Copyright Ó 1985, 1987 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reversed.
Created by Bertrand Serlet, February 7, 1986 5:47:29 pm PST
Bertrand Serlet September 5, 1987 6:28:45 pm PDT
CD, BitOps, Core, CoreClasses, CoreCreate, CoreOps, IO, PW, PWCore, Sisyph, TilingClass;
IMPORTS BitOps, CoreClasses, CoreCreate, CoreOps, IO, PW, PWCore, Sisyph, TilingClass =
BEGIN OPEN CoreCreate;
Basic Cells
schDesign: CD.Design ← PW.OpenDesign["PWCoreDecoder"];
layoutDesign: CD.Design ← schDesign;
cx: Sisyph.Context ← Sisyph.Create[schDesign];
XthBitOfN: PUBLIC PROC [x, n: INT] RETURNS [BOOL] = {RETURN [IF x<0 THEN FALSE ELSE (n/BitOps.TwoToThe[x]) MOD 2 =1]};
Extract: PROC [name: ROPE] RETURNS [cellType: CellType] = {
cellType ← Sisyph.ExtractSchematicByName[IO.PutR[IO.rope[name], IO.rope[".sch"]], cx];
alpsOne: CellType ← Extract["AlpsOne"];
alpsZero: CellType ← Extract["AlpsZero"];
alpsPWell: CellType ← Extract["AlpsPWell"];
alpsCascode: CellType ← Extract["AlpsCascode"];
Decoder CoreCreate Method
A simple line without the cascode inverter at the end
AlpsDecoderLine: PROC [nbBits: NAT, index: NAT, pWellEach: NAT ← 4] RETURNS [cellType: CellType] = {
PlusI: PROC [i: NAT] RETURNS [WR] = {RETURN [IF i=0 THEN "Gnd" ELSE IF i=nbBits THEN "Plus" ELSE Index["InternalPlus", i]]};
Input: Wire ← Seq[size: nbBits, name: "Input"];
NotInput: Wire ← Seq[size: nbBits, name: "NotInput"];
Plus: Wire ← CoreOps.CreateWire[name: "Plus"];
Minus: Wire ← CoreOps.CreateWire[name: "Minus"];
InternalPlus: Wire ← Seq[size: nbBits, name: "InternalPlus"];
Gnd: Wire ← CoreOps.CreateWire[name: "Gnd"];
instances: LIST OF CellInstance ← NIL;
FOR i: NAT IN [0 .. nbBits) DO
IF (i MOD pWellEach) = 0
THEN instances ← CONS [Instance[alpsPWell, ["Plus", PlusI[i]]], instances];
instances ← CONS [
IF XthBitOfN[i, index] THEN alpsOne ELSE alpsZero,
["PlusLeft", PlusI[i]],
["PlusRight", PlusI[i+1]],
["Input", Index["Input", i]],
["NotInput", Index["NotInput", i]]],
cellType ← Cell[
public: Wires[Input, NotInput, Plus, Minus, Gnd],
onlyInternal: Wires[InternalPlus],
instances: CoreClasses.ReverseCellInstances[instances]
A simple array without the cascode inverters at the end
AlpsDecoderArray: PROC [nbBits: NAT, indexMin: NAT ← 0, indexSize: NAT ← 0, pWellEach: NAT ← 4] RETURNS [cellType: CellType] = {
indexSize=0 means in fact 2^nbBits
size: NATIF indexSize=0 THEN NAT[BitOps.TwoToThe[nbBits]] ELSE indexSize;
Input: Wire ← Seq[size: nbBits, name: "Input"];
NotInput: Wire ← Seq[size: nbBits, name: "NotInput"];
Plus: Wire ← Seq[size: size, name: "Plus"];
Minus: Wire ← Seq[size: size, name: "Minus"];
Gnd: Wire ← CoreOps.CreateWire[name: "Gnd"];
instances: LIST OF CellInstance ← NIL;
FOR i: NAT IN [0 .. size) DO
instances ← CONS [
AlpsDecoderLine[nbBits, i + indexMin, pWellEach],
["Plus", Index["Plus", i]],
["Minus", Index["Minus", i]]],
cellType ← Cell[
public: Wires[Input, NotInput, Plus, Minus, Gnd],
instances: CoreClasses.ReverseCellInstances[instances],
name: "AlpsDecoderArray"
A column of inverters
AlpsDecoderOutputInverters: PROC [nbBits: NAT, indexSize: NAT ← 0] RETURNS [cellType: CellType] = {
indexSize=0 means in fact 2^nbBits
size: NATIF indexSize=0 THEN NAT[BitOps.TwoToThe[nbBits]] ELSE indexSize;
cellType ← SequenceCell[alpsCascode, size, Wires["Plus", "Minus"]];
A simple array with the cascode inverters at the end
AlpsDecoderFullArray: PROC [nbBits: NAT, indexMin: NAT ← 0, indexSize: NAT ← 0, pWellEach: NAT ← 4] RETURNS [cellType: CellType] = {
indexSize=0 means in fact 2^nbBits
size: NATIF indexSize=0 THEN NAT[BitOps.TwoToThe[nbBits]] ELSE indexSize;
Input: Wire ← Seq[size: nbBits, name: "Input"];
NotInput: Wire ← Seq[size: nbBits, name: "NotInput"];
Plus: Wire ← Seq[size: size, name: "Plus"];
Output: Wire ← Seq[size: size, name: "Output"];
Gnd: Wire ← CoreOps.CreateWire[name: "Gnd"];
Vdd: Wire ← CoreOps.CreateWire[name: "Vdd"];
cellType ← Cell[
public: Wires[Input, NotInput, Output, Gnd, Vdd],
onlyInternal: Wires[Plus],
instances: LIST [
Instance[AlpsDecoderArray[nbBits, indexMin, size, pWellEach], ["Minus", "Output"]],
Instance[AlpsDecoderOutputInverters[nbBits, size], ["Minus", "Output"]]],
name: "AlpsDecoderFullArray"
Decoder with 2 Tilings and custom NeighborProc
A simple line with the cascode inverter at the end
AlpsDecoderLineRowTiling: PROC [nbBits: NAT, index: NAT] RETURNS [cellType: CellType] = {
tileArray: TilingClass.TileArray = NEW [TilingClass.TileArrayRec[1]];
tileRow: TilingClass.TileRow = NEW [TilingClass.TileRowRec[nbBits+2]];
tileRow[nbBits+1] ← NEW [TilingClass.TileRec ← [
type: alpsCascode, renaming: LIST [["Minus", "Output"], ["Vdd", "Vdd"]]
tileRow[0] ← NEW [TilingClass.TileRec ← [
type: alpsPWell, renaming: LIST [["Gnd", "Gnd"], ["Plus", "Gnd"]]
tileArray[0] ← tileRow;
FOR i: NAT IN [0 .. nbBits) DO
tileRow[i+1] ← NEW [TilingClass.TileRec ← [
type: IF XthBitOfN[i, index] THEN alpsOne ELSE alpsZero,
renaming: LIST [["Gnd", "Gnd"], ["Input", Index["Input", i]], ["NotInput", Index["NotInput", i]]]
cellType ← TilingClass.CreateTiling[
public: Wires[Seq[size: nbBits, name: "Input"], Seq[size: nbBits, name: "NotInput"], "Output", "Gnd", "Vdd"],
tileArray: tileArray,
neighborX: CustomNeighborInX,
neighborY: NIL
CustomNeighborInX: TilingClass.NeighborProc = {
publicPairs ← LIST [
[FindWire[ct1.public, IF ct1=alpsPWell THEN "Plus" ELSE "PlusRight"],
FindWire[ct2.public, IF ct2=alpsCascode THEN "Plus" ELSE "PlusLeft"]],
[FindWire[ct1.public, "Minus"],
FindWire[ct2.public, "Minus"]]
AlpsDecoderFullArrayRowTiling: PROC [nbBits: NAT, indexMin: NAT ← 0, indexSize: NAT ← 0] RETURNS [cellType: CellType] = {
indexSize=0 means in fact 2^nbBits
size: NATIF indexSize=0 THEN NAT[BitOps.TwoToThe[nbBits]] ELSE indexSize;
tileArray: TilingClass.TileArray = NEW [TilingClass.TileArrayRec[size]];
FOR i: NAT IN [0 .. size) DO
tileRow: TilingClass.TileRow = NEW [TilingClass.TileRowRec[1]];
tileArray[i] ← tileRow;
tileRow[0] ← NEW [TilingClass.TileRec ← [
type: AlpsDecoderLineRowTiling[nbBits, i + indexMin],
renaming: LIST [["Gnd", "Gnd"], ["Vdd", "Vdd"], ["Input", "Input"], ["NotInput", "NotInput"], ["Output", Index["Output", i]]]
cellType ← TilingClass.CreateTiling[
public: Wires[Seq[size: nbBits, name: "Input"], Seq[size: nbBits, name: "NotInput"], Seq[size: size, name: "Output"], "Gnd", "Vdd"],
tileArray: tileArray,
neighborX: NIL,
neighborY: CustomNeighborInY,
name: "AlpsDecoderFullArrayRowTiling"
CustomNeighborInY: TilingClass.NeighborProc = {};
Decoder with Tiling and standard NeighborProc
AlpsDecoderFullArrayTiling: PROC [nbBits: NAT, indexMin: NAT ← 0, indexSize: NAT ← 0, flatten: BOOLFALSE] RETURNS [cellType: CellType] = {
indexSize=0 means in fact 2^nbBits
size: NATIF indexSize=0 THEN NAT[BitOps.TwoToThe[nbBits]] ELSE indexSize;
tileArray: TilingClass.TileArray = NEW [TilingClass.TileArrayRec[size]];
FOR i: NAT IN [0 .. size) DO
tileRow: TilingClass.TileRow = NEW [TilingClass.TileRowRec[nbBits+2]];
tileRow[nbBits+1] ← NEW [TilingClass.TileRec ← [
type: alpsCascode, renaming: LIST [["Minus", Index["Output", i]], ["Vdd", "Vdd"]]
tileRow[0] ← NEW [TilingClass.TileRec ← [
type: alpsPWell, flatten: flatten , renaming: LIST [["Gnd", "Gnd"], ["Plus", "Gnd"]]
FOR j: NAT IN [0 .. nbBits) DO
tileRow[j+1] ← NEW [TilingClass.TileRec ← [
type: IF XthBitOfN[j, i] THEN alpsOne ELSE alpsZero,
flatten: flatten,
renaming: LIST [["Gnd", "Gnd"], ["Input", Index["Input", j]], ["NotInput", Index["NotInput", j]]]
tileArray[i] ← tileRow;
cellType ← TilingClass.CreateTiling[
public: Wires[Seq[size: nbBits, name: "Input"], Seq[size: nbBits, name: "NotInput"], Seq[size: size, name: "Output"], "Gnd", "Vdd"],
tileArray: tileArray,
neighborX: TilingClass.SchematicsNeighborX,
neighborY: TilingClass.LayoutNeighborY,
name: "AlpsDecoderFullArrayTiling"