{from Jason at uiuc April 29, 1988} { ptest - test the Preas/Roberts placement language parser Copyright (C) 1987 by Jonathan Rose. All rights reserved. } program TestParser(input,output); { pbenchtypes.h contains the data types, structures, and constants for the Pascal-language parser of the standard placement program input format specified by Preas and Roberts. Copyright (C) 1987 by Jonathan Rose. All rights reserved. } {Constants Section - all grouped together in accordance with Pascal's wishes } const MAXNAMESIZE = 100; KEYWORDSIZE = 15; {Module Type Constants} STANDARD = 1; PAD = 2; GENERAL = 3; PARENT = 4; FEEDTHROUGH = 5; ENDFILE = 6; { Unspecified Position and width on terminal constants } NOPOSITION = -1.0; NOWIDTH = -1.0; {IO Pin type constants} I = 1; O = 2; B = 3; PI = 4; PO = 5; PB = 6; F = 7; {Pin side constants} BOTTOM = 1; RIGHT = 2; TOP = 3; LEFT = 4; NOSIDE = 5; {Layer type constants} PDIFF = 1; NDIFF = 2; POLY = 3; METAL1 = 4; METAL2 = 5; NOLAYER = 6; {Reflection Type Constants} RFLNONE = 1; RFLY = 2; {Rotation Type Constants} ROT0 = 1; ROT90 = 2; ROT180 = 3; ROT270 = 4; { Character strings that define the key words and comments } { Comment Delimiters } STARTCOMMENT = '/* '; ENDCOMMENT = '*/ '; { End of entry delimeter } LineTerminator = ';'; { Module Parameters } ModuleKeyword = 'MODULE '; EndModuleKeyword = 'ENDMODULE '; TypeKeyword = 'TYPE '; WidthKeyword = 'WIDTH '; HeightKeyword = 'HEIGHT '; { IOList Delimiters } IOListKeyword = 'IOLIST '; EndIOListKeyword = 'ENDIOLIST '; { Network Delimiters } NetworkKeyword = 'NETWORK '; EndNetworkKeyword = 'ENDNETWORK '; { Placement Delimiters } PlacementKeyword = 'PLACEMENT '; EndPlacementKeyword = 'ENDPLACEMENT '; { Module Types } StandardKeyword = 'STANDARD '; PadKeyword = 'PAD '; GeneralKeyword = 'GENERAL '; ParentKeyword = 'PARENT '; FeedthroughKeyword = 'FEEDTHROUGH '; { IOList Terminal Types } InputTerminal = 'I '; OutputTerminal = 'O '; BiDirectionTerminal = 'B '; PadInputTerminal = 'PI '; PadOutputTerminal = 'PO '; PadBiTerminal = 'PB '; FeedThroughTerminal = 'F '; { Side Types } BottomSide = 'BOTTOM '; RightSide = 'RIGHT '; TopSide = 'TOP '; LeftSide = 'LEFT '; { Layer Types } PDiffLayer = 'PDIFF '; NDiffLayer = 'NDIFF '; PolyLayer = 'POLY '; Metal1Layer = 'METAL1 '; Metal2Layer = 'METAL2 '; { Reflections } NoReflection = 'RFLNONE '; YReflection = 'RFLY '; { Rotations } Rot0String = 'ROT0 '; Rot90String = 'ROT90 '; Rot180String = 'ROT180 '; Rot270String = 'ROT270 '; {Types Definitions} type NameType = packed array [1..MAXNAMESIZE] of char; { Keyword Type is a smaller size due to the need in Pascal to pad blanks} KeywordType = packed array [1..KEYWORDSIZE] of char; ModuleType = STANDARD .. ENDFILE; Number = real; TerminalType = I .. F; SideType = BOTTOM .. NOSIDE; LayerType = PDIFF .. NOLAYER; IOListPointer = ^IOList; IOList = record SignalName: NameType; Terminal: TerminalType; Side:SideType; Position: Number; Width: Number; Layer: LayerType; Link: IOListPointer; end; SignalListPointer = ^SignalList; SignalList = record SignalName: NameType; Link:SignalListPointer; end; NetworkListPointer = ^NetworkList; NetworkList = record InstanceName: NameType; ModuleName: NameType; SignalListHead: SignalListPointer; Link: NetworkListPointer; end; ReflectionType = RFLNONE .. RFLY; RotationType = ROT0 .. ROT270 ; PlacementListPointer = ^PlacementList; PlacementList = record InstanceName: NameType; XLocation: Number; YLocation: Number; Reflection: ReflectionType; Rotation: RotationType; Link: PlacementListPointer; end; type FileNameType = packed array [1..100] of char; var InputFile : text; OutputFile: text; Name: NameType; ModType: ModuleType; Width: Number; Height: Number; IOListHead: IOListPointer; NetworkListHead: NetworkListPointer; PlacementListHead: PlacementListPointer; Done: boolean; ModuleNumber: integer; LineNumber: integer; InputFileName : FileNameType; OutputFileName: FileNameType; procedure GetModule(var TInputFile: text; var TName: NameType; var TModType: ModuleType; var TWidth: Number; var THeight: Number; var TIOListHead: IOListPointer; var TNetworkListHead: NetworkListPointer; var TPlacementListHead: PlacementListPointer; var TLineNumber: integer); { Getmodule - routines for parsing the standard placement input form specified by Preas and Roberts. Copyright (C) 1987 by Jonathan Rose. All rights reserved. } { Constants } const FATAL = 1; WARNING = 2; BLANK = ' '; TAB = ' '; EOFConst = -1; { Global Variables } var InputField: NameType; EOFDetected: boolean; ExpectingEOF: boolean; LineTerminated: boolean; LLineNumber: integer; { Support Routines } { Error is called when an exception occurs - FATAL ones cause an halt, while WARNINGS are just printed and execution continues } procedure Error(EString: NameType; ErrorType: integer); begin if ErrorType = WARNING then write('Warning: ') else write('Fatal Error: '); writeln(EString,' on line ',LLineNumber,' of input file'); if ErrorType = FATAL then halt; end; { kstrequal returns true if the two strings are the same, false otherwise } function kstrequal(s1: KeywordType;s2: NameType): boolean; var j: integer; begin j := 1; kstrequal := true; while (s1[j] = s2[j]) and (s1[j] <> BLANK) and (s2[j] <> BLANK) do j := j + 1; if s1[j] <> s2[j] then kstrequal := false; end; { nstrcpy copies one name type into another } procedure nstrcpy(var s1: NameType; s2: NameType); var j: integer; begin j := 1; while j <= MAXNAMESIZE do begin s1[j] := s2[j]; j := j + 1; end; end; { nstrlen returns the length of the first string on nonblank characters in the NameType string } function nstrlen(s1: NameType): integer; var j: integer; begin j := 1; while not ((s1[j] = BLANK) or (s1[j] = chr(0))) do j := j + 1; nstrlen := j - 1; end; { ScanField picks up the next field, whilst counting the number of lines that go by } function ScanField (var InputFile: text; var SText:NameType): integer; var NextChar: char; TextP: integer; { Skip over blanks, tabs and newlines, counting newlines } begin if eof(InputFile) then ScanField := EOFConst else begin read(InputFile,NextChar); if not eof(InputFile) then if eoln(InputFile) then LLineNumber := LLineNumber + 1; while ((NextChar = BLANK) or (NextChar = TAB)) and (not eof(InputFile)) do begin read(InputFile,NextChar); if not eof(InputFile) then if eoln(InputFile) then LLineNumber := LLineNumber + 1; end; if eof(InputFile) then ScanField := EOFConst else begin TextP := 1; SText[TextP] := NextChar; TextP := TextP + 1; { Collect Characters until a white space or end of file } read(InputFile,NextChar); if not eof(InputFile) then if eoln(InputFile) then LLineNumber := LLineNumber + 1; while (NextChar <> BLANK) and (NextChar <> TAB) and not eof(InputFile) do begin SText[TextP] := NextChar; TextP := TextP + 1; read(InputFile,NextChar); if not eof(InputFile) then if eoln(InputFile) then LLineNumber := LLineNumber + 1; end; SText[TextP] := BLANK; ScanField := 1; end; end; end; { GetField reads a field from the input stream. A field is any set of characters delimited by blanks, tabs or newlines. } procedure GetField(var IFile: text; var GText: NameType); var ErrFlag: integer; begin ErrFlag := ScanField(IFile,GText); if (ErrFlag = EOFConst) and (not ExpectingEOF) then Error('Unexpected End of File',FATAL) else if (ErrFlag = EOFConst) and ExpectingEOF then EOFDetected := true; end; { ReadField reads a field from the input stream, ignoring comments } procedure ReadField (var IFile: text; var RText: NameType); var FieldLength: integer; begin GetField(IFile,RText); while kstrequal(STARTCOMMENT,RText) do begin { get fields until end of comment } GetField(IFile,RText); while not kstrequal(ENDCOMMENT,RText) do begin if EOFDetected then Error('Non-terminated Comment',FATAL); GetField(IFile,RText); end; GetField(IFile,RText); end; { Strip off the line terminator if it is attached to the field, and set end of logical line indicator } FieldLength := nstrlen(RText); if RText[FieldLength] = LineTerminator then begin LineTerminated := true; RText[FieldLength] := BLANK; end; end; { ConvertToNumber does the conversion from ascii to a floating point number } function ConvertToNumber(CText: NameType): Number; var CharPosition: integer; SubTotal: Number; ch: char; NewDigit: Number; DivFactor: Number; begin SubTotal := 0.0; CharPosition := 1; ch := CText[CharPosition]; while (ch <> BLANK) and (ch <> '.') do begin if (ord(ch) < ord('0')) or (ord(ch) > ord('9')) then Error('Illegal Number specified',FATAL) else begin NewDigit := ord(ch) - ord('0'); SubTotal := (SubTotal * 10.0) + NewDigit; end; CharPosition := CharPosition + 1; ch := CText[CharPosition]; end; DivFactor := 10.0; if ch = '.' then begin CharPosition := CharPosition + 1; ch := CText[CharPosition]; while ch <> BLANK do begin if (ord(ch) < ord('0')) or (ord(ch) > ord('9')) then Error('Illegal Number specified',FATAL) else begin NewDigit := ord(ch) - ord('0'); SubTotal := SubTotal + NewDigit / DivFactor; DivFactor := DivFactor * 10; end; CharPosition := CharPosition + 1; ch := CText[CharPosition]; end; end; ConvertToNumber := SubTotal; end; { Get Line Terminator looks for the line terminator as the next field if it wasn't already encountered } procedure GetLineTerminator(var IFile: text); var TermField: NameType; begin if LineTerminated then LineTerminated := false else begin ReadField(IFile,TermField); if LineTerminated then LineTerminated := false else Error('Missing Line Terminator (;)',FATAL); end; end; { GetIOList reads in the IO List } procedure GetIOList(var IFile: text; var IOListHead: IOListPointer); var IOField: NameType; EndDetected: boolean; NewIOPin: IOListPointer; IOListTail: IOListPointer; begin IOListHead := nil; GetLineTerminator(IFile); { Main loop to read each pin } EndDetected := false; while not EndDetected do begin { Read Signal Name or end of IO List } ReadField(IFile,IOField); if kstrequal(EndIOListKeyword,IOField) then begin EndDetected := true; GetLineTerminator(IFile); end else begin { Create a New IO Pin } new(NewIOPin); NewIOPin^.Side := NOSIDE; NewIOPin^.Position := NOPOSITION; NewIOPin^.Layer := NOLAYER; NewIOPin^.Width := NOWIDTH; NewIOPin^.Link := nil; nstrcpy(NewIOPin^.SignalName,IOField); { Read Terminal Type } ReadField(IFile,IOField); if kstrequal(InputTerminal,IOField) then NewIOPin^.Terminal := I else if kstrequal(OutputTerminal,IOField) then NewIOPin^.Terminal := O else if kstrequal(BiDirectionTerminal,IOField) then NewIOPin^.Terminal := B else if kstrequal(PadInputTerminal,IOField) then NewIOPin^.Terminal := PI else if kstrequal(PadOutputTerminal,IOField) then NewIOPin^.Terminal := PO else if kstrequal(PadBiTerminal,IOField) then NewIOPin^.Terminal := PB else if kstrequal(FeedThroughTerminal,IOField) then NewIOPin^.Terminal := F else Error('Unknown Terminal Type Specification',FATAL); if not LineTerminated then begin ReadField(IFile,IOField); if (not LineTerminated) or (LineTerminated and (nstrlen(IOField) <> 0)) then begin if kstrequal(BottomSide,IOField) then NewIOPin^.Side := BOTTOM else if kstrequal(RightSide,IOField) then NewIOPin^.Side := RIGHT else if kstrequal(TopSide,IOField) then NewIOPin^.Side := TOP else if kstrequal(LeftSide,IOField) then NewIOPin^.Side := LEFT else Error('Unknown Side Type Specification',FATAL); if not LineTerminated then begin ReadField(IFile,IOField); if (not LineTerminated) or (LineTerminated and (nstrlen(IOField) <> 0)) then begin NewIOPin^.Position := ConvertToNumber(IOField); if not LineTerminated then begin ReadField(IFile,IOField); if (not LineTerminated) or (LineTerminated and (nstrlen(IOField) <> 0)) then begin NewIOPin^.Width := ConvertToNumber(IOField); if not LineTerminated then begin ReadField(IFile,IOField); if (not LineTerminated) or (LineTerminated and (nstrlen(IOField) <> 0)) then begin if kstrequal(PDiffLayer,IOField) then NewIOPin^.Layer := PDIFF else if kstrequal(NDiffLayer,IOField) then NewIOPin^.Layer := NDIFF else if kstrequal(PolyLayer,IOField) then NewIOPin^.Layer := POLY else if kstrequal(Metal1Layer,IOField) then NewIOPin^.Layer := METAL1 else if kstrequal(Metal2Layer,IOField) then NewIOPin^.Layer := METAL2 else Error('Unknown Layer Specification', FATAL); GetLineTerminator(IFile); end; end; end; end; end; end; end; end; { Link the new IO Pin } if IOListHead = nil then IOListHead := NewIOPin else IOListTail^.Link := NewIOPin; IOListTail := NewIOPin; LineTerminated := false; end; end; end; procedure GetNetworkList(var IFile: text; var NetworkListHead: NetworkListPointer); var NetworkField: NameType; EndDetected: boolean; SignalListEnd: boolean; NewNetworkEntry, NetworkListTail: NetworkListPointer; NewSignal, SignalListTail: SignalListPointer; begin NetworkListHead := nil; GetLineTerminator(IFile); { Main loop to read each Network Entry } EndDetected := false; while not EndDetected do begin { Read Instance Name or end of Network List } ReadField(IFile,NetworkField); if kstrequal(EndNetworkKeyword,NetworkField) then begin EndDetected := true; GetLineTerminator(IFile); end else begin { Create a New Network Entry } new(NewNetworkEntry); NewNetworkEntry^.SignalListHead := nil; NewNetworkEntry^.Link := nil; nstrcpy(NewNetworkEntry^.InstanceName,NetworkField); { Read Module Name } ReadField(IFile,NewNetworkEntry^.ModuleName); { Get the signal names and link onto this entry's list } SignalListEnd := false; while not SignalListEnd do begin if LineTerminated then SignalListEnd := true else begin ReadField(IFile,NetworkField); if LineTerminated and (nstrlen(NetworkField) = 0) then SignalListEnd := true else begin { Create a New Signal } new(NewSignal); NewSignal^.Link := nil; nstrcpy(NewSignal^.SignalName,NetworkField); { Link onto this entry's list } if NewNetworkEntry^.SignalListHead = nil then NewNetworkEntry^.SignalListHead := NewSignal else SignalListTail^.Link := NewSignal; SignalListTail := NewSignal; end; end; end; { Link the new NetworkEntry } if NetworkListHead = nil then NetworkListHead := NewNetworkEntry else NetworkListTail^.Link := NewNetworkEntry; NetworkListTail := NewNetworkEntry; LineTerminated := false; end; end; end; procedure GetPlacementList(var IFile: text; var PlacementListHead: PlacementListPointer); var PlacementField: NameType; EndDetected: boolean; NewPlacementEntry, PlacementListTail: PlacementListPointer; begin PlacementListHead := nil; GetLineTerminator(IFile); { Main loop to read each Placement Entry } EndDetected := false; while not EndDetected do begin { Read Instance Name or end of Placement List } ReadField(IFile,PlacementField); if kstrequal(EndPlacementKeyword,PlacementField) then begin EndDetected := true; GetLineTerminator(IFile); end else begin { Create a New Placement Entry } new(NewPlacementEntry); NewPlacementEntry^.Reflection := RFLNONE; NewPlacementEntry^.Rotation := ROT0; NewPlacementEntry^.Link := nil; nstrcpy(NewPlacementEntry^.InstanceName,PlacementField); { Read X Location } ReadField(IFile,PlacementField); NewPlacementEntry^.XLocation := ConvertToNumber(PlacementField); { Read Y Location } ReadField(IFile,PlacementField); NewPlacementEntry^.YLocation := ConvertToNumber(PlacementField); { Check for End of Line or reflections, rotations } while not LineTerminated do begin ReadField(IFile,PlacementField); if not (LineTerminated and (nstrlen(PlacementField) = 0)) then begin if kstrequal(NoReflection,PlacementField) then NewPlacementEntry^.Reflection := RFLNONE else if kstrequal(YReflection,PlacementField) then NewPlacementEntry^.Reflection := RFLY else if kstrequal(Rot0String,PlacementField) then NewPlacementEntry^.Rotation := ROT0 else if kstrequal(Rot90String,PlacementField) then NewPlacementEntry^.Rotation := ROT90 else if kstrequal(Rot180String,PlacementField) then NewPlacementEntry^.Rotation := ROT180 else if kstrequal(Rot270String,PlacementField) then NewPlacementEntry^.Rotation := ROT270 else Error('Unknown Rotation or Reflection type',FATAL); end; end; LineTerminated := false; { Link the new placement entry } if PlacementListHead = nil then PlacementListHead := NewPlacementEntry else PlacementListTail^.Link := NewPlacementEntry; PlacementListTail := NewPlacementEntry; end; end; end; { This is the main routine, called to get the next module. Depending on the type of module, the Network List and the Placement List may or may not be empty. } begin { GetModule } LineTerminated := false; EOFDetected := false; LLineNumber := TLineNumber; { Set all the optional return arguments to Null at start } TWidth := 0.0; THeight := 0.0; TIOListHead := nil; TNetworkListHead := nil; TPlacementListHead := nil; { Get Module Declaration, return with ENDFILE type if end of file } ExpectingEOF := true; ReadField(TInputFile,InputField); if EOFDetected then TModType := ENDFILE else if not kstrequal(ModuleKeyword,InputField) then Error('Missing Module Declaration', FATAL) else begin ExpectingEOF := false; ReadField(TInputFile,TName); GetLineTerminator(TInputFile); { Get Type } ReadField(TInputFile,InputField); if not kstrequal(TypeKeyword,InputField) then Error('Missing Type Declaration - Must be after MODULE', FATAL) else ReadField(TInputFile,InputField); if kstrequal(StandardKeyword,InputField) then TModType := STANDARD else if kstrequal(PadKeyword,InputField) then TModType := PAD else if kstrequal(GeneralKeyword,InputField) then TModType := GENERAL else if kstrequal(ParentKeyword,InputField) then TModType := PARENT else if kstrequal(FeedthroughKeyword,InputField) then TModType := FEEDTHROUGH else Error('Unknown Module Type Specification',FATAL); GetLineTerminator(TInputFile); { Loop to pick up the next field and process it - either width, height, IOList, NetworkList or PlacementList } ReadField(TInputFile,InputField); while not (kstrequal(EndModuleKeyword,InputField)) do begin if kstrequal(WidthKeyword,InputField) then begin ReadField(TInputFile,InputField); TWidth := ConvertToNumber(InputField); GetLineTerminator(TInputFile); end else if kstrequal(HeightKeyword,InputField) then begin ReadField(TInputFile,InputField); THeight := ConvertToNumber(InputField); GetLineTerminator(TInputFile); end else if kstrequal(IOListKeyword,InputField) then GetIOList(TInputFile,TIOListHead) else if kstrequal(NetworkKeyword,InputField) then GetNetworkList(TInputFile,TNetworkListHead) else if kstrequal(PlacementKeyword,InputField) then GetPlacementList(TInputFile,TPlacementListHead) else Error('Unknown Keyword',FATAL); ReadField(TInputFile,InputField); end; GetLineTerminator(TInputFile); end; { Update LineNumber } TLineNumber := LLineNumber; end; { GetModule } procedure WriteModule(var WOutputFile: text; WName: NameType; WModType: ModuleType; WWidth: Number; WHeight: Number; WIOListHead: IOListPointer; WNetworkListHead: NetworkListPointer; WPlacementListHead: PlacementListPointer); { Writemodule - routines for printing out a module in the format specified by Preas and Roberts. Copyright (C) 1987 by Jonathan Rose. All rights reserved. } var IOListPin: IOListPointer; CurrentNetworkEntry: NetworkListPointer; CurrentSignal: SignalListPointer; CurrentPlacementEntry: PlacementListPointer; procedure PrintKeyword(var OFile: text; Keyword: KeywordType); const BLANK = ' '; var CharPosition: integer; begin CharPosition := 1; while not ((Keyword[CharPosition] = BLANK) or (Keyword[CharPosition] = chr(0))) do begin write(OFile,Keyword[CharPosition]); CharPosition := CharPosition + 1; end; end; procedure PrintName(var OFile: text; Name: NameType); const BLANK = ' '; var CharPosition: integer; begin CharPosition := 1; while not ((Name[CharPosition] = BLANK) or (Name[CharPosition] = chr(0))) do begin write(OFile,Name[CharPosition]); CharPosition := CharPosition + 1; end; end; begin { WriteModule } writeln(WOutputFile); PrintKeyword (WOutputFile, ModuleKeyword); write(WOutputFile,' '); PrintName (WOutputFile, WName); writeln(WOutputFile,';'); write(WOutputFile,' '); PrintKeyword(WOutputFile,TypeKeyword); write(WOutputFile,' '); if WModType = STANDARD then PrintKeyword(WOutputFile,StandardKeyword) else if WModType = PAD then PrintKeyword(WOutputFile,PadKeyword) else if WModType = GENERAL then PrintKeyword(WOutputFile,GeneralKeyword) else if WModType = PARENT then PrintKeyword(WOutputFile,ParentKeyword) else if WModType = FEEDTHROUGH then PrintKeyword(WOutputFile,FeedthroughKeyword) else writeln(WOutputFile,'UNKNOWN!!!'); writeln(WOutputFile,';'); if (WWidth <> 0.0) then begin write(WOutputFile,' '); PrintKeyword(WOutputFile,WidthKeyword); writeln(WOutputFile,' ',WWidth:1:1,';'); end; if (WHeight <> 0.0) then begin write(WOutputFile,' '); PrintKeyword(WOutputFile,HeightKeyword); writeln(WOutputFile,' ',WHeight:1:1,';'); end; IOListPin := WIOListHead; if (WIOListHead <> nil) then begin write(WOutputFile,' '); PrintKeyword(WOutputFile,IOListKeyword); writeln(WOutputFile,';'); end; while (IOListPin <> nil) do begin write(WOutputFile,' '); PrintName(WOutputFile,IOListPin^.SignalName); write(WOutputFile,' '); if (IOListPin^.Terminal = I ) then PrintKeyword(WOutputFile,InputTerminal) else if (IOListPin^.Terminal = O) then PrintKeyword(WOutputFile,OutputTerminal) else if (IOListPin^.Terminal = B) then PrintKeyword(WOutputFile,BiDirectionTerminal) else if (IOListPin^.Terminal = PI) then PrintKeyword(WOutputFile,PadInputTerminal) else if (IOListPin^.Terminal = PO) then PrintKeyword(WOutputFile,PadOutputTerminal) else if (IOListPin^.Terminal = PB) then PrintKeyword(WOutputFile,PadBiTerminal) else if (IOListPin^.Terminal = F) then PrintKeyword(WOutputFile,FeedThroughTerminal) else write(WOutputFile,'UNKNOWN!!! '); if (IOListPin^.Side <> NOSIDE) then begin if (IOListPin^.Side = BOTTOM) then begin write(WOutputFile,' '); PrintKeyword(WOutputFile,BottomSide); end else if (IOListPin^.Side = RIGHT) then begin write(WOutputFile,' '); PrintKeyword(WOutputFile,RightSide); end else if (IOListPin^.Side = TOP) then begin write(WOutputFile,' '); PrintKeyword(WOutputFile,TopSide); end else if (IOListPin^.Side = LEFT) then begin write(WOutputFile,' '); PrintKeyword(WOutputFile,LeftSide); end else write(WOutputFile,'UNKNOWN!!!'); if (IOListPin^.Position <> NOPOSITION) then begin write(WOutputFile,' ',IOListPin^.Position:1:1); if (IOListPin^.Width <> NOWIDTH) then begin write(WOutputFile,' ',IOListPin^.Width:1:1); if (IOListPin^.Layer <> NOLAYER) then begin write(WOutputFile,' '); if (IOListPin^.Layer = PDIFF) then PrintKeyword(WOutputFile, PDiffLayer) else if (IOListPin^.Layer = NDIFF) then PrintKeyword(WOutputFile, NDiffLayer) else if (IOListPin^.Layer = POLY) then PrintKeyword(WOutputFile,PolyLayer) else if (IOListPin^.Layer = METAL1) then PrintKeyword(WOutputFile,Metal1Layer) else if (IOListPin^.Layer = METAL2) then PrintKeyword(WOutputFile,Metal2Layer) else PrintKeyword(WOutputFile,'UNKNOWN LAYER!!'); end; end; end; end; writeln(WOutputFile,';'); IOListPin := IOListPin^.Link; end; if (WIOListHead <> nil) then begin write(WOutputFile,' '); PrintKeyword(WOutputFile,EndIOListKeyword); writeln(WOutputFile,';'); end; if (WNetworkListHead <> nil) then begin write(WOutputFile,' '); PrintKeyword(WOutputFile,NetworkKeyword); writeln(WOutputFile,';'); CurrentNetworkEntry := WNetworkListHead; while (CurrentNetworkEntry <> nil) do begin write(WOutputFile,' '); PrintName(WOutputFile,CurrentNetworkEntry^.InstanceName); write(WOutputFile,' '); PrintName(WOutputFile,CurrentNetworkEntry^.ModuleName); CurrentSignal := CurrentNetworkEntry^.SignalListHead; while (CurrentSignal <> nil) do begin write(WOutputFile,' '); PrintName(WOutputFile,CurrentSignal^.SignalName); CurrentSignal := CurrentSignal^.Link; end; writeln(WOutputFile,';'); CurrentNetworkEntry := CurrentNetworkEntry^.Link; end; write(WOutputFile,' '); PrintKeyword(WOutputFile,EndNetworkKeyword); writeln(WOutputFile,';'); end; if (WPlacementListHead <> nil) then begin write(WOutputFile,' '); PrintKeyword(WOutputFile,PlacementKeyword); writeln(WOutputFile,';'); CurrentPlacementEntry := WPlacementListHead; while (CurrentPlacementEntry <> nil) do begin write(WOutputFile,' '); PrintName(WOutputFile,CurrentPlacementEntry^.InstanceName); write(WOutputFile,' ',CurrentPlacementEntry^.XLocation:1:1,' ', CurrentPlacementEntry^.YLocation:1:1); if (CurrentPlacementEntry^.Reflection = RFLNONE) then write(WOutputFile,' ') else if (CurrentPlacementEntry^.Reflection = RFLY) then begin write(WOutputFile,' '); PrintKeyword(WOutputFile,YReflection); end else write(WOutputFile,' UNKNOWN REFLECTION'); if (CurrentPlacementEntry^.Rotation = ROT0) then write(WOutputFile,' ') else if (CurrentPlacementEntry^.Rotation = ROT90) then begin write(WOutputFile,' '); PrintKeyword(WOutputFile,Rot90String); end else if (CurrentPlacementEntry^.Rotation = ROT180) then begin write(WOutputFile,' '); PrintKeyword(WOutputFile,Rot180String); end else if (CurrentPlacementEntry^.Rotation = ROT270) then begin write(WOutputFile,' '); PrintKeyword(WOutputFile,Rot270String); end else write(WOutputFile,' UNKNOWN ROTATION'); writeln(WOutputFile,';'); CurrentPlacementEntry := CurrentPlacementEntry^.Link; end; { writeln(WOutputFile,' ',EndPlacementKeyword,';'); BTP April 29, 1988 12:59:08 pm PDT } write(WOutputFile,' '); PrintKeyword(WOutputFile,EndPlacementKeyword); writeln(WOutputFile,';'); end; write(WOutputFile,' '); PrintKeyword(WOutputFile,EndModuleKeyword); writeln(WOutputFile,';'); end; { WriteModule } begin { main body of pptest } { if argc < 2 then writeln('Usage: ptest inputfile outputfile'); } LineNumber := 1; { Open input and output files } { argv(1,InputFileName); } { argv(2,OutputFileName); } reset(InputFile, InputFileName); rewrite(OutputFile, OutputFileName); Done := false; ModuleNumber := 1; while not Done do begin GetModule(InputFile, Name, ModType, Width, Height, IOListHead, NetworkListHead, PlacementListHead, LineNumber); if ModType = ENDFILE then Done := true else begin writeln('Got Module ',ModuleNumber); WriteModule(OutputFile, Name, ModType, Width, Height, IOListHead, NetworkListHead, PlacementListHead); end; ModuleNumber := ModuleNumber + 1; end; end. 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