-- File: IPTop.mesa
-- Last Edited by: CSChow, February 1, 1985 8:40:33 am PST
Preas, August 27, 1986 11:51:03 am PDT
-- This is the top leve interface.
Imager USING [Context],
IPCTG USING[Ref, Channel, ChType],
Misc USING [Rect],
IPConstants USING [White],
IPParams USING [ChDefaultWidth, ChDefaultPositionX, ChDefaultPositionY],
RefStack USING [Ref],
Ref: TYPE = REF Rep;
coTab: IPCoTab.Ref, --Tables of components/instances
ports: IPPortTab.Ref, --Tables of ports
ctg: IPCTG.Ref, -- of Channels
types: IPTypeTab.Ref, --Tables of types
nets: IPNetTab.Ref, --Tables of nets
undoStack, redoStack, horOldChs, verOldChs: RefStack.Ref, -- supports undo/redo
initialized: BOOLFALSE, -- false implies need to call InitTop. Handled internally
southMost, eastMost, northMost, westMost: IPCTG.Channel ← NIL -- bounding chanels
CyclicConstraint: ERROR[negCh, posCh: IPCTG.Channel];
ComponentsOverlapped: ERROR[overlaps: LIST OF Misc.Rect];
Create: PROC[chipRose: IPChipRose.Ref] RETURNS[Ref];
-- Create top from chipRose
Create1: PROC[defaultDir, descFile: Rope.ROPE] RETURNS [Ref];
--Create from desc file. See Impl
CreateFromStructure: PROC[structure: RTStructure.Structure] RETURNS[Ref];
-- Create top from chipRose
DestroySelf: PROC [top: Ref];
--Clean up circular garbage
ReDefineChs: PROC[top: Ref, chWidth: NAT ← IPParams.ChDefaultWidth, yPrimary, maxChWidth: BOOLFALSE] RETURNS [Ref];
! Raise ComponentsOverlap. This construct the ChannelIPTopologyGraph based on
the shape and positions of the components in the coTab. chWidth is the
default channel width. If maxChWidth is true then the width of the each
constructed channel will be set to the maximum possible without moving
the components else all channels will be set to chWidth (In any case all channels
will be at least chWidth wide.) If yPrimary is true then the resultant channels
will tend to give long vertical channels else it will tend to give long horizontal
channels. IPTop is the same instance, only top.ctg is changed--
ClearChannels: PROC[top: Ref];
--Destroy (and only) top.ctg (the channels) in the system.
-- So after ClearChannels[top], NoTopology[top] is always TRUE
DescribeSelf: PROC[top: Ref, file: Rope.ROPE];
Create a recoverable textual description of self. Used for creating checkpoint--
PaintSelf: PROC[top: Ref, context: Imager.Context, xOffset, yOffset: REAL ← 0.0, scaleFactor: REAL ← 1.0, compStipple: CARDINAL ← IPConstants.White, showChNames, showCompNames, showPinNames: BOOLTRUE];
--compStipple is stipple used to paint components
--showChNames => channel names will be shown
-- showCompNames => component names will be shown
ReconstructSelf: PROC[file: Rope.ROPE] RETURNS [top: Ref];
Create the top based on the textual description in file. The reconstruction is `perfect'
except for some statistical info. and ref's are are longer the same.
CheckSelf: PROC[top: Ref];
-- Used for debugging. No longer maintained
ConstraintChannels: PROC[top: Ref, negCh, posCh: IPCTG.Channel, wt: INT];
Set a (directed) external constraint between negCh and posCh, will
ERROR CyclicConstraint if resultant constraint is cyclic.
ClearConstraints: PROC[top: Ref, negCh: IPCTG.Channel, posCh: IPCTG.Channel ← NIL];
Clear the constraint from negCh to posCh, if posCh = NIL then clear ALL
constraints from negCh
ClearAllConstraints: PROC[top: Ref];
Removes all external constraints
NoTopology: PROC[top: Ref] RETURNS [BOOL];
--Check if top has channels or not
Geometrize: PROC [top: Ref, xPosition: INT ← IPParams.ChDefaultPositionX, yPosition: INT ← IPParams.ChDefaultPositionY, horPosSense, verPosSense: BOOLTRUE];
Compute/update the Geomterical information (eg. coordinates and slacks of channels.)
If horPosSense is true then the horizontal channels will be computed from bottom
upward else they will be computed from top to down. Similarly for verPosSense.
xPosition and yPosition specifies the starting coordinates for the leftmost and
bottommost channels respectively
XDim: PROC[top: Ref] RETURNS [INT];
YDim: PROC[top: Ref] RETURNS [INT];
Area: PROC[top: Ref] RETURNS [INT];
CreateChannel: PROC[top: Ref, type: IPCTG.ChType, width: NAT ← IPParams.ChDefaultWidth, coord: INT ← 0] RETURNS[ch: IPCTG.Channel];
DestroyChannel: PROC[top:Ref, ch: IPCTG.Channel];
ReActivateChannel: PROC[top: Ref, ch: IPCTG.Channel]; --put the ch back--
DeActivateChannel: PROC[top: Ref, ch: IPCTG.Channel]; --remove ch.