Last Edited by: McCreight December 30, 1987 2:47:54 pm PST
Pinout of ArbNov87A in the PARC 176-pin PGA
4 nGrant.0
5 nRequestOut.0.0
6 nSStopIn
7 nRequestIn.0.1
8 nGrant.1
9 nRequestOut.1.0
10 nRequestOut.1.1
11 nGrant.2
12 nRequestOut.2.0
13 nOwnerIn
14 nRequestOut.2.1
15 nGrant.3
16 nRequestOut.3.0
17 nSharedIn
18 nRequestOut.3.1
19 nGrant.4
20 nRequestOut.4.0
21 nLongGrant
22 nRequestOut.4.1
23 nGrant.5
24 nRequestOut.5.0
25 nRequestOut.5.1
26 nGrant.6
27 nRequestOut.6.0
28 nRequestOut.6.1
29 nGrant.7
30 nRequestOut.7.0
31 nHiPGrant
32 nRequestOut.7.1
37 nOwnerOut
38 nSharedOut.0
39 nSharedOut.1
40 nSharedOut.2
41 nSharedOut.3
42 nSharedOut.4
43 nSharedOut.5
44 nSharedOut.6
45 nSharedOut.7
46 nSStopOut.0
47 nSStopOut.1
48 nSStopOut.2
49 nSStopOut.3
50 nSStopOut.4
51 nSStopOut.5
52 nSStopOut.6
53 nSStopOut.7
54 DBus.0
55 DBus.1
56 DBus.2
57 DBus.3
58 DBus.4
59 DBus.5
60 DBus.6
61 TInv.0
62 TInv.1
63 TRec2v.0
64 TRec2v.1
65 TRec2v.2
66 RecAdj
67 TIOBus.0
68 TIOBus.1
69 TIOBus.2
70 TIOBus.3
71 TIOBus.4
72 TIOBus.5
73 TIOVdd
74 TIOGnd
77 CKOut
78 Clock
80 nDHybridSel.0
81 nDHybridSel.1
82 nDHybridSel.2
83 nDHybridSel.3
84 nDHybridSel.4
85 DBdSel
86 SlotNo.0
87 SlotNo.1
88 SlotNo.2
89 SlotNo.3
90 BdVersion.0
91 BdVersion.1
92 nBSStopIn.0
93 nBSStopIn.1
94 nBSStopIn.2
95 nBSStopIn.3
96 nBSStopIn.4
97 nBSStopIn.5
98 nBSStopIn.6
99 nBSStopIn.7
100 nBSharedIn.0
101 nBSharedIn.1
102 nBSharedIn.2
103 nBSharedIn.3
104 nBSharedIn.4
105 nBSharedIn.5
106 nBSharedIn.6
107 nBSharedIn.7
108 nBOwnerIn
110 ArbReqOut.0
111 OtherArbIn.0.0
112 OtherArbIn.1.0
113 OtherArbIn.2.0
114 OtherArbIn.3.0
115 OtherArbIn.4.0
116 OtherArbIn.5.0
117 OtherArbIn.6.0
119 ArbReqOut.1
120 OtherArbIn.0.1
121 OtherArbIn.1.1
122 OtherArbIn.2.1
123 OtherArbIn.3.1
124 OtherArbIn.4.1
125 OtherArbIn.5.1
126 OtherArbIn.6.1
127 ArbReqOut.2
128 OtherArbIn.0.2
129 OtherArbIn.1.2
130 OtherArbIn.2.2
131 OtherArbIn.3.2
132 nStartGrant
133 OtherArbIn.4.2
134 nBOwnerOut
135 OtherArbIn.5.2
136 nBSharedOut
137 OtherArbIn.6.2
138 nBSStopOut
139 nStopAct
140 nBusyOut
141 nBusyIn