<> <> ------- September 23, 1985 11:13:44 pm PDT Fix IFUPWContPLA.DriverCell ------- September 23, 1985 5:11:35 pm PDT Run IFUAsmInstrDecode with new pla and driver cells ------- September 22, 1985 8:12:40 pm PDT Check for printouts from: IFUPLAGenAll.cm New cells CDRead IFUPWControl DriveIn Pos/Neg A/B Sing/Dual DriveOut Sing/Dual Pos/Neg/Ac/Bc A/B Run IFUAsmInstrDecode IFUPWControl IFUPWContPLA IFUPWContDrive IFUPWContAlps ------- September 22, 1985 11:48:15 am PDT TryOut IFUPLAGenAll at the end of the day ------- September 21, 1985 9:39:57 pm PDT Check out the results of: IFUPLACompressAll.cm Make these work Open IFUPWControl IFUPWContDrive IFUPWContPLA IFUAsmInstrDecode ------- were the mods for KCall, usermode, QR included ------ Batch Plotting - CDColorPDPlotX First Complete assembly - 1.3 cm - June 10, 1985 Converted Adder from PW to SwitchBox routing - June 12, 1985 9:46:58 am PDT Started converting cells GV to GP (big contacts layouts) UniqueName - less rope stuff Worked on CDColorPDPlotX to fix PD.header.imageSSize Printed data column cellwidth _ 120 to occomodate 5 micron contacts new primitives with 5 micron contacts Start fixing column Move PBus transformation switchbox above Fetch Fix Switchbox details Fix Adder Merge Assume 240 microns pitch pads center contracts wide V and G name cell and controls in fetcher Fix IOConnect for 1234 in adder Fix Xor Check and Fix various column errors move the d address section out of control pipe add Cycle to ABC ------- Design Review topics Plot Size Transistors est power est speed Thyme sims for individual cells Chrystal - worst case path? August 1?, 1985 2:50:59 pm PDT converted to 6.0 ran new data column converting Ed's Self Timed PLA stuff adding Typed TT stuff Working on PWDistributedPLAImpl Fix up tiles now cdcmos; cdRead SelfTimedPLATiles3 DFFile: PWPLAStack.df PWPLAStack REFBit REFBitImpl Run IFUPLAInstrDecode1 IFUPLAInstrDecode2 IFUPLAInstrDecode3 IFUPLAInstrDecode4 IFUPLAInstrDecode5 GenInstrDecode Make IFUPLAInstrDecode with subpla's and drivers CDCmos; CDRead PWPLAStackDrivers IFUDoc.tioga Remove fp stuff from Traps and IFUStatusRec in DragOpsCross ToDo: IFUPLA maincontrol and instrdecode remove old fp add new fp EP to DP Decode and status to control blocks external to data column PBusCommands: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT {NoOp(0), Reserve1(1), FPLdAHi(2), FPLdALo(3), FPLdBHi(4), FPLdBLo(5), FPXfrAlu(6), FPXfrMult(7), Store(8), Fetch(9), StoreHold(10), FetchHold(11), IOStore(12), IOFetch(13), IOStoreHold(14), IOFetchHold(15)}; PBusSpecs.tioga (floating point) Fixup for AU CDPrint.df CDColorPDPlotter.mesa really is CDColorPDPlot.mesa CDPDPlotter.load really is CDPDPlot.load IFUDoc.tioga reference updated PBusSpecs.tioga and DBusSpecs.tioga AUDoc.tioga reference updated PBusSpecs.tioga and DBusSpecs.tioga [Cedar]6.0>Top>PWDemo21.df DemoDecoder.mesa DemoDecoderPins.mesa AMTypes stuff AMBridge AMTypes RTCommon RTSymbolDefs RTTypedVariablesImpl CDListCellPins removebutton Using removebutton IC removebutton Split Createbutton txt grep -c $CurrentSelection$ IFUAsmImplShellPins.txt Createbutton asm grep -c $CurrentSelection$ IFUAsm*.mesa Createbutton pla grep -c $CurrentSelection$ IFUPLA*.mesa Createbutton rose grep -c $CurrentSelection$ IFU*.rose House Kitchen CDListCellPins CDSilUtils CDColorPDPlot* REFBit PLAOps IFUPLA IFUPW PWPLAStack IFUAsm IFUAsmInstrDecode.Mesa - finish it Comment on Rick's remark about registers Remember to put pwell contacts in muxes etc IFUAsmDataColumnShell.pins remove fp stuff from DragOpsCross.ProcessorRegister EU.rose and IFU* must agree on euJunk, euMAR etc IFUPLAInstrDecode*.mesa add epCmndIsBeta47 to IFUPLA.InstrDecodeOut September 6, 1985 9:28:47 am PDT MainControl Fetch Cycle NextPC Instruction Done nofGetNextMacro x x x x macroJump x x x InstrDelayed x ??? cycle+1 x ??? nextPC_SumA x Changed to: Fetch: macroJump nofGetNextMacro Cycle: clear next hold NextPC: incPC pcFromPCBus MainControl: Instruction Done Cycle=clear macroJump AND dontGetNextMacro => pcNext: pcFromPCBus, (microCycleNext: clear default) NOT macroJump AND dontGetNextMacro => pcNext: pcFromPCBus, microCycleNext: next, macroJump => pcNext: pcFromPCBus, (microCycleNext: clear default) dontGetNextMacro => pcNext: pcIncrement(0), pcFromPCBus microCycleNext: clear(0), next(1), hold) check pcBusSr The Majestic Kid, A Mark Murdoff Play - ACT San Fransisco Open []<>IFUPWControl.mesa renamed from PWPLAStackImpl.mesa