-- CreateAlpineFileImpl.Mesa -- last edited November 8, 1983 3:21 pm by Karen Kolling. -- edited 2-Dec-81 1:09:36 by Paul Rovner. DIRECTORY Directory USING[InsertFile, Lookup], File USING[nullCapability, Capability, ShowCapability, Create, Delete, MakePermanent, GetSize, PageCount], FileInternal USING[PageGroup, Descriptor], FileTypes USING[tUntypedFile], IO USING[card, CR, GetCard, GetChar, PutChar, PutF, PutRope, Signal], LogicalVolume USING[Handle, VolumeAccessProc], LongString USING[AppendNumber, AppendString], Rope USING[ROPE], UserExec USING[CommandProc, ExecHandle, GetStreams, HistoryEvent, RegisterCommand], VolFileMapImpl USING[GetPageGroup], Volume USING[GetAttributes, systemID, ID], VolumeImpl USING[VolumeAccess]; CreateAlpineFileImpl: PROGRAM IMPORTS Directory, File, IO, LongString, UserExec, VolFileMapImpl, Volume, VolumeImpl SHARES Directory, VolFileMapImpl, VolumeImpl = BEGIN filePages: NAT _ 4096; ContigFileSize: CARDINAL = 100; Bug: SIGNAL = CODE; OutOfDisk: PROC[pagesNeeded: NAT] RETURNS[BOOLEAN] = {RETURN[Volume.GetAttributes[Volume.systemID].freePageCount < pagesNeeded]}; FileIsContiguousOnDisk: PROC[file: File.Capability] RETURNS[BOOLEAN] = { pageGroup: FileInternal.PageGroup; contiguous: BOOLEAN _ FALSE; problem: BOOLEAN _ FALSE; v: Volume.ID _ Volume.systemID; fpgs: File.PageCount = File.GetSize[file]; d: FileInternal.Descriptor _ [fileID: File.ShowCapability[file].fID, volumeID: Volume.systemID, body: local[immutable: FALSE, temporary: TRUE, size: fpgs, type: FileTypes.tUntypedFile]]; p: LogicalVolume.VolumeAccessProc = {[contiguous, pageGroup] _ VolFileMapImpl.GetPageGroup[volume, @d, 0]; problem _ NOT contiguous; IF problem THEN RETURN[FALSE]; contiguous _ pageGroup.nextFilePage - pageGroup.filePage = fpgs; RETURN[FALSE]}; IF VolumeImpl.VolumeAccess[@v, p, FALSE] # ok OR problem THEN ERROR Bug ELSE RETURN[contiguous]; }; --CommandProc: TYPE = PROC [event: HistoryEvent, exec: ExecHandle, clientData: REF ANY _ NIL] RETURNS[ok: BOOLEAN _ TRUE, msg: ROPE _ NIL]; Main: SAFE PROC [event: UserExec.HistoryEvent, exec: UserExec.ExecHandle, clientData: REF ANY] RETURNS[ok: BOOLEAN, msg: Rope.ROPE] = TRUSTED { success: BOOLEAN _ FALSE; file: File.Capability _ File.nullCapability; fileName: LONG STRING _ [25]; fileNumber: CARDINAL; fileArrayMaxLength: NAT = 40; a: ARRAY [0..fileArrayMaxLength) OF File.Capability _ ALL[File.nullCapability]; x: NAT _ 0; UserExec.GetStreams[exec].out.PutRope[" Please type desired file index [0..2000]..."]; fileNumber _ UserExec.GetStreams[exec].in.GetCard[]; IF fileNumber > 2000 THEN ERROR; fileName.length _ 0; LongString.AppendString[fileName, "Alpine"]; LongString.AppendNumber[fileName, fileNumber, 10]; LongString.AppendString[fileName, ".DontDeleteMe"]; IF Directory.Lookup[fileName ! ANY => CONTINUE] # File.nullCapability THEN {UserExec.GetStreams[exec].out.PutRope["file already exists. You might want to delete it and try again. "]; RETURN}; UserExec.GetStreams[exec].out.PutRope[" Please type desired file size in pages..."]; filePages _ UserExec.GetStreams[exec].in.GetCard[]; IF filePages < 1 THEN filePages _ 1 ELSE IF filePages > 16384 THEN filePages _ 16384; UserExec.GetStreams[exec].out.PutF["*nUsing %g for filePages *n", IO.card[filePages]]; IF NOT Confirm[exec] THEN RETURN; UserExec.GetStreams[exec].out.PutRope["This takes a while (small number of minutes, maybe). Hang in there..."]; IF OutOfDisk[ContigFileSize] THEN {UserExec.GetStreams[exec].out.PutRope["Failure. Not enough free disk pages. "]; RETURN}; file _ File.Create[Volume.systemID, ContigFileSize, FileTypes.tUntypedFile]; UserExec.GetStreams[exec].out.PutChar['n]; DO IF FileIsContiguousOnDisk[file] THEN {a[x] _ file; x _ x + 1; IF x >= fileArrayMaxLength OR OutOfDisk[filePages] THEN EXIT; file _ File.Create[Volume.systemID, filePages, FileTypes.tUntypedFile]; UserExec.GetStreams[exec].out.PutChar['N]; IF FileIsContiguousOnDisk[file] THEN {success _ TRUE; EXIT} ELSE {a[x] _ file; x _ x + 1; IF x >= fileArrayMaxLength OR OutOfDisk[ContigFileSize] THEN EXIT; file _ File.Create[Volume.systemID, ContigFileSize, FileTypes.tUntypedFile]; UserExec.GetStreams[exec].out.PutChar['n]}}; a[x] _ file; x _ x + 1; IF x >= fileArrayMaxLength OR OutOfDisk[ContigFileSize] THEN EXIT; file _ File.Create[Volume.systemID, ContigFileSize, FileTypes.tUntypedFile]; UserExec.GetStreams[exec].out.PutChar['n]; ENDLOOP; FOR i: NAT IN [0..x) DO {UserExec.GetStreams[exec].out.PutChar[IF File.GetSize[a[i]] = ContigFileSize THEN 'd ELSE 'D]; File.Delete[a[i]]} ENDLOOP; UserExec.GetStreams[exec].out.PutRope[" "]; IF success THEN {File.MakePermanent[file]; Directory.InsertFile[fileName, file]; UserExec.GetStreams[exec].out.PutRope["Success. file has been created. "]; } ELSE UserExec.GetStreams[exec].out.PutRope[ "Failure. The volume is fragmented enough that you'll have to erase it and start from fresh to create the Alpine file. "]; }; UpperCase: PROC[ch: CHARACTER] RETURNS[CHARACTER] = {SELECT ch FROM IN ['a..'z] => RETURN[ch - 'a + 'A]; ENDCASE => RETURN[ch]}; Confirm: PROC[exec: UserExec.ExecHandle] RETURNS[BOOLEAN] = { ENABLE IO.Signal => TRUSTED BEGIN IF ec = Rubout THEN GOTO rubout; END; ch: CHARACTER; UserExec.GetStreams[exec].out.PutRope["[Confirm] "]; ch _ UpperCase[UserExec.GetStreams[exec].in.GetChar[]]; SELECT ch FROM IO.CR, 'Y => { UserExec.GetStreams[exec].out.PutRope["(Yes) "]; RETURN[TRUE]}; ENDCASE => { UserExec.GetStreams[exec].out.PutRope["(No) "]; RETURN[FALSE]}; EXITS rubout => { UserExec.GetStreams[exec].out.PutRope["(No) "]; RETURN[FALSE]}}; -- START HERE UserExec.RegisterCommand[name: "Main", proc: Main]; END. Ęd˜Jš!œ×Īkœœ5œœœœœœœœœGœœœœ œô˜Ę1—…—Ė6