DIRECTORY Core, CoreStructuralComparison, RefTab, StructuralComparisonDataStructure; StructureFromCore: CEDAR DEFINITIONS = { OPEN CoreStructuralComparison, StructuralComparisonDataStructure; graphIDToRole: ARRAY RealGraphID OF Role ~ [A: A, B: B]; roleToGraphID: ARRAY Role OF RealGraphID ~ [A: A, B: B]; DroppedConnection: SIGNAL [subroot: Core.CellType, public, actual: DescendantWire]; BogusMerge: SIGNAL [subroot: Core.CellType, w1, w2: DescendantWire, from: DescendantCellInstance]; GetGraph: PROC [ttols: TransistorTolerances _ NIL, cct: Core.CellType, internals: BOOL, specData: REF ANY, sts: SubtreeSpec, ms: MergeSpec, SurveyPart: PROC [v: Vertex, core: REF ANY --UNION [Wire, CellInstance]--] _ NIL, vs: ViewStats _ NIL] RETURNS [sct: CellType]; GetCellType: PROC [sct: CellType] RETURNS [cct: --least recasted--Core.CellType]; ForgetGraph: PROC [sct: CellType]; CanonizeAndGetStructure: PROC [sct: CellType, insert: DescendantCellInstancePrivate, core: --not necessarily canonical--Descendant] RETURNS [v: Vertex]; GetStructure: PROC [sct: CellType, core: --Canonized--Descendant] RETURNS [v: Vertex]; GetCore: PROC [v: Vertex] RETURNS [core: Element--could be any of the possible aliases--]; GetCommonalityConstraints: PROC [subroot: Core.CellType] RETURNS [RefTab.Ref]; }. 6StructureFromCore.Mesa Mike Spreitzer March 5, 1987 4:08:27 pm PST Last tweaked by Mike Spreitzer on March 4, 1989 11:15:51 am PST Every value is another RefTab.Ref representing a constraint; every key of that inner RefTab.Ref is a public atomic wire of subroot. Outer table is NIL when no constraints. Κ}– "cedar" style˜code™K™+K™?—K˜KšΟk œK˜TK˜šΠbxœœ œ˜(K˜Kšœ=˜AK˜Kš œœ œ ΟnœŸœ˜8Kš œœœŸœŸœ˜8K˜KšŸœœ:˜SKšŸ œœP˜bK˜KšŸœœ œ!œ œœ#Ÿ œœœœΟcœœœœ˜‹KšŸ œœœ œ˜QKšŸ œœ˜"K˜KšŸœœ> œ œ ˜˜KšŸ œœ  œ œ ˜VKšŸœœ œ (œ˜ZK˜šŸœœœ˜NK™¬—K˜K˜——…—Ε