Pin Name I/O Pin Description
nResetA/nResetB I A negative pulse supplied during start-up to initialize the circuit to a known state so that the circuitry can determine the least correction necessary to adjust the phase of the clock signals. The duration of nResetA/nResetB should be at least (5 * (R + 1K Ohms)*C). It is a 5 volt signal.
ECLIn/nECLIn I A pair of signals that are the reference signal from the clock generator. Delivered as a differential positive supply ECL. Low ~ 3 volts, high ~ 4 volts.
nLockedA/nLockedB O When asserted, nLockedA/nLockedB indicates that the phase adjustment mechanism for clock signals is functioning correctly.
ErrorOutA/ErrorOutB O The output Phase Detector. If the ouput is one, the phase is late. If zero, the phase is early.
VcA/VcB I A control voltage that adjusts the phase of the clock that goes to the slave circuit.
ClockA/ClockB O The clock signal that is sent to DynaBus slaveChipA and slaveChipB, respectively.
CkOutA/CkOutB I The clock signal that is actually used DynaBus slaveChipA and slaveChipB, respectively.