<<-- File: IPParamsImpl.mesa>> <<-- Last Edited by: CSChow, February 1, 1985 0:55:10 am PST>> <> DIRECTORY IPParams; IPParamsImpl: CEDAR PROGRAM EXPORTS IPParams = BEGIN OPEN IPParams; <<--Global Flag>> DebugSystem: PUBLIC BOOL _ FALSE; <<>> <<>> <<--From IPChWidthEst>> CoeffForHorCh: PUBLIC REAL _ 2.0; CoeffForVerCh: PUBLIC REAL _ 2.0; WtActivePins: PUBLIC REAL _ 300.0; WtNonActivePins: PUBLIC REAL _ 100.0; WtNetFactor: PUBLIC REAL _ 500.0; WtTotalNetLength: PUBLIC REAL _ 5.0; <<-- These are the parameters used for the channels: IPCTG etc. -->> ChMinWidth: PUBLIC INT _ 2; ChDefaultWidth: PUBLIC INT _ 5; ChMinLength: PUBLIC INT _2; ChMinLSeparation: PUBLIC INT _ 0; ChDefaultPositionX: PUBLIC INT _ 0; ChDefaultPositionY: PUBLIC INT _ 0; <<-- These are some constants for IPCoTab -->> CoDefaultPosition: PUBLIC INT _ 0; <<-- These are some constants for Pins -->> PinMaxDistFromEdge: PUBLIC INT _ 6; --if pin distance from edge is more than this then it'll be counted as an interior pin PhyPinRectSize: PUBLIC INT _ 3; DefaultPortSize: PUBLIC INT _ 4; END.