Created By: Sindhu, August 5, 1985 7:15:44 pm PDT
Copyright © 1984, 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Pradeep Sindhu October 17, 1985 6:22:51 pm PDT
DragOpsCross USING [Half, Word, ZerosWord],
DragOpsCrossUtils USING [AddDelta, HalfShift, HalfToCard, HalfXor, LowHalf, SingleWordShiftRight, WordToHalves],
IO, Rope;
AssociativeCacheImpl: CEDAR PROGRAM
IMPORTS Basics, Convert, DragOpsCrossUtils, IO, Rope
EXPORTS AssociativeCache
= BEGIN OPEN DragOpsCross, DragOpsCrossUtils;
Private types
Cache: TYPE = CacheModels.Cache;
maxQuadsPerLine: NAT = 64;
maxLines: NAT = 16*1024;
wordsPerPage: CARDINAL = CacheModels.wordsPerPage;
QuadIndex: TYPE = [0..maxQuadsPerLine);
PageEntry: TYPE = REF PageEntryRep;
PageEntryRep: TYPE = RECORD [
next: PageEntry ← NIL,
pageAddr: Word ← ZerosWord,
useCount: INT ← 0
QuadBitVector: TYPE = PACKED ARRAY QuadIndex OF BOOL;
None: QuadBitVector = ALL[FALSE];
HashEntry: TYPE = REF HashEntryRep;
HashEntryRep: TYPE = RECORD [
next: HashEntry ← NIL,
lineAddr: Word ← ZerosWord,
index: NAT ←,
chunkPresent: QuadBitVector ← None,
dirty: QuadBitVector ← None,
referenced: QuadBitVector ← None
CacheData: TYPE = REF CacheDataRep;
CacheDataRep: TYPE = RECORD [
stats: CacheStats ← [],
hashVector: HashVector ← NIL,
pageEntryCount: INT ← 0,
pageList: PageEntry ← NIL,
freePageList: PageEntry ← NIL,
victimIndex: CARDINAL ← 0,
rover: NAT ← 0,
quadsPerLine: NAT ← 2,
wordsPerQuad: NAT ← 4,
logWordsPerQuad: NAT,
realCache: CacheModels.Cache ← NIL,
mapCache: CacheModels.Cache ← NIL,
lineTable: SEQUENCE linesInCache: NAT OF HashEntry
CacheStats: TYPE = RECORD [
probes: INT ← 0,
readProbes: INT ← 0,
writeProbes: INT ← 0,
writeMisses: INT ← 0,
writeClean: INT ← 0,
chunkMisses: INT ← 0,
lineMisses: INT ← 0,
jumpMisses: INT ← 0,
mapMisses: INT ← 0,
dirtyWrites: INT ← 0
HashLim: CARDINAL = 512;
HashVector: TYPE = REF HashVectorRep;
HashVectorRep: TYPE = ARRAY [0..HashLim) OF HashEntry;
LogBaseTwo: PROC [n: NAT] RETURNS [NAT] = {
IF n = 1 THEN RETURN[0] ELSE RETURN[1+LogBaseTwo[n/2]];
NewCache: PUBLIC PROC [lines: NAT ← 100, quadsPerLine: NAT ← 2, wordsPerQuad: NAT ← 4, lru: BOOLFALSE, realCache, mapCache: CacheModels.Cache ← NIL] RETURNS [cache: CacheModels.Cache] = {
Creates a new cache on the specified shared memory.
IF quadsPerLine > maxQuadsPerLine THEN quadsPerLine ← maxQuadsPerLine;
IF lines > maxLines THEN lines ← maxLines;
cache ← NEW[CacheModels.CacheRec ← [
private: NEW[CacheDataRep[lines] ← [quadsPerLine: quadsPerLine, wordsPerQuad: wordsPerQuad, logWordsPerQuad: LogBaseTwo[wordsPerQuad], lru: lru, realCache: realCache, mapCache: mapCache, lineTable: NULL]],
fetch: Fetch, store: Store, reset: Reset, flush: Flush, print: Print,
data: NIL]];
Reset: PUBLIC CacheModels.CacheResetProc -- [cache: CacheModels.Cache] -- = {
Resets the given cache to its initial state (all empty).
private: CacheData = NARROW[cache.private];
private.pageList ← NIL;
private.hashVector ← NEW[HashVectorRep ← ALL[NIL]];
private.victimIndex ← 0;
private.pageEntryCount ← 0;
FOR i: NAT IN [0..private.linesInCache) DO
private[i] ← NEW[HashEntryRep ← [index: i]];
private.stats ← []; -- zero out statistics
IF private.realCache # NIL THEN private.realCache.reset[private.realCache];
IF private.mapCache # NIL THEN private.mapCache.reset[private.mapCache];
Flush: PUBLIC CacheModels.CacheFlushProc -- [cache: CacheModels.Cache] -- = {
Resets the given cache to its initial state (all empty).
private: CacheData = NARROW[cache.private];
private.pageList ← NIL;
private.hashVector^ ← ALL[NIL];
private.victimIndex ← 0;
private.pageEntryCount ← 0;
FOR i: NAT IN [0..private.linesInCache) DO
private[i]^ ← [index: i];
IF private.realCache # NIL THEN private.realCache.flush[private.realCache];
IF private.mapCache # NIL THEN private.mapCache.flush[private.mapCache];
Print: PUBLIC CacheModels.CachePrintProc -- [cache: CacheModels.Cache, stream: STREAM, name: ROPE, resetStatistics: BOOL ← TRUE] -- = {
Realn: PROC [r: REAL, n: NAT] RETURNS [IO.Value] = {
RETURN [[rope[Convert.RopeFromReal[r, n]]]]};
private: CacheData = NARROW[cache.private];
quadMisses: INT ← private.stats.chunkMisses;
misses: INT ← quadMisses + private.stats.lineMisses;
probes: INT ← private.stats.probes;
rProbes: REAL ← probes;
rMisses: REAL ← misses;
"\nStats for %g (associative, lines: %g, quads/line: %g, words/quad: %g)\n probes: %g\n",
[rope[IF private.lru THEN Rope.Cat[name, " (pseudo-lru)"] ELSE name]],
[integer[private.linesInCache]], [integer[private.quadsPerLine]], [integer[private.wordsPerQuad]], [integer[probes]]];
IF probes = 0 THEN RETURN;
"read probes: %g, write probes: %g\n",
[integer[private.stats.readProbes]], [integer[private.stats.writeProbes]]];
"write misses: %g, writes to clean quads: %g\n",
[integer[private.stats.writeMisses]], [integer[private.stats.writeClean]]];
" misses: %g (%g (%g%%) existing line)\n",
[integer[misses]], [integer[private.stats.chunkMisses]],
IF misses = 0 THEN [rope["-"]] ELSE Realn[(quadMisses/rMisses)*100, 3]];
IF private.stats.jumpMisses # 0 THEN stream.PutF[
" misses caused by jumps: %g (%g%% of probes)\n",
[integer[private.stats.jumpMisses]], Realn[(private.stats.jumpMisses/rProbes)*100, 3]];
IF probes # 0 THEN stream.PutF[
" miss rate: %g%%\n",
Realn[(misses/rProbes)*100, 3]];
" map misses: %g (%g%%)\n dirty writes: %g\n",
[integer[private.stats.mapMisses]], Realn[(private.stats.mapMisses/rProbes)*100, 3], [integer[private.stats.dirtyWrites]]];
Fetch: PUBLIC CacheModels.CacheFetchProc -- [cache: CacheModels.Cache, addr: DragOpsCross.Word, fromJump: BOOL ← FALSE] -- = {
Access[cache, addr, fromJump, FALSE];
Store: PUBLIC CacheModels.CacheStoreProc -- [cache: CacheModels.Cache, addr: DragOpsCross.Word] -- = {
Access[cache, addr, FALSE, TRUE];
Method: TYPE = {advanceOnMiss, shiftOnHit};
method: Method ← advanceOnMiss;
Access: PROC [cache: Cache, addr: Word, fromJump, write: BOOL] = {
data: CacheData = NARROW[cache.private];
oldEntry: BOOLTRUE;
victim: CARDINAL ← data.victimIndex;
wordsPerLine: NAT = data.quadsPerLine * data.wordsPerQuad;
indexInLine: NAT = HalfToCard[LowHalf[addr]] MOD wordsPerLine;
chunk: QuadIndex = Basics.BITSHIFT[indexInLine, -data.logWordsPerQuad];
lineAddr: Word = AddDelta[-INT[indexInLine], addr];
hashIndex: CARDINAL;
hashEntry: HashEntry;
halfHash: Half ← HalfXor[WordToHalves[lineAddr][0], WordToHalves[lineAddr][1]];
data.stats.probes ← data.stats.probes + 1;
IF write THEN data.stats.writeProbes ← data.stats.writeProbes + 1 ELSE data.stats.readProbes ← data.stats.readProbes + 1;
halfHash ← HalfXor[halfHash, HalfShift[halfHash, -8]];
hashIndex ← HalfToCard[halfHash] MOD HashLim;
hashEntry ← data.hashVector[hashIndex];
Check if the entry for addr is in our hash table
WHILE hashEntry # NIL DO
IF hashEntry.lineAddr = lineAddr THEN {
IF data.lru THEN hashEntry.referenced[chunk] ← TRUE;
IF write THEN {
IF NOT hashEntry.dirty[chunk] THEN data.stats.writeClean ← data.stats.writeClean + 1;
hashEntry.dirty[chunk] ← TRUE;
IF hashEntry.index = victim AND method = shiftOnHit THEN {
We make the victim index point at the next cache entry
victim ← victim + 1;
data.victimIndex ← IF victim = data.linesInCache THEN 0 ELSE victim;
IF ~hashEntry.chunkPresent[chunk] THEN {
IF data.realCache # NIL THEN
data.realCache.fetch[data.realCache, addr];
IF write THEN data.stats.writeMisses ← data.stats.writeMisses + 1;
IF fromJump THEN data.stats.jumpMisses ← data.stats.jumpMisses + 1;
data.stats.chunkMisses ← data.stats.chunkMisses + 1;
hashEntry.chunkPresent[chunk] ← TRUE};
hashEntry ←;
Entry for addr is not in the hash table; update miss statistics
IF fromJump THEN data.stats.jumpMisses ← data.stats.jumpMisses + 1;
data.stats.lineMisses ← data.stats.lineMisses + 1;
IF write THEN data.stats.writeMisses ← data.stats.writeMisses + 1;
Check for map miss
indexInPage: CARDINAL = HalfToCard[LowHalf[lineAddr]] MOD wordsPerPage;
pageAddr: Word = AddDelta[-INT[indexInPage], lineAddr];
pageId: Word ← SingleWordShiftRight[pageAddr, CacheModels.logWordsPerPage];
FOR pageEntry: PageEntry ← data.pageList, WHILE pageEntry # NIL DO
IF pageEntry.pageAddr = pageAddr THEN GOTO Found;
data.stats.mapMisses ← data.stats.mapMisses + 1;
IF data.mapCache # NIL THEN data.mapCache.fetch[data.mapCache, pageId];
EXITS Found => NULL;
hashEntry ← data.lineTable[victim];
The victim must be removed from the hash table and page table.
lag: PageEntry ← NIL;
oldLineAddr: Word = hashEntry.lineAddr;
oldIndexInPage: CARDINAL = HalfToCard[LowHalf[oldLineAddr]] MOD wordsPerPage;
oldPageAddr: Word = AddDelta[-INT[oldIndexInPage], oldLineAddr];
headHashEntry: HashEntry;
oldHashIndex: CARDINAL;
oldHalfHash: Half ← HalfXor[
WordToHalves[oldLineAddr][0], WordToHalves[oldLineAddr][1]];
oldHalfHash ← HalfXor[oldHalfHash, HalfShift[oldHalfHash, -8]];
oldHashIndex ← HalfToCard[oldHalfHash] MOD HashLim;
headHashEntry ← data.hashVector[oldHashIndex];
Maintain the hash table by removing the victim from the table. We must be prepared for the entry to not be in the hash table at all if the entry is brand new.
IF headHashEntry = hashEntry
THEN data.hashVector[oldHashIndex] ←
ELSE WHILE headHashEntry # NIL DO
IF hashEntry = THEN { ←;
headHashEntry ←
Now we need to maintain the page table. We must be prepared for the entry to not be in the hash table at all if the entry is brand new.
FOR pageEntry: PageEntry ← data.pageList, WHILE pageEntry # NIL DO
IF pageEntry.pageAddr = oldPageAddr THEN {
Decrement the use count for this page (if an entry already exists)
IF (pageEntry.useCount ← pageEntry.useCount - 1) <= 0 THEN {
Remove this page entry from the list and put it on the free page list.
IF lag = NIL THEN data.pageList ← ELSE ←;
data.pageEntryCount ← data.pageEntryCount - 1; ← data.freePageList;
data.freePageList ← pageEntry;
lag ← pageEntry;
IF hashEntry.dirty # None THEN {
IF hashEntry.dirty[i] THEN {
IF data.realCache # NIL THEN[data.realCache, AddDelta[i, oldLineAddr]];
data.stats.dirtyWrites ← data.stats.dirtyWrites + 1;
hashEntry.dirty ← None;
At this point we need to read in the quad word from the memory.
indexInPage: CARDINAL = HalfToCard[LowHalf[lineAddr]] MOD wordsPerPage;
pageAddr: Word = AddDelta[-INT[indexInPage], lineAddr];
pageEntry: PageEntry ← data.pageList;
Maintain the hash table ← data.hashVector[hashIndex];
data.hashVector[hashIndex] ← hashEntry;
hashEntry.lineAddr ← lineAddr;
hashEntry.chunkPresent ← None; hashEntry.chunkPresent[chunk] ← TRUE;
IF data.realCache # NIL THEN
data.realCache.fetch[data.realCache, addr];
WHILE pageEntry # NIL DO
IF pageEntry.pageAddr = pageAddr THEN {
Increment the use count for this page (if an entry already exists). Then return.
pageEntry.useCount ← pageEntry.useCount + 1;
GO TO oldEntry;
pageEntry ←;
This entry is brand new, so add it to the list and bump the reject cycles to show that we got a map miss. Note that at this point pageEntry = NIL.
data.pageEntryCount ← data.pageEntryCount + 1;
pageEntry ← data.freePageList;
IF pageEntry = NIL
THEN pageEntry ← NEW[PageEntryRep]
ELSE data.freePageList ←;
pageEntry^ ← [next: data.pageList, pageAddr: pageAddr, useCount: 1];
data.pageList ← pageEntry;
EXITS oldEntry => NULL;
IF write THEN {
IF NOT hashEntry.dirty[chunk] THEN data.stats.writeClean ← data.stats.writeClean + 1;
hashEntry.dirty[chunk] ← TRUE;
At this point we have to advance the victim pointer, since in either method this newly retrieved entry clearly should not be the new victim.
victim ← victim + 1;
data.victimIndex ← IF victim = data.linesInCache THEN 0 ELSE victim;