<<--File: IPToolBoxImpl.mesa>> <> <> <> <<>> DIRECTORY CD, CDBasics, CDInstances, CDSymbolicObjects, CoreRouteFlat, CoreRouteFlatProcs, FileNames, IO, IP, IPBasicOps, IPOrient, IPToolBox, Misc, Rope, RTBasic; IPToolBoxImpl: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS CDBasics, CDInstances, CDSymbolicObjects, CoreRouteFlatProcs, FileNames, IO, IPBasicOps, IPOrient, Misc, Rope EXPORTS IPToolBox = BEGIN OPEN BO: IPBasicOps, IPToolBox; IPPinsFromCDPins: PUBLIC PROC [cdObj: CD.Object] RETURNS [iPins: LIST OF REF IP.PinRep _ NIL] ={ EachPin: CDSymbolicObjects.InstEnumerator ~ { rect: CD.Rect _ CDInstances.InstRectI[inst]; pLoc: CD.Position _ CDBasics.BaseOfRect[rect]; pSize: CD.Position _ CDBasics.SizeOfRect[rect]; coord: IntVector _ [pLoc.x + pSize.x/2, pLoc.y + pSize.y/2]; --use the center phyPins: PhysicalPins _ LIST[NEW[IP.PhysicalPinRep _ [coord]]]; pin: REF IP.PinRep _ NEW[IP.PinRep _ [CDSymbolicObjects.GetName[inst], phyPins]]; iPins _ CONS[pin, iPins]; }; [] _ CDSymbolicObjects.EnumerateSymbolicObs[cdObj, EachPin]; }; --IPPinsFromCDPins -- IPPinFromCDPin: PROC [cdPin: CD.Instance] RETURNS [REF IP.PinRep] = { -- physicalPins: PROC RETURNS [phyPins: PhysicalPins _ NIL] = { -- FOR pPins: LIST OF REF CDPins.PhysicalPin _ cdPin.physicalPin, pPins.rest UNTIL pPins = NIL DO -- pRect: CD.Rect _ pPins.first.rect; -- coord: IntVector _ [(pRect.x1 + pRect.x2)/2, (pRect.y1 + pRect.y2)/2]; -- phyPins _ CONS[NEW[IP.PhysicalPinRep _ [coord]], phyPins]; -- ENDLOOP; -- }; --physicalPins -- RETURN [NEW[IP.PinRep _ [cdPin.pinName, physicalPins[]]]] -- }; --IPPinFromCDPin MakeIPPins: PUBLIC PROC[ipPins: LIST OF REF IP.PinRep, origin: IntVector _ [0, 0], coShape: REF IP.ShapeRep _ NIL, cutOff: INT _ 0] RETURNS [newPins: LIST OF REF IP.PinRep _ NIL] ={ makePhyPin: PROC [phyPin: REF IP.PhysicalPinRep] RETURNS [REF IP.PhysicalPinRep] = { coord: IntVector _ [phyPin.coord.x - origin.x, phyPin.coord.y - origin.y]; side: IP.PinSideType _ NearestSide[coShape, coord, cutOff].side; RETURN [NEW[IP.PhysicalPinRep _ [coord, side, phyPin.active]]]; }; --makePhyPin makeIPPins: PROC[ipPin: REF IP.PinRep] RETURNS [REF IP.PinRep] ={ phyPins: PhysicalPins _ NIL; FOR l: PhysicalPins _ ipPin.physicalPins, l.rest UNTIL l = NIL DO phyPins _ CONS[makePhyPin[l.first], phyPins]; ENDLOOP; RETURN [NEW[IP.PinRep _ [ipPin.name, phyPins, ipPin.auxInfo]]] }; --makeIPPins WHILE ipPins # NIL DO newPins _ CONS[makeIPPins[ipPins.first], newPins]; ipPins _ ipPins.rest; ENDLOOP; }; --MakeIPPins MakeIPPinsFromStructure: PUBLIC PROC[instance: CoreRouteFlat.Instance, origin: IntVector _ [0, 0], coShape: REF IP.ShapeRep _ NIL, cutOff: INT _ 0] RETURNS [newPins: LIST OF REF IP.PinRep _ NIL] ={ MakeIPPins: CoreRouteFlatProcs.EachNetONodeAction ={ -- PROC [instance: CoreRouteFlat.Instance, netONode: CoreRouteFlat.NetONode] RETURNS [quit: BOOLEAN _ FALSE]; MakePhyPin: CoreRouteFlatProcs.EachPinAction = { -- PROC [oNode: CoreRouteFlat.ONode, pin:CoreRouteFlat.Pin] RETURNS [quit: BOOLEAN _ FALSE]; coord: IntVector _ CoreRouteFlatProcs.PosOfONode[instance, pin]; side: IP.PinSideType _ NearestSide[coShape, coord, cutOff].side; phyPins _ CONS[NEW[IP.PhysicalPinRep _ [coord, side, TRUE]], phyPins]; }; --makePhyPin phyPins: PhysicalPins _ NIL; [] _ CoreRouteFlatProcs.EnumeratePins[netONode.oNode, MakePhyPin]; newPins _ CONS[NEW[IP.PinRep _ [netONode.oNode.name, phyPins, NIL]], newPins]; }; --MakeIPPins [] _ CoreRouteFlatProcs.EnumerateNetONodes[instance, MakeIPPins]; }; --MakeIPPinsFromStructure SSideToPSide: PROC [sSide: RTBasic.SideOrNone] RETURNS [pSide: IP.PinSideType] ~ { pSide _ SELECT sSide FROM bottom => south, right => east, top => north, left => west, ENDCASE => unknown}; NearestSide: PUBLIC PROC [shape: REF IP.ShapeRep, point: IntVector, cutOff: INT _ 0] RETURNS [inShape: BOOL, side: IP.PinSideType] ={ minDist: INT _ LAST[INT]; <<--(1) Check if point is in shape>> inShape _ Misc.RectContainPt[GetBRect[shape], point.x, point.y]; FOR corner: IP.CornerTypes IN [sw..nw] DO IF Misc.RectContainPt[GetCornerRect[shape, corner], point.x, point.y] THEN inShape _ FALSE; ENDLOOP; <<--(2) Now find nearest side (this is not very efficient but is ok?)>> FOR pSide: IP.PinSideType IN [south..nwVer] DO newDist: INT _ DistFromSide[shape, point, pSide]; IF newDist < minDist THEN {minDist _ newDist; side _ pSide}; ENDLOOP; IF minDist > cutOff THEN side _ interior; }; --NearestSide DistFromSide: PUBLIC PROC[shape: REF IP.ShapeRep, point: IntVector, side: IP.PinSideType] RETURNS [INT] ={ ptCoord, ptProj, sdCoord: INT; sdIntl: Misc.Interval; rect: Misc.Rect; <<--Algorithm: IF ptProj IN sdIntl >> <<--THEN distance = ABS[ptCoord - sdCoord]>> <<--ELSE (also for any other patho cases) distance = LAST[INT] >> <<--(0) For patho cases simply return infinity>> IF shape = NIL THEN RETURN [LAST[INT]]; <<--(1) Compute ptCoord, ptProj>> SELECT side FROM south, north, swHor, seHor, neHor, nwHor => {ptProj _ point.x; ptCoord _ point.y}; east, west, swVer, seVer, neVer, nwVer => {ptProj _ point.y; ptCoord _ point.x}; interior, unknown => RETURN [LAST [INT]]; -- no need to do anything ENDCASE => ERROR; <<--(3) Compute sdCoord and sdIntl>> IF side IN [south..west] THEN { rect _ GetBRect[shape]; SELECT side FROM south => {sdCoord _ Misc.yMin[rect]; sdIntl _ Misc.x[rect]; sdIntl _ Misc.IntlSubtract[sdIntl, Misc.x[GetCornerRect[shape, sw]]]; sdIntl _ Misc.IntlSubtract[sdIntl, Misc.x[GetCornerRect[shape, se]]];}; east => {sdCoord _ Misc.xMax[rect]; sdIntl _ Misc.y[rect]; sdIntl _ Misc.IntlSubtract[sdIntl, Misc.y[GetCornerRect[shape, se]]]; sdIntl _ Misc.IntlSubtract[sdIntl, Misc.y[GetCornerRect[shape, ne]]];}; north => {sdCoord _ Misc.yMax[rect]; sdIntl _ Misc.x[rect]; sdIntl _ Misc.IntlSubtract[sdIntl, Misc.x[GetCornerRect[shape, ne]]]; sdIntl _ Misc.IntlSubtract[sdIntl, Misc.x[GetCornerRect[shape, nw]]];}; west => {sdCoord _ Misc.xMin[rect]; sdIntl _ Misc.y[rect]; sdIntl _ Misc.IntlSubtract[sdIntl, Misc.y[GetCornerRect[shape, nw]]]; sdIntl _ Misc.IntlSubtract[sdIntl, Misc.y[GetCornerRect[shape, sw]]];}; ENDCASE => ERROR; } ELSE { SELECT side FROM swHor => {rect _ GetCornerRect[shape, sw, , 0]; IF rect = NIL THEN RETURN [LAST[INT]]; sdCoord _ Misc.yMax[rect]; sdIntl _ Misc.x[rect];}; seHor => {rect _ GetCornerRect[shape, se, , 0]; IF rect = NIL THEN RETURN [LAST[INT]]; sdCoord _ Misc.yMax[rect]; sdIntl _ Misc.x[rect];}; neHor => {rect _ GetCornerRect[shape, ne, , 0]; IF rect = NIL THEN RETURN [LAST[INT]]; sdCoord _ Misc.yMin[rect]; sdIntl _ Misc.x[rect];}; nwHor => {rect _ GetCornerRect[shape, nw, , 0]; IF rect = NIL THEN RETURN [LAST[INT]]; sdCoord _ Misc.yMin[rect]; sdIntl _ Misc.x[rect];}; swVer => {rect _ GetCornerRect[shape, sw, , 0]; IF rect = NIL THEN RETURN [LAST[INT]]; sdCoord _ Misc.xMax[rect]; sdIntl _ Misc.y[rect];}; seVer => {rect _ GetCornerRect[shape, se, , 0]; IF rect = NIL THEN RETURN [LAST[INT]]; sdCoord _ Misc.xMax[rect]; sdIntl _ Misc.y[rect];}; neVer => {rect _ GetCornerRect[shape, ne, , 0]; IF rect = NIL THEN RETURN [LAST[INT]]; sdCoord _ Misc.xMin[rect]; sdIntl _ Misc.y[rect];}; nwVer => {rect _ GetCornerRect[shape, nw, , 0]; IF rect = NIL THEN RETURN [LAST[INT]]; sdCoord _ Misc.xMin[rect]; sdIntl _ Misc.y[rect];}; ENDCASE => ERROR; }; IF Misc.IntlContainPt[sdIntl, ptProj] THEN RETURN [ABS[ptCoord - sdCoord]] ELSE RETURN [LAST[INT]]; }; --DistFromSide GetCorner: PUBLIC PROC [shape: IP.ShapeRep, corner: IP.CornerTypes] RETURNS [REF IP.NatVector] ={ <<-- REMARK: Here is okay to use 'IP.ShapeRep' as argument instead of `REF IP.ShapeRep'>> <<-- because callers do not intend to modify shape. Remember that parameters are pass by>> <<-- value in Cedar>> SELECT corner FROM sw => RETURN [shape.cornerSpaces.sw]; se => RETURN [shape.cornerSpaces.se]; ne => RETURN [shape.cornerSpaces.ne]; nw => RETURN [shape.cornerSpaces.nw]; ENDCASE => ERROR; };--GetCorner GetBRect: PUBLIC PROC[shape: REF IP.ShapeRep, origin: IntVector _ [0, 0]] RETURNS [Misc.Rect] ={ IF shape = NIL THEN RETURN [NIL]; RETURN[Misc.RectCreate[origin.x, origin.y, origin.x + shape.dim.x, origin.y + shape.dim.y ]] }; --GetBRect GetCornerRect: PUBLIC PROC[shape: REF IP.ShapeRep, corner: IP.CornerTypes, origin: IntVector _ [0, 0], crop: INT _ 1] RETURNS [Misc.Rect] ={ cSpace: REF IP.NatVector _ GetCorner[shape^, corner]; IF cSpace = NIL THEN RETURN [NIL]; BEGIN OPEN s: shape.cornerSpaces; SELECT corner FROM sw => RETURN [Misc.RectCreate[origin.x, origin.y, origin.x + s.sw.x - crop, origin.y + s.sw.y - crop]]; se => RETURN [Misc.RectCreate[origin.x + shape.dim.x - s.se.x + crop, origin.y, origin.x + shape.dim.x, origin.y + s.se.y - crop]] ; ne => RETURN [Misc.RectCreate[origin.x+ shape.dim.x - s.ne.x + crop, origin.y+shape.dim.y - s.ne.y + crop, origin.x+ shape.dim.x, origin.y+shape.dim.y]]; nw => RETURN [Misc.RectCreate[origin.x, origin.y + shape.dim.y - s.nw.y + crop, origin.x + s.nw.x - crop, origin.y + shape.dim.y]]; ENDCASE => ERROR; END; };--GetCornerRect GetCornerRects: PUBLIC PROC[shape: REF IP.ShapeRep, origin: IntVector _ [0, 0], crop: INT _ 1] RETURNS [sw, se, ne, nw: Misc.Rect _ NIL] ={ IF shape = NIL THEN RETURN; BEGIN OPEN s: shape.cornerSpaces; IF s.sw # NIL THEN sw _ Misc.RectCreate[origin.x, origin.y, origin.x + s.sw.x - crop, origin.y + s.sw.y - crop]; IF s.se # NIL THEN se _ Misc.RectCreate[origin.x + shape.dim.x - s.se.x + crop, origin.y, origin.x + shape.dim.x, origin.y + s.se.y - crop]; IF s.ne # NIL THEN ne _ Misc.RectCreate[origin.x+ shape.dim.x - s.ne.x + crop, origin.y+shape.dim.y - s.ne.y + crop, origin.x+ shape.dim.x, origin.y+shape.dim.y]; IF s.nw # NIL THEN nw _ Misc.RectCreate[origin.x, origin.y + shape.dim.y - s.nw.y + crop, origin.x + s.nw.x - crop, origin.y + shape.dim.y]; END; };--GetCornerRects CopyShape: PUBLIC PROC[oShape: REF IP.ShapeRep, orient: CD.Orientation] RETURNS [nShape: REF IP.ShapeRep] ={ nShape _ BO.Copy1Shape[oShape]; OrientShape[nShape, orient]; }; --CopyShape OrientShape: PUBLIC PROC[shape: REF IP.ShapeRep, orient: IP.Orientation] ={ <<--Decompose orient into its basis and calls MirrorXShape and Rotate90Shape >> IF IPOrient.IncludesMirrorX[orient] THEN MirrorXShape[shape]; Rotate90Shape[shape, IPOrient.OrientD2[orient]]; }; --OrientShape MirrorXShape: PUBLIC PROC[shape: REF IP.ShapeRep] ={ <<--modifies shape: (shape.dim <=> shape.dim; shape.sw <=> shape.se; shape.ne <=> shape.nw)>> OPEN sC: shape.cornerSpaces; sw, se, ne, nw: REF IP.NatVector; [sw, se, ne, nw] _ shape.cornerSpaces; <<>> <<--(1) Swap bottom>> sC.sw _ se; sC.se _ sw; <<--(2) Swap top>> sC.nw _ ne; sC.ne _ nw; };--MirrorXShape <<>> Rotate90Shape: PUBLIC PROC [shape: REF IP.ShapeRep, numberOfRot: INT _ 1] ={ <> <<--(shape.dim <=> shape.dim; se _ sw, ne _ se, nw _ ne, sw_ nw)>> <<--numberOfRot can be any positive or negative>> OPEN sC: shape.cornerSpaces; sw, se, ne, nw: REF IP.NatVector; [sw, se, ne, nw] _ shape.cornerSpaces; SELECT numberOfRot MOD 4 FROM 0 => NULL; 1, -3 => {sC.sw _ nw; sC.se _ sw; sC.ne _ se; sC.nw _ ne}; 2, -2 => {sC.sw _ ne; sC.se _ nw; sC.ne _ sw; sC.nw _ se}; 3, -1 => {sC.nw _ sw; sC.sw _ se; sC.se _ ne; sC.ne _ nw}; ENDCASE => ERROR; }; --Rotate90Shape <<>> <<>> <<--Simple parsing routines>> ParseError: PUBLIC ERROR [reason: ATOM, at: REF] = CODE; GetIdRope: PUBLIC PROC[stream: IO.STREAM] RETURNS [Rope.ROPE]={ id: Rope.ROPE _ stream.GetID[]; char: CHAR; <<--Need to search further because "Input[0]" could be a valid name>> WHILE (char _ stream.GetChar) # ': DO id _ Rope.Cat[id, Rope.FromChar[char]] ENDLOOP; RETURN [id]; }; --GetIdRope-- GetIdAtom: PUBLIC PROC[stream: IO.STREAM] RETURNS [ATOM]={ id: ATOM _ stream.GetAtom[]; char: CHAR; IF (char _ stream.GetChar) = ': THEN RETURN [id] ELSE ERROR ParseError[$syntaxError, NEW[CHAR _ char]]; }; --GetIdRope-- EnterBlock: PUBLIC PROC [stream: IO.STREAM] = { char: CHAR; [] _ stream.SkipWhitespace[]; IF (char _ stream.GetChar) # '{ THEN ERROR ParseError[$noBegin, NEW[CHAR _ char]]; }; --EnterBlock ExitBlock: PUBLIC PROC [stream: IO.STREAM] RETURNS [BOOL _ TRUE]= { [] _ stream.SkipWhitespace[]; IF stream.PeekChar = '} THEN [] _ stream.GetChar ELSE RETURN [FALSE] }; --ExitBlock RemoveBlock: PUBLIC PROC [stream: IO.STREAM] = { EnterBlock[stream]; UNTIL ExitBlock[stream] DO IF stream.GetChar = '{ THEN RemoveBlock[stream]; ENDLOOP; }; --RemoveBlock GetNatVector: PUBLIC PROC[stream: IO.STREAM] RETURNS [REF IP.NatVector] = { refPair: LIST OF REF ANY _ NARROW[stream.GetRefAny]; x, y: NAT; IF refPair = NIL THEN RETURN [NIL]; x _ NARROW[refPair.first, REF INT]^; y _ NARROW[refPair.rest.first, REF INT]^; RETURN [BO.NuNatVector[x, y]] }; --GetNatVector-- GetIntVector: PUBLIC PROC[stream: IO.STREAM] RETURNS [REF IntVector] = { refPair: LIST OF REF ANY _ NARROW[stream.GetRefAny]; x, y: INT; IF refPair = NIL THEN RETURN [NIL]; x _ NARROW[refPair.first, REF INT]^; y _ NARROW[refPair.rest.first, REF INT]^; RETURN [BO.NuIntVector[x, y]] }; --GetIntVector-- GetShape: PUBLIC PROC [stream: IO.STREAM] RETURNS [shape: REF IP.ShapeRep] = { OPEN sC: shape.cornerSpaces; EnterBlock[stream]; shape _ NEW[IP.ShapeRep _ [dim: GetNatVector[stream]]]; UNTIL ExitBlock[stream] DO token: ATOM _ GetIdAtom[stream]; SELECT token FROM $sw => sC.sw _ GetNatVector[stream]; --$sw $se => sC.se _ GetNatVector[stream]; --$se $ne => sC.ne _ GetNatVector[stream]; --$ne $nw => sC.nw _ GetNatVector[stream]; --$nw ENDCASE => ERROR ParseError[$badToken, token]; ENDLOOP; }; --GetShape GetPhysicalPins: PUBLIC PROC[stream: IO.STREAM] RETURNS [phyPins: PhysicalPins _ NIL] ={ getPhyPin: PROC RETURNS [REF IP.PhysicalPinRep] ={ coord: IntVector _ GetIntVector[stream]^; side: IP.PinSideType _ GetPinSide[stream]; active: BOOL _ stream.GetBool; RETURN [NEW [IP.PhysicalPinRep _ [coord, side, active]]] }; --getPhyPin EnterBlock[stream]; UNTIL ExitBlock[stream] DO phyPins _ CONS [getPhyPin[], phyPins]; ENDLOOP; }; --GetPhysicalPins PutShape: PUBLIC PROC[stream: IO.STREAM, shape: REF IP.ShapeRep] ={ stream.PutF["{"]; IF shape # NIL THEN { OPEN sC: shape.cornerSpaces; stream.PutF["(%g %g) ", IO.int[shape.dim.x], IO.int[shape.dim.y]]; IF sC.sw # NIL THEN stream.PutF["sw: (%g %g) ", IO.int[sC.sw.x], IO.int[sC.sw.y]]; IF sC.se # NIL THEN stream.PutF["se: (%g %g) ", IO.int[sC.se.x], IO.int[sC.se.y]]; IF sC.ne # NIL THEN stream.PutF["ne: (%g %g) ", IO.int[sC.ne.x], IO.int[sC.ne.y]]; IF sC.nw # NIL THEN stream.PutF["nw: (%g %g) ", IO.int[sC.nw.x], IO.int[sC.nw.y]]; }; --endIF stream.PutF["}"]; };--PutShape PutPhysicalPins: PUBLIC PROC[stream: IO.STREAM, physicalPins: PhysicalPins] ={ stream.PutF["{"]; WHILE physicalPins # NIL DO phyPin: REF IP.PhysicalPinRep _ physicalPins.first; stream.PutF[" (%g %g) %g %g", IO.int[phyPin.coord.x], IO.int[phyPin.coord.y], IO.atom[IPPinSideToAtom[phyPin.side]], IO.bool[phyPin.active], ]; physicalPins _ physicalPins.rest; ENDLOOP; stream.PutF["}"]; }; --PutShape OrientPhysicalPins: PUBLIC PROC [phyPins: PhysicalPins, cellDim: IP.NatVector, cellOrient: IP.Orientation, cellOrigin: IntVector _ [0, 0]] ={ WHILE phyPins # NIL DO pPin: REF IP.PhysicalPinRep _ phyPins.first; pPin.coord _ IPOrient.MapPoint[pPin.coord, [cellDim.x, cellDim.y], cellOrient, cellOrigin]; pPin.side _ OrientPinSide[pPin.side, cellOrient]; phyPins _ phyPins.rest; ENDLOOP; }; --OrientPhysicalPins MirrorXPhysicalPins: PUBLIC PROC [phyPins: PhysicalPins, cellDim: IP.NatVector, cellOrigin: IntVector _ [0, 0]] ={ WHILE phyPins # NIL DO pPin: REF IP.PhysicalPinRep _ phyPins.first; pPin.coord _ IPOrient.MapPoint[pPin.coord, [cellDim.x, cellDim.y], mirrorX, cellOrigin]; pPin.side _ MirrorXPinSide[pPin.side]; phyPins _ phyPins.rest; ENDLOOP; };--MirrorXPhysicalPins Rotate90PhysicalPins: PUBLIC PROC [phyPins: PhysicalPins, cellDim: IP.NatVector, numberOfRot: INT _ 1, cellOrigin: IntVector _ [0, 0]] ={ CDRotn: IPOrient.Orientation; SELECT numberOfRot MOD 4 FROM 0 => CDRotn _ original; 1, -3 => CDRotn _ rotate90; 2, -2 => CDRotn _ rotate180; 3, -1 => CDRotn _ rotate270; ENDCASE => ERROR; WHILE phyPins # NIL DO pPin: REF IP.PhysicalPinRep _ phyPins.first; pPin.coord _ IPOrient.MapPoint[pPin.coord, [cellDim.x, cellDim.y], CDRotn, cellOrigin]; pPin.side _ Rotate90PinSide[pPin.side, numberOfRot]; phyPins _ phyPins.rest; ENDLOOP; };--Rotate90PhysicalPins OrientPinSide: PUBLIC PROC[side: IP.PinSideType, orient: IP.Orientation] RETURNS [IP.PinSideType] ={ IF IPOrient.IncludesMirrorX[orient] THEN side _ MirrorXPinSide[side]; RETURN [Rotate90PinSide[side, IPOrient.OrientD2[orient]]]; }; --OrientPinSide MirrorXPinSide: PUBLIC PROC[side: IP.PinSideType] RETURNS [IP.PinSideType] ={ RETURN [ SELECT side FROM south, north, interior, unknown => side, east => west, west => east, swHor => seHor, seHor => swHor, neHor => nwHor, nwHor => neHor, swVer => seVer, seVer => swVer, neVer => nwVer, nwVer => neVer, ENDCASE => ERROR ]; };--MirrorXPinSide Rotate90PinSide: PUBLIC PROC [side: IP.PinSideType, numberOfRot: INT _ 1] RETURNS [IP.PinSideType]={ rot1: PROC [s: IP.PinSideType] RETURNS [IP.PinSideType] = { RETURN [SELECT s FROM south => east, east => north, north => west, west => south, swHor => seVer, seVer => neHor, neHor => nwVer, nwVer => swHor, swVer => seHor, seHor => neVer, neVer => nwHor, nwHor => swVer, interior, unknown => side, ENDCASE => ERROR]; }; --rot1 rot2: PROC [s: IP.PinSideType] RETURNS [IP.PinSideType] = { RETURN [SELECT s FROM south => north, north => south, east => west, west => east, swHor => neHor, swVer => neVer, seHor => nwHor, seVer => nwVer, neHor => swHor, neVer => swVer, nwHor => seHor, nwVer => seVer, interior, unknown => side, ENDCASE => ERROR]; }; --rot2 rot3: PROC [s: IP.PinSideType] RETURNS [IP.PinSideType] = { RETURN [SELECT s FROM south => west, west => north, north => east, east => south, swHor => nwVer, nwVer => neHor, neHor => seVer, seVer => swHor, swVer => nwHor, nwHor => neVer, neVer => seHor, seHor => swVer, interior, unknown => side, ENDCASE => ERROR]; }; --rot3 RETURN [SELECT numberOfRot MOD 4 FROM 0 => side, 1, -3 => rot1[side], 2, -2 => rot2[side], 3, -1 => rot3[side], ENDCASE => ERROR]; }; --Rotate90PinSide CoChannels: PUBLIC PROC[co: REF IP.ComponentRep, action: PROC[REF IP.ChannelRep] RETURNS [quit: BOOL]] ={ OPEN coP: co.prinChannels, coC: co.cornerChannels; IF action[coP.south] THEN RETURN; IF action[coP.east] THEN RETURN; IF action[coP.north] THEN RETURN; IF action[coP.west] THEN RETURN; IF coC.sw # NIL THEN { IF action[coC.sw.hor] THEN RETURN; IF action[coC.sw.ver] THEN RETURN; }; IF coC.se # NIL THEN { IF action[coC.se.hor] THEN RETURN; IF action[coC.se.ver] THEN RETURN; }; IF coC.ne # NIL THEN { IF action[coC.ne.hor] THEN RETURN; IF action[coC.ne.ver] THEN RETURN; }; IF coC.nw # NIL THEN { IF action[coC.nw.hor] THEN RETURN; IF action[coC.nw.ver] THEN RETURN; }; }; --CoChannels <<--###Low level Private routines###-->> IPPinSideToAtom: PROC[side: IP.PinSideType] RETURNS [ATOM] ={ RETURN[ SELECT side FROM south => $south, east => $east, north => $north, west => $west, swHor => $swHor, seHor => $seHor, neHor => $neHor, nwHor => $nwHor, swVer => $swVer, seVer => $seVer, neVer => $neVer, nwVer => $nwVer, interior => $interior, unknown => $unknown, ENDCASE => ERROR]; }; --IPPinSideToAtom GetPinSide: PROC[stream: IO.STREAM] RETURNS [IP.PinSideType] ={ token: ATOM _ stream.GetAtom; RETURN [SELECT token FROM $south => south, $east => east, $north => north, $west => west, $swHor => swHor, $seHor => seHor, $neHor => neHor, $nwHor => nwHor, $swVer => swVer, $seVer => seVer, $neVer => neVer, $nwVer => nwVer, $interior => interior, $unknown => unknown, ENDCASE => ERROR ParseError[$badToken, token]]; }; --GetPinSide ConstructFileName: PUBLIC PROC[defaultDir, inputFile, defaultExt: Rope.ROPE] RETURNS[fullName: Rope.ROPE] = { dirPart: Rope.ROPE _ FileNames.Directory[inputFile]; IF Rope.IsEmpty[inputFile] THEN RETURN[NIL]; IF Rope.IsEmpty[dirPart] THEN dirPart _ defaultDir; fullName _ Rope.Cat[dirPart, FileNames.GetShortName[inputFile]]; IF Rope.Find[inputFile, "."] < 0 AND Rope.Find[inputFile, "!"] < 0 THEN fullName _ Rope.Cat[fullName, ".", defaultExt]; }; -- ConstructFileName END.