Xerox - Palo Alto Research Center
3333 Coyote Hill Road
Palo Alto, California 94304
(415) 494-4845
September 10, 1984
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Dear Sir:
I an enclosing a copy of a manuscript entitled "A Placement Method of Circuit Modules Based on Graph Space Approach" which is to be considered for possible publication in IEEE Transactions of Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems. It would be greatly appreciated if you would review this manuscript and return your comments and your recommendations to me by October 1, 1884.
If you are unable to review the manuscript, please return it to me promptly. If you know of someone better qualified than yourself to review the manuscript then please do the following: send him or her the material you have received; emphasize the need for a prompt review; and call me or send me a note that includes that person’s name, address, and phone number.
A review sheet is enclosed for your use.
Thank you very much.
Bryan Preas