Figure 1. Channel routing terminology is defined after [Lor88]. This more general channel model is required by general cell design systems. Terminals are not required to be on a grid and varying wire widths are allowed. Figure 2. In a constraint graph the nodes represent trunk segments and the directed arcs represent constraints caused by branch layer wires. In this example segment 2 must be above segment 3. Thus, either routing (a) or (b) is allowed by the constraint graph (c). Figure 3. To break cycles in the vertical constraint graph, a segment is divided into an upper and a lower segment. A nonterminal dogleg is used to connect the segments. Figure 4. It is not always possible to insert a nonterminal dogleg within a channel. Completion can still be guaranteed when doglegs can be deferred to one of the intersecting channels. Figure 5. In rare cases, breaks with two nonterminal doglegs are better than breaks with one nonterminal dogleg. Such extreme cases rarely occur and are effectively discriminated against when they do occur. Figure 6. Even though extra doglegs are inserted as indicated by the X, no penalty is incurred. The better routings, (b) and (d), are selected by the (terminal) dogleg router. Figure 10. Search ranges for doglegs can be prioritized based on the configuration of terminals. Any dogleg in region 1 is no worse than any dogleg in region 2. Likewise for regions 2 and 3. GenerateAcyclicVerticalConstraintGraph: PROCEDURE [vcg, terminals, nets, rules] RETURNS [acyclicVcg, pins] pins _ terminals (*pins are terminals plus nonterminal doglegs *) WHILE cycles exist in vcg DO density _ CurrentTrackDensity[pins, nets] (* Cost of Doglegs *) segsInCycle _ ChooseACycle[vcg] doglegbest _ worstPossibleDogleg FOR each trunkSegment in segsInCycle DO searchRanges _ GenerateRangesForSeg[trunkSegment] (* Reducing the Search Space *) FOR each range in searchRanges WHILE no dogleg found DO FOR each appropriate position in range DO (* Reducing the Search Space *) IF DoglegAllowed[trunkSegment, position, vcg, pins, nets, rules] THEN (* Where Doglegs Are Allowed *) dogleg _ GenerateDogleg[trunkSegment, position] (* Breaking the Segments *) IF BetterThan[dogleg, doglegbest, density] THEN (* Cost of Doglegs *) doglegbest _ dogleg END FOR each appropriate position IF no dogleg found for this trunkSegment THEN doglegleft _ GenerateDogleg[trunkSegment, leftEndOfChannel] (* Breaking the Segments *) doglegright _ GenerateDogleg[trunkSegment, rightEndOfChannel] (* Breaking the Segments *) IF BetterThan[doglegleft, doglegbest, density] THEN (* Cost of Doglegs *) doglegbest _ doglegleft IF BetterThan[doglegright, doglegbest, density] THEN (* Cost of Doglegs *) doglegbest _ doglegright END FOR each range in searchRanges END FOR each trunkSegment Insert doglegbest into pins, vcg, nets END WHILE cycles exist RETURN [vcg, pins] Algorithm 1. This algorithm generates an acyclic vertical constraint graph by inserting nonterminal doglegs. Bold comments refer to subsections in Section 3.2. Constraining: PROCEDURE [item1, item2, rules] RETURNS [Boolean] w1 _ Max [item1.w, rules.branch.viaSize] w2 _ Max [item2.w, rule.branch.viaSize] constraining _ SELECT FROM item1.p = item2.p: TRUE item1.p < item2.p: (item2.p-w2) - (item1.p+w1) < rules.branch.minSpace item1p > item2.p: (item1.p-w1) - (item2.p+w2) < rules.branch.minSpace END SELECT RETURN [constraining]; Algorithm 2. This algorithm determines if two branch layer items (terminals or nonterminal doglegs) interact with each other (in a design rule sense). Table 1. Characteristics of Example Channels Example Density Nets Pins Cycles Source Comments (mm) 1 532 123 361 2 High Speed Cache Rectilinear Sides; 3 different wire widths 2 1404 569 1575 13 High Speed Cache 3 different wire widths 3 612 94 297 3 High Speed Cache Rectilinear Sides; 3 different wire widths 4 1108 272 748 8 Memory Controller Dogleg in Vdd Bus; 2 different wire widths  ÊÌ–"expandedmargins" style•NewlineDelimiter ™J–8clearTabStops 0.8 in flushLeft tabStop 0.8 in restIndent˜Iblock˜K˜K˜K˜K˜K˜K• CharProps)8SpellingToolUserLikesThisWordLor"–:clearTabStops 0.65 in flushLeft tabStop 0.65 in restIndentšÏb œÔ˜ÝK˜K˜K˜K˜K˜K˜K˜K–:clearTabStops 0.65 in flushLeft tabStop 0.65 in restIndentš œ€˜‰Ifootnote˜Icenter˜M˜M˜M˜M˜M˜K–:clearTabStops 0.65 in flushLeft tabStop 0.65 in restIndentš œOÏiœžœA˜«M˜M˜M˜M˜M˜M˜K–:clearTabStops 0.65 in flushLeft tabStop 0.65 in restIndentš œ²˜»M˜M˜M˜M˜M˜K–:clearTabStops 0.65 in flushLeft tabStop 0.65 in restIndentšœÉ˜ÑM˜M˜M˜M˜M˜M˜J˜J˜M˜M˜M˜M˜M˜M˜M˜M˜M˜K–:clearTabStops 0.65 in flushLeft tabStop 0.65 in restIndentšœ=žœj˜°K˜K˜K˜K˜K˜K˜K–:clearTabStops 0.65 in flushLeft tabStop 0.65 in restIndentš œ¶˜ÀI pagebreak–:clearTabStops 0.65 in flushLeft tabStop 0.65 in restIndent˜code–œ&SpellingToolUserLikesThisWord&GenerateAcyclicVerticalConstraintGraph SpellingToolUserLikesThisWordvcg# SpellingToolUserLikesThisWord acyclicVcg–"expandedmargins" stylešÏn&œÏk œ œ˜jOšœ&ž1˜Wš œ ˜O–'clearTabStops 10.4 cm flushLeft tabStopšœ*žÐbiž˜?Ošœ˜OšœÏdœ˜ š œ" ˜'O–&clearTabStops 9.9 cm flushLeft tabStopšœ2ž¡ž¡ž˜Qš œ œ ˜7–&clearTabStops 9.4 cm flushLeft tabStopš œ$ ž¡ž˜I–'clearTabStops 4.00 in flushLeft tabStopš œ? ˜EO–'clearTabStops 3.25 in flushLeft tabStopšœž¡ž˜ O–'clearTabStops 3.25 in flushLeft tabStopšœ0ž¡ž˜K–'clearTabStops 3.25 in flushLeft tabStopš  œ¢œ  œž¡ž˜EOšœ¢œ ˜———Oš œ œž˜!š œ' ˜-Ošœ¢œ2ž¡ž˜WOšœ¢œ3ž¡ž˜Y–&clearTabStops 8.9 cm flushLeft tabStopš  œ¢œ¢œ  œž¡ž˜IO–'clearTabStops 3.25 in flushLeft tabStopšœ¢œ ¢˜—–&clearTabStops 8.9 cm flushLeft tabStopš  œ¢œ¢œ  œž¡ž˜KOšœ¢œ ¢˜———Oš œ ž˜"—Oš œ œž˜Ošœ ¢œ˜&—Oš œ ž ˜Oš œ ˜—K–8clearTabStops 0.8 in flushLeft tabStop 0.8 in restIndentš œb¡œ-˜¡K˜O˜š Ÿ œ  œ¢œ¢œ  œ ˜?Ošœ¢œ ¢œ˜(Ošœ¢œ ¢œ˜'šœ œ ˜Ošœ¢œ ¢œ ˜Oš œ¢œ ¢œ ¢œ¢œ ¢œ¢œ˜FOš œ¢œ¢œ ¢œ¢œ ¢œ¢œ˜E—Oš œ ˜ Oš œ˜—K–8clearTabStops 0.8 in flushLeft tabStop 0.8 in restIndentš œ‹˜—N–8clearTabStops 0.8 in flushLeft tabStop 0.8 in restIndent˜M–¶clearTabStops 0.75 in flushLeft tabStop 1.5 in flushLeft tabStop 2.5 in flushLeft tabStop 3.5 in flushLeft tabStop 4.5 in flushLeft tabStop 5.5 in flushLeft tabStop 5.5 in restIndentšœ$˜,K–ºclearTabStops 0.75 in flushLeft tabStop 1.5 in flushLeft tabStop 2.25 in flushLeft tabStop 3.0 in flushLeft tabStop 3.75 in flushLeft tabStop 5.25 in flushLeft tabStop 5.25 in restIndent˜0Iblock2–ºclearTabStops 0.75 in flushLeft tabStop 1.5 in flushLeft tabStop 2.25 in flushLeft tabStop 3.0 in flushLeft tabStop 3.75 in flushLeft tabStop 5.25 in flushLeft tabStop 5.25 in restIndentšœÏgœ˜P–ºclearTabStops 0.75 in flushLeft tabStop 1.5 in flushLeft tabStop 2.25 in flushLeft tabStop 3.0 in flushLeft tabStop 3.75 in flushLeft tabStop 5.25 in flushLeft tabStop 5.25 in restIndent˜KP–ºclearTabStops 0.75 in flushLeft tabStop 1.5 in flushLeft tabStop 2.25 in flushLeft tabStop 3.0 in flushLeft tabStop 3.75 in flushLeft tabStop 5.25 in flushLeft tabStop 5.25 in restIndent˜;P–ºclearTabStops 0.75 in flushLeft tabStop 1.5 in flushLeft tabStop 2.25 in flushLeft tabStop 3.0 in flushLeft tabStop 3.75 in flushLeft tabStop 5.25 in flushLeft tabStop 5.25 in restIndentšœJ˜JP–'/SpellingToolUserLikesThisWorddd–ºclearTabStops 0.75 in flushLeft tabStop 1.5 in flushLeft tabStop 2.25 in flushLeft tabStop 3.0 in flushLeft tabStop 3.75 in flushLeft tabStop 5.25 in flushLeft tabStop 5.25 in restIndentšœ/¢œ˜NJ˜—…—Ì