<> <> <> <<-- Goal >> <<-- This command file generates the full chip layout, applies Lichen & saves the result. IOBCountDownSCLayout must have been executed before in order to have a checked SC block and a correct Core file for it.>> <<-- Start everything, read in the source design and extract chip>> ColorDisplayModeOff Install IOBridge PadFrames PWCoreLichen _ CedarProcess.SetPriority[background] Statistics on _ &design _ IOBridge.GetDesign[] _ &cx _ Sisyph.Create[&design, NIL] _ &SCob _ CDDirectory.Fetch[&design, "IOBInnerSC.icon"] _ CDProperties.PutObjectProp[&SCob, $IconFor, NIL] _ CDProperties.PutObjectProp[&SCob, $CodeFor, "PWCore.Retrieve[""IOBInnerSC""]"] _ &scCT _ Sisyph.ES["IOBInnerSC.icon", &cx] _ CoreOps.ToBasic[&scCT] _ PWCore.Layout[&scCT] _ &ct _ Sisyph.ES["IOBridge.sch", &cx] ForceReclaimFreePages 5; ForceReclaimFreePages 5 _ SafeStorage.ReclaimCollectibleObjects[TRUE, TRUE] ForceReclaimFreePages 5; ForceReclaimFreePages 5 <<-- Generate full chip layout & save result>> _ PWCore.Layout[&ct] _ PWCore.Store[&ct, FALSE] ForceReclaimFreePages 5; ForceReclaimFreePages 5 _ SafeStorage.ReclaimCollectibleObjects[TRUE, TRUE] ForceReclaimFreePages 5; ForceReclaimFreePages 5 <<-- Compare layout and schematics>> _ Sinix.Extract[PWCore.Layout[&ct], PWCore.extractMode, NIL, NIL] ForceReclaimFreePages 5; ForceReclaimFreePages 5 _ SafeStorage.ReclaimCollectibleObjects[TRUE, TRUE] ForceReclaimFreePages 5; ForceReclaimFreePages 5 <<_ CoreProperties.PutCellTypeProp[on: &ct, prop: $LichenTransistorTolerances, value: "0.8, 0.8"]>> _ PWCoreLichen.SetAutomorphismHack[TRUE] _ PWCoreLichen.Compare[&ct] <>