Copyright © 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Created by: Gasbarro August 27, 1985 5:17:18 pm PDT
Last Edited by: Gasbarro, October 8, 1985 3:18:20 pm PDT
Init: PROC [bigChip: BOOLEAN];
There are global variables in CRIOImpl which reflect the state of the hardware registers on the CrossRamTester Interface card. Init forces the registers to the same value as the global variables and in the process resets TestEnb, AccessRefreshEnb, and EmergencyRefreshEnb. `bigChip' indicates whether the test device is an old Crossram (32 bits of data) or a new one (15 bits).
Test: PROC [on: BOOLEAN];
Test[TRUE] causes power to be applied to the device under test and enables tri-state address and data drivers. TestEnb should be off when exchanging test devices.
AccessRefresh: PROC [on: BOOLEAN];
AccessRefresh[TRUE] enables the CrossRamTester to do a refresh cycle after any device access (CRRead or CRWrite). A refresh cycle consists of a complete chip refresh (256 rows). This takes 4*125ns*256rows or about 130us.
EmergencyRefresh: PROC [on: BOOLEAN];
EmergencyRefresh[TRUE] enables the CrossRamTester to do a refresh cycle each time the Emergency Timer expires. The timer expires after 4096 ticks or 512us.
CRRead: PROC [address: [0..2048)] RETURNS [data: LONG CARDINAL];
Performs a read cycle on the test device.
CRWrite: PROC [address: [0..2048), data: LONG CARDINAL];
Performs a write cycle on the test device.