq7" { (18 88) north TRUE (18 2) south FALSE} out: "lRequest7" { (32 2) south FALSE (32 88) north TRUE}}; h1 v17 h3 v18 () () () () PGDB1: (616 519) TRUE TSPGDNmos 0 { t1: "PhA" { (28 2) south FALSE (28 88) north TRUE} t3: "PreGrant1" { (16 2) south FALSE (16 88) north FALSE} t2: "NoGrant" { (40 88) north TRUE (40 2) south FALSE}}; h1 v16 h3 v13 () () () () PGDA1: (2339 284) TRUE TSPGDNmos 0 { t1: "nlRq1" { (28 2) south FALSE (28 88) north FALSE} t3: "PhB" { (16 2) south TRUE (16 88) north FALSE} t2: "S2Out1" { (40 88) north FALSE (40 2) south FALSE}}; h23 v38 h4 v12 () () () () NVL4: (1226 519) TRUE NonInvertingLatch 0 { Clock: "PhA" { (48 88) north TRUE (48 2) south FALSE} D: "nRequest4" { (36 2) south FALSE (36 88) north FALSE} Q: "nlRq4" { (8 88) north FALSE (8 2) south TRUE}}; h1 v14 h3 v24 () () () () MCDg4: (556 519) TRUE NAND 0 { in1: "mcmdt2" { (18 2) south TRUE (18 88) north FALSE} in2: "mcmdt6" { (34 2) south TRUE (34 88) north FALSE} out: "mcmdt5" { (50 2) south TRUE (50 88) north FALSE}}; h1 v13 h3 v11 () () () () KNS7: (2196 519) TRUE TSKNSPassgates 0 { nPhA: "nPhA" { (74 2) south TRUE} PhB: "PhB" { (52 2) south TRUE (32 88) north FALSE} lRequest: "lRequest7" { (110 2) south FALSE (52 88) north TRUE} Grant: "Grant7" { (6 88) north FALSE (6 2) south FALSE} Keep: "Keep" { (18 2) south TRUE (18 88) north FALSE} NoRequest: "NoRequest" { (98 2) south FALSE (128 88) north TRUE} RqOut: "RqOut7" { (122 2) south FALSE (118 88) north FALSE}}; h1 v12 h3 v19 () () () () bg1: (466 519) TRUE TSBiasGen 0 { Vdd: "Vdd" { (84 88) east TRUE (2 88) north FALSE} Gnd: "Gnd" { (84 2) south TRUE (2 2) south FALSE} BiasMinus: "BiasMinus" { (66 2) south FALSE (78 88) north FALSE} BiasPlus: "BiasPlus" { (8 2) south FALSE (14 88) north TRUE}}; h1 v11 h3 v7 () () () () PGDB2: (106 519) TRUE TSPGDNmos 0 { t1: "PhA" { (28 2) south FALSE (28 88) north TRUE} t3: "PreGrant2" { (16 2) south FALSE (16 88) north FALSE} t2: "NoGrant" { (40 88) north TRUE (40 2) south FALSE}}; h1 v10 h3 v6 () () () () PGDA2: (4088 519) TRUE TSPGDNmos 0 { t1: "nlRq2" { (28 2) south FALSE (28 88) north TRUE} t3: "PhB" { (16 2) south TRUE (16 88) north FALSE} t2: "S2Out2" { (40 88) north FALSE (40 2) south FALSE}}; h1 v9 h3 v5 () () () () NVL5: (282 519) TRUE NonInvertingLatch 0 { Clock: "PhA" { (48 88) north TRUE (48 2) south FALSE} D: "nRequest5" { (36 2) south FALSE (36 88) north FALSE} Q: "nlRq5" { (8 88) north TRUE (8 2) south FALSE}}; h1 v8 h3 v4 () () () () MCDg5: (406 519) TRUE NAND 0 { in1: "mcmdt5" { (18 2) south TRUE (18 88) north FALSE} in2: "mcmdt7" { (34 2) south TRUE (34 88) north FALSE} out: "mcmdt6" { (50 2) south TRUE (50 88) north FALSE}}; h1 v7 h3 v8 () () () () PGDB3: (54 519) TRUE TSPGDNmos 0 { t1: "PhA" { (28 2) south FALSE (28 88) north TRUE} t3: "PreGrant3" { (16 2) south FALSE (16 88) north FALSE} t2: "NoGrant" { (40 88) north TRUE (40 2) south FALSE}}; h1 v6 h3 v3 () () () () PGDA3: (4140 519) TRUE TSPGDNmos 0 { t1: "nlRq3" { (28 2) south FALSE (28 88) north TRUE} t3: "PhB" { (16 2) south TRUE (16 88) north FALSE} t2: "S2Out3" { (40 88) north FALSE (40 2) south FALSE}}; h1 v2 h3 v9 () () () () NVL6: (158 519) TRUE NonInvertingLatch 0 { Clock: "PhA" { (48 88) north TRUE (48 2) south FALSE} D: "nRequest6" { (36 2) south FALSE (36 88) north FALSE} Q: "nlRq6" { (8 88) north TRUE (8 2) south FALSE}}; h1 v4 h3 v10 () () () () PGDB4: (2 519) TRUE TSPGDNmos 0 { t1: "PhA" { (28 2) south FALSE (28 88) north TRUE} t3: "PreGrant4" { (16 2) south FALSE (16 88) north FALSE} t2: "NoGrant" { (40 88) north TRUE (40 2) south FALSE}}; h1 v3 h3 v1 () () () () PGDA4: (4036 519) TRUE TSPGDNmos 0 { t1: "nlRq4" { (28 2) south FALSE (28 88) north TRUE} t3: "PhB" { (16 2) south FALSE (16 88) north TRUE} t2: "S2Out4" { (40 88) north FALSE (40 2) south FALSE}}; h1 v5 h3 v15 () () () () NVL7: (2035 1130) TRUE NonInvertingLatch 0 { Clock: "PhA" { (48 88) north FALSE (48 2) south TRUE} D: "nRequest7" { (36 2) south FALSE (36 88) north FALSE} Q: "nlRq7" { (8 88) north FALSE (8 2) south TRUE}}; h3 v2 h2 v1 () () () () EndCoTab EndTop