<> <> <> <> <<>> DIRECTORY CD, CDAtomicObjects, CDBasics, CDCells, CDCurves, CDDefaultProcs, CDDirectory, CDEvents, CDImports, CDInstances, CDRects, CDRoutingObjects, CDSatellites, CDSymbolicObjects, CDTexts, CMosB, CMosBExtras, Imager, ImagerColor, ImagerTransformation, List, Pipal, PipalCD, PipalInt, PipalMos, PipalPaint, Properties, PW, Real, RefTab, Saguaro; PipalCDImpl: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS CD, CDAtomicObjects, CDBasics, CDCells, CDCurves, CDDefaultProcs, CDDirectory, CDEvents, CDImports, CDInstances, CDRects, CDRoutingObjects, CDSatellites, CDSymbolicObjects, CDTexts, CMosB, CMosBExtras, Imager, ImagerTransformation, List, Pipal, PipalInt, PipalMos, Properties, PW, Real, RefTab, Saguaro EXPORTS PipalCD SHARES CDCells, CDCurves, CDImports, CDRects, CDTexts = BEGIN OPEN PipalCD; <> cdlayers: REF ARRAY CD.Layer OF PipalMos.Layer _ NEW [ARRAY CD.Layer OF PipalMos.Layer]; layers: RefTab.Ref _ RefTab.Create[]; RegisterCDPLayer: PROC [cdlayer: CD.Layer, layer: PipalMos.Layer] = { cdlayers[cdlayer] _ layer; [] _ RefTab.Store[layers, layer, NEW [CD.Layer _ cdlayer]]; }; CDToPLayer: PROC [cdlayer: CD.Layer] RETURNS [layer: PipalMos.Layer] = { layer _ cdlayers[cdlayer]; IF layer=NIL THEN ERROR; }; PToCDLayer: PROC [layer: PipalMos.Layer] RETURNS [cdlayer: CD.Layer] = { refCDL: REF CD.Layer _ NARROW [RefTab.Fetch[layers, layer].val]; IF refCDL=NIL THEN ERROR; cdlayer _ refCDL^; }; <> cdToPProcs: RefTab.Ref _ RefTab.Create[]; pToCDProcs: Pipal.ClassTable _ Pipal.CreateClassTable[]; pToCDInstanceProcs: Pipal.ClassTable _ Pipal.CreateClassTable[]; RegisterCDToPProc: PROC [class: CD.ObjectClass, proc: CDToPProc] = { [] _ RefTab.Store[cdToPProcs, class, NEW [CDToPProc _ proc]]; }; RegisterPToCDProc: PROC [class: Pipal.Class, proc: PToCDProc] = { [] _ Pipal.StoreInClassTable[pToCDProcs, class, NEW [PToCDProc _ proc]]; }; RegisterPToCDInstanceProc: PROC [class: Pipal.Class, proc: PToCDInstanceProc] = { [] _ Pipal.StoreInClassTable[pToCDInstanceProcs, class, NEW [PToCDInstanceProc _ proc]]; }; CDOP: TYPE = RECORD [cdobj: CD.Object, cdprops: CD.PropList _ NIL]; cdToPObjects: RefTab.Ref _ RefTab.Create[]; -- [CD.Object -> Pipal.Object] pToCDObjects: RefTab.Ref _ RefTab.Create[]; -- [Pipal.Object -> CDOP] SomethingWeirdGoingOn: SIGNAL [] = CODE; CheckAndStore: PROC [obj: Pipal.Object, cdobj: CD.Object, cdprops: CD.PropList] = { IF obj=Pipal.void THEN RETURN; IF cdobj.class=CDCells.pCellClass AND NARROW [cdobj.specific, CD.CellSpecific].dummyCell THEN RETURN; IF CDToPRect[cdobj.bbox]#PipalInt.BBox[obj, []] THEN SIGNAL SomethingWeirdGoingOn[]; IF CDRectSize[cdobj.bbox]#PipalInt.ObjectSize[obj] THEN SIGNAL SomethingWeirdGoingOn[]; IF CDToPRect[CD.InterestRect[cdobj]]#PipalInt.AbutBox[obj] THEN SIGNAL SomethingWeirdGoingOn[]; [] _ RefTab.Store[cdToPObjects, cdobj, obj]; [] _ RefTab.Store[pToCDObjects, obj, NEW [CDOP _ [cdobj, cdprops]]]; }; CheckInstance: PROC [obj: Pipal.Object, cdobj: CD.Object, cdprops: CD.PropList, cdtrans: CD.Transformation, transformation: PipalInt.Transformation] = { IF obj=Pipal.void THEN RETURN; IF CDToPRect[CDBasics.MapRect[cdobj.bbox, cdtrans]]#PipalInt.BBox[obj, transformation] THEN SIGNAL SomethingWeirdGoingOn[]; IF CDToPRect[CDBasics.MapRect[CD.InterestRect[cdobj], cdtrans]]#PipalInt.TransformRectangle[transformation, PipalInt.AbutBox[obj]] THEN SIGNAL SomethingWeirdGoingOn[]; }; CDToPObject: PUBLIC CDToPProc = { refProc: REF CDToPProc; IF cdobj=NIL THEN ERROR; obj _ RefTab.Fetch[cdToPObjects, cdobj].val; IF obj#NIL THEN RETURN; refProc _ NARROW [RefTab.Fetch[cdToPProcs, cdobj.class].val]; IF refProc=NIL THEN ERROR; obj _ (refProc^)[cdobj]; obj _ AddCDProps[cdobj.properties, obj, FALSE]; CheckAndStore[obj, cdobj, NIL]; }; PToCDObject: PUBLIC PToCDProc = { cdop: REF CDOP _ NARROW [RefTab.Fetch[pToCDObjects, obj].val]; refProc: REF PToCDProc; IF cdop#NIL THEN RETURN [cdop.cdobj, cdop.cdprops]; refProc _ NARROW [Pipal.FetchFromClassTable[pToCDProcs, Pipal.ObjectClass[obj]]]; [cdobj, cdprops] _ (IF refProc=NIL THEN PToCDExpand ELSE (refProc^))[obj]; CheckAndStore[obj, cdobj, cdprops]; }; PToCDInstance: PUBLIC PToCDInstanceProc = { refProc: REF PToCDInstanceProc _ NARROW [Pipal.FetchFromClassTable[pToCDInstanceProcs, Pipal.ObjectClass[obj]]]; [cdobj, cdprops, cdtrans] _ (IF refProc=NIL THEN PToCDInstanceFromObj ELSE (refProc^))[obj, transformation]; CheckInstance[obj, cdobj, cdprops, cdtrans, transformation]; }; <> CDToPSize: PROC [size: CD.Position] RETURNS [PipalInt.Size] = INLINE { RETURN [[size.x, size.y]] }; CDRectSize: PROC [rect: CD.Rect] RETURNS [PipalInt.Size] = INLINE { RETURN [CDToPSize[CDBasics.SizeOfRect[rect]]] }; CDRectBase: PROC [rect: CD.Rect] RETURNS [PipalInt.Position] = INLINE { RETURN [[rect.x1, rect.y1]] }; CDToPRect: PROC [rect: CD.Rect] RETURNS [PipalInt.Rectangle] = INLINE { RETURN [[base: CDRectBase[rect], size: CDRectSize[rect]]] }; BaseTranslate: PROC [rect: CD.Rect, obj: Pipal.Object] RETURNS [Pipal.Object] = INLINE { RETURN [PipalInt.TransformObject[[CDRectBase[rect]], obj]] }; CDDrawListToP: PROC [drawList: CDAtomicObjects.DrawList] RETURNS [Pipal.Object] = { children: Pipal.Objects _ NIL; WHILE drawList#NIL DO dr: CDAtomicObjects.DrawRec _ drawList.first; children _ CONS [ PipalInt.TransformObject[ [CDRectBase[dr.r]], PipalMos.CreateBox[CDRectSize[dr.r], CDToPLayer[dr.layer]] ], children ]; drawList _ drawList.rest; ENDLOOP; RETURN [Pipal.CreateOverlay[children]]; }; CDToPTrans: PUBLIC PROC [trans: CD.Transformation] RETURNS [PipalInt.Transformation] = { RETURN [[[trans.off.x, trans.off.y], VAL [ORD [trans.orient]]]]; }; Transform: PROC [trans: CD.Transformation, obj: Pipal.Object] RETURNS [Pipal.Object] = INLINE { RETURN [PipalInt.TransformObject[CDToPTrans[trans], obj]] }; IRAnnotate: PROC [ir: CD.Rect, obj: Pipal.Object] RETURNS [Pipal.Object] = INLINE { RETURN [PipalInt.CreateAbutBoxAnnotation[obj, CDToPRect[ir]]] }; <> UnknownProp: SIGNAL [key: ATOM, val: REF] = CODE; stupidCDProps: LIST OF REF _ LIST [$layerOfPin, $CDSatellitesGroupId, $CDBringoverLibraryName, $CDSatellitesOGroup, $OwnerDesign, $CDSatellitesComment]; extractProps: LIST OF REF _ LIST [$SinixPropertiesCache, $CMosBExtractProc, $RawCMosBExtractProc, $SinixSatellites, $SinixCMosBExtractProc, $SisyphExtractProc, $SisyphParmNames, $CodeFor, $IconFor, $SinixInstanceCache, $FlattenInstanceCache, $SinixObjectCache]; otherProps: LIST OF REF _ LIST [$X, $PinOrder, $InstanceName, $DontFlatten, $Export, $MintDiscardMe]; ProcessSchematicIconProps: PROC [props: CD.PropList, obj: Pipal.Object] RETURNS [CD.PropList, Pipal.Object] = { type: PipalMos.SchematicIconType; codeFor: Pipal.ROPE _ NARROW [Properties.GetProp[props, $CodeFor]]; iconFor: Pipal.ROPE _ NARROW [Properties.GetProp[props, $IconFor]]; IF (codeFor=NIL AND iconFor=NIL) OR (codeFor#NIL AND iconFor#NIL) THEN RETURN [props, obj]; SELECT Properties.GetProp[props, $SisyphExtractProc] FROM $SisyphExtractCellIcon => type _ cell; $SisyphExtractNamedWireIcon => type _ wire; $SisyphExtractUnNamedWireIcon => type _ unnamedWire; ENDCASE => RETURN [props, obj]; props _ Properties.PutProp[props, $CodeFor, NIL]; props _ Properties.PutProp[props, $IconFor, NIL]; props _ Properties.PutProp[props, $SisyphExtractProc, NIL]; obj _ PipalMos.CreateSchematicIcon[obj, IF codeFor=NIL THEN iconFor ELSE codeFor, codeFor#NIL, type]; RETURN [props, obj]; }; AddCDProps: PROC [props: CD.PropList, obj: Pipal.Object, inst: BOOL] RETURNS [new: Pipal.Object] = { [props, new] _ ProcessSchematicIconProps[props, obj]; WHILE props#NIL DO key: REF _ props.first.key; val: REF _ props.first.val; IF ISTYPE [key, ATOM] THEN SELECT TRUE FROM key=$SignalName OR key=$Describe => new _ Pipal.CreateAnnotation[new, Pipal.nameProp, NARROW [val, Pipal.ROPE]]; key=$SisyphExpressions => new _ Pipal.CreateAnnotation[new, IF inst THEN $SisyphInstanceExpressions ELSE $SisyphObjectExpressions, NARROW [val, LIST OF Pipal.ROPE]]; -- hack hack hack! List.Memb[key, stupidCDProps] => {}; List.Memb[key, extractProps] => {}; List.Memb[key, otherProps] => {}; ENDCASE => { SIGNAL UnknownProp[NARROW [key], val]; otherProps_ CONS [key, otherProps]; }; props _ props.rest; ENDLOOP; }; CDToPInstance: PUBLIC PROC [instance: CD.Instance] RETURNS [obj: Pipal.Object] = { properties: CD.PropList _ instance.properties; SELECT TRUE FROM <> CDSymbolicObjects.IsSymbolicOb[instance.ob] => { obj _ PipalMos.CreateMarker[ CDRectSize[CDSymbolicObjects.Denotes[instance]], CDToPLayer[CDSymbolicObjects.GetLayer[instance]] ]; properties _ Properties.PutProp[properties, $layerOfPin, NIL]; }; <> instance.ob.class.newLayer#NIL AND instance.ob.layer=CD.commentLayer AND Properties.GetProp[properties, $SisyphExtractProc] = $ExtractNull => { instance _ CDInstances.Copy[instance]; IF NOT instance.ob.class.newLayer[instance, CD.FetchLayer[NIL, $blue]] THEN ERROR; obj _ CDToPObject[instance.ob]; properties _ Properties.PutProp[properties, $SisyphExtractProc, NIL]; }; ENDCASE => obj _ CDToPObject[instance.ob]; obj _ AddCDProps[properties, Transform[instance.trans, obj], TRUE]; }; <> <> <<>> CDToPBox: CDToPProc = { obj _ PipalMos.CreateBox[CDRectSize[cdobj.bbox], CDToPLayer[cdobj.layer]]; }; CDToPAtomicAnnotation: CDToPProc = { ov: Pipal.Object _ CDToPOverlay[CDDirectory.Expand1ByDraw[cdobj]]; obj _ Pipal.CreateAnnotation[ ov, IF PipalMos.ContainsWell[ov] THEN PipalMos.biAtomicProp ELSE PipalMos.atomicProp, cdobj.class.objectType ]; }; CDToPTransistorAnnotation: CDToPProc = { obj _ Pipal.CreateAnnotation[ CDToPOverlay[CDDirectory.Expand1ByDraw[cdobj]], PipalMos.transistorProp, cdobj.class.objectType ]; }; CDToPOrient: CDToPProc = { rs: PW.RotationSpecific _ NARROW [cdobj.specific]; obj _ PipalInt.CreateOrient[VAL [ORD [rs.orientation]], CDToPObject[rs.obj]]; }; CDToPRouting: CDToPProc = { rs: CDRoutingObjects.RoutingSpecific _ NARROW [cdobj.specific]; nodes: Pipal.Objects _ NIL; FOR i: NAT IN [0 .. rs.size) DO node: CDRoutingObjects.Node _ rs[i]; subs: Pipal.Objects _ NIL; FOR j: NAT IN [0 .. node.size) DO po: CDRoutingObjects.PlacedObject = node[j]; position: CD.Position = po.position; subs _ CONS [PipalInt.TransformObject[[[position.x, position.y]], CDToPObject[po.object]], subs]; ENDLOOP; nodes _ CONS [AddCDProps[node.properties, Pipal.CreateOverlay[subs], TRUE], nodes]; ENDLOOP; obj _ IRAnnotate[rs.ir, Pipal.CreateOverlay[nodes]]; }; CDXYTile: PipalMos.XYTileProc = { RETURN [CDToPObject[PW.GetTile[NARROW [data], x, y]]]; }; CDToPTiling: CDToPProc = { obj _ PipalMos.CreateTiling[PW.GetTilingSize[cdobj].sizeX, PW.GetTilingSize[cdobj].sizeY, CDXYTile, cdobj]; }; CDToPImport: CDToPProc = { import: CDImports.ImportSpecific = NARROW [cdobj.specific]; IF import.boundOb=NIL THEN ERROR; obj _ CDToPObject[import.boundOb]; }; CDToPIndirect: CDToPProc = { obj _ Pipal.CreateAnnotation[ CDToPObject[CDDirectory.Expand1[cdobj].new], PipalMos.indirectProp, NIL ]; }; CDToPAbut: CDToPProc = { EachInst: PW.EachSubObjectProc = {children _ CONS [CDToPObject[subObject], children]}; children: Pipal.Objects _ NIL; [] _ PW.EnumerateSubObjects[cdobj, EachInst]; obj _ PipalInt.CreateAbut[cdobj.class=PW.abutXClass, Pipal.Reverse[children]]; }; CDToPText: CDToPProc = { text: CDTexts.TextSpecific _ NARROW [cdobj.specific]; obj _ PipalMos.CreateText[text.text, text.cdFont.font] }; ImagerObjectData: TYPE = REF ImagerObjectDataRec; ImagerObjectDataRec: TYPE = RECORD [ cdImagerObject: Imager.Object, color: ImagerColor.ConstantColor ]; DrawImagerObject: PROC [self: Imager.Object, context: Imager.Context] = { iod: ImagerObjectData = NARROW [self.data]; Imager.SetColor[context, iod.color]; Imager.DrawObject[context: context, object: iod.cdImagerObject, interactive: TRUE]; }; CDToPCurve: CDToPProc = { curve: CDCurves.CurveSpecific _ NARROW [cdobj.specific]; cdImagerObject: Imager.Object _ curve.imagerObject; iod: ImagerObjectData _ NEW [ImagerObjectDataRec _ [ cdImagerObject: cdImagerObject, color: PipalMos.FetchLayerColor[CDToPLayer[cdobj.layer]] ]]; obj _ PipalMos.CreatePicture[ CDRectSize[cdobj.bbox], NEW [Imager.ObjectRep _ [draw: DrawImagerObject, clip: cdImagerObject.clip, data: iod]] ]; }; CDToPPicture: CDToPProc = { obj _ PipalMos.CreatePicture[CDRectSize[cdobj.bbox], NARROW [cdobj.specific]] }; CDToPOverlay: CDToPProc = { cs: CD.CellSpecific = NARROW [cdobj.specific]; GetSatellites: PROC [from: REF] RETURNS [satellites: Pipal.Objects _ NIL] = { FOR list: CD.InstanceList _ CDSatellites.GetSatellites[from], list.rest WHILE list#NIL DO IF NOT RefTab.Store[seen, list.first, $TRUE] THEN ERROR; -- satellite of several! satellites _ CONS [CDToPInstance[list.first], satellites]; ENDLOOP; }; CreateStar: PROC [master: Pipal.Object, satellites: Pipal.Objects, overlayStar: BOOL] RETURNS [Pipal.Object] = { IF satellites=NIL THEN RETURN [master]; RETURN [PipalMos.CreateStar[master, satellites, overlayStar]]; }; seen: RefTab.Ref _ RefTab.Create[]; EachNonText: CDCells.InstEnumerator = { IF CDTexts.IsText[inst.ob] THEN RETURN; children _ CONS [CreateStar[CDToPInstance[inst], GetSatellites[inst], FALSE], children]; }; EachText: CDCells.InstEnumerator = { IF NOT CDTexts.IsText[inst.ob] OR RefTab.Fetch[seen, inst].found THEN RETURN; children _ CONS [CDToPInstance[inst], children]; }; children: Pipal.Objects _ NIL; objectSatellites: Pipal.Objects _ GetSatellites[cdobj]; [] _ CDCells.EnumerateInstances[cdobj, EachNonText]; [] _ CDCells.EnumerateInstances[cdobj, EachText]; obj _ Pipal.CreateOverlay[children]; obj _ CreateStar[obj, objectSatellites, TRUE]; IF cs.specifiedIr THEN obj _ IRAnnotate[cs.ir, obj]; }; <> PToCDVector: PROC [size: PipalInt.Size] RETURNS [CD.Position] = INLINE { RETURN [[size.x, size.y]] }; PToCDRect: PROC [rect: PipalInt.Rectangle] RETURNS [CD.Rect] = INLINE { RETURN [[x1: rect.base.x, y1: rect.base.y, x2: rect.base.x+rect.size.x, y2: rect.base.y+rect.size.y]] }; PToCDTrans: PUBLIC PROC [trans: PipalInt.Transformation] RETURNS [CD.Transformation] = { RETURN [[PToCDVector[trans.translation], VAL [ORD [trans.orientation]]]]; }; <> PToCDInstanceFromObj: PToCDInstanceProc = { [cdobj, cdprops] _ PToCDObject[obj]; cdtrans _ PToCDTrans[transformation]; }; PToCDInstanceInternal: PROC [obj: Pipal.Object, transformation: PipalInt.Transformation] RETURNS [cdinst: CD.Instance] = { cdobj: CD.Object; cdprops: CD.PropList; cdtrans: CD.Transformation; [cdobj, cdprops, cdtrans] _ PToCDInstance[obj, transformation]; cdinst _ NEW [CD.InstanceRep _ [ob: cdobj, trans: cdtrans, properties: cdprops]]; }; PToCDAnnotation: PToCDProc = { annotation: Pipal.Annotation _ NARROW [obj]; SELECT annotation.key FROM PipalInt.abutBoxProp => { refAbutBox: REF PipalInt.Rectangle _ NARROW [annotation.value]; cdobj _ PW.CreateCell[ LIST [PToCDInstanceInternal[annotation.child, []]], PToCDRect[refAbutBox^] ]; }; ENDCASE => { [cdobj, cdprops] _ PToCDObject[annotation.child]; cdprops _ Properties.PutProp[cdprops, annotation.key, annotation.value]; }; }; PToCDBox: PToCDProc = { box: PipalMos.Box _ NARROW [obj]; cdobj _ CDRects.CreateRect[PToCDVector[box.size], PToCDLayer[box.layer]]; }; PToCDMarker: PToCDProc = { marker: PipalMos.Marker _ NARROW [obj]; cdobj _ CDRects.CreateRect[PToCDVector[marker.size], PToCDLayer[marker.layer]]; }; PToCDText: PToCDProc = { text: PipalMos.Text _ NARROW [obj]; trans: Imager.Transformation = text.font.charToClient; scale: INT _ Real.Round[trans.a]; IF NOT ImagerTransformation.CloseEnough[ImagerTransformation.Scale[scale], trans] THEN SIGNAL SomethingWeirdGoingOn[]; cdobj _ CDTexts.Create[text.contents, CDTexts.MakeFont[PipalMos.GetTextFontName[text], scale]]; }; PToCDPicture: PToCDProc = { picture: PipalMos.Picture _ NARROW [obj]; cdobj _ CreatePicture[PToCDVector[picture.size], picture.imagerObject]; }; PToCDExpand: PToCDProc = { instances: CD.InstanceList _ NIL; EachChild: PipalInt.EachChildProc = { IF child=Pipal.void THEN RETURN; instances _ CONS [PToCDInstanceInternal[child, transformation], instances]; }; [] _ PipalInt.Enumerate[obj, EachChild]; cdobj _ PW.CreateCell[instances]; IF cdobj.bbox = [0, 0, 1, 1] THEN cdobj.bbox _ [0, 0, 0, 0]; }; <> pictureClass: CD.ObjectClass _ PW.RegisterClass[ objectType: $PipalPicture, expand: NIL, interestRect: CDDefaultProcs.InterestRect, drawMe: DrawPicture, quickDrawMe: DrawPicture, showMeSelected: CDDefaultProcs.ShowMeSelected <> <> ]; CreatePicture: PROC [size: CD.Position, imagerObject: Imager.Object] RETURNS [ob: CD.Object] = { ob _ NEW [CD.ObjectRep _ [ bbox: [0, 0, size.x, size.y], class: pictureClass, immutable: TRUE, specific: imagerObject ]]; }; DrawPicture: CD.DrawProc = { PictureInContext: PROC [context: Imager.Context, ob: CD.Object, layer: CD.Layer] = { Imager.DrawObject[context: context, object: NARROW [ob.specific], interactive: TRUE]; }; pr.drawContext[pr, PictureInContext, ob, trans, ob.layer] }; ReadPicture: CD.InternalReadProc = {ERROR}; WritePicture: CD.InternalWriteProc = {ERROR}; <> AnnotationExtractTransistor: PipalMos.ExtractTransistorProc = { SubstituteLayers: PROC [old: CDAtomicObjects.DrawList] RETURNS [new: CDAtomicObjects.DrawList _ NIL] = { WHILE old#NIL DO r: CD.Rect _ old.first.r; layer: CD.Layer _ old.first.layer; new _ CONS [ [r, SELECT layer FROM CMosB.wndif => CMosB.ndif, CMosB.wpdif => CMosB.pdif, Saguaro.gate => CMosB.pol, ENDCASE => layer ], new]; old _ old.rest; ENDLOOP; }; EachRectangleLayer: PipalMos.EachRectangleLayerProc = { SELECT layer FROM $Ndif => {dif _ CMosB.ndif; wdif _ CMosB.wndif}; $Pdif => {dif _ CMosB.pdif; wdif _ CMosB.wpdif}; $Pwell, $Nwell => hasWell _ TRUE; ENDCASE => {}; }; annotation: Pipal.Annotation = NARROW [object]; abutBox: PipalInt.Rectangle = PipalInt.AbutBox[object]; et: Saguaro.ExtractedTransistor; dif, wdif: CD.Layer _ CD.errorLayer; hasWell: BOOL _ FALSE; IF annotation.key#PipalMos.transistorProp THEN ERROR; [] _ PipalMos.EnumerateRectangleLayers[annotation, EachRectangleLayer]; IF dif=CD.errorLayer THEN ERROR; et _ Saguaro.ExtractTransistor[CDAtomicObjects.CreateAtomicOb[NARROW [annotation.value], [abutBox.size.x, abutBox.size.y], CMosB.cmosB, IF hasWell THEN wdif ELSE dif]]; type _ SELECT et.type FROM nE => nE, pE => pE, ENDCASE => ERROR; ch1 _ CDDrawListToP[SubstituteLayers[et.ch1.layout]]; ch2 _ CDDrawListToP[SubstituteLayers[et.ch2.layout]]; gate _ CDDrawListToP[SubstituteLayers[et.gate.layout]]; bulk _ CDDrawListToP[et.bulk.layout]; width _ et.width; length _ et.length; }; <> FlushCDO: PROC [cdobj: CD.Object] = { object: Pipal.Object _ RefTab.Fetch[cdToPObjects, cdobj].val; [] _ RefTab.Delete[cdToPObjects, cdobj]; IF object#NIL THEN [] _ RefTab.Delete[pToCDObjects, object]; }; AfterObjectChange: CDEvents.EventProc = { WITH x SELECT FROM cdobj: CD.Object => FlushCDO[cdobj]; ENDCASE => NULL; }; RegisterPToCDInstanceProc[PipalMos.boxClass, PToCDInstanceFromObj]; RegisterPToCDInstanceProc[PipalMos.markerClass, PToCDInstanceFromObj]; RegisterPToCDInstanceProc[PipalMos.textClass, PToCDInstanceFromObj]; RegisterPToCDInstanceProc[PipalMos.pictureClass, PToCDInstanceFromObj]; <> CDEvents.RegisterEventProc[$AfterChange, AfterObjectChange]; CDEvents.RegisterEventProc[$AfterCellReplacement, AfterObjectChange]; <> RegisterCDPLayer[CD.errorLayer, PipalMos.errorLayer]; RegisterCDPLayer[CD.commentLayer, PipalMos.commentLayer]; RegisterCDPLayer[CMosBExtras.bond, $Bond]; RegisterCDPLayer[CMosB.ndif, $Ndif]; RegisterCDPLayer[CMosB.pdif, $Pdif]; RegisterCDPLayer[CMosB.pwellCont, $PwellCont]; RegisterCDPLayer[CMosB.nwellCont, $NwellCont]; RegisterCDPLayer[CMosB.pwell, $Pwell]; RegisterCDPLayer[CMosB.nwell, $Nwell]; RegisterCDPLayer[CMosB.pol, $Pol]; RegisterCDPLayer[CMosB.met, $Met]; RegisterCDPLayer[CMosB.met2, $Met2]; RegisterCDPLayer[CMosB.ovg, $Ovg]; RegisterCDPLayer[CMosB.cut, $Cut]; RegisterCDPLayer[CMosB.cut2, $Cut2]; RegisterCDPLayer[CD.FetchLayer[NIL, $blue], PipalMos.blueCommentLayer]; RegisterCDToPProc[CDRects.bareRectClass, CDToPBox]; RegisterCDToPProc[CDRects.wellRectClass, CDToPAtomicAnnotation]; RegisterCDToPProc[CDCells.pCellClass, CDToPOverlay]; RegisterCDToPProc[PW.abutXClass, CDToPAbut]; RegisterCDToPProc[PW.abutYClass, CDToPAbut]; RegisterCDToPProc[PW.rotationClass, CDToPOrient]; RegisterCDToPProc[CDRoutingObjects.routingClass, CDToPRouting]; RegisterCDToPProc[PW.tilingClass, CDToPTiling]; RegisterCDToPProc[PW.indirectClass, CDToPIndirect]; RegisterCDToPProc[CDTexts.flipTextClass, CDToPText]; RegisterCDToPProc[CDTexts.rigidTextClass, CDToPText]; RegisterCDToPProc[CDCurves.splineClass, CDToPCurve]; RegisterCDToPProc[CDCurves.lineClass, CDToPCurve]; RegisterCDToPProc[CDCurves.polygonClass, CDToPCurve]; RegisterCDToPProc[CDCurves.filledCurveClass, CDToPCurve]; RegisterCDToPProc[pictureClass, CDToPPicture]; RegisterCDToPProc[CDImports.importsClass, CDToPImport]; <> FOR list: LIST OF ATOM _ LIST [$C2SimpleCon, $C2WellSimpleCon, $C2LargeSimpleCon, $C2LargeWellSimpleCon, $C2DifShortCon, $C2DiffShortCon, $C2WellDifShortCon, $C2Via, $C2LargeVia], list.rest WHILE list#NIL DO RegisterCDToPProc[CD.FetchObjectClass[list.first, CMosB.cmosB], CDToPAtomicAnnotation]; ENDLOOP; FOR list: LIST OF ATOM _ LIST [$C2Trans, $C2WellTrans, $C2LTrans, $C2LWellTrans], list.rest WHILE list#NIL DO RegisterCDToPProc[CD.FetchObjectClass[list.first, CMosB.cmosB], CDToPTransistorAnnotation]; ENDLOOP; Pipal.PutClassMethod[Pipal.annotationClass, PipalMos.extractTransistorMethod, NEW [PipalMos.ExtractTransistorProc _ AnnotationExtractTransistor]]; RegisterPToCDProc[Pipal.annotationClass, PToCDAnnotation]; RegisterPToCDProc[PipalMos.boxClass, PToCDBox]; RegisterPToCDProc[PipalMos.markerClass, PToCDMarker]; RegisterPToCDProc[PipalMos.textClass, PToCDText]; RegisterPToCDProc[PipalMos.pictureClass, PToCDPicture]; RegisterPToCDInstanceProc[PipalMos.boxClass, PToCDInstanceFromObj]; RegisterPToCDInstanceProc[PipalMos.markerClass, PToCDInstanceFromObj]; RegisterPToCDInstanceProc[PipalMos.textClass, PToCDInstanceFromObj]; RegisterPToCDInstanceProc[PipalMos.pictureClass, PToCDInstanceFromObj]; END.