DIRECTORY Convert, Core, CoreClasses, CoreOps, CoreProperties, IO, Pipal, PipalConnect, PipalCore, PipalIO, PipalMos, PipalSinix, PipalSisyph, RefTab, Rope, RopeList, Scheme, TerminalIO; PipalSisyphImpl: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS Convert, CoreClasses, CoreOps, CoreProperties, IO, Pipal, PipalConnect, PipalCore, PipalIO, PipalMos, PipalSinix, RefTab, Rope, RopeList, Scheme, TerminalIO EXPORTS PipalSisyph SHARES PipalSinix = BEGIN OPEN PipalSisyph; Context: TYPE = PipalSinix.Context; Environment: TYPE = Scheme.Environment; Any: TYPE = Scheme.Any; CellType: TYPE = Core.CellType; Wire: TYPE = Core.Wire; Wires: TYPE = Core.Wires; WireSeq: TYPE = Core.WireSeq; ROPE: TYPE = Core.ROPE; ROPES: TYPE = LIST OF ROPE; Object: TYPE = Pipal.Object; defaultGlobalNames: PUBLIC ROPES _ LIST ["Vdd", "Gnd", "RosemaryLogicTime"]; globalNames: PUBLIC ROPES _ defaultGlobalNames; instanceExpressionsProp: PUBLIC ATOM _ $SisyphInstanceExpressions; objectExpressionsProp: PUBLIC ATOM _ $SisyphObjectExpressions; mode: PUBLIC PipalSinix.Mode _ NEW [PipalSinix.ModeRec _ [ decoration: PipalCore.schematicsDecoration, extractMethod: Pipal.RegisterMethod["SchematicExtraction"], connectMode: PipalConnect.schematicMode, extractAnnotationProp: $SisyphExtractProc, -- for the sake of compatibility! objectEqual: ObjectEqual, postProcessFused: PostProcessFused ]]; initialEnvironment: Environment = Scheme.NewEnvironmentStructure[]; Extract: PUBLIC PROC [name: ROPE, parameters: LIST OF IntegerParameter _ NIL] RETURNS [CellType] = { context: Context _ CreateContext[]; object: Pipal.Object _ PipalIO.Fetch[name]; IF object=NIL THEN {TerminalIO.PutF["*** Error: ES cannot find object '%g'.\n", IO.rope[name]]; ERROR}; FOR list: LIST OF IntegerParameter _ parameters, WHILE list#NIL DO Define[context, list.first.variable, NEW [INT _ list.first.value]]; ENDLOOP; RETURN [NARROW [PipalSinix.Extract[object, mode, context].result]]; }; IsDefinedTopLevel: PROC [env: Environment, variable: ATOM] RETURNS [BOOL] = { values: RefTab.Ref _ NARROW [env.values]; RETURN [RefTab.Fetch[values, variable].found]; }; InternalDefine: PROC [env: Environment, variable: ATOM, value: Any] = { IF IsDefinedTopLevel[env, variable] THEN SIGNAL ContextProblem["Variable set twice", variable] ELSE Scheme.DefineVariable[variable, value, env]; }; InternalSet: PROC [env: Environment, variable: ATOM, value: Any] = { IF NOT IsDefinedTopLevel[env, variable] THEN SIGNAL ContextProblem["Undefined variable", variable] ELSE [] _ Scheme.SetVariableValue[variable, value, env]; }; InternalGet: PROC [env: Environment, variable: ATOM] RETURNS [value: Any] = { value _ Scheme.LookupVariableValue[variable, env]; }; InternalEval: PROC [env: Environment, expr: Core.ROPE] RETURNS [value: Any] = { value _ Scheme.Eval[Scheme.ReadRope[expr, TRUE], env]; }; InternalDefineEval: PROC [env: Environment, variable: ATOM, expr: Core.ROPE] = { InternalDefine[env, variable, InternalEval[env, expr]]; }; InternalSetEval: PROC [env: Environment, variable: ATOM, expr: Core.ROPE] = { InternalSet[env, variable, InternalEval[env, expr]]; }; Narrow: PROC [context: Context] RETURNS [env: Environment] = { env _ NARROW [context]; IF env.parent=NIL OR env.names#NIL OR env.values=NIL THEN SIGNAL PipalSinix.InternalBug[]; IF env.parent#initialEnvironment THEN SIGNAL PipalSinix.InternalBug[]; }; SchemeToCedar: PROC [value: Any] RETURNS [REF] = { RETURN [WITH value SELECT FROM string: Scheme.String => Scheme.RopeFromString[string], ENDCASE => value]; }; SchemeToCedarInt: PROC [value: Any] RETURNS [int: INT] = { WITH SchemeToCedar[value] SELECT FROM refInt: REF INT => int _ refInt^; refNat: REF NAT => int _ refNat^; ENDCASE => SIGNAL PipalSinix.CallerBug[]; }; CedarToScheme: PROC [value: REF] RETURNS [Any] = { RETURN [WITH value SELECT FROM rope: ROPE => Scheme.StringFromRope[rope], ENDCASE => value]; }; CreateContext: PUBLIC PROC RETURNS [context: Context] = { env: Environment _ NEW [Scheme.EnvironmentRep _ [ parent: initialEnvironment, names: NIL, values: RefTab.Create[], mark: 100, id: Scheme.StringFromRope["PipalSisyph"] ]]; context _ env; }; NewAssignmentContext: PROC [context: Context, assignments: LIST OF ParsedRope] RETURNS [Context] = { env: Environment _ Narrow[context]; new: Environment _ NEW [Scheme.EnvironmentRep _ [parent: env.parent, names: NIL, values: RefTab.Copy[NARROW [env.values]]]]; FOR list: LIST OF ParsedRope _ assignments, WHILE list#NIL DO InternalSet[new, list.first.variable, InternalEval[env, list.first.expr]]; ENDLOOP; RETURN [new]; }; NewDeclarationContext: PROC [context: Context, declarations: LIST OF ParsedRope] RETURNS [Context] = { env: Environment _ Narrow[context]; new: Environment _ NEW [Scheme.EnvironmentRep _ [parent: env.parent, names: NIL, values: RefTab.Create[]]]; FOR list: LIST OF ParsedRope _ declarations, WHILE list#NIL DO variable: ATOM _ list.first.variable; InternalDefine[new, variable, IF IsDefinedTopLevel[env, variable] THEN InternalGet[env, variable] ELSE InternalEval[env.parent, list.first.expr]]; ENDLOOP; RETURN [new]; }; EvalProperties: PROC [context: Context, object: Object, properties: LIST OF ParsedRope, others: ROPES, props: Core.Properties] RETURNS [Core.Properties] = { FOR list: LIST OF ParsedRope _ properties, WHILE list#NIL DO key: ATOM _ list.first.variable; value: REF _ Eval[context, list.first.expr]; oldValue: REF _ CoreProperties.GetProp[props, key]; IF oldValue#NIL AND oldValue#value THEN SIGNAL PipalSinix.FusionPropMismatch[object, key, oldValue, value]; props _ CoreProperties.PutProp[props, key, value]; ENDLOOP; FOR list: ROPES _ others, WHILE list#NIL DO props _ LayoutProcessName[object, list.first, props]; ENDLOOP; RETURN [props]; }; Define: PUBLIC PROC [context: Context, variable: ATOM, value: REF] = { InternalDefine[Narrow[context], variable, CedarToScheme[value]]; }; Set: PUBLIC PROC [context: Context, variable: ATOM, value: REF] = { InternalSet[Narrow[context], variable, CedarToScheme[value]]; }; Get: PUBLIC PROC [context: Context, variable: ATOM] RETURNS [value: REF] = { value _ SchemeToCedar[InternalGet[Narrow[context], variable]]; }; GetInt: PUBLIC PROC [context: Context, variable: ATOM] RETURNS [value: INT] = { value _ SchemeToCedarInt[InternalGet[Narrow[context], variable]]; }; GetAtom: PUBLIC PROC [context: Context, variable: ATOM] RETURNS [value: ATOM] = { value _ NARROW [Get[context, variable]]; }; GetRope: PUBLIC PROC [context: Context, variable: ATOM] RETURNS [value: Core.ROPE] = { value _ NARROW [Get[context, variable]]; }; Eval: PUBLIC PROC [context: Context, expr: Core.ROPE] RETURNS [value: REF] = { value _ SchemeToCedar[InternalEval[Narrow[context], expr]]; }; DefineEval: PUBLIC PROC [context: Context, variable: ATOM, expr: Core.ROPE] = { Define[context, variable, Eval[context, expr]]; }; SetEval: PUBLIC PROC [context: Context, variable: ATOM, expr: Core.ROPE] = { Set[context, variable, Eval[context, expr]]; }; ContextProblem: PUBLIC SIGNAL [message: Core.ROPE, variable: ATOM] = CODE; GlobalNonAtomic: PUBLIC SIGNAL [object: Object, name: ROPE, wire: Wire] = CODE; InterpreterProblem: PUBLIC SIGNAL [context: Context, expr, errorRope: ROPE] = CODE; ParseRope: PROC [rope: ROPE] RETURNS [tokenKind: IO.TokenKind, token, rest: ROPE] = { ENABLE { IO.Error => GOTO Error; IO.EndOfStream => GOTO EOF; }; stream: IO.STREAM _ IO.RIS[rope]; charsSkipped1: INT _ IO.SkipWhitespace[stream]; charsSkipped2: INT; [tokenKind, token, charsSkipped2] _ IO.GetCedarTokenRope[stream]; rest _ Rope.Substr[rope, charsSkipped1+charsSkipped2+Rope.Length[token]]; EXITS Error => RETURN [tokenERROR, NIL, NIL]; EOF => RETURN [tokenEOF, NIL, NIL]; }; ParseSatellite: PUBLIC PROC [satellite: ROPE] RETURNS [variable: ATOM _ NIL, char: CHAR, expr: ROPE] = { tokenKind1, tokenKind2: IO.TokenKind; token1, token2: ROPE; [tokenKind1, token1, expr] _ ParseRope[satellite]; IF tokenKind1#tokenID THEN RETURN [NIL, '!, satellite]; [tokenKind2, token2, expr] _ ParseRope[expr]; IF tokenKind2#tokenSINGLE THEN RETURN [NIL, '!, satellite]; char _ Rope.Fetch[token2]; IF char#'~ AND char#'_ AND char#': THEN RETURN [NIL, '!, satellite]; variable _ Convert.AtomFromRope[token1]; }; ParseSatellites: PUBLIC PROC [satellites: ROPES] RETURNS [declarations, assignments, properties: LIST OF ParsedRope _ NIL, others: ROPES _ NIL] = { WHILE satellites#NIL DO variable: ATOM; char: CHAR; expr: ROPE; [variable, char, expr] _ ParseSatellite[satellites.first]; IF variable=NIL THEN others _ CONS [satellites.first, others] ELSE SELECT char FROM '~ => declarations _ CONS [[variable, expr], declarations]; '_ => assignments _ CONS [[variable, expr], assignments]; ': => properties _ CONS [[variable, expr], properties]; ENDCASE => SIGNAL PipalSinix.InternalBug[]; satellites _; ENDLOOP; }; EqualRopes: PUBLIC PROC [ropes1, ropes2: ROPES] RETURNS [BOOL] = { FOR r1: ROPES _ ropes1, WHILE r1#NIL DO IF NOT RopeList.Memb[ropes2, r1.first] THEN RETURN [FALSE]; ENDLOOP; FOR r2: ROPES _ ropes2, WHILE r2#NIL DO IF NOT RopeList.Memb[ropes1, r2.first] THEN RETURN [FALSE]; ENDLOOP; RETURN [TRUE]; }; EqualValues: PROC [value1, value2: REF] RETURNS [BOOL] = { IF value1=value2 THEN RETURN [TRUE]; WITH value1 SELECT FROM rr1: ROPES => WITH value2 SELECT FROM rr2: ROPES => RETURN [EqualRopes[rr1, rr2]]; ENDCASE => RETURN [FALSE]; r1: ROPE => WITH value2 SELECT FROM r2: ROPE => RETURN [Rope.Equal[r1, r2]]; ENDCASE => RETURN [FALSE]; ri1: REF INT => WITH value2 SELECT FROM ri2: REF INT => RETURN [ri1^=ri2^]; ri2: REF NAT => RETURN [ri1^=ri2^]; ENDCASE => RETURN [FALSE]; ri1: REF NAT => WITH value2 SELECT FROM ri2: REF INT => RETURN [ri1^=ri2^]; ri2: REF NAT => RETURN [ri1^=ri2^]; ENDCASE => RETURN [FALSE]; ENDCASE => RETURN [FALSE]; }; IsSubset: PROC [a, b: RefTab.Ref] RETURNS [BOOL] = { CheckAbsentInb: RefTab.EachPairAction = { found: BOOL; bVal: RefTab.Val; pair1, pair2: Scheme.Pair; [found, bVal] _ RefTab.Fetch[b, key]; IF NOT found THEN RETURN [TRUE]; IF bVal=val THEN RETURN [FALSE]; pair1 _ NARROW [bVal]; pair2 _ NARROW [val]; IF THEN SIGNAL PipalSinix.InternalBug[]; quit _ NOT EqualValues[pair1.cdr, pair2.cdr]; }; RETURN [NOT RefTab.Pairs[a, CheckAbsentInb]]; }; ObjectEqual: PROC [object: Object, context1, context2: Context] RETURNS [BOOL] = { env1: Environment _ Narrow [context1]; env2: Environment _ Narrow [context2]; table1: RefTab.Ref _ NARROW [env1.values]; table2: RefTab.Ref _ NARROW [env2.values]; IF env1.parent#env2.parent THEN RETURN [FALSE]; RETURN [IsSubset[table1, table2] AND IsSubset[table2, table1]]; }; OrNames: PROC [object: Object, name1, name2: ROPE] RETURNS [name: ROPE _ NIL] = { IF name1=NIL THEN RETURN [name2]; IF name2=NIL THEN RETURN [name1]; IF Rope.Equal[name1, name2] THEN RETURN [name1]; SIGNAL PipalSinix.FusionPropMismatch[object, CoreOps.nameProp, name1, name2]; }; LayoutProcessName: PROC [object: Object, name: ROPE, props: Core.Properties] RETURNS [Core.Properties] = { name _ OrNames[object, name, NARROW [CoreProperties.GetProp[props, CoreOps.nameProp]]]; RETURN [CoreProperties.PutProp[props, CoreOps.nameProp, name]]; }; ExtractSats: PROC [object: Object, context: Context, satellites: ROPES, instance: BOOL] RETURNS [result: REF, props: Core.Properties] = { declarations, assignments, properties: LIST OF ParsedRope; others: ROPES; [declarations, assignments, properties, others] _ ParseSatellites[satellites]; IF instance THEN { IF declarations#NIL THEN SIGNAL PipalSinix.CallerBug[]; IF assignments#NIL THEN context _ NewAssignmentContext[context, assignments]; [result, props] _ PipalSinix.Extract[object, mode, context]; IF result=NIL THEN RETURN; WITH result SELECT FROM subWire: Wire => { wire: Wire _ CoreOps.CopyWire[subWire]; PipalCore.PutPort[mode.decoration, wire, object]; _ EvalProperties[context, object, properties, others,]; result _ wire; }; subWires: Wires => SIGNAL PipalSinix.CallerBug[]; -- what to do with that name! subCellType: CellType => props _ EvalProperties[context, object, properties, others, props]; ENDCASE => SIGNAL PipalSinix.InternalBug[]; } ELSE { IF assignments#NIL THEN SIGNAL PipalSinix.CallerBug[]; IF declarations#NIL THEN context _ NewDeclarationContext[context, assignments]; [result, props] _ PipalSinix.NonCachingExtract[object, mode, context]; IF result=NIL THEN RETURN; WITH result SELECT FROM subWire: Wire => _ EvalProperties[context, object, properties, others,]; subWires: Wires => SIGNAL PipalSinix.CallerBug[]; -- what to do with that name! subCellType: CellType => _ EvalProperties[context, object, properties, others,]; ENDCASE => SIGNAL PipalSinix.InternalBug[]; }; }; ExtractAnnotation: PipalSinix.ExtractProc = { annotation: Pipal.Annotation = NARROW [object]; SELECT annotation.key FROM mode.extractAnnotationProp => { atom: ATOM = NARROW [annotation.value]; proc: PipalSinix.ExtractProc _ PipalSinix.FetchExtractProc[atom]; IF proc=NIL THEN { TerminalIO.PutF["*** ExtractProc $%g not registered. You must run the program defining it.\n", IO.atom[atom]]; SIGNAL PipalSinix.CallerBug[]; }; [result, props] _ proc[annotation.child, mode, context]; }; Pipal.nameProp => { name: ROPE _ NARROW [annotation.value]; [result, props] _ PipalSinix.NonCachingExtract[annotation.child, mode, context]; IF result=NIL THEN RETURN; WITH result SELECT FROM subWire: Wire => _ LayoutProcessName[object, name,]; subWires: Wires => SIGNAL PipalSinix.CallerBug[]; -- what to do with that name! subCellType: CellType => _ LayoutProcessName[object, name,]; ENDCASE => SIGNAL PipalSinix.InternalBug[]; }; instanceExpressionsProp => [result, props] _ ExtractSats[annotation.child, context, NARROW [annotation.value], TRUE]; objectExpressionsProp => [result, props] _ ExtractSats[annotation.child, context, NARROW [annotation.value], FALSE]; PipalMos.indirectProp => SIGNAL PipalSinix.CallerBug[]; ENDCASE => [result, props] _ PipalSinix.ExtractConnectized[object, mode, context]; }; ExtractStar: PipalSinix.ExtractProc = { star: PipalMos.Star = NARROW [object]; [result, props] _ ExtractSats[star.master, context, PipalMos.GetNonItalicRopes[star], NOT star.overlayStar]; }; ExtractSchematicIcon: PipalSinix.ExtractProc = { icon: PipalMos.SchematicIcon _ NARROW [object]; iconCT: CellType _ NARROW [PipalSinix.Extract[icon.child, mode, context].result]; result _ IF icon.code THEN Eval[context, icon.expression] ELSE Extract[icon.expression]; SELECT icon.type FROM cell => { cellType: CellType; IF result=NIL THEN SIGNAL PipalSinix.CallerBug[]; cellType _ PipalSinix.CreateIcon[NARROW [result]]; PipalCore.PutObject[mode.decoration, cellType, object]; IF NOT CheckAndDecorate[object, iconCT.public, cellType.public] THEN { TerminalIO.PutF["*** Error: icon public and schematic public do NOT conform\n"]; TerminalIO.PutF["Icon public is:"]; CoreOps.PrintWire[wire: iconCT.public, out: TerminalIO.TOS[], level: LAST [NAT]]; TerminalIO.PutF["\nSchematic public is:"]; CoreOps.PrintWire[wire: cellType.public, out: TerminalIO.TOS[], level: LAST [NAT]]; TerminalIO.PutF["\n"]; ERROR }; result _ cellType; }; wire, unnamedWire => { FlushName: CoreOps.EachWireProc = {[] _ CoreOps.SetShortWireName[wire, NIL]}; resultWire: WireSeq; IF result=NIL THEN { result _ resultWire _ iconCT.public; IF icon.type = unnamedWire THEN [] _ CoreOps.VisitWireSeq[resultWire, FlushName]; RETURN; }; WITH result SELECT FROM wires: Wires => result _ resultWire _ CoreOps.CreateWire[wires]; ww: Wire => {result _ ww; resultWire _ CoreOps.CreateWire[LIST [ww]]}; cellType: CellType => { IF props#NIL THEN ERROR; result _ resultWire _ CoreOps.CopyWire[cellType.public]; }; ENDCASE => ERROR; IF NOT CheckAndDecorate[object, iconCT.public, resultWire] THEN { TerminalIO.PutF["*** Error: icon wire and result wire icon don't conform\n"]; TerminalIO.PutF["Icon wire is:"]; CoreOps.PrintWire[wire: iconCT.public, out: TerminalIO.TOS[], level: LAST [NAT]]; TerminalIO.PutF["\nResult wire is:"]; CoreOps.PrintWire[wire: resultWire, out: TerminalIO.TOS[], level: LAST [NAT]]; TerminalIO.PutF["\n"]; ERROR }; IF icon.type = unnamedWire THEN [] _ CoreOps.VisitWireSeq[resultWire, FlushName]; }; ENDCASE => SIGNAL PipalSinix.CallerBug[]; }; ExtractSchematicSequence: PipalSinix.ExtractProc = { seq: PipalMos.SchematicSequence _ NARROW [object]; value: REF INT _ NARROW [Eval[context, seq.repetition]]; count: NAT _ value^; wholeCT, baseCT, sequence: CellType; internal, baseActual, basePublic: WireSeq; baseInst: CoreClasses.RecordCellType; sequenceWires, flatSequenceWires: Wires _ NIL; [result, props] _ PipalSinix.Extract[seq.child, mode, context]; IF props#NIL THEN ERROR; wholeCT _ NARROW [result]; baseInst _ NARROW []; internal _ baseInst.internal; IF baseInst.size#1 THEN { TerminalIO.PutF["*** ExtractSchematicSequence: Sequence should contain one and only one subcell.\n"]; ERROR}; baseCT _ baseInst[0].type; baseActual _ baseInst[0].actual; basePublic _ baseCT.public; FOR i: NAT IN [0 .. internal.size) DO wire: Wire = internal[i]; name: ROPE _ CoreOps.GetShortWireName[wire]; IF name=NIL THEN name _ "some wire"; IF NOT CoreOps.RecursiveMember[baseActual, wire] THEN { TerminalIO.PutF["*** ExtractSchematicSequence: %g is not connected to subcell.\n", IO.rope[name]]; ERROR}; IF NOT CoreOps.RecursiveMember[wholeCT.public, wire] THEN { TerminalIO.PutF["*** ExtractSchematicSequence: %g is not public.\n", IO.rope[name]]; ERROR}; ENDLOOP; FOR i: NAT IN [0 .. basePublic.size) DO IF CoreProperties.GetWireProp[baseActual[i], $Sequence]#NIL THEN sequenceWires _ CONS [basePublic[i], sequenceWires]; IF CoreProperties.GetWireProp[baseActual[i], $FlatSequence]#NIL THEN flatSequenceWires _ CONS [basePublic[i], flatSequenceWires]; ENDLOOP; sequence _ CoreClasses.CreateSequence[ args: NEW [CoreClasses.SequenceCellTypeRec _ [ base: baseCT, count: count, sequence: FindPorts[basePublic, sequenceWires], flatSequence: FindPorts[basePublic, flatSequenceWires] ]], name: CoreOps.GetCellTypeName[wholeCT], props: props ]; FOR i: NAT IN [0..sequence.public.size) DO iconWire: Wire = CoreClasses.CorrespondingActual[baseInst[0], basePublic[i]]; PipalCore.PutPort[PipalCore.schematicsDecoration, sequence.public[i], iconWire]; PipalCore.PutGeometry[PipalCore.schematicsDecoration, sequence.public[i], PipalCore.GetGeometry[PipalCore.schematicsDecoration, iconWire]]; ENDLOOP; PipalCore.PutObject[mode.decoration, sequence, object]; result _ sequence; }; FindPorts: PROC [basePublic: WireSeq, wires: Wires] RETURNS [set: CoreClasses.SequenceSet] = { nats: LIST OF NAT _ NIL; size: NAT _ 0; WHILE wires#NIL DO FOR w: NAT IN [0 .. basePublic.size) DO sequenceName: ROPE _ CoreOps.GetShortWireName[wires.first]; IF wires.first=basePublic[w] OR (sequenceName#NIL AND Rope.Equal[sequenceName, CoreOps.GetShortWireName[basePublic[w]]]) THEN { nats _ CONS [w, nats]; size _ size + 1; EXIT}; REPEAT FINISHED => ERROR; ENDLOOP; wires _; ENDLOOP; set _ NEW [CoreClasses.SequenceSetRec[size]]; FOR i: INT IN [0 .. size) DO set[i] _ nats.first; nats _ ENDLOOP; }; CheckAndDecorate: PROC [object: Object, drawnPublic, resultPublic: WireSeq] RETURNS [ok: BOOL _ TRUE] = { resultToDrawn: RefTab.Ref _ RefTab.Create[]; -- associates resultPublic to drawnPublic FOR i: NAT IN [0 .. drawnPublic.size) DO EachResultWire: CoreOps.EachWireProc = { resultName: ROPE _ CoreOps.GetShortWireName[wire]; IF NOT Rope.Equal[resultName, drawnName] THEN RETURN; IF wire=resultWire THEN RETURN; IF resultWire#NIL THEN {TerminalIO.PutF["*** Drawn Icon has a wire %g whose name appears more than once in the schematic\n", IO.rope[drawnName]]; quit _ TRUE; ok _ FALSE; RETURN}; resultWire _ wire; }; drawnWire: Wire _ drawnPublic[i]; drawnName: ROPE _ CoreOps.GetShortWireName[drawnWire]; resultWire: Wire _ NIL; IF drawnName=NIL THEN {TerminalIO.PutF["*** Drawn Icon has an unnamed wire\n"]; ok _ FALSE; LOOP}; IF CoreOps.VisitWire[resultPublic, EachResultWire] THEN LOOP; IF resultWire=NIL THEN {TerminalIO.PutF["*** Drawn Icon has wire %g that doesn't correspond to any wire in the schematic\n", IO.rope[drawnName]]; ok _ FALSE; LOOP}; PipalCore.PutPort[mode.decoration, resultWire, PipalCore.GetPort[mode.decoration, drawnWire]]; [] _ RefTab.Store[resultToDrawn, resultWire, drawnWire]; ENDLOOP; FOR i: NAT IN [0 .. resultPublic.size) DO resultWire: Wire _ resultPublic[i]; resultName: ROPE _ CoreOps.GetShortWireName[resultWire]; drawnWire: Wire _ NARROW [RefTab.Fetch[resultToDrawn, resultWire].val]; IF resultName=NIL THEN LOOP; IF drawnWire#NIL THEN LOOP; IF RopeList.Memb[globalNames, resultName] THEN LOOP; TerminalIO.PutF["*** Warning: schematic has wire %g that corresponds to no wire in the drawn Icon\n", IO.rope[resultName]]; ENDLOOP; }; ProcessGlobalName: PROC [object: Object, fused: RefTab.Ref, instances: LIST OF CoreClasses.CellInstance, name: ROPE] = { global: Wire; globals: Wires; InsertGlobal: PROC [wire: Wire] = { IF wire.size#0 THEN SIGNAL GlobalNonAtomic[object, name, wire]; IF NOT CoreOps.Member[globals, wire] THEN globals _ CONS [wire, globals]; }; FindGlobals: CoreOps.EachWirePairProc = { act: Wire _ PipalSinix.RootWire[fused, actualWire]; actualName: ROPE = CoreOps.GetShortWireName[act]; IF NOT Rope.Equal[CoreOps.GetShortWireName[publicWire], name] THEN RETURN; IF actualName=NIL OR Rope.Equal[actualName, name] THEN InsertGlobal[act]; }; EachWire: PROC [wire: Core.Wire] = { IF Rope.Equal[CoreOps.GetShortWireName[wire], name] THEN InsertGlobal[wire]; }; FOR list: LIST OF CoreClasses.CellInstance _ instances, WHILE list#NIL DO [] _ CoreOps.VisitBindingSeq[list.first.actual, list.first.type.public, FindGlobals]; ENDLOOP; [] _ PipalSinix.EnumerateRoots[fused, EachWire]; IF globals=NIL THEN RETURN; global _ CoreOps.SetShortWireName[globals.first, name]; CoreProperties.PutWireProp[global, $Public, $Public]; globals _; WHILE globals#NIL DO global _ PipalSinix.StructuredFusion[mode, object, fused, global, globals.first]; globals _; ENDLOOP; }; PostProcessFused: PipalSinix.PostProcessProc = { FOR names: ROPES _ globalNames, WHILE names#NIL DO ProcessGlobalName[object, fused, instances, names.first]; ENDLOOP; PipalSinix.SchematicsFusionByName[mode, object, context, fused, instances]; }; ToCedar: PROC [primitive: Scheme.Primitive, arg1, arg2, arg3: Any, pl: Scheme.ProperList] RETURNS [result: Any] = { result _ SchemeToCedar[arg1]; }; CreateWire: PROC [primitive: Scheme.Primitive, arg1, arg2, arg3: Any, pl: Scheme.ProperList] RETURNS [result: Any] = { result _ CoreOps.CreateWire[]; }; CreateTransistor: PROC [primitive: Scheme.Primitive, arg1, arg2, arg3: Any, pl: Scheme.ProperList] RETURNS [result: Any] = { result _ CoreClasses.CreateTransistor[ SELECT arg1 FROM $ne => nE, $pe => pE, $nd => nD, ENDCASE => ERROR, SchemeToCedarInt[arg2], SchemeToCedarInt[arg3] ]; }; Pipal.PutClassMethod[Pipal.annotationClass, mode.extractMethod, NEW [PipalSinix.ExtractProc _ ExtractAnnotation]]; Pipal.PutClassMethod[PipalMos.starClass, mode.extractMethod, NEW [PipalSinix.ExtractProc _ ExtractStar]]; Pipal.PutClassMethod[PipalMos.schematicIconClass, mode.extractMethod, NEW [PipalSinix.ExtractProc _ ExtractSchematicIcon]]; Pipal.PutClassMethod[PipalMos.schematicSequenceClass, mode.extractMethod, NEW [PipalSinix.ExtractProc _ ExtractSchematicSequence]]; PipalSinix.schematicsMode _ mode; Scheme.DefinePrimitive["cedar", 1, FALSE, ToCedar, "converts a Scheme argument to a Cedar argument", initialEnvironment]; Scheme.DefinePrimitive["createwire", 0, FALSE, CreateWire, "creates a Core wire", initialEnvironment]; Scheme.DefinePrimitive["createtransistor", 3, FALSE, CreateTransistor, "creates a Core transistor", initialEnvironment]; END. PipalSisyphImpl.mesa Copyright Σ 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Created by Sindhu and Serlet, November 27, 1985 9:11:39 pm PDT Pradeep Sindhu June 25, 1987 4:59:16 pm PDT Barth, October 15, 1986 10:25:34 am PDT Bertrand Serlet, May 13, 1988 3:29:20 pm PDT Jean-Marc Frailong December 12, 1987 5:41:02 pm PST Christian Jacobi, July 15, 1986 6:24:40 pm PDT Don Curry May 7, 1987 10:30:40 pm PDT Types All variables have values which are Scheme data types except the ones which are CellTypes, Wire, Wires or ROPES Constants and Variables Extraction Convenience Context Handling Procedures This one in Scheme? Checks that a PipalSinix context is of the right form, i.e. a 2-level environement: - the parent is initialEnvironment, always invariant. - the current environment contains the few current variables. ENABLE ANY => SIGNAL InterpreterProblem[context, expr, NIL]; Exceptions Parsing Context Equality and Caching Added code to handle the special case of ROPE as well as ROPES This one depends quite heavily on Scheme ... Returns TRUE iff a is a subset of b It is a potential parameter. Check if its there in the context and equal ExtractProcs Check public special case There should be only one subcell we check that there is no internal only We compute which wires are going to be sequenced We create the sequence Attention here: we copy only a few selected properties, because it is bad to have designers rely on the way the sequence is obtained (extracting the whole thing, thus gathering properties). Moreover, if we copy all, things like the Sequence information will crap up, thus messing the level above (e.g. if it is a sequence itself). The object decoration! Utilities for the implementation Construct the association by searching in resultPublic for every name found in drawnPublic We decorate the resultWire with the pins of drawnWire Ensure that each resultPublic corresponds to some iconic Wire (apart may be from the wires in globalNames). Warning only for those. 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