-- File: CCG.mesa
-- Last Edited by: CSChow, February 1, 1985 8:07:16 am PST
--Note: CCG = ChannelConstraintGraph
-- This is a bidirectional directed graph. Each node in the graph correspond to one channels.
-- There are two sets of graphs for a layout, viz, a horizontal graph and a vertical graph.
-- Each of which consist of two directed graphs (ie. bottomToTop & topToBottom,
-- and leftToRight & rightToLeft.) These graphs are used to compute the
-- geometrical information of ChannelTopologyGraph.--
Ref: TYPE = REF Rep;
Rep: TYPE;
NodeIndex: TYPE = [1..MaxGraphSize];
MaxGraphSize: NAT = 200; --%Restriction on the maximum number of nodes in the graph %--
MaxEdges: NAT = 20; --%Restriction on the maximum number of edges between nodes%--
GraphDirection: TYPE = {pos, neg};
InvalidNode: ERROR;
FindRootError: ERROR[reason: Reasons1];
AssignNodeError: ERROR[reason: Reasons2];
Reasons1: TYPE ={NoRoot, MulitpleRoots};
Reasons2: TYPE ={NotARoot, CyclicGraph};
CleanUpChsProc: TYPE = PROC[chToDestroy, chToMove: REF];
EachChAction: TYPE = PROC[ch: REF] RETURNS [quit: BOOLFALSE];
Create: PROC[] RETURNS[Ref];
CreateNode: PROC[grph: Ref, ch: REFNIL] RETURNS[NodeIndex];
--ch is associated with the node
-- ch is a ref any to make it more general
DestroyNode: PROC[grph: Ref, node: NodeIndex, p: CleanUpChsProc];
Size: PROC [grph: Ref] RETURNS [NAT];
ConstrainNodes: PROC[grph: Ref, negNd, posNd: NodeIndex, wt: INT];
--if there is no edge between negNd and posNd create one with weight wt
-- else set weight of existing edge to max. of wt and previous weight
-- NB: This implies there is at most one edge between any pair of nodes
CyclicConstrainp: PROC [grph: Ref, negNd, posNd: NodeIndex] RETURNS [cyclic: BOOL];
--TRUE iff add constrain between negNd and posNd will result in a cycle in grph
ResetNode: PROC[grph: Ref, nd: NodeIndex];
-- Clears the nodes so that it can be reused for the next position assignment--
ResetAllNodes: PROC[grph: Ref];
-- = {FOR nd: NodeIndex IN [1..grph.size] DO ResetNode[grph, nd] ENDLOOP};
PosAssignNodePosition: PROC[grph: Ref, root: NodeIndex];
-- Do position assignment in positive direction (left-to-right or bottom-to-top)
NegAssignNodePosition:PROC[grph: Ref, root: NodeIndex];
--Do position assignment in negative direction
NodePosition: PROC[grph: Ref, nd: NodeIndex, which: GraphDirection] RETURNS[INT];
--Get position of node (after assignment.)
SetNodePosition: PROC[grph: Ref, nd: NodeIndex, which: GraphDirection, position: INT];
-- Used to set the starting position on root node
FindRoot: PROC[grph: Ref, which: GraphDirection] RETURNS[nd: NodeIndex];
--! ERROR FindRootError
GetCh: PROC[grph: Ref, nd: NodeIndex] RETURNS [REF];
-- Get the ch created associated with the node
Chs: PROC[grph: Ref, p: EachChAction] RETURNS [BOOL];
--Apply p to ch in all nodes of grph or until p returns True.
-- Chs returns true <=> p returns true on none of the ch.