DIRECTORY Rope USING [ROPE, Concat, Equal, Cat], Convert USING[RopeFromInt], RefTab USING [Create, Pairs, EachPairAction, Fetch, Store, Delete, GetSize], IO, Imager USING[Context, MaskStroke, PathProc, SetXY, ShowRope, SetGray], List USING [AList, Assoc, PutAssoc], CCG, IP, IPCB, IPConstants USING[Black], IPParams USING[ChDefaultWidth, ChMinLSeparation, ChMinLength], IPCTG; IPCTGImpl: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS RefTab, Imager, IO, Rope, Convert, List, CCG, IP, IPParams, IPCB EXPORTS IPCTG = BEGIN OPEN IPCTG; HorChPrefix: Rope.ROPE = "h"; VerChPrefix: Rope.ROPE = "v"; ChannelTypeMismatch: PUBLIC ERROR = CODE; CyclicConstraints: PUBLIC ERROR [negCh, posCh: Channel] = CODE; Create: PUBLIC PROC[] RETURNS[Ref] ={ RETURN[NEW[Rep _ [horCCG: CCG.Create[], verCCG: CCG.Create[], extConstraintsTable: RefTab.Create[]]]] }; --Create-- DescribeSelf: PUBLIC PROC[ctg: Ref, stream: IO.STREAM] ={ pI: EachIntersectionAction ={stream.PutF[" %g %g", IO.rope[],[i.type]]}; --pI-- pCh1: EachChannelAction ={ stream.PutF["%g\t%g %g %g\n", IO.rope[], IO.rope[SELECT ch.type FROM hor => "hor", ver => "ver", ENDCASE => ERROR],[ch.coord],[ch.width]]; }; --pCh1-- pCh2: EachChannelAction ={ stream.PutF["%g\t", IO.rope[]]; [] _ pI[End[ch, neg]]; [] _ pI[End[ch, pos]]; stream.PutF[" ("]; [] _ Intersections[ch, neg, pI]; stream.PutF[") "]; stream.PutF["("]; [] _ Intersections[ch, pos, pI]; stream.PutF[")\n"];}; --pCh2-- pCon: RefTab.EachPairAction -- [key: RefTab.Key, val: RefTab.Val] RETURNS [quit: BOOLEAN] -- = { quit _ FALSE; stream.PutF["\n%g\t[", IO.rope[NARROW[key, Channel].name]]; FOR l: List.AList _ NARROW[val], UNTIL l = NIL DO stream.PutF[" %g %g", IO.rope[NARROW[l.first.key, Channel].name],[NARROW[l.first.val, REF INT]^]]; ENDLOOP; stream.PutF["]"]; }; -- pCon-- stream.PutF["\nBeginCTG"]; stream.PutF["\n%g \t--Number of channels\n",[ctg.horCCG.Size + ctg.verCCG.Size]]; stream.PutF["%g %g\t--Horzontal & Vertical channel name counters\n",[ctg.horChNameCounter],[ctg.verChNameCounter]]; [] _ Channels[ctg, pCh1]; [] _ Channels[ctg, pCh2]; stream.PutF["\n%g \t--Number of external constraints",[ctg.extConstraintsTable.GetSize]]; [] _ ctg.extConstraintsTable.Pairs[pCon]; stream.PutF["\nEndCTG\n"]; }; --DescribeSelf-- ReconstructSelf: PUBLIC PROC[stream: IO.STREAM] RETURNS [ctg: Ref] ={ makeCh: PROC ={ name: Rope.ROPE _ stream.GetID; type: ChType _ IF Rope.Equal[stream.GetID, "ver"] THEN ver ELSE hor; coord: INT _ stream.GetInt; width: NAT _ stream.GetInt; [] _ CreateChannel[ctg, type, width, coord, name]}; --makeCh-- makeI: PROC RETURNS [Intersection] ={ RETURN [NEW[IntersectionRep _ [GetChannel[ctg, stream.GetID], stream.GetInt]]]}; --makeI-- makeIs: PROC RETURNS [LIST OF Intersection] ={ lHd, lTl: LIST OF Intersection; lHd_ lTl _ CONS[NIL, NIL]; [] _ stream.GetCedarTokenRope; WHILE stream.PeekChar # ') DO _ CONS[NEW[IntersectionRep _ [GetChannel[ctg, stream.GetID], stream.GetInt]], NIL]; lTl _; ENDLOOP; [] _ stream.GetCedarTokenRope; RETURN []}; --makeIs-- chCount: NAT _ stream.GetInt; ctg _ Create[]; ctg.horChNameCounter _ stream.GetInt; ctg.verChNameCounter _ stream.GetInt; THROUGH [0..chCount) DO makeCh ENDLOOP; THROUGH [0..chCount) DO ch: Channel _ GetChannel[ctg, stream.GetID]; negEnd: Intersection _ makeI[]; posEnd: Intersection _ makeI[]; negSide: LIST OF Intersection _ makeIs[]; posSide: LIST OF Intersection _ makeIs[]; IPCB.SetBoundary[ch.boundary, negEnd, posEnd, negSide, posSide]; ENDLOOP; THROUGH [ DO ch: Channel _ GetChannel[ctg, stream.GetID]; [] _ stream.GetCedarTokenRope; WHILE stream.PeekChar # '] DO nCh: Channel _ GetChannel[ctg, stream.GetID]; wt: NAT _ stream.GetInt; SetExternalConstraint[ctg, ch, nCh, wt] ENDLOOP; [] _ stream.GetChar; ENDLOOP; IF NOT Rope.Equal[stream.GetID, "EndCTG"] THEN ERROR; };--ReconstructSelf-- CheckSelf: PUBLIC PROC[ctg: Ref] ={ pCh: EachChannelAction ={ cbRef: IPCB.Ref _ ch.boundary; IF NOT ch.chNode IN [1..Size[ctg, ch.type]] THEN ERROR; IF GetChannel[ctg,] # ch THEN ERROR; IF cbRef.owner # ch THEN ERROR; IPCB.CheckSelf[cbRef]; BEGIN negIs: LIST OF IPCB.IntersectionNode _ NIL; pI: IPCB.EachINodeAction ={negIs _ CONS[iNd, negIs]}; IPCB.IntersectionNodes[cbRef, pI, neg]; FOR l: LIST OF IPCB.IntersectionNode _ negIs, UNTIL l = NIL DO i: Intersection _ l.first.intersection; iNd: IPCB.IntersectionNode; SELECT i.type FROM IPCB.TNeg => IF IPCB.GetINode[cbRef,, pos] # NIL THEN ERROR; IPCB.Cross => IF (iNd _ IPCB.GetINode[cbRef,, pos]) = NIL THEN ERROR ELSE { IF iNd.dual = l.first.dual OR iNd.intersection = i THEN ERROR}; --Different copies-- ENDCASE => ERROR; ENDLOOP; END; BEGIN pCo: EachComponentAction ={IF co = NIL OR THEN NULL ELSE ERROR}; --pCo-- [] _ IPCB.Components[ch.boundary, neg, pCo]; [] _ IPCB.Components[ch.boundary, pos, pCo]; END; }; --pCh-- [] _ Channels[ctg, pCh];}; --CheckSelf-- DestroySelf: PUBLIC PROC[ctg: Ref] ={ p: EachChannelAction ={IPCB.Destroy[ch.boundary]; ch.boundary _ NIL}; --p-- [] _ Channels[ctg, p] }; -- DestroySelf-- PaintSelf: PUBLIC PROC[ctg: Ref, context: Imager.Context, xOffset, yOffset: REAL _ 0.0, scaleFactor: REAL _ 1.0, showChName: BOOL _ TRUE] ={ p: EachChannelAction ={PaintChannel[ch, context, xOffset, yOffset, scaleFactor, showChName]}; --p-- [] _ Channels[ctg, p]; }; --PaintSelf-- CreateChannel: PUBLIC PROC[ctg: Ref, type: ChType, width: NAT _ IPParams.ChDefaultWidth, coord: INT _ 0, name: Rope.ROPE _ NIL] RETURNS[ch: Channel] ={ SELECT type FROM hor => { ch _ NEW[ChannelRep _ [type: type, name: name, slack:, width: width, coord: coord]]; ch.chNode _ ctg.horCCG.CreateNode[ch]; IF name = NIL THEN { _ Rope.Concat[HorChPrefix, Convert.RopeFromInt[ctg.horChNameCounter _ ctg.horChNameCounter.SUCC]]} }; ver => { ch _ NEW[ChannelRep _ [type: type, name: name, slack:, width: width, coord: coord]]; ch.chNode _ ctg.verCCG.CreateNode[ch]; IF name = NIL THEN { _ Rope.Concat[VerChPrefix, Convert.RopeFromInt[ctg.verChNameCounter _ ctg.verChNameCounter.SUCC]]}; }; ENDCASE => ERROR; ch.boundary _ IPCB.Create[ch]; RETURN[ch]}; --CreateChannel-- DeActivateChannel: PUBLIC PROC[ctg: Ref, ch: Channel] ={ p: CCG.CleanUpChsProc ={NARROW[chToMove, Channel].chNode _ ch.chNode}; --p-- SELECT ch.type FROM hor => ctg.horCCG.DestroyNode[ch.chNode, p]; ver => ctg.verCCG.DestroyNode[ch.chNode, p]; ENDCASE => ERROR; ch.chNode _ 0; ch.boundary _ NIL; }; --DeActivateChannel-- ReActivateChannel: PUBLIC PROC[ctg: Ref, ch: Channel] ={ ch.boundary _ IPCB.Create[ch]; SELECT ch.type FROM hor => ch.chNode _ ctg.horCCG.CreateNode[ch]; ver => ch.chNode _ ctg.verCCG.CreateNode[ch]; ENDCASE => ERROR; }; --ReActivateChannel-- Size: PUBLIC PROC[ctg: Ref, type: ChType] RETURNS[NAT] ={ SELECT type FROM hor => {RETURN [ctg.horCCG.Size]}; ver => {RETURN [ctg.verCCG.Size]}; ENDCASE => ERROR;}; --Size-- GetChannel: PUBLIC PROC[ctg: Ref, name: Rope.ROPE, raiseError: BOOL _ TRUE] RETURNS[channel: Channel _ NIL] ={ findName: EachChannelAction = { IF Rope.Equal[name,] THEN {channel _ ch; quit _ TRUE}}; -- findName-- [] _ Channels[ctg, findName]; IF channel = NIL AND raiseError THEN ERROR IP.Error[missingRegistration, Rope.Cat[name, " is not a channel name"]]; }; --GetChannel-- DirectedChannels: PUBLIC PROC[ctg: Ref, p: EachChannelAction, chType: ChType] RETURNS[BOOL] = { -- Enumerate all channels of chType (hor or ver) or until p returns true. Returns TRUE <=> p returns FALSE ON ALL Channels. p1: CCG.EachChAction ={RETURN[p[NARROW[ch]]]}; --p1-- SELECT chType FROM hor => {RETURN[ctg.horCCG.Chs[p1]]}; ver => {RETURN[ctg.verCCG.Chs[p1]]}; ENDCASE => ERROR; }; Channels: PUBLIC PROC[ctg: Ref, p: EachChannelAction, horChsFirst: BOOL _ TRUE] RETURNS[BOOL] ={ p1: CCG.EachChAction ={RETURN[p[NARROW[ch]]]}; --p1-- IF horChsFirst THEN {IF ctg.horCCG.Chs[p1] THEN RETURN[ctg.verCCG.Chs[p1]]} ELSE {IF ctg.verCCG.Chs[p1] THEN RETURN[ctg.horCCG.Chs[p1]]}; RETURN [FALSE] }; --Channels-- ConstrainChannels: PUBLIC PROC[ctg: Ref, negCh, posCh: Channel, wt: INT] = { ConstrainChannels0[ctg, negCh, posCh, wt + negCh.width/2 + posCh.width/2]}; --ConstrainChannels-- ConstrainChannels0: PUBLIC PROC [ctg: Ref, negCh, posCh: Channel, wt: INT] ={ IF negCh.type # posCh.type THEN ERROR ChannelTypeMismatch; SELECT negCh.type FROM hor => {ctg.horCCG.ConstrainNodes[negCh.chNode, posCh.chNode, wt]}; ver => {ctg.verCCG.ConstrainNodes[negCh.chNode, posCh.chNode, wt]}; ENDCASE => ERROR;}; --ConstrainChannels0-- SetExternalConstraint: PUBLIC PROC[ctg: Ref, negCh, posCh: Channel, wt: INT] ={ found: BOOL; val: REF; alist: List.AList; IF negCh.type # posCh.type THEN ERROR ChannelTypeMismatch; SELECT negCh.type FROM hor => {IF ctg.horCCG.CyclicConstrainp[negCh.chNode, posCh.chNode] THEN ERROR CyclicConstraints[negCh, posCh]}; ver => {IF ctg.verCCG.CyclicConstrainp[negCh.chNode, posCh.chNode] THEN ERROR CyclicConstraints[negCh, posCh]}; ENDCASE => ERROR; [found, val] _ ctg.extConstraintsTable.Fetch[negCh]; IF found THEN { refWt: REF; alist _ NARROW[val]; IF (refWt _ List.Assoc[posCh, alist]) # NIL AND NARROW[refWt, REF INT]^ >= wt THEN RETURN}; [] _ ctg.extConstraintsTable.Store[negCh, List.PutAssoc[posCh, NEW[INT_wt], alist]]; }; --SetExternalConstraint-- ClearExternalConstraints: PUBLIC PROC[ctg: Ref, negCh: Channel, posCh: Channel _ NIL] ={ found: BOOL; val: REF; alist: List.AList; IF posCh = NIL THEN {[] _ ctg.extConstraintsTable.Delete[negCh]; RETURN}; IF negCh.type # posCh.type THEN ERROR ChannelTypeMismatch; [found, val] _ ctg.extConstraintsTable.Fetch[negCh]; IF found THEN { alist _ NARROW[val]; []_ ctg.extConstraintsTable.Store[negCh, List.PutAssoc[posCh, NIL, alist]]; } }; --ClearExternalConstraints -- ClearAllExternalConstraints: PUBLIC PROC[ctg: Ref] ={ ctg.extConstraintsTable _ RefTab.Create[]; }; -- ClearAllExternalConstraints-- AddTopologicalConstraints: PUBLIC PROC[ctg: Ref] ={ p: EachChannelAction ={ IF End[ch, pos].type # IPCB.TEnd OR End[ch, neg].type # IPCB.TEnd THEN { IF End[ch, pos].type * End[ch, neg].type = IPCB.LNeg AND NoIntersection[ch, pos] AND NoIntersection[ch, neg] THEN{ ConstrainChannels0[ctg, End[ch, neg].ch, End[ch, pos].ch, IPParams.ChMinLength]} ELSE { SELECT End[ch, pos].type FROM IPCB.Cross => NULL; IPCB.LNeg => IF NthIntersection[ch, pos, -1] # NIL AND NthIntersection[ch, pos, -1].type # IPCB.Cross THEN ConstrainChannels0[ctg, NthIntersection[ch, pos, -1].ch, End[ch, pos].ch, IPParams.ChMinLSeparation]; IPCB.LPos => IF NthIntersection[ch, neg, -1] # NIL AND NthIntersection[ch, neg, -1].type # IPCB.Cross THEN ConstrainChannels0[ctg, NthIntersection[ch, neg, -1].ch, End[ch, pos].ch, IPParams.ChMinLSeparation]; ENDCASE => ERROR; SELECT End[ch, neg].type FROM IPCB.Cross => NULL; IPCB.LNeg => IF NthIntersection[ch, pos, 1] # NIL AND NthIntersection[ch, pos, 1].type # IPCB.Cross THEN ConstrainChannels0[ctg, End[ch, neg].ch, NthIntersection[ch, pos, 1].ch, IPParams.ChMinLSeparation]; IPCB.LPos => IF NthIntersection[ch, neg, 1] # NIL AND NthIntersection[ch, neg, 1].type # IPCB.Cross THEN ConstrainChannels0[ctg, End[ch, neg].ch, NthIntersection[ch, neg, 1].ch, IPParams.ChMinLSeparation]; ENDCASE => ERROR;} }}; --p-- [] _ Channels[ctg, p]; }; --AddTopologicalConstraints -- AddExternalConstraints: PUBLIC PROC[ctg: Ref] = { EachConstraintIter: RefTab.EachPairAction -- [key: RefTab.Key, val: RefTab.Val] RETURNS [quit: BOOLEAN] -- = { negCh: Channel _ NARROW[key]; quit _ FALSE; FOR alist: List.AList _ NARROW[val], UNTIL alist = NIL DO posCh: Channel _ NARROW[alist.first.key]; wt: INT _ NARROW[alist.first.val, REF INT]^; ConstrainChannels0[ctg, negCh, posCh, wt]; ENDLOOP; }; --EachConstraintIter -- [] _ ctg.extConstraintsTable.Pairs[EachConstraintIter]; }; -- AddExternalConstraints-- RefreshAllConstraints: PUBLIC PROC [ctg: Ref] ={ ctg.verCCG.ResetAllNodes; ctg.horCCG.ResetAllNodes; }; --RefreshAllConstraints-- ComputeGeometry: PUBLIC PROC[ctg: Ref, xPosition, yPosition: INT, horPosSense, verPosSense: BOOL _ TRUE]={ AssignCoordAndComputeSlack: EachChannelAction = { posSense: BOOL _ SELECT ch.type FROM hor => horPosSense, ver => verPosSense, ENDCASE => ERROR; chGraph: CCG.Ref _ SELECT ch.type FROM hor => ctg.horCCG, ver => ctg.verCCG, ENDCASE => ERROR; ch.slack.neg _ chGraph.NodePosition[ch.chNode, pos]; --ch.slack.neg <= ch.slack.pos ch.slack.pos _ chGraph.NodePosition[ch.chNode, neg]; ch.coord _ chGraph.NodePosition[ch.chNode, IF posSense THEN pos ELSE neg]; chGraph.ResetNode[ch.chNode]; }; --AssignCoordAndComputeSlack -- hCCG: CCG.Ref = ctg.horCCG; vCCG: CCG.Ref = ctg.verCCG; hRoot, vRoot: CCG.NodeIndex; hRoot _ hCCG.FindRoot[pos]; vRoot _ vCCG.FindRoot[pos]; hCCG.SetNodePosition[hRoot, pos, yPosition]; vCCG.SetNodePosition[vRoot, pos, xPosition]; hCCG.PosAssignNodePosition[hRoot]; vCCG.PosAssignNodePosition[vRoot]; hRoot _ hCCG.FindRoot[neg]; vRoot _ vCCG.FindRoot[neg]; hCCG.SetNodePosition[hRoot, neg, hCCG.NodePosition[hRoot, pos]]; vCCG.SetNodePosition[vRoot, neg, vCCG.NodePosition[vRoot, pos]]; hCCG.NegAssignNodePosition[hRoot]; vCCG.NegAssignNodePosition[vRoot]; [] _ Channels[ctg, AssignCoordAndComputeSlack]; }; --ComputeGeometry -- IsBoundingChannel: PUBLIC PROC[ctg: Ref, ch: Channel] RETURNS [bounding: BOOL _ FALSE] ~ { IF ch.type = hor THEN { hCCG: CCG.Ref = ctg.horCCG; hRoot: CCG.NodeIndex _ hCCG.FindRoot[pos]; IF NARROW[hCCG.GetCh[hRoot], Channel] = ch THEN RETURN[TRUE]; hRoot _ hCCG.FindRoot[neg]; IF NARROW[hCCG.GetCh[hRoot], Channel] = ch THEN RETURN[TRUE]} ELSE { vCCG: CCG.Ref = ctg.verCCG; vRoot: CCG.NodeIndex _ vCCG.FindRoot[pos]; IF NARROW[vCCG.GetCh[vRoot], Channel] = ch THEN RETURN[TRUE]; vRoot _ vCCG.FindRoot[neg]; IF NARROW[vCCG.GetCh[vRoot], Channel] = ch THEN RETURN[TRUE]} }; GetBoundingChannels: PUBLIC PROC[ctg: Ref] RETURNS [southMost, eastMost, northMost, westMost: Channel] ={ hCCG: CCG.Ref = ctg.horCCG; vCCG: CCG.Ref = ctg.verCCG; hRoot, vRoot: CCG.NodeIndex; hRoot _ hCCG.FindRoot[pos]; vRoot _ vCCG.FindRoot[pos]; southMost _ NARROW[hCCG.GetCh[hRoot]]; westMost _ NARROW[vCCG.GetCh[vRoot]]; hRoot _ hCCG.FindRoot[neg]; vRoot _ vCCG.FindRoot[neg]; northMost _ NARROW[hCCG.GetCh[hRoot]]; eastMost _ NARROW[vCCG.GetCh[vRoot]]; }; --GetBoundingChannels-- PaintChannel: PUBLIC PROC [ch: Channel, context: Imager.Context, xOffset, yOffset: REAL _ 0.0, scaleFactor: REAL _ 1.0, showName: BOOL _ TRUE] ={ negCh: Channel _ End[ch, neg].ch; posCh: Channel _ End[ch, pos].ch; Imager.SetGray[context, IPConstants.Black]; SELECT ch.type FROM ver => {x: REAL _ xOffset + (ch.coord * scaleFactor); -- Imager.SetXYI[context, x, yOffset + (negCh.coord * scaleFactor)]; -- Imager.DrawTo[context, x, yOffset + (posCh.coord * scaleFactor)]; path: Imager.PathProc ~ { moveTo[[x, yOffset + (negCh.coord * scaleFactor)]]; lineTo[[x, yOffset + (posCh.coord * scaleFactor)]]; }; Imager.MaskStroke[context, path]; Imager.SetXY[context, [x, yOffset + (negCh.coord + posCh.coord) *scaleFactor/2]]; IF showName THEN Imager.ShowRope[context,]; }; hor => {y: REAL _ yOffset + (ch.coord * scaleFactor); -- Imager.SetXYI[context, xOffset + (negCh.coord * scaleFactor), y]; -- Graphics.DrawTo[context, xOffset + (posCh.coord * scaleFactor), y]; path: Imager.PathProc ~ { moveTo[[xOffset + (negCh.coord * scaleFactor), y]]; lineTo[[xOffset + (posCh.coord * scaleFactor), y]]; }; Imager.MaskStroke[context, path]; Imager.SetXY[context, [xOffset + (negCh.coord + posCh.coord) *scaleFactor/ 2, y]]; IF showName THEN Imager.ShowRope[context,]; }; ENDCASE => ERROR};--PaintChannel-- End: PUBLIC PROC[ch: Channel, which: Side] RETURNS[Intersection] = { RETURN[IPCB.End[ch.boundary, which]]}; --End -- NthComponent: PUBLIC PROC [ch: Channel, which: Side, n: INT] RETURNS[Component] = {RETURN[IPCB.NthComponent[ch.boundary, which, n]]}; NthIntersection: PUBLIC PROC[ch: Channel, which: Side, n: INT] RETURNS[Intersection] = { RETURN[IPCB.NthIntersection[ch.boundary, which, n]] }; -- NthIntersection-- NoIntersection: PUBLIC PROC[ch: Channel, which: Side] RETURNS[BOOL] = { RETURN[IPCB.NoIntersection[ch.boundary, which]] }; -- NoIntersection-- NoComponent: PUBLIC PROC[ch: Channel, which: Side] RETURNS[BOOL] = { RETURN[IPCB.NoComponent[ch.boundary, which]] }; -- NoComponent-- Components: PUBLIC PROC[ch: Channel, which: Side, p: EachComponentAction] RETURNS[BOOL] = {RETURN[IPCB.Components[ch.boundary, which, p]]}; -- Components-- Intersections: PUBLIC PROC[ch: Channel, which: Side, p: EachIntersectionAction] RETURNS[BOOL] = {RETURN[IPCB.Intersections[ch.boundary, which, p]];}; -- Intersections-- END. B-- File: IPCTGImpl.mesa -- Last Edited by: CSChow, February 2, 1985 2:13:12 am PST Preas, August 1, 1986 6:50:27 pm PDT -- Note: IPCTG = ChannelTopologyGraph --Create the channels-- --Create the external constraints-- TRUE iff ch is a bounding channel of the assembly --##################-- ##################-- ส)q˜Jšœ™šœ:™:Icode™$—J˜Jšœ%™%J™J˜šฯk ˜ Jšœœœ˜&Jšœœ˜K– "Cedar" stylešœœ@˜MK– "Cedar" stylešœ˜K– "Cedar" stylešœœ:˜FK– "Cedar" stylešœœ˜$K– "Cedar" stylešœ˜K– "Cedar" styleš˜K– "Cedar" stylešœ˜K– "Cedar" stylešœ œ˜K– "Cedar" stylešœ œ0˜>K– "Cedar" stylešœ˜—J˜šœ œ˜Jš œœœœ ˜HJš œœœœœ˜!J˜Jšœœ˜Jšœœ˜J˜Jšœœœœ˜)Jšœœœœ˜?J˜J˜K– "Cedar" style™šฯnœœœœ˜%Jšœœœœ2˜eJšœฯc œ˜—K– "Cedar" style˜– "Cedar" styleš ž œœœœœ˜9K– "Cedar" stylešœ3œœŸ˜_– "Cedar" stylešœ˜K– "Cedar" stylešœœœœ œœœœœ˜ŸK– "Cedar" stylešœŸ˜ —– "Cedar" stylešœ˜K– "Cedar" stylešœœ˜&K– "Cedar" style˜K– "Cedar" style˜K– "Cedar" style˜K– "Cedar" stylešœ ˜ K– "Cedar" style˜K– 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