DIRECTORY Atom,DynaBusInterface; DynIOBProg: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS Atom EXPORTS ~ BEGIN Quad: TYPE = DynaBusInterface.Quad; Cmd: TYPE = DynaBusInterface.Cmd; L: PROC [c: BOOL] RETURNS [rc: REF ANY] = {rc _ NEW[BOOL _ c]}; C: PROC [c: CARD] RETURNS [rc: REF ANY] = {rc _ NEW[CARD _ c]}; Q: PROC [c: Quad] RETURNS [rc: REF ANY] = {rc _ NEW[Quad _ c]}; Com: PROC [c: Cmd] RETURNS [rc: REF ANY] = {rc _ NEW[Cmd _ c]}; Atom.PutProp[$Simul2Sender, $PKList, LIST[ $Init, LIST[$Wait, C[424]], -- for waiting DBus intit $StartStop, LIST[$IOWriteRqst, Q[[0,0,0254H,0005H]],Q[[0,0,09ABCH,0DEF0H]]], --IOWrite ITreason $WaitMsgSent, $WaitMsgReceived, --for Echo $WaitMsgReceived, --for Reply LIST[$IOReadRqst, Q[[0,0,0254H,0005H]]], --IORead ITreason $WaitMsgReceived, --for Echo $WaitMsgReceived, --for Reply $Nop, LIST[$Jump, $Nop] ]]; END. κDynIOBProg.mesa Copyright Σ 1987 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Created by Jean Gastinel, November 28, 1987 6:29:25 pm PST This module change the Atom which contains the program to send the Data Initialisation Κ³˜codešœ™Kšœ<™