PerfStats is a package used for gathering performance information, often in the context of a test program. It implements counters and stopwatch-like timers, and will print summary statistics to a stream.
Last edited by:
MBrown on August 26, 1982 9:12 pm
Counter: TYPE = REF CounterObject;
CounterObject: PRIVATE TYPE = RECORD [
pName: ROPE, counter: LONG CARDINALNULL, next: Counter];
Defined here so we can use an inline for Inc.
CreateCounter: PROC [name: ROPE] RETURNS [Counter];
DuplicateName: ERROR;
Raised on CreateCounter or CreateTimer if name matches an existing event's name.
InitializeCounter: PROC [event: Counter];
DestroyCounter: PROC [event: Counter];
Inc: PROC [event: Counter] = INLINE {event.counter ← event.counter + 1};
Timer: TYPE = REF TimerObject;
TimerObject: TYPE;
CreateTimer: PROC [name: ROPE] RETURNS [Timer];
InitializeTimer: PROC [event: Timer];
DestroyTimer: PROC [event: Timer];
Start: PROC [event: Timer];
Stop: PROC [event: Timer];
Initialize: PROC[];
Initializes all events.
Print: PROC [heading: ROPENIL, oStream: STREAM, verbose: BOOLFALSE];
Prints current state of stats module to putChar, then calls cleanup if not NIL; resets glitch count. If verbose then prints all events, otherwise only events with nonzero counts.
How to use
PerfStats events
PerfStats defines two types of "event": counter and timer. Each event has a ROPE name, supplied when the event is created (CreateCounter, CreateTimer) and used to identify the event in printed output. An attempt to create an event with the same name as an existing event will ERROR DuplicateName.
Counter events are used for logging the freqency with which a specific action or set of actions is performed. If e is a PerfStats.Counter, then e.Inc[] causes e's counter to be incremented by 1. e.Inc[] is very inexpensive to perform.
Timer events are used for logging the time required for a specific action or set of actions. If e is a PerfStats.Timer, then e.Start[] records the current time in a variable associated with e. Then when e.Stop[] is performed at some later time, it notes the difference between the current time and the time recorded by the previous e.Start[]. At present the average, maximum, and minimum times are maintained in the timer event. e.Start[] and e.Stop[] involve one procedure call each, and must read the processor clock and manipulate e's statistics; hence they are more expensive than e.Inc[]. On the Dorado, the timer resolution is 32 microseconds, and the cost of a Start - Stop pair is about 33 microseconds. On the Dolphin these times are 64 microseconds and 417 microseconds, respectively.
A call to PerfStats.Print prints the current state of all active events to an output IO.STREAM called oStream. (Actually, unless its parameter verbose is TRUE, Print prints nothing for counters with no Inc calls and timers with no Start - Stop calls.) Print takes a ROPE called heading as a parameter, and prints it as part of the output. Print calls oStream.Flush when it is through sending characters to oStream. Print is the only way to get information out of PerfStats; there is no way to interrogate an event directly.
When two calls to e.Start[] occur in succession with no intervening e.Stop[], the first e.Start[] is ignored; when two calls to e.Stop[] occur consecutively, the last is ignored. Each of these situations counts as a "glitch", and the number of glitches is reported for debugging purposes during Print. Glitches may occur even in programs whose calls to Start and Stop appear to match properly, due to a failure to call e.Stop[] during the unwind of a procedure activation that called e.Start[]. We consider it too cumbersome to provide a catch for UNWIND simply to avoid glitches, so we recover from them with only a printed warning.
A separate procedure, PerfStats.Initialize, is provided in order to reset all events (clears all counters, forgets all times, except that the starting time of a running timer is not forgotten). Individual events may also be initialized (e.InitializeCounter[], e.InitializeTimer[]).
An event is eliminated by calling a destroy procedure (e.DestroyCounter[], e.DestroyTimer[].) This removes the event from consideration by Print, and makes its storage reclaimable.
An example
To compile a program that uses the PerfStats package, import the PerfStats definitions module. To bind the program, use the implementation PerfStatsImpl and import IO, Rope and System for its use.
The following is the skeleton of a test program that uses the PerfStats package.
IO.STREAM = ... ;
PerfStats.Counter = PerfStats.CreateCounter["calls to Insert"];
PerfStats.Timer = PerfStats.CreateTimer["calls to Lookup"];
PROC [x: Widget] = {
... };--Insert

PROC [k: WidgetKey] RETURNS [x: Widget] = {
.Stop[] };--Lookup
Test1[]; --calls Insert and Lookup
PerfStats.Print["Test 1", oStream]; PerfStats.Initialize[];
Test2[]; --calls Insert and Lookup
PerfStats.Print["Test 2", oStream];
Change Log
Created by MBrown on November 4, 1980 3:35 PM
By editing DBStats.
Changed by MBrown on November 7, 1980 9:31 AM
Add InitializeCounterEvent and InitializeTimerEvent.
Changed by MBrown on January 10, 1981 9:24 PM
Created Pilot/collectible storage version. Print now takes putChar and cleanup as parms. Renamed to be PerfStats; made type and proc names less verbose. Moved most comments to documentation file (PerfStats.bravo).
Changed by MBrown on January 11, 1981 4:46 PM
Added DuplicateName ERROR. Added verbose parm to Print.
Changed by MBrown on 18-Aug-81 18:28:40
CedarString -> Rope.
Changed by MBrown on 7-Dec-81 15:23:08
Use IOStream, ROPE.
Changed by MBrown on June 24, 1982 1:16 pm
IOStream -> IO, CEDAR.
Changed by MBrown on August 26, 1982 9:21 pm
Format interface with node structure, merge documentation back in.