<> <> <> <> << >> <<>> <> << >> <<>> <<-- Start everything and read in the source design>> Statistics on <<-- you always want to know how long it took>> ColorDisplayModeOff <<-- saves a lot of cycles>> Install SCDAUser <<-- and anything else you might need such as FSA, DP, Alps, ..., or any of your private code>> _ CedarProcess.SetPriority[background] cdread Arbiter25 <<-- read the CD design>> _ &design _ CDViewer.FindDesign["Arbiter25"] _ &cx _ Sisyph.Create[&design, NIL] <<-- this creates a context for Sysiph>> -- Generate SC block, whenever it changes install SCDAUser _ &ct _ Sisyph.ES["ArbInFrame.sch", &cx] _ CoreIO.ReportSaveCellType[&ct, "ArbSchInFrame.core"] _ PWCore.SetLayout[&ct, $SCRemote] TWVelantia <<-- or TWPalain or TWTregonsee>> _ &ob _ PWCore.Layout[&ct] _ PWCore.Store[&ct, TRUE] _ PW.Draw[&ob] -- Compare layout and schematics Install PWCoreLichen _ PWCoreLichen.SetAutomorphismHack[TRUE] _ PWCoreLichen.Compare[&ct] -- compares the cellType with the extracted layout