User Modifications of the display
The User can change the picture by clicking the scrollbars or the menu buttons or by clicking the mouse inside the viewer.
The Horizontal scrollbar translates the x origins of each axis of an equal proportion of their width. If the application is wise enough to keep all axis width equal, the same translation is applied to all axis. The Vertical scrollbar has the same effect on each y origin of each axis.
The menu has the following buttons :
Reset : resets to a full display.
MagOff/MagOn : switches in or out the magnifier, a zoom feature (the 2nd time base of the oscillo)
Grat : draws a scale along x and rounds the x scale to be a "decimal round" number.
Shot : takes a picture of the screen and stores it in ///Temp/PlotGraph/**name**.interpress
Active/Frozen: switches on or off the interactive refresh of the screen by the client program.
sizeX: LEFT click double, RIGHT click divide by two the x scale of the normal display.
MagSizeX: Id for the x scale of the magnifier.
sizeY: Id for the y scale of normal and magnifier displays.
The left click of the mouse inside the viewer :
CTRL & SHIFT moves the clicked axis over the selected one
CTRL X exchanges the selected axis and the clicked one
CTRL Z moves the selected axis over the clicked one
CTRL J superimposes the clicked axis over the selected one (Join)
CTRL F spilts a multiple curves axis into single curves axis (Fork)
CTRL S switches the clicked axis style between
(analog <-> mark) or (hexaV <-> hexaH)
CTRL deletes the clicked axis
SHIFT writes the client coordinates of this point at this location
select this axis
The middle click of the mouse inside the viewer :
SHIFT copies the clicked axis over the selected one
refresh the screen
The left click of the mouse inside the viewer :
translate the origin of the magnifier at this new location
CTRL D deletes the selection
The PlotGraph Command
The CommandTool command has the same use as the Graph command, and uses the same file format.
--any comment are ignored
"XaxisVariableName" "TopAxisYVariableName" "SecondAxisYVariableName"...
1rstX 1rstTopY 1rst2ndY...
2ndX 2ndTopY...
See Simple.list in Graph.df for an example.